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02x01 - Raven Black: Part 1

Posted: 11/04/23 18:38
by bunniefuu
I was trying to stay awake.
So funny! Oh, my God.

I might have seen that one,

Catherine, it's late.
I have to go home.

Come on, then, baby girl.
Let's get you home.

She's late.

She said she'd be home at midnight.
She's late.

Jimmy, you've got to stop seeing the
world through the eyes of the job.

She's with her mates.

Nothing's going to happen to her.
I know, I know, I know.


That's disgusting.

She's going to get so angry
with you. God!

She's going to be like,

"Were you hanging out with
that Catherine Ross?"

She doesn't like me when I'm
with you. She does not like you...

I know. Oh, whatever.

Hurry up!

Watch the rocks, watch the rocks.

The old guy in that croft.
Why does everyone think he's weird?

Why does nobody speak to him?
Cos he is weird.

He's a creepy old man.

Catherine, please,
I have to get home.

I thought you liked
creepy older men.

It's Sunday tomorrow. Church!

I know.

Please, let's not! Come on!

It's going to be so awkward!

Hi, Cass! Hi, Dad. You have
a good time? Yeah, it was brilliant.

There's food...

I've seen you.

You live in the Bruce house.

Yeah, I do.

I have cake. Will we have cake?


We can't stay for cake.
My friend has to get home.

Sunday tomorrow. Church.

That's right. It's feathers.

Just like the bird.


Go on, get out. You're late already.
So are you.

I know, but it's Monday,
so people make allowances for me.

Que tengas un buen dia.

Glad it's not just
the tan I was paying for.

Bye! Bye.

Line one.


Come on, darling,
let's get a move on.


Sorry we're so late.
She's really not feeling very well.

Bye, darling.
Come on, up the stairs.

Kitty Collins!

If you're well enough to come to
school, you're well enough to stay.

Come on.

And here to address us
on a matter that concerns us all

is our Procurator Fiscal,
Rhona Kelly.

Good morning.

First of all, I'd like
to say it's a real pleasure

to be invited here today
to update you

on certain changes in procedure
in the Fiscal Office.

We should, and we do,
prioritise some categories of cases

due to the seriousness

of the crimes involved...

..and the impact that has on both
victims and their families...



She flagged me down
as I was passing.

She didnae want to leave the lassie
in case the birds came back.

They've been pecking.

Hi, I'm Detective Inspector Perez.
Jess Collins.

Her name's Catherine Ross.
She babysits for me.

She's 17.

Do you know how I can
get in contact with her parents?

It's just her dad, Euan.

He works on the rigs.
Which platform?

Um... North Cormorant.

I saw her yesterday. She stopped
round at teatime. She was fine.

OK, Jess, I'm going to need to have
a word with you at some point,

but not now.
I can see you back, if you like.


Where's Tosh? On her way.
She was at the dentist's.

I've got the scene tent
in the car. No, there's no point.

The tide's already on in its way in.
Can you call Cora McClean for me

and tell her I need her here now?

Aw, Christ, Jimmy. Why do you have
to bring me out for the young ones?

Cora, she's in water,
she's cooling by the second.

Do you need a hand to turn her?
Mm. Thanks.

Rigor's not set in.

She's still warmth in her and
she's below the high tide mark.

I'd say in the last 12 hours.
Can you narrow that?

Crime Scene are on their way.

My swimming bag's in the boot.
Help yourself to the towels. OK.

Come on. Back to work.

Mr Bain?
I'm Detective Inspector Perez.

Mind if I come in?

Whar's du fae?

I'm fae Fair Isle. Originally.


And then...Glasgow
and now I live in Lerwick.

We found a body down by the beach.

I was wondering if maybe
you'd seen or heard anything.

I saw the birds.

Aye, they'll peck the eyes
out of a sickly lamb.

Then you have to break its neck.


from up here, I thought
maybe you might have seen.


Something was bringing the birds.

So, you thought you'd go have a look.
She was dead.

Why didn't you phone the police?
I don't have a phone.

You could have called on a neighbour.

My neighbours don't speak to me.

What time was this?


I dinnae sleep so well
in the simmer dim.

It's Catherine Ross.

She was here midsummer night,
and the teacher lass.

I didnae ask them.
I didnae ken them. They just came.

And then she came back yesterday.
She was on the bus.

You saw Catherine Ross
on the bus?

No, it wasn't my day for Lerwick.

I was passing the stop
and she was getting off.

This is yesterday? Sunday? Aye.

