09x01 - The Tale of the Haunted Woods

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Are You Afraid of the Dark?". Aired: August 15, 1992 – August 13, 2022.*
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Both series of Are You Afraid of the Dark? revolved around a group of teenagers who referred to themselves as "The Midnight Society".
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09x01 - The Tale of the Haunted Woods

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

♪ ♪

- [yelps]

[objects clatter]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


[soft dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[wind whooshing]

♪ ♪

Spirits high and spirits low,

protect me from this wicked foe.

[door creaks]

Drive away all harm and fear.
Only good is welcome here.

Spell of magic, hear...

[creature growls, snarls]

♪ ♪

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪


[ethereal growl]

♪ ♪

[branch snaps]


♪ ♪

I know you're out there!

I know you're there!

[soft dramatic music]

I'm not afraid of you...

[owl hoots]

[spooky music]

♪ ♪

[merry-go-round creaks]

♪ ♪

[soft dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Lights on. [claps]

Time to get up.

- Lights off. Five more minutes.


- Lights on. [claps]

It's not my fault
that you stayed up late

watching movies again, pal.
- [groans]

Studies have shown
that night owls are smarter

and more creative
than morning people.


- Oh, is that a fact?

And Dad said,
"Let there be light."

- [groans]

- Seriously, though, kiddo,
I'm afraid I got some bad news.

You hear about the kidnapping?
- What?

- Yeah, but I woke him up.

Huh? [chuckles]

Right, huh? You like that one?

I got more. - No.

- I got way more.
- Stop, I'm up, I'm up.

No more dad jokes.

- No more.
- Just stop.

- Okay, good then.

Oh, did you hear
the one about the chair?

You might want
to sit down for it.

Oh, ah.

- [sighs]

- Yo, it's Connor.

No one checks
voicemails anymore.

sh**t me a text.

[Declan McKenna's
"You Better Believe!!!"]

[upbeat rock music]

♪ ♪

- ♪ Just 'cause you've got
your own theme song ♪

♪ Fastest g*n
in the solar system ♪

♪ Don't mean you're alone ♪

♪ Don't mean
you're the only one ♪

♪ To save us all ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Oh, you better believe ♪

♪ ♪

[seagulls cawing]

- Morning, Mr. Stevens.
- Hey.

- Is Connor home?

- No, he was already gone
before I woke up.

Must've headed to school early.

- Oh, okay.

Going on another
fishing trip, huh?

- Yeah, just a quick one
this time.

Six days at sea,
and I'm hoping to get

a good catch
before the storm rolls in.

You know, do me a favor,
would you?

While I'm gone, make sure Connor

stays out of trouble this time.

- I'll do my best.

- Oh, and, Luke,
when you see him,

tell him he left
all the lights on again.

That means no allowance.
- Catch you later, Mr. Stevens!

♪ ♪

- Hey, watch it.

- ♪ The tenants come
with rocket boots and lasers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Lose their flavors ♪

♪ Like gum stuck to your heels ♪

[eerie music]

- Oh.

- What's the matter, Luke?
Can't take a joke?

- You gotta stop
breaking into my locker.

- Never. Dude, look what I got.

- Whoa, you actually got it.

- Woke up at 4:00 a.m.
just to buy the first copy.

- Cool, can I read it
when you're done?

- Already read it three times...

Dude, I mean, this stuff
is gonna blow your mind.

The ending has to be one of
the cool... lamest things ever.

[girls chattering, laughing]

Comic books
are for children, Lucas.

I am a grown man
with a savings account.

- Yeah, she's gone.

- Forgive me.

- You know,
could just ask her out.

- I'm playing the slow game.
You wouldn't get it.

- Is it working?
- Slowly, yes.

Want to come over after school?

That new Crimson Clown movie
is streaming.

- I can't. I got practice.

Still down for tonight,
though, right?

- Yeah, sure.

- Mother Nature is dying.

Our futures are about
to be cancelled, people.

Save the planet.
Sign the petition.

Don't just look away!

Your silence
speaks volumes, people.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Save the ecosystem yet?
- I only have seven signatures.

Well, six of them
are mine, so...

- You know, Hanna,
maybe if you were less intense,

people would find you
more approachable.

- Excuse me?
I am very approachable.

I am a warm, pleasant person.

Sign the petition
or brace yourself

for a fiery death!

- Yeah, no, you're right,
very approachable.

