03x09 - YOLO

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Scandal". Aired: April 2012 to April 2018.*
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A White House Communications Director leaves to start her own crisis management firm only to discover she has not left the past behind.
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03x09 - YOLO

Post by bunniefuu »

Normally, I'd start with the drill or a scalpel...

Peeling off the skin can be beautiful... or removing fingers, toes.

I like the feeling of a toe being separated from a foot.

But with you, because we're friends, because we're family, I won't do any of that.

Consider it the friends and family discount.

I'm disappointed in you, Quinn.

You've been a bad girl.

And I need to know exactly what you've been up to.

But, before we start, (whispers) I just wanna say...

I'm sorry.

(Normal voice) I'm so sorry because I'm gonna enjoy this.

I'm gonna love it and I don't want to, but...

(Muffled crying) You're so fresh, so new, y-y... soft, and I've never done this with someone in the family, someone I love, and that's...

(Continues crying)

I'm sorry. I just need to...


I won't k*ll you.

(Voice breaks) I promise!

I'm gonna start with your teeth.

(Muffled) Mnh-mnh.

It's, uh, very effective, the pain of having your teeth ripped from your gums one by one with a pair of pliers.

It's, well, it's... it's special.

Mnh-mnh! Mnh-mnh

(crying) Oh, Huck, Huck, Huck, please, don't, don't.

Please, don't.

I didn't do anything. I didn't.

I'll be good!

I'll be good, I'll be good, I'll be good, I'll be... aah!

Aah. (Panting)

Shh. Shh. Shh.

Don't try to talk. Not now, okay?

We're gonna rip a little, and then we're gonna talk.

That's how it works.

Rip a little, talk a little.

Unh-unh. Unh-unh.

You can scream now if you want.

Screaming's okay with me.

(Cell phone ringing)





(Ring) Hello?

(Whispering) She's alive.


My mother.

She's not dead.

She's alive and she's here.

She's here in my apartment, and I don't... - Olivia...

She's alive and she's here. What do I do?

She's not dead. How do I... - Olivia!

Stop talking right now.

Hang up your cell phone and take out the battery.

Get your mother and get out of your apartment as fast as you can.

Go to the safe house and wait for me there, okay?

Right now, just hang up the phone and go.


Just hang up the phone and go!


If she's alive, command is coming for her.

Hang up the phone and go!


(Whispers) I need to run.

(Tarp rustles) So...

It looks like you're gonna need to wait here for me for a while.

Can you do that?


Oh, it's a shame, because I was really looking forward to getting started.

But Liv needs me.

(Breathing heavily)

(Sighs) You know what?

What the hell?

I think we have time for at least one. - Unh-unh.

(Whispers) Let's live a little.

What's that stupid thing the kids are saying?


Y.O.L.O., Quinn.


(Projector and camera shutter clicking)

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)

Sign these, you're on the ballot in every state. Presto.

Sign these, and you resign the vice presidency.

I will define you as a Maverick before the white house can utter the word "traitor."

In two weeks, you will be the Phoenix rising from the ashes of the Grant presidency.

Hold on.

There's something I need from you first...

Your pledge of allegiance.

To the flag?

To me.

Christian conservatives got you on the ballot, they will get you a podium on the debate stage, and then, you will abandon them.

(Laughs) What? I could never...

You will swing to the center.

You will have a change of heart.

You will become pro-choice or... you won't win.

That is not...

Then I'm afraid I cannot make you the first female President of the United States of America.

I can shift other stances... gay rights, education...

There's no point to any of this unless you become pro-choice.

You cannot win women.

And so you will lose, lose, lose, unless you drop your allegiance to Jesus, and pledge it to politics.

Otherwise, there's zero point. Zero.

Do you have any idea what you are asking me to do?

I am asking you to abandon your beliefs for the greater good.

You are asking me to choose my career over the lives of innocent... actually, it only sounds like I'm asking 'cause I'm pretending like you have a choice.

You cannot win unless you abandon your beliefs.

Oh! So it's a simple yes or no.

Can you do it?


I can do that.

Loud and proud, I need to hear it.

What is your stance on abortion?

