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01x03 - The Kids Are Alright

Posted: 11/07/23 17:22
by bunniefuu
The community might be

drying out, but this stuff's

coming up, whether you like it or not.

If having a whisky pipeline

gives me the tools

to bring up the stuff we actually need,

well fine with me.

When do we lose you to Air Canada?

Not for a few months, sir.

Mr. Golden Boy didn't get the job.

So I guess it wasn't safe to hook

up with a co-worker after all, huh?

I think we work together pretty good.

You're out dancing with some random

while I'm freaking out,

knocked up with your baby!

The Aviation Authority,

they're sending a team up next week

to interview me about the crash.

They're mighty determined

to find out what happened.

We've been walking for 40 minutes now.

Just a little further

You said that half an hour ago!

You dragged me all the way

through the woods for this?

Once we take down a few trees,

you'll get a view of the lake.

What is this? A mid-life crisis?

Are you trying to have another

heart attack?

If you wanted a cottage,

just buy a place in Gimli.

Jesus Christ. Do you have

any idea what you're doing?!

Ah! There's no signal!

How much further?

You're the one who wanted

a cabin all the way

- My leg!

- My ankle!

You've lost a lot of blood,

but you missed the femoral artery.

We'll need to splint this ankle.

- This is all his fault.

- Generators.

Just like your mother, holding a grudge.

- On, and checked.

- Were we supposed to be

cool with you just leaving

when I was 10?

I know I screwed up.

But I've been trying

- to make up for it.

- Patients onboard?

Right, since your heart attack

made you scared you'd die alone.

- Check.

- How long are you going

- to make me pay for this?!

- Enough!

I've got two sh*ts of tramadol,

and neither of you is getting

one unless you shut up

so the pilots can hear themselves think!

You, stay away from power tools.

And you. Give people a chance to change.

Got it?

Know any cottages for sale in Gimli?

Oh no, my practicum!

Can you take it from here?

I'm already late.

Whoa. Um, sorry.

Burning the candle at both ends?

Wouldn't have it any other way.

Oh! Oh my god, Flipper!?

Wow. Tyra. No one calls me that anymore.

I haven't seen you since high school.

Man, I can't believe you're a nurse!


Uh, I'm just gonna take

a look here, okay?

The doctor will have to confirm,

but you're going to need stitches.

And your nose is definitely broken.

Remember that time we went canoeing

and we got so drunk we passed out?

We floated for hours until

we hit a rock and tipped.

You're going to need surgery

to reset your nose,

but we have to wait for the swelling

to come down first, okay?

Ugh. So dumb

I fell off my front step

and did a face plant.

I don't party anymore, Crys.

I was going to a job interview,

and I went to reach for the

railing, it just wasn't there.

Tyra Makokis?

This is Tyra. Facial laceration

and she'll need a nasal

fracture reduction.

You did a number.

Let's send her to Winnipeg

for the surgery

so Plastics can consult on the cut.

Can't mess around with

a face that pretty.

What did you say your name was?

Doctor Sung. I'll call for

a non-urgent medevac,

I think the next available slot

is tomorrow.

This woman's gonna put me out

of a job, Tyra.

Soon as she gets back from med school.

You're going to med school, Flip?!

No, no. I mean,

I haven't even applied yet.

I just haven't had time.

Wow! Who would've guessed, in grade 10.

You know why we call her Flipper?

You know, Dr. Sung has a lot

of other patients

- No, but I bet I want to.

- She used to be wild.

I mean, they called me

Trainwreck Tyra, but this girl?

Yep, that's the whole story.

One day, she was so pissed

at our teacher for giving her

shit for skipping class

that she went to his place

and flipped his outhouse.

While he was in it!

Uh, that's impressive. And terrifying.

Hey, are you still with Jeremy?

- No.

- Oh


Nice one, Flip.

I'll go get Tyra a bed for the night.

This is my job, Tyra.

Not a high school reunion.

What do you want?

Look, the other night when

I found out you were pregnant,

- I freaked out.

- Yeah, no shit.

I just

I wasn't ready to deal.

Some of us didn't have that choice.

I want to make it right, Mads.

I know I didn't get the AC job,

but I'm applying to West Jet.

I'll have a better check,

I can send you money.

You're gonna send me money?

While you what?

Just take off to Calgary?

- Mads!

- We were together

for more than a year.