- I'll sign.

Wait, Connor signed?
- No, that was me.

Usually forge a few
of the cool kids' names

to get the ball rolling.

- You didn't forge my name.

- So you haven't seen
Connor today?

- Not today. Why?

- He tried calling me
last night, like, a lot.

Probably just forgot to do
his history paper or something.

- Wait, that was due today?

- Any news on what
tonight's story's about?

- Nope, he hasn't
told me anything.

I think it's gonna be the...
- All right, everybody.

Come on, put your phones away.
Everybody be quiet.

Keep your mouths shut.
Nobody annoy me.

It's been a morning.

- Ms. Schafter, I will not sit

until this school has
renewable solar power energy.

- Well, then you can stand
in detention.

Starting roll call. Good choice.

Ava Serrano. - Here.

- Jai Melya.
- Yeet.

- "Yeet."

Connor Stevens.

Stevens, no.

Tony Silver.

[soft dramatic music]

Tony and Connor
on a little date today.

Vincent Moroise.

♪ ♪

- [blows whistle]

Dig deep! Yes.

Circle right, circle right!

Get those hips under!
[blows whistle]

Yes, that's how you get it done.

All right, you guys out.
Let's get JV in here.


Luke, Ronnie, you're up.

[soft plucky music]

Remember, explode.

I'm talking to you, Luke.
You guys ready?

[blows whistle]

Come on!

Get those feet moving!
Get those feet moving!

Come on, get after it, Luke!
Don't hesitate.


Explode and snap!

[blows whistle]

You gotta take charge, Luke!

You hesitate,
you'll lose every time.

By the way,
do you know why Stevens

decided to skip practice?

[soft dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Okay, you guys get off.

You two, you're on. Standing.

♪ ♪

- Here you go.

Fish and chips
and the crispy cod tacos.

- Ooh, can I get
some extra tartar sauce?

- You got it. Be right back.

Hey, Luke. - Hey, got a sec?

- You bet. Step into my office.

The usual? - Yes.

- What's up?

- Have you heard from Connor?
- No, should I have?

- He wasn't at school
or practice today.

- I mean, it's Connor.
He probably skipped again.

Did you try calling... - Miss?

Tartar sauce?

- Tartar sauce. Got it.

- Look at this.

Got eight missed calls
from him last night.

Weird, right?

And his dad said that,
when he woke up this morning,

Connor was already gone.

That means no one's
seen him all day.

I mean, I've tried
reaching out to him,

but his phone must be off.

- Excuse me, miss.

Are those my fries he's eating?

- No.

Yours are coming, promise.

Did you check his house?
- Yeah, just now.

It's all locked up,
and no one's home.

- I think you're just
freaking yourself out.

If anything, he's probably
getting something ready

for his story tonight.

You know Connor.
He does this kind of thing.

Remember how he scared you
on a full moon

before his werewolf tale?

- I remember you being scared.

- Mm, pretty sure it was you

who made
that high-pitched scream.

- Maybe it was Jai.
- We could say it was Jai.

- Seems like it would be.
- True, yeah.

- You're not too good
at this job.

- Oh, really?

Hey, I'm sure
everything is fine.

We'll see him at midnight.

[owl hooting]

[woman on TV screams]

[tense music plays on TV]

♪ ♪

- Uh, I-I saw some litter
in our yard.

I was just going
to go pick it up.

♪ ♪

Wow. You.

- You are so busted.

- Whatever,
I wasn't doing anything.

- I know you sneak out
at midnight

for your secret club to tell
scary stories or whatever.

Wonder what Mom and Mommy
will have to say about that.

Fifty bucks.

- I am not giving you money.
- Then a new magic kit.

That's the price for my silence.

- In your dreams.
- Fine.

Then let me come with you.
- What?

- I want to join.

♪ ♪

- Um... all right,

but I'll have
to initiate you first.

Okay, let's see here.


Hold this.

♪ ♪

- What's all this for?

- Oh, a special ritual.
You'll see.

♪ ♪

Okay, give me the broom.

And juice.

♪ ♪

Hold this... the bottom.

And repeat after me, okay?

Fire of Earth. - Fire of Earth.

- Smoke of sky.
- Smoke of sky.

- Give me strength.
- Give me strength.

- To keep me dry.
- To keep me dry.

- See you.

- Aren't you gonna help me
get this down?

'Cause I'm kind of in the...
- No, okay.