She knew I had a cake.

She was hungry.
She'd been walking all night.

Did she say why or where she'd been?

How long did she stay?

An hour. She said she was
going home to sleep.

Sorry to disturb, but...

you're needed.

Where were you last night?

Here. In my bed.

OK. I'm going to want to
speak to you again, Mr Bain...

so don't go anywhere without
letting us know, all right?

Where would I go?
It's not my day for Lerwick.

He knew her.
She visited him yesterday.

And he saw the body this morning.

He said that?
He wasn't trying to hide it.

He said he saw her at 5am.

He doesn't sleep so well this time of

Who does? It's never dark enough
for long enough.

You just wish someone would turn
the bloody light off.

From her pockets.

No phone?

They've done what they can,
but there's water everywhere.

Plus, there's a primary school
up there.

We should move her as soon as we
can. OK. I'll get onto Aberdeen.

Hey! Press.

Yeah, you're right. We should
probably move her as quick as we can.

We haven't managed to reach
Catherine's father yet.

Can you tell me who she stays
with when he's offshore? No-one.

Catherine only came to live
with Euan a year ago

when her mother died.

He'd lived on his own for years.
She was always at boarding school.

I don't think heavy-duty parenting
would have suited either of them.

Doesn't mean they weren't fond
of each other.

Someone mentioned
the "teacher's lassie".

Do you know who that would be?
Yeah, that would be Sally Henry.

Her mother, Margaret,
is the teacher at the primary.

She and Catherine were friends.

It's been a terrible shock
for Sally.

A terrible shock for everyone.

Though maybe not a surprise.

She liked to provoke a response,
that one.

I am sorry. I have to ask you this.
Where were you last night, Sally?

And you, Mrs Henry.

Where do you think?
Asleep in our beds.

Do you know what Catherine
was up to at the weekend?

Of course,
you can't blame the children.

Left to their own devices,

drinking themselves stupid
in Lerwick every weekend.

I tell you what, Sally, why don't
you and me go for a walk

and we'll get out of
your mother's way?

But I've made coffee.
That's OK, we'll take it with us.

What's going on?
Who's that with Sally?

There's been a death.
Her friend, Catherine Ross.

Is she all right?

Did you not hear the woman?
She's dead.

I meant Sally.

You know, whatever you say to me...
stays with me.

Your parents don't get to hear it.

She didn't always tell me
what she was doing.

I'm not allowed out so much.

She didn't like to rub it in.

What about Saturday night, when you
went calling on Magnus Bain?

Catherine thought it would be
a dare to knock on his door.

And after that? Went home.

What about Catherine?

Like I said, she didn't always
tell me what she was doing.

What about Sunday?

Yesterday. Did you see her then?

She called. Late afternoon.

I couldn't come out
cos I had homework.

A good friend, eh?

Never had a friend like her before.

Did Catherine have a boyfriend?


Did she have a girlfriend?


Was anybody after her?

We used to joke about Mr Scott.

He was always looking at her
in class. A teacher?

She thought he was ridiculous.

Perez isn't a Shetland name.

No. Er...

They say they came over with
a shipwreck from the Armada.

And a Spanish sailor fell in love
with a girl from Fair Isle.

You don't look very Spanish.

No, I think...! I think
I probably take after her.

What did your mum mean when she said

that Catherine liked
to provoke people?

Catherine thought respect was
something adults had to earn.

She wasn't always polite.

What, to your mum?

To anyone.

Billy, you had any luck reaching
Euan Ross on North Cormorant?

Not yet. Keep trying.

We need to search his house,
and I want him to get this from us.

I don't want him to get it
from Facebook. Yeah.


I've been getting phone calls from
my friend Reg Gilbert, Mr Media,

about a possible serial k*ller
on Shetland.

I don't know what you're talking
about. For Christ's sake, Jimmy!

You're my most senior detective.

You should be briefing me
about this, not the other way round.

I'm sorry, can we go outside?


You know why giving up
extends your life?

Cos every bloody hour takes
about three days to pass.

19 years ago,
a child called Catriona Bruce

went missing from Ravenswick.

Same village?

They never found her body.

The team sent from Inverness
concluded there was no foul play

and that she probably fell from the
cliff where she was seen playing.

But after today...

Reg is just digging at the moment.

He's fishing for a story,
he's looking for a link.

If there's any chance he's going to
find one, I want to know about it.

OK? This is the same address.

What? Catherine and Catriona -
it's the same address.


Boss, I've got Euan Ross
on North Cormorant.

