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02x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 11/05/23 07:35
by bunniefuu
MARY: Dear Adelaide,
do I deserve happiness?

I don't feel like
I'm worthy of it.

Yours sincerely, J.

Dear J, the only way
I can truly answer this

is by getting personal.

Do you deserve to be happy?

Well, I never thought I did.

Something horrible happened to
someone I cared deeply about.

Because of this, I felt
unworthy of anyone's love.

I closed my door.
I shut myself off.

I was alone,

wasting days, months, years.

But I was safe,

until I wasn't.

I didn't think it was possible,

but I found two people
that were as broken as me,

a father and his daughter.

My pain was theirs.

It was a lot for me to
come back out into the light.

But they showed me the way,

by seeing me for who I am.

It doesn't matter where you
come from, or who you are.

Happiness is your birthright.

Have gratitude for
the fact that you're alive.

If you can appreciate
the small things,

you'll realise
how big they actually are.

Surround yourself with
people who protect you.

Fight for them.

And don't forget to
fight for yourself.

Happiness is not a destination.

It's a journey that will take
you into unexpected places.

Don't get caught up
in your head.

Just enjoy the ride.

Always, Adelaide.






gathered here today

to celebrate
the union of two lost souls

who found each other

in the most unlikely
of circumstances.

- Now, if you are here today,

it means that
you are either family,

- or you are chosen family.

And, one way or another,
you have...


MAN: What is that?! Oh, my God!

- What is that!

Oh, my God! Oh, my God!


Oh, God!
Agh! Somebody get it off!

Someone k*ll it!


EMMA: Look at me!
There's blood everywhere!


Mary, why would you do this?






Maybe we should
hold onto this place.


How would...
How would that work?

I could just come back here,

you know, every time
there's a full moon.

Yeah. Yeah.

Just, you know,

sort of haemorrhaging money
right now,

building the basement
in the new place.




You know, I was thinking, um...

Maybe getting that ultrasound
might actually help alleviate

some of the stress
you're feeling...

- Gary, I...
- It's just we should...

find out if the baby's OK,
and, uh...

and a human.

Getting started on the nursery might
make you feel better about everything.

I don't think we should
worry about the nursery.

I think we should just make
sure the basement works.

It will work.

I promise.

We're just gonna
have to paint over this.

- I'm gonna get some air.
- Yeah.

NARRATOR: Breeding
occurs between the alpha male

and the alpha female
within the wolf pack.

And then, after a gestation
period of two months,

the birthing begins.

Wolves have a litter of pups

that consist of four to
six little ones, on average,

but it is possible
for the mother wolf

to birth up to pups.


- Gaz, your o'clock.
- Yes.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Hey.
- Hi. Gary.

- Caroline.
- Yeah.

All my receipts and
activity statements

for the last couple of years.

Let's just have a look here.

- Oh, wow. Very organised.
- Thank you.

A woman after my own heart.


Aw. Yours?

Yeah. Yeah.

- , going on .

Just have the one?

Mm-hm. No. Ah, well...

My girlfriend is six
months pregnant.

Oh, wow! Oh, congratulations.

- Oh, thanks.
- Do you know what you're having?



First time I've heard of
anyone building a basement.

Ah, yeah. We're American.
We like basements.

You can go down
there if you want.

Oh, my boyfriend
wants it to be a surprise.

EMMA: Mary?

Oh Emma, I meant
to throw that out.

I'll put it in the
trash. I'm sorry.

No, no, it's OK. I can do it.


Hey, are you sure you're OK?


What about tomorrow?

- What about it?
- How are you feeling about it?

You want to take a break?

And do what?

Do you know what to do
if you get caught in a rip?

When you swim
against it, you can't win.

You just wear yourself out.

If nature's trying
to pull you one way,

don't fight it.

Go with the flow.

High school's going to
be good for you, Emma.

It's just time to
broaden your horizons.

I'm fine on my own.

I know.

But friends can be good.

That's a cool track.


Go With The Flow.

Queens of the Stone Age.

Third album.

I'm going in.

Stay between the flags.

Actually, Emma! Wait.

I'm gonna come.

Here, do you need
help getting up?

- Yeah.



MARY: It's freezing!


Oh, uh...

You sure you don't want her?

Hey, can Mary pick me
up after school? Is that OK?

- Of course it is.
- What time?

- Three o'clock.
- On the dot.


- I love you, bubs. Have fun!
- Bye!


You need to keep moving!


- Classy!
- Let's just... get out of here.

- Yeah.