Have fun. I'll be back.

- Hanna, you can't
do this to me.

- Bye, Seth.
- No, Hanna, Hanna.

No, no, Hanna, you can't
leave me here like this.

♪ ♪

[phone chiming]

- It's midnight.

- Maybe sick?
- Might have skipped town.

- He didn't skip town, dude.

- Okay, he's disappeared before.

Remember when he took
the train down south

and didn't tell anyone?
- He told me.

♪ ♪

He always tells me.

♪ ♪

When's the last time
you guys saw him?

- Friday at school.

He seemed normal except he kept
falling asleep in class, but...

- Well, sounds normal for him.

- I saw him after school.

He came over to borrow
my ring light.

- Your ring light?
Did he say why?

- No, just that he was
working on something.

- Knew it.

I said he was probably working

on something special
for his story tonight.

- Oh, no, he's making
his own horror movie,

yeah, and it's gonna
be really bad,

and he's gonna make us watch it.

- Listen, if that was it,
then he'd be here to show us.

Okay, something about this
feels really weird.

He's the leader
of the Midnight Society.

He wouldn't just
bail on us like this.

Gabby, when's the last time
you talked to him?

- Um, Saturday morning.

I saw him by the wharf
when I was on a run.

I tried saying hi,
but he just took off running.

- Do you know
where he was going?

- No, but he was in a hurry.

♪ ♪

- Dude, quiet.
It's a school night.

My parents are still up.
- Who cares?

Uh, here, throw this on.
Grab a flashlight.

- Like, right now?
- Yeah, like, right now.

- Where are we going?
- It's a surprise.

Hurry up.

- I don't think I can, man.

- Come on, dude,
you're gonna love it.

- No, really, I can't.
- Come on, dude.

It's gonna be great. - I can't.

- You serious?

- Listen, man,
I'm cool with sneaking out

for the Midnight Society,
but I can't keep doing

this kind of stuff.

Every single time
you have a crazy idea,

it ends up with me
getting in trouble.

Last time, I was grounded
for two whole months, man.

- Okay, but I haven't
even told you

what we're gonna be doing yet.

- Well, I'm trying
to tell you no.

- Why don't you just listen
to what I'm trying...

- Why do you always
have to be so stubborn?

- Why are you always so afraid?

♪ ♪

Forget it.

I'll do it myself.
Better off on my own anyway.

[soft dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Luke?

♪ ♪

Did he say anything to you
about what he was doing?

- No, I don't know.

♪ ♪

- Social media...

Has he posted anything
over the weekend?

- I'm looking now.

[sighs] Just a few photos.


Do you see that?

- Yeah, it's kind of
by the boatyard.

Bad angle though.
He should have gone lower.

Maybe down
on the highlights a bit.

- Jai, the background.
- I don't see anything.

- Turn up the brightness.

What is that?
- Maybe it's a shadow.

[eerie music]

♪ ♪

- No way.
- It's the same shadow.

- And it's following him.

- When I saw him on Saturday,

what if he wasn't running
to something?

What if he was running
away from something?

- No, Photoshop
or a bad Facetune job.

- It's not Facetune, Jai.

- Gabby, when you saw Connor,

did you see
anyone following him?

- We don't even know
what this is yet.

It's just a blurry shadow.

- Yeah, but if somebody was,
then he could be in trouble.

We should be out there
looking for him.

- Whoa, whoa, slow down.

I mean, it's already
past midnight.

There's nothing
we can do right now.

- Jai's right.

If Connor doesn't show up
for school tomorrow,

we'll start looking for answers.


Until then,

I declare this meeting
of the Midnight Society closed.

[soft dramatic music]

[school bell rings]

♪ ♪

- Anyone know
Connor's combination?

- Step aside, children.
Daddy's got this.

I've watched
tons of videos on this

and break into Luke's locker
on a regular basis.

Hanna, bobby pin.

- I don't have one.
- What, you don't?

- Why would I have a bobby pin?

- Well, 'cause you're...
- What?

- Gabby?

Okay, a paperclip.

- Paperclips?
- Okay, you know, just move.

[dramatic music]

- Dude, girls
wear bobby pins, right?

- I don't even know
what that is.

- Silence. Mommy's working.

- Sorry.


- How did you do that?
- Practice.

You gotta break the rules
to change the rules.

- "Curses."

- "Dragon powder,
love potion water."