I'm connecting you now, OK?

OK... OK.


Hello, Mr Ross.
This is Detective Inspector Perez.

Is somebody there with you?

Yeah, they sent my manager.
What's going on?

'I've got very bad news for you.'

Your daughter Catherine was
found on the beach at Ravenswick.

My... What? My...

Your daughter's dead.




Cassie. Hiya.

I've got to go out for a wee while.
I'll be about an hour, OK?


Hey, what's up?

Is it true Catherine Ross
was assaulted?

You know, sexually.

Who's saying that?

People. Facebook.

I've never known a girl be k*lled

and that not be one of the rumours.

Which is depressing enough.

But in this case
I can absolutely promise you

it's pure speculation.

Time of death
was between midnight last night

and four o'clock this morning.

She was k*lled where she was found,
strangled with her own scarf.

Any sign of sexual as*ault?


Anything else?

Hm! I'm just a GP.

Anything else can wait
for the pathologist in Aberdeen.

Who's going to tell me
the exact same thing you will,

only in three days' time.


There were scratch marks
on her neck

and skin tissue
under her fingernails.

My guess is they'll find
it's her own.

Because she was trying

to get her fingers under the scarf
to pull it away.

But no defensive injuries.

So either they took her
completely by surprise.

What, at this time of year?
It's light all night.

Or she knew them well enough
to let them get very close.

What's up, eh?

Come on now.


Even if the team from the mainland
got it wrong

and Catriona was abducted,

she was a child
and her body was never found.

Catherine was ten years older

and her body was left
in an open space, in full view.

Different victim profiles,
different modus operandi,

let alone the 19 years between them.

I really... I can't see
the same hand in both.

What about the fact that they
were from the same village,

lived in the same house?

Even their names are similar.

That's a coincidence that the
tabloids love, but it's not a link.

What worries me is that
people are going to start

talking about this, and before
you know it, people are looking

for freaks and monsters and
forgetting what they actually saw.

OK. We issue a statement.
Despite certain similarities,

the police believe
there is no connection

between the death of...
Et cetera, et cetera. Yeah.


According to Cora - who,
as we all know, is never wrong -

time of death is between midnight
on Sunday and 4am on Monday.

Saturday night. Midsummer.

Catherine and her friend Sally
go to a beach party

and then call in on Magnus Bain.

Sally goes home, Catherine goes on
to spend the night away from home,

presumably in Lerwick,
because the next morning, Sunday,

she gets off the Lerwick bus
and she bumps into Magnus again,

then goes back to his house for cake.

Teatime on Sunday,
she drops in on Jess Collins.

And we know from the door-to-door

that she's seen
several times after that.

The last sighting is 8.30,

when she pops into
a neighbour's house for milk.

The whole family saw her.

She's k*

Between 12 midnight and 4am.

I'm seeing the name Magnus Bain
a lot.

He saw the body and said nothing.
Plus, he's pretty odd.

Yeah, pretty odd isn't enough to
make us have a look at someone.

Plus, he says his neighbours
don't talk to him.

Did we check up on that?

Well, it's not just them avoiding
him. He's pretty much a recluse.

I can see him not reporting it.
You know him?

Only by reputation.
Like Tosh says - odd.

If she knew her k*ller, do you think
she'd arranged to meet them?

Maybe she was already with them.

Boss? That was Aberdeen about
the footprints you photographed.

They were from her own boots.

Oh, what about the piece of fibre
under her nail?

Nothing yet, but the school
are expecting you any time now.

Tosh, you're with me.
Sandy, you take the Ross house.

Check out Catherine's bedroom.

You all knew Catherine.

And maybe some of you know,
or knew, things about her

that she would rather
have kept private.

But we need to know who she was with
and what she was doing

in the 24 hours
leading up to her death.

Whenever someone dies, and especially
in circumstances like this,

there's always rumours about what
may or may not have happened.

And they don't help. Cos all
they do is make people scared.

And I don't want you to be scared.

Sergeant Mackintosh
is going to be here all morning.

So, if any of you know something -

doesn't matter what it is -
then please come and talk to us.

Could you return
to your forms rooms,

unless you have specific
information for the police.

Did you know her well?

Hugo Scott?
I'm Detective Inspector Perez.

I was wondering if I could have
a word with you about Catherine Ross.

Sorry. Can I talk to you?

What's up?

I taught her film and photography
as part of her Media Studies.

I was also her registration teacher.
What was she like?

Bright. Challenging.
She could be hard work.