I'm... I'm...

No hesitation! Full allegiance.

Listen to me, damn it. - Politics over God. What is your stance?

I'm pro-choice. I...

And why did you change?

After consulting my pastor...


After searching my conscience, I decided... I now believe that these decisions should be between a woman and her doctor, that I have no right to stand in the way of that... choice...of that relationship.

Better! It's good, even.

Exciting times, President Langston.

Exciting times.

(Door closes)

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)


You're not going to sleep?

I can't sleep right now.

Why not, honey?

Daniel Douglas.

You mean your article?

I'm still wired from the interview.

That Daniel Douglas...
(Scoffs) got him to go deep.


(Typing stops) Is there something you wanna ask me?

Is there something you wanna tell me?

Don't stay up too late, okay?

I won't.

(Typing resumes)

(Michael Jackson's "Ben" playing)

♪ Ben, the two of us

♪ need look no more

(paper rustles)

(Maya) Livvie!

♪ We both found what we were... ♪


Hey, I'm leaving.

I'll call you and daddy from Heathrow when I land, okay?

It's only for a couple of days.

Just until my boss gets settled.

(Shoe thuds) And...

I left casseroles in the freezer.

♪ In me

♪ you've got a friend...

I love you, Olivia.

That woman's Liv's mother?

(Jake) Yes.

That woman's Liv's mother who died in a plane crash? - Yes.

(Whispers) Liv's mother who's been dead for 22 years?

Stop it. You're not helping.

Helping? Helping?

Help... right.

Okay, we're done. We've had it.

Ever since you two went spy-bro on us, you've been keeping us out of the loop, and we're sick of it.

You can't show up with dead mama Pope, and expect us to fall in line.

What the hell's going on? What did you two do?

It's not us. We didn't do this.

We don't know any more than you do at this point.

Then where has she been all this time?

Where've you been all this time?


No, I want some answers.

Look at Liv. Look at her.

She's a mess, because for 22 years, she thought her mother was dead, and she's not.

Where were you?

(Huck) This is not the time.

I found out the truth of what my husband does for a living.

I married a man and found out he was a monster.

I stole some files.

I was going to a reporter in London.

I was gonna blow the whistle on the whole thing, take Livvie and run. But Eli caught me, and then he locked me up in a prison.

For 22 years?

Yes, for 22 years.

Under a fake name.

Omar... something.

Omar Dresden.

Omar Dresden.

He kept me there.

Couple of days ago, he pulled me out, took me to some warehouse, said he was moving me out of the country, but I escaped. I escaped.

You escaped? - Yes.

From Olivia's father? - Yes.

No one escapes command.
(Shouting over each other)

Jake! Huck! Huck! What are you doing?

No! - (Maya) Let me go!

What's happening?

You have a tracking chip in you somewhere.

They're tracking you!

Got it!

This is gonna hurt, Maya.

Do it!

We have to get it out and move!

We gotta move!

(Yelps) Aah!


(Man) All clear. They're gone.

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)

I want operatives at every airport terminal, train station, bus depot, and Metro stop on the east coast.

Scan the highway cams.

If they used the interstates, I want their license plates tagged the second that they hit the asphalt.

Also, tap into the city's red light camera network.

Upload our qr6 facial recognition software.

(Jake) Glare gel?

Messes with traffic cams.

Find their cells!

(Jake) Burners. - (Rowan) They'll be using burner phones.

Makes it harder but watch for clusters.

Hunt them down.

(Abby) What about Venezuela?

(Jake) Nah. B613 pretty much runs Venezuela.

They use the anti-American jargon to attract the haters...

(Huck) And then they k*ll them.

We need a full dictatorship.

Yeah, free societies are too tough to control.

They're not as bribe-friendly.

(Harrison) What about Iran? North Korea?

Hong Kong.

We're putting her on the first flight to Hong Kong as soon as the passport is secured.

Harrison, where are we on that?

Got the pics.

Meeting my friend in an hour.

(Abby) Where's Quinn?

Quinn's doing what she needs to do.

I should, uh, go check on her.

No, I want you here tonight.


