09x03 - The Tale of the Phantom Light

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Are You Afraid of the Dark?". Aired: August 15, 1992 – August 13, 2022.*
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Both series of Are You Afraid of the Dark? revolved around a group of teenagers who referred to themselves as "The Midnight Society".
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09x03 - The Tale of the Phantom Light

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
"Are You Afraid of the Dark?"

We didn't get out of
the woods in time.

- He doesn't like lights.
- If you just found out

you were cursed,
what would you do?

Try to break it.

- June Murphy.
- Says here she died in 1996.

I know what we gotta do
to break the curse.

We gotta hold a seance.

Get away from me!

Spider. It's this spider.

I felt it...

Look, I wouldn't get
closer, lady, okay, it's...

You guys really need
to clean up in here more.

Or get some exterminators.
You could've k*lled me.



Are you there?

I know your presence
is strong in here, June.


you're the only one who can
help me break this curse.

I know this isn't exactly
a seance board,

but it's all I have.

Please, June.
Tell me what happened.





No way.

Tonight, we gather to summon
the ghost of June Murphy.

June, we know Connor
was trying to contact you

before he disappeared.
Can you help us?

Can you help us, pretty please?

- This isn't working.
- Because you keep interrupting

every time
we're getting somewhere.

Getting somewhere?
Where have we gotten, Jai?

I swear I heard something.

- Dude, no one heard anything.
- Yeah, but I heard it.

We're obviously
doing something wrong.

What if we hold hands?

Maybe dim the lights?
When have you ever seen a movie

with a seance
where at the lights are on?

Good call, Jai.

Let's go do the one thing that
protects us from the Shadow man.

I said dim. Not get rid of.

It was a dim idea.

What about
the holding hands idea?

I say we just try again.

Why don't we do that, kay?

Maybe this time one of
dream hunks can help us out.

Kay, let's ask.

Hi, Matt. We've a question
for June Murphy.

Yeah, can you put her on?
I like pizza.

Wow. Good for you.

Thanks. Talk to you later.

I mean,
what are we even doing?

This isn't a seance.
This is ridiculous.

Okay, look it's not my fault

Connor didn't have
a proper seance board. Okay?

It was either this
or Battleship.

would've been better.

Yeah, totally.

can't summon ghosts.

Well, neither
can Dream Phone.

Which, Connor owns
for some odd reason.

I think that's
a big mystery here.

Okay, it doesn't even matter,
because ghosts aren't real.

Ghosts are real, okay?

I saw one
at Camp Fear last summer.

You mean that
comic book camp

where kids do horror cosplay

and dress up
like zombies and ghosts?

- Yeah!
- Put them together.

- Yeah.
- Oh.

- Yeah.
- Not cool.

Yeah. Okay, well, unless
someone has a better idea,

can we call it quits?

What about
the holding hands idea?

Okay, Seth, I'm not
going to hold your hand.


I say we just get some sleep,
do some research tomorrow,

and then try again
before the sun sets.

- Okay. Yeah.
- Okay.

But we need someone
to stay awake and stand guard.

Any volunteers?

I'll do it.

My moms say
I have boundless energy.

We'll take shifts.

Wake one of us in one hour,
and then we'll trade off.

Just... don't fall asleep.

Trust me,
I won't fall asleep.


Hi. It's Chad.
Want to go to the mall?

Oh, sorry.

Hey guys, look.

We made it through the night.

No thanks to Seth.

Oh, my God, my mom's car.

Gabby, what are you doing?

I'm just...

I'm, uh, just learning about
anti lock braking systems.

Did you know that
they automatically

modulate the brake pressure
during an emergency stop?


- Gabby.
- Mm-hmm?

I know you're excited
about getting your license,

but if you're going to read
useless information,

it should be for the PSATs
on Saturday.

Right. Got it.

- Hi, Luke...
- Ah... hey, Dad.

What's up?

Why are you awake?

Ah, well, 'cause...
'cause it's morning.

That's when people wake up.

People do.
You... you do not.

This is two times
in a row now.

You can't be my son because
my son is a night person.

Uh, not anymore.

I love the morning so,
so much.


I don't know what's going
on here, but you're grounded.

- What! Why?
- You're not actually grounded.

Relax. I'm just saying
that you should be grounded

for whatever it is
you're lying to me about.

I'm not lying.
I have to study.

I'll see you downstairs.

Nice shirt, by the way.
Girl power.

Household science
projects start tomorrow,

so I hope no one
has been procrastinating.

Remember, these are 10%
of your semester grades.

If June Murphy
was a victim of the curse,

she must have gone
into the woods at some point.

