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07x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 11/07/23 17:52
by bunniefuu
We need help over here.

I've got you.

Connor is a boy whose

love for Shetland

comes across in every page

of this novel.

I expect great things from Connor.


I'm going to sneak away.

We need to talk. Later.

I've got a concerned call from

a Rachel Cairns.

Their son Connor hasn't

returned home.

Personally, I think we're

panicking over nothing.

So, where is he, Danny?

No tension between you and Connor?


It is possible that Connor Cairns

has left Shetland

of his own volition,

but we can't be sure.

Oh, God!


This is now a high-risk case.

Danny Cairns is an ex-cop.

Convicted on corruption charges.

Served two years.

I stole dr*gs from a young drug

dealer called Pepper Waldron.

It backfired. He was k*lled.



I swear, she didn't

do anything to that boy.

We just wanted to give

him a fright.

Just find my son!

Ally's sounder is picking up

something on the bottom

of Stromness Voe.

They're bringing it up now.

Oh, Jesus Christ.

It isn't Connor.


Hi, Rachel, we're still waiting

for forensics, but at the moment,

we've got no reason to think that

the body we discovered last night

is in any way connected

with Connor's disappearance.

But Connor might've been att*cked by

the same person who k*lled

this man?

There's nothing to suggest that.

Well, how can you say that,

you don't even know who

this man is, do you?

What about Pepper's family?

They arrive on the islands

just as my son goes missing?

That's just a coincidence.

They were looking for you.

The rest is just mind games.

They wanted to frighten you.

And they won't be bothering

you again.

You've let them go?

There was no evidence to suggest

they had any meaningful

contact with Connor.

What about running Abbie off

the road?!

That's attempted m*rder!

What are you thinking, Perez?

I'm trying to focus all of our

resources on finding Connor.

The Waldrons are a waste of time.

And that's your call, is it?

It is.

Now, can you think of anyone who had

a grudge against Connor?

You've made a big mistake,

Perez. They're involved in this.

There was a couple

that Connor had a run in with.

He worked with them for a while,

but they let him go.

And I don't know what it was about,

but I know that they had words.

It was nothing!

Can you remember the name?

Davidson Disposal.


I need some air.

This is a joke.


I know it's difficult,

but you have to trust me.

I'm very hopeful

of finding Connor alive.


Well, don't take this personally,

but I think I'll just keep

looking for him myself.




I'm going to need you to come in to

the station to give a statement.

About what?

About your past.

And I'm going to need all the

details of your police history.

Because if there's somebody

else out there

who's got a problem with you,

then I'm going to

need to know about it.

I can come in later.

It's Danny Cairns.

Listen, I'm going to need a day off.

While we wait for an ID on

the body from Stromness,

we need to trace that suitcase.

Where was it bought and by whom?

Sandy, what's the word on the


Being in sea water means there's no

chance of fingerprints,

but we do have some fibres.

And there's some paint smears

and some possible chemical stains.

No other locals have been

reported missing,

so we're thinking

a tourist or a transient worker.

Billy, keep looking in the voe,

we need to make sure there's

nothing else down there.

Look. Let's just keep focused

on Connor.

Why did he leave

his scooter out there?

And is there foul play involved?

Tosh, I want you to go and speak to

the people at Davidson Disposal.

Apparently, they had some issues

with Connor.

Sandy, let me have a look at

that. Thanks.



Can I help you?

Aye, I'm here to ask you

a few questions about Connor Cairns.

I understand he worked

for you for a bit.

Can I ask when you last saw him?

The day we let him go.

Why did you need to do that?

He was unreliable.

He didn't take it well.

I don't want to speak ill of people,

but he was an arrogant

little so-and-so.

Can I ask where were you on

Sunday evening?

Here. Together.

Why are you asking?

I was just trying to eliminate

you from our inquiries.

Could you both make a statement

to that effect?

Whatever you need.

Even though I didn't like the boy,

I hope you find him soon.

I wouldn't wish losing

a son on anybody's family.

