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02x02 - Dinner Party

Posted: 11/05/23 08:03
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

[rooster crows]

Thank you.


[laughs softly]

Come on.

[sighs] What?

This is you.


Mmm. Mmm!

Mmm. Ah... water.

So quenching.

That was pretty good.

- I was sh**ting
an ad for this ax.
- Mm-hmm.

It was, like, a whole campaign
to make wood sexy.

But you just ruined it.

[laughs softly]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Once again, my apologies.

I thought we were actually
gonna take a schvitz.

I wish I could, man.
I-I need to relax.

Everything is just...

not good and...

- I need to accept that
she's gone.
- Yeah.

- Yeah.
- Your life is 100% fubar.

Nora's gone,
your m*rder*r is on the loose,

and if they ever find out
that you got your memories back,

they're gonna come
after you again.

Meanwhile, you're trapped
living with Ingrid,

who is...

No comment.

Ingrid's not so bad.

It helps to pretend it's only
a play about your life,

and she's the star.

Wasn't she in on the plot
to have you k*lled?

She barely knew anything.
It was like 96% her dad.


Whatever. I'm flawed, too.

Okay, I sold my code
behind my partner's back.

That's why this is all

You are not seriously
blaming yourself

for your own m*rder?

No, no.

Okay, it's just Ingrid and I,

I don't know, maybe
we deserve each other.

You know, I did love her once.

And she's on my side.

She uploaded for me.

Well, give it the old
college try.

I mean, I can't believe
I'm gonna say this, but

if she's anything like
her grandmother,

she's a freaky fun ride.


I know I've asked you this

what's wrong with you?

Everything, man.

Just everything.

Tribal taupe, cheddar satin,

and Miami hotel.

- What do we think?
- These are all the options?


[sighs sharply]
Let me see them all again.

Of course.
Eighth time's a charm.

[quivering] f*ck.

[door opens]

Uh, what's going on here, babe?

We're throwing a dinner party.

Now, I know they're
not really your thing,

but just listen to
my arguments, okay?

Number one, it's an opportunity
for us to look hot together

- in front of lots of other
less-hot people.
- Mm-hmm.

- Two, I think this...
- I'm in.

- Wow. Really?
- Mm-hmm.

I-I had, like, 40 more of those.

I was planning on
wearing you down.

Nope, nope, nope.

I'm in. My girl wants
a dinner party,

my girl gets a dinner party.
Who's coming?

Well, David Choak, for one.

I figure we live across the hall

from a billionaire; we may
as well take advantage.

For sure, for sure.

It's just he's so gross, babe.

- Because he has
an age-accurate avatar?
- No.

Just imagine how cool
he would be with his money

if he decided to look like
a young Tom Cruise.

You know I'm four inches
taller than Tom Cruise?

Yes, you've told me before.

Well, it's very important to me.
Who else is coming?

Um, some friends I made
in line at the complaints desk.

Very discriminating people.

Well, they sound great.

Can I invite some friends, too?

Sure, just not...

- Luke.
- Ugh.

You know he should be in jail

for what he's doing
to my grandmother.

They're dating.

Mm, it still should be illegal.

Actually, fine.

Maybe Mr. Choak will fall
for Granny.

And my friend Yang.
She's cool.

- Yang?
- Yeah. From 2Gig.

Yay. So that means

we're gonna need
more place settings.

Okay, I'll go invite them,

get Yang a day pass.
It's gonna be great.

Whatever happens, this is
gonna be, uh, awesome.

Okay. Bye, Boo-Boo.

- [door closes]
- Mm.

He took that quite well.


And you'll be using standard
AI catering?

Um, are there any other options?

You can have live angels
serving, for an upcharge.

Ma'am, I will try my best
to do a good job.

Okay, "good job"
won't be enough.

This party better be
f*cking flawless.

Don't you worry, it will be.

Greatest party ever!
Greatest party ever!

♪ Greatest party ever ♪♪

Okay, give me two angels
on standby, please.

Uploads live a life
of comfort. Luxury.

But what do they lack?


Something that makes death
worth living.

So we've created Proto-Tykes
by Horizen.

- [scattered groans]
- Oh, uh...

This is just the baseline face.