That time we hiked to the waterfall

and we slept under the stars,

you said being with me was like home.

That means something, Bodie.

And now you're just gonna act

like it doesn't?

Things change.

Do they?

Or are you just afraid?

When you thought you got

that job in Toronto,

I think you broke up with me

because if I moved there with you,

it would make things real.

You can't handle real.

You just want to be free to fly.


Hey, you guys want tomatoes

on your sandwiches?

Does that even count as a tomato?

Hey, watch it, or you won't get lettuce.

Why do we need sandwiches now?

When you're working

on your night shift tonight,

you'll be glad you had a sandwich

and a nap when you could.

Oh, hey Chops.

- Hey.

- A mechanic in the 'peg

said you were looking for one of those?

Yes! I can finish my CB radio.

It's the internet of the north.

You could shave in those.

That why you got all those

nicks on your ugly mug?

Should've used pantyhose

on your final spit polish.

Oh god. Now there's two of him.

I look better in a flight suit, right?

It's a tie.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

When did that start happening?

I don't know what you're talking about.

He's cute. Does he know you

Still, no idea

what you're talking about.

Uh huh.

Whatever you say, cheekbones.

Nina is an 18-year-old girl,

had a seizure

watching a game at

the local baseball diamond.

Here's her patient history

and copy of her ID.

She'll need a CT, so we can

figure out what caused it.

- Nina Sharpe?

- That's me.

You don't have anyone

travelling with you today?

Parents are out of town and she's 18,

so she's good to go.

I know. The older I get,

the younger they seem to me too.

So, are you a big baseball fan?

Not really.

Just something to do.

Seizures can be scary.

It's normal to feel disoriented

or even a little emotional after.

Do you want to listen to the pilots?

Lexi's really good at pointing

out cool things to look at.

- Ready to brief the approach?

- Roll it.

We're doing the ILS approach

for runway zero-six

- in Thompson, page 11-1

- Aren't we going to Winnipeg?

There's a CT scanner in Thompson.

And since you're stable

No! No, no.

My chest hurts.

And the right side

of my body is numb.

I think I need to see

a specialist, in Winnipeg.

Based on what you're saying,

I think I know what's going on.

You're not Nina Sharpe.

Nina had a ganglion removed

two years ago.

And you don't have a scar.

Nina's my older sister.

I'm Erin.

And how old are you, Erin?

So what? You stole your older

sister's ID and faked a seizure

to go on a joy-ride alone to Winnipeg?

Call Dispatch. False alarm.

Dispatch, this is 922.

Patient is a false alarm,

approval to re-route back to Windy Lake?

922, if you're not

carrying on to Thompson,

there's a patient requiring

immediate evac

for acute abdominal pain

at Prospect River.

Sounds like appendicitis. Are you able?

Affirmative Dispatch, re-routing now.

Alright. Let's go.

You're a passenger now.

Is she going to be okay?

She will be if we get her

in an OR before she perfs.

But given the detour we took

on the way here,

it'll be touch and go.

Rachel, I'm gonna give you

something for the pain, okay?

We'll be in Winnipeg soon.

I wasn't just faking for fun.

My best friend is dying.


She has leukemia.

And she's in Winnipeg getting chemo.

She's been there for months.

And our parents won't tell us anything,

because they don't think

we can handle it,

but I know that if I don't get

to see Sabrina now,

I might never see her again.

I'm sorry.

I didn't realize.

That's from before.

She had such pretty hair

If I take you back home,

you're just going to find another way

to see her, aren't you?

She'd do it for me.

I duty out after this.

And we'll already be in Winnipeg.

I can take you to go see Sabrina.

If you promise to call

your parents on the way.

Yeah. Yes.

He bought a plane ticket

just to get through security

to tell me that he loved me.

That's when I knew he was the one.

That's so romantic, Bride007.

Jeff would never do that.

Oh yeah, Devon's all about

the big gestures.

Well, I mean, that was

before med school.

Now he's all about studying

and forgetting to eat.

We haven't even been able to get

on the phone together

so he doesn't even know about

the location that I chose.

That cute little barn in Pickering?

It's right out of a magazine!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

A barn? What is this, 2009?

If you're getting married in Toronto,

Bride007, do it right.

The rooftop at the Broadview,

or the Brickworks

I didn't mean to eavesdrop,

but I have sisters.

Who is this?

Um, Orion24.

Well, Orion.

