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01x01 - Pilots And Nurses And Bears, Oh My!

Posted: 11/07/23 17:21
by bunniefuu




[MAN ON RADIO]: SkyMed 911,

this is Dispatch.

Got a hunter at a fly-in camp

with an airstrip.

Probably just needs

steri-strips. Are you able?

You got coordinates for the airstrip?

That's not a runway,

it's a g*dd*mn quarry.

Nice and crunchy, too.

Precautionary approach?

Got to. Runway condition?

Gravel looks firm.

Can't see any obstacles.

Hold onto your butts.

Come on. Dispatch said he had a camp.

Elroy, I'm your flight nurse,

Crystal. This is Chopper.

Can I have a look? [MAN GRUNTING]

Okay, that's gonna need a lot

more than steri-strips.

You've lost a lot of blood, Elroy.

I'm gonna start an IV and

put dressing over your wound,

but we need to get you to a hospital.



Damn it, Chopper, go fast but easy!

This shit ain't paved, Crys!


Tell Thompson we're coming in hot.





SYSTEM]: Attention,

passengers. The

16-15 bus to Windy Lake

making all stops is now

pre-boarding on Bay 1.

Excuse me?

You wouldn't happen to know

which direction the airport is,

would you?

Got five skids of produce here, two pop.

We can send it on the sched, or


Freighter it is. I'll get

a Caravan loaded. Bye.

Cargo or passenger?

Um SkyMed?

Someone was supposed to pick me

up from the bus depot.

Damn it, Brad must have forgot.

You're Hayley Roberts,

right? The new nurse?


Thompson's small. SkyMed's smaller.

I'm Lexi, by the way.

Some of your boxes came today.

The cargo guys in Winnipeg are animals.

If any of your stuff's broken,

just let me know.

I'll kick their asses.


Bodie! Last trip up, huh?

Fingers crossed, man.


- Guess who's back, baby?

Oh, yeah! [LAUGHING]

Mr. Air Canada!

How you doing, playboy?

You dicks.

- I don't even got the job yet.

- Good as.

- You are the golden boy.

- This is extra.


- Let's go!



So, what was the sit-down like?

Hey, did they ask about

breaking air regs?

No, the sit-down

was nothing. It's

the psych eval you

gotta worry about.

Did they ask you the su1c1de question?

Ten different ways over 300

multiple choice. But dude, get this

They asked if I'd rather

be a florist or a poet?

What does that mean?

God, I wish I would've taken

the psych course at UCN.

Hey, it's not

too late. You still

gotta take that Left

Seat when I leave.

I want your room, too.

The heating vent actually works.

It's yours.

Yeah, about that, Boderton.

I had to temporarily

commandeer your bed.

And what'd you do to piss

Lynn off this time?

I'm trying to give her a few days to

cool down before I go home to ask.

Uh, is this the SkyMed crew residence?

- Dibs.

- Okay, okay!

Why don't you studs

You guys go help her with her stuff.

- Hey.

- Yeah, I got her.

Alright, you guys, you heard

what Wheezer said.

Let's make her feel welcome.

Pilots Cool enough to

handle 15,000 pounds of aluminum

at 310 knots, and they

stove it in over a pretty girl.

[CHUCKLING] I'm Wheezer, by the way.

Hayley. Do they, um, all live here?

Yup, all the medevac crews,

nurses, pilots

When you're on duty,

you're on call 24/7,

so it's just more efficient

to keep everyone together.

Actually, it's really nice, really

cozy being on top of each other.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Uh, you

know, dust-ups, hook-ups,

break-ups, drunk-ups, throw ups

God, I miss this house.

Hey, why don't I give you the tour?

- Thanks.

- Come on in. This is the kitchen.

Gentlemen And the

laundry room's down here.

Welcome back, babe!


Mads, what are you doing here?

Celebrating! I've already been

looking online,

and I found so many great apartments

for when we move to Toronto.

God, I cannot wait

to live in a big city!

Madison [SIGHING]

We need to talk.



[DAD]: Hey, Hayley.

Did you make it up okay?

I thought your bus was supposed

to get in at three.