But the more you spend...

- ...we will always
offer our uploads.
- [gasps]

Ugh. Yes, what is it?
I'm in a meeting.

Ingrid Kannerman in 10556 wants
a couple angels on standby

for cater-waiter this evening.

Yes. Fine.

- Go away.
- Oh, yeah.

The next level baby
merges the faces

of two parents.

- Hey, how's the new temp?
- Uh, clueless.

- But eager,
and motivated by food.
- Hmm.

I think I might get her
a clicker trainer,

like the one you get for dogs.

Oh, you should.

Does the new temp have
her own avatar?

She hasn't been
on the system yet.

Give her an old one,
'cause I need you two on standby

for an important client.

[insects trilling]

[bird hooting]

- Nora, did you make this dip?
- Yeah.

My mom's recipe.
Careful, it's spicy.

It's good. It's not so bad.

What's the secret ingredient?

Is it fire?


Needs more chiles.


[Nora] That was a good one, Dad.


Dave, tell your daughter that
it's not all fun and games here.

People are sacrificing
while she's eating chips and dip

and playing grab-ass.

- Hey, look, Pastor...
- I work in the garden.

These people stuck
their necks out

for you, Nora Antony.

How will you return the favor?

[Dave] I'm sure she'll find
a way to pull her weight.

I'm sure of it.

[doorbell rings]

- It's gonna be great.
- Okay.


Mr. Choak. Oh, uh,

I didn't know you were
bringing a guest.

She's a Prefera.
She's not a person.

Programmed to look like
my ex-wife, but, uh,

make an effort to learn
my preferences.

I pay attention to what
Mr. Choak likes,

and give it to him forever.

How, um, lovely.

- Would you like a drink?
- [snaps fingers]


Mr. Choak likes Bloody Marys

and the rollback
of environmental laws.

Well, we can handle
one of those.

For you, sir.

And champagne for
the lovely sex doll.

- [snorts, coughs]
- Okay...

Mm. Gotta make rent, right?

What he uses her for
in the privacy of his own suite

is none of our concern.

I'm just trying
to be friendly, ma'am.

Get out of my sight.

Right away.


- Ha ha!
- What up, bro?

- What's up?
- What up, AI Guy?

- He's not here.
- I'm not here.

Um, is this a-a keg?

Be rude to arrive empty-handed.

Okay, let me just...

Luke, you shouldn't have.

Excuse me. [sighs]

I feel like she meant that.

A keg. So generous.

I know, right?



- She's drunk.
- Great.


[tray clattering on floor]

Good luck today.

Little Xerox, I'm gonna need
a pizza in real life.

I-I mean a-a pizza,
extra cheese cartridge,

half-inch margins.


Could you get me
a dirty martini?

I don't work here.

[Ingrid] Hello. [laughs]

Welcome, friends.

Thank you so much for coming

to our little luxury suite.

Luxury, and yet there are
no hors d'oeuvres.

Feed them ASAP.

Yes, ma'am.


No. No, no, not like that.

Make it classy.

Sorry. Do over.

Oh, wow.

I'm, I'm sure they're,
they're still fine.

We... Oh, no, that is
so damp. [chuckles]

Maybe we'll just put these
in a little to-go box for Yang.

- What do you think?
- Thanks.

Okay, everyone, please.
Let's all sit, all right?

- Yikes.
- [clears throat] Boo-Boo?

Mr. Choak, this is
my grandmother Mildred.

You probably have
a lot in common.

Oh, are you a child
of the '50s, like me?

Howdy Doody on the TV?

Actually, the '30s.

Amos 'n' Andy on the radio.

[David] I remember
Amos 'n' Andy.

They were very r*cist,
as I recall.


Oh, things aren't
as funny today, are they?

Well, those things aren't.

Thanks, babe.

for the first course,
they've programmed

- a delightful seafood bisque.
- Mmm.

I hope you like it.

Mr. Choak prefers
to eat intelligent

- or endangered species.
- Really?

Well, it's socially acceptable
to eat octopus,

and they're more intelligent
than a six-year-old child.

But you don't eat kids, right?

Nobody eats kids.

No, but I'm just saying
it's a contradiction.