- Why would Connor
have all these?

- Maybe this is
what Connor was doing

before he went missing...
He was reading about curses.

- How do we know
he hasn't always had these?

We don't know when he got them.
This could be a dead end.

- No, it's not.

This is a receipt
from last Friday.

- This is the place.

- Sardo's Magic Mansion!

Seriously, this is
the best place ever.

You guys like magic too?

Hanna hates it... - Listen.

The only reason you're here

is because Mom won't let you
ride the bus alone.

We have a quick question
for the owner,

so you're gonna be quiet,
stay outside, and wait for us.

If you can do all that,
me and my friends

will watch one
of your magic tricks.

- Okay.

[soft plucky music]

♪ ♪


- Magic word.

- Uh, we don't... we just...
We want to talk to the owner.

- Sorry, bye, now. [chuckles]

♪ ♪


- Magic word.

- Okay, listen,
our friend is missing.

We think that
he might have seen you.

- Sorry, that's not
the magic word.

Have a very nice day!
- Is this guy serious?

- I thought you said
you'd been here before, Hanna.

- I've never gone in.
I've just dropped Seth off.


What's the magic word, Seth?

Tell us
and I'll buy you something.



- What?

♪ ♪


Magic word.

- Abra...

♪ ♪

- Oh.

- [whispers] Cadabra.

- [sighs]

- Abracadabra?
- It was abracadabra.

- It's a magic shop, so...
- Yeah, wow.

- Mr. Sardo?
- Mr. Sardo was my grandfather.

My name is Sardo!
No mister, accent on the "do".

Do not touch that!

That's not a plaything,
trust me.

- Hey, uh...

have you seen our friend? - Yes.

Been looking everywhere
for that little thief.

- Thief?

- Your friend broke
into my shop on Sunday night

and stole something
very valuable from me.

- No, he didn't.
He bought these books.

We literally have the receipt.
- Yeah, those.

But when I refused to sell him
a special spell book

I keep locked away,
he took up late night burglary.

Do not touch those!

- Jai.

♪ ♪

- Okay, come, come,
playtime's over.

Either buy now or bye, now.

- Okay, why was he
reading up on curses?

- No clue, but if I
had friends like you,

I'd probably think
I was cursed too

because you all suck.
As kids, you all suck.

- You know what...
We're just trying

to find our friend.
Quit being such a jerk.

- Oh, so polite
kids are these days.

- You know what?
Okay, boomer, you...

- Boy, put down the stone!

- Hey, everybody, look!
- Hey, everyone, leave.

- How do you even know it was
Connor who stole the book?

- Because I do.
- How?

- [sighs]

All right.
All right, I'll show you.

♪ ♪

Don't tell anyone about this.

[door rattles]

All right, come in.

Don't touch anything,
and I mean anything!

So just anything.

Come on.


See? [chuckles]

Right there. [chuckles]

- Bet he used a bobby pin.
- Nope, he used one of these.

Skeleton key, sold it
to him the other day.

The boy is truly a barbarian.

- [yelps]

[objects clatter]

- Those crystal balls
are very rare

and practically priceless.

- It says "7.99."
- That's a different one, so...

- Whoa, whoa, guys,
Sardo's right.

Connor's taking the book.

[eerie music]

- What book is it?
- That is the Book of Shadows.

It goes back centuries,

holding spells
from ancient times.

It's actually priceless.

[scoffs] There you have it.

Your criminal confidant
fleeing the scene of the crime.

- Why did he go out
the back door?

- What do you mean?

- I mean,
he came through the front.

Why didn't he just
go out that way?

- Hold up, rewind it.
Look at the front door.

♪ ♪

You see that?

♪ ♪

How did it do that?

♪ ♪

- Wait, that's a flash frame.
Go back.

♪ ♪

- It's that thing...
The same thing from his photos.

♪ ♪

- The Shadowman.

♪ ♪

- Why does this matter?

- Okay, you have
a story to tell.

We have a process. Respect that.

- [sighs] May I begin now?

- Yes.

- Okay. Once upon a time...

- Wait,
you can't start that way.

- Of course I can.
- We have rules.

- Of course you do.

- It's a Midnight Society thing.

- Does that mean

I'm part of
the Midnight Society now?

- No.

- Every story must begin
with these words.

Think you can handle that?

- I'll try my best.


Before I begin, if I may,

this story is about
three kinds of people...