(Breathing heavily)

(Projector and camera shutter clicks)

Safe's been cracked.

Someone went through our files.

Everything we had up on the board? Gone.

They didn't take anything here.

You think Liv's dad did this? Who else could have?

You know, any normal person would've had a full-on nervous breakdown by now. - She's handling it.

You don't handle your own mother.

Nice digs.

I thought you'd have done a little better for yourself by now.

Straight life. You know how it is.

Can't say that I do.

Full I.D. Work-up?

The works.

When do you need it by?


For you, I will do my best.


I'm Abby.

Oh. (Chuckles) I almost forgot.

Adnan Salif says hello.

Adnan Salif's back? Back here?

Keep your phone on, H.

I'll be in touch in a few hours.

(Footsteps retreat)

(Door opens)

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)

Where are we on Daniel Douglas?

Holding. We are holding.

Did you get the photos?


Did he make a move or not?


Cyrus! - Don't you have things to do? Vaccines to tout?

Fat kids to encourage?

I haven't slept because I am worrying about the future of my husband's presidency.

My future.

I... am... holding.

It's time to stop holding. Play the cards already.

(Maya) Liv.

Just cleaning up a little.

What you got there?

I, uh...

Got you some breakfast.

That's so sweet of you.

Here, join me.

I have arrangements to make.

Make 'em later.

Come on.

You've been up all night and you haven't eaten a thing.

Sit, have breakfast with your mother.

Uh, I'll be outside if you need me.

Thanks, Huck.

(Door closes)

I'm good.


Tell me about you.

Uh, I-I don't, uh...

There's not much to tell.

I work.

I have a life.

I'm... (Chuckles)

There's not much to tell.

It's funny.

You sit in a cell long enough, you start to tell yourself stories.

All my stories were about you.

What you must've been up to, the friends you're making, the boys you're falling in love with.

In my mind, you're married to a fella named Ray.

A dentist...

Because dentists come home for dinner.

This was my thinking.

And it was you and Ray and your son named Sam.

And you'd sit around your dinner table every night, and you'd just laugh.

There was lots of laughter.

Love and laughter and happiness.

So now...

To see who you really are, what you've really become...

Are you saying I'm not happy?

There just doesn't seem to be a lot of laughter in your life.

You're successful. Clearly.

I mean, look at these people who work for you.

The access you have, the g*ns, the fake passports.

I don't know.

Guess I was hoping you'd have more of me in you and less of your father.

But Eli raised you in his image.

Didn't he?

I'm not anything like him.

(Huck) Liv seems smaller, slower. It's not like Liv.

How long are we gonna do this?

Do what?

Run. Hide.

It doesn't matter if we get Maya to Hong Kong or Moscow or wherever.

We both know she'll never be out of B613's reach.

Not as long as command's still alive.

He's hard to get to.

Lots of agents. I'm guessing lots of a*tillery, too.

We'd need a...


Plenty of it.

I think I know where we can find it.

Liv's mother is alive?

For the moment.

But Rowan's on the hunt for her.

We need to get her to safety, to get Liv to safety.

We need to take out Rowan.

He's her father.

I can't terminate him without...

You need her permission?

He's not just her father.

You don't need to educate me, Jake.

I should've known.

What is your problem?


Remington is my problem.

Just for being in the wrong place, at the wrong time, doing my duty, serving my country, I get sucked into the wake of your political destiny and end up enslaved to B613...

(Whispers) To Rowan...

(Normal voice) For the past 22 years.

Meanwhile, you shake a few hands you say a few words, you become governor, and then President.

You didn't have my back on that mission...

(Whispers) And you still don't have it, because for you there's only two people who matter in this world...

Olivia and yourself.

The rest of us? We're just on our own.

You don't think I wanna get rid of rowan? Of B613? Of course I do.

Get off your ass and give me the assets I need.

Now is not the time. They're on guard. - Okay, flyboy.

I get it. I'll take care of this myself. - Hey!

You wanna be a hero? You wanna save the day?

You wanna help me dismantle B613?

Stick around. We'll figure out a plan.

You don't want that. You don't wanna be the hero.

You wanna be her hero.

