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06x02 - Epidode 2

Posted: 11/07/23 17:51
by bunniefuu
Jesus Christ!

That's the door. Two minutes.

We've just heard that

Alex Galbraith has been shot dead.

There's a very good chance that

his wife is going to be our next MP.

Everybody on the isles came across

him at some point.

There was a custody battle.

The wife lost her kids due

to drug addiction.

- Lynda Morton?

- They were asking about Alex Galbraith?

You better not have mentioned my name

in any part of that conversation.

Got a wee problem.

Local lad. Fraser Creggan.

He's been posting about

the Galbraith k*lling online.

We've got a Logan Creggan.

On our register of g*n owners.

I am pissed off about Donna Killick.

She kills my sister,

and then gets to come home

- to die in her own bed?

- Mum.

What does your husband

use the drone for?

He was out flying it up

and down the coast.

You really have to take this dive?

I've got a plan B.

Well, that's your choice,

but you'll regret it.

They're bringing them back up.


Shetland Police want to talk to you.

We're losing pressure.

Mrs Killick? I'm Dr Bedford,

Consultant at Lerwick General.

This is Nurse Meg Pattison.

Welcome back to Shetland.

Right. We should get going.

You OK.

What happened to him?

There was a problem

with Eamon's decompression.


If that chamber blew

he would have been in so much pain.

Kirsty, I know this is hard, erm

I'm going to have to ask you

a few questions.

Before Eamon left to go to work,

how was he?

For once he was in good spirits.

Did he say anything before he left?

He said he had a plan B.

Do you know what he meant by that?

I've no idea.

You'll find out what happened?

I'll do everything I can.

She's just docked.

This is Connor McKay.

Connor's been appointed

by the Industrial Safety Authority

to investigate the accident.

Obviously, you guys are going to

take the lead on this,

but Gauldie was a potential witness

in a m*rder investigation.

So I'm hoping that,

you know, we could work together.

Of course. You'll be the first

to see our findings.

Yeah, you see,

I don't really want to sit about

and wait to read a report.

I want access to the accident scene

and all the evidence.

- Fiscal will have to clear that.

- Aye. She already has.


Has the Fiscal cleared it?

No. That's why I need you to call her.

Most of the crew's been stood down.

Everyone's still in shock.

I've lined up a recording of

the accident for you to view.

At 8:20, Eamon transfers in to

a separate unoccupied chamber.

18 minutes after he transferred,

there's a massive drop in pressure.

A breach of an external valve.

We tried to isolate it from in here

but it wouldn't respond.

Who was the Life Support Supervisor

responsible for the divers?

Me. And Mick Muir.

Mick's in his cabin.

He's not feeling well.

I sent Mick out to try and close the

external valve manually but

But he didn't make it in time.

What caused the breach?

The valve must have came loose

which caused a leak.

Why did it come loose?

We don't know.

We did all the pre-dive checks

and everything was secure.

Did you do the checks?

Mick carried them out.

How easy is it to loosen that?

What do you mean?

Well, what I mean is,

could someone have come in here

and loosened it by hand?

Well, aye, but why would they?

Do you think this was deliberate?

Gauldie was the closest thing we had

to a witness

and he dies minutes before

we're due to speak to him.

Getting to Galbraith in

Shetland is one thing,

but how did the k*ller get on board

to k*ll Gauldie?

Could be more than one k*ller?

Whoever k*lled Galbraith got someone

else to k*ll Gauldie.

Somebody who works on the ship.

Then we're talking about someone

with connections, money, resources.

Talk to everybody who had access

to the dive chamber

but start with Mick Muir.


Nice and easy.

Any chance of some help?

My orders were to escort her

to the house.

I've done that.


What the hell is wrong with you?

The woman has stage four cancer.

- What do you know about her?

- I know that she's dying.

And she could do with

a bit of compassion.

That's Donna Killick.

She m*rder*d an 18-year-old girl,

a friend of mine,

and then she let an innocent man

spend 20 years in jail

for her crime.

I've got plenty of compassion

but not for her.

I checked all the valves

before the dive.

Every one of them was secure.

- So then, what caused the breach?

- I don't know.

It's not something that happens.


Maybe the seal broke or

the valve malfunctioned.

Or maybe someone loosened it manually?

Well, it wasnae me.

Did Larson tell you it was me?

