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01x06 - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Posted: 11/07/23 17:24
by bunniefuu
Emma, we have a connection.

I don't think you have that with Devon.

[DEVON]: Is that room service?

Chopper, this is my fiance, Devon.

The oncologist office

in Winnipeg called.

They said you missed your appointment?

I've been trying to make

this pie my whole life.

It's never gonna taste like

how my mom made it.

You're Jolene's son.

You look just like her.

Sorry, I guess I have a familiar face.

My dad was Jamaican.

My mom was from Deep Lake.

That's all I know about

my birth parents.

Look, I think it's best if we just

keep things professional between us.



Get out of the way! Move, move, move!


Everybody okay?

[GIRL]: Help! I need help!

My brother needs a doctor!

We don't know who

she is or where she came from.

The only thing she'll tell us is

that her brother needs a doctor.

Hi, I'm Crystal. This is Hayley.

We're here to help.

Can you tell me your name?


Do you like hot chocolate, Ava?

I keep an emergency stash

in my flight bag.

And I see a kettle over there.


We heard you're worried about

your brother. Is he sick?

- Is your mom or dad with him?

- My mom's out hunting.

I just want Dustin to be okay.

Is Dustin your brother?

- He's at home.

- Do you know your address?

We don't have one.


Do you two live alone?

Yeah, ever since my dad died.


Hi, Dustin. We're here to help.

Can you tell me where it hurts?

My leg. I cut it a couple days ago.

He's been vomiting, I'll start

an IV for dehydration.

Please, it hurts so much.

HR's high.

This is too small to cause so much pain.


He's got crepitus.

Gas bubbles under the skin.

It indicates necrotizing fasciitis.

We need to get him to a hospital.

Hey! Hey, who the hell are

you?! Get away from my son!

We're nurses, we're here to help.

How did you get here?

I'm sorry, Mom.

Ava did the right thing.

Dustin is very sick.

Oh, it's okay, honey.

I know you were scared,

but I'm home now.

You can go. I'll take it from here.

No, I don't think you

understand, he needs a hospital.

He'll be just fine with me.

Can't you see how sick he is?

This isn't a normal infection.

This is flesh-eating disease.

I-I can take care of him here.

No, you can't.

Do you know what the mortality

rate is for this?

It's almost 50 %. So best case scenario,

we get him to a hospital

and he only loses his leg.



Tapwe Na?

You need antibiotics and surgery.

But if you're over 16, you don't

need her permission to come with us.

No, no, Dustin, don't.

It's your call, Dustin.

I'll I'll go with you.

- Okay, Dustin, let's go.

- Wait. I-I'm coming too.


Are you okay?


My husband, Danny. He

A hospital down south gave him

antibiotics for pneumonia,

but his throat closed, and he

He had an anaphylactic reaction?

No one would tell me anything.

When it was happening, no one

would answer my questions.

I'm sorry. That shouldn't have happened.

Listen, I duty out after this call.

I was going to stay for a bit,

maybe catch up on some paperwork.

If you want the company


Is it almost time for another

hot chocolate?

It was like this when my dad was sick.

Do you know why I keep this in my bag?

It's because my mom always said that

there's nothing that it can't fix.

She was a nurse too.

Just because something bad has

happened before,

doesn't mean it's gonna happen

again, okay?


The surgeons managed to debride

a lot of dead tissue.

Dustin will need a prolonged

course of antibiotics,

but it's looking good.

His leg?

He's going to need a lot of rehab,

but we got him in time.


You can go see him in Recovery.

Thank you.


You dutied out, huh?

She had a bad experience.

She's skittish about hospitals,

so I thought it would help.

You know, there's a real gooey

centre under that hard shell,

Crystal Highway.

And you just helped me knock

"Doomsday Prepper" off my Patient Bingo.


Take you for a crummy midnight snack

at the cafeteria to celebrate?



What do you call a snack this

far after midnight?

Breakfast at your place.

Yes, ma'am.


Ah, dibs on the shower.

What smells amazing?!

Reach again, you lose the hand.

C'mon man, just one before I go on duty?