Alright, so we've got
seven stairs coming up,

wall to your left.

And then it's flat
and another stair.

- Careful. Careful!
- Is the door titanium?

The door's titanium
and the filtration system

should have cleared out
most of the fumes by now.

One more step. Careful.

Good! You're good, you're good.

OK, open your eyes.

- Oh!
- Uh...

Obviously, that's not
going to be a problem,

you know, once you're...
once you're a wolf

Check this out. So...

Let me show you
how the door works.


Ah, shit.


Obviously a bit of a
complicated system.

Still figuring out
the kinks, but...

(MURMURS) What am I doing here?

No, that's not it. What...

I mean, it really
shouldn't... It's...

But the basic... You
can get the basic sense...

(EXHALES) Worry less about the
ambience and more about me not eating you.


- OLIVIA: Hi, Mary!
- Hi!

- Emma, are you there?
- Hi, you guys.

We're just dropping
these nursery things off.

I know it looks like a
lot. Oh, Dr Stenning.

- Dr Stenning?
- Our OB.

- OB?
- Obstetrician. He's the best.

We need one of
those. So, thank you.

- Are you OK?
- Yeah, yeah. I've, um... I've got a thing.

- Hey, ah, where're you going?
- I've just got that thing, remember?


Lots of baby stuff.
Very sweet of you.

(HORN BEEPS) Bye, honey.

Was that our fault? Did
we come at the wrong time?

That? No, no, no.
That's just anxiety.

You know, she doesn't feel like
she has anyone else she can talk to.

S... Sort of the
same way I feel.

(LAUGHS) That's crazy,
Gary. You've got us.

- Mummy!

RAY: Are you guys getting a dog?

Now's not the time
to be getting a dog.

OLIVIA: It was in the basement.

You even know what
a basement is, Olivia?

Monster house.

What do you mean by that?

It's a movie, Gary.

OK, there we are, here we are.

- Ow!
- Great to see you guys.

We don't have a basement.

I gotta go on a work
Zoom. I'll see you later.

Can you leave the
bassinet on the lawn, yeah?

Bye, Olivia! Thanks!

Just leave it on the
porch. Come on, baby.

Hey, I've got a young couple
in there. Really interested.

MARY: Yeah, Judy,
number Jersey Road.

Wait. What are
you talking about?

Who's heard of a
place with a basement?

Oh, wait, THAT'S the basement?

Oh, no, Judy, you're kidding me.

What? How many people
did they keep down there?

For how long?

- Jesus Christ!
- Come on.

I thought I smelt
something really disgusting

when I came into the house.

WOMAN: You didn't tell us
what happened in the basement!

- What happened in the basement?
- MAN: Go, honey, go!



(GASPS) f*ck!



- Oh, suck my d*ck!



Is that your Mum?

Kind of. See ya.

Sorry! I got caught
up with something.

All good. Is everything OK?

Yeah! Everything's awesome.

MARY: OK, so just to be
completely clear, Dr Stenning,

we just need the baby out
somewhere in this window,

but preferably not three
to four days of this date.

Right, and why is that?

Um, because we have
a lot of, uh, busy social...

occasions to attend. Um...

So when could you induce?

Only if you're overdue,
or if... there are problems.

Er, do you... Any conditions?

Um, well, define conditions.

- Diabetes?
- No.

- High blood pressure?
- No.

Kidney problems?

Well, there's no foreseeable
reasons, I'm afraid.

Oh, f*ck. f*ck!

Oh, well, what if I were to
have some kind of accident?

I mean, non-fatal.

Like what if someone
were to break my arm?

Dr Stenning, what
is the earliest that

we could book a C-section?

Um, weeks.

Whoa. So, we're doing
that. We're doing that.

What is the recovery process?

Ah, from a caesarean? Um,
anything up to about six weeks.

Yeah, and what
does that involve?

Well, mainly rest.

- Recovery from the stitches...
- Stitches?

No. No. That won't work.

Well, the healing is
much longer than for a...

No, if I go to one of
our social occasions

and I have stitches,
I'll... I'll bust open.

matter of speaking.

Mary, do you mind if I ask
what it is that you're scared of?

Well, I'm just...

I don't want our
baby to get hurt.

Well, let's start by booking
you in for the ultrasound.

Who's going to be
at the ultrasound?

Just the sonographer.

But if you're nervous, I
can arrange to be there.

No, you don't... No, it's...
Don't put yourself out.

Mary, it's very important that

you don't let your
anxiety take control.