We don't eat kids,
but we eat octopus

or dolphin or gorilla.

Do we, though?

Okay, so who wants to tell us

their favorite part
of the Update now?

[Luke] Oh, I'll go. Can I go?

- Yes, please.
- I can go?

Okay. You know that feeling

when you try to crack
your knuckle,

and it's straining,
and you're not sure

if the knuckle's gonna pop,

but then it does in, like,

a really satisfying way?

It's 25 cents, and it's just,

it's so worth it.

This, uh, this bisque...

I think they forgot
to program the scent.

Oh, my God.

Make the smell of the food
more enticing.

Okay, I will try,
but I just want you to know,

AI system's still practicing
sense of smell.

- We're not great...
- I don't care.

- Smells up.
- Okay. Ba-ba-ba.

[sniffs] Oh.

[all sniffing]

Wow. That is fishy.

In-in a, in a... it's actually
in a really nice way. Wow.

Like low tide in Nantucket.


That's it.
You're fired.

All of you, now, out.

[door opens]

Go! Go, go, go, go, go.

Everyone, crack your knuckles.

It's on us. Please.

- Babe...
- [loud crack]

- [others gasping]
- Sorry.

[Lucy] Oh, my God.
It's so cute.


[alert chiming]


Yo, Leeshy, time to
send in the varsity team.

Does your avatar have
any party clothes?

- My avatar is
a f*cking knockout.
- Great.

Okay... Ooh, we got
Berlin nightclub,

Cairo disco.

Drinks on a boat?

- Or maid in an old movie.
- How about you?

You ready to roll?

- Uh, this is my second day.
- Uh-huh.

Still not exactly sure what
it is that we do here, but...


So, so...

[clears throat]
...current events.

You know, anybody got a hot take
on the upcoming election or...

Ugh, I stopped caring
about that stuff

after I uploaded.

I mean, what's even the point?
We can't vote.

Good. Yes. Nothing good
ever came from voting.

Women got the right to vote,
and ten years later, blammo!

The Great Depression.

Nathan, I'm curious
to know your thoughts

about the recent attack
on Freeyond.

Um, actually, I wasn't aware.

[groans] The Ludds
are out of control.

You knew about that?

Yeah. I like to
stay informed, babe.

The Ludds scare me.
That Pastor Rob.

They hate our kind
and are capable of anything.

Pastor Rob is a hypocrite.

My dad played racquetball
with him

a few years ago,
before he went off the grid,

and he always cheated.

Freeyond sounded good to me.

[Lionel] Ha!

I'd never upload to Freeyond.

There have to be winners
and losers in life.

If Yang didn't exist,
how would I know

how good my life is?

That's why she's here, right?

Wait, what?

That's ridiculous. We're
talking about human beings.


[David] Yeah,
I agree with Nathan.

Freeyond's a good idea.

I mean, why not let
everyone have a shot?

Give the poor people
even a smidgen

of what we enjoy here.

A reward to those who
toil their whole lives.

Freeyond has a kind of
pioneer spirit that I admire.

People building
their own afterlives.

Yes. Exactly, Mr. Choak.

Yeah. You see, babe?

Nathan, didn't you tell me
that you, uh,

you worked on a, on a project
similar to Freeyond?

Oh, uh, funny story...

- Uh, project? This guy?
- Yeah.

No, he's never talked
about that, ever.

Right, right.
Honestly, everybody,

Nathan barely remembers
anything from his past.

His-his memories were
pretty damaged when he uploaded.

Yeah, yeah, you know,

sometimes I can't even
remember my own name.

- It's Nathan Brown.
- Oh...

Thank you.

Oh, my.

Chicken nuggets.

Yeah. Ingrid said we could
order whatever we wanted.

- You're a child.
- [Luke chuckles]


You look spicy in that bow tie.

I mean it.
It's an inside joke.

Oh... how many of these
you think I can fit in my mouth?

Could you use a fork?

Bitch three's low on water,
and I need more bread.

[sighs] Okay, um...


[Lionel] So, Yang,
how does it work with 2Gig?

They pay you to test things out
for us or, or what?

[Yang] Actually, we have to pay,

and it's quite a lot
for most of us.

Oh, shit.

Where are you taking me?