Are those raspberry pancakes?

Those are your favourite.

Really? It's Thompson,

so the raspberries are frozen.

[WHISPERING]: Did you know?

Hey, if he's happy, I'm happy.

But if anyone were to make him unhappy,

they'd answer to "Ronda" and "Rousey".

Okay, message received.

Hey! Don't think I didn't

see that, flyboy!


- I'm sorry.

- It's cool.

Oh, you work out!


Lexi! Surprise!

[CHUCKLING] I'm on a reading week.

Not that I'm not excited to see you,

and I want to hear all about school,

and this fabulousness,

but I was up all night, and I'm pretty

sure there's barf

on my flight suit, so

Go, it's cool.

I can make myself comfortable.

I'm Lexi's sister, Nichelle.

Hi, um, I'm sorry. I'm Chopper.

- Nice to meet you, Nichelle.

- You too, biceps.

Okay, not that comfortable,

Nichelle. Bye, Chopper!



Leaving the gym, Mads. Be home in five.

We're gonna have to soak the hides

after you get everything set up.

Make sure that jug is full of water, eh?

Hey. Bodie, right?

I knew your mom, Jolene.

Hey, we're making a drum.

You wanna join?




Babe! Can you believe all

this great stuff my mom got us?

Oh, it's just a couple of

essentials for the little tadpole.

Wow. Thanks, Mrs. Van Camp.

That's so generous.

Austen, you're about to be

family. You call me Missy.

I was just telling Mom my fun idea.

The next ultrasound is the big

one, we find out the baby's sex!


So, we'll get the

results in an envelope,

and a baker will make reveal cupcakes!

I'll bring them to the hangar,

and you can find out with

all your friends.

Now, sweet heart, I have one

more surprise for you here.


Austen, this is the blanket that

I was brought home in

and that Maddy was brought home in.

And now your baby will be too.

Thanks, Mom.

Are there any African or Cree


You just have so much culture

to share with your baby.

Uh, right. I have to think about that.

I have a schedevac, so, I I gotta go.

I'll make you some tea.

Babe, wait.

I told her you were adopted,

she must have forgot.


Uh, maybe your adopted parents

have some traditions?

Yeah, I don't know.

You still haven't said if they're

gonna be here for the birth, or

Yeah, I'll, um I'll ask them.




you finally made it in

for the pre-screening, Hayley.

[HAYLEY]: Yeah, I've been working a lot.




You're doing great, I just

need you to hold still.

Right, yeah, I'm sorry.

Sorry if, um

I've been around

I've been around MRIs before,

I've just never been in one.

A few more minutes, I'll come

in and inject the gadolinium.

That's the dye, so your

oncologist can see better.


Stop! I need to stop.


I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I can't.


Hey, Hayley.

This is what you were doing in Winnipeg?

Uh-huh, yeah. I, uh [CHUCKLING]

I always wanted a fancy coffee maker,

and flight nurses make bank,

so I figured why wait, you know?

Why not live it up now?

I-I know you drink tea,

but do you want a fancy cappuccino?

Are you good?

Yeah, I'm great.

Show it off if you got it, girl.

If you like the green dress, wear it.

It's your engagement party.

Whose engagement party?

Um, this is Sharon, a 45-year-old woman

with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Crystal knows this stuff already.

But this one's missing a pulse.

She's afraid to wear what she

wants to her own engagement party.

Engagement party?

Yeah. Me and Devon

are doing a joint event.

I fly home tomorrow.

Whoa, whoa, instead

of a bachelorette party?

Emma, you only live once.

You can't miss out on this stuff.



Can you get the IV swapped over?


You haven't told him?

About Chopper? About you and Chopper?

I'm waiting for the right time.

And you think your engagement

party is the right time?

I love Devon, okay?

We're meant to be together.

We're soulmates.

Emma, we just had a great idea.

I'm hosting you a bachelorette

party in Thompson, tonight!

I don't think that's a great idea.

I love it.


[CRYSTAL]: We need to keep this low-key.

No, low-key is the problem.