Yeah. Why, um Why is there

a referral in my stuff, Dad?

I asked your doctor.

If you insist on moving up there,

you're going to need a specialist.

No, I don't.

There's nothing wrong with me.

Hayley, you can't keep putting it off.

How long are you

going to be up there for?

Look, Dad, I gotta go.

I have an early day tomorrow.




[CHOPPER]: Thompson radio, this

is SkyMed 911 VFR to North House

taxiing off of runway 006.


So, this is just the airstrip.

The community's west of here.

So, a volunteer will drive you to

the Nursing Station for the patient.

- What, uh, Nation is this?

- Don't ask him,

he doesn't know shit about

anything up here. He's from Forest Hill.



Hey, somebody call an ambulance?

'Cause you got my blood

pumping in all the wrong places!

Oh! What's up, Crys? [LAUGHING]

Whoa, who's your friend?

- I'm Hayley.

- Ignore him. Get in.

Ah, don't worry about her.

Why yes, my name is Jeremy,

and yeah, I am a stunning specimen

of manliness. You'd know, eh, Crys?

Shuy! Shut up and drive.


- You are the best.

- This came out this morning.

The internet is super dodgy up here,

so I gotta Pin stuff old school.


This is Ernest, a 50-year-old

with type 2 diabetes

going to Island Lake for dialysis.

Vitals stable, latest

blood work within normal range.

Okay, ready to go.

Pulse oximeter, BP cuff All good.

Nurse Roberts says we're good to go.



Always strap the patient in.




[DISPATCH]: 911, this is Dispatch.

Dispatch, this is 911. Go ahead.

Now that you've

dropped off your patient,

you're being redeployed

to Carnegie Hydro Dam

for emergency pick up

and transport to Winnipeg.

Here we go. Time for the real deal.

The fans were shut down for maintenance.

They should never have come on.

Hi, I'm your flight nurse

Crystal, and this is Hayley.

We're from SkyMed.

We're gonna have a look, okay?

Can you tell me your name

and where we are?


- Steve.

We're at the we're at hydro dam.

The big risk here is not

knowing the extent of his injuries.

We could be dealing with internal

bleeding, head injuries, fractures,

but we won't know until we get

him to Winnipeg for imaging.

Multiple lacerations and contusions,

but none of them look too deep.

Laceration on the chest

appears superficial.

We want him stable as possible

before we get on the plane.

Once we're in the

air, doing anything,

even giving dr*gs

gets a lot harder.

Hey! So

Sounds like Bodie's

gonna be heading

to AC before

winter, lucky bastard.

Soon as he does,

you're looking at

number four in

line for a right seat.


That deserves a beer to celebrate.

When you gonna let me buy you one, huh?

When we don't work together.

Oh, come on, Lex!

Nine out of ten female pilots

don't make it to the cockpit up here.

Why not have a little fun?

'Cause I didn't bust my ass

through seven years of Air Cadets

and four years of a Commercial

Aviation degree

to not be that one out of ten, B-rad.



How you holding up, Steve? Okay?

You know I wasn't even

supposed to work today?

Picked up a shift.

It's my kid's birthday next week.

He wanted a bike.



His O2 sats are dropping.


Decreased lung sounds right side.

He's got a sucking chest wound.

He needs a chest tube or his

pneumo will tension and he'll arrest.

You didn't flag this

before we took off?!

I-I thought it was superficial.

Get him on oxygen, now!

We're still 45 minutes away

from Winnipeg, we

We don't have the proper

equipment, we're not qualified!

You're thinking hospital

protocols, okay? This is a medevac.

There's only us and what

we have on this plane.

We need to divert to Thompson.

Tell Dispatch to have an

ambulance meet us on the ground.

- [PILOT]: Copy that.

- This is the North.

We make do with what we have,

or people die.


35-year-old male, impact

with an industrial fan grill

at a high rate of speed.

Patient presented with

pneumothorax, mid-flight.

Resourceful as always, Crystal.

Bay 3, prep for a chest tube. I got it.

They'll give him a tube,

evaluate his injuries.