Where are the search dogs?

Maybe they're over

the other side of the voe?

They're giving up on him,

aren't they?

No. I'm sure that's not the case.

Well, some people obviously think

this is a lost cause.

But I don't.

Come on.

Right, just promise

you'll tell me if he contacts you.

I know. I know what we agreed,

but things are different now.

Listen, I'm not feeling that

great. I'm going to head back.

I'll come with you if you want.

No, no, it's OK.

You sure? Yeah.

Any word from the divers?

Still nothing.

And I don't think we're going to

have them much longer.

Did you say Danny Cairns was coming

in for an interview today?

I did.

Well, I just got a call from Gavin

at the Sumburgh security desk

and he's pretty sure

he saw him getting on

a flight to Glasgow this morning.



OK. Look, try not to worry.

I'll find him.

Rachel had no idea

that he was planning to travel,

but she thinks that he might

have gone to see Connor's ex.

Billy, find out where I can find

Lynn Henderson,

and then get me on

the next flight to Glasgow.

I'm on it.

ON PA: Could all passengers

arriving in Ayr

please take all their belongings

and do not leave anything on

the platform.

So I'll see you in six weeks.

Thanks again, Jill.


Not quite.

OK. OK. Thanks for that.

That was Cora.

The DNA they got from the body has

drawn a blank on the database.

Ah, OK.

Widen the search. Talk to Interpol.

And try consumer sites like

Family Tree.

You're a hairdresser now?

Ha! I know. It's weird, isn't it?


What can I say?

It's nice to do a job where people

want to talk to you.

Plus, let's face it,

I was never cut out for the police.

You were always a good cop.

Hmm! And you were always a shit



And what about you?

I heard you were running

a hotel up north somewhere.

Shetland. And it's just a B&B,

but Rachel always fancied

the country life

and I felt I owed her, you know?

You happy?

We were.

Connor's gone missing.

Possibly abducted.

Abducted? By who?

You remember Nicole Waldron?


Her and her dad were on Shetland

the day Connor disappeared.

Did you go to the police?


The local plod just had a word

with them and let them leave.

And you think that they've

taken him, the Waldrons?

Well, they must be involved.

It's too much of a coincidence

for them not to be.

If they took Connor,

you've got to stay out of it.

I just need to know where they are.




Don't mind me.

How are you holding up?

Fine, I suppose.

Listen, if you

If you knew where Connor was,

you would tell me, wouldn't you?

What do you mean?

Well, you wouldn't have

to tell anyone else,

it would just stay between us.

I don't know where he is.



He's been hit on the head,

but it wouldn't have been fatal.

Petechial haemorrhages in

the eyes indicate suffocation.

The fingertips were removed

after death.

And I would say he's been in

the water a few weeks.

Erm, we could try

a postmortem depiction.

Dundee University can do

a facial reconstruction.

Yeah. Yeah. OK.

I mean, we're going to need all

the help we can get.

Cutting off the fingertips -

are we talking about someone

who's k*lled before?

Hard to say,

but they aren't squeamish,

that's for sure.

Lynn Henderson? I'm DI Perez.

I'm looking for Connor's dad.

Why would his dad come to see me?

Because he was looking for Connor.

But I haven't seen Connor.

He visited you a few weeks ago.

I meant since then.


How did he seem when he visited you?

I don't know.

He was weird.

It was like he didn't want to visit,

but felt he had to.

Look, Connor's mum and dad seem to

think that his recent problems

were caused by the break up of

your relationship.

That's not true.

Connor had other stuff going on.

Well, it's no secret he had

issues with his dad.

And then there was the guys he

started hanging about with.

Who were those guys?

I don't know their names.

Connor said they were old

pals of his dad.

ButI know he was scared of them.


Sorry, excuse me.


Danny Cairns' bank just flagged up

a transaction at

the Glasgow Central Station ticket


Any idea where he was going to?

He's in Ayr.

And guess where the Waldrons live?

