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01x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 11/05/23 07:11
by bunniefuu
Dear Adelaide...

I've been living with a
secret for a long time.

And I haven't been able
to share it with anyone.

But someone has found out.

It's dangerous for anyone
to know the truth about me.

And it's not just them
I'm worried about.

There is someone
else in his life

that's more precious.

And vulnerable.

How can I trust this person
now that they know who I am?

Thanks, M.

Dear M, thank you
for your question.

Let me ask you a
question in return.

How much longer could
you go on keeping this secret?

Maybe it was
uncovered for a reason.

Too many of us
choose the path of fear.

It's easier to take that path

because it's the path
of least resistance.

But if you take that
path, you will fail.

So why not take the other path?

At least now you won't die
wondering about what might happen.

And who knows?

Maybe it can give
you the chance to live.

Always, Adelaide.

Are you there?

I couldn't...

get away.

The shutters are
a backup. They...

They open when
I unlock this door.

I'm going... I'm going
to unlock this door now.


How do I know you're
not s... still that thing?

Do I sound like I am?

You're... You're just
going to have to trust me.

How the f*ck

can I trust you?

This is me.

This is...

This is who I am.

You don't have
to have that there.

Don't I?

How do I know you won't turn..?

It doesn't work that way, Gary.

Well, I would prefer

if it stays between
us for the minute.

Are you going to tell anyone?

- Tell anyone what?
- What you saw.

Who would believe me?

I've spent the entire evening
wondering if I'm going crazy.

- You're not crazy.
- Why?

- Why?
- Why did you do that?

Honestly, I can't help it.

Have you always done that?

No. No, I was...

I was bit by a dog
when we were in Prague.


My husband, David, and I.

The husband that died.

How did your husband die?

We were in Prague
and I got bit by a dog -

at least, I thought
it was a dog.

It was hard to tell, 'cause
we were both really high.

We'd taken Molly.

I haven't done dr*gs since,

in case you think I
have a drug problem too.

I'm going to get water.

You can put the knife down.

What was I saying?

You were taking dr*gs in
Prague and a dog bit you.

Yeah. A dog bit me.

It took a chunk
right out of my arm,

which is how I got this.

And that's why I always
wear long sleeves,

in case you're wondering.

- Hadn't noticed.
- Mmm.

Guys never notice those things.

Anyway, I got really sick,

and they gave me
antibiotics and sh*ts

and David wanted
to call the trip off,

but I didn't, I
wanted to stay and...

Are you getting to the point?

I'm sorry, would you
like me to jump ahead

to when my husband
was torn apart?

OK. So...

It was our last night in Prague,

and David's favourite
band were playing.

And I told you how
I feel about music,

but this was something else -

that time, in that place,

feeling the sound
from that band,

the power in that moment.

Everything was perfect.

And it was the last time
that anything was perfect.

'Cause I turned into
a wolf and I ate him.

You ate him.

The wolf did.

At the concert?

I don't know where.

I woke up in the woods and...

And he was gone.

I went to the police, and...

I was covered in his blood,
so I became a suspect.

They said he'd been
att*cked by a wild animal,

and they thought I
couldn't remember it

because I was in shock.

- But you knew what you had done?
- No!

I didn't remember, so why
wouldn't I believe them?

When did you... Work
out that you were...?

I was flying back to Chicago
and I was on a layover in Rome.

Three was a full
moon, and, um...

I ate an Italian family

in the car park
of the Holiday Inn.



Have you eaten anyone else?

I haven't. I promise.

That's why I moved here -

to escape everyone I care about.

And every full moon, I
go behind that locked door

and I just eat chickens.

- You eat chickens?
- Yes.

And only ones that are old or
have diseases or disabilities.

Why don't you go to the
supermarket and buy the chickens?

'Cause they're pumped
full of hormones.

You can't get organic ones?

Like that Italian
family you ate?

No. They have to
be alive. Or what?

It's different when I wake
up. I get sick. Really sick.

I think it's as much
about the k*lling

as it is about the eating.


What about that goat?
That was a one-off.

It's hard to get a goat in
without the neighbours noticing.

No, I mean, what was
wrong with the goat?

The goat didn't look disabled.

It had caprine

- I don't know what that is.
- It was going to be put down.

I'll take your word for it.

I've never shared this
with anyone before.

I can see why.

Give me my keys so I can
get back to my daughter.

Are you going to tell anyone?

I... I don't...

You can't!

Is that a threat?

Do you think this
is easy for me?

I feel so guilty
about everything,

and I've been in constant fear

that I'm going to get found out.

I didn't ask you to
show me any of this.

I never intended
to show you this.

- You kissed me!
- I did.

And it was a goodbye kiss,
and then you followed me here!