It's just our job

to get them here alive.

After that, he's their problem.


What did you work

before you came up here?

ER, ICU, Critical Care?


Labour and Delivery? Jesus Christ.

I-I worked at Sinai,

the most high-risk birthing

centre in the country.

That's the training

you came up here with?

You see how little we're working with,

and on top of that, we get

stuck with someone like you?

I'm a good nurse.

So am I. In a relevant field.

What the hell made you come up here?

You know what? This may just be

some fun adventure to you,

but this is our lives.

We take care of our own

because no one else will.

And if you can't handle that,

you shouldn't be here.


Ladies! You're just in time.

I got the barbecue all fired up

for a welcome dinner for Hayley.

Um I'm too tired to eat.

Thanks, though, Wheezer.


Just say it.

I flew you down to Winnipeg

when you went to Nursing School,

and you cried the whole way.

- New experiences are hard.

- You don't have to fly with her.

The North challenges people,

Crys. Makes them grow.

And it's not always

pleasant, but you gotta

give them the room

to do that growing.

Do you know how many

"Hayleys" I've had to train?

They come up here thinking

they'll have some fun

and make big bucks, and then they leave.

Because they can't hack it, okay?

The "Hayleys" never stay.

And this one won't either.

You wanna just throw yourself on my AK?

Always on your phone, bro.

Dude. Are you that sweaty for

an offer from a major airline?

They're not gonna send it out

after midnight, you butthead.

You did my Line Indoc, butthead.

You know how long it took me

to get this interview.


You really never wanted

to play in the big leagues?

No, man. Who the hell is

gonna hire a weirdo like me?

Anyone? [SCOFFING]

You're a damn good driver, Wheez.

You have over 10,000 hours.

I like it up here.

- Okay, nobody likes it up here.

- Oh, yes they do.

They do like it here if

they don't wanna mess

with that bullshit

corporate culture down south.

- "A poet or a florist?"

- I said florist.


Maybe I should've gone poet? Or

Greenhorns, you're so

worried about getting somewhere,

you never stop to think if

you're going where you should.

Like directly into my ambush, son!

- Shit!

- Boom! Headshot. Boom!




Okay, look, I'm not

stupid enough to wake you, okay?

Sure looks like you are.

I, uh I had

a little hunting accident.

I gotta do this fast

before anyone sees you here.

Come on, lady. My

six-pack's over here. Come on.


Ah. Ow, ow, awas! What are you doing?


Looks like your "hunting accident"

managed to miss anything important.


Still smells like you.

Sunshine, sweetgrass, and

Oh! Rage, okay! Whoa.

Oops. Guess that's why

I'm not supposed to suture

until I'm a certified NP.

You'll need to see a doctor for

antibiotics and a tetanus shot.

Yeah, no, I'm not gonna do that.

What did you do, hmm?

Steal some of that crap you sell

from the dogs you work for?

No. I

No, I told the wrong people "no".

Look, just because you and I

don't have the same lines,

doesn't mean I don't have them, alright?

I'm trying to help the

community, Crys. Same as you.


- No one needs your kind of help.

At least I'm here. You left. I stayed.

Yeah, and you bitched me out

about it for years.

North House is my home, too, you know?

- Is it?

- My family are here.

Uh sorry.

Hey. You ready to load, Chopper?

Yeah. Ready to go.

Hey, uh I like your braid.

It's really, uh neat.

[CHUCKLING] I meant neat like "tidy".

Not neat like "cool".

Nobody says neat for cool.

'Cause that's a lame thing to say.

Much like calling someone tidy.

Hey, Chops.

Fuel truck's coming.

Hey, Tristan.

Heads up, rookie.

Ready for the most important

training you'll ever get?

Eat when you can, pee when

you can, and sleep when you can.

Oh, and dibs on the stretcher.


I'm not getting on that effing plane!

Whoa, hey!

What's going on, Cherie?

This cranky-ass

môniyaskwew is trying to hijack

my pregnant butt,

that's what's going on!

You said you were just gonna

give me some prenatal vitamins.

You're going to have your

baby any day now, Cherie.

