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01x04 - Chapter Four - So Much Blood

Posted: 11/04/23 18:10
by bunniefuu
[Pat] Previously
onShining Vale...

My firm is pitching
to the New York Archdiocese

and they paired me
with an expert.

- Kathéryn.
- Let's put a pin in Kathryn

and get back to your ghost.

Let's say she's your muse.

In the meantime,
just take the Clonazepam.

Possible side effects
include hallucination,

blackout, memory loss.

[Pat] I wrote 13 pages,

and I'm hearing music
coming from the closet.

We have a vintage Tiki bar.

Why aren't you
so f*cking happy?

Because I know it was you
who sabotaged my presentation.

I told a room full of priests
to "suck a hot d*ck."

I got suspended.
Kathryn got fired.

I have no memory of doing that.

Welcome, Patricia.

- Are you my muse?
- I'm Rosemary.

Did you write those pages?

We wrote them together.
Let's celebrate.

I haven't had a drink
in 16 years.

[Rosemary] You deserve it.

[chilling music]

[girl] You shouldn't be here.

♪ ♪

[keyboard clacking]

[light, mysterious music]

♪ ♪

Hey, hon. How's it going?

[chilling tone]


- [Terry] Yeah?
- [Pat] Mm.

Getting a lot written today?


Hey, I heard they opened
a pressed juice stand

at the farmer's market.

What do you want me
to do about it?

Oh, come on, honey.

Don't be so grouchy.

See, I-I'm trying
to finish my work.

And when you come up here,

it's distracting.

And then I lose
my train of thought

and I have to start over.

Maybe I'll pick up
a couple of fresh juices,

and when I come back,
you'll let me read something.

We'll play it by ear.

[whimsical music]

[Pat] It was Sunday,
which meant church,

pork chops,
and sex with Rolf...

Did you say something?

I did not.

[Terry] Huh, okay.

Terry, we're gonna make a rule.

When you hear me typing
or--or talking

or whatever the f*ck
you hear me

doing up here,
it means I'm working.

So please don't come in.

You think you
could handle that?


So why don't you start
by getting the f*ck out now?

[eerie music]


[whimsical music]

[Pat] ...and a trip
to Vogel's market

for some not-so-subtle
flirting with Dan the Grocer.

Hi, Rosemary.

Hello, Dan.

You got some great hams here.

They're bone in.

♪ ♪

The manager says
your husband said

not to let you buy alcohol.

Well, you can tell your manager

I will not be treated like a--

g*dd*mn child.

You want mango madness
or green machine?

Oh, green machine.

Great choice. I love that.

[sharp, eerie tone]

[chilling tone]

[ethereal music]

♪ ♪

[Gaynor] You look nice.

And where's the insult?

No insult.
That dress hides your flass.

And that's mean slang for?

"Flat ass," obviously.

Oh, obviously.
You look nice too.

Is that for
your virgin boyfriend

or is today the big
Diane Sawyer costume contest?

I don't get that
old person reference,

but yes, this is for Ryan.

Surprisingly respectful.

Yeah, I'm trying to break him,

but his Lord and Savior
continues to cock block me.

Aw, that's my baby girl.

And here's our last hope
for the Phelps' line.

What's for breakfast?

Mm, you're holding a bagel.

Sweet. [laughs]


you know, it's funny you guys
should ask because I-I do,

I have a really big
meeting today.

[pill clattering]


[ominous music]

♪ ♪

Oh, God.



[muffled upbeat music playing]

♪ ♪

[eerie music]

♪ ♪

[upbeat music playing]

[Pat] Hello?

Oh, God, Terry!

I didn't mean to scare ya.

Wow, look at you.
You look great.

Gaynor says I have a flass.

Oh, well I love a woman
with a fleshy ass.

So can I, uh, pour you a drink?

[eerie tone]

Why--why would you ask that?

Because, look at all this stuff.

Can I make my lady a--

[in British accent]
an Elderflower Cordial?

[in normal voice]
Virgin, of course.

That sounds
absolutely horrible.

Coming right up.

Why are you all dressed up?

[Pat] Oh, 'cause Kam
wants to talk to me

about the new pages I sent.