Because you need to know me

and him don't get on.

Did you and Gauldie get on?

I had no problem with Eamon.

What about the rest of the crew?

Any of them have issues with him?

No. He was pretty well liked.

You never saw him arguing with anyone?

The night before he got in the chamber,

I heard him giving somebody grief

over the phone.

He said it was his wife.

I never believed him.

- Why didn't you believe him?

- I don't know.

He just didnae sound like he was

talking to his wife.

If Eamon had a problem,

who would he talk to?

Err, Carrie McAndrew maybe.

She's the chef.

Her and Eamon were pally.


Kate. It's Sandy.

She arrived this morning.

I thought you'd want to know.

Call me when you can. OK?

How did it get on with Donna Killick?

I just dropped her off at her house.

- And how was she?

- She's fine.

She's got a doctor and a nurse

running around after her

like she's some sort of celebrity.


Any luck finding Gauldie's drone?

Not yet.

But the tech boys reckon it's the SD

card we should be looking for

and not the drone.

The card is where the data is stored

and Eamon may have taken it out

before the drone was stolen.

OK. Well talk to Kirsty Gauldie

and see if she knows where it is.

Ah. Jimmy,

just had a call from

the media officer in Inverness.

Those Kilmuir crime scene photos

are causing a big stooshie.

Has Donnie worked out who posted

the original images?

Says he's working on it.

So, apparently,

I authorised access to

an accident scene this morning.

Thing is, I don't remember doing it.

In fact, I don't even remember

someone making a request.

Well, we tried to call you.

Oh, well. Least you tried.

I needed to get on that ship.

We didn't have time to wait.

I'm sorry.

Connor McKay says you think

Gauldie was m*rder*d.

If Gauldie witnessed Galbraith's m*rder,

then maybe the sh**t got

to him before he could talk.

In the middle of the North Sea?

We're working on a theory that

the sh**t got someone on board

the ship to do it.

Which reminds me. Sandy,

keep an eye on Lynda Morton.

I want to know who's been

visiting her recently.

Sorry, Lynda Morton?

Lynda's ex-husband

was a client of Galbraith's.

In Galbraith's notes,

he accused Lynda of associating

with drug dealers.

Sorry. Billy

I need the details

of every recent drug arrest.

Dealers linked with mainland gangs.

If Galbraith was right,

then Lynda was mixing with

some serious criminals.

Galbraith wasn't m*rder*d.

He was assassinated.

They used an untraceable g*n.

They used ghost b*ll*ts.

Now all of that takes resources

and organisation,

which is exactly what you want

if you're looking to k*ll

a witness at sea.

Next time, you wait for an answer.


Lynda Morton?

I already told your colleague,

I don't know what happened

to Alex Galbraith.

OK. What about Eamon Gauldie?


How long have you had

a drug problem for?

I was in a car crash.

Two years ago.

My leg got smashed up

so they put me on painkillers.

The really good ones.

Before I knew it, I couldn't

get through the day without them.

Then I got depressed. And

instead of asking me

if I needed any help, my ex just

used it as an excuse to dump me

and take my boys.

Now all I have are the pills.

Which brings me to your dealers.

I don't have dealers.

Alex Galbraith thought you did.

He had evidence.

Of course, we don't know

what that evidence was,

because the file was stolen

from his house.

Yeah, and that was nothing to do

with me.

Maybe you didn't steal it,

but I'm betting that you know who did.

I know you're scared. I know.

But these friends of yours,

they might have done more than

just break into a house.

So if you give me their names,

then I can protect you.

I need you to leave.

That's for when you change your mind.

I want it out of the flat.

We've been through this.

No, the police were round again.

That guy Perez.

And he was asking about

He was asking about the break-in

at Galbraith's house.

What if he comes back

and searches the place?

I can't take the blame for this,

OK, I'm not going to prison.

Jesus. Will you calm down?

Give me some time to sort another place.

Go home. Wait for me there.

Don't worry.

It'll be OK.

That's every significant dr*gs

arrest in the last six months.

Mick Muir. You heard of him?

No, doesnae ring a bell. Who is he?

Could be he's the guy who caused

Eamon Gauldie's supposed accident.

Do a background check on him.

See if he's linked to anybody

that we're looking at

- in the Galbraith case.

- OK, sure.


Did you tell your Dad that

you'd take him for lunch today?

