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07x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 11/07/23 17:52
by bunniefuu
I've got a concern call from

a Rachel Cairns.

Her son Connor hasn't

returned home.

Oh God.

Ally's sounder's picking up

something on the bottom

of Stromness Voe.

It isn't Connor.

I need some air.

Dundee University can do

a facial reconstruction. Yeah.

Why did he leave his scooter

out there,

and is there foul play involved?

I 've been thinking about his safe

place, so I 've been checking out

parts of the island which he loves

the most.

It's no secret he had issues

with his dad.

Then there was the guys he started

hanging about with.

Who were those guys?

Connor said they were old pals

of his dad.

Why are you still here?

What do you mean?

Nobody wants to spend their holiday

watching a family fall apart.

If you knew where Connor was, you

would tell me, wouldn't you?

Go and speak to Davidson Disposal.

Apparently they had some issues

with Connor.

Even though I didn't like

the boy, I hope you find him soon.

I lost everything because of

you! Everything!

Whatever's happened to your boy,

the answer lies in HIS life,

not yours.

Thank God.

Hang on! Stop, for Christ's sake!

It's Bryd.

This programme contains some

strong language

She looked like the body from

Stromness Voe, didn't she?

The plastic round her head.

Let's wait for the postmortem.

You stay here and talk to

the workers,

cos we need to find out who that

vehicle belongs to

and how it got here.

I'm going to go and check in with

the search team at her house.

So let me know

if the SOCOs find anything.

Hi I, Alison. How are you?

Oh, God.


When? What happened?


Are you OK? What's wrong?

It's Bryd.

They've found her body.

She's dead.


You brought the car in?

Aye. This morning.

It was abandoned out at Sandwick.

The farmer called, wanting it towed.

I didn't realise. I swear.

If I 'd known that she was in

there, I wouldn't have

Of course you wouldn't.

You're not in any trouble,

I just need to try

and find out what happened to her.

So was there anything unusual about

the car?

Not really. Bit of a wreck.

Plates were off,

but they're often like that.

And was the farmer there when you

picked it up?

No. The money for the job was in

the glove compartment.

They normally pay over

the phone these days.

Right. And you didn't see anyone

else nearby?

It's pretty remote.

OK. I'll need you to show me where

you picked the car up,

if that's OK, and the cash.

We'll need to get forensics

to take a look. Aye.


Oh, hi, Billy. Erm

I need you to check something

for me.

We're nearly finished down here.

And? Anything?

No, everything looks untouched.

There's no sign of her laptop,

and her housemate says she usually

leaves it here.

I 've checked and it's definitely not

in her room or at her work either.

And it might be nothing,

but it looks like this window could

have been forced.

We’ve dusted it for prints,

inside and out. OK.

Is her bedroom upstairs?

Yeah. First on the left.

Am I looking for the same k*ller?

There are definite similarities in

the MO.

Head injury followed by suffocation.

Both bodies cleaned of forensic


both wrapped in plastic.


Are you not sure?

Are you not convinced?

There's definitely less attention

to detail.

And Bryd's hands are intact,

no attempt to remove her finger


There appears to be some sort

of residue in her nasal cavity

and in her hairline just behind

her ears.

Anything else?

You'll have my full report first


even if it takes me all night.

Thank you, Cora.

Thanks for doing that.

It must have been very distressing.


I needed to.

I needed to see it was true.

Were you two close?

Yeah. Bryd's dad

and I split up when she was tiny

and I moved back to Foula

to be near my parents.

I always thought she would resent me

for taking her somewhere

so remote,

but she never seemed to.

When did you last speak to her?

Yesterday morning.


She was worrying about Connor.

So had you met Connor?

Oh, yes. Yes. Twice.

Once when I went down to Lerwick

and she brought him up

to Foula at Easter.

How did you get on?

I didn't really know him that well.

Did you like him?

I wasn't sure of him.


just wasn't quite right,

you know?

Bryd seemed different after she met


More distant somehow.

It seemed more like she was

keeping secrets,

but she didn't want to, you know?


And you think that was to do

with Connor?

He seemed very persuasive,

charming, but

Maybe I just got it all wrong.