We're young, we have to start

having a lot more fun

while we can. Even you, Crystal.

Hey, would you rather have

a fun bachelorette party

- or a low-key one?

- Fun.

We went to the planetarium for mine.

It was great, but

I mean, when else do you get

to go all-out?

Who's having a bachelor party?

Emma. I'm throwing her one tonight.

I should start the pre-flights.



Why are you looking

at flights to New Orleans?

Don't classes start soon?

Lex, I'm taking the rest

of the year off.

But it's your last year of poli-sci.

I thought it was your dream

to apply to law school.

Being a lawyer isn't for me.

- How do you know that?

- Because the thought of

spending two more years in

school plus articling,

it makes me want to throw up!

Look, I'm just gonna take some time off.

You know, do some travelling,

and figure out

what I really want to do.

What did Mom and Dad say?

Oh! You're here because you want

me to tell them.

Well, you're the responsible one.

Are you kidding me, Shell?

If you say it's the right thing to do,

they're gonna believe you.

I don't think it's

the right thing to do!

You finally started getting back on

track. You want to throw that away?

It's not that big of a big deal, Lex.


You made a hashtag?


Ooh! A bachelorette?


- Yeah.

Okay, who's getting married?

- One of the other nurses.

- Okay.

If you guys aren't doing anything

tonight, you should totally come.

Uh, that's cool. We were just

gonna have a quiet night in.

We'd love to!


What do you think?

Wow, it's very

Emma and Devon forever.

Right, I, uh, I think

I left my pager in there.

Okay, do we think regular

straws or penis straws?

Hey! Hey, you!



- Suck it, corporate pig!


You know how hard it is to be

a street artist in Windy Lake?

Not a lot of streets.

You know, we have picked you

up three times in the last six months.

What, do you have some kind of

death wish or something?

I'm an artist. I need to paint.

How long until I can hold a can again?

You're flying to Winnipeg

for orthopedic surgery.

- Gonna be a while.

- I picked you up

when you broke three ribs

falling off the perimeter bridge,

and then again when you got

att*cked by that security dog.

When are you going to learn?

This hobby of yours doesn't love

you back, dude. Move on.

That's harsh, bro.

Yeah. Chopper's not so chipper today.

Have you considered canvas?

It's Emma's bachelorette tonight.

They're all at the crew house.

Madison's at her mom's tonight.

You wanna come over, play some

Call of Duty? Some bro time?

No, it's just, I need to get over this.

The best way to get over

someone is to get under someone.


The bride has arrived!


I'm gonna go get a mop ready.

[ALL]: Cheers!




Okay! Is everyone ready to play

the fiance quiz?!


Okay, I had Devon prerecord

some answers,

and for every answer you get

wrong, you have to drink, okay?

- Okay!

- Question number one,

where did you meet?

11th grade bio.

He had Robert Pattinson hair

and wanted to be a doctor.

Grade 11 bio. She liked my hair.

- Hey, yes!

- Yes!

Okay, what is Devon's favourite movie?

- Wall-E.

- Wall-E!

- Aww!

- Pizza order?

- A slice of meat lovers

- And a Sprite.

- Celebrity crush.

- Uh, Ariana Grande.

Yes! Okay, Devon's turn.

Dear Emma, who is your favourite

musical artist?

- Mmm, The Paper Machetes.

- Mm-hmm.

I'm obsessed.

Oh, The Weeknd!

And guess who has tickets

to see him when you get home?

Um, I only started listening

to The Machetes

when I came up here.

Devon wouldn't know that.

[HAYLEY]: Favourite movie?

- La La Land.

- Crazy, Stupid, Love.


Favourite colour?

- Pink.

- Green.

- Favourite meal.

- Oh, mushroom risotto.

- Sports team?

- The Blue Jays.

- What?

- Mm-mm!

- Biggest fear.

- Snakes.

Okay, um more sh*ts.

More sh*ts? Yeah, more sh*ts!

- Yeah, yeah, yeah!

- More sh*ts.

Emma, come on. What are you doing here?

Please, Crys. I just need not

to think tonight, okay?