I've been on such a tear.
It's been so easy to write.

That's never happened
to me before.

I'm happy for you.
That's great.

You're sweet.

I still feel bad about writing
"suck a hot d*ck"

in your presentation.

I don't understand why Thom

would suspend you
for something that I did.

Ah, it's a power move.

Plus, I don't think
he likes the idea of a man

who doesn't have a control
of his home life.

But in his defense,
he's a gigantic assh*le.

Such an assh*le.
I still feel bad.

Don't. Other than barely
seeing you this week,

I've had a great time off.

Got to do all the dad stuff
I never get to do, you know?

Take the kids to school,

repair the wall
that you hatcheted open.

Oh, we got a lot of treasures
around here.

Look at this.

[Pat] Oh, good. More junk.

No, no, no. That's a--

that's a vintage
movie projector there.

Look at that. Dark secrets,
dirty movies, who knows?

And wait, there's more.

- [whistles]
- Oh.

Can't wait for that to chase
me around in my nightmares.

- Ahh!
- Stop.

[Terry chuckles]

Can you help me pick out
paint samples?

Oh, shit.
I gotta catch my train.

No, follow your heart.
Wish me luck.

Well, she's gonna love it.

I f*cking love it!

Ugh. It's next level.

And holy shit, Trish.
Uh, Rosemary?

I mean, she's like you,
but more.

And where the f*ck
did she come from?

You know Dr. Berg,
the shrink I hate?


Pill pusher, misogynist.

Exactly. I love him now.

He told me that Rosemary
was like my, uh--

my alter-ego slash muse.

So now I just take
a little vitamin C

and she practically
writes it for me.

Jesus, Trish, cocaine?

No, Clonazepam.

[Pat] Don't worry.
I have a prescription.

Oh, good.

I mean, you can't get addicted
with a prescription.

I take a half of a pill
just to relax me.

And then I get
into her character.

Pl--don't give me shit.
It's working.

All right, well, there's
some potential bad news.

I passed your pages
around the office

and the elite division
wants your book.

That means a new advance.

Like, triple your old ones.

What? That's great news.

W-what's the bad news?

I said potential bad news.

'Cause historically speaking,

when things start going
really well for you,

you self-sabotage.

Around the office we call it
"pulling a Pat."

I resent that. I really do.

I--I think I have this
wife-mother-artist shit down.

[phone buzzes]
It's my kid's school.

Why do I allow myself to be
happy even for one second?


Do, do, do. Lights...


[projector whirrs]


[phone rings]


Jake got caught
with porn at school.

How? We blocked everything
on his phone

other than Poison Control
and the compass.

It wasn't on his phone.
It was--it was a magazine.

[Terry] Where'd he even
find them?

I don't know.

But the school wants
one of us to come get him.

Can you please handle that
for me?

[Terry] It's my last day
home from work.

Of course I want to have
the dirty magazine

talk with my son.

Ow, mother--

[phone beeps]

Well, well, well.

Look at us.

I get sent home from work.
You get sent home from school.

[clicks teeth]
Couple outlaws, we are.

[bike bell dings]

Can we please just go?

Hold on.

Let's have this conversation.

Look, I heard about--

You got the Farrah Fawcett

Wow. Wow.

I was, like, 11
when this came out.

We didn't have
any internet back then.

A boy had to wait
for a trusted uncle

or a weird dentist
to find one of these.

Jesus Christ.

Where'd you find this?

In a tree house in the woods.

Our woods?
We have a tree house?

Yeah, I go there
when I wanna be alone.

I'm there a lot.

Yeah, a tree house
full nudie magazines

- is not bad.
- [Jake groans]

Well, look, the point is
is that this

is not representative
of a woman's body.

I know those guys. Please go.

No, please, please. No.

[Terry] Oh, hey guys.
[Jake] No--oh.

It's cool. I'm his dad.

[boy laughs]


First of all,
this style of pubic grooming

is completely passé.

The areolas are off the charts.

That's a C-section scar there.

You and your sister, of course,
delivered vaginally.

- But--
- Oh, my God!

All right. We're going home.

[dog growls]

[light, mysterious music]

♪ ♪

- [suspenseful music]
- Oh yeah.