Maybe I just didn't even know her

at all.

And what about her mother, did she

give you any leads?

She didn't seem very keen on Connor.

She seemed to think that

Bryd had changed since she met


She said he was persuasive.

Do you think Connor could have

done this?

Is he capable of k*lling? I mean

It would be hugely

out of character.

People do things that are

out of character all the time.

Two murders as well as

a missing person,

it's a lot on your plate

for your first week back.

No, I'm fine.

And I've got a good team.

What about the I D on

the second body?

Er, no. Still nothing.

Facial recognition’s been

fast tracked.

Well, I leave tomorrow,

so good news,

I'll be out of your hair.

OK. Er, thanks for letting me know.

That was one of the SOCOs up at

the car yard,

they've found something in

the boot of the car.

They think it's Connor's ring.

Can you confirm this is Connor's?

Where did you find it?

Can't tell you that.

We're still following

a line of inquiry.

It’s his. It’s

It’s Connor's.

There’s a little mark at

the bottom corner of the C.

And he was definitely wearing it

the day that he went missing? Yeah.

Are you sure? Yeah. I 'm certain.

I was at the book launch

and I told him I was proud of him.

And then I asked him to sign

a copy of his book,

and he was wearing it then.


Thank you.

So what happens now?

We've taken DNA swabs.

Just have to wait for results.

They found Connor's ring.

They’re just doing forensic tests

on it.

And what about Bryd?

Do you know what happened?

No, not yet.

You found the ring where you found

Bryd's body, didn't you?

No. No. I am not having that.

Connor thought the world of Bryd.

He would never hurt that girl.

You should be talking to Martin,

he was always hanging around after

Bryd. Maybe he knows something.

The photographer? Yeah.

Yeah, he's one of our regulars.

Do you have his details?

Yeah. I'll get 'em for you.

And then can you see him out?

We shouldn't be doing this.

We're pushing our luck.

We're here now.



Cora’s report puts her time

of death

anywhere between midnight

and 2am,

which means that she wasn't missing

for very long

before she was m*rder*d.

Where are we with the CCTV, Billy?

So far we've only got

the footage from inside the halls.

The rest should come through

this morning.

OK. Forensics have confirmed that

the ring found at

the breakers yard is

definitely Connor's.

It's got his DNA on it

and nobody else's.

And his mum's confirmed that he was

definitely wearing it that morning.

Which means that either

Connor was somehow involved in

Bryd's m*rder,

or that he was held in

the same vehicle himself.

Is Connor capable of m*rder?

I don't think that we can rule

it out.

There There might be a side of

Connor that we haven't seen yet.

If that's the case,

are we saying that Connor may

have been responsible for

the body in Stromness Voe as well?

Until we've got

a positive I D we don't know what

the connection is that we're trying

to make.

We need the facial depiction

for the body in the suitcase.

Where are we with tracing

the owner of the car that

Bryd was found in?

The serial number on the chassis

matched to an owner registration,

but the guy said he sold it

a few months ago.

It was a cash sale. He doesn't

remember the buyer's name.

We're trying to find out.

OK. We’ll keep on that,

because that could be key.

The photographer from Noss View has

booked on

a boat back from Mousa this morning.

Should be due in about ten

past ten.

If I leave about now,

I could probably make that, right?

OK. Thanks, everybody.

Crack on, I'll be back.

I've been thinking about

Sheena Davidson.

Bryd thought that she was

watching Abbie,

but what if it was actually

Bryd that she was watching?

Yeah. Bring her in,

and check her alibi.

And if the CCTV of her shows up then

see if she's on that.

OK, before we begin,

many of you will have known

Miss Fleming.

Especially those

of you that live in the halls.

You might start to hear a lot of

gossip, but try not to join in,

especially as we don't know

the truth of the matter.

As your form teacher,

you know you can come

and talk to me if you're finding

this difficult to deal with.

D Perez, Shetland Police.

Do you mind if I have a word?

What about?

Bryd Fleming. She's been m*rder*d.

Tosh, Sandy.

Come and have a look.

It's the CCTV from the halls.

What's she doing?

Does the next camera pick her up?

Looks like she's talking

to someone she knows.