It's a surprise.

Well, watch out it's not
anything fun,

or Pastor Rob will
put me in the stocks.

Don't worry about him.

Okay? He and his followers

are just a loud minority.


Well, this is... private.

Close your eyes.

What is it?

I'll give you a hint.


It's somebody
from your old life,

who you probably miss a lot.


Okay, open 'em.


AI Guy?

No, not AI Guy.
My name is Boris.

Boris Netherlands.

That is my name.

Wait, I'm s-sorry, but...
And not to be rude...

Who the f*ck is
Boris Netherlands?

- He's an unemployed actor.
- You could just say "actor."

- Sorry, sorry.
- I was paid $1,200 total

to use my face and likeness
forever. 1,200 bucks.

- And I recruited him
to the Ludds.
- Yes.

It's just so weird

to see him sit and be.

Normally he's just so, like...


Oh, ha ha!
Yeah, it's not my only work.

My face was also the face
of Manana Bread.

I don't know...

It's banana bread for men.

It was considered problematic.
They took it off the shelves.

So we're gonna LIDAR him
and make an avatar I can use

to sneak into Lakeview
from the Grey Zone.

It's smart, right?

No one's gonna notice
an extra one of this guy.

Well, what do the Ludds want
with Lakeview?

Over here.

Pastor Rob and his wing
hate all upload, right?

The rest of us hate upload
for the rich.

f*cking with Lakeview is...
it's very unifying.

- Look, I don't know.
- They taught you design, right?

Well, yeah.

So maybe you could
help us out with this.

You were looking for a way
to earn your spot, right?

We have to keep an eye on them.

Just to see what's
going on up there.

- All right, I guess.
- Yeah?

I mean, not to brag or anything,
but it's kind of my specialty.

Okay. Okay.


That's mine, by the way.

You ready? One, two, three.

All right, Boris, hop in.

You guys got a theater troupe?

[Cullyn] No.

Do you want one?

We're all set.

We could do...
Did you like Waitress?

[Matteo] Don't move.

- Um, please don't linger.
- S-S-Sorry.

She's just doing
her job, Ingrid.


Yeah, I'll help you get that.

What are you doing here?

Uh, picking up the fork
that you dropped.

I've been looking
everywhere for you.

Did you need me? 'Cause
I've just been at my desk.

What are you talking about?
That doesn't make any sense.

Aleesha said you were missing.


I was so worried about you.

Please just let me
do my job, okay?

- What? Nora. Nora.
- [loud bang]


Ah. Oh. Oh!

Oh, oh, oh, that's
where we know you from.

You're the girl
that came out to L.A.

to check up on us.

That's right.
That was very kind of you.

Oh, no.
Oh, no, I'm-I'm actually not.

- Um...
- Oh, oh, mm, ah.

I don't need to hear
your life story.

Let her finish.

We shouldn't silence women.

I'm-I'm not her.

I'm, uh... just a temp...

using her avatar.

[Luke] How interesting.
Would you by chance

happen to know where
that angel might be?

Why does it matter?

It mattered to me.

You know, I-I, uh...
I liked her.

She was really good at her job.

They sent me a temp?

I'm so sorry.


[♪ The Cactus Blossoms:
"Powder Blue"]

♪ It's never easy ♪

♪ Baby, don't you cry ♪

♪ Hold me close ♪


♪ Look at the sky, powder blue ♪

You've got a flair for this.

Yeah, I always liked
this part of the job.

♪ There's only you...

Why are you so anti-tech?


Not tech, just tech that
makes inequality worse.

Like, why should you have
to make rent

catering to a bunch
of rich old pigs?

It wasn't all bad.

I mean, there's
something satisfying

about bringing a dead person
back to life.

Oh, how Frankenstein of you.

I "vant" to suck your blood.


That's Dracula.

- Just let me concentrate,
- Mm.

So, I've had some beers
and some time.

I'm connecting the dots.

Do you think Kannerman's partner
could be... the Ludds?


Didn't you hear Ingrid?

Her dad used to play racquetball
with Pastor Rob.

He's the numero uno
head Ludd honcho.

She carries herself differently.

You know, like, not graceful.


Oh. Mm.