Word to the wise?

She doesn't need one.

Must be nice, letting other people fight your battles.

(Door closes)

(Breathing heavily)


(Glass clinks)

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)

We're on.

It's happening tomorrow.

What is?

Oh! Ohh. You mean...

Leo is setting a press conference for the morning.

Now the backlash will be swift and furious.

But once people get over the idea of this being a betrayal, they'll see it for what it is... the sign of a true leader willing to buck political tides and give the country what it needs...

Its first female President.

With me as your first gentleman.

I like the sound of that.

(Exhales) Everything we've worked for and everything we've sacrificed has led us to this moment.

So I thank you for your patience and your discipline.

For we both know, the good lord rewards those who walk his righteous path.

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)


Wh... what are you doing here?

I was on my way to meet Daniel Douglas.

Thought I'd say hi.

You're meeting with Daniel Douglas again?

Yeah, I'm telling you, the man's fascinating.


You didn't get everything you needed last night?

Are you kidding me?

We barely scratched the surface.

(Sniffs) Well...

Glad you boys are having fun.

Oh, I almost forgot.

Danny's coming to our place tonight, too, so we could finish up somewhere nice and quiet.

You still have that donor dinner tonight, right?

I still have that donor dinner tonight.

That's too bad.

Could've been a threesome.

(Door opens and closes)

Novak! What's happening?

Oh, Daniel Douglas, hey.

How's that article of ours coming along?

Sally and I are really looking forward to reading.

Afternoon, Carol.

The article looks good. Great, in fact.

Yeah? You get everything you needed? And then some.

Yeah, that's good.

Hey, look... I don't suppose there's any chance of my getting a quick look at it before it goes to print?

I would really appreciate it.

Oh, there's a strict policy that doesn't really allow for that sort of thing, Daniel. I'm... I'm sorry.

(Lowered voice) I am not gay, James.

What happened the other night, I've never done anything like that before in my life.

You understand me?


You cannot write about it!


You people think we're all gay!


We think gay people are gay.

I am a man...

A Christian, and I will not accept accusations of anything otherwise.

I love my wife. I am attracted to my wife.

We are steady, and I am faithful.

Yes, we all have our moments of weakness.

We all have our crosses to bear.

And mine is staying true to the good word of the lord in the face of this... this sickness. this despicable temptation.

But, James...

I am a man.

I am not gay.

Please do not embarrass me and my family.

Yeah, just a few minutes.

You're gonna meet me at the gate, right?

I got everything. Yeah. All of it.

(Turns up volume)
♪ turn you away

(receiver thuds)


♪ A word they say ♪ a word they say


(Door closes)

The reporter.

The one you were meeting in London.

You talked to him on the phone that morning, didn't you?

Before you said good-bye to me.

I don't know. That was over 20 years ago. Why?

I can track him down.

He can corroborate your story, call into question whatever fake charges dad's been keeping you locked up under.

You can stop running.

And what happens when your father finds out what we're up to?

How long before this poor guy ends up in a ditch?

We'll protect him.


We have ways.

So does your father.

I'm offering you a life above ground.

And I'm telling you, it's not worth it.

Not if it means putting someone else at risk.

Enough is enough, Liv.

Your father refuses to lose.

As long as he's alive, I run. I have to.

And that's okay.

Because now, I've been able to see you.

(Jake) Rowan and his team are in there.

(Projector and camera shutter clicks)

Money goes into your account the minute he's dead.

(Man) No sign of them. They're gone.

It's a trap.

That was freakin' awesome.

Boom! (Laughing)

If you think I enjoy k*lling, you don't know me very well.

Condone at times, accept as a necessary evil, but I get no enjoyment out of ending a life.

It's time to activate your asset... the girl.

I need someone on the inside.

Yeah, I've been calling her, boss.

But none of them have been dumb enough to keep their phone...

Track her down.

She's not an asset if you can't find her.


(Glass clinks)



They knew you were coming? How?

I used someone I thought I could trust.

Oh, you can't trust anyone who's gone through wonderland.

Yeah, well, I trust you.

Well, you shouldn't.

