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08x09 - Sanctuary

Posted: 11/07/23 18:53
by bunniefuu
SHERRY: We played by Padre's

rules because it was

a safe place for our son.

This doesn't feel safe.

- This feels like

- Sanctuary.

When Finch wakes up,

we're going to take him

- away from this place.

- Try and be a family.

What's that got to do with me?

You're family.

My mother is dead because of you!

You can still have a family, Dove.

Even if it's not the one you thought.

How's he doing?

There's not much I can do for him now.

Maybe we're just not

meant to be together.

Where would you go?

Back home.

I'm sorry.










Go out there, and you make it right.








Don't sh**t.


I thought the place was empty.

- Well, it's not.

- Do you live here?

That doesn't matter.

I'm Jay.

Okay. Jay.

You gonna walk out, or do you

want me to drag you out?


I got robbed.

What they stole, I'll die

if I don't get it back.

There's nothing that valuable anymore.

It is if you're diabetic.

What did you just say?


My insulin was in my bag.

- You're full of sh*t.

- I'm not.

No, there's none of that left anymore.

There was in my group.

Look. We had a guy who could make it.

He had me believing in miracles.

Until these guys came through and

they k*lled him.

They took everything.

What I had in that bag

is what I had to make

it through the week.


Are you messing with me?

You expect me to believe this

is some sort of coincidence?

Who told you?

Told me what?


Who told you about me?!

You said there's a week's supply left.

So what happens after that?

I don't know.

But even a week is a hell

of a lot better than being dead.


I lost everyone.

And I owe it to them

to make things right.

For however much time I got.

The guys who took your insulin.

You know where they're at?




MAN #1: Where you going?

MAN #2: Ah. I gotta take a leak.



Alright. Are you telling me

the guys that

that took your medicine

are in there?


- Good luck.

- No! Whoa.

Okay. Look.

I'm gonna ask you one more time.

Who told you about me?

Nobody. Why do you think that?

Because the last time I tried

to help somebody get insulin,

I ended up in there.

The factory?

Yeah. We didn't call it that, though.

What did you call it?

The Sanctuary.

My life has been sh*t ever

since I set foot in there.

So I don't know if it's you, you know,

or the universe that's

playing some sick joke on me,

but I'm not going in there

not for you, not for anyone.

Look. We're not that different.

My wife.

She was everything to me.

They k*lled her.

My son, too.

You came back, alone.

I think you lost somebody, too.

Maybe it was your wife.

Maybe it was more than her.

If you don't help me,

if we don't help each other,

what are we even doing here?



I'll meet you back at the house.

Okay. What am I looking for?





MAN: Do it! Do it, do it, do it!

NEGAN: Who are you, Dwight?

- [g*n COCKS]

- MAN: Turn around, assh*le.

What do we have there?

You took a man's medicine.

I'm just here to get it back for him.

Somebody did a number on your face.

I'm gonna walk out of here.

You'll never see me again.

You stole from us.

Now an example needs to be made,

starting with the other side

of your face.


No! No! No! No!




MAN: What the hell

do you think you're doing?



We will find you!



Jay! Where are you?! Hey!


Hey. I got it! Jay!


Oh, no.




You should have k*lled me

when you had the

I tried to make it right,

Daryl. I, uh

But I guess I couldn't.

You should've k*lled me when

you had the chance, Daryl.

You should've just k*lled me

when you had the chance!


Please come and do it right now! Please!

Come on!





What are you doing here?


We came here to find you.

We need you!


SHERRY: Sorry.




Ah. sh*t.

You guys need to get out of here.

What happened, D?

Who did this?

That guy outside?


Then who?

It doesn't matter.

If they see you here with me,

they'll k*ll you.



- Oh. Stop. St

No, no. Hold still.

Okay. It's almost done.

Just do it again.

Pinch. Pierce.

Sorry. Okay.

Yeah. And then pull.

Ah. Shouldn't you be doing this?

It's better this way.

Look. I'm telling you. You need to go.

We're not leaving without you.


There's a fight coming.

Okay. What kind of fight?

One we can't win without you.

This guy Troy.