What? No.

Why? What's he saying?

That you're taking him for lunch today.

At The Scalloway Hotel.

At The Scalloway Hotel, no less.

No no. He's confused.


put him on.


Where are you? I'm waiting.

Dad. I never said that we were going

to go out and have lunch today.


I-I never said that we were going to

go and have lunch.

I'm at work. I can't get away.


It, it's me.

I never said that

I was going to take him out.

Er, I don't know

where he's got that from.

Right, listen. It's, it's all right.

I'll take him for a bite

in town somewhere. It'll be grand.

- Are you sure?

- Aye, aye. Sure.

OK. Thanks, Duncan.

Everything all right?

Fine. What's the problem?

The Galbraith timeline you asked for.

There's a three-hour window

in the day before he was shot

that we can't account for.

You speak to Fiona Bedford?

She has no idea

what he was doing either.

Seems he dropped off the radar

between one and four o'clock.

All right. I'll speak to Eve.

A drug hit?

Are you serious?

It's something we're following up on.

Did Alex ever mention

anything about dr*gs to you?

No, not that I remember.

Should I be worried? Should I

should I be getting Merran

out of this house?

Your protection officers are here.

But I can arrange a safe house

if that's what you want.

No No, it was hard enough

getting her to come home.

If if we leave again,

she'll dig her heels in.

The guys are here. Can I go out?

I'd rather you stayed close.

We're just going down to the beach.

OK. Just keep in touch, Merran.

Er, just one thing before you go.

There was something that I wanted

to ask you and your mum.

We're having trouble accounting

for your Dad's whereabouts

on the day before he died.

Either of you have any idea

where he was during the afternoon?

He wasn't at work?

Fiona Bedford says no.


I was at school.

Did your Dad happen to mention

what he was doing that day?

He never said anything.

I can feel her pulling away.

I'm sure she'll talk when she's ready.

I'll set up the transfer this afternoon.

No, no, that's all right.

Listen, I know how hard it is

to set up a business.

Love to Rasha.

Is, er, everything all right?

Are you Niven Guthrie?


Yeah, I'd just like to

have a quick word with Eve.

How does she seem to you?

Like somebody who just lost her husband.


Well, she needs a distraction.

Something to take her mind off things.

That's why I think she should

be back out campaigning.

You seem to be throwing a lot of

weight behind this campaign.

I'm just helping out.

Aye, it's more than that.

You're funding her.

Look, I have a lot of faith in Eve.

And, you know, I think

she can help the islands.

And what's in it for you?

The chance to make a difference?

Most divers are a pain.

Think they're better than us.

But not Eamon.

He was a nice guy. Good laugh.

When did you last talk to him?

He came in here for breakfast just

before he went into the chamber.

You didn't see him in the chamber?

Er, Larson said that the galley

staff have access to Sat Control.

I normally take up

the evening meal at about six,

but Mick came and picked it up

last night.

- Mick Muir?

- Aye.

How was he last night?

Seemed fine.

He's locked himself in his cabin.

Well, that might be a good thing.

The rumour is

Mick caused Eamon's accident.

Gone analogue, have you?

Well, the police took my desktop away.

Yeah, we're still going through it.

You do realise this leak of yours

was probably an inside job?

Really? You know something about it?

I'm just saying, even I'm not stupid

enough to hack a police computer.


Mick Muir's been att*cked.

He's on his way to Lerwick General.

What happened?

He was assaulted in his cabin.

Tosh. How's he doing?

He's going into surgery. He's got

a couple of fractures in his arm.

- Did he say who att*cked him?

- He says he didn't see them.

Excuse me. DI Perez. Shetland Police.

Oh, Christ. I told you.

I was ambushed. I didn't see who did it.

But you know why they did it.

I had nothing to do with Eamon's

death. I did my job, that's all.

Your crewmates disagree.

I'm being set up.

What do you think?

I don't know.

I can buy him causing it

through negligence.

But I can't see him

k*lling Gauldie like that.

And I can't see a motive.

Maybe we just haven't found it yet.

We have to link Muir to Galbraith.

So find out what connects them.

Where does he live?

He's got a flat in Brae.

I'll speak to Kean and see if

we can get a search warrant.

Donnie's got something for us.

I went through Fraser's desktop.

Some right weird stuff on it. Who

watches autopsy videos for fun?