Since you're a guy and

my future hubby's currently

elbows deep in cadaver lab,

what are your thoughts on tuxes?

Classy, or done?

Yeah. Definitely go with suits.

Three piece.

And none of that bowtie nonsense either.

That's work.

Find you later, Orion.

Thanks for coming, Emma.

Any nausea?

I haven't been able to eat all day.

Between that, and the chest pain

Feels like it's going right up

into my neck.

I tell you about Kara?

Just started freshman year at U of M.

- What's she studying again?

- Marketing.

Okay, okay. Just breathe. Nice and slow.

It's definitely cardiac.

I'll grab some nitroglycerine

from the truck, okay?

Nice wolfie

I just have to get to my truck.

They did not cover this

in nursing school.

Did you get the medication?

My chest hurts something awful.

There's a wolf out front.

I can't get to my truck, he won't leave.

I skinned a deer outside

this morning, he must smell it.

Okay, it's okay.

I'll just use my SAT phone

to call someone for help.

Shit! I must've left it

in my truck as well.

- Can I use yours?

- Disconnected.

I sent the phone money to Kara

to pay for her textbooks.

But I do have a neighbour

that lets me use hers.

I can't get to the neighbour,

I can't even get to my truck.

This is Bride007.

Is anyone there? I need help!

Hello? Anyone there?

This is Orion24, everything alright?

No! I need to get

to my truck but there's

- a freaking wolf outside.

- Well, he's probably

more scared of you than you are of him.

If you make a loud noise, or

There's food outside, he won't budge.

- How you holding up?

- I've been better, Emma.

I really need to get to my truck.

We just need a way to scare him off.

You need a bear bang!

- A what?

- Sorry, no, it's

Hikers carry them. To scare off bears.

What have you got to make a flare with?

I have a lip gloss, flashlight and keys.

I need you to take apart the flashlight,

find some aluminum foil

What have you got for cleaning supplies?

Under the sink.

Well, if you think of anything, in the

long run, it's for everyone's safety.

Oh! I'll come back another time.

I was just leaving. Austen Bodie, right?

You saved William's life.

Lauren Dumont,

with the Aviation Authority.

I'll be coming by the hangar

to speak with you and your crew.

Regulatory bullshit.

Trying to figure out

what happened in the crash.

But joke's on him,

because I can't remember

what happened right before

or after the accident.

Just one more surgery

and I'm good to go.

Hey, that better be for me.

Yes, sir. Nintendo Switch.

I figured, if you're going

to sit on your ass,

we might as well work

on your Mario Kart.

Should probably work

on my physio, but

How did things go with Madison?

Oh, Boderton. What did you do?

I told Madison I was leaving Thompson.

I said I'd send her money, but

- She says I'm afraid.

- Yeah, you are.

- So are most guys.

- Dude, we were broken up.

What, are we just supposed

to get back together

- because she's pregnant?

- There's a reason

that you guys dated for so long. Right?

There was something good between you.

And if there was ever a reason

to put the effort

- into a relationship

- I can't

I can't be someone's dad, Wheezer.

Well, that horse has already

left the stable, bud.

When Lynn got pregnant

Caleb, he's the best thing

that ever happened to me.

Could be good for you too, Bodie.

What if I blow my fingers off?

You can wear gloves to the wedding.

Hey, look, I built this CB radio

from scratch.

Trust me, okay? You're just causing

a small chemical reaction

that'll make a big noise.

Totally safe.

How do you know this stuff?

I had to study Reactions Engineering

when I did my degree.

This will absolutely work.

Orion, it worked! I got to my truck.

Great to hear it, Bride.

Hey, it's okay.

Why did you do this for me?

My mom died of cancer.

I was surprised you called.

Don't read anything into it.

We needed a lift home,

and I knew you were off tonight.

You can sit in the back there.

Look, Madison and I were

broken up. When you and I

we weren't together then.

And I didn't know about

the baby until after.

I thought you should know.


Look, when you and I first met,

I just really felt like

I could talk to you.

Like we clicked.

I think it's best if we just keep things

professional between us.

Got you a sandwich from

the diner next door.

- The food in here sucks.

- Leave it.

Wouldn't want to embarrass you

in front of your coworkers.

No one here knows about my past.

I'm not that person anymore, you know?

And you can't have "Trainwreck Tyra"

making you look bad.

I don't exactly need the help.

I flashed a doctor this morning.

