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04x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 11/05/23 12:02
by bunniefuu
Hey, Rhona, any news?

Well, if you've got plans
for the weekend, cancel them.

Malone just won his appeal.

The advocate general wants
to reopen the Kilmuir case.


It's over, Thomas.

It's over.

come on,

what do you want to do first?
A pint?

No, I...
I just want to go home.

Thomas Malone.

Convicted in 1994 for the
m*rder of Lizzie Kilmuir,

was released this morning
after he was acquitted

at the High Court in Edinburgh.

For those of you that don't know,

Lizzie Kilmuir,
she was strangled,

and her body was found
inside a kiln on Unst.

Thomas Malone
confessed to the m*rder

and was sentenced to life.

The CCRC have
presented new evidence

that was overlooked at the time
of the original trial.

Secondary DNA
from the crime scene

always pointed
to a second suspect,

but it wasn't tested at the time.

The insinuation from the review
commission is pretty clear --

they think that this evidence
was withheld deliberately.

I doubt it.
I've known Drew McCall,

who was the SIO,
a long time --

- not his style.
- Well, whatever happened,

the charges were dismissed,
it's a mistrial,

and it doesn't paint the force
in a particularly good light.

I just got word -- Malone landed at
Sumburgh about 15 minutes ago.

I want everybody to drop whatever it
is that you're working on.

The Lizzie Kilmuir case is the

I want to see if we
can get some closure for the family.

Billy, look out all the files
that we've got

on the Lizzie Kilmuir case.

Tosh, get in touch with the CCRC,

because we're going to need to see
everything that they've got --

both evidential, non-evidential,
new statements,

- whatever.
- Sure.

And when we get those new

I want everybody on them,

because there is a second
suspect out there,



Can I have a word?

You knew Lizzie Kilmuir, right?

I was at school with her.

I'm still friends with her twin
sister, Kate.

- It's not a problem.
- I didn't say it was.

You all right, Sally?

I'm fine, Allan.

Right, OK,
I'm just asking.

You asked me three times in the car.

Just leave it.

You got the tickets, then, Jo?

For God's sake,

you've got the attention
span of a midge.

You need to look at her.

Sorry, Jo, tickets?

- No worries, I've got them.
- Much do I owe you?

- Oh, thank you.
- Here, open that, will you?

Starting early, then?


- Sure you don't want one?
- No, no, I'm fine.

Really, I just wanted to touch
base about the Kilmuir case.

No problem, Jimmy.
Just doing your job.

This unknown DNA
comes from a hair

on a scarf found
round Lizzie's neck

and thought to be
the m*rder w*apon.

So why didn't I
test it back then?

That's your next question,
isn't it?

- Yeah.
- Well,

I didn't think it would
yield enough DNA.

And you had your man, so
why complicate matters?

No, not quite.

We risked destroying potential
evidence, it wasn't worth it.

Best wait till techniques

advanced enough to get
a proper profile.

The defence was informed
of its existence.

They overlooked it. I did explain
that to the CCRC.


- Hello.
- Hi, Molly.

- Hi.
- Enjoying the bounce?

It's not exactly Glastonbury, is it?

Well, at least it's no' raining.

- Can I have a word in private?
- We heard on the radio

- that Malone was released.
- Kate, I'm sorry.

You've nothing
to be sorry about.

We're reopening the case.

As you're Lizzie's only family left,

we'll be in touch. I just wanted you
to hear it from me.


So how have you been anyway?

I've not seen much of you
since you and Jenny split.

- I'm fine. - Yeah.

Missing the kids, I must admit,

.. it was for the best.

Can I get you a drink?

I could have one.

- Aye? Do you want a Coke?
- Vodka -

No, lass, a Coke.

Right, I'm done.
I need another. You coming?

Aye, all right.
Do you want a drink?

- Yeah, sure.
- Cool.

Why did you go after Malone in the
first place?

Cried like a baby
at Lizzie's funeral.

It was odd.
He was odd.

So I asked about.

