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01x06 - The Fall

Posted: 11/04/23 17:58
by bunniefuu
Alright, where we headed,

I don't seem to be
getting a direction.

That's us, right?

So make sure you lock
onto the signal.

There. See?

This is why you need
to be the navigator.

Uh, why don't --
why don't you hang onto it?

I mean you should be able
to use that thing, too.

What if something happens
to me?


Everything alright?

Yeah, I'm good.

Let's go,
we're wasting time.

Whoa! Oh, shit.


Ugh, that creature really did
a number on this thing.

Can we repair it?

I'm afraid not.

Not with
our current resources.

Well, I hope you brought
some comfortable shoes, Levi.

No, I don't have shoes.

Come on, maybe we'll find you
some along the way.

That is unlikely.

Terrain is a little rocky,

I guess we should drive
more carefully.


Oh, you've got
to be kidding me.

How big of a gap is that?

. meters.

And this is still
the quickest path to the ship?

The most direct path to
the location of the Demeter

is straight
over this canyon, yes.

It's starting to feel
like we're cursed, isn't it?

What about
the bike's tow cable?

Is it long enough
to reach the other side?

Yes, but we abandoned it
several kilometers back.



What's going on?

I thought I saw something,

but it was probably
just the wind.

Let's not wait around
to find out.




Sam. Sam, what happened?

Something hit me.


Sam, what the hell?

I thought you were gonna tell me
if this got worse.

It doesn't look that bad.

It looks terrible.

Jesus, you're burning up.
We need to rest.

No Ursula, I'm fine.

No, we're resting.

Levi, what was that?

What was what?

The sounds you just made.

Where did those come from?

I don't know, actually.
They just came to me.

Had you heard
that melody before?

No, I don't believe so.

That melody I hum,

it's something that my mother
used to sing to me

when I was a child.

I've never known
what it was.

, , .

I'm sorry, Azi, I don't know
why I sang that.

It's okay.

It's more than okay actually.

I think you might be the first
Levi to have written music.

Is that what I did?

I think so, Levi.
I think so.

Ursula, listen --

when we get
to the Demeter,

we're going to need to shift
whatever power

it still has left
to the cryo-system

to aid in the awakening
of the rest of the crew.

The only other thing
we'll need power for

is the escape shuttle--

Hey, I'm going to go
gather firewood.

You need food
and warmth, okay?

So just rest.

No, Ursula, I need you
to hear me.

This information
is important.

Get some rest Sam.

We can talk about this
when I get back.



Sam, what were you
doing out there?

What are you talking about?

I was where?

Out in the forest.

I-I was right here.
I haven't left the camp.

Oh, God, I think there's
something out there.

Yeah, of course
there's something out there.

There's "something" around every
g*dd*mn corner of this place.

Let's just pray
it leaves us alone.

Yeah, okay.

So you like singing?

Anything else
you like doing?

I guess I'm still figuring
that out.

Maybe when we get
to the Demeter,

I can build a space
for myself

where I can do
whatever I want.

I wish Fiona was here
to see this.

Do you remember her?

The person
who programmed you?

Of course. She put a lot
of herself into me,

so I always feel
a connection to her,

even when she's not around.

She was always kind
and patient with me.

You actually do
remind me of her.

Maybe it's just
because you have the same voice.

Well, in any case,
I hope you keep up your singing.

It's nice.

Thanks, Azi.

Okay, we should test out
this plan

so we can keep on moving.

I think
this is going to work.

I think so, too.

The cable is more than strong
enough to hold our weight.


Oh, good, you're eating.

Are you feeling
any better?


What the --

What the hell?



Oh, my God!

Sam, come on, we gotta go!


Levi, what is that?!

I'm not sure,
but it appears quite dangerous.

Levi, go faster!

Let's go!


We're not
going to make it.


Levi, climb! Come on!

Levi, hurry the hell up!



I-I can't move.


Azi, something is happening.

Help me.

Help me!




Kamen, can you hear me?!


Okay, okay, okay.

There's nothing left,
but that's okay.

We're going to be okay.

Look, we've got to go.

We can't stay here.

This is Azi Narine,
of the planetary freighter ship

Demeter .

I am marooned on planet Vesta.


Seeking rescue.

Is there anybody out there?

If anyone is hearing this,
I need rescue now.

Now, please.


What is that?

I don't know.

It looks like a tombstone
or something.

I-I don't know.

It's old.

Someone must have been here
a long time ago.

Well, a fitting place
for my journey to end, right?

Sam, don't say that.

C'mon, we're going to get
to the Demeter, together.

You know, truth be told,

I always thought I would die
somewhere far away from home.

You've gotta be
some kind of maniac

to do this kind of work
and expect otherwise.

It's the risk we take.

And in the end,
you hope it was all worth it.

I just always figured I would be
alone when it happened.


thanks for the company.

Here, go on.

Take it.

What's this?

It's my ID
and security card.

It'll open every door
and get you into

every system on the ship.

I can't take this.

Yes, you can.

No, I mean...

I can't --
I can't do this on my own.

Yes, you can.

You have to.

This is Azi Narine,
of the planetary freighter ship

Demeter ,
seeking rescue.