But she was also receptive
and interested and engaged.

They're not all like that,
believe me. Was she popular?

Admired, certainly. But perhaps
a bit too spiky for real popularity.

A satirical eye
and an impressive line in contempt,

even by 17-year-old standards.

It doesn't necessarily endear you
to your contemporaries.

No. Or your teachers,
I would imagine.

Oh, Catherine and I
understood each other very well.

Did you ever see her
outside of school?

Not by arrangement,
if that's what you're suggesting.

By accident, then?

It's almost impossible to avoid,
if you live in Lerwick.

I'm thinking of moving to Bressay
and learning to row.

What brought you to
Shetland in the first place?

I wanted to be somewhere where there
was scope to make a real difference.

You know...hearts and minds.

Honest to God, it was like
a confessional in there.

The broken hearts and sexual health
of an entire generation, in detail.

I tell you, if Cassie ever
brings home a boy called Peanuts,

be very afraid.

What about Catherine?

She was definitely an outsider, but
I got the impression it was choice.

They were all going on
about how she made a point

of not using social media.

Pretty self-conscious about wanting
to stand out from the crowd.

Did anyone mention anything about a
teacher called Hugo Scott? Not to me.

OK, well, do a wee bit
of digging, would you?

See if there's anything
we should be interested in. OK.

Boss! You had a visitor
while you were out. Alan Isbister.

The Walsay Playboy?

He had to go over to the pier
in his Very Expensive Car

for a Very Important Meeting,

but he said he'd call in again
on his way back.

Apparently, it's about the case.

Excuse me.
I'm looking for Alan Isbister.

Didn't know you were working here.
You know me.

Jack of all trades,
as long as it pays.

Saving up for another
wedding to cancel?

Isbister's in the dry dock.
Thanks, Drew.

Give my best to Tosh.

Inspector Perez.
I told your man I'd call back.

He's my sergeant!
He's not my butler.

And the next time you've got
information relating to a crime,

you give it to whoever's on the desk,
do you understand?

Hey! I'm just trying to do
my good citizen thing here, OK?

Well, get on with it.

So, I always throw
a midsummer party.

Usually starts
when all the others are finishing.

Stop the hangover starting,
keep drinking.

Catherine Ross was there.

I didn't...I didn't know her. I just
recognised her face from the news.

Who brought her along?

I mean, I just get the booze in,
throw open the doors

and let the party take care
of itself.

I can give you a list of people
I did invite, if that helps you out.

She was just part of the crowd.
I hardly noticed her, you know.

And you're, what, 30?

And she was 17.
That didn't make her stand out?

It was an open house.

There was probably a couple
of 70-year-olds there too.

Where is this open house?

My place on the main island.

The Haa.

You stay on the main island
till I tell you different.

This is a list of everyone
that he remembers.

What about the ones
he doesn't remember?

Well, treat it as a starting point.
Where was Catherine?

Who was she with?
What was she doing?

You know Isbister's got
a reputation?

I mean, I fancied 17-year-olds
when I was 17.

But you're supposed to grow out of
it. Come on, that's cheap gossip.

Pretty widely circulated.
Alan just never grew up.

His dad's the big man
who made the family fortune

with the pelagic trawler.

Plus, his mother never wanted him
out of her sight.

I thought the Isbisters were in
haulage. You see trucks everywhere.
The trawling's the real business.

This is half the bloody island.
Why wasn't I invited?

Billy, can you get me the CCTV
for Union Street,

Harbour Street and Lower Hillhead,
on midsummer's night.

Billy? Yes? 2.40am.
Commercial Street. Yes, boss.

Where's she heading?

The esplanade? Pier?

Bus station.

How are you getting on
with your never-ending list?

All right.
It's going to take a while.
The party you were never invited to.

Do you know something? No, what?

Lerwick bus station,
Saturday night into Sunday morning.

Excellent. Cheers, Billy.

Maybe we've missed her, maybe
she was heading somewhere else.

There she is.

Hello? Police station.


Boss? That's Euan Ross. He's landed.


You know, when we found
Catherine's body,

she didn't have
her house keys or her phone.

We don't usually lock the doors,
but her phone?

She never went anywhere without it.
Maybe if she left in a rush.

The officer that searched the house
couldn't find it there either.

You think someone took it?
It's like a mugging that went wrong?

No, it doesn't look like that.

17 is be living alone.

Is that a question? No.

I mean, it's a lot of freedom,
nobody asking where you're going,

what you're doing,
when are you going to be home.

