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02x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 11/05/23 07:38
by bunniefuu

♪ What is the answer?

♪ Oh, you know

♪ We'd all like to know

♪ What is your reason?

♪ Oh, I know

♪ we'd all long to know

♪ Though there is nothing
else left in our hearts... ♪

ANTON: Mmm, I feel amazing.

Whoa, why haven't I
felt this relaxed before?

It's like, uh...

- Gary!

ANTON: What's going on? What...?

Are you crazy, Larry?

ANTON: Uh! Ugh... Oh! Oh, oh!

Whoa, you're strong!

- GARY: God damn it.

- OK, let me help you.
- f*ck off!


OK, OK, I'll go.


Can I have my jacket?

Hey, Mary!

I'm at the Oskar
Hotel, room .

Come by, 'cause I
don't have a phone!

♪ Oh

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh

♪ Oh-oh

♪ If I had a tail

♪ I'd own the night... ♪

What's going on?

You and Anton.

You were in a
relationship, right?

- I'm not going to do this now.
- Just tell me.

- Well, I would go...
- Mary!

- Tell me.
- Yes.

Well, no, we weren't
together, but...

But you slept with him.

I was mourning David and...

I was confused and I...

I needed to connect
with someone emotionally.

And that's what you
also needed last night?

(WHISPERS) You f*cked him.

(LAUGHS) What?


Wolf you,

and wolf Anton

had sexual intercourse.

A LOT of sexual intercourse.

What are you talking about?

I am talking about f*cking.

No. No.

No, no! Yuck! What?

Oh, my God, I had
unprotected sex with a wolf?

- That's your concern?
- Yes, because I'm pregnant.

What if it's hurt our
baby? Oh, my God.

- You had a full-on f*ck marathon...
- I had sex with a wolf?

..but NOW you're disgusted?

Of course I'm disgusted!

I just don't even
know what happened!

I don't even know why
I would go down there.

Please do not
start with this again.

I saw it!

I lost track of how
many times you did it.

You f*cked him.

You f*cked and
f*cked and f*cked,

kept on f*cking,

then you both split a chicken,

which was very selfless of you,

and then you fell asleep
with him spooning you,

which, up until last night, isn't
even a thing that I knew wolves did.

Certainly wasn't covered in the
YouTube documentary that I watched.

And then you woke
up and kept on f*cking.

But please, please,

remind me of how you
cannot remember any of this.

I can't believe you're
making this all about you.

I don't remember you
and Emma in the desert

and I don't remember
eating that guy's head.

I don't remember
eating Anthony Hopkins.

And I certainly don't remember
f*cking in the basement!

- I shouldn't have to be OK with any of this.
- Oh, my God!

Your gorgeous ex-boyfriend
with the faultless dress sense,

who's a wolf,

coming back and
f*cking you in front of me

is a pretty big sign that

the universe is
trying to tear us apart.

You know why I'm not going
to do this right now, Gary?

I'm gonna have a shower.

I'm gonna wash the
wolf semen out of me

before it hurts our unborn
baby and gives it an STD.

But you worry
about your feelings.


Damn it!


♪ Don't ask me

♪ What you know is true

♪ Don't have to tell me

♪ I love your
precious heart... ♪


♪ I

♪ I was standing

♪ You were there... ♪

- Jesus!

- f*cking hell, mate!
- What the f*ck is wrong with you?

- f*cking blind?
- Can't you see there's a baby here?

- Pull your f*cking head in!
- Look where you're f*cking going!

- Come on, babe.
- Can't you see it's a f*cking crossing?

- Jesus! WOMAN:
You f*cking w*nk*r!


♪ We could live

♪ For a thousand years


♪ If I hurt you

♪ I'd make wine from your tears

♪ I told you... ♪




MAN : You alright?

MAN : My trolley...

Oh, f*ck.


Hey! Hey, you OK?

- I'm so sorry.
- My trolley!

- I'm so sorry.
- You broke my trolley.

- My trolley...
- It's you. It's you.

It's what?

My daughter gave you sandwiches.

- Sandwiches?
- At the traffic lights.

Emma called out to
you. My daughter, Emma.

She gave you sandwiches
that I made for her school lunch.


Remember the big crash?

Our c... Our car, that car,
that flipped over, yeah?