Billy, are you able to zoom in?

When did you last see Bryd?


We were out with the search party.

And you went to Mousa

yesterday morning?

Yeah. For work.

I'm a wildlife photographer.

Rachel Cairns seems to be under

the impression

that you were trying

to steal Bryd from Connor.

That's not true.

What about Connor?

Did he believe that?


Bryd and I got on well.

When Connor was focused on his


he didn't always have time for Bryd.

We went for a coffee

and a walk a few times,

once to the pub. That's all.

Would she agree

with that assessment?


She would have, yeah.

You mind if I have a look at

your photographs?


Um I'll leave you to it.


We know this is you.

Why didn't you tell us

that you saw Bryd that night?

I was supposed to be in my room.

Where were you going?

To meet my boyfriend.

Did you see where Miss Fleming went?

She went along as far as

Hayfield Lane

and then turned right into one of

the side streets.

I didn't see where she went

after that.

Is there anything else you can tell

me, Clana?

When she first saw me,

she was messaging on her phone.

She got a reply.

It was from Connor.

She swore me to secrecy.

Is Perez back yet,

I can't reach him on the mobile?

No. I am expecting him any minute.

OK, just let them know,

Clana's adamant that

Connor is alive.

Mrs Davidson?

What is it this time?

I would appreciate it if you'd come

down to the station

and help us with our enquiries.

Do I have a choice?

You do. But as I say,

your co-operation

would be appreciated.

Is Grant on here?

Not at the moment.

He's gone for some messages.

We can chat to him later.

I need to talk to you

about something.


Not in there.

OK. Erm shall we go for a walk?

Billy, it's me again. Can we get a

hold of any traffic cam footage

from along the South Road? It seems

like that just might have been

where Bryd was heading. Will do.

Look, we had a call about a speeding

van on the road to Tingwall.

Uniforms are tailing him. We checked

the reg. It's Grant on Davidson.

Right, I'll meet them there.

Are you aware of the speed you were

traveling at, Mr Davidson?

Failing to stop is an offence.

What's in the back of the van?

We’ll if you’ve nothing to say,

you won't mind if I take a look.

Where were you going with these?

Before Connor went missing

he said he had a plan

and that he might need to go away

for a few days.

Told me to keep it a secret if he

did, but not to worry

because he had everything

under control.

So when he disappeared,

I just thought that was part of

the plan.

Even when that body was found out at

Stromness Voe,

my mum said it didn't have anything

do with Connor

so I just put it to

the back of my mind.

But now Bryd's dead

and I heard what you said about

Connor's ring,

but I know he wouldn't let anyone

hurt her.

And I don't know what to do.

Did Connor say why he might have

to go away?

When we were still living

in Glasgow,

and Dad was in prison,

criminals got Connor to work

for them.

Said if he didn't then they'd

hurt Dad.

What did he do?

I think it was probably dr*gs.

It was in his second year at uni.

And then something happened

and he tried to stop,

but they wouldn't let him.

That's the reason he tried

to k*ll himself.

It wasn't about being dumped by

his girlfriend.

He was trying to get away

from them.

And you think it caught up with him


What else could it be?

Abbie, I am going to have to tell

your mum and dad about this.

Firstly, Mrs Davidson, can I ask

where you were on Thursday evening?

The night Bryd Fleming

went missing?

Grant on and I went for something

to eat in town.


The Italian on Commercial Street.

We know the owner, Bruno.

We chatted to him a wee bit.

What time did you get home?

Couldn't say exactly.

10.30. Maybe 11.

And you didn't go out again until

the next morning?

That's right.

Can I please have a glass of water?

Food’s ready in five.


Hey. What's wrong?

More news, Grant on Davidson was just

pulled over for speeding.

His van was full of toxic chemicals.

We've arrested him, no permit.

I Interview resumed at 12.07.

We know you've been dumping

illegal waste, Sheena.

Connor was right when he accused

you, wasn't he?

Is that why you were following Bryd

the day she died?

Did she find out what you

were doing?

A young woman has been m*rder*d,

you were following her hours before

her death

and your only alibi is your husband,

who we've just pulled over

for speeding

in a van full of toxic chemicals.