He's got a score to settle with Madison,

and he plans on settling it

by taking over PADRE.

Oh, it sounds like

Madison's fight to me.

Yeah, well she made it ours.

She's M.I.A. And she left

Strand in charge.

Victor's still alive?

A lot has happened since you left.

Dove, want to grab the wrap?


Yeah, w-what does any of this

have to do with me?

I'm I'm just a little confused here.

You trained every kid on the island.

They'll listen to you. They trust you.

There's nothing that

I could say or or do

that you couldn't do better.

And what You.

Why Why are you here?

PADRE is the only home I've ever known.

Without it

I don't

I got nothing.

Okay. Alright. Look. Thank you.


Look. I cannot help save those kids.

Okay? I-I couldn't even save my own son.

That's not your fault.

No, it doesn't matter whose fault it is.

Every time I try and

make something right,

someone gets hurt.

- That's not true.

- No, it is true.

The guy outside, he needed insulin.

- What?

- Yes.

Just like your sister.

He asked me for help,

and I couldn't get him

his insulin in time, and he d*ed.

So look.

The best thing that

you guys can do for PADRE

and for those kids

is to leave me here alone.

Do you think I wanted to come here?

I-I I don't know. Why did you?

You could have given June directions.

No, no. I didn't come here for you.

- Oh. Who'd you come here for?

- Our son!

Finch is gone. [SCOFFS]

But PADRE isn't.

That place is the reason he's dead.

Why do you want to fight for that?

Because Because, D!

Maybe something good could

come from something bad.

It can't! Okay?!

We have to try!


Because Finch's life

needs to mean something!

And helping these kids,

helping make PADRE

into something better

that is how we honor him!

No, I can't go back there.

I'll honor him my own way.

What do you think Finch

would say if he knew

his father walked away from kids

who needed protection?

It's not because

I don't care about them.

It's because I do.


JUNE: Hey. It's fine.

Dove. Can you hear me?

Ah. What's wrong?

Dove's missing.

Has been since we woke up.

Dove, where are you?

Dove, please tell us where you are.


It's her. She looks hurt. sh*t.


Oh, my God!

- What happened?

- Let me see.

[WEAKLY] No, I don't need your help.

DWIGHT: sh*t.

There's no exit wound. We got to

get this b*llet out right away.

Who did this?

Some assholes tried to steal the truck.

Said they were looking

for someone that b*rned their friend.

Okay. We got to get her inside now.

SHERRY: Alright. Let's get her

back in the house.

- Your medical kit?

- JUNE: It's not enough.

I need anesthetic.

We need surgical tools.

We have to get the b*llet out

and get it all cleaned up

before she goes into septic shock.


I can't do this on my own, Dwight.

We need to get her help now!

Is there anywhere around here?

With medical supplies. Equipment.

MARTY: I should have known

she was with you!

I'm sorry about the girl.

But after what you did to Phil,

hell, it feels like

some beautiful karma.

What the hell is he talking about, D?

You. You're the one

that b*rned their friend?


She doesn't look so hot.

Maybe we could help.

- Doubt that.


Come on. You haven't even heard me out.


You know

we have some top-notch medical

supplies back at our place.

Hell, of course, you know that.

You were there.


The Sanctuary.


Tick-tock. What's it gonna be?

These medical supplies.

What do you want in exchange?

You know, Phil

he's right where your friend left him,

and he deserves the satisfaction

of finishing what he started.

And I intend to give it to him.

So you hand yourself over

we'll make sure

the girl gets patched up.

Nice try, assh*le.


She needs those supplies.

And she's gonna get them.

We're going to the Sanctuary. Now.

No, if that psycho finds

us there, he'll k*ll us.


It's 20 miles from here.

They're on foot.

We'll be in and out before

they even know we're there.

DWIGHT: This is happening

all over again.

Us, a kid who needs surgery.

I mean, it never ends.

What choice do we have?

She's right, D.



We have to go now.




DWIGHT: [HUSHED] Careful. Some

of those guys could be here.




MAN: Put down your weapons!

sh*t. I'm out.

Can't hide forever!


We need to move.

DWIGHT: The rest of the place is clear.

But we got to hurry up.