Now, normally, I'd
be seeing patients

a lot sooner than
I'm seeing you guys.

But there are some classes

that can help you
get up to speed,

and, um, settle some
of these nerves, eh?

WOMAN: In through
the nose for three.


Out through the nose for three.


Slow it down.

Relax the shoulders.

Relax the face, the jaw.

Keep it floppy. Floppy.

In the nose for three.


Out for three.

- Great. Great.

Scaredy cat.

Out, happy cow.

Oh, look at these
happy cows. So happy.

Yes, all that oxytocin.

And back up again,

arching that back - scaredy cat.

What hormone relates
to the birth AND sex?

(GASPS) Yes!

- Oxytocin?
- It does.

Whoo! (LAUGHS)

WOMAN: What organ
contracts with oxytocin?


Ah. Um...

Uh, I don't know, sorry.


GARY: This... This
look right to you, babe?

- Hey, what's the matter?
- We're just going through the motions.

- Look, I think that this is an important step.
- None of it applies to us.

There aren't companies making
soft, plushie wolf uteruses.

- You don't know that.

I do know that there aren't
companies making those.

No, I mean you don't know that
none of that applies to us, OK?

- We could be having a baby.
- Yeah, and we could be having a wolf.

I don't know how to mother a
wolf, Gary, and neither do you.

Then let's get the
ultrasound, OK?

We just need to know exactly
what is going on in there

then we can start worrying
about everything else.

For example, did you
know that it's possible

for a wolf to give
birth to up to pups?

(GASPS) Why would
you tell me that?

WOMAN: Mary?

Hey... Anna.

The girls and I are going to

that organic café
around the corner,

- if you wanted to join us?
- Mm, I can't.

Yes! Absolutely, that would
be great! What a great idea.

I'll Uber home. Take
the car. Go, have fun.

Take as long as you need.

MAN: can just be
open with each other,

and just really express our
feelings and what's going on.

It's really fantastic.

- Oh, come on, let's go have a beer.
- Yeah, yeah.

- I mean, it's so good, having other dads to talk to.
- MAN : (LAUGHS) Isn't it!

MAN : Imagine not having
anyone! Wouldn't that be shit?

I know, I keep
telling Rob but...

Not to brag, it was
the first thing she did.

- Guilty.
- Oh, really?

Have you guys got
your babymoon planned?

Yeah, we're going
to Port Douglas.

Oh, I want to go
to Port Douglas.

- Really? I've got some tips.
- Hot places!

I just want to go somewhere
warm, sit by the pool.

I don't know about
somewhere warm.

If only I could convince
Robert to take holidays!


Does anyone else worry

their baby will eat
them from the inside?


- Vegemite toast?
- Yes.

I'm putting Vegemite
on everything.

Piers was horrified to see
me eating it out of the tub,

- like, with my carrot sticks.

What about you, Mary?
Any weird cravings?


I've gotta go to the bathroom.

GARY: Hey!

I'm not one of them,
Gary, and I never will be.

(SIGHS) Of course you will.

No, I won't be, and
I don't want to be.

I felt like a complete failure.

- What did they say?
- It's not what they said, it's who they are.

Tara and Kat are off to Port
Douglas for their babymoon.

- The lesbian couple?
- No, that's Julie and Alex.

Then why are Tara
and Kat going to...?

f*ck, Gary, that's
not important.

What kind of mother
am I going to be?

Your instinct will take over.

Which instinct?

The nurturing instinct.


Oh, shit, the school is calling.




- Everything alright?
- Hey, are you OK?



Everyone here?

- Come in.
- Up.

OK. Look I'm sorry to
call you all in like this,

but I think it's the only
way to sort out this issue.

Issue? Ah, what happened?

Well, Sophia came up to
one of our lunch duty monitors

and said that Emma
had pushed her over.

- Onto a tiled floor.
- Can you just let me finish, please?

Em, you pushed her?

- She just came up to me and did it.
- Sophia!

Everyone here is very aware
of how seriously we take bullying

and unprovoked
acts of aggression.

So Emma just came over to you,

completely unprovoked,
and pushed you over?


Sorry, did anyone actually
ask Emma what happened?

Has anyone asked you?

I don't want to get
Abigail in more trouble.

MARY: Who's Abigail?

Abigail has nothing
to do with what you did.

She's worried they'll
pick on her again.

Well, what happened to Abigail?

Um, what's happening here?

I'm sorry, who's Abigail?

They were ganging up on her.

We weren't! We weren't.

No, come on, let's
hear what happened.

This is ridiculous!