Hottie doctor?

Was he into it?

Practically swallowed his own tongue.

I had a job interview today,

because I got fired from my last one.

I was working for an accountant,

and I guess I was over-tired,

because the numbers they just

got all mixed up in my head.

This kind of thing's been

happening a lot lately.

I worked so hard to turn

my life around, you know?

And it's just turning to crap again.

I mean, it could be worse.

You could be Mr. Davis

in a upside-down shithouse.

Give me that.

You should've seen that

wolf's furry little face.

Take that, White Fang!

Not bad for a first time engineer.

Are you kidding?

That's gonna be my new

party trick for everything.

Wedding pyrotechnics?

For a minute there

I kind of forgot about the wedding.

Is that a bad thing?

Maybe you needed a break

from thinking about it.

It's normal to wonder, right?

Like, what if I get this wrong?

I was married. Before I came up here.

Don't get married in a barn.

What went wrong?

Where are you right now?

On a dirt road

in the middle of nowhere. Why?

Are you somewhere

where you can stop the truck?

Um, I think I've had

my fill of nature for tonight.

What if that wolf's been

following me for revenge?

It'll only take a minute, I promise.

Now, look up.

Do you see the pleiades?

It's a seven star constellation,

in the shape of a pot with a handle

Yeah, I see them.

You want to know something crazy?

I want to be an astronaut.

- Isn't that every kid's dream?

- I'm talking about now.

I want to be up there someday.

Is that nuts?

I think I get it.

When I look up at them, I feel like

There are no mistakes.

So, no matter what you do, Bride007,

you'll be exactly where

you're supposed to be.

How's that sandwich and a nap

treating you now?

Wish I'd had two. Of each.

I got you.


You know who makes a great sandwich?


Oh yeah? What's your secret?


Whoa, slow down, Camille.

A fisherman caught what?

First, I thought it was

a really big bass.

And then I thought,

maybe some driftwood?

- Never seen anything like it.

- Is it really cold enough

in the lakes already

to cause hypothermia?

It's been below zero at night.

If he was down there long enough

It was raining. It's always raining.

We'll get some heat packs on him,

warm him up slowly

on the way to Thompson.

Wonder why he just didn't

come up, if he was cold.

What was he doing down there anyway?

Alice, can you hear me? You're close.

Looking for Alice, I guess.

Hypothermia can cause confusion.

Oh no. He's having a seizure.

Camille, draw some midazolam.

Does this happen with hypothermia?

No. Neither does pruritus

It's not hypothermia,

it's decompression sickness.

The bends?

It's uncommon in shallow water.

Unless he was diving repeatedly

- too close together.

- Can you help him?

The Air Force has a hyperbaric

chamber at Winnipeg Airport.

- Let's go

- Nowak.

He needs to maintain the exact

same atmospheric pressure,

or he'll get an embolism and die.

Holding steady at 16,000.

Keeping cabin pressure at sea level.

What Where am I?

What's happening?

Easy, easy. You need to lay back.

You have the bends.

I had to keep diving

before they could figure out

what I was up to.

- What were you up to?

- I work for the dam.

They're manipulating the water

flow beyond the guidelines.

Kills the fish.

The communities rely

on the lake for food.

I was trying to get proof

And you didn't take any breaks

between dives.

I had to stop them before

it was too late to reverse

Find what you needed?

- My bag My bag!

- Hey, easy, easy. Relax.

Relax, I got it, I got it.

Here you go.

I need to call my lawyer,

the authorities.

Let's get you stable, first. Alright?

Turning on the ice lights.

We're picking up ice.

Better blow the boots.

- No good, we got runback.

- Damn it.

Tristan. Give us a sec?

Fall nights, when the temperature drops,

it's perfect for picking up ice.

We need to get out of these conditions,

which means changing altitude.

We can either climb or descend.

Climbing's safer.

If we descend and the ice

keeps building,

we might not be unable

to regain altitude.

If the ice doesn't come off,

and we keep losing lift,

it could drive us into the ground.

If the cabin pressure drops, more

nitrogen can release

into Mark's tissues,

he could have an embolism and die.

Climbing is not an option.

Looks like we're going down.

Nothing to worry about.

The pilots have everything

under control.

I can barely maintain 6,000.

Set max continuous power.

Max continuous power set.

The ice isn't shedding.

- Our speed's dropping.

- Might have to firewall

the throttle, I can't maintain airspeed.