Turned out he was fixated on her.

Then a witness came forward
putting him on the Unst ferry

the day Lizzie went missing.

So we searched his house,

found chickweed on his shoes.

Edmondson's mousehair
only grows on Unst.

We had him. It was done
and dusted, he confessed.

They all recounted.

Aye, well, people do.

One lie after another.

It was a strong case.

All the court has done is
put his conviction in doubt,

nobody said he was innocent.

He did it, Jimmy.

I swear on my wife's grave.


Here's the search videos,

crime scene photos,
witness statements.

And that's only one box.

There's dozens of them down there,
stacks of unused material.

What was Drew McCall
like to work with?

Aye, he's a good man.

He took early retirement
when his wife died.

It's just him and Sally now.

TAPE: Interview with Thomas Malone
commencing at 9:15pm,

conducted by DI McCall
and DS Donovan.

OK, Thomas.
This your last chance.

You need to stop lying.

You need to tell the truth
for the sake of the Kilmuir family,

you understand?

We have a witness who saw you,
Thomas, on the ferry.

Benny Ray.
Or is Benny lying?

Is everybody a liar except you?

I heard she was a bit of a cock

Did she take the mickey out of you?
Is that what happened?

Wouldn't blame you for getting
angry. Nobody would.

If you admit it, Thomas, it'll
mean a shorter sentence.

Trust me.

You keep saying you didn't do it
and they'll throw away the key.

Are you listening, son?
You're going to die in prison.

And your mother, think about her.
What would this do to her?

She's not in the best of health,
is she?

A long, drawn-out court
case would be the end of her.

No, no, no, no, no, no...

For the record, Mr. Malone is
shaking his head and crying.

Interview paused at 10:45pm.

Interview resumed at 11:23pm.

Now, Thomas,
let's get this straight.

Did you k*ll Lizzie Kilmuir?

Did you k*ll Lizzie Kilmuir?

Yeah, I did.
Aye, I did.

You did?
You did what?

I did,
I k*lled Lizzie Kilmuir.

How did you do that?

I strangled her.



because she went out
with other people, right?

And not me.
"What happenned in the pause?"

Because she went out with other
people and not me!

What are you still doing here?

You can go.

Not expecting you
to do an all-nighter.

I'm good, thanks.

I thought you'd have
been at the festival.

The thrill of trying to pee whilst
hovering over a chemical toilet

doesn't hold the same allure as it
once did.


Any word of your transfer?

Seems to be dragging
on a wee bit.

I... I got an offer
of a placement in Edinburgh.

I haven't decided what to do yet.

You do know that I don't
want you to go, right?

I mean,
if it was up to me,

I'd have you tagged
so you couldn't leave.

If you ever want to talk, I'm here.

Hi, this is Gail Callaghan,
Life After Appeal.

- Just leave your message...
- Come on!

.. and I'll get back to you.
Thanks a lot, bye.

Gail, it's me.

I... I...
need to speak to you.

I should never have come back here.

I can't...
I just couldn't do it.

I can't do this.
I can't.


- Hi, Drew.
- Hi, Jo, is Sally there?

I'm supposed to have breakfast
with her
and can't get her on her mobile.

I don't know.
I'll just go and check.

She's not here, Drew.
Maybe she's down at Alan's.

Tried him already.

We have a problem.
Drew McColl called in.

His daughter seems
to be missing.

Flatmate says she didn't come home
from the festival last night.

she didn't turn up for work
at the Chronicle,

and her boyfriend
says she didn't stay with him.

Check A&E and see if
she's had an accident,

and hopefully she'll be fine.

But treat her
as a vulnerable person,

and see if you can
track her phone.


Can't really see this place going a
b*mb on Airbnb, can you?

You should probably know
that we're going to reopen

the Lizzie Kilmuir case,

so I was wondering if you'd
like to talk to us about it.

Aye, well,
last time I did that...

.. it didnae work out
too well for me.

Don't you want to find the man
who k*lled Lizzie?

You know...