- Yeah?
- Yeah.


If Emma hadn't given
you those sandwiches...

Mary and I would have never...


- I can fix this...
- Take your hands off me.


I can fix this for you. Please?


Let me fix this for you.

I can... I can fix this for you.


Um, can you stop putting
stuff in your pocket?

- Run. Run!
- Why?

- MAN: Uh, excuse me!
- Oh!


- GARY: This is crazy!

- Hey!


- Someone stop him!


Uncle Gary!

Daddy! Daddy!


RAY: Gary!

Ah! f*ck.

What the f*ck!

GARY: I mean, it couldn't
have happened at a worse time.

Everything was finally
starting to go great

and then he just
comes out of nowhere.

He just literally shows
up unannounced

at her baby shower, you know?

I mean, if he
meant nothing to her

then she would have
told me about him, right?

You don't keep the
meaningless ones quiet,

- am I right?
- Mm.

You know?

And then I got her door back,

- her basement door.
- Uh-huh.

I had to put aside my own ego to
see things from her perspective,

but this was way harder.
And then she says,

"I can't remember
when I'm a wolf."

But I know I saw her, I
know I saw her in there

when we were in the
outback and she looked at us.

She looked at Emma.

Remember Emma, who
gave you the sandwiches?

I could tell it was her.

I could see her in there.

And I could see that
she could see us.

But then she got
out of the basement

and she tried to k*ll me,

so, that's complicated.

Were you frightened?


You know that
dogs can smell fear.

- You think that's it?
- Mm.

I've never spoken to
anyone about this before this.

Obviously, isn't something
that's easy to talk about.

I just... I don't know what
I'm supposed to do. I...

I wish Lisa was here
to tell me what to do.

I really do.

The lady with the black hair

really likes that
lady with the red hair.

What'd you say?

The lady with the black hair

likes the lady
with the red hair.

The lady with the black hair,
does she have blue eyes?


Is it...

Is her name Lisa?

Well, how could I know that?

She's right there.


Come with me.

And the bunny's away,

and they're racing.

- The pack is away...
- (RUSTLING) keep up. Red
Rover in front, followed...

I knew it. (LAUGHS)

So, you're ready to run free?

I just wanted to finish
our conversation.

Why are you here?

- I'm here for you.
- But why now?

Because I've been
searching for you.



For years?

I can't be alone,
Mary. I need a partner.

And what about your family?
What about your children?

I think they're still
in Chicago. Why?

Do you still see them?

- No.

I used to be so
attracted to you,

and I came to you for help.

And I thought you
cared about me.

And I did. And I do.

I thought I was losing my mind.


What happened to us was a gift.

You and I are the same.

We're wild animals.

I'm more than a wolf, Anton,

and I have people
that depend on me.

You don't even care about
the family that you left.

Well, they never understood
me, they never will,

so, what's the point?

I have a family that does.

And I'm having a human baby.

Well, we don't
know that for sure.

Do we?

I don't know if Gary's
ever going to forgive

what he saw last night...

but you need to
stay away from me,

'cause I'm gonna
protect my pack.

- I'm sorry I bit you.
- Don't be.


I never saw a wild
thing sorry for itself.

- D.H. Lawrence.



♪ Little darling

♪ It's been a long,
cold, lonely winter

♪ Little darling

♪ It seems like years... ♪


MAN: Who's that?


WOMAN: We're
gonna go for a walk.


♪ Sun, sun, sun,
here we come... ♪

MAN: OK. So, that's
all taken care of.

You had room service
on the third morning?

- ANTON: Mmm... Tuesday morning.
- Hey!

- Uh-huh. What exactly...
- Hey!


- Yeah, you.
- f*ck... This guy.

- You better be checking out.
- Yeah, I am.

Yeah? Good. Well I'm
here to make sure that...

Ah, I think it was um...

Yeah, it was a toast
and an orange juice.


And, ooh, did you have
anything from the minibar?

- Uh, no.
- Not snacking?

Just adding on
the toast and the...

- Orange juice.
- juice to the bill.

And then... done.

- Did you enjoy your stay?
- Very much.

Hopefully we see you again soon.

Sure. Thank you.

Mary was already here.
You just missed her.

- What?
- Not like that.