I'll radio Winnipeg,

let them know we're descending

another 2,000 feet. Maybe

that'll keep us from stalling.

We can't keep descending.

We need to either land,

or find a way to shed the ice. Fast.

- Thompson?

- We need something closer.

Bear River.

We'll do a low approach,

try and shed it.

If it works, we carry on to Winnipeg.

- If not, we have to land.

- If we land,

we'll have to de-ice manually.

Bear River's a ghost town,

we might be stuck there

for hours. The patient doesn't

have that long.

We either take the risk, or we crash.

- Gear?

- Down, three green.

- Brakes?

- Checked.

- Props?

- Full forward.

Come on, come on

Yes! I see it, it's coming off.

Airspeed's coming up, we can climb.

Next stop, Winnipeg.

Nice work, Nowak.

Hey Trainwreck,

still take your coffee

with four sugars, right?

What God damn time is this?

Shift worker time.

But I brought you

some real coffee from home.

Can you get the lights, Flip?

Weenuk, the lights are on!

- What?

- The lights are on.

What do you mean?

I can't see.

Oh God, Crystal, I can't see!

Trevor? Hey, Dr. Trevor!

Tyra Makokis came in with an injury

from falling off a step.

She said she reached

for the handrail, but couldn't catch it.

That's not normal for a 25-year-old.

She's been clumsy lately, lost her job,

struggling to keep track

of information

Weakness, cognitive changes,

vision loss.

I think Tyra has MS.

Not a lot of people would go

to MS in an Indigenous patient.

Let's order a lumbar puncture

to look for oligoclonal bands

and see if there's evidence

of lesions on that MRI.

Good instinct, Crystal.

Good would have been

if I'd clued in yesterday

and ordered an LP when she was

telling me all this stuff.

Hey. MS can take years

to be properly diagnosed.

If you caught it this early,

Tyra will be able to get

the treatment she needs.

That's a very good thing, Crystal.

Come on, baby, come to papa.

One shot of your fine ass is

going to pay for this whole trip.


Oh, my God!

- What do you got?

- Sera Makasis, 38.

We haven't moved her, she's been

in and out of consciousness.

She's our Kindergarten teacher,

a good woman.

Sera, can you hear me?

Unconscious. Head injury,

possible spinal injury

or internal bleeding,

depending what's happening

under this vehicle.

We need to get her out of here, now!

I need a board and a C-collar, now!

When I say pull, go. Got it?

Alright, on my count, lift the ATV.

Three, two, one.

Alright, let's strap her

and get out of here.

Hey! Guess who's got two eyes

and can see you look like shit?

This girl. My vision came back!

That's great, Ty.

So, when do I go to Winnipeg?

Think they'll throw in free

boobs with the nose job?

We might have to hold off on that.


What's wrong?

The doctor will be in soon to explain.

Don't hide behind that

bougie bullshit, Flip.

If there's something wrong

with me, you tell me.

We took a look at your

spinal fluid and brain imaging.

Between that and the symptoms

you told me about

We think you have

Multiple Sclerosis, Tyra.

You'll have to see

a specialist to confirm.

Hey, hey. I know that sounds scary.

But we caught it early.

And with the right treatment, most

of your symptoms can be managed.

I thought

that it was me.

I was Trainwreck Tyra for so long.

And I worked so hard to get past that.

But when all this bad stuff

started happening,

I was terrified I'd gone back

to being her again.

A trainwreck.

We'll send you home on a schedevac

until we get you in to see

a neurologist in Winnipeg

about the best treatment plan

for your MS.

We can do the nose

and the brain in one go.

Is it weird I'm

relieved and scared?

Be weirder if you weren't, chisk.

I'll pick you up myself to go

to Winnipeg.

Maybe we can both get new boobs.

I'm sorry, I don't understand.

Do you speak any English?

Let's see here

Hey, hey.

Can you point to it?


So that Jeremy guy Tyra mentioned,

he's not taking you out

to dinner tonight, is he?

Shuy. Jeremy's more like

the problem you pay

someone else to take out.

He's ancient history.

So I can take you to dinner then.

You know what? I have a better idea.

I'll take you to dinner.

But I expect you to put out.

With a good reference letter.

You're applying to med school?

What made you change your mind?

I didn't want to leave

my community again.

But I realized

I can do this for them.

- Hello?

- Hey, Dad.