I walked out of that prison

.. with nothing.

And the best part of my life is

If I had been guilty,

I would have got a liberation
grant of...

.. 78 quid.

That works out about...

three quid a year.

But I was innocent,

so there's no support,

no benefits,
no f*ck all.

But, aye, I do, I do want to find
the man that k*lled Lizzie.

I just don't think you do.

If we can find this other suspect,
it can only help you.

How's that?

I mean, look at me.

Look at me!

How are you going to help me?

If anybody gives you
any bother at all...

.. then give me a call.
That's my mobile number.

- What are you doing here?
- I'm Detective Inspector Perez.

- This is...
- I worked that out. What do you want?

- Are you a relative?
- Gail Callaghan,

I work for Life After Appeal.

We help people like
Thomas to adjust to life

outside of prison,
which is more than you lot do.

I know what you do, you've got
nothing to worry about.

You do know his blood pressure's
sky-high? That he's got a heart condition?

- This was just a courtesy call.
- No apology, though, eh?

We're claiming compensation for
a malicious conviction,

just so you know.

Wouldn't want to get on the wrong
side of her, would you?

I think we just did.

- Billy.
- I just got a report

of a body being found
out at Fladdabister...

.. inside an old lime kiln.

Send forensics up there
as soon as. We're on our way.

Did you know Sally?
Would you recognise her?

- Yeah. - Christ!

She was at the
folk festival last night,

and her car is still
in the car park.

I checked with the minicab company
and they don't have a booking
in her name.

How'd she get up here?

There's no sign of a phone.

How did you get on, Cora?

She's been there
about 10 to 12 hours.

My first s*ab at cause
of death is strangulation.

Bruising to the head and lack
of defensive wounds suggest she

may have been knocked
unconscious first.

I can't say more, Jimmy,
until we do the autopsy.


I remember giving that girl
her measles jab.

Tough as old boots she was.

Malone was at the festival.
We saw him.

Well, don't jump the g*n,

Lots of people were
at the festival.

Go and speak to the flatmate,
see what you can get.

I better go and break
the news to Drew McCall.

Gail, I don't think this
is a good idea.

I mean, what am I supposed to say?

If you want to be accepted,

people need to hear
your side of it.

And it will help your
compensation case, trust me.

Just be yourself.

And now we have an unusual
segment on the show.

Thomas Malone is with us.

Now, many of you will know Mr. Malone
has been freed from prison

after serving 23 years.

Well, he's agreed to come here today
and to tell us a little bit

about Life After Appeal,

the organisation helping
people in his situation.

Now then, Thomas,

how did it feel to be a free man?

I don't know.

I'm not used to it yet.
It takes time, I suppose.

Well, I'm sure it does.
Now, a lot has changed.

Now, when you went to prison,
Bill Clinton was president

and a pint of milk was 49p.

How are you coping with all
this new technology?

I'm not.
The big thing for me is the fact

that my mother isn't around.

She passed away when
I was in prison.

That must have been difficult.

I was refused permission
to go to her funeral.

If I'd admitted my guilt,

I might have gotten
out before she died.

But if you claim you're innocent
you might as well forget it.

You'll never get parole.

Why was that?

They think you're in denial.

Well, that must eat away
at you, surely.

And even now, this...

idea that you got off
on a technicality.

No, not really.

The police buried evidence.

Evidence that might have made
the jury think twice.

Sure, but,

I mean,
in some people's minds

there is still this suspicion that
you really might have done it.

How do you deal with that?

I didn't do it.

Well, would you say you
were the same young man

- who went to jail 22 years ago? - No.

No, prison changes you.

I know how low people will sink

and how cruel
and heartless they can be.

You have to be like that to survive.

Well, that is a pretty bleak
view of the world.

But I suppose it's understandable
in your circumstances.

Now, it appears we have
a caller on the line.

Kate Kilmuir.

that name will be familiar

to anyone who has
read about this case,

but to those of you who haven't,
I believe she is the twin sister

of your alleged victim.