W-We probably have an hour

before they get here.

Yeah. We need to get started.

Um, put a load of 100 milligrams

of the lidocaine

into that syringe.

Best we can do for her

is subcutaneous anesthetic

injections around the wound.


Sherry, you okay?

- Sherry.

- Oh.

Okay? 100 milligrams into that syringe.

Dwight, grab the rubbing alcohol

and clean the wound, okay?



Okay. Alright, alright!


That'll do. Alright. Take the forceps.

Alright. You're gonna do

20 milligrams into the tissue

all around there, okay?

Deeper, the better.



June, you should be doing this.

I already told you, I can't.

It's not the train car.

It's more than that.


Alright. As soon as she's numb,

you can start the extraction.

H-Him? No. No. No, no.

I-I don't want him

- I don't want him to remove it.

- Shh.

- No, he's not gonna remove it.

- It's gonna be okay.

- No, no! He couldn't even save his own son!

- Dove. Stop.

No. No. I'm not letting him

do the same to me!

- No! No! No!

- JUNE: Shh.


- It's okay.



What is that?


DWIGHT: The g*nf*re

must have drawn them.

Perimeter fence is broken.

T-They're piling in.

- Ohh

- This isn't gonna work.

- Why not?

- The b*llet's too close to one of her arteries.

One false move, a slip of the hand,

we could do more damage taking

it out than it did going in.

- We have to get them away from the wall.

- Yeah.

This place is hanging on by a thread.

I'll go.

- Well, I'm coming with.

- No! No, no, no.

You stay with June, and I'll

hold them off as long as I can.




Hey. I know what you're doing.

It's still there right where I left it.

No, I know why you want

to go fight those walkers alone.

Why is that?

Because you don't plan

on surviving, right?

Maybe Dove was right.

I mean, she's here

because of me. You all are.

That is defeatist bullshit.

Yeah, it is what it is, honey.

Hey. D!

- D.

- Yeah.

It doesn't have to be.

That guy that I tried to help,

he lost more than just insulin.

Okay? He had a wife. He had a kid.

Looks like he was

just about Finch's age.

Alright? I-I tried to help,

and it just landed us right back

here in this hellhole, okay?

And you can say

whatever you want to say,

but this is not a coincidence, okay?

And it's not some defeatist

mentality or whatever.

Alright. Then tell me what it is.

I drew that when

we were both living here.

I put them all over the place.

Places where Negan couldn't find them.


It was me and you.


Kept me going.

It made me feel like we could

turn something bad into something good.

- D, it can.

- No, we can't!

Alright? Not with us!

And I'm so tired of

making people suffer for it!


So you're just gonna go k*ll yourself?

I'm gonna clear the walkers.

And And maybe if I clear

them, maybe that'll save Dove.

Maybe that'll honor Finch.

Isn't that what you said?

You selfish assh*le!

- Sherry!

- You don't get to give up like this!


DWIGHT: Sherry! Sherry! Sherry!






Why can't you just do it now?

We have to wait for

the building to be stable.

And I need I need the extra hands.

This is about your finger.

What happened on the train?

You said so yourself!

You need stay calm. Okay?

If your heart rate spikes, you could

No, no. What's the real reason,

Blue Jay?!

It's not important.

You're a nurse. Okay?

A-And I've got a b*llet in me,

a b*llet you won't take out.

We're going to take it out.

Every minute you wait

is a minute I could die!

You're not going to die!

Tell me why. Tell me why!

Because what happened to them

isn't going to happen to you!

Who is "them"?


And Hannah.


Rose. My daughter.


You have a kid?


Hm. She would have been

about your age now.

What happened to Rose?

Uh, she had pneumonia.

And, um, I went out

to look for medicine,

and I came back and

just was too late.


I couldn't save her.

[SOBS] Just like I couldn't save Finch.

You know, PADRE was right.

You can't protect me.

None of you can protect me!

- We can.

- No.

That's what we're going to do!

No, you can't!

It's exactly why I wanted to get away.

What are you talking about?

I didn't come here for Red Kite.

I came here to get as far away

from PADRE as I could.

I was trying to run away from you.

