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02x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 11/05/23 07:39
by bunniefuu

♪ Working on this dream with you

♪ Oh, baby ♪ Baby, baby, baby

♪ Wanna spend my life with you

♪ Oh, baby ♪ Baby, baby, baby

♪ I can see the
stars all shining

♪ You and me could be

♪ Happy like the bees together

♪ You've got a woman

♪ You've got a woman... ♪

♪ Woman, woman, woman

♪ Always on my mind

♪ Woman, woman, woman... ♪


Alright. Hey.

Alright, so we have two days

until the next full moon.

Now the baby's due
somewhere right around here.

That gives us two weeks

until the next full
moon after that.

Now, Doctor Stenning says

that we can start discussing
induction at around week .

But that means that
for the next two days,

we need to keep
you calm and relaxed.

No stress. No pressure.

Nothing that's gonna
make you anxious.

Now, I've been
doing some research

into the kinds of stress that
can cause preterm labour.

Acute stress and chronic stress
can both be contributing factors,

but that doesn't mean that you
can't have both at the same time.

- Gary?
- So we're going to monitor... Yes?

THIS is making me stressed.

- Which part?
- All of it.

You want me to run you a bath?

Hey. Dad and I are going to
get the chickens after school.

Oh, honey, I can come with
you. I wanted to get the chickens...

GARY: No, no. YOU are gonna
stay here and you're gonna relax, OK?

Let's get out of her hair.

Have a fun day
at school, sweetie.

- I will.
- Alright, love you.

♪ I can see the
stars all shining... ♪


I feel like we should tell
Aunty Sarah about Mary.


I know she and
Ray will understand.

How do you know that?

Because they're
always trying to help.

Right. OK. Um...

Do you remember how
hard it was for us to...

to wrap our heads around this?

This is a big thing

for people to take on.

And we'd need to ask Mary.

I've already talked
to her about it.

You did?

What... What did she say?

She said that we'll know
when the right time is.

I feel like that time is now.

- Mmm.
- Hey, guys.

Hey, Abigail.

- Hi.
- Hey!

- What class do you have first?
- Science, I think.


See you at recess.

- Em.
- Yeah.

- Thank you.
- What for?

For always looking out for us.

Your mom would be so proud.

I love you, Dad.

I love you too.


- Hello?
- WOMAN: Gary Fletcher?

- Yeah, speaking.
- Gary, hi.

My name's Detective Kate Cross,

with the South
Australian police.

Have I called at a bad time?

No. No, not at all.

Uh, but what is this about?

DET. CROSS: We've just
had a new piece of information

for a homicide investigation

that's been active
for the last six months.

- Homicide?
- Yes.

I was wondering if you could
meet with me and my partner.

Just breathe.


Remain calm.

Listen to my voice

as we begin this
guided meditation

- designed to boost your...

- I'm in the bath!
- GARY: Y... What?

I'm in the bath,
like you told me to!

I'm relaxing in the bath.

- Oh, great.
- It's really relaxing.

GARY: Great. Great.
Hey, uh, I've actually got...

I've got some shit news. Um...

What? Everything OK?

GARY: Yeah. Yeah,
something just come up at work,

so I don't think I can
pick up Emma anymore.

Well, that's OK. I can get her.

GARY: Well, we have
to go to the farm, though.

So I could see about
postponing it till tomorrow.

No, no, I can go.
Emma and I can go.

Ah, yeah, sorry about that.

MARY: No, no, don't
apologise. It' gonna be fun for us.

Right. Good.

Yeah, um, I love you.
I'll call you later, OK?

MARY: OK, bye.


MAN: Oh, yeah.

- Thank you.

No worries.

DET. CROSS: Mr Fletcher!


- Hey.
- Hi.

- Kate Cross.
- Gary.

You guys meet already?

G'day, mate. Detective
Robert Pattinson.

Yeah, I know, we look alike.
I'm not Batman, or a vampire.


I've got the same
name as that actor.

Um... What... What actor?

The one that plays Batman.

Christian Bale?

Robert Pattinson.

Where do I know you from?

- Sorry?
- Where do I know you?

I'm not sure.


Oh, well. Let's go chat.
Hey? Shouldn't take long.