- Is that right?
- Aye.

Well, let's hear
what she has to say.

Kate, you're live on air.

What would you like to say
to Thomas Malone?

Hello, Kate,
are you still there?


What would you like to say to
Thomas Malone?

Just one thing.

I'm sorry.

What, "I'm sorry,"
is that what you said?

Thomas Malone is as much a victim
of this crime as my sister was.

And I am sorry

that his life was
taken away from him.

Right. Well, yes,
that is interesting.


is there anything else you
would like to say to Thomas?

Are you still there?

Well, thank you,

for being so honest.

It's been fascinating.


Where did you find her?

Fladdabister, inside a lime kiln.

How did she die?

We don't need to go into
that right now.

- Really, we don't.
- How did she die, Jimmy?

Just tell me.

We're still waiting
for the pathologist's report.

But it looks like
she was strangled.

- Bastard.
- We don't know who did this.


Bastard. Bastard.

We both know this is revenge,
pure and f*cking simple.

Look, he's the first person
that we're going to be looking at,

- you can be sure of that.
- Just go and get him.

Go and get the bastard.

"I'm on the 2:30 flight
Cassie. X"

Why did you say that?

You said you feel sorry for him.

He k*lled Aunt Lizzie.

we never knew that was true.

And the police, they're not
right all the time.

Have you always thought that?

I don't know what to think.

It's complicated.

You didn't know him
when he was younger.

He was quiet and he was
kind to us.

I can't believe you.
Nobody believes him.


She won't hear you. She's deaf.

I just sent her a text.

- You've been here before?
- A few times.

Prowlers, apparently.

DS McIntosh.

Can we have a word?

I just can't believe she's gone,
that someone would do this to her.

If you don't mind,

can you tell us what you
remember about last night?

I didn't want her driving,
took her keys off her.

She was going to get a cab
home later.

And you?

Alan and I got a cab home together,
I dropped him in town,

he wanted to get something to eat.

How long have you two
been sharing this place?

Not long.
She just moved in.

Did you notice anything

out of the ordinary happen
at the festival?

Not really.
They had an argument

about Sally getting pished,
but that was all.

- Alan and Sally?
- That's right.

Then I saw her talking
to this young guy,

I didn't get a good look at him.
He had his hood up.

I'm pretty sure they weren't
speaking English.

- What were they speaking?
- Norwegian, I think.

Sally speaks a bit.

She covers all the Norwegian
stories for the paper.

We'll need her keys,
to search her car.

They're hanging by the front door.

Did something happened to you?

It's just,
I noticed all the locks.

I was in an abusive relationship.

That's why I came up here.

To get away from him.

You were at the music festival,
is that right?

I never planned to go.

I just went for a walk
and found myself there.

So you didn't go looking
for anybody in particular, then?

I don't know Sally McCall.

Thomas, the daughter of the
policeman that put you in prison

has been found dead.

You want me to help you, you're going
to have to start telling me the truth.

I couldn't even tell you what
the girl looks like.

He's telling the truth.
He was on the phone to me

most of last night.

I don't think you should answer any more
questions without a lawyer present, Thomas.

- You cannae trust these people.
- Well, he can trust me...

.. if he's telling the truth.

See if you're not,

you're going to wish you'd
never set eyes on me.

The boot's been jemmied.

You got anything?

No sign of a struggle.

Nothing except a...

.. used boarding pass,

for a flight to Bergen.
It's dated last week.

Right, get forensics up here.
I'll check The Chronicle.


The only girl I know
with dads on group text.

You have any idea
what's going on?


You don't think
she's pregnant, do you?

Well, I do now.

Is there anything you know

that might shed some light
on what happened?

Well, not really, no.

Sally worked 24/7.

She was a real grafter,
you know?

She's saw herself as a
campaigning journalist.

Had she had any contact
with Thomas Malone?

Not that I'm aware, no.

She was working on an article
on her dad's career

to coincide
with Malone's appeal.

She probably just wanted to put
his side of the story.