But you said it was the only

home you'd ever known.


But that's gone now.

Because people like you

are in charge now.

People who will just let us down,

because that's what people

who can't get over their own sh*t do!


Dwight. Sherry. What's happening?


Dwight. Sherry. Do you copy?


I'm working on it.

Just you? Where's Dwight?

I locked him in his old room.

What?! Why would you do that?

PADRE needs him.

Those kids will follow him

to the end of the Earth.

You know I'm right.

What about you? We need you.

I can keep them distracted.

You can't handle them all on your own.

June, just do what we came to do.

Help Dove and get

Dwight back to PADRE.

Promise me, June.






DWIGHT: Sherry!






Sherry, do you copy?







Come in! Sherry!






JUNE: Sherry needs you.






Dove, stop! No!

Get away from me!

Oh, my God.

You tried to get the b*llet out.

I'm trying.

I'm going to.

Dove, you'll die. You You need help.

[CRYING] I'm not gonna get it from them.

And I'm not gonna get it from you!

Dove, no, no, no, no.

Dove, no, no, no. No, no. Stop. Dove.




- How did you get out here?

- June let me out. Thank God.

- I had it covered.

- You expect me to believe that?

You don't even believe that

for yourself.

- What are you talking about?

- You've been lying ever since

you showed up here!

I haven't lied about anything.

You said this was about honoring Finch,

t-that you wanted to keep me

alive to fight for PADRE,

and that's bullshit!

You're wrong, D.

Am I? Am I?

Or did you just lock me up

because you were planning

on doing the same thing I was out here?

- You think I wanted to die?

- I know you did!

And I know you don't believe

in that crap

- about good coming from bad.

- I-I do!

No. You want to.

I do, too. But it can't.

If that's true, D, I don't know

how to go on living!

Well, me neither!

JUNE: Sherry? Dwight?

W-We're outside.

We're just trying to keep

them away from the building.

We have another problem.

Dove. S-She tried to take

the b*llet out herself.

What? Why would she do that?

She didn't believe any of us could.


Had a feeling I'd find you here.





Our friends are here.

I've locked the door, but

it won't hold much longer.

SHERRY: Neither will the building.

We have to get out and move her

somewhere safer for the surgery.

We need to move now!



Surrounded. I got her. I got her.



SHERRY: We got to get out of here.

DWIGHT: There's nowhere to go.



Sherry! Look out!





- No.






Do you remember what I told you?

About giving my friend satisfaction?


I think I'm going to enjoy this

even more than him.



There's nowhere to go.

Inside. The fire's out.

- What?

- Get in here.

Okay. Come on. Come on. Here we go.





[GROANS] What happened?

Why Why are we in here?

The building's collapsing.

It still hurts.

I'm so sorry, Dove.

This was never gonna work.

No, no, no. No. Don't give up.

You can't help me. You can't help us.

M-Maybe we can.


What are you talking about?

The furnace is stable.


T-That'll protect us from

whatever's happening out there.

We could do the surgery in here.

Hey. You can do it, June.

- I can't.

- Yes, you can.

How do you know?


Because Sherry is right.

A-About what?

You know, maybe something good

can come from something bad,

a-and maybe there's a reason

that we all wound up in here,

and we just needed each other to see it.

I don't want to hurt you.

Then don't.

You can do this, June.

What happened to you

what happened to all of us

it doesn't have to happen again.

And maybe we

Maybe we just needed

to work through the bad

to get to the good.

Do you trust me?

Ask me after you get the b*llet out.


Fair enough.




Holy sh*t.


It's over.


DWIGHT: How's she doing?

She's still resting.

She's gonna be okay.

It's a Finch.


Should probably hit the road.


How you doing, kid?

Better now. You coming with us?

Yes. Yeah, I am.

Yeah. N-Never should have left.

Maybe we can turn that place

into what it's supposed to be.

You know?

The way that Finch wanted it.

Yeah. I think we can.

Oh, uh, June.

I made something for you.

Thank you.

You know, back at the train car,

um, before it went the way that it did,

I asked you to be a part of our family.

I And I-I ran away.

But I'm I'm here now.

So that offer still extends to you.