DET. CROSS: We'll be in room D.


MAN: No, they haven't
found the bodies.

MAN : It's a big area.

Yeah. Just sit over there.

- Sure.
- Um...

- You want a tea or water or something?
- No, thank you.

don't mind if we eat, do you?


Yeah. We had an early call-out.

- f*ck.
- What?

- Mustard.
- I told her, no mustard.

They're idiots.

- You want a ham sandwich?
- No, thanks.

Oh, well, guess I'm
skipping breakfast.

So, why are you here?

- Um...
- (CHUCKLES) It's rhetorical.

You know, I mean, you don't
know why you're here, do you?


- Do you want half of mine?
- I can't do dairy.

- Just pick the cheese off.
- What?

- Pick the cheese off.
- No, I can't do butter.

Butter gives me the squirts.

- Oh.
- Sorry, Mr Fletcher.

Gary, please.

Um, have you ever been to the
Yarramundi camping grounds?

Yarramundi camping grounds...

Yeah, it's about
km north of here.

Oh, we've been a
lot of different places.

- I'm trying to...
- Yeah.

Well, on the st of January,

you called the RAA saying
you had a flat battery near...

the Yarramundi camping grounds.

Yes. Yeah. Ah...

That's right. Um...

The name completely escaped me.

Ah, we... we spent
one night there.

Ah, right. Yeah, but...

RAA didn't end up sending
anyone out there, did they?

No, ah, my wife's...

girlfriend's car broke down.

- Oh.
- (BANG!)

That's it! Birthing class.

Red-haired girlfriend. Hah!
I knew I'd seen you before.

(CHUCKLES) Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Must be happening soon, yeah?

- What?
- The birth.

You guys were further
along than Anna.

- Anna?
- My wife, Anna.

She and your missus
went to the organic café.

Oh, right, yeah.

We're um...

We're due very soon.

(LAUGHS) Small world.
OK, alright, carry on.

Ah, did you see these gentlemen
at the camping grounds?

Yeah, um...

They jump-started
our car for us.

They did?

Yeah. Why are you asking?

Their bodies were found at
the Yarramundi camping grounds

on the rd of January.

Two days after you'd been there.

- Oh, my gosh.
- Yeah.

Um... What happened to them?

Animal attack, we think.

I mean, the wounds are
consistent enough to suggest that.

There's a couple of odd details we're still
trying to get to the bottom of, but...

- Like... Like what?
- Ah, it's not your problem.

But these guys, like,
what were they like?

How much... How much time do
you reckon you spent with them?

Not... Not a lot, actually.
Yeah, they seemed nice.

They saw that our Jeep
needed to be started,

and they jump-started
our car for us and, ah...

- Yeah, then we left them there.
- Oh.

And what time do you
think that would have been?

God, that was so long ago. Um...


Maybe just night.

Yeah, I remember
we got home very late.

OK. Alright, well...

Thanks for coming in, Gary.

Of course.

Uh, Mr Fletcher!

Just, um, just one more thing.


What kind of vehicle did
you say you were driving?

Ah, a Jeep. Our Jeep.

Do you own a sky-blue
coloured Volvo?

Yeah, that's my car. We
also have a Jeep and...

my girlfriend drives the Jeep.

Yeah, it's just on
the call to the RAA,

you mentioned a
sky-blue coloured Volvo.

D... Did I?

I must have been delirious.

Must have been delirious?

Yeah, I'd been walking
a long way in the heat,

trying to find service.


Yeah it was a...
bit of a dead spot.


It was.

I won't keep you
any longer, Gary.

Let me get that for you, mate.


Hey, ah, good
luck with the birth.

Hey, you too.

If I don't see you before then.



Oh, ah... Hey, guys.

Hey. Um, we were wanting
to talk to you about something.


Are you going to let us in?

Oh, ah, yeah. Come, come.

- Come on in.
- You OK.

Me? Fine, just work stuff, yeah?


Do you guys want some tea?

I made myself some
coffee or... or some cake?

Um, we just thought
it would be better

to come and talk in person.


Do you still want us to
have Emma this Saturday?

Yeah, uh, you
know, if that's OK.

- Yeah it is, of course.
- Great.