You need to go to Winnipeg,

you know that.

No. I did that with my last

kid, and it sucked.

Sitting alone in a nasty motel for

weeks waiting to go into labour?

I'm not doing it again. I want

to be here with my family.

Cherie, right? Do you remember me?

We sort of met at the bus station.

Anyways, I'm new here.

But I used to be a labour

and delivery nurse in Toronto,

and it looks like

you might be having some pain.

Do you want me to take a look

to make sure everything's okay?

I'm not going to that bullshit plane.

We can do it here.

Yeah, trust me,

I'm in no rush to

get back on that

bullshit plane either.

She's got to go, Tristan.

You know she's got to.

I'm not trying to be a bully,

this is just how it is.

- I know, Camille.

- There's no doctor,

there's no help for hours

if something goes wrong.

At 36 weeks, they have

to go to Winnipeg.

Hey. I know, I took her there

myself three weeks ago.

Yeah, well, somehow she came back.

It must be scary, to have your

baby in a new place all alone.

You really don't get a choice?

I'm having this baby here, on the land.

Even if I gotta squat

in a tree to do it.

Okay, I'll tell you what.

If you promise to go to

Thompson to get checked after

I'll help you have your baby here.

I need your obstetrics kit.

Now, we won't be able to give

you anything for the pain.

So is there any family

you want to have here?

You can't do that!

I can't deliver a baby here.

I can.

Camille's not wrong.

I mean, we are a long way away

from help if we need it.

We should fly her out

for her own safety.

There isn't any time. She's a multip,

and she's already

seven centimetres dilated.

So we can either deliver her

here, or at 20,000 feet,

but this baby's coming.

Baby's coming.


Heard you had a fun bear attack.

Brought him into

Dr. Denning right

after you left for

the night, Trevor.

Oof. Ouch.

And I thought we

had something special

going with that

chainsaw accident.

Doesn't a partial amputation

mean anything these days?

Girl's gotta keep her options open.

[CHUCKLING] Thought you might

need this to get you through practical.

Thanks, but, uh

I don't need any more caffeine.

My Kookum would kick my ass

if these stitches weren't straight.

Not bad. Better than you see

in some ERs.

I mean, maybe not my ER, but

Hey, you sure you want to be

a Nurse Practitioner?

No. That's why

I'm busting my ass

working full-time

while I do a masters?

Why not bust ass in med school?

Crystal, you're smart.

You've got a ton of field experience.

We both know you could do my job.

Maybe even as good as I do it.

Better looking, for damn sure.

Listen, my buddy works

for a program at U of M

that supports Indigenous

students in med school.

There are programs at McGill, U of T

You can leave Thompson, you know?

I leave Thompson all the time.

I leave to go to Shamattawa,

I leave to go to The Pas

Okay, alright.

You know, it's a big

world out there, Crystal.

And I think you'd set it on fire.



- Hey, uh, do you think

I should take Hayley to the dump

to see the bears?

Chicks love animals right?

You gotta chill, dude.

Okay. Bodie, she's pretty.

And smart, and, uh nice.

Come on, man, I need some A-game.

Chops, you are the A-game.

You're a catch.

So chill on the bears, okay?






That was perfect, Cherie.

Give me another good one just like

that on your next contraction, okay?

You got towels and suction ready?



Okay, the head's out.

I don't feel a cord. Let's get

those shoulders delivered.


Okay, I'm just going

to rotate baby, okay?

Alright, Mom. I want you to put

your hands under baby's armpits,

and on your next push, I want

you to pull baby up, okay?

Okay, here we go.



That hard part's over, Mama.

Tristan, at two minutes,

we'll clamp the cord to cut.

I need the placenta. I have to wrap it,

put it in a tree

to root the baby in the land.


Hope that's not coming

in here. It's full up.

Then make room.

Look, the sched didn't make it

up to North House yesterday

because of the weather.

We gotta double up.

There's two more skids in that hangar.

Dude, any more and I won't

be able to secure the straps.

- You don't need to use all the straps.

- I do for a load this bulky.

Look, these communities rely

on us to fly in vital supplies.