♪ ♪

[suspenseful music heightens]

♪ ♪

W--what the hell?

Is that Farrah Fawcett?

Feeling nostalgic.

Is that a cocktail?

I'm also feeling nostalgic.

Are you drinking?

I'm not drinking.
I'm--I'm having adrink.

Oh, okay.

My bad. Have fun.

Hold on.

It's--it's not like
I'm an alcoholic.

I didn't go to AA or rehab.

I just--I drank too much.

I was using alcohol
to numb my pain.


But this is different.

I'm having a drink
to reward myself.

- Got it.
- Hold on.

I didn't have kids back then.

I-I had a hit book.

I'm not a party girl anymore.
Look at me.

I'm--I'm in an antique tub
in Connecticut.

I'm basically Oprah.

Well, I guess I just figured
you'd run it past me

before you had
your first drink in...

17 years.

Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't know I needed

to ask your permission.

We had a deal!

I stopped drinking
when you did.

You know how many times
I've turned down happy hour

after work with Thom?

Well, then go.
Go tomorrow.

See what you're missing.

I don't wanna go.
He's a d*ck.

- Then quit.
- I can't quit.

I have a job.

Who's gonna look
after our family?

- Maybe I can.
- [Terry scoffs]

Because between the--the pills

and the blackouts
and the bath martini,

Pat, I just don't think
we want to hitch

the Phelps family wagon
up to your star right now.

Well, for your information,

I'm good.

I'm better than good.

Kam loves my pages so much,

she's gonna give me
another advance.

Terry, things are really
happening for me.

Okay. Okay.

I just...

wanna be sure,
you know, we're not..

missing any signs.

We won't.

You won't, trust me.

I am really happy.

Come over here.
Get in this tub with me.

I'll do my--my best
Farrah flip for you.

You're gonna need a lot
more hair.


Okay, Rosemary,
let's make some magic.

The vodka burned
Rosemary's throat,

working its way

down her silky body.

Her hand drifted below

down her smooth belly.

[Rosemary breathes heavily]

[Pat] And she...

[Rosemary moaning]

[eerie tone]

[chilling tone]

Holy f*ck.

- [knock on door]
- [Kathryn] Yo, Phelps.

Am I interrupting?

- Kathryn.
- [Kathryn giggles]

God. Wow.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Good to--ooh, sorry.
I stepped on your--sorry.

- All right. No, it's--
- [both laugh]

[Kathryn] Wow.

- Sorry.
- [Kathryn laughs]

- How are you?
- I'm good.

I'm just here for
my exit interview with HR.

They are giving me
the "don't sue our asses"

platinum severance package.

I told Thom you had nothing
to do with it.

I know.
No, he offered me my job back,

but honestly I'd rather
take the giant paycheck

and some time off.

Anyway, I just wanted
to say hi and bye.


oh, goodbye, Terry Phelps.

[light music]

♪ ♪

[tense music]

♪ ♪

[sighs] Okay.

Way too much vodka last night.

Let's not mess
with the formula, Pat.

Okay. Try this again, Rosemary.



felt happy...



[light, ominous music]

Her hand dipped under bubbles.

[eerie music]

♪ ♪

What the f*ck?

[school bell rings]

I heard my mom gave you
a ride home last week.

It's chill. I'm actually
wearing the medal she gave me.

Oh, that's cool.

Do you wanna come over later

and help me
with my math homework?

Seriously? You're, like, three
levels ahead of me in math.

I mean, you're--
you're smarter than me.

Smarter than I.
By the way, poor grammar

is, like, a real boner k*ller.

You know what?
I have a better idea.

Meet me at my house
after school.

I'm gonna take us
someplace really fun.

It's not that blasted out
meth shed, right?

'Cause apparently
you should bring a blanket.

- Okay, Gaynor.
- Yeah?

I think you're really cool
and obviously very pretty,

But I--I--
I take my faith seriously.

It's helped me through
some really tough times,

especially when my dad died.

So I'm down to hang out
as friends.

But if you're looking
for something more than that,

I'm not that guy.

That is so f*cking hot.