Oh, sorry. Anyway, er,

Fraser didn't hack into your database.

In fact, as far as I can see,

nobody did.

You mean an inside job?

That would be my thinking, aye.

So can we identify

who downloaded these internally?

They weren't downloaded.

No, I think the images sent

to The Chronicle

were scanned from the originals.

I mean, as a piece of subterfuge,

it's crude, but it's effective.

There's no digital traces whatsoever.

He doesn't seem very happy.

Don't take it personally.


I don't care what Donnie says,

I don't believe anyone in here

would leak to the press.

No, me neither.

The original crime scene images

are stored at the mortuary.

Call Cora and tell her

the leak might have come from

her department.

And tell her we're going to need

a list of all the people

- who've got access to the images.

- Right.

So, the search team at the Gauldie house

didn't find the SD card

for Eamon's drone.

But Kirsty says he edited

the videos on his breaks.

Thinks he might have taken it

to his work with him.

So the ISA might have it.

I could head over to their lab later on.

OK. Good.

What's the word on Lynda Morton?

Er, we got a patrol car outside

her flat.

She came home about two. Alone.

No sign of any visitors.

OK. I want you over there tonight,

and see who turns up.

I've got to go out for an hour.

OK. Is everything all right?

Yeah. Someone I need to talk to.

Earlier today,

When I asked if you knew

where your Dad was

the day before he died,

I got the feeling that you

knew more than you were letting on.

I know that you and your Dad were close.

And I know that you want to protect him.

I don't know where he was. OK?

Where do you think he was?

Probably with her.

And who would that be?


Flora M.

Flora M?

That was the name that came up

on his phone when she rang.

And how do you know

that she and your Dad were?

I noticed things.

Things my mum didn't.

When she called, he'd get all secretive.

He'd go off into another room

to talk to her.

And afterwards, he'd always have

this guilty look on his face.

Did this Flora M call

the day before he died?

As we were leaving for school.

And you're sure it was her?

It was her.

We're still going through

Galbraith's contacts.

But so far,

we haven't come across a Flora.

If he was having an affair, he'd

probably have kept it well-hidden.

Yeah, especially with Eve

running to be an MP.

He'd need to be extra careful.

Billy, go through Galbraith's phone

records again

and see if you can find the call

that Merran mentioned.

Did anybody get back to you

on the IHAT investigation

into Logan Creggan?

It seems Creggan and his unit were

accused of prisoner abuse in Iraq.

Lots of cases.

One that involved a fatality.

So why were the charges dropped?

They weren't.

But the government pulled the plug

on IHAT in 2017.

Are you OK?

I've got a lawyer who was shot,

I've got a witness who was k*lled

in the most horrific way imaginable.

I've got multiple suspects and motives,

and I've got nothing

to connect any of them.

And to top it all off,

I've got somebody leaking

crime scene photos to the press.

So no, not really.

I meant personally.

I know.

And thanks for asking,

but on that front, I'm fine.

Just remember you've had

a tough few days.

You need to take it easy.

I can't, Tosh.

I've got a house call to make

to the other problem I've got -

Donna Killick.

Hi. I'm DI Perez. Shetland Police.

Sorry. Come in.

And again.

Here to welcome me home?

I'm just here to see

if you've settled in

and if there's anything else you need.

You got another ten years?

I take it you heard about

Alex Galbraith.

We don't know if his death

had anything to do with your trial,

or your release, but it is possible.

And why are you telling me?

Well, if he was k*lled

because he got you out of prison,

I thought you might feel

some kind of responsibility.

I feel responsible for a lot of things.

But not his death.

And I don't appreciate you trying

to make me feel that I should.

Alex was a good man.

It was an awful thing to happen.

Darren Bedford.

Consultant at Lerwick General.


Ah, my wife, Fiona. She was Alex's PA.

So I knew how hard Alex worked

to secure your release, Donna.

He did what he did

as much for himself as anyone else.

He liked to pat himself on the back

just a bit too much.

A bit like our Jimmy.

I'll see you again tomorrow.

You know

for a minute,

I thought you might be here

to apologise.

To apologise for what?

Lying at my trial.

Well, maybe lying's a bit harsh,

but you definitely

didn't tell the truth.

Not the whole truth.

I mean, you told them

I k*lled that girl, but

you didn't tell them about

my husband.