Okay. If you're gonna get

wrecked, do it right.

Come on!

Here we go, here we go!

[ALL]: Cheers!

- Yeah!

- Woo!

Yeah, let's get it in!

We were at a bar once and

she lost her wallet.

So she talks to the manager and

says she's gonna dance off her tab.

So she gets on the bar,

Coyote Uglys it


and ends up making $200.

I was wearing clothes.

And this was years ago.



It's my song, let's go!

Woo! Oh!

Oh, excuse me.


Why would you tell them that?

I have to work with these women.


- Does it look like they care?

These women aren't trying to

make captain, Nichelle.

I am. Do you know what it takes

to go captain?

A perfect reputation.

I have to get all the pilots

and all of these nurses

that talk to them to say

I'm a solid bet.

All it takes, especially

for a woman of colour, is

is one bad rumour, okay?

One bad night out and I'm over.

You may not think

it's a big deal to drop out

and screw up your dreams,

but I'm not going to screw up mine.




Austen, what a nice surprise!

Hey, yeah, I wanted to tell

you something.

[SIGHS] Madison and I are having a baby.

Did the screen freeze, or?

No, we heard you.

Is this, uh

- a done deal?

- Jesus, Dad.

You have your whole life ahead of you.

A baby's a lot of responsibility.

I-I know. But this is my

child and I'm not

I'm not walking away from it.

What about Madison?

We got a place together.

Are you going to marry her?


Austen, committing to this child

also means committing to her,

for better or worse.

Well, you're home early.


Uh, bachelorettes aren't

really my scene.

I'll bet your evening

was way more exciting.


- Nah.

We did do a prisoner transport, though.

Wow. For real?

He'll probably be charged

with trespassing.

And, uh, vandalism.

You know what? I

I don't want to say

that I'm the hero, but uh

His street art was pretty terrible.


So what are your plans for

the rest of the evening, hero?

You flying solo?

Oh, we always fly two crew

on mede vac.



I don't do this much.

The one-time thing.

It's not a prerequisite.

Awesome. Awesome, 'cause I am

down with a no-strings night if you are.


Great. That's great.

Great that things are clear.

'Cause the last time I hooked

up, things weren't so clear

and it got messy,

and you know, she was in a thing,

and maybe there were expectations

that I didn't know that I was

Do you want to talk about it?

Uh, nope.

The thing is, she kissed me first.



Shh! You'll wake people up.

You're not as stealthy as you think.

And you should definitely

drink some water.

Maybe eat something before

you go to sleep.

Oh, my God, I'm so hungry.

Guys, we should make food.


- Pancakes!

- No, no, no! Eggs!

No, eggs and pancakes!

This is a "you" problem now.

[HAYLEY]: Ooh, pancake mix.

[LAUGHING] Spatula!

Hey, is everything okay out here?

I have to barf.

Seriously? You slept with my coworker?

No, nothing happened.

After I asked you not to,

after everything that I said?

Lexi, we were just talking.

Oh, wow. So you're gonna

believe him but not me.

You know what? I'm gonna go to a hotel

since you're so embarrassed

to have me here.

I'm sorry, it's just

What? I'm the screw-up?

Is that what you were gonna say?

Well, sorry to disappoint you,

Lexi, but we can't all be you!

What does that mean? [SCOFFS]

The overachiever.

The one following in Dad's footsteps.

The pilot our parents are so proud of.


- Oh, you've got to be joking!





No pulse, apnic.

She has a congenital heart condition.

- Starting CPR.

- She had an ICD put in five years ago,

something must be wrong.

Yeah, we need an ambulance

at 102 Pine Street.

- Starting oxygen.

- Placing pads.


Analyzing now. Shock advised.

Alright, everybody clear.



[LEXI]: What's happening, is she okay?

[TRISTAN]: No pulse.


Analyzing now. Shock advised.


- Clear!


Looks like a lead failure.

The EP lab will confirm her ICD


but she's gonna need to go to

Winnipeg for emergency surgery

to get it replaced.

Bodie, Chopper, and Tristan are here,

standing by to fly her to YWG.