Which means
she's from this town.

Let's begin.
Open your books to page 214.

She probably went to
school here back in the '90s.

Which means
she's in the yearbooks.

Just give one of
the yearbooks to me, and...

Do you two just
want to sit next to each other?

Here we go.
Shadow Bay High 1996.

How'd you know they keep
the yearbooks back here?

Oh, it's where they
keep all the graphic novels.

Every so often, I'll skip PE,

come to this dark empty corner,
and read in peace.

That's so... sad.

Found her. June Murphy.

Wow, so that's her.

She's so pretty...

I mean.
She's dead now,

- but I'm sure she's flattered.
- Oh, great.

And apparently she's
a '90s version of Hanna.

- Speaking of...
- What?

The Glow Dance.
You gonna ask her?

- Who? Hanna?
- No, June Murphy.

Yes, Hanna.
Context clues, man. Come on.

I'm a little busy right now

with this whole deadly
curse thing.

- Mm-hmm.
- Besides, she's not into me.

I'm don't know about that.

You two were
pretty chummy last night.

Okay, okay, let's focus.

There's nothing in here
that says anything about

how June died,
so we should try to find

someone that knew her
when she was alive.


Who's the oldest person
we know at the school?

Hey, Ms. Schaffner.

Love the kitten sweater
and the earrings

are doing the most.

I wish I could
pull those off,

but they just
look so good on you.

I'm eating lunch right now.

Is that a meatball salad?

And this is my time.

you've been teaching here

for like 100 years, right?

Wow, I did not think

my birthday could get
any worse, but thank you, Jai.

- Happy birthday?
- What we're trying to ask

is if you knew a student who
used to go here, June Murphy?

Yes, I knew June.

Oh, you were her teacher too?

What is wrong
with you today, Jai?

No. We went to school together.

If she hadn't of died,
we would've been the same age.

If you carry the one,

Stop doing the math.
It's true.

Anyways, why are you asking?
Why are you asking about June?

Well, you see,
we wanted to know how she...

- We wanted to know...
- We want to know how she died.

It was very,
very tragic accident.

Ms. Schaffner,
whatever you can tell us,

it would be very, very helpful.

Here it is.

What did she say, exactly?

That June died because
something bad happened.

But Schaffner didn't really
want to talk about it.

Anything online?

No, nothing.

Okay, here, let me try.

Hanna, we said door open.

Okay, we're trying
to break an evil curse

that's threatening
our lives, Mom.

Ooh! Sounds fun. Love it.

Just do it with the door open.

- Okay.
- Hi, Luke.

Hi, Ms. Romero.

Okay so just see
if there's any pictures

that match up with anything.

Yo, Luke!
Check it out.

Okay, not now, Seth.

I figured these
could, uh...

scare off the Shadow man.

Got it. Now, get out.

So you guys can kiss?

Why would you say that?

I saw you googled
kissing on, yeah...

yeah, it was that computer.

Um, I-I... missing.

I googled missing for kids who
have gone missing in the curse.

- Yeah, it was...
- There's no K

- in missing, though.
- It was probably just a typo

- and the Ks are...
- Yeah, no, yeah, for sure.

- Right next to the Ms.
- Auto correct.

It's a thing.
That's true. Yeah.

- Hmm.
- Seth, let's go.

You've got clarinet lessons.

Coming, Mommy.

As you were.

Where were we?

Oh. Yeah.



Whoa. Look.

Charlie Murphy.

So, she was the daughter

of the lighthouse keeper.

It says here that the
lighthouse shut down in 1996.

That's the same year June died.

That's also the same year

a lot of kids
start going missing.

It all has to be connected.

Wait a minute.

What if June wasn't the victim
of the curse after all?

What if she's what started it?

It is my number
one best seller.

The dark Dragon potion

that brings out
the best in yourself.

Smell those notes of cardamom
and yes, mung beans.

It's like you're eating.

It's practically a steal
at $200 plus tax.

Excuse me. Don't go anywhere.
Don't touch anything.



I hate those kids.

I see you're still
alive and well. Too bad for me.

We're not well. We're cursed.

The Shadow man is real,
and he's coming after us.

All of you?

Well, best of luck
with your final days.

- Urns are on the back wall.
- We need your help, Mr. Sardo.

No, mister.
And I can't help you.

As I said before, no one knows
how to break the curse.

We think
we know someone who does.

The only problem is, um...

well, she's dead.

Oh, too bad for her.
And you. Now, off you go.

Our friend Connor.
Remember him?

The punk who broke into
my shop? How could I forget?

Well, we found this.