That I was pregnant.

That I was just trying

to protect my unborn child.

I wasn't there to defend you.

And the girl's name was Lizzie Kilmuir.

Everything OK?


I was just leaving.

Er, sorry. You

You don't remember me, do you?

Christmas. Must've been 2001?

You and your drunken pal spent

the night in my flat in Dennistoun.

No, I don't think that was me.

"Burns is the perfect poet

and Jaws the perfect movie."

OK. So maybe that was me.

Your drunken pal was Mark Pattison.

You and he worked out of Pitt Street

when you were in uniform.

Mark's my brother. I'm his wee sister.

Right. Mark Pattison.

And you're Meg.

Aye. Dennistoun. Yeah, I remember now.

- No, no, you don't.

- I'm

OK, don't worry.

You were pretty drunk. Fun, but drunk.

Well, I'm going to have to

take your word for it.

Er, and you're nursing?

Uh-huh. Specialising

in end-of-life care.

That must be tough.

Rewarding, too.

Are you aware of Donna's history?

I'm not here to make judgments.

Right. Well, there are people who will.


if you get any trouble,

then give me a call.

My number's on the back.

Oh, and you were right, by the way.

It is the perfect movie.

An SD card, you say?

Yeah. We think Gauldie might have

had it with him in the dive chamber.

Well, they've just

brought his belongings in.

They're still in boxes. We've not

had a chance to go through them yet.

- I'm happy to help.

- No, you're all right.

We'll manage.

- But it could take some time.

- That's no problem.

I'll just wait over here.

Kate. Kate, I know it's hard.

Look, Donna's not going to be around

for long anyway, so

you're getting yourself

upset for no reason.

No reason?

She k*lled my sister.

That's a big reason.

I didn't mean it like that.

Of course you have every right

to be angry.

Angry doesn't even begin to cover it.

I know.

And I'm sorry this has happened.

You don't deserve it.

Look, I've got to go.



You all right, Dad?

Oh Must have fallen asleep.

I'm sorry about today.


About the mix-up

over lunch at The Scalloway.

- But Duncan took me to lunch.

- Yes, I know that.

But before, you thought that I was

going to

Where did you and Duncan go?

Oh, somewhere in the town. Your mum

would've liked it.

Aye, aye.

Oh, that's grand.

- Thanks for looking after him.

- Oh, no problem.

He was on fine form.

You look like you need a drink.

Donna's back.

You seen her?

She's up at her house just now.

Looks like she's never been away.

Well, that'll go down well with Kate

and her pals.


Flora M isn't a person. It's a place.

The Flora Maris religious retreat.

It's over on Whalsay. They

spoke to the ferry master.

Who confirmed that Galbraith was

over there the day before he died.

What the hell's Galbraith doing at a

religious retreat?

I have no idea.

But the ferry master said it was

a regular trip for him.



I'm Detective Inspector Jimmy Perez.

I'm here investigating the m*rder

of Alex Galbraith. And I'd

Oh, come on!

- When did you get home?

- Couple of hours ago.

Urgh, I can't open these bloody files.

What files?

I picked up Eamon Gauldie's SD

card last night.

I can see there are video

files on it. But they won't open.

Do you want me to?

Aye, yeah. Looks like they're corrupted.

- Well, can you fix them?

- Maybe.

I've got some recovery

software at the station.

Then you need to get over there. As

soon as you open them, you call me.

- See you later.

- See ya.

- Donnie!

- I'm going.

You must be DI Perez.

I'm Sister Carolyn.

Sister Paula said you were

looking into Alex's death.

I'm investigating his m*rder.

Still can't believe it happened.

You knew him?

Yes, and no.

Shall we go for a walk?

Alex started visiting about ten

months ago.

We were selling some land to the

farm up the road.

And he was taking

care of the legal side.

And what, he just kept on coming back?

He'd turn up most weeks for a few

hours. We'd drink tea, talk.

- About anything in particular?

- His life. Mostly. His troubles.

What, so, you were his therapist?

I tried not to judge.

He appreciated that.

You know, I hate to have to ask you

this, but,

were you and he together?

- As in sleeping together?

- Yeah.

God, no.

What on Earth made you think that?

Well, because his daughter was

convinced that he was having

an affair.

And she overheard him on the phone

to you, so she assumed that

I was his bit on the side?