Sorry I can only give

you five minutes.

One of those days. No problem.

I heard something went wrong up

in Shetland.

I just assumed Danny Cairns had

screwed up again.

Well, we don't know that he hasn't,

but we do know that he's in Ayr.

And do you know why?

It could be that he's gone

after Nicole and Cameron Waldron.

They were on the isles when

Connor disappeared.

So the Waldrons kidnapped Connor?

Danny thinks they did.

Or at least,

that they were involved.

Oh, right. Are they in danger?

Look, I would say that Danny will

do whatever it takes

to get his son back home.

All right.

We'll put an alert out on Cairns

and send a unit over to

the Waldrons.

Thanks for letting me know.

Now, I

..I would like to go with the unit.

Best if we handle it.

We'll let you know

if we catch up with Cairns.

Meanwhile, no doubt you

have a flight to catch?

Well, unfortunately,

I've missed the last one tonight.

So it looks like I'm going

to be staying over.

But I do have some work to do.

So, if you've got

a spare desk out there?


Where the f*ck is he?

Where's my son?!

I don't know! Oh!

I won't ask again.


Get your hands off him, Cairns.

You're a long way from Kerr Street.

We had to move after

you got Pepper k*lled.

Wasn't a lifestyle choice.

What do you want, Cairns?

I want to know where my boy is.

He's no here.

You're welcome to check if you want.

No, he's f*cking no.

I'm not letting this murdering

scumbag walk round ma house!

You do know that I wasn't the one

who actually k*lled your cousin?

He's dead because of you.

Because you're a greedy,

bent cop, bastard!

Were your wages really that bad

that you had to resort

to selling dr*gs?

Yeah. I wasn't planning on

selling them.

I stole your cousin's dr*gs

because I wanted to force his hand.

We'd been watching him for months -

because we were trying to turn him.

Pepper never would have grassed.

Which is why I stole his dr*gs.

Cos I I figured without

the dr*gs or the money

to pay his suppliers,

he'd be vulnerable.

He'd have no choice but to

To come to us and give us names.

Well, that was a f*cking

stupid plan!

I know!

It was unbelievably stupid.

I don't know what I was thinking.

I was

I was under pressure

to get a result.

So, you're right.

It was my fault. I got him k*lled.

And for that, I'm

I'm truly sorry.

So, if you want to put

a hole in me, just go ahead.

But don't punish my son.

He's He's got nothing to

do with this.


f*ck you, Cairns.

Tosh? Mm.

Right, there's only one shop

in Lerwick that sells a suitcase

like the one we took

from Stromness Voe.

I got a list of everyone who bought

one and paid by card.

Murry Rankins's on it -

the librarian.

Now, he knows Connor.

Could he be a link?

Let's find out.

I did have a suitcase like that one,

but I gave it away to

a charity shop.

Which charity shop?

The one that used to be in

the high street, it's gone now.

Did you get a receipt for it?

Erm, no. I I just

Just left it.

What's this?


Well, I-I-I

I like to keep a record of

the books people borrow,

so that I can make recommendations.

You seem to have

an awful lot of information here.

Addresses, jobs, hobbies -

you need all that?

It's just me, I'm a wee bit OCD.

You do know it's against the law

to keep information without


Connor Cairns gets

a file all to himself?

Can you explain that?

I-I don't understand.

Why are you asking me all

these questions?

Well, the thing is, Murry, you're

kind of acting a bit suspicious.

A suitcase the same as yours,

that you can't account for,

has turned up with a body in it,

and you're keeping tabs on

Connor Cairns like you're the FBI.

Is there anything else

you're not telling us?

We had a coffee in the library cafe

before the swim.

So you lied to us?

I forgot.

He forgot?

That's what he says.

Do you believe him?

I don't know. He's really scared.

It could be that he's

hiding something.

Could be that he's connected

to both cases,

but I'm going to get a search

team over to his house

and get him in for an interview.

How's it going in Ayr?

Any luck finding Danny Cairns?