The people
who believe in curses,

the people
who don't believe in curses,

and the people who should.

[eerie music]


"Submitted for the approval
of the Midnight Society,"

I call this story

"The Tale of the Haunted Woods."

[soft dramatic music]

It is said that, upon nightfall,

no child is allowed
to enter the Haunted Woods

because once the sun sets
and darkness falls,

an evil monster roams the land.

[children chattering]
They call it the Shadowman.

♪ ♪

- Hey, find your own spot.

♪ ♪

- Over the years, every child

who dared to venture
into the woods after dark

mysteriously disappeared.

♪ ♪

- Hold up.

Becky Peters
went into those woods,

and her whole family

- That's because
they moved to Oregon.

- Everyone knows
about those woods.

There's no bogeyman.

They're just off-limits
because it's dangerous

to go near the cliffs at night.

- May I go back to the story?

[eerie music]

♪ ♪

Once you enter
the Haunted Woods...

you cross
into the Shadowman's domain,

and an unspeakable curse
will fall upon you.

♪ ♪

[ethereal growl]

[undergrowth rustling]

♪ ♪

- Over here!

- Hey!

[indistinct chatter]

- Once you've been cursed,

the Shadowman will come for you.

♪ ♪

- Hello?


[ethereal growling]

[door creaks]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


- What is it, Zoey?
- Someone's in my room!

- Who?

- A monster.

- Zoey,
did those neighborhood kids

tell you a scary story?

You know monsters
aren't real, right?

Mommy gets scared too
sometimes, but you know what?

Usually the thing
we think we're afraid of

isn't so scary after all.

Want me to check it out?


No monsters under the bed.

- I know he's not under there.

- As long as you know that,
there's no reason to be afraid.

Now, let's get you
back into bed.

- He wasn't under the bed
because he's somewhere else.

- Ah, he's in the closet, right?

- No.

- Then where is he?

Zoey, where is he?

- Behind you.

♪ ♪

- There's no one here, sweetie.

Now go to bed. Get some sleep.

- Bye, Mom.

[ethereal growling]

- Scared, Seth?

- [sighs] No.

Maybe a little just then, but...

- So if you go
into the Haunted Woods

after dark, you're cursed?

- Precisely.

♪ ♪

- Okay, so you're cursed,
but then what comes after you?

Just a shadow?

- Not just a shadow...
The Shadowman.

[merry-go-round creaking]

[eerie music]

♪ ♪

According to the legend,
the Shadowman can only

come for you at night
after the sun has set.

[ethereal growling]

- [gasps]

- He watches you.

He follows you.

[merry-go-round thunking]

And he'll never stop
until he gets you.

♪ ♪

- [gasps]

- I'm a little worried
about Zoey.

Her teachers say
she's falling asleep in class,

waking up from bad nightmares.

It's hard to even get her to go
to bed at all these days.

[thunder rumbles]

- Please leave the lights on.

- Oh, sweetie, that's why
you have a nightlight.

- I want them all on.
Please, Mom, just for tonight.

Please, please, please, please.

- Okay, but just for tonight.

- Good night.
- Good night.

- With every passing night,

the Shadowman grows stronger,

biding his time
till he's strong enough

to get you and drag you
into the darkness.

[thunder cracks]

♪ ♪

Then when he finally gets you,

you belong to the dark forever.

- [screams]

- So how do you break the curse?

- No one knows because no one

has ever broken
the curse before.

- Why does he roam
the woods at night?

What's special about them?

- Because they're guarding
the place

where his spirit lives.

- Which is?

- The old lighthouse, of course.

[door opens]

Taking off already?

Boy, oh, boy, I must have
scared you all silly.


But seriously, where you going?

- The lighthouse.
- What?

That's lunacy!
- And I'm coming too.

- No, Seth, you're going home.
- But I want to help.

- Okay, we're just gonna
go quickly check it out.

I'll meet you at the house.

- Did you imbeciles
hear a word I said?

You're gonna
get yourselves cursed.

- It's just
an urban legend, Sardo.

- Oh.

- Some stupid story
that parents told their kids

in order to scare them
from going out there at night.

- Ah.

- I've been in those woods
100 times.

Nothing's ever happened. - Same.

The only thing that's
ever cursed me is poison oak.

- Uh-huh, and have any of you
been in those woods after dark?