Even if I was in a position to

be in a relationship,

I wouldn't have chosen Alex.

Far too many demons.

Although, I'd be surprised if there

wasn't another woman in his life.

You know, don't take this the wrong way

but you don't seem much like a nun.

Cos I'm not.

Sister Paula

and the others are real nuns.

I'm what they call life professed.

It means I do the prayer,

the solitude, the good deeds,

but I sit out on the whole

married to Jesus bit.

It's quite a view, eh?

Yeah. My mum loves it up here.


You lost her recently?

- I'm sorry.

- No, don't be.

How are you holding up?

Err, I've not really had

a chance to think about it.

I've got work and my Dad to look after.

But you have to mourn her.

I don't think I want to.

I know how long grief takes,

and to be honest, I'm

You're what?

I'm beginning to understand why

Alex Galbraith came here every week.

So you saw him the day before

he died. How did he seem to you?

His usual troubled self.

But not troubled about any one

thing in particular?

If you're asking if he was worried

about being m*rder*d? Then, no.

Galbraith was seeing a nun?

No. She's not exactly a nun.

But she's not his mistress, either.

Although she did suggest that

Galbraith was the type to

have another woman.

- How goes the search at Muir's flat?

- Nothing yet.

But I did find the SD card last night.

Donnie's at the station trying

to open the files.

- Right, I'll go and see him now.

- OK.

What the hell's going on here?

- I didn't realise you lived with Mick.

- I don't.

He lets me crash on the couch

when we've got a tight

turn around between jobs.

It's a lot cheaper than a hotel.

Oh, I called the hospital.

They said he was

recovering from surgery.

- Mm.

- They had to re-set his arm.

- Jesus. Poor Mick.

- Do you know who assaulted him?

- Had to be one of the crew.

- But you don't know which one?

They know I'm mates with Mick.

So, I'm the last person they'd tell.

Mind you, I could easily throttle

Mick myself, right now.


Oh, come on.

I mean, it had to have been him

that caused Eamon's accident.

- You're sure it was an accident?

- What else could it have been?

So if you sleep on the couch here,

who sleeps in the guest room?

That's Angela's room. Mick's sister.

She stayed here for a few months,

when she broke up with her partner.

She's in Golspie now.

There's four video files on the card.

Time stamp on the first video is

10:15. The last one is 11:12.

- Yeah, I want to see the last one.

- There's a bit of a problem there.

See, the card must've got

corrupted during the dive accident.

Cos the files won't open.

None of them?

I've been running recovery software

all morning but the, err,

these later files are gone.

Erm, all I could get was a bit of

footage from a video timed 10:45.

But there is something on it.

- That's Alex Galbraith's car.

- Watch this.

So that's all I've managed to get.

It's, it's too blurry to get

a registration on the other car.

- But if I do some tweaking, I can

- I know whose car it is.

- Yeah, that's me. So what?

- So what?!

So, we've got video footage of you

trying to run Alex Galbraith's

car off the road

No, I wasn't trying to

run him off the road.

It was shot half

an hour before he was k*lled.

So that puts you in the vicinity

of the m*rder scene.

- Oh, so well, I k*lled him, then?!

- Mum.

It's OK. I did something really stupid.

I know that. But I was angry.

I'd been trying to talk to him

for weeks, kept ignoring me.

- So you rammed his car?

- No! I wasn't trying to, I

Look, honestly, I don't know what

I was trying to do. I just saw red.

Why was he ignoring you?


because he didnae want to get into

an argument about Donna Killick?

See if it was, if it was some lawyer

from down south,

I would understand.

But he was from here.

He knew that bringing her back was

going to cause pain.

But he did it, anyway!

- What happened after this?

- Nothing.

I hit him, I got a fright, I drove on.

- You didn't follow him to his house?

- I came home.

And I was here when she got back.

- What time would that be?

- About 11.

So, about the same time that

you were with

Fraser Creggan at his house?

Come on, Molly. You cannae be in two

places at the one time.

Now, you were either with Fraser

at his house or you were here.

Now, which one is it?

I was here on my own.

Do you think Kate's capable?

Six months ago, I'd have said no.

But now, she just, she seems angry.

Her and everyone else in Shetland.

The search of Mick Muir's flat.

- You manage to find anything?

- Nothing linking him to Galbraith.

Or Gauldie, for that matter.