It's not a great picture so far.

I didn't hurt Bryd.

I wouldn't do that.

So why were you following her

and Abbie?

I saw Connor.

The night he disappeared.

Where? Where did you see him?

On the road between West Burrafirth

and Bixter.

He was at the roadside,

arguing with someone.

Arguing? That's what it looked like.

I was a bit away from them.

What exactly did you see?

It looked like they were shouting at

each other.

And then Connor turned

and tried to walk away,

and the other guy pulled him back.

Are you sure it was Connor?


He had his scooter with him.

I recognised it.

Well, what about who was with him?

I couldn't say.

He had his back to me.

Looked like he'd a hood up.

But it was late,

the light was fading.

When you came to the yard

the other day, it made me think.

I was going to tell Bryd what

I 'd seen.

But why didn't you tell us all

of this?

Because Grant on thought we'd find

out about what you'd been doing?


I need you to show me on a map

exactly where you were when you saw


Between Connor disappearing

and Bryd's m*rder,

both Clana and Sheena are saying he

was alive.

So, where is he now?

Sheena is saying that she was

driving back from here,

when she spotted Connor having

the argument.

Which puts him quite a bit further


from where the scooter was found.

Alex, we're looking for any

evidence as to Connor's whereabouts.

Start searching in this area here.

Yeah, sure. Thanks.

My dad's going to shout.

Don't worry. I'll do the talking.

We’re looking for any leads

to Connor in this area.

You know the drill.

Let’s get started.

Bit of news.

There are four images of Bryd on

the traffic cam footage.

The last one at 23.14 at

the junction with St Olaf Street.

Then nothing.

Where was she going by herself at

that time of night?

Oh, that's the facial depiction

come through as well.

Oh, at last.

There he is.


Finally, our man in the suitcase.

Well, let's get it sent out.

See if anyone recognises him.

Wait a minute. That was Bryd's bank.

Someone has just used her card

to make a contact less payment

at the newsagents in town.

Did you know about this?


I had no idea.

So you don't know who

Connor could have been working for?

Even though they clearly knew you.


I 'd say if there was anyone.

There will be though.

Cos there always is.

There's no way I could have known

about this. I would have helped him.

He has just told us that our

son tried

to take his own life to protect you.

And that is probably

the reason why he's missing now.

This is your fault, Danny.

This is all on you.

Well, if you'd been looking after

him properly,

maybe you'd have noticed!

Can’t believe you’ve just

said that.

This isn't helping.

Oh, this isn’t helping? Oh, well,

maybe if you’d been here looking

for Connor like you were

supposed to,

instead of chasing around after


then maybe you’d have found him by

now. Leave him alone!

It's not his fault! It’s your fault!

Abbie Abbie, come here now.

Could you not just have

f*cking told me?

You were in prison, Dad.

Oh, thanks for the reminder.

Hey, hey. It's not her fault.

Who asked you?

I'm having a private conversation

with my daughter here,

so just f*ck off. just calm dawn.

Dad, stop.


Hey, Stop it. Behave yourself.

Do you fancy a night in the cells?

What are you, five years old?

Grow up!


We've got Bryd's credit card thief.

I've been trying to talk to him,

but he has just totally clammed up.


Hi, Liam. I'm D Perez.

DS Mc Intosh was saying that she was

chatting to you for a wee while


Now, I'm sorry that we have

to talk to you in here

cos it must look a wee bit scary.

Now, do you think that you'd be able

to tell me where you got this?

Did you find it somewhere?

See, the thing is, erm,

the person that it belonged to

was really badly hurt by someone

and she died.

And we are trying to find out who it

was that hurt her.

Did you see her?

I just found it when I was playing.


Can you tell me where you found it?

It was lying on the ground.

I just wanted to buy some sweets.

Ah, OK.

Do you think you could show us where

that was?

Thanks very much.

Billy, can you get forensics

down here?

I think I've found the spot where

she was abducted.

And we need to check for Connor's


Is that a photo of the wee one?


They're having fun down at

the Esplanade.

Look at her. She's a wee smasher.

Hmm, she really is.

You should take a break and go

and see them.

It's nearly four o'clock and you

haven't even had your lunch yet.