(Sighs) Tell Liv I had to go.

Watch her.

(Footsteps descend)




(Door opens)

Oh, Quinn.

(Door closes)

I told you to wait for me.



Aah! Please, Huck.


Shh. I'm sorry.

I know how hard this is for you.

And if it was just me you'd betrayed...

But you betrayed Liv.

(Screaming) Shh, shh, shh.

Shh, shh.

You remember how this goes, right?

Rip a little, talk a little? Okay?

(Screaming) Shh, shh, shh.

(Crying) Shh, shh, shh.

I tell you what.

Let's go on the count of three, okay?

One... two...


8:53 Hong Kong time.

A client.

(Speaking cantonese)


The safe house is up and running.

It's nothing fancy but it should do the trick.

(Door closes) Passport, birth certificate, driver's license.

It's all there. There's only one problem.

Huck just sent over a blast from homeland security.

You're kidding me.

What is it?

(Maya) Liv?

They put your name on the FBI's most wanted list.

Fake name, fake charges.

Which means...

You're stuck here.

Fish in a barrel.

There's no way you'll make it through airport security. - Damn it.

Our client hasn't done anything wrong.

And if you look into it, I promise you, you're gonna find that whatever's in her file is just a bunch of trumped up crap from 22 years ago.

What's the big deal with taking one little name off the no-fly list?


Normal boyfriends do favors for their girlfriends.

You know, normal girlfriends don't dabble in aiding and abetting.

Bad time?

Sorry, Sally. Busy day.

Aren't they all?

This won't take long. I do hate to be a bother.

I just wanted to do you the courtesy of dropping this off in person.

What the hell is this?

This is me following your wise counsel, Mr. President.

I'm running against you as an independent.

What? Sally, you can't...

The days of you telling me what I can and cannot do have come to an end.

What do you want?

I'm sure we can work something out.

(Scoffs) Are you so blind?

Are you so self-involved to notice the immeasurable destruction you've wrought to the country?

To the party?

To your family?

You can't win, Sally.

You may take me down with you, but you can't win.

You recently advised me, if I saw a window of opportunity, climb through it.

Well, your recklessness and your womanizing cracked that window, and the collapse of Josie Marcus opened it wide.

So what do you say now?

Does that wise counsel of yours shift in the political winds?

Do not do this.

We get through this together, you're on a clear path for the next election.

This... is political su1c1de for both of us.

I'm done waiting for someone to open the door for me, to tell me it's my turn.

You're making the biggest mistake of your life, crossing me.

And I'll spend the rest of my life working tirelessly to remind you of that.

You will regret this day forever.

See you on the b*ttlefield.





You're out of breath.

I ran up the stairs.

(Typing stops) So what happened? Where's Daniel?

Sally needed him home, so we just rushed through the rest.

You know, quick and dirty.

(Cell phone ringing, typing resumes)

(Ring) You gonna get that?

You had him our house!

(Ring) With our daughter sleeping in the next room.


I know, James.

I know!

You know what?

That you had sex with that man.

You had sex with him.

You had sex with him. You had sex with him.

You had sex with him.

I'm confused.

I thought you wanted me to have sex with him?


Or was that now how you saw it going down?

Did you expect me to stop him? Be outraged?

You know, I think maybe next time, we should make a game plan about what type of rent boy I'm supposed to play, because this whole production you're putting on right now is actually quite confusing for your leading man.

Now, obviously, this is about the vice President.

Some backroom political crap. But what I cannot figure out is why you wouldn't just hire a hooker.

Why you would pimp out your own husband!


I want answers, Cyrus.

You don't get answers. You lost that right the minute that you took off your pants.

Oh, yeah. I did do that. And then I took off his.

Gotta admit, that was a pleasant surprise.

Shut up! You're disgusting.


You used me like a cheap whore.

And then you made me think that you were doing me a favor while you did it. - Because I trusted you...

You're the devil. That you'd honor our marriage.

The devil is in front of me right now.

But instead, you got naked.

Do you not get what you've done here?

You have ruined us, Cy!

You have ruined everything!

Not to mention the fact, that you are a gay man, going out of his way to shame another gay man for being in the closet.