Are you gonna finish that?

- You go, girl.
- Thanks.

Ingrid, the food was exquisite.

Thank you.

I'm so glad everyone
is full and happy... Oh.

Um, excuse me,
I just need to go and...

wash my hands.

I never wash my hands.


- [Ingrid] Oh.
- [knocking on door]



Oh, my God.

- f*ck!
- No tip?

What were the $15

in service fees for?


Thanks for standing up
for me back there.

That was way dope.

Way dope.

You don't sound
anything like her.

I'm sorry, I...

I don't know how
I'm supposed to sound.

Why are you using her avatar?

It's, it's just
really f*cked-up.

I'm just doing my job.

[♪ Jerry Butler: "Love Me"]

♪ For every moment ♪


♪ Of every day ♪

♪ I was ♪


♪ Doing something...

It was nice to feel useful...

to the, you know...


[chuckles] Yeah.

♪ Oh, heaven seemed ♪

♪ Love me ♪

♪ To come down to me ♪

♪ And tell me
that she loves you ♪

♪ And if I, oh, if I fail ♪

♪ To prove my love ♪

♪ Heaven knows ♪

♪ That I have tried, my love ♪

♪ So tell me
that she loves me ♪♪

Luke. Wow.

- Just thank you so much
for coming.
- Mm-hmm.

My pleasure, Ingrid.

- Oh.
- Okay.

Whoa. Get a room, you two.

[laughs] Come here.

Thanks for having me, man.
I really appreciate it.

Always so great to hang out.

Hey, uh, not huge,
but you, uh, you might want

to apologize to that server.

She's not AI.
She's got feelings.

All right, Millie, come on.

- Let's get drunk
and fool around.
- [Mildred] Coming.

And I will see you later.

- Mm, no.
- Mm-hmm.

Yes. [laughs]

It was awesome meeting you.
Thanks for tonight.

Thank you.

Later, Yang.

Thanks for the day pass.

[Dave] You know?
If it's for the movement,

- I mean, we have no choice.
- You sure?


People were really impressed

by the job you did
on the avatar.

Good. So we're all cool here?

So impressed that we want you
to go back to Horizen

as an undercover agent.


Who's "we"?

The leadership.

We talked and we all agreed

you'd be... you'd be
a huge asset, Nora.

Is that what you want?

For me to go home?

No, but, uh...
what I want is irrelevant.

It's what's best
for the movement.



Okay, the last time
I was in New York,

people tried to k*ll me.

That's true,
but this time you'll be safe.

We can protect you.

New burner phone,
new ISP number,

untraceable place to live,
but look, look.

You'll be working closely
with one of our best agents

in the field... Agent Cheetoh.


Cheetoh. He's a...

He's a character, but he's...
He's in camp right now.

I'll introduce you.

So, Matteo. [chuckles]

- Oh, my God.
- Seems cool. Good, good guy.


Nora, I'd like you
to meet Agent Cheetoh.

What's up, playa?!

- [laughs loudly]
- Oh, f*ck no.

[muttering and grunting]


Listen, I really need this gig,

and I haven't had
any work in a year.

Okay, I'm-I'm sorry that
I hurt your feelings earlier.

You just... You weren't
who I was hoping you'd be.


What I mean is,
the way I acted...

that was a me thing,
not a you thing.

And I'm just, I'm just
dealing with some stuff.

You did a fine job.


Well, I mean, it depends
on who you ask,

but if you ask me, yeah,
I'd rate you tops.

- You would?
- Definitely.


Could you actually do
the rating?

'Cause that would
really help me.

Thank you.

That was my first five stars.

[door opens, shuts]

[exclaims quietly]

[sighs] Wow.


Oh, nothing.


Mr. Brown just, uh, apologized,

and then he hugged me.

It was really, really nice.

Oh, my God.


Okay, first of all, you do not
need to call him Mr. Brown.

Really? Did he say that?

Is that something
that he said to you

- specifically about me?
- I meant to me. Jesus.

- Okay.
- [scoffs]

Oh, I can't do this again.

I mean, I don't know
what it is that they see

in this human bowl of oatmeal
everybody keeps falling for.

I mean, what am I not seeing?

He ain't even that tall.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