You took my keys!

I didn't mean to take
your f*cking keys!

- This is getting us nowhere.
- No shit.

Are you going to tell anyone?

I can't even believe
I'm going to say this.

But what if we were to
entertain the possibility

that this happened for a reason?

What are you talking about?

I don't want this to
sound strange... stranger.

But there have been a
lot of really weird signs.

Keep the keys.

- Gary!
- Let me go!

Hear me out! Just hear me out.

- I've already heard you out.
- No, just listen.

When we crashed, there was
a song playing on the radio,

and I recognise the voice,
but I don't know the band,

I can't recognise the sound.

And then the chorus
kicked in and I know it!

Queens of the Stone Age
- David's favourite band!

Why are you telling
me any of this?


Queens of the Stone Age
was David's favourite band.

I don't care who your dead
husband's favourite band was!

They're the band we
heard together in Prague.

Right before I ate him.

Don't you see? I never
listened to them again.

But that song,

that song was as if it was
written for... Excuse me!

This song was like it had been
written for the child we never had.

And then I ran through a
red light and here we are!

You're right, "a song
made you crash into us" -

that does sound f*cking crazy.

It's not just that.

You can attach
meaning onto anything.

- Yeah, false meaning.
- Exactly.

But what if this isn't false
meaning? What if this is fate?

It's a f*cking
coincidence, Mary!

It has nothing to do with me!

When we crashed, it was the
anniversary of David's death.



Why do you keep doing that?

It was your anniversary too.

Hey, quilt lady,
get off the road!

How about I rip off your head
and shit down your neck?!

You don't have to
be scared of me.

I'm not going to
hurt you, or Emma.

But, please, Gary,
you can't tell anyone.

Why do you have
a slit in that door?


That door.

Your door inside of there.

What is the purpose of
having a slit in that door?

A viewing slit!

Why have a viewing
split in that door,

if you never expected to
share this stuff with anyone?

..homicidal wolf...

Oh, Dad's here.

Gary! Shit!

- Swear jar!
- Swear jar, babe.

Everything OK?

Haven't slept.

Well, isn't that supposed
to be a good thing?

- He hasn't been to bed.
- You dog!

It's not what you think.

Mate, you don't have
to explain yourself.


I mean it's actually
not what you think.

I'll go and get some towels.

Daddy, tea party!

Coming, sweetie.

- Hey.
- Hey, Mary.

Hi, Gwen! It's me, Mary.

I came back to see you.
Look what I brought you.

- Gerberas.
- Yeah.

Oh, I love those.

That's why I'm growing
them for you in my garden.

Here, let's get
rid of these guys.

Nothing like
freshly-cut flowers.

It's nice to see you, Gwen.

It's always really
nice to see you.

I almost wasn't
going to make it today.

- But I wanted to bring you something.
- Thank you.

I made you another quilt.

Cats. Lots of cats.

Remember how you told me

you and Theodore
used to have a lot of cats,

and Theodore's favourite
cat was a black-striped tabby?

You told me that when
we first met. Well...

That's her.

I'm sorry, I forgot her name.

Look, she's got those stripes.

I'm sorry, I won't be able
to finish this quilt, Gwen.

Don't be sorry.

I am. I... have to leave.

I can't stay in
Adelaide anymore.

Oh, no! Why?

I met someone.

It didn't work out, but I
didn't mean to meet him.

He's a really sweet man,
and he has a lovely daughter.

But she needs help.

I feel...

I don't know, I felt like...

felt like the universe
was bringing us together,

or something.

But... then he...

He saw who I am
and he got scared.

Why did he get scared?

Because I turn into a wolf.


We all do that.

He saw me turn into
one, and eat a goat.

We've all got
wolves in us, dear.

You just have to make
sure you feed the right one.

I know which wolf you feed,

because you brought
me those flowers,

and because you
brought me Matilda.


You don't need to feel guilty

for spending the
night with someone.

We all want you to be happy.

Uncle Gary happy?

Thanks, Olivia.

If he can't handle
sleeping with a chick,

he's even more screwed
up than I thought.


- What should we do?
- Go home.

Come on. It's Sunday.
The day's ours.

We could do anything.

How about we go to lunch?

Your choice. Seriously.

Pizza, burgers, ice-cream -

whatever you want.

Gary! What's wrong?

- You're not hungry?
- No, no...

Something wrong with the food?

- You sure?
- Yeah.

You alright, beautiful?
Everything good?

Where were you last night?

I went on a date.

Did you go to her place?


Will you see her again?

she's not right for us.



I don't think
she's right for me.

- Did you put the radio on?
- No.

I know this...
Song. I know this.

When did you start
listening to music?


Dad, you idiot!