Is everything OK?

How do you mean?

We've just noticed a lot
of strange things with you,

with Mary, all of you.

That night I came over and
everything was locked up.

You were bleeding.

Oh, you know, that was...

I told you, the
security shutters.

I got... I just got
caught up in them but...

Emma didn't want me
to come over that night.

She wanted to come
here on her own.

She's been doing
really well, you know,

we've noticed that.

But that night, when she
was having a panic attack...

she got even worse when she
thought we were coming here.

And then there was that
guy at the baby shower.

- Anton?
- What about Anton?

You were both so weird
when he showed up,

and then he just left.

You know, Anton...
Here's the deal.

Anton is an ex of Mary's, so
it's probably because of that.

Ray saw you stealing a
shopping cart full of groceries.

- With a homeless man.
- What?

(LAUGHS) I don't know
any homeless people.

I called out "Gary!" and
then you looked at me.

Uh. Uh-uh.

Is there a basement here?

Who has a basement,
Sarah? Why...

Why would we build a basement?

Gary. I can tell when
you're hiding things from me.

We just want to
know what's going on.

Are you OK?

Because you don't seem OK.

MARY: Gary! We're back!

My God, she is SO noisy.

Come, piggy! You're
such a good piggy!

She had cancer and they
were gonna put her down,

the poor piggy.

So... You poor
little piggy, piggy!

You're making so much noise,

we're gonna have to
put you in the basement!


So you do have a basement.

No, I mean, metaphorically. Hi.

Hey, guys. Uh...

Sarah and Ray were just
asking some interesting questions

about a lot of different things.

Oh, what sorts of questions?

You know, like whether or
not we have a basement. Um...

About the incident
on the full moon.

Who said anything
about a full moon?

You just did.

- We should tell them.
- Tell us what?

You said that we'll know
when the right time is.

- GARY: Emma...
- We can't keep doing this. We need their help.

- Tell us what?
- Em.

Mary turns into a wolf.

(SIGHS) Come on, Emma.

I'm serious. She
does. Every full moon.

Emma, please. This is serious.

EMMA: I know. That's
why I'm telling you.

- She turns into a wolf.
- SARAH: I don't know what you're doing, Emma.

I don't know why
you're covering for them,

but this isn't a game.

EMMA: Dad!

Let me take the pig outside.

Um... Hang on, I just...

OK. Um...

OK, so...

This is going to sound crazy...

..but, um,

before Gary and I
met, I... I lived alone,

for years.

And the reason
that I did that is, uh...


You know about
my husband, David,

how he was k*lled
by a wild animal?

Well, ah, that wild animal...

it... it was me.

You... You k*lled your husband?

Um, yes.

I mean, no. Well, in a way, yes.

I got bit by a dog a
month before he died,

and then the
next full moon, I...

..I turned into a wolf
and I k*lled David.

And then there
was another incident

the following full moon...

At a Holiday Inn.

Right, and I suddenly realised
what was happening to me,

which was that every full
moon, my body would change

and I would turn into a wolf,

and that's why I
was living alone.

So then I built a basement

so that I could keep
other people safe.

But we had to build
a basement here.

SARAH: Stop.

I don't know what
you two are doing...

No, it's the truth.
Come and see.

SARAH: Stop!

- Is it a sex thing?
- No.

What's with the door?

Oh, I understand
the confusion there.

That's her old
door. I got that back.

That wasn't always on that door.

That's not even the
part I'm worried about.

I'm actually
finding it insulting

that you would
make something up,

something as ridiculous
as Mary turning into a wolf

instead of just telling us

what the truth is.

- Sarah, it's true.
- It's true, Aunty Sarah.

Why do you think that
we let you take Emma

every full moon?

- We take her every full moon?
- GARY: For date nights.

It's a sex thing. You're
f*cking that pig in the f*ck room.

MARY: No, it's
really not a sex thing.

I'm a wolf, and that
pig is... it's dinner.

That time we went camping.

There was a full moon,
but Mary protected us.

What are you talking about?

These guys came.

They were banging on the
door. They wanted to hurt us.

But Mary turned into a
wolf, and she saved us.

Do we need to take
Emma for longer?

So you can sort your shit out?