It's his list
of stuff for a seance.

We think he was trying
to contact the girl

who died 25 years ago,
June Murphy.

She could be the key
to all of this.

We tried summoning
her last night,

but Dream Phone isn't the best
for summoning ghosts.

So we want you to show us
how to do a real seance.

I would,
but I'm so busy today.

This is serious.

The Shadow man
almost took my brother.

Yeah. He's cursed too.

Now, are you going to be
responsible for five kids

going missing because you stood
by and did nothing?

Or are you going to help?




I said $4,000.

We don't have
that kind of money.

Fine, then. A favor.

What kind of favor?

I teach you
how to hold a seance,

and you bring back
what your friend took from me.

- "The Book of Shadows?"
- Mm-hmm.

How are we supposed to
find it?

No one knows where it is.

The book is in the
old cottage by the lighthouse.

How did you know that?

Because he told me.

Come on Dumble-dork.
I know it's here.

I told you.
I don't know what you speak of.

Now, if you're not here to buy,
I must ask you to leave.

I need that book, man.

Look, it's life or death.
I swear, I will bring it back.

What are you doing?

Hello, this is Sardo.
Accent on the do.

Yeah, the magic shop guy.

And I have a hooligan in
my shop causing a disturbance.

Fine. Fine. Fine.

Then what can I get you?

No, he still here.
He's breaking everything.

I'll take that.

False alarm.

Excellent choice.

When he left here, he muttered
something about the cottage.

Later that night,
he stole the spell book,

so I assume
you can find it there.

- Why did he need it?
- Who knows.

There something
you're not telling us.

Will you bring it back
or not?

We can't go back there.
It's in the haunted woods.

That's where
this whole thing started.

Oh, please.

Not like you can
get cursed twice.

So. Do we have a deal?

Ghosts have
unfinished business.

It's something
they never got to do

or something
they never got to say.

If June has any unfinished
business, she will tell you.

Now, you may only get
one shot at this.

Do it wrong,
you could scare her off.

I suggest we begin with someone
else for a practice run.

- Can we contact Connor?
- I'm sorry.

If the Shadow man got him,
he's not a ghost.

He's just trapped in
a terrifying void of darkness.

- How comforting.
- Wow.

Anyone else?


Basic but yeah, okay.

Now, there are rules
to every seance.

One, don't be rude
to the ghost.

Two, never pull away
from the circle.

And three, when you're ready
for the seance to be over,

you must all hold hands
and say goodbye to the ghost.

Do not forget that. Understood?

Now then. Select a leader.

A leader? For what?

To speak.

If there too many voices,
a ghost would answer.

- I'll do it.
- Jai, no.

I know that I got
the whole sunset time wrong

but, look I'll take
responsibility for that.

I can do this.

Jai, that's not what I meant.
I meant no.

This is a very important role.
I feel like someone else...

Oh, you don't think
I can't handle it.

All of you? Really guys?
You know what?

You know what, it doesn't
matter... I called dibs.

I'm the leader. Let's begin.

One last thing here.

What is that?

The Phantom light.

Not every spirit
you meet is friendly.

If the Phantom light
ever flickers,

you will know an evil spirit
has entered the room

and you should end
the seance immediately.


Yeah, it's pretty cool.

Place you hand
upon the planchette.

Now, leader, speak to the ghost

and find out
if it would like to talk.

We gather here
to summon the ghost of Elvis.

If there are any spirits in
this room, please come forward.

- Nothing's happening.
- Patience.

What was that?


There something
in the room with us.


- Who's Elvis?
- Dude!

Seth, you have
got to stop doing that.

How did you even get here?

Mommy dropped me off.

You guys have got to stop
leaving me out of everything.

I'm cursed too. Like it or not,
I am a part of this.

You're right.
We're sorry.

There's no time
for sorries.

We have to do this

before the sun sets
and the Shadow man comes back.

No more practice rounds, okay?

Tell us how to summon June.

I am afraid
it's not quite that simple.

You can't actually
reach her ghost from here.

- So, this was a waste of time?
- You said you wanted to learn

how to hold a seance...
Now you know.

If you wish to contact June,

you must do it from a place
for her spirit is strong.

Let me guess,

the cottage which
is the same place the book is?

Two vampires, one stake.

How do we know
we can trust you?

Because. I held up
my end of the bargain.

The only question is will you?

Ah, ah, ah. Luke. When you
find the "Book of Shadows,"

you must never open it.
Never. Understand?

Only evil comes from that book.

Remind me why we're doing this?


Unfinished business.


I've never seen this
close up before.

- Me neither.
- Let's go.