And she did our Norway View
column as well.

Forst Energy?

Aye, some angle she had

on an accident on one
of the Norwegian oil fields.

Who's AH?

I don't know.
Maybe a source.

Can I have a look at her laptop?

She always took that home.

You want to tell me what happened?

He met someone else.

Are you really going to ignore that?

I can't.
Not for long.

They found a
body out at Fladdabister.

Don't worry.
Just drop me off.


But tonight, right?
We can have dinner.

And then we can talk.

We can't find her laptop.

It wasn't in her croft
or the car,

and we know she took it
home every night.

And what about this place?

Billy checked all the hotels
for AH, no luck.

But one name jumped
out -- Jan Hansen.

It's the Norwegian
equivalent of John Smith.

- Right.
- It could be fake.

So who do you think this AH is?

Sally's boss thinks it might have
been someone she was investigating.

Anything strike you about this guy
Hansen, anything different?

Only that he paid in cash,

which is rare these days.

Do you think you'd recognise
him if you seen him again?

I doubt it.

I'm not even sure what age he'd be.

There's a ticket stub
for the festival.

Can we see your CCTV, please?

See if the chemical in the
hands print lab can get

any prints off of that
ticket stub, will you?

Jo Halley says that she saw you
and Sally having an argument.

I thought she was drinking
too much and she...

.. was pissed off with me.

Jo also mentioned that she saw
Sally talking to some Norwegian.

Do you have any idea
who that might have been?

Not really.

So not a mutual friend, then?

To be honest with you,

had been acting pretty
secretive recently.

Deleting texts on her phone.

Well, you start to think
the worst, don't you,

when someone's holding back?

.. thought that she'd

met someone in
Bergen so I did...

.. the smart thing,
I accused her, and she just...

.. looked at me disgusted
that I'd even asked.

So did you not believe her?

I didn't know what to believe.

I thought I was losing her.

It's a terrible waste.
She was so bright.

She wasn't scared to poke fires.

I don't think she would have stayed
in Shetland much longer.

Well, she never mentioned anything
about leaving.

I just...
.. mean that she was...

.. talented and ambitious.

Do you remember seeing Sally with
anybody else at the festival?

Thomas Malone, for instance.


I left.

I left her.

He got back here about 11:00.


The boyfriend suspected that Sally
was having an affair,

possibly with this Norwegian.

What about Malone?
Did he see him?

Why would Malone jeopardise
his freedom in that way?

Why did he confess to k*lling Lizzie
and then change his mind?

- Why does he do anything?
- OK,

Sally's mobile phone
and laptop are missing.

That might have something
to do with this article

that she was writing -- check
if there was a Jan Hansen

in any flights in and out.

- Are we saying this guy is our main suspect?
-No, I didn't say that.

Cos he wouldn't have been
the only Norwegian at the festival.

No, but he would have been the only
one trying to make himself invisible.

So, get a list of all the
Norwegian nationals living here

and run a check on the number...

I want to know why Malone

isn't in one of your f*ckin'
cells right now!

He thinks he's untouchable.

He knows you're too scared
to arrest him again.

He did it then,
and he's done it again!

He's laughing at us, Jimmy!

He's laughing at all of us!

Come on, come with me.

We'll go and find somewhere
quiet to talk. Come on.

Hi, this is Cassie Perez,
please leave a message.

Hey, Cassie, probably
not going to be home till late,

but if you're still up,
we could talk then.

I... I love you.
I'll see you later. Bye.

Is Cassie OK?

No, I don't think so.

What have you got?

The number on the post-it
from The Chronicle

was a mobile
registered to an Andreas Hagan.

He's a health and safety officer
at Forst Energy.

Were they in the news recently?

Yeah. There was an accident
on one of their rigs.

A Shetland man was k*lled --

and there's been claims
of negligence
on the part of the company.

If that's what Sally
was working on

it would explain why
she was being so shifty.

OK. Go and talk to
the dead man's family

and see if Sally has been in touch.

How's Drew?