How could you?

You wanna know what I'm writing?

You wanna know my angle? It's a real page-turner, Cy.

(Crying) I am taking our baby, and we are leaving you.

(Laptop clicks)

Ask for full custody, while you're at it. I'm sure the judge won't mind the photos.


I've practically got an album.

All kinds of sh*ts... You doing him, him doing you.

On the floor, up against the wall, on that beautiful leather sofa.

Sally won't like that.

You took photos?

You think I would go through with all this and not get proof?!

(Cell phone ringing)


You're not going anywhere. You never do.


Hello, Mr. President. What do you need?

You said you'd take care of the Sally situation.

And I will.

I-I am... I'm on it.

You're too late, Cy. You missed the boat.

She's leaving the ticket. She's announcing tomorrow.

I've had a lot of things on my plate.

I need you to have done your damn job, like you're always boasting about, boring me senseless, droning on about how you do the dirty work, how you've got my back!

Well, my back's now got one hell of a Sally-shiv in it, that you may as well have handed her.

(Door closes) (Huffs)

You happy now?


Where the hell are we on Daniel Douglas?

What happened with James?


I'm just going to let you...

Going to give you a moment.


It hurts until it doesn't.

You think what he did will break you, but...

It won't.

You may not sleep as well at night, but you will be fine.


But... numb and fine are the same.

Sally Langston is a weed in our garden, Cyrus.


See it through.

(Door closes)

(Lock clicks) Picked a bad day to call in sick, Robin.

Better have a damn good excuse.


Yeah, that works.

I had a friend at the FBI access your client's security file, but even that small breach alerted his bosses.

So actually taking her name off the list?

Would set off alarms throughout all of homeland security.

I'm sorry.

There's nothing... I mean nothing... I can do.

You couldn't tell me that over the phone?

I'm your boyfriend. I wanted to see you.

Normal boyfriends drop by.

I'll call you later.

No go.

He always wins, baby.


We'll find another way. This is what I do.

It's what I'm good at.

(Door opens)

Liv? You okay?
(Closes door)


(Gate creaks)

I'm trying to figure out how to even begin to explain to you what's happening, and I just...

I don't...

Your mother's alive. I know.




He wanted to help you, as do I.

Tell me, what can I do?

I don't know that there's anything you can do.

I believe I have a bit of power, Liv.

No. It's...

My father put her on the no-fly list under an alias.

The crimes he's made up for her, they're crimes against the Republic.

So if you were to talk to anyone or do anything, you'd set off alarms across all three branches.

And if it ever got out that you helped a criminal escape the country, you'd end up in prison, a traitor. And so would she. My father would win.

Power works against you. So I...

I'm not calling you to ask for help.

You're calling me to say you don't know what to do.




I just wanted to hear your voice and talk about jam.

(Chuckles) And Vermont.

And kids.


I just needed...

I just needed one minute.


But I'm okay...

Now, so...

I'm taking care of your mother.

No. You can't.

It's done. I'm taking care of it.

What is it you say? Consider it handled.


I'm not asking you.

I'm telling you.

(Voice breaking) Thank you.

Thank you.

I love you.


Hang up. I have things to do.


(Presses button)

I need General Sharp at the Pentagon.

(Breathing heavily)




It's straight vodka. Drink it.

Swish it around your mouth a little bit.

It'll keep you from getting infected from Huck's little dental adventure.

Also numb the pain.



(Clears throat)

Are you gonna cry? Damn it. (Crying)

No, no, there's no... That's...

That's... that's against the rules.


For God sakes.

Seriously, suck it back in.

Now you wanna be a big dog?

Big dogs get bit. Huck did you a favor.

You still have all your fingers and toes.

No drill holes anywhere. A few teeth are nothin'.

So you don't eat steak anymore.

Stop... crying!


Huck was the only person I had, and he hurt me.

He hurt me.

He hurt me.

(Gasps) And now I don't have anybody.

He hurt me.


(Whispers) You have me.

You have me.

Mm. Ow. Oh. Sorry.

(Both moaning)

Evening, Sally.

Oh, I know why you're here, Cyrus.