[chilling music]

♪ ♪

Come on!
Why are you doing this to me?

Hi, uh, this is Pat Phelps.
Is he in?

Yes, it is definitely
an emergency.

The message is, um, tell him
I need to f*cking speak to him

right the f*ck now,
you f*cking f*ck.

[call rings]

Thanks for seeing me
so quickly.

You made my assistant cry.

Shit. I can't be the first.

Oh, my God. I'm the first?

[Dr. Berg]
What's going on, Pat?

So you know my muse, Rosemary?

She keeps trying
to k*ll herself in my book.

And I--I--I think
I'm "pulling a Pat."

"Pulling a Pat?"

It's what my editor calls it
when someone's self-sabotages.

I'm going to use that one.

Okay. Thanks for your help.

Now hold on, I--I actually
think you're in a very good

I'm a f*cking train wreck.

No, Rosemary's
the train wreck.

You are in control.
You know how I know?


Because you reached out
for help.

You-you made a rational
self-caring choice.

Okay, can you just skip
to the part where you tell me

how to stop her
from k*lling herself?

I--I'll pay you
for the whole hour.

You control her.
She doesn't control you.

But I-if she behaves badly,

you have the power
to make her disappear.

That's f*cking brilliant.

It's all you, Pat.

You really don't need
my help at all.

Yeah, I got this.

Okay, while I have you, um,

would you mind refilling
these bad boys?

This is what
you meant by fun?

Does fun mean something else
in the Bible?

They have great stories

and whatever pudding
they don't eat, you keep.



Thank you, Margaret.

Oh, my name's Gaynor,

I'm General Patton.


Okay, Rosemary.

I'm in charge.

So you have to do
what I say.


A hot bath was exactly
what Rosemary needed

at the end of her trying day.

[atmospheric music]

♪ ♪

Well, not exactly.

[music intensifies]

Her hand slid down
her slick belly...

and found its way

between her taut legs.

[Rosemary panting, moaning]

[Pat] Teasing.


Definitely not
k*lling herself.

[Rosemary moans]

[indistinct chatter]

[light jazz music]

♪ ♪

What can I get you, chief?

Uh, I'm actually, um,
looking for somebody.

Uh, dark hair, dark suit,
name's Thom.

A banker-looking type.

Uh, I don't know.

Can I get you a drink
while you're waiting?

A drink? I, um--

Yeah, I'll have a drink.

When I was in college--
uh, I went to Penn--

Doesn't matter.

They used to make this
lemonade vodka little thing,

sugar around the rim.

It's called a Lemon Drop.

And, uh, it's on the back here
under "fun and frilly."

Great. Make it a double.

Yeah, you got it, boss.


No way. What?

Terry Phelps?
Are you kidding me?

Hey, I was quite the drinker
back in the day, Thom.

Sit down here and I'll show you
how the big boys do it.

All right, tough guy.
I like it.

Here is your Lemon Drop,

Yes, sir.

Made it extra fun
and frilly for you.

[Terry] All right.

Take a Glenlivet 21. Neat.

A couple of dudes out
for some cocktails. Huh?

- That's us.
- [Terry chuckles]


Ah, tart.

[Thom] Yeah, I see.

[sensual music]

♪ ♪

[jazz music]

Oh. [coughs]
Another dead soldier down.

I'm buying the next round.
Two, please.

I gotta say,
I'm a little surprised.

I didn't think you drink
because, you know, your wife.

No, no, no.
That's--that's all over.

- That en--that ended.
- Oh, thank God.

I mean, no offense,
but come on, she's nuts.

I meant the not drinking ended.

Pat and I are still together.

Yeah, I mean,
you make a great couple.

I'm sorry, Terry, I know
I'm not supposed to say this.

Come on,
she's a f*cking disaster.

No, she's not, Thom.
She's--she's not a disaster.

She's actually
doing great right now. She's--

- Let me show you something.
- Huh?

See this number?

That's what you brought in
last year.

You see this
much smaller number?

That's what you brought in
this year.

The only thing that changed is
Pat blew up your life.

It's just math.

Everybody's numbers are down.

You can't hold her accountable
for that.

I'm not talking
about everyone.