Hayley, I've been trying

to get in touch with you.

The oncologist's office

in Winnipeg called.

They said you missed your appointment?

Um Yeah.

Do you remember Mom's apple pie?

What do you think she put

in it, was it nutmeg?

You can't keep putting this off, Hayley.

You have the BRCA1 gene.

Why can't we ever just talk

about her, Dad?

Why does it always have to be

about the cancer?

If your mom had known,

if she'd had access to the kind

of early intervention you do,

it would've made all the difference.

Gotta go, Dad. Call just came in.

- Smell ya later, Flipper.

- Tell your mom I said hi.

- I will!

- Crystal, 27-year-old woman,

rolled an ATV down into

a riverbank and was pinned.

Head injury, possible internal bleeding.

She keeps trying to tell me something,

but it's not the language guide.

Whatever it is, it's important.

She's asking for her son.

She wants someone to bring

him from home?

No, she says he was on the ATV with her.

You didn't know?

There was no else in the area,

we just assumed

Oh god. There's a kid out there alone?

This is Tyra, 25, recently

diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

She has a broken nose,

waiting for swelling to reduce

before taking her to Winnipeg

for a nasal fracture reduction

and appointment with a neurologist.

Oof. You've had a busy

couple days, huh Tyra?

Yeah. It was a real rager.

I heard you were busy too.

One of the other nurses said

you ran into a wolf last night?

Oh yeah. It was crazy, this wolf

just would not go away.

Wait. That was you?


It's an FOA. There's a missing

child at Black Tree.

We've got to go.


We're looking for a seven-

year-old boy, Ian Makasis.

He's been missing

for at least four hours.

We've mapped out a grid search

over an area of five square kilometers.

What happened?

There was an accident.

We medevac'd the mom, but

We didn't know.

There was no sign of a kid.

Fan out in pairs, but stay within sight

of the next closest pair.

We don't need anybody else getting lost.


Yeah, let's go.

It's been hours.

It'll be dark soon

That's one hell of a current.

Rain would've made it worse.

Medic! Someone fainted! Over here!

I'll check to make sure he's okay.

Ian? Ian!

Uh, do you speak English?

My mom's hurt.

I know. We took her to the hospital.

We didn't know you were lost out here.

- Are you hurt?

- I wasn't lost.

I was following the river,

like my mom said.

Is she okay?

Why don't I take you to her?


You look pretty glum for

someone eating an entire pie.

I've been trying to make

this pie my whole life.

But it's never going to taste

like how my mom made it.

I'm just missing her today.

Calls with kids are hard.

You pick up some homework?

Uh, Crystal hooked me up.

Trying to learn

some of the language so

no one else gets lost.

Hey, Trevor.

Kind of formal for a house call.

You going to court?

Here for our date.

I thought I was taking you out.

You can. Next time.

But if this is gonna be our first date,

you gotta let a guy bring his A game.

What about my A game plans?

How am I gonna top

I'm guessing funeral.

The nearest concert hall

is some 8-hour drive away, so

What's your Wi-Fi like?

Is that a tear?

Crystal Highway are you crying?

I was.

My people aren't ashamed to cry.

It's healthy, and beautiful.

Oh, for sure. I cry all the time.

I had actually had a little cry

on the way over.

Thinking about your poor

grade 10 teacher.

You know, I was going to pull the old

"Are you cold? Here's my jacket"

move, but uh

this is way better.

Is the jacket still an option?

You know, I was worried

you might think the symphony

was kind of pretentious.

But my grandpa used to take me

to matinees when I was a kid.

It's beautiful.

I'm glad you like it.

Company's okay too.

You've been blowing up

my phone all night.

- I'm here, what do you want?

- Come inside.

Please, it'll only take a few minutes.

This place just came up for rent.

You have to look past the paint,

I know you don't like grey walls. But

There's a good size kitchen.

I mean, imagine the meals

we could make in here.

If you don't like anything,

we can change it.

The bathroom floor has linoleum,

but a nice big tub, like you like.

The main bedroom's right next door,

and here

You were right.

I broke up with you because

I was scared.

And you aren't, now?

I'm terrified.

The only thing I've ever

known about my birth parents

is that they never wanted me.

And I never want my kid to feel that.

Not know who they are.

You were right, Mads.

We can do this.

So please

forgive me?

You're lucky we can change the paint.

We're going to be a family, Bodie.