If I hear from forensics,

I'll let you know.

Yeah, why not.

What a lovely girl you are.

Hello, hi.

Tosh. Sorry, I didn't see you there.

Donnie's just in getting coffee.

Look at you. Oh, it's so nice to see

you. Yes, it is.

Tosh Tosh. Tosh Tosh.

Tosh. What are you doing?

What are you doing?

What's going on?

Well, I er, I came down here

to meet you

and found my daughter with

a complete stranger.

Don't be daft. Carol Anne's not

a stranger, she's my friend.

She's a stranger to me.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I saw her in the street after

I messaged you and we got chatting.

I was only in the cafe

a few minutes,

I could basically see her

the whole time.

I just thought it would be nice

to come down and see you both.

We're here now. The dream team.

Nah, I should get back to work.

I'll see you later.

Bye-bye, wee darling.

Bye-bye. I'll see you tonight.

Forensics are still up there.

Do you think it could be

Connor's safe place? Maybe.


The registration's through from

the DVLA on the car

that Bryd was dumped in.

The owner's Lloyd Anderson.

Hey. Can I have a word?

Sure. I was just finishing up.

The light was perfect today.

A storm approaching.

I need to talk to you about a car

that's registered in your name.

A Volkswagen Pass at.

That old heap of junk?

I bought it for a song

a few months back.

I was using it for a painting.

I think the juxtaposition is

so incongruous.

The ugliness of machines

in this amazing landscape.


we found Bryd Fleming's body in

the boot of that car

at the breakers yard.

I didn't even realise it was gone.

It was awful news about Bryd.

I was here the night she went

missing, by the way.

Alison was with me,

she'll vouch for me.

When did you last see the car?

A couple of weeks back.

I was planning to let the elements

do their work,

then re-visit it after

a couple of months. A triptych.

These are them, three studies of

a subject over time.

These are my initial plans.

Did anybody else know about

the car? I couldn't tell you.

People drive past there every day

and would have seen it.

Did you tell anybody else about it?

Did Connor know where it was?

Connor knew.

He was there the day

I painted this.

But that doesn't mean anything.


I have the keys right here.

And you never moved it? No. I had no

reason to.


If I think of anything else,

I'll come back.

This must be hard on you, detective.

I just want to find him.

Sorry I couldn't have been

more help.

If there was any news about

Connor, you would have said, right?

There's no news.

So, she should manage to get some


now that were on top of the pain.

And I 'll make a note of that changed


and we’ll see how your mum does

on that.

Thank you so much, Meg.

And what about you?

How are you doing?

I'm fine.

You know, I'm lucky I've got Lloyd

at home to take care of me.

He keeps me sane, he's amazing.

I don't know what I 'd do

without him.

I 'll see you soon. OK.

Hi, Jimmy. Hi, there.

Just thought I 'd give you a phone

and see how your day was going.

Good. Busy. Yours?

Yeah, same, busy.

I'm just on my way back to

the station.

It's good to hear your vice.

It’s good to hear yours.

Listen, do you maybe want to

Meg, I've got another call coming in

and I have to take it.

Can I call you later? Yeah. Course.

Speak soon. Bye.

Tosh? We've found Connor's phone.

OK. I'll be there in ten minutes.

It's the same make and model as

Connor's. Good.

It's already been swabbed

by forensics.

The battery was dead but we've just

found a charger that works.

So we're just waiting for I

to come and take a look.

Hopefully no water ingress.

Erm, you'll need to apply

for permission to unlock that.

Oh, come on. Not that you're going

to start listening to what I say.

What happened about the car?

We traced it back

to Lloyd Anderson.

The artist that was

teaching Connor?

Yeah, but he didn't even know

it was gone. He was

He was using it for one of his

paintings. And you believe him?

Yes, I do.

Either way,

it's another link to Connor,

who's increasingly looking like he

was involved in Bryd's m*rder.

We know he's vulnerable but we don't

know what he's capable of.

What about the body from

Stromness Voe?

We got the facial depiction.

We’ve issued it as a press release.

Oh. We’ll see if anybody

recognises him.

Surely someone will.