Because you really need to.

Sarah, we don't
need you to do that.

You have your
-year-old daughter

believing that Mary
turns into a wolf.

Hey, we care about her
health just as much as you...

I can't deal with this!

We are here to help,

but you clearly don't want that.

Ray, let's go.

Guys! Guys, the incident
with the bleeding...

OK, there was an incident
with the f*ck room door.

Mary tried to eat me.
Come back inside.

Just hear us out, OK?

If there's one thing you
know about me, I'm not a liar.

When have I lied to you...

Mr Fletcher.

Your sky blue Volvo looks like

it's sustained a bit
of damage, mate.

We had some accidents.

Yeah. Well, we've got a
warrant to take it away with us.

Um, hi, I'm sorry. Who are you?

Kate Cross, SA Homicide.

This is my partner,
Detective Pattinson.

Yeah, we met with Mr
Fletcher earlier today to

talk about some
people you encountered

at the Yarramundi
camping grounds.

- That's right, we...
- PATTINSON: They were k*lled.

Yeah, so forensics are going
to give your vehicle a once-over.

Hey guys, we'll call you, OK?

We normally turn these things
around in a couple of days,

but, um...

you're not planning on
going anywhere, are you?


She's due any minute.

- Congratulations.
- Thank you.

PATTINSON: There's a
pig loose in your front yard.

Is that your pig?

MARY: What do you mean,
you didn't want to freak me out?

I didn't know what
they were going to say.

Well, what did you tell them?

I didn't tell them anything.

Then why have
they taken our car?

I... OK, I told
them we saw them.

They jump-started our
car, and then we left.

That's all I said. I, ah...

- What? What?
- I...

OK, I thought it might
be safer to tell them

it was your car instead of mine.

Why would it be safer
to tell her it was my car?

I don't know. They put pictures
of those guys in front of me

and it just, it threw me!

I... I tried to cover for it.

I told them I was confused.

But then Robert
f*cking Pattinson

kept staring at me with
those piercing grey-blue eyes.

- Who?
- Batman!

- And it... And it threw me!
- Jesus, Gary!

Look, the bottom line is they're
not going to find anything on the car.

- Well, how do you know that?
- Because... Because the car's been washed.

It's been washed a lot.

How could you keep
it secret from me?

We don't keep secrets
from each other.

Look, I was just trying to help.

Oh, f...

Oh, shit.

- What?
- Gary.

- What?
- This is bad.


I left a loaded g*n in
the glove compartment.

Where did you get a loaded...
Why did you get a loaded g*n?

It was preventative. I thought if I
gave birth and I tried to eat my baby,

that you could sh**t me.

What the f*ck are
you talking about?

Why is the g*n in the
glove compartment?

- I... I... Baby brain?
- Baby brain?

- I wasn't thinking straight.
- Jesus Christ.

- Jesus Christ.
- OK.

OK, we just need to go.

Let's go to the
abandoned mine shaft

and we can work
it out from there.

If we disappear, won't
they suspect us more?

If they find something,
my secret's out. I'm f*cked!

(EXHALES) Alright.

- It's going to be OK.
- OK.

- OK?
- Yeah.

Oh, you've got to be kidding me.


Where's Emma?
She's coming with us.

Sarah, now is not the time.

Gary, seriously, all that shit
you were talking about before -

Mary k*lling her husband
and now the police?

This is not a safe
environment for Emma.

OK, I'm gonna say this again,
alright? You do not understand...

- I don't want to hear it!
- ..what is happening.

I didn't look after your
daughter for six months

while her mother,
my sister, died

and you just f*cked off.

You've put her mental
health in jeopardy before

and I will not let
you do it again.

- Really?
- EMMA: What's happening?

- Emma, get back inside.
- I'm not leaving. - Ray.

Just get back inside the house.

Ray, get away from
my daughter, Ray!

- (EMMA SCREAMS) - Sarah, get off of me!
- No!

Ray! You put my
daughter down, Ray!

- Stop! Let go of me!
- MARY: Guys!

- Put her down!
- MARY: (SHOUTS) Guys!

- It's happening, Gary.
- EMMA: Get off!



EMMA: What is it?
What's happening?

Oh, shit.