I'm talking about you.

Get your shit together.

[atmospheric music]

- [keyboard clacking]
- [exhales]

She felt new...



♪ ♪

[eerie rattling]

[echoing scream]

Help me.

- [screams]
- Ow!

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

[eerie music]

[Terry] Get my shit together?

Oh, m*therf*cker.

Maybe you should get
your shit together.

You ever think about that,
you dumb son of a bitch?

Does that ever cross
your stupid-ass mind?

My worst numbers of my life are
the best numbers you ever had.

I am your top earner,
you son of a bitch.

I'll tell you what,
how's this sound to you?

I quit, bitch.
Huh? How's that sound?

You want to say
all that to him?

Uh, no.

I'll tell you what.
[clears throat] Here.

Just give him this.
"I quit."

And get me another one
of those Lemon Drops.

Sugar on the rim?

Damn right, sugar on the rim.


[ominous music]

♪ ♪

[ringtone chiming]

- [Pat] Hey.
- Hello, Mrs. Phelps.

- How's it going?
- [Pat] It's going crap.

I'm completely blocked.

My muse is suicidal.

I broke my laptop
and there's blood.

There's a little blood over
here in the water too, hon.

There's a lot of blood.

There's so much f*ckin' blood.

Did it, honey.
Oh, my God.

Missiles are locked
and loaded.

Launch sequence initiated.

What the f*ck are you
talking about?

I am a new man, honey.

I did it. I f*cking did it.

I quit. I quit!

Why? Why?

Why would you do that?

No, no. You--
you told me to talk to Thom.

You know, he called you
a disaster.

I am a disaster.

- What?
- [Pat] This is not the time

for you to quit your job.

We can't hitch our wagon
to my star right now.

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

Oh, shit.

I'll call you back.

Good night, Mr. Harris.
See you next week.

Thanks for the earrings.

Oh, next week?

Did somebody have...

I don't know, fun?

I went to Chastity Club
and I ate your mom's soup.

What's three hours of washing
death smell out of my skort?

Yeah, I like it here.

And I--I think you're
pretty cool for doing it.

You know what?

I think it's time
you met my girlfriend.

You're a piece of shit,
you know that?

This is my girlfriend, Bertie.

Hi, I'm Ryan's
asexual helpmeet.

Cool fact, Bertie's lived
in Shining Vale her whole life.

Who are you?

Oh, this is--this is Gaynor.

She just moved into
the big house on Elm Street.

The house with the trees?

Oh, yeah. There are trees.

Ow, your cold hand
is hurting me.

Oh, oh, stay away.


You'll die in the trees.

Um, Ryan, she won't let go.

She'll k*ll you.

Wait, who are you
talking about?

Stay away from the house
in the trees.

What? Okay.

[Bertie breathing shakily]

Can we get some help
in here, please?


Stay away!


[people murmuring]

Next time
we go to the meth shed.

[eerie music]

♪ ♪

Okay, Rosemary.

You wanna talk?

Let's f*cking talk!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, all right.

Whoa. [laughs]


I've gotta go home.

What, was that Pat
on the phone?

Yeah. Yeah.
She's just having a little--

Let me guess,
a little crisis, Terry?

You've been out for drinks
once in 15 years

and your wife calls you home
and you just jump?

Well, Thom, she's--

How much shit
are you gonna take?

How much?

Yeah, you're right.

You're right.

This is for you.

Wh--I quack? What is that?

It said, "I quit." And I do.

All right, I-I think you had

one too many lemons zests,

It's called "Lemon Drop,"

And don't you ever talk about
my wife being a disaster again.

Okay, Phelps, go home.
You're drunk.

You're--you're drunk!
You're drunk and I'm drunk.

So that's-that's--
and guess what?

Guess what? Guess what?

"Suck a hot d*ck" m*therf*cker.

I quit. Whoo!

- Sorry. Sorry.
- [person applauds]

My husband quit his job and
I can't afford to "pull a Pat."


I created you
and I can get rid of you.

Come on,
what do you want from me?

[projector whirrs]

[whimsical music]

This can't be good.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

[eerie music]

♪ ♪

[Pat] Holy shit.

She's real.