Local police are out looking

for him.

I'm sitting on my hands.

DCI made it very clear that

I was to stay out of it.

So much for cooperation, eh?

Yeah, I'm not sure about her.

I managed to pull down

a file on Danny and that dealer.

Oh, Pepper Waldron? And?

And something doesn't add up.

I'm sorry about the gut punch.

I'll live.

If If you know who's

behind this, tell me.

Just Just help me find him.


We weren't the only ones angry

at you about Pepper.

That stash that you stole?

It belonged to his suppliers.

Serious people,

not to be messed with.

No, I mean, they wouldn't come after

me after all this time.

We did.

How are you holding up?

I'm beginning to lose hope,

to be honest with you, Jamie.

I took my eye off the ball.

You can't blame yourself, Rachel.

Sometimes, in life,

there are things you just

can't control.

But making sure your kids are OK,

that's a given, isn't it?

Danny and I have failed.


I think we should head back,

Rachel, don't you?



Tosh, there's a notebook here.

Looks like it belonged to Connor.

There's a drawing of Murry in it.

OK, get it swabbed for

prints and DNA.

There might be a link to the

suitcase. I'll let the boss know.

Oh, Christ.

This'll be all over

Lerwick in a minute.

I'll make some tea. Yeah.

This is for you.

Ah, my lens.

I thought I'd get a new one -

for my trip to Mousa.

This is perfect.

Why are you still here?

What do you mean?

I mean, all the other guests

have checked out.

Nobody wants to spend their holiday

watching a family fall apart.

No-one except you.

Do Do you want me to go?

No. It's just

..I don't get it.

You joined the search party.

You're making me tea.

I just don't get it.

There's nothing to get.

Your son is missing

and I wanted to help.


Well, thank you.

DI Perez, are you still in Ayr?

Yeah. I was just wondering if

there's any word on Danny Cairns?

We haven't found him, I'm afraid.

And we haven't managed to speak

to the Waldrons yet.

Right, well, on that subject,

I had a read of the Waldron's case.

Oh, really?

You arrested Danny Cairns based on

information you got from

an anonymous tip-off, is that right?

That's right.

So somebody just phoned in

and fingered Danny Cairns?

That's a bit odd, don't you think?

Not as odd as finding a kilo of

heroin in Cairns' freezer.

This is old news, leave it alone.

Goodnight, DI Perez.

For God's sake.

Melanie. Ugh. I need your help.

You must be joking.

The Pepper Waldron case - I need to

know where Matty Walker is.

No way.

They might have Connor.

I doubt it. You're deluded, Danny.

Oh, come on!

So you've given up stealing

from dealers

and want to play a good cop now?

There was pressure on us even before

the stunt you pulled.

You'll have no help from me, Danny.

Or the department.

You were the one who told me

to get Waldron to flip,

didn't you, Melanie?

I didn't tell you to rob him.

No, but you knew I was going to.

And then you had the search team at

my front door within hours

of them finding Waldron's body.

I got a tip.

No. You guessed Waldron was k*lled

because of the dr*gs I stole,

so you handed me to them on

a plate to save your own skin!

I'm calling a unit.

It's all right, I don't blame you.

I was the one in the wrong.

Hi. This is DCI Reid.

There's a man outside my flat.

He's harassing me. Melanie. Please.

Oh! He's now assaulted me.

No, it's fine. He's gone.

ON PHONE: Hi, this is Connor.

Leave a message

and I'll get back to you.

OK. Enough's enough.

Either you talk to me

or I talk to the police.


You not going to switch it on?

Ah, I can't be sure

they won't track it.

You can use mine if you like.

You probably should call Rachel.

No, I can't talk to her right now.

How are things with you two?

I don't know.

I seem to spend most

of my time trying to make up

for everything that happened.

But I don't think it'll ever

be enough.

Anyway, what about you?

You're on your own here,

what's that about?

That's life.

What about your brother?

Frank? Oh, moved out years ago.