Excuse me, if we're going
to be brought in here like this,

I think we should hear
the full story, right?

So that we can best work
out how to discipline Emma,

or if, indeed, we need to.

They were picking on
Abigail in the bathroom.


Sophia and her friends.

They grabbed her scarf and...

Why would I want
that crappy scarf?

She was saying it
wasn't from the school,

so she couldn't wear it.

Abigail's Mum made the
scarf because she has OCD.

When she took it from
Abigail I tried to get it back,

but she wouldn't let go
and THAT'S when she fell.

- No, you pushed me!
- No I didn't!

Oh, this is outrageous!

No, let's get Abigail in here

and hear the full
story, shall we?

My husband and I are
big donors to this school.

- If this is how this sort of thing is handled...
- Oh, my God, lady!

You might think you can
get your kid through life

so it's all candy
canes and unicorns

but some of us don't
inherit bags of money,

we inherit bags full of shit.

So you can keep doing you,

but that's not how
this family works.


OK, I don't even know
what to say to the two of you.

That was unbelievable.

Shall we go and get some dinner?

This isn't over.

No, no, you don't...

MARY: Hey.

It's over.

Out of curiosity,
what did you say?

Lady chat.

Hey, Dad, can my friend
Abigail get a ride home?

Of course!

- Yeah!
- OK.

- Hey, Abigail.

Hey, I want to do it.

Do what?

The ultrasound.

- Wait, are you serious?
- Yeah.

Abigail, this is my dad, Gary.

- Hi.
- Hi, there. Nice to meet you.

And Mary, my stepmum.



I'm really emotional.
I'm pregnant.

It's really nice to meet you.

Why don't we, ah,
hop in the car, girls?

(SOBBING) I'm sorry, I'm just...

ABIGAIL: Thanks for
giving me a lift home.

GARY: So, uh, what classes
do you guys have together?

ABIGAIL: We've got science,
history... (INDISTINCT)

MARY: Do you like school?
Do you like your teachers?

- Yeah, they're alright.
- Yeah? They are?

WOMAN: OK, let's get started.


Uh, everything OK?

I need to get someone.

- Get my bag. Get my bag.
- OK, OK.

- My bag!
- OK.

- What is that?
- It's chloroform.

What... What are you
doing? Where did you get this?

Um, it's a naturally occurring
substance, but you can make it.

- You made this?
- No!

Why do you have
this? What are you...

We're gonna
put it in this towel,

and we're going to
tranquilise and run.

Tranquilise? Why would
they even know it's a wolf?

They wouldn't know that
unless there's a full moon outside!

- Just pour it in here.
- I'm not pouring chloroform onto a f*cking face towel.

- Just pour it in!

Shit. Sorry about this, folks.

IT updated our operating system

and didn't give us
the login details.


Alrighty, I'll leave you to it.

- Thanks, Dr Lee.
- Thanks, Dr Lee.

- Thanks.
- Let's try that again.



You can see the eyes are closed,

but judging by the size,

they'll be opening
in a matter of no time.


Everything's looking good.

You can see the breathing,
lungs are fully formed.

- Oh!
- That's...

- And hiccups!
- I thought I felt something.


Do you want to know what it is?

- It's a human.

No, I meant do you want
to know if it's a boy or a girl?

We hadn't really discussed

I think we should wait.

We'll wait.


♪ Back through the years

♪ I go wandering once again

♪ Back to the
seasons of my youth

♪ I recall a box of rags
that someone gave us... ♪

Oh, my God, you had the best...

♪ And how my mamma
put the rags to use

♪ There were
rags of many colours

♪ But every piece was small

♪ And I didn't have a coat

♪ And it was
way down in the fall

♪ Mamma sewed the rags together

♪ Sewing every piece with love

♪ She made my
coat of many colours

♪ That I was so proud of

(MUFFLED) ♪ As she
sewed, she told a story

♪ From the Bible she had read

♪ About a coat of many colours

♪ Joseph wore, and then she said

♪ Perhaps this
coat will bring you

♪ Good luck and happiness

♪ And I just
couldn't wait to wear it

♪ And Mamma
blessed it with a kiss


♪ My coat of many colours

♪ That my mamma made for me

♪ Made only from rags

♪ But I wore it so proudly

♪ Although we had no money

♪ I was rich as I could be

♪ In my coat of many colours

♪ My mamma made for me

♪ Now, I know we had no money

♪ But I was rich as I could be

♪ In my coat of many colours

♪ My mamma made for me

♪ Made just for me. ♪