Shetland Police are appealing

for information relating

to the body of an unidentified male

discovered in Stromness Voe.

A facial reconstruction

has been created

and officers are urging members of

the public

to look closely at the picture

and consider whether this man looks

familiar to you.

That camera card you gave me for I

to check over from Martin Otina,

just birds and wildlife.

Nothing out of the ordinary,

I'm afraid.

OK, cheers, Billy.

It's D Perez.

I need your help.

I'm not sure.

Are you worried that you're going

to get Connor into trouble?

Abbie, you’re not.

Also, we're going to get permission

to open this eventually anyway.


I don't want to waste any more time.


We only get three chances, so,

you need to be fairly sure before

you try anything.

OK, try 2-2-0-3-0-1.

What's that? It's Bryd's birthday.

He often uses it as a password.


Right, erm, try

7-2-6-4-1 -0.

What's that? It's our old phone

number in Glasgow.

It's the only other password

I know he uses.

Well done, Abbie.

Right, erm

Did Bryd and Connor tend to hang out

locally or?

They mostly liked

the more remote places.

Beaches and stuff.

But they sometimes went down

to the Ness of Sound.

To the World w*r II,

the old lookout tower?

They used to have lunch there


Connor would come and meet her

and they'd go down on his scooter.


We've been told that Bryd was

receiving messages from Connor

on the day that she died.

But isn't that impossible, if

the phone was in a field all along?

Not necessarily.

I mean, there's lots of ways

to send messages these days.

He could've got a burner phone

to piggy back this one.

The SIM card's been damaged, though,

so they definitely weren't sent

using that handset.

Does the damage mean that all

the information's been lost?

Yeah. We're trying to retrieve

as much as we can.

One thing we do have is some of

the geolocation information.

Plotting the phone's location


This is the last ten days.

Right, let's pinpoint everywhere

he's been.

DI Perez?

Are you leaving already?

Yeah, I thought I 'd come

and say goodbye.

It's been an interesting experience.

I'm sure Rhona will keep you on

your toes.

We’ll good luck. You, too.


Meg. Hi.

Hi, erm

What are you doing here?

Look, I was just wondering,

do you want to meet up later?

That would be great. OK. Great.

8.30, see you then? OK. Bye.


See you later.

It's just what you would expect.

The guest house, various places in

Lerwick, all accounted for.

But there's this one location that

comes up a lot.

And when you plot it on the map,

there's nothing there.

I'm going to go up and take a look.

We’ll hang on, it's getting late,

I'll go. No, no, I want to.


OK, yeah. Thanks for that.

I've just had a call from someone

who works at

the cafe at Sumburgh airport.

She recognised the facial depiction

on the news.

OK. Let's go check it out.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

You know I didn't mean it.

You're a brilliant mum.

You take care of all of us

especially me.

I can’t do this anymore, Danny.

I can’t.

Oh, don't be daft.

We need you. I I need you.

I 'm tired, Danny.

I 'm tired of holding this family


And I am tired of making excuses

for you being such a f*ck-up.

I need you to go.

I need you to go.

And you’re sure it was him?

Yes. He was American, on holidays.

Said he'd worked here back in

the day.

What date would that be?

It was the 18th.

I remember because I had the day off

the next day for my son's birthday.

That's great, thank you.

Right. Let's see if we can get

security to pull up the CCTV

from the 18th.

That's him. Pause it there.

Do you have the passenger manifest

for that flight? Er, yeah.

Only nine passengers on the flight.

All Shetlanders returning,

apart from this guy.

William Arthur Rodgers. US national.


Thanks for letting me know.

That was the lab.

The blood spatter belongs to Bryd.

The fragment of T-shirt has got

Connor's DNA all over it

and her blood.


I think I've found Connor's safe


It's an old caravan out in

the middle of nowhere.

There's something strange going on.

Sorry, what? What do you mean?

I don't know.

It's like there's something rigged

up in here.

There are all these cables

There's a timer.

It's started counting down.

Oh, my God, I think it's a b*mb.

We’ll get get out of there, then.

I'm trying. The door's locked.


Tosh, can you can you hear me?

Help! Help!

Can you hear me?

Can you hear me?

What the f*ck.