He's in Sheffield now.

He's got a girlfriend -

and he's clean.

Good for him. Mm.

Oh, he's been clean for two years.

He's like a different person.

Getting out of Ayr

was the best thing for him.

Aye, I remember, he was

a worry to you.


..what's the next move?

I need to find Waldron's supplier -

Matty Walker.

How you going to do that?

I don't know.

Shake a few trees

that Pepper used to climb.

Well, I'd best let you get to bed.


Thanks again for letting me crash.

Danny, after your arrest,

I stayed clear.

Left you high and dry.

I should've been a better partner.

I'm sorry.

No, it was my fault, Jill.


Murry? Murry, wake up!

What? How did you get

Why were the police searching

your house?

What Rachel, wait a minute.

I haven't done anything.

Then why were they searching

your house?

They wanted to know about a suitcase

that I gave to a charity shop -

that's all.

What exactly is

your connection to my son?

He was here practically every day.

Nobody reads books that fast.

He does.

I mean, you know him better than

I do. He was your son.

"Was"? WAS my son?!

No, no, no, wait a minute.

No, I-I-I didn't mean that.

I meant he is your son.

He's your son, so, ask him.


Mr Rankin?

We need you to come to the station.

Why's he going to the station?

Did he do something to Connor?!

Mrs Cairns, I'm sorry,

but you need to let us handle this.




Mind if I join you?

I just keep thinking about

the last time that I spoke to him

and whether there was something

that hesaid.

You know, something that I missed.

But everything just seemed

so normal.

Then, maybe it was.

Perhaps he's just taken off

without thinking,

as a way to take control

of his life.

Do you know something that I don't?


I was just thinking

how impulsive he is.

He's a bit of a free spirit.

I know you're running every

possible scenario

over and over in your mind,

but try not to.

I don't think I can do that.

The thought that I will

never see him again

or never hear his voice again,

is just too much for me.

I pray you do see him again.

But if that's not what happens,

don't let it destroy you.

You can come through this,

Rachel. You can.

It's astonishing what

we can survive.

You think he's dead, don't you?

I'm not saying that.

I just want you to remember that,

whatever happens,

the pain you're feeling is

the price of love.

And you had that love,

and it will never go away.

It's yours.

The price of love.

Jill Stevens? I'm DI Perez.

So, what about Pepper Waldron?

Everyone seems to think

it was a drug hit.

In my experience, drug hits tend to

be a wee bit more hands-on.

I don't know anything about it.

I left the police soon after

Danny went down, poor guy.

He was in a terrible state.


..when was last time

you saw Danny Cairns?

I know. You don't know me.

I'm on his side.

I'm here to help him, trust me.

He stayed at mine last night.

But he was gone before I woke up.

What did he say?

That he needed to find Connor.

And he wanted the supplier

who might have him.

I couldn't help.

MAN: What?

I want to see your boss,

Matty Walker. It's Danny.

Danny who?

It's Danny. Danny Cairns.

I'm legit. Call your boss.

He knows me. Tell him I'm here.

f*ck off.

Come on.

I'm not messing.

I want to see Matty Walker. Now.

I'll see you later.


ON PHONE: Hello?

Hi, it's It's Bryd Fleming.

I just thought you should know that

there's somebody hanging about the


I think it's the woman from

Davidson Disposal.

It might just be my imagination,

but she seems to be watching Abbie.

Well, thanks for letting us know.

We'll keep an eye on her.


Rankin's in the interview room.

Oh, OK, great.



Can you tell us exactly what you

talked about at your meeting

with Connor the day he disappeared?

Oh, nothing important.

Can we be the judge of that?

He seemed out of sorts.

I wanted to know what

was wrong, but he

He didn't want to talk about it.

So why didn't you just say that?

You worry about him, then?

His book. I admire him.

Even though he's younger than me,

he's talented.

Has he been to your house recently?

No. He's never been.

So how come we found

a notebook belonging to him there?

Did he give it to you?

Murry, you've already lied

to us once.