They can't get cut

off because you

don't know how to

pack a plane properly.

I can pack a plane. But I can't

violate Aviation Authority rules.

God. Don't be such a p*ssy.


All this goes in the plane or you go.

Got it?

[SCOFFING] Seriously?!



Yo, Hayley delivered a freaking baby!

You don't understand,

there was a woman

that didn't want to

get on the plane, right?

And she was like,

super dilated and stuff,

and Hayley was all,

"No big deal, I got this!"

And she delivers a baby

with her bare hands!


Didn't see any of it, but still,

it sounds super badass, right?

Oh, I saw it, and it was badass.

The patient's family even gave us gifts.

Yeah, they gave us moose meat.

Saving the day and bringing home

the bacon. Best flight nurse ever.

They won't all be pregnant.

What is your problem?

You don't know me. You

don't know why I came up here.

I know you have no business

being up here.

Maybe you got lucky

today, but the kind

of crap we deal

with on the regular?

- That takes a real nurse.

- Or maybe

Maybe you're pissed that

I can recognize a s*ab wound

and know that it has to be

reported to police.

Don't worry. I can keep a secret.

Guess we'll see, won't we?






Didn't think you

had enough kindling

in there for a

helmet fire, Grodie.

What happened? Did they stop

making headsets in child-size?

Bite me, No-sack.

Not my type, Chodie.


Let's go, Bodie. We got a call.


Don't need to borrow this after all.

You're not planning

on driving this winter?

Not planning on being here this winter.

Brad tried to force me

to overload a plane.

A little overload? Or

I walked out. Or he got angry

and fired me.

Depends who you ask.

So now I'm out of a job

and my spot on the ramp.

I'll have to leave Thompson,

go find some other crap town with

an airport in the middle of nowhere,

and start all over again.


All I've ever wanted

from the first time

I sat in the glider

in cadets was to fly.

And I just threw it away.

I know what you're going to say.

"That was real stupid, Lexi. You

should've just kept your mouth shut

and gone along with it, Lexi."


I'm not going to say that.

Can you hear me now?

What about now?

A week? I thought you were gonna

be here to help me study Immunology.

I know, but this is k*ller

overtime, babe.

And I want a big wedding.


- I miss you.




- Shit.

There's an accident at the airstrip.


What's this code?

Flight Operations Alert Emergency.

One of the fleet's gone down.

[DISPATCH]: 911, this is Dispatch.

You are diverting for an

emergency call in North House.


The pilot, he's pinned.

The cargo slid forward,

I couldn't get to him.

Go to the station, man the radio.

Keep Dispatch in the loop and

tell Winnipeg to be ready for us.

Wheezer?! I'm coming for you, buddy!

Wheezer? Wheezer!

Crissy? Crissy.

Hey. Hey, it's me, buddy. I'm here.

I can't move.

Yeah, you crashed your plane, Wheez.

You got a couple hundred kilos of

beans and condensed milk up your ass.

I can't feel my legs.

- Bodie's gonna get you out.

- No, no, no, no.

It's not safe. The master's still on.

[PANTING] I can't move to turn it off.

Bodes? Bodes!

There's a ruptured t*nk and

all the electrics are still running.

Okay, look, we don't know what's

in the cargo, how flammable it is.

Let's get him out fast!


How many inside?

Just the pilot.

[LEXI OVER RADIO]: 922, go to g*ns.

Go ahead.

Came back in as soon as I heard.

How bad is it? Is Wheezer okay?

Depends if we can get him out

before the fuel catches.

What happened?

Looks like the 200 was

overloaded. Cargo wasn't secure.

Wheezer must not have known,

came in fast and long.

When he hit the brakes,

the straps snapped.

It all slid forward and pinned him.

I gotta go. We're all-in.

The police are on their way, and

Winnipeg's sending ground support.

That'll take too long! Move, move, move!

My legs are cold. Can't feel them.

Stay awake with me, okay?


The line's primed.


Tell me about this fight

you had with Lynn.

Must've been bad if you did

all this just to get out of it.


I was such a stupid kid

when I moved up here.