- They came down?

- We take care of our own, Lexi.


I need to call Winnipeg first

to make sure

there's a cardiologist available

to receive her.


Hey, Trev.

What are her chances?

She needs a replacement device, fast.

My buddy is the best

cardiologist in Winnipeg.

He's on vacation at his cottage,

but I'll see what I can do.

You'd do that?


You're always taking care of

everyone else.

Why are you so surprised when

someone tries to take care of you?


How you holding up?

She hasn't been sick in such

a long time.

I forgot she could be so fragile.

She'll be okay, Lex.

I used to get so annoyed at her.

When we were kids,

whenever she got sick,

my parents would ship me off to cadets

so they wouldn't have

to deal with me at the hospital.

You were there more than

I was. And I was there a lot.

She got her whole childhood

with our parents.

The only quality time I ever got

was flying with my dad.

And now she's jealous because

our parents are proud of me?

You are lucky, Lex.

You had a big dream,

and your parents supported it.

Yours still giving you a hard time?


I still get letters from my dziadek

telling me I'm shaming the family.

I'll be proud of you for them, then.


Trevor got his buddy out of bed.

He's driving back to the city

now, he'll meet you in Winnipeg.




Is Nichelle okay?

She's having her ICD replaced.

Lexi's with her.

Alright. I'm on the clock in 30 minutes.

I gotta get some coffee in me.

k*ll me. k*ll me now.


You, my dear, need to rehydrate.


You should probably eat something, too.

Ugh, my stomach muscles still

hurt from last night's yak fest.

- Aspirin.

- Thank you.

- Green tea.

- Thanks.

I know you had doubts,

Crys, but she's pretty awesome.


- Shh. Don't tell her that.


Doesn't hurt to keep her working for it.

Are we gonna talk about how

you have the hots for Chopper?

Or that you really

don't want to marry Devon?

I do.

About Devon, I mean.


We've been together

since we were in high school.

That has to mean something, doesn't it?

I don't know. If I'd married

my high school sweetheart,

it'd be a disaster.

We had a plan.

He was going to be a doctor,

I was going to be a nurse.

We were going to have

two kids in Toronto.

[SIGHS] There was a plan.

It's okay to grow up, Em.

To grow out of things. And people.

Like an angel. You'd weep.

Best singing voice you ever heard.

Everyone in Windy Lake

assumed he'd go pro,

but he wanted to stay here and

look after the family business.

Well, you must be the angel.

Not yet, I hope.

I got three kids under five.

This is Carl, he's a 45-year-old

man with pharyngeal cancer.

He had surgery three weeks ago

to remove a cancerous tumour.

And recovery was progressing as normal,

until he started experiencing

a persistent pain

on the side of his throat.

So I'm sending him to an EN

to get it looked at.

Well, we will get you sorted out

and back to those kids in no time.

Don't rush too fast.


It aches something terrible.

[HAYLEY]: Around your sutures?

We're halfway to Thompson.

Let me take a look.




Get on the radio with Thompson

and tell them

there's a 45-year-old patient

with a carotid bleed,

he needs emergency blood

immediately and surgery.


Winnipeg Centre, this is SkyMed

911 Medevac requesting priority.

It's going to be okay, Carl.

Stay with me, alright?

Hey, I need another set of hands here.

I'm going back. You have control.

I have control.

Stay with me. You're gonna be okay.

What do you need?

Listen to me.

I can't take pressure off his

carotid or he'll bleed out in seconds.

But if I apply too much

pressure, he could have a stroke.

How long can you keep that up?

He's lost a lot of blood. I need you

I need you to keep his fluids up.

Me? I'm not a nurse.

Just do exactly what I say, okay?

Stay with me, Carl. You're okay,

we got you. Okay, put gloves on.

You see that bag of saline on the pump?

We need to get it in him. Okay,

let me know when you're ready.

Okay, take the bag off of the pump.

I'm gonna put a pressure bag on it.

It's in that drawer,

looks sort of like a BP cuff.



Okay, once it's on, make sure

the line's unclamped,

and start pumping, okay?