Don't do it again.

You could be connected

to two possible crimes here.

Did you see Connor after

the book launch?

No. I went home.

Can anyone verify that?



If you can't explain how that

notebook got into your house,

I will have no choice but to assume

you're hiding something.

He left it in the library.

I kept it.

It had a sketch of me inside.

And that meant something to you?

It meant a lot to me.


Is that what you

and Connor were talking about?

What he meant to you?

How you felt about him?

When you met in the cafe.

I wondered if it was possible he

felt the same way about me

as I did about him.

I fooled myself into thinking

that's why he came to

the library so often.

To see me.

He wasn't unkind, he

..just said he loved Bryd.

I don't know what I was thinking.

I made such a fool of myself.

I would never hurt him.




You poke the hornets' nest,

you get stung, Danny.

Matty Walker.

You need to go home.

Says who?

Says the people you're pissing off.

Is that the people who have my son?


Why would we do a thing like that?

To get to me.


I hate to burst your bubble,

pal, but you're not that important.

What about the dr*gs?

What dr*gs?

The heroin I stole.

That was years ago.

We didn't really

care much at the time.

You cared enough to k*ll Pepper.

Kidnapping AND m*rder?

You really don't think

much of us, do you?

We'd no reason to k*ll Pepper.

Pepper was a good guy.

Smart, too.

We were all very sad when he died.

He was making a success

of himself,

expanding the network.

You think he was the first guy

to lose a package?

Or miss a payment?

Happens all the time.

If we were to go round k*lling

people for that,

there'd be nobody left.

We knew it wasn't Pepper's fault.

We knew your lot had been

targeting him for months.

So So who k*lled him?

Strange, innit?

If your lot thought

it was down to us,

you never came looking.

Now, from our side,

we're sorry about your boy,

but it's got nothing

to do with us, Danny.

Hold on. Nobody knew we were

trying to flip Waldron.

It was only me and my DCI.

Get out of my f*cking way.

Join up the dots, Danny.

We're still waiting on DNA results,

but so far, we've found no blood

and no trace of Connor at

Rankin's house.

Apart from the notebook?

Which Rankin maintains Connor left

behind one day in the library.

And he kept it as a love token?

I mean, I'm not sure Rankin would

call it a love token,

but he did admit

to being infatuated with Connor.

OK. So, what are your thoughts?

I don't know.

But I don't think

I've got enough to keep him here.

However, I think that the Davidsons

might be worth another look.

Hang on, Tosh.

I'm going to need you to stay.

It looks like they had a run-in

with SEPA around the time

they gave Connor the sack,

and Bryd thinks that the

wife, Sheena,

might be stalking Abbie Cairns.

Keep digging.

What the hell do you want?

Well, I'm sure Danny has paid you

a visit by now, hasn't he?

He told us the truth about Pepper.

And what's that?

Cairns didn't steal the dr*gs

to sell them,

he wanted to force Pepper into

being an informer.

No that that's any better.

Did you see Pepper the day he died?

Nicole was with him.

What do you remember?

Laughing and joking,

like he always was.

Laughing and joking?

Just after somebody had stolen

his dr*gs?

He wasn't worried about that.

He said he was

going to get them back.

Had people that

would do that for him.

Said he had a contact -

inside the police.



Danny, where are you?

She must've been in with Walker.

Who? All the time, she was

telling me to turn Pepper.

Look, I know that you didn't steal

the dr*gs to sell them.

I also know that

Pepper Waldron had someone

inside your team working for him.

It's not just someone.

It's a f*cking DCI!

What? Danny? Danny?



Change of plan.

Open this f*cking door, Reid!

You betrayed me.


I don't know what you mean.

You set me up.

You made me think

it was all my doing.

I lost everything because of

you. Everything!

Danny, I don't know what

you think I've done

You're lying!


Did you k*ll Pepper and cover it up?

Did he have something on you?

No! You're making no sense, Danny.

Please, leave.