- There's still three hours
of daylight left,

so even if
the urban legend is real,

the curse won't affect us.

Besides, I have to find out
what happened to Connor.

He needed me,
and I wasn't there for him.

[soft dramatic music]

♪ ♪

So I don't care
if what you say is true.

If Connor really was taken
by this Shadowman...

♪ ♪

Then I'm gonna find him.

- No, no, don't do it.
Those woods are a beast.

I would not underestimate them!

Hey... no.

Or do whatever you like!
What do I care?

I'm a business owner,
not a babysitter.

♪ ♪

[bird cawing]

- Are we sure about this?

[eerie music]

- No.

Anyone want to back out?

♪ ♪

- Hold up, let's be smart
about this, all right?

The sun sets at 7:58 p.m.,
so I'm setting an alarm.

Just in case.

- Let's go.

[soft dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Anyone see anything?
- That depends.

What have we been looking
for this whole time?

- Anyone got any bars?
I got none.

- Shocker,
no cell towers out here.

Did you honestly just do that?
- What?

If I don't eat
every two hours, I'll faint.

- I meant the wrapper.
God, you know what?

I am so disappointed
in you, Jai.

Remember, you are the trash
you throw on the ground.

[branch snaps]

[crow caws]

- [grunts]

I hate nature.

- Guys, over here!
- What is it?

- Do you see something?

- What'd you find?
- Nothing really, sorry.

But check it out.

Too bad these woods
are off-limits.

This spot would be perfect

for the Midnight Society, right?

- Yeah, yeah, it would.

[child laughing]

- Shh, did you guys hear that?

- Yeah, sure, let's go
toward the ghost girl.

That's a good idea.

[man shouts]

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

- Got you!
- [screams]

- Seth, what are you doing?

- I told you I wanted
to come with you.

- How did you even tail us?

- Sorry, a magician
never reveals his secrets.

- I'm going to k*ll you.

[phone chimes]

- The sun is about to set.
- That was three hours already?

- How? It felt like ten minutes.

- Doesn't matter. We have to go.

[eerie music]

- Luke!

♪ ♪



- Luke, the sun is about to set!

We have to go now!

♪ ♪

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Wait,
that's Connor's backpack.

- Too late.
We don't have time, man!

We have to go!
- I'm not leaving without it.

♪ ♪

- Wait, we already
passed that tree.

- Then we need to go that way!
- That's the way we came from.

- The sun sets in the west,
so we need to go east.

Follow the shadows.

- The shadows keep changing
on the ground.

None of this makes sense.

- Wait, where's Luke?

♪ ♪

- Ow, ow.
- I got you, I got you.

- There it is.
I see the tree line.

- Thank you.
- Go.

- [panting] Okay.

- Hurry, one minute till sunset.

- We okay?
- Luke's still in there!

♪ ♪

[undergrowth rustling]

[ethereal growling]

♪ ♪

- [grunts]

♪ ♪


[groans] - Oh.

- [panting] Did we make it?

- You lost your shoe.

[all chuckle]

- It's okay 'cause we got this.

[phone chimes]

- That's sunset. We did it.

We got out in time.

[all sigh in relief]

[soft dramatic music]

- Let's get out of here.

♪ ♪

[dramatic music on TV]

♪ ♪

- She's not up there.
Where's the doctor?

- He went down to the basement.

Here he comes.

You didn't find her. - No.

- I'd better call the police.

- But there's no telling

what could happen to her
in the meantime.

No, no, take it easy.
We're doing the best we can.

- But she said
she was locked in,

and she couldn't see who did it.

Can you explain that?

[TV static crackling]

- Luke.

[eerie music]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


- Who are you?

[crickets chirping]

Don't come near me!

[echoing clapping]

[claps] - Ha, nice try, Dad.

Dad? [echoing clap]

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

- [growls] [claps]

[eerie music]

- Oh, no.

♪ ♪

- Next on
"Are You Afraid of the Dark?"

- Last night,
something happened.

It felt like a nightmare

but I don't remember
ever going to sleep.

- The Shadowman is just
a stupid urban legend.

- Just because
it's an urban legend

doesn't mean it can't be true.


We're not gonna find Connor
by just scaring ourselves.

[all gasp]

We're not cursed.

[suspenseful music]

- Come on! Let's go!

- You left me, and he got me.

You left me, and he got me!

- [gasps]

[door creaks]

- [gasping]


[unsettling music]
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