But Carrie McAndrew seems to think

Muir caused Gauldie's death.

Sorry. Who's Carrie McAndrew?

She runs the kitchen on the dive ship.

- What was she doing at Muir's?

- She stays there between jobs.

But she's not the only one

who stays there.

He's got a bed made

up for his sister for

when she's home from Golspie.


What's the sister's name?

Old habits, eh?

- What?

- You.

Turning up during the day. Sneaking


Takes you back.

Mind you,

if it's sex you're after, I'm afraid

you might be disappointed.

- Cancer plays havoc with the libido.

- Why did you come back?

The trouble you caused. The mess you

left. That was bad enough.

- But to come back

- I had a choice.

I either die in a cell or I die at home.

And what about everyone else?

f*ck everyone else.

This was a mistake.

Y'know, you're not so innocent, Duncan.

You need to take some

responsibility for "the mess" too.

What are you talking about?

It was your son I was trying to protect.

I only did, what I did,

to keep Alan safe.

And you know what Kevin would've

done if he'd found out about him.

You are just as much to blame.

I didn't k*ll a girl and leave

an innocent man to rot in prison.

No no,

you just did what you always did.

And played the bloody coward!

Oh, I don't even know where he is!

Alan? He's in, he's in Glasgow.

- You're in contact with him?

- Er, no.

Cassie keeps in touch. To be honest,

he doesn't want to talk to me.

I want to see him.

Make him come and see me, Duncan.

I don't know if I can.

I need to

see my son again, before I die.

OK. Thanks.

According to Carrie, Muir's

sister's name is Angela.

Before moving to Golspie, she lived

in Shetland with her partner,

and son.

Partner was Logan Creggan.

Creggan is Muir's brother-in-law?

And Muir is Fraser's uncle.

So Logan Creggan kills Galbraith.

- Eamon Gauldie sees or films it.

- Either way, he's a witness.

Creggan has to take care of him.

Creggan phones Muir to arrange an

accident and keep it in the family.

The timing would be tight.

Could be done, though.

OK. Hold on a moment here.

Yesterday, you were talking about

drug gangs and organised crime.

Now, you're saying it's an

ex-squaddie and his brother-in-law.

No, yesterday we were

looking for a connection

between the killings of Galbraith

and Gauldie.

How could the person who shot Galbraith

get to Gauldie on a dive boat?

This here is, is that connection.

They're related to each other. So what?

It doesn't mean there's

a conspiracy. You need more proof.

Is your Dad around?

- Need to talk to you, Logan.

- So, talk.

You want to tell me what this is about?

Mick Muir.

What about him?

- When did you last speak to him?

- Dunno. Six months ago, maybe.

Are you sure you haven't been

in contact with him more recently?

Muir's phone records show that he

phoned this house twice,

the night that Eamon Gauldie died.

Who the hell is Eamon Gauldie?

He's a diver who

died on your brother-in-law's watch.

Same guy who was flying a camera

drone near Galbraith's house,

when HE was shot.

Well, this is all fascinating stuff -

what's it got to do with me?

If Eamon Gauldie was a witness to

Galbraith's m*rder,

then that would make him a problem.

The m*rder*r would have to

get rid of him.

Except, Eamon Gauldie's at sea.

So there's no way of getting to him.

Unless he knows somebody on that ship.

Now, do you see where I'm going

with this?


You lot are really drowning, eh

I don't know who this Gauldie is but

if I did want somebody to k*ll him,

I sure as shit wouldn't ask

Mick Muir. The man's an idiot.

Why did Alex Galbraith refuse

to represent you in the IHAT case?

- I told you. I don't know.

- Maybe he, he thought you were guilty.

Well, it doesn't matter what he thought.

He still had a duty to defend me.

Maybe there were some cases that

even Alex Galbraith couldn't stomach.

Maybe the thought of those poor

prisoners that you

and your pals beat the shit

out of, repulsed him.

I think you'd better leave, now.



Call the SPA again.

I wannae find out more about this

prisoner who died.

I spoke to my contact at the SPA.

The prisoner Creggan was

accused of k*lling wasn't a soldier.

It was a civilian. A teenage boy.

Apparently, Creggan's unit captured

him and took him into the hills.

And they beat him to death.

I've been looking for you. Now

where is your friend?

I don't know what you mean.

Hurry up. Get f*cking in.