Two f*cking years

surrounded by scum.

Blaming myself every day

for Pepper's death.

Go home, Danny.

I want the truth, Reid!

Get out! Get away from me!

Until I find my boy,

I'm going nowhere. Come here!

Danny, no!

Stop it! Put that down! Put it down.

Put it down.


What do you think you're doing?

This is nothing to do

with Connor, now back off.

No. If I get the truth,

I'll find Connor.

Are you all right?

Is she all right? Who cares?!

She's a lying traitor

bitch who sold out me

and everyone who

ever worked for her!

No! No. Look,

we had a m*rder on our hands,

I had to protect myself

and you were in the wrong.

You committed a crime.

Waldron did have someone working

inside your team, though, right?

Christ's sake, it wasn't me.

Who else knew about the break-in?




All the time you were

working with me,

you were answering to Pepper.


Frank, of course.

You remember how he was.

Useless bloody junkie.

Well, not that useless.

He had a cop for a sister.

Waldron couldn't believe his

luck when he found out.


The dirt that he had on Frank

Soon as I helped Pepper once,

that was it.

He had me.

He threatened me.

He was becoming a player,

I couldn't ignore him.

He said that if I didn't keep

giving him information,

he would turn me in and hurt Frank

so bad, he'd never wake up.

What happened the night he died?

He called me.

He told me that someone

had stolen his dr*gs.

Wanted me to find out who it was.

I knew it was you, straight away.

He was furious when I told him.

He was going to k*ll you.

What happened?

He, erm

I drove out to meet him.

And I saw him at the side of

the road.

And I just thought, "I want out.

"But you're not getting Frank.

"You're not getting Danny."

And then I just

I drove straight at him,

k*lled him.

Jesus, Jill.


I thought I'd saved you, Danny.

I thought I'd been

a good partner for once.

Protected you.

And then I got into work the next

day, and you were in a cell.

I'm sorry.

SOBBING: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.


I'm sorry.


ON POLICE RADIO: 454 to control,

suspect is apprehended

and we are en route back to

the station now, over.


I've got Danny.

I'm bringing him home tonight, OK?

ANSWERPHONE: Hi, I can't take

your call at the moment.

Please leave a message

and I'll get back to you.


Hey, Meg. It's me.

Erm, I'm on my way back from Glasgow

and I was just wondering if you

maybe fancied coming over

for dinner tonight -

and I couldcook something.

Erm, I'd really love to see you.

If you're free. OK?



How you holding up?

I'm not sure.

Last five years have been

the worst of my life and now,

I'm no closer to finding my boy.


..I don't know what's

happened in your past.

But I don't think it's got anything

to do with Connor's disappearance.

Whatever's happened to your boy,

the answer lies in HIS life,

not yours.

You hear me?


I hope this is OK.

I just kind of flung it together.

It looks lovely. Thank you.

You haven't tasted any of it yet.

Give me a chance!

Mm. Yum.

You sure? Yeah.

What you said at the beach,

you were right.

That-that is what I do.

I use my job to keep people at

a distance.

It feels safer, doesn't it?

Fran and I were happy.

We made each other laugh a lot,

we were We were We were great.

Then And then it was just,

it was taken away likethat.

And if I'm honest, then I'm

..I'm scared, about all that.

OK. I understand.

How about you?

Well, erm, it's different for me.


My marriage wasn't good.

And it didn't end well.

Oh, I'm sorry.

See, my trouble with men

is the dreaded

Florence Nightingale syndrome.

It's the uniform.

Men tend to see me as this

perfect woman,

who's always there to help them

and But the truth is,

I'm just as flawed as they are.

And when they get to know

the real me, erm

..well, it's a bit of a


Yeah, you see,

I find that hard to believe.

OK, so you need to be careful,

because that's one of

the first symptoms.





Thank God.


Hang on, stop!

Stop, for Christ's sake.

OK, shut the yard down.

Nobody gets in or out.

It's her. It's Bryd.

I'll I'll call Cora.