I don't know how he'll
ever get over this.

I really don't...
and he's got a point, you know.

We are on dangerous ground
with Malone at liberty.

The only reason that we are looking
at him for Sally

is because of Lizzie --

and I'm not convinced
he k*lled Lizzie.

There's some pretty damning
evidence against Malone --

and he confessed, remember?

Maybe I don't buy the confession.

He denied it, there was a break,
THEN he admitted it.

I would just like to know
what happened

between those two interviews
to make him change his mind --

because something did.

Danny was a roughneck
in the Norwegian sector.

Before he was k*lled he told me

that the company
were cutting corners,

safety regulations
being ignored.

- In what way, exactly?
- Equipment not being maintained properly.

We were told he was
working on the drilling deck

when his arm got
snagged in the drive shaft.

They spin 800 times a minute.

Tore his arm clean off.

He bled to death.

And since the moment it happened,

Forst Energy have been trying
to blame Danny

so they don't have to pay out.

They say he'd been drinking.

They've got blood tests and everything
-- but it's a barefaced lie.

And you spoke to
Sally McColl about this?

I told her I knew for a fact
there wasn't a guard
on that drive shaft.

Danny told me he'd
complained about it loads of times.

What about the name Andreas Hagan?

Does that mean anything to you?

Mean anything?!

Hagan wrote the report.

He's the one saying that
Danny was drunk.

What's all this?

Tag team dads.

Jimmy said he'd
given you a dizzy,

so I'm filling in.

You have to eat!

And quickly, it would appear.

This boy of yours, you do know
he's got no taste, don't you?

You haven't seen his new girlfriend.

Well, then... he's very shallow
and he disnae deserve you.

- Come on, tuck in.
- I will in a bit.


This could be a blessing
in disguise, you know?

All this -- I mean,
you could go back to university.

I want to hang round here for a bit.

I'm thinking of doing
something voluntary.

Working with a charity, maybe.

That's a good idea. Apart from
the fact you don't get paid.

Yeah, but I just need
to do something fun.

Something that'll give me
a bit of faith in people again.

- Is six all right?
- Mum?


It's OK.

Thank you.

For what you said on the radio.

No need.

You know...

You know, I always believed
that you thought it was me.

I never said that.

I thought the world of your Lizzie,
you know that?

I know you did.
I remember.

I just wish that none of this
had happened to you.

Thank you.

Your wee girl, eh?

Looks just like you and Lizzie did.

You OK?

What was he saying?

He just wanted to say hello.

That was all.

It's all right.
OK? It's all right.

I think she's been drowning
her sorrows.

She'll bounce back.

Might take more than a bottle
of wine and a pizza, though.

I'm more worried she disnae
want to go back to uni.

Let's give her a wee bit of time.

You must remember what it was like.

No, you've got no idea
what it was like.

You've never been chucked.


I was always the chucker,
never the chuckee.

She needs to get into the big bad
world, Jimmy, you know?

If she settles in here,
she'll never leave.

What's wrong with that?

What, you want her wasting
her talents?

No, but if she disnae want to go,
I'm not going to force her.

I want her to be happy,
wherever she is.

Aye, so do I --
I just...

I want her to fulfil
her potential you know?



You're better off in your bed,

- What time is it?
- It's late.

Did you...
get any of that to eat?

I wasn't hungry.

Darling, I can make you
something now, if you like.

The fridge is empty.

What have you been living on,

I'm surprised
you don't have scurvy.


It's like someone died.

Sorry, that was stupid.

That's exactly what it's like.

Like nothing's ever going to be
the same again.

Yer man had his chance,
and he blew it.

I just can't get used to the fact

I'll never see his face again

"Now my ladder's gone...

".. I must lie down where
all ladders start,

"in the foul rag
and bone shop

"of the heart."

The only poem I remember
from school.

It'll get better.

I promise.

She was strangled using a scarf --
or possibly a soft belt.

No skin under her fingernails
and no foreign DNA on her.

- There any defensive wounds?
- No.