Do you know what she did with it?
She went out.

Not so much.

She liked her own company.

You know, I went to that school.

From Fair Isle.

It was right cliquey.

Hard, being on the outside.

Can I ask you a question? Yeah.

Was it quick?

Quick. Not instant.

Hello, Jess. I'm a wee bit worried
about Euan.

What will the neighbours say?
Two male visitors in one night.

Practically a knocking shop.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to
interrupt your evening.

Oh, no! Duncan just dropped by
to see how I was getting on.

Thank you.

Hi. Hi. How do you two
know each other, then?

Well, my ex and Jimmy
were together for a long time

before she passed on,

the result of which
is that we now share

a very lovely
and very strong-willed daughter.

I'm her father, Jimmy's her dad.

Yeah. I should be getting back
to her. Good night.

Here. Could you just hold that?
I just want to have a word. Jimmy?

What are you doing? What?

Have you told her you're married?

Ach, come on!
It's just a glass of wine.

Cos you know Cassie's
just got over the last time.


Would you stop taking that dog
for a swim of a morning?

It's his wee bath.

How would you like it
if I told you to stop washing?

I smell better after I've washed.
Wet dog stinks.


This is a briefing. Brief us.

I looked into Hugo Scott.
Nice shiny teaching record.

No previous anything.

As for tracing and eliminating
everyone in Ravenswick

the night Catherine was k*lled,
most of them were in bed

so verifiable alibis are proving
a bit of a problem.

OK. How about Alan Isbister's
party guests?

Still working our way through.
Nothing from any of them so far.

There's a lot of talk
round about Magnus Bain.

I'm not having this investigation
being driven by public opinion.

Maybe we SHOULD be looking at him.
We are.

But we're asking questions,
not jumping to conclusions.

Weirdo! ret*rd! Paedophile!

Pervert! Paedo! Manky old slag!

Stupid old tosser!

Magnus Bain told me that the reason

Catherine agreed to go back
to his house

was because she knew he had cake.

I think she could have got cake
from anyone.

I was just wondering if you
could think of any other reason

why she might have been drawn
back there.

Probably him being so weird.

Catherine liked freaks and misfits.

Why did she like you, then?

Because you don't strike me
as either of those two things.

Maybe being a teacher's kid is OK
if your parent is popular.

If they're not, it's pretty much
the definition of both.

So, you're going to talk
to Magnus Bain.

Better late than never, I suppose.

Mrs Henry, is there something
you think I should know?

I mean, something concrete.

People used to think
they were doing a kindness

letting their children talk to him.

More innocent back then.

We know better these days. Don't we?


OK. Thanks for your time.

Where's my dad?

On the hill.

What's wrong with that?

Environmental officer, it's his job.

You know what?

Whatever he's doing
and whoever he's doing it with,

I don't blame him!

Who's the wee girl?

Agnes. She's my sister. She's dead.
Is that your mother?

There's no milk.

It's my day for Lerwick,
but I couldn't get out.

You know why they came,
don't you, Magnus?

They think you had something to do
with Catherine's death. No!

What did you do after she'd gone?


What did you watch?

There was some lad
fishing off a boat. Or...

..maybe that was yesterday.

Magnus...did anyone see you

between Catherine leaving here
on Sunday morning

and me calling in on you
the next day?

Anyone who could say where you were?


Now, what I'd like to do... I'd like to take
your fingerprints.

And a sample of your DNA.

You don't have to do
either of those things.

But it would help me to prove
where you have and haven't been.

Gets in the cracks.

Takes a long time to come off.

Have you been fingerprinted before?

When Catriona went missing?


I told them I never seen her.

They went away.

Nobody sends me letters.

It's from Catherine Ross.

What is it?

She's sent me a letter.

So, why did she take that, Magnus?

I'd asked them
to come back this term

with a pitch
for their end-of-year project.

It could have been something
to do with that.

Do you have any idea
how it was taken?

Surely the subject would know.

The subject
isn't technologically minded.


Catherine liked retro.

She wanted a Hasselblad,
but she couldn't afford one.

What's a Hasselblad?

It's a camera that gives you this
square format. They're expensive.

Catherine got an app on her phone

What? That was taken on a phone?

So, she'd have had to have taken it,
gone home,

downloaded it
and then printed it off?

Well, she could have printed it
straight from her phone,

but looking at it, I'd say
she did some work on it first -

you know, crunching the blacks.
It's very Don McCullin.

And it's very Catherine.