Good thing we brought
battery-powered lights.

So this is where
June Murphy lived.


This looks like
Gammie's house.

And it smells like it too.

Remind me to never
visit your Gammie's house.

Wait. That's June's jacket.
From the yearbook.

- What's that?
- It's a petition.

- Save the lighthouse.
- June must've made this.

- God!
- Sorry.


Guys, look.

There's, like, symbols?


- Or aliens?
- No, runes.

See the candles?
Someone was doing ritual.

- What, witchcraft?
- Or like magic.

More like a spell.

Sardo was right,
Connor was here.

where's the "Book of Shadows?"

We'll worry
about that later, okay?

Right now,
we have to focus on us.

The sun is setting,
the Shadow man is coming,

we have to be ready.
We'll do this in June's room.

Set up the lights,
arrange the circle,

and raise some spirits.


- Check.
- Pictures?



Real lights.

And a gift for the spirit?

Check. Okay, let's begin.

Wait. One more thing.

We hereby seek
out the spiritual realm.

Please keep our
circle safe and well.

June Murphy, we know
you have unfinished business.

We're here to help.

June, are you there?

- I feel something.
- Me too.

- Is that you?
- Not me.

- Keep going.
- June, give us your message.


- 6.
- 96?

It's okay, the Phantom
light's not glowing.

I think it's June.

Tell us what you want.

What's happening?

This is scary.

No, don't break the circle.

- Why's everything different?
- Where's Seth?

We're going crazy.
We're going crazy.

Guys, I think we... whoa.
That's her.

That's June Murphy.

How is this possible?
What happened to Gabby?

Oh, she went crazy.

Tell us what to do.

Give us a sign.

♪ Is enough enough? ♪

♪ I saw the sign ♪

♪ It opened up my eyes,
I saw the sign ♪

- She can't see us.
- ♪ Life is demanding ♪

♪ Without understanding ♪

♪ I saw the sign ♪

Oh, hey. I love this movie.
Have you ever... whoa!

Oh, no.

This is when
she actually dies.

- June, June, get outta here!
- June!

- Get outta here, no...
- June.

Hey Dad.

You're going to be late

- Dad?
- Dad?


Uh, Luke, that ghost just
walked through you.

I think she's a ghost.


I think we're the ghosts.

Oh, no, I k*lled them.

Oh, you're not dead.
You're breathing.

You're sleeping.
You're all just taking a nap.

- What if we're dead?
- We're not dead.

I think we're still
in the seance.

- I don't understand.
- Has anyone seen Seth?

He pulled out of the circle

right before
the flash happened.

We are supposed to bring June
to us, not us to June.

Wait, what's that sound?

Got to say,
don't love the flashes.

I get it now.

These are flashbacks.

She's not telling us
what happened.

She's showing us.

Where are we?

The lighthouse.

Okay, hit it, June.

I've never seen it lit before.

You're getting
pretty good at that.

I'm going to
take your job soon.

Hi, Gary...
It's Mayor Denberg.

- Is your dad there?
- Oh, yeah. He's home.

Just one sec.

Dad, phone.
But please be quick.

I need the line open
in case Gary tries to call.

Gary will be fine.

You two talk on that phone
too much as it is.

As if!
But seriously. Be quick.

You want
to pay the phone bill?

Love you!

- Hello.
- Hi, Charlie.

It's Mayor Denberg.

I'm afraid I've got
some bad news.

It's about the lighthouse.

I'm sorry, Junie.


Do you think I wanted this?

It wasn't my decision.

Yeah, but you're giving up.

There's nothing we can do.

We can fight it.

I'll start a petition
or something.

We'll go door-to-door
getting signatures

and convince people
not to shut it down.

This town
needs a lighthouse, Dad.

Honey, it's not that easy.

It's worth a try.

We tried.

That's all that matters.

Come on.

Despite efforts to challenge
the city council vote,

the beloved Shadow Bay
lighthouse is shutting down.

Tonight, for the first time
in nearly a century,

the beacon will not turn on,

and the lighthouse
will fall dark forever.

She only needed
a few more signatures.

She was that close.

Now, we'll hear
from Charlie Murphy,

the man whose family
has kept the light on

for four generations.

The lighthouse
is more than

just a beacon of light.
It's a beacon of hope.

The light protected us,
guided us.

Without it we're all
just lost in the dark.

Turning it off
was a grave mistake.

For the safety of
all of our children,

I hope that one day
that beacon will shine again.

Thank you, Charlie.

This has been Emily Blakey
with KCWK News signing off.

- Oh no.
- Where's she going?