You're too late. I'm afraid I've already stabbed the pig through its belly.

And I'm sure if I were from your neck of hickland, that would some semblance of sense.


Go ahead.

Take a gander.

(Scoffs) (Pen thuds)

You hoped this would be your... what?

Bargaining chip?


The end result of some subversive scheme to keep me off the ballot come November?

All of the above.


You and I both know that you will never release these pictures.

Destroy your husband, your marriage, along with whatever immoral future the two of you may have hoped to have together?

Not to mention, did you honestly think that the party was prepared to bear the cross of the President's chief of staff's husband having relations with a married man?

I don't think so.

This plan of yours backfired.

You've lost.

Your empty threats, your attempts at intimidation, none of it is going to work this time.

And the saying about the pig means it's over, Cyrus.

(Door opens and slams)

(Cell phone ringing)

(Ring) (Sighs)






I'm sorry.

I did a... a horrible thing.

And I'm so s...

I'm so sorry.

And I just want you to know...

I want you to know I'm not going to use the photos.

Sally will never see them. No one will ever see them.

They're burned. Consider them burned.

Can you forgive me?

Just tell him what you want, make the trade.

As long as you can really get what you say you can.

Huck's pretty good at hiding people.

I can get her.

I know the team's burner phone signatures.

I can track the coordinates, triangulate a signal.

Then we just go door to door, smoke 'em out, take 'em in, done.

You are seriously the best girlfriend I've ever had.

It's a military plane, will fly you directly to Hong Kong.

I still have to go through customs, though, right?

Once I get there?

I have a friend who's helping us skirt that.

Fancy friend.

You have a phone.

Remember, if anything goes wrong, if my friend isn't at the airport, call the number I gave you. You also have a g*n.

I hope you won't need to use it, but you showed her how to use it, right?

She was actually more worried about the cell phone.

Okay, Liv, we can't wait any longer. She needs to go.


I guess this is good-bye.

I'll keep working until you're safe, I promise.

Okay, no, this is not a good-bye.

For a client? Sure. Throw 'em on a plane and wish 'em the best.

But she is your mother.

And you've been keeping her at arm's length since the moment you laid eyes on her.

She's leaving. So you go and you hug her right now.

In case you never get to again.


("Ben" playing)


♪ Ben, the two of us

♪ need look no more

♪ we both found what we were looking for ♪

(Voice breaks) I love you, Olivia.

♪ With a friend to call my own I love you, Olivia.

I know.

♪ And you, my friend, will see

♪ you've got a friend in me

♪ you've got a friend in me ♪
♪ Ben, you're always running here and there ♪
♪ here and there

(door closes)
(Telephone ringing)

♪ You're not wanted anywhere

♪ anywhere


(Man) Marie?

Who? - Uh, hi. I'm looking for Marie... your mom.

Is she there?

My mom's name is Maya. She's not here.

(Receiver thuds)

♪ To go

♪ you've got a place to go ♪

(Jet engines roaring)

♪ Ben, most people would turn you away ♪
♪ turn you away

♪ I don't listen to a word they say ♪

What was her name on the no-fly list?


Her name.

The name my father invented, the name of the woman who did all those things.

The name of the wanted t*rror1st.


Uh, Marie. Marie Wallace.

What is it, Liv?

My father was trying to protect me this whole time.

He didn't want me to know what she did, who she is.


♪ Like Ben He's not the monster.

She is.


Then we've got a problem.

One... two... three...

Okay, okay, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

I know what I can do. I know how to make it right.

Just wait, Huck. Just wait.

What's our deal, Quinn?

Rip a little, talk a little. Talk a little.

Every time I give you something... something good, I get to keep a tooth.

Do you have something good to give me now?

Because I was about to take a bicuspid...

(Groans) and those are important for dental health and for eating.

I don't have something right now.

No, but I have better!

What's better than giving me something?

Doing something!

I want the tape.

Of me and the security guard. Every copy.

Before I give you anything, I get the tape.


What's funny?

My daughter taught you well.

(Cell phone ringing)





(Whispers) Cyrus?

I have committed a sin.
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