A-And to you, as well.

Thanks, Red Kite.

No, you don't

We're family. It's Dwight.

It's Odessa.


I like it.

Alright. We should go.

We got a lot of work to do.



Count the drops in a stream ♪

Run and catch the wind ♪

Sail to Spain on a dream ♪

Run and catch the wind ♪

TROY: Have you found her yet?

RUSSELL: Nothing yet, Troy. I'm sorry.

Stop telling me that you're sorry.

Because there's nothing to be sorry for.

My daughter is alive.

And I will find her.

Traveling free through the field ♪



What is this place?! Where am I?

Where's my dad?!

Let go of me!



It's okay. I'm just gonna remove this.

Who are you?

What do you want with me?

My name is Victor.

Good thing we found you when we did.


I'm gonna help you.

You're gonna help me.

Help you do what?


MADISON: The entire herd is stuck.

Alicia was in the herd.


This isn't about me. It's about her.

It's about PADRE.

Wait for me.

What makes you think I'm gonna

make a deal with you?



This doesn't end well.

For you.

GOLDBERG: Dwight is in

a really dark place

when we find him at

the beginning of this episode.


AMELIO: We kind of talked about

the fact that I'm sort of

at a point of, like, drifter,

wanderer who's hallucinating.

We wanted him, like, really far gone.

He and Sherry, of course, parted ways.

They were both utterly broken

by the loss of their son.

And Dwight has this feeling that,

as long as he and Sherry are together,

they're never gonna be able to

escape the pain from their past.

It's just gonna keep haunting him.

He wants to die.



What are you doing here?

We came here to find you.

ELFMAN: There's this sort of

mutual exchange of,

"We all need each other

to get through our own trauma.

We all mutually experienced

the pain of PADRE.

And we have all lost a child".

Through all of this trauma,

it's brought us back

to Dwight and Sherry's original

trauma of them as a couple.

We have some top-notch medical

supplies back at our place.

Of course, you know that.

You were there.



EVANGELISTA: We're actually in front of

this pretty incredible set

that they built

replicating the Sanctuary, which was

They built it in, like, a week.

- Did they?

- Yeah.

2, 1

GOLDBERG: Re-creating the Sanctuary

was one of the tallest orders

we've ever done on the show.

Every department needing to be

on the top of their game

to take this iconic location

from "The Walking Dead"

and re-create it on a scale

that we could for this episode.

It was incredibly exciting to see

how they were able to pull that off.

AMELIO: It's really cool.

They did a really good job.

It's different because it's

dilapidated and broken down.

EVANGELISTA: It was so surreal to see

the Sanctuary set for the first time.

I remember it so vividly,

so it really helps take us back

and helps show just the

culmination for these characters

and where they are now

and having this really

cathartic experience here.

ELFMAN: You have an episode

with, like, huge practical stunts

and things falling from the ceiling

and around the walkers

and us running through.

It felt so real.

Look out!

- Ohh!

- Sherry.

CHAMBLISS: The thing that

offered them salvation,

the thing that saved Dwight,

Sherry, Dove, and June

when the Sanctuary came collapsing down

was, in fact, the furnace,

kind of this thing

that is a symbol

of everything they lost,

where Dwight's face was b*rned,

where their lives were torn apart.

DWIGHT: Maybe there's a reason

that we all wound up in here

and we just needed each other to see it.

And they realize that

maybe turning to trauma

is the way you have to push through it

so that they can actually

start to heal together

and start to find a way

to remember their son.

And that, ultimately to them,

I think, is a sign

that maybe they need to look

at kind of the wreckage

that they see their life is

and start to rebuild that.

Let go of me!

CHAMBLISS: After we've seen

Strand and his new family

and seeing that he genuinely has

made a real effort to change,

I think the last thing we're expecting

was he's got this 8-year-old girl

who is very scared

locked in a jail cell

underground at PADRE.

Is he doing this ultimately

for the greater good,

or is he doing this once again

because it's what's best

for Victor Strand?

Those are kind of some questions

that we're gonna get answers for

in the next couple of episodes.

I'm gonna help you.

You're gonna help me.

Help you do what?