She's going
to try to turn it on.

We have to stop her.
She's going get herself k*lled.

that's the thing.

She already passed.

Dude, we can't prevent
it from happening.

- We can try.
- No.



- Jai.
- Jai.



You know the cash
that you keep taped behind

the picture
of the unibrow lady?

I borrowed that two months ago
for my super orb.

I know you'll be mad, but that
investment was for the best

because that super orb
ended up saving our lives.

That feels really good
to get off of my chest.

All right, who's next?

This happened
a long time ago man.

You couldn't have stop that.
It's in the past.

It was a terrible accident,

- just like Ms. Schaffer said.
- Yeah.

I'm still confused
about something.

June died
before the curse existed,

so she couldn't
have created it.

Then who did?

What happened?

What is it?

I seek you
in the darkest hour.

This is how it happens.

Hear my plea.
And give me power.

This is bad.


Guys? Guys? Wake up.

- What's he doing?
- He's using the book.

For what?

Take me in the black
of night

to bring her back
into the light.

Can't you see?
"The Book of Shadows."

The Shadow man.

Guys, the Shadow man
is outside

and he's eating all our lights.

Guys, I can't
do this by myself.


The curse
that cannot be reversed.

To what was stolen,
return first.

Firelight and shadow black.

I give my life
to pay death back.

It's fine.
We're ghosts, remember?

He can't see us.

I was wrong.

Time to say goodbye!

Goodbye, June.

That was awesome.
It wasn't awesome

it was actually really scary,
but it was awesome.

Why's it so dark in here?


- Seth!
- Dude!

Hi, hope
you all had a good nap.

It is now a bad time

to tell you
that the Shadow man is outside?

This will give us
12 hours of battery life.

How long were we in there?

In where?
What happened you guys?

Long story.

Did you triple
knot these, man?

How did you tie these
so horribly?

I'm not familiar
with your laces.

You have weird shoes.

I told my mom
I was studying at the library.

If she finds out I lied,
she's going to k*ll me.

I hate to break it
to you Gabby,

but if we have to figure out
something soon,

the Shadow man
is going to k*ll you first.

- Finally.
- There is no use.

They're all dying.

We brought
extra batteries. Got them.

There's enough for all of us.

Got 'em.

Are you okay?

The batteries... come on.


The Phantom light.

It only flickers when
there's an evil spirit nearby.

Yeah, evil spirit.

Just experienced
that first-hand.

At least have
one light that works.

- We need to go.
- Where?

- Out in the haunted woods?
- We're sitting ducks here.

At least there
we can make a run for it.

- Like how Connor ran?
- Exactly.

He stole the book.

Who cares
about a spell book?

No, no, Connor stole
"The Book of Shadows."

He had a reason to do it. Okay.
I'll start at the beginning.

We know Connor went
into the woods. He got cursed.

Then he found out
about June Murphy.

He decided to hold the seance
to find out the truth.

And the truth is that the
lighthouse keeper used the book

to become the Shadow man.

That's why Connor wanted it.

"The Book of Shadows" is what
created the curse,

- then maybe...
- It's what we use to break it.

We need to find the book.

- Anything?
- No.

Where do you think Connor
would've hid the book?

- Fireplace?
- Let's check.


Ow. Guys, I'm stuck.
Luke, little help?


I think he's here.

- Found it.
- What?


What are you waiting for?
Read the curse!

- No... no...
- Luke?

I understand
what Connor was trying to do.

Then read it!

"Spirits high, spirits low,

protect me from
this wicked foe."

I can't see it...
Come on.

"Drive away all harm
and fear."

- Uh...
- Hey, Mom.

"Only good is welcome here."

Uh, yeah.
We're still at the library.

- Our heads are buried books.
- I can't see the spell!

- Trust me.
- Guys this is taking too long.

- I can't see the spell!
- Go!

Hold out your fingers!

"Spell of magic pure
and bright,

"protect us
in your hollowed light.

Hey, guys.

Guys wake up. Guys come on.

What happened?

Did it work?
Did you break the curse?


It's you, it's really you.


It's really me.

Next, on
"Are You Afraid of the Dark?"

Connor, you all right?

Promise you didn't open
"The Book of Shadows."

No good can come
from that book, only evil.


Something's wrong.
He's acting weird.

We can't leave him alone
like this.

This spell cannot simply
cast away the shadow

let undo what happened
to Connor.

The others are going
to the Glow Dance.

- What?
- You wear neon,

they turn off all the lights.

Casting spells is easy.

Uncasting can be tricky
and can even be a real curse.

I just saw the Shadow man!

Help us!
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