Catherine Ross took a photograph
of Magnus Bain

on her phone on the day she died.

So, can we get on to Aberdeen,
and see if they can get a timing

for when she downloaded it
onto her laptop? Sure.

What happened in Ravenswick?

Fingerprinting and a DNA sample.

And, apparently, this isn't the first
time Magnus has been fingerprinted.

So, can you see if we've got
anything on record for that? Got it.

Alibi? He doesn't have an alibi!

The man's a recluse.

He doesn't see anybody
from one week's end to the next

unless it's his day
for bloody Lerwick.

But he has no motive.

There is nothing tying him to this
except talk,

and talk can be generated.

What if somebody wants us
to be looking at him?

What if it's misdirection? Like who?

I don't know.

Somebody with enough money to buy
all the rumour-mongering they want.

Sorry, Tosh.

Right. What have I missed?

The pathology report came through.
Nothing new.

it's exactly what Cora said.

And Forensics got back about
the fibre under Catherine's nail.

It's hemp, from a rug.

What kind of rug?

"Antique and most probably
of Turkish origin."

Apparently they can tell
from the dye. Uh-huh?

Let me see that Isbister party list.

You said to me
that you'd never arranged

to meet Catherine outside of school.
Is that right? Yeah, that's right.

So, she never came to this flat?

Why would she?

Nice rug.

That Turkish?

Yes. Very distinctive.
Very distinctive patterns.

Very distinctive dyes, apparently.

Catherine bit her nails,
did you notice that about her?

Maybe nerves, I don't know.

Anyway, makes them ragged.

So, things get caught under them,
like fibres.

OK, I want a solicitor.
Yeah, I think that's a good idea.

"Very Don McCullin."

Hm? What does that mean?

You can look at
a beautiful photograph

taken with insight and care

and you look at it
like you've seen it all before,

like there's nothing new
in the world for you at all.

All the things you said about
Catherine, that she was interested,

receptive and engaged. That wasn't
about her, was it? It was about you.

It was about how she responded
to you.

She came in to borrow a DVD.
That's all.

And she got a fibre from your rug
caught underneath her nail

how, exactly? We...

We talked.


She may have sat on the floor.

Am I under arrest?

You are now.

My mum thinks I'm in my room.
What if she checks?

Just tell her you fancied a walk.

You should come to the boat

It's a bit more private.

Would you like that?

Can't hear you at the back.


Before term broke up,
I'd mentioned a couple of films

I thought she'd like.

I said if she couldn't get hold
of them, I'd lend them to her.

What sort of films?

French New Wave.

So, Catherine called in
to pick them up when?

Saturday night. What time?


She said she was passing.
At midnight?

I assumed she'd come from a party.

I was just heading out
to Isbister's do

and she asked
if I could take her along.

Did Catherine know about Isbister's
before you mentioned it?

I can't remember.

I'd been drinking.

That's why I was less...circumspect
than usual.

And so being less circumspect than
usual, you agreed to take her along?

We need you to say it. For the tape.

Yes. I agreed to take her.

Why didn't you tell us this before?

Because once I got her in,
she disappeared.

I didn't see her again.
I had nothing useful to tell you.

And I knew how it would look.

How's that?

As if I was having an inappropriate
relationship with her.

Were you?



Excuse me. Tosh.

Tosh, we are asking questions.
We are not scoring points.

Stop baiting him.


He's a spineless tosser, though.
I know that, but I mean it.

She was 17.

I met Drew when I was 17.

It's very young.

I'll be fine here.

Are you sure?

It's just across the hill.

You won't get spooked after what
happened to your friend? It's misty.

No. I've done it before.
I'll just run. OK.

See you.

If you have finished sulking,
your tea's in the oven.

Oh. I thought you were Sally.

Where is she? Upstairs in her room.

No, she's not. I just looked.

She was asking about you.

I said you were on the hill.

After everything that's happened,
she's out there alone?

Alex, wait! Alex!








Dad! Dad!

Sally... Give me your hand.
Come on, sweetheart.

Give me your hand.
Dad, there's something in there!


Sir? Excuse me.

They've found a body
on the hill in Ravenswick.

They think it's Catriona Bruce.

Do you know why you're here, Magnus?
The old man.

Did he k*ll Catherine too?
Magnus, no!

I don't want to speak ill of the
dead, but she was a silly bitch.

Her teacher hated her.

I told you I don't know.
Ah, come on!

She said she was going to make
people angry.

Catherine Ross didn't know a thing!

The only one who knew...
was Magnus Bain.