Right, so...

she either knew her attacker,
or they surprised her.

Or she passed out.

How similar is this to the
Lizzie Kilmuir case?

- Can you remember?
- It could be coincidence

that the body was found
in a lime kiln...

.. or a copycat,

or maybe even
someone deliberately

wanting you to believe
it was Thomas Malone.

One thing that is similar
is the victims.

Lizzie and Sally were alike --

both strong willed,
and very bright.

But you already knew that.

Can I have a word?

I was checking
the paperwork on Tosh's transfer.

It appears she withdrew
the request -- weeks ago.

She's not going anywhere.

Mum thought I'd find you here.

She wants you to come
to our house for some food.

I don't feel like eating, son.

Me, too -- but that won't help.


Drew! Wait!


Drew, what are you doing?
Leave him.

I'm talking to you! Why did
you have to come back here?

Don't get into a fight
with him, please!

- You just wanted to punish us, didn't you?
- Drew!

- Didn't you?!
- Drew!

Well, enjoy your freedom, Malone.

Enjoy the sun on your face.

Live every minute
like it will be your last --

because you are going back inside!

You know, your daughter,
she didnae deserve this...

- .. but you did.
- Bastard!

Stop it!

Get off him.

Get off!
Just stop it, the pair of you.


It's all right, OK?

It's OK.
It's all right.

They just followed Thomas
down the road, and att*cked him.

Who hit who first?

The younger man. He just started
shouting and punching him.

I imagine what happened to
Sally has...

.. thrown everyone.

I was listening to you on the radio.

Do you mind me asking what made you
phone in in the first place?

I didn't like the tone
of the interview.

Now, is that because you've always
thought that Thomas was innocent?

I had my doubts.

Well, then,
do you mind me asking

why didn't you say
that at the time?

Nobody asked.

You were never interviewed
by the police?

No, they said they didn't want
to put me under

any unnecessary pressure
if they didn't need to.

Because you're one of the
very, very few people on this island

that doesn't think Thomas Malone
k*lled your sister.

There are very few
people on the island

who actually knew my sister.

So, how do you want to play this?

If we don't charge Alan Killick
with common as*ault,

it'll be open season on Malone.

He was provoked.

We've got about a dozen witnesses
saying he wasn't.

Give him a conditional caution.

If it happens again
it counts as a charge.

And what about Drew McColl?

Come on, Drew.

I'm going to give you lift home.

Do you still miss Fran?

I still have bad days,
every now and then.

My Eileen k*lled herself.

You probably heard that.

Sally always blamed me.

She never said it,
but it was there.

Felt I...

didn't threat
her depression seriously.

Now I've lost 'em both.

Never take your daughter
for granted, Jimmy.

Don't let her slip away.

Molly was checking
the town centre CCTV

from the night Sally went missing.

There he is,
getting a takeaway at midnight.

Alan Killick.

According to Donna,
he was home by 11:00.

Then this. Either he
decided he wasn't hungry

or he was deliberately trying
to give himself an alibi.

All right, check the Taj.
See what they remember.

See if he went anywhere else.

Any news on that ticket stub?

First attempt failed
to get a usable print.

They said they'd have another go,
but it's not looking good.

Also, I checked Gail Callahan's
phone records.

The call between her
and Thomas Malone

on the night Sally
went missing

lasted no more than
three minutes --

so she's either telling porkies
or she's "misremembered".

don't stay too late.


I've withdrawn my transfer request.

I just...

I don't feel ready yet.


I didn't want to tell you.

I thought you'd think I was a bit...

.. pathetic.

I think whatever decision you made,

either to stay or go,
it was going to be hard.

I'm just glad you're staying.

Go on!

Where are you, Thomas?

- Come on.
- You're dead!

Get the f*ck out of my house!

It wasn't me!
It wasn't me!

Take a good look, Malone. This is
where we're going to bury you --

if you don't admit what you did.

- It wasnae me.
- Just say it.

Say it!

It wasnae...
It wasnae me.

Bury him.