I never thought I'd find someone,

a woman like her, you know?

I'm so I'm so lucky.


I've just put her through

so much, you know?

She's so, so

Patient? A saint?

The North makes you grow, Crissy.

Makes you grow up.

This land

raised me, Crissy.



We're out of time! Get him out, now!



- Let's move!

- Move back! Move back!

Move, please!


Ah, I can get him.

He couldn't feel his legs, Tristan.

Stay with us, buddy. We got you, Wheez.

Easy does it, now.

Easy There we go.

We're gonna get you out of here.


We're coming out!

I'll get the backboard.

Set it down over there.

Okay, keep his neck

as stable as possible.

I got you, I got you.

We gotta go fast. The whole

thing could blow at any minute.


I got his head.

Alright, let's get him ready to go.

Okay, on my count.

One, two, three.

Son of a bitch.



Winnipeg Centre, this is

SkyMed 911 medevac

requesting priority.


I'm taking the crew van.


Wait, Bodes! I gotta put the

plane to bed, I'll come with




Is Wheezer okay?

They're sending him to surgery. It'll

be a couple hours before we know.

Crystal's calling his wife.

You know,

I came up to Thompson with 250 hours,

a commercial license,

and not a damn clue.

My first few weeks on that ramp,

I thought about getting back

in my car and going home.

Why didn't you?

I met Wheezer.

He's the best pilot I know,

the best guy, and if


If he can't walk

I can't imagine never flying again.

It'd feel like

Like a part of me had died.

Wheezer will find a way.

I'm not making light of this. This

This is big.

The thing that's

gonna k*ll you could

already be inside

of you right now.

And you don't even know. You just

keep going.

That's what we have to do.

We have to live as much life as we can.

While we can.




- Captain Pierce.

- Martine.

- Sir, I

- 0800 tomorrow. My office.




Wheezer's out of surgery.

His back's broken, but

He can wiggle his toes.


- Woo!

- He's gonna be okay.


Hey, I love Wheezer too. But I mean

It looks like pilot error to me.

Not if he didn't know

the plane was overloaded.

I mean, do we know that for sure?

Northern Police is looking into it.

Aviation Authority will be, too.



Chopper, look.

I screwed up, Chops.

Okay? After Wheezer, I was messed up,

You knew I liked her.

You could get any girl

that you want, Bodes, but

why'd you have to go after her?

I got a PFO letter.

- I didn't get the job.

- Wait, what?

But how? I mean, you're You're Bodie.

Who knows?

Maybe I screwed up the cognitive test.

Maybe I flunked the psych eval.

Maybe they didn't like my tie.

Maybe they

Maybe they didn't like me.

Come on, Bode, everyone loves you.

Yeah, here. [SCOFFING]

In Thompson.



Why didn't you tell me?

I didn't want anyone to know.

Not until I figure something else out.

You'll keep this to yourself, yeah?

Of course, man. I got you.



I guess Guess you won't be

getting my room anymore, huh?

Let's go back to the party, Bodes.

Come on. We'll get you a drink.

Thank you. For taking care of Wheezer.

We take care of our own, right?


Bringing me breakfast isn't

going to work this time, Mads.

We're not getting back together.

I've taken five of these

in the last two days.

I'm done being the only one

who's scared shitless.

You're early, Martine.

Captain Pierce. About the

cargo on the plane

Do you know William well?

Everyone loves Wheezer.

Sir, I'd like the opportunity

to explain

We're putting his wife up at an

Airbnb in Winnipeg for his recovery.

No matter how rigorous maintenance is,

equipment malfunctions happen.

Equipment? The straps?

Brad and his team flew up

to look at the crash.

It's been a problem before

with this manufacturer.

Now, with Wheezer out of commission,

we have to shift pilots around,

which means there's an opening

in the right seat on a medevac.

Congratulations, First Officer Martine.

But there's still three guys

on the ramp ahead of me.

Well, sometimes we pull

strong candidates up.

Brad called me

personally to put you

forward as the

next to go flightline.

You've got a big fan over there.

Look, we're a small company, Lexi.

It's times like this

we need to stick together.