She told me to leave.

- Yeah, that's what I'm doing.

I tried to reason with her
but she didn't want to hear it.

You would have thought her
attraction to me would be undeniable.

Certainly seemed that
way last night, didn't it?

- How so?
- When the two of you f*cked.

(LAUGHS) What do you mean?

What do you mean,
what do I mean?

We consummated our attraction?

You f*cked each other, yes.

Did we?

What's ha... I don't understand
what's happening right here.

Do you not... You
don't remember?

- That's the thing, Larry...
- Gary. doesn't remember
when one is a wolf.

From transformation to sunrise,

there's nothing but
carnage to show for it.

I never remember.

But I often wish I had,

last night being
the primal example.

So we had... So
we had intercourse?

I wonder what... I wonder
what made us do that?

Maybe our shared history?

Or was it just two beasts

that sensed the opportunity to

consummate their wild side,

coitally entwined?


I can't work it out.

- What?
- You.

I can't work YOU out.

Why is she with
someone like you?

Look at you.

You're not in touch
with your wild side.

And for that reason,
you wouldn't be able to

satisfy a woman like Mary,

because if you
cannot confront...

the true majesty of nature...

if you fear nature...

..then how can you
know yourself, Larry?


I know who I am.

And I know who Mary is.

Mary is home.

You know when you meet
someone for the first time

and you get that feeling,
that little buzz right here?

And then you get close to them.

You kiss them
for the first time,

but it isn't the kiss.

No, it's the way they smell.

You smell them.

And it isn't just that
you find them attractive.

It's that they've become home,

as in they ARE your home.

You live in them.

And I don't mean sexually.

As in, you belong together.

Have you ever had that, Anton?

That's what I thought.

Well, I have.


How f*cking lucky am I?

And I'm not gonna let you...

or anyone else take
her away from me.

And I only met
Mary because of...

because of that man.

That man right there. My
daughter gave that man sandwiches.

She gave him sandwiches.

And we crashed,

and we fell in love
and she saved me.

She saved me

and then she saved my daughter

and we saved her.

And then I crashed into
this man's shopping cart.

I crashed into
his shopping cart,

and my dead wife appeared to him

and said that she
approved of Mary.

My dead wife said that
Mary and I belonged together.

The universe was giving us
yet another sign. You under...

- Whoa. Whoa. A sign?

- What are you talking about?
- Back at the pub.

- So...
- Back at the pub?

Back at the pub, you said that

the lady with the black hair

likes the lady
with the red hair.

On the bus.

You saw your dead wife on a bus?

What do you mean, "on the bus"?

There was a sign on the bus.

It was an ad or something.

They were drinking
some fizzy orange shit.

Fizzy orange shit? What?

Man, I was just trying
to make conversation.

Your daughter never gave me
a sandwich or anything and...

I honestly have absolutely no
idea what you're talking about.

(WHISPERS) In the city, I
want to say, like, months ago.

- months ago?
- There was a big car crash.

months ago?

I s'pose you think all
homeless people look the same.

Do better.

What a f*cking prick.

Alright, let's just
forget about him.

None of that matters.

OK, Mary and I
are having a baby,

and we're meant to be together.

I love her, Anton.

I love her so
f*cking much it hurts.

And you, my friend,
mean nothing to her.

And you mean even less to me.

You're more in touch
with your wild side

than you think...




- You're not getting an out.
- What?

You're never getting an out.

You... take such
good care of me.

And you're funny.

And you bring me
diseased animals to eat.

You smell nice.

And you're home.

- You smell nice too.
- Mmm...

I am done with the universe.

I love you,

and that is the only
thing that matters.

The universe can go

and eat a bag of dicks.

That's the most romantic
thing anyone's ever said to me.



EMMA: Hey.

How was date night?



♪ I have always been your love

♪ I have always been your love

♪ You know, I've been thinking

♪ When I think of all
the places we have been

♪ I don't know if I have
been another thing

♪ In our heads

♪ There's always been of a dream

♪ Of all we longed to belong to

♪ I don't know if I will
be the same again

♪ The same again

♪ I have always been your love

♪ Handed down
in open love letters

♪ I have always been your love

♪ Let us write ourselves in
right now

♪ I have always been
your love... ♪