Stay with me. You're okay.

Okay, look at me, you're okay.

Okay, I got it.

Done. What's next?

Just keep refilling.

There's extra bags in my bag.

And we can clean the blood

off the patient.



You're gonna be okay.

I've got you. I've got you.




You pinch your cheek ♪

Bring back the colour ♪

Some winters ♪

Can make a world of difference ♪

But you belong here ♪

Wed to a time zone ♪

Of drafty hearts ♪

Of stoic arts and crafts ♪

You try to be brave ♪

[VOICES ECHOING]: I've got him.

Are you ready?

Leave the lights on

sometimes all night ♪

And carry on regardless ♪

So you won't get swallowed up

by the darkness ♪

Try to be brave ♪

Don't give the game away

You're a strong one, just carry on ♪

And no one needs to notice ♪

That there's only

silence holding this ♪


Shit, sorry.

I just wanted to make sure

you were okay.

You're not okay.

Did the patient?

He made it through surgery.


They're monitoring him,

but he's out of the woods.

It's just

it's just hard seeing

what cancer can do to a person.

My mom died of cancer.

I'm sorry.

I didn't know.

She grew orchids.

She was a great baker.

Terrible tennis player.

And she always smelled like lavender.

But even with all of that

I hate that the first thing that I think

of when I think of her is the cancer.


I have the BRCA1 gene.

And yesterday, I had a panic

attack in an MRI

because all I could think of

was, is this the moment?

Is this the moment that they find

a lump and I stop being Hayley

and become the girl with cancer?

To me, you'll always just be Hayley.

The girl that cannot two-step,

and forces everyone to eat

salad with shitty Thompson lettuce.

The girl who literally held

a man's life in her hands

in the back of a bumpy plane.

To me

you'll always be a hero.

M-Madison, I

Oh, my God.

I'm so sorry.

I can't believe you!

I gave you everything!

My love, my trust!


I don't know why it took me

so long to see.

You were never going to be able

to give me any of that back.

You don't know how, Bodie.


I knew you were in

a rush to get out of Thompson,

but getting a medevac out?

I could've hooked you up with

one of my flight passes, at least.


- Ow, ow.

You got a new ICD.

Your heart's ready to rock.


I think I'll go easier

at the next bachelorette.


I'm sorry I was so hard on you.

I put a lot of pressure on myself.

Sometimes, it gets the best of me.

Get in here, Cadet Martine.



I'm sorry I asked you to do my

dirty work with Mom and Dad.

But that's not why I came here.

I just

I just missed you.

'Cause you had a dream.

You just knew.

And there you are, well,

you're living it.

And I couldn't be more proud.


I'm proud of you too, Shell.

No matter where you go or what you do.

I'm so proud of you.


Thanks, girl.

Don't come back to the

hospital, though. Don't do that.

I might send you there first. [LAUGHING]


Just one second.



[DEVON]: You've reached Devon.

Please leave a message.


Hey, I'm

I'm not coming home.

I'm so sorry, Devon,

but I can't marry you.

You deserve a perfect person.

And that's just not me anymore.


Any answers at the bottom?

I heard about the carotid bleed.

And Bodie.

Yeah, you must think I'm the

world's biggest assh*le, huh?

I get why you came up here now.

Why you've been so intense lately.

I wasn't sure at first, but

You're running from something.

Whatever it is, Hayley,

you're going to keep hurting

people until you deal with it.

Including yourself.

My kookum was a prominent elder.

It was a lot of pressure.


I was afraid.

So I ran from it.

Started partying,

getting into trouble with Jeremy.

And then I got pregnant.

I was barely 17.

But I I knew things had to change.


I had to walk away from Jeremy.

He was never going to be the

man I needed to have the baby with.

But in the end, it didn't matter,

because eight weeks in,

I had a miscarriage.

I'm sorry.

I made peace with it a long time ago.

It was the push I needed

to stop running.

I don't think I can run anymore.

So what are you going to do?

I think I need to get an MRI.





Really good work. Pack it up.



What can you tell me about

my mom, Jolene?