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01x06 - Unless You Trusted Someone

Posted: 11/04/23 08:25
by bunniefuu
- Hello?
- Who the hell is Jules?

Uh, what? Jules?

Josh, did you rebuild
the printer?

Wha... Who, who said
I did that?

Josh, did you print out
a -year-old version of my dead wife?

I-I-I can't, it's not even...

Oh my God.
You did, didn't you?

I am coming to your house.

Don't bother. I moved.


He, uh, he is a scientist.

We came up together.
He helped me make you.

But I can take it from here.

We have to get to Darros.

Josh is our way to do that.

He'll know what he's using
the printer for.

Well, does Josh have
a partner or a friend?

Josh has a sick cat.

The vet.

The vet. They will know
where he lives now.

Gillespie Veterinary Clinic,
Dewar Animal Hospital...

That's the one. Dewar.

They don't open
until tomorrow at : .

I'll... I'll meet you there.

Why should I trust you?


Lucy, I made you.

I'm responsible for you and
for whoever else is out there.

And I can't just
walk away from that.

Okay. I'll see you
in the morning.

All right.

(car door opening, closing)


Wes had this for some reason.
(phone chiming)

Jules, everything
you just told me, it's crazy.

But I believe you.

I'm going to call the Darros
Foundation first thing tomorrow.

I think they'll have
some answers.

Paul Darros?

As in the Darros Logistics
that owns your bank?

Yes. He oversaw
your placement with us.


He had heard that we were
looking to adopt again.

And one day, we got a call
saying that there was

this great kid
who needed a home.

The foundation wanted
to sponsor you,

but they wanted
to remain anonymous.

They wanted you to feel
like a normal kid.

Mission not accomplished.

I'm going to go get Wes,

and then we'll all go
someplace safe.


Did you get my voicemail?

What's wrong?

(car door closing)

What's wrong?

I need you to come
with me, kiddo.

Come on.
- No way.

Give me your phone.

Dr. Teller?
What's... what's going on?

Jules is being removed
from your care.

James can fill you in
on the details.

- What?
- Neva, I am so sorry...

- Come on. Now.
- How could you do it?

Step out of the car.
This is a court order. Now! Let's go.

How could you?

No! Stop!
- Mom?

- Stop!
- Stand back please.

Just wait!

You're not taking her!

If you make a scene,
I promise you'll be sorry.

Get in.

Stop! Wait!

No, no, no, no, no, no! No!

(theme music)

(insects chirping)


I didn't think you'd be back
from your trip till tomorrow.

I'm home.

Remember the Alleman grant
that Katherine wrote?

- Yeah.
- Anyway, we got it.

So I flew back early
to celebrate with the team.



I'm glad you're home.

(door closing)

- Hey.
- Hey. What's up?

I know you said you didn't want to talk about
this anymore after what happened, but...

there's a lot of data in this
more recent scan of Eleanor.

It's super, super high-res.
- No.

I told you.
I am destroying the machine.

Kira, come on.

That was a lot of work.
- Yeah.

And look what happened.
Look what we did.

I know.
We needed more detail.

And we have it.

It's here.

If we use that scan, she will
still develop Alzheimer's

in two years.
I can't do it again.

That's why we chose
the younger scan.

But did you read that new
study out of Wake Forest?

That drug is really promising.

It can delay the onset
of symptoms.

Maybe it can buy you a few years

to improve the neuron
transplant treatment.

She'd remember you.

And Lucas.

Please... Josh,
just leave me alone.

It's your decision.

I just... I know how much
she means to you.

(door opening, closing)


Are you ready?


Do you know where you are?

Wha... what do you mean?

I'm at home.


Yeah. You, uh...
you had a spill.

- A spill?
- Yeah, at the pool.

We ran a CAT, and, uh,

you had a pretty
severe concussion.

You might feel like
you've lost some time,

but you know that that's normal.

It'll take a minute
to get back up to speed.

We'll work on it together.

Crappy hospital soap.

(dramatic music)

(glass breaking)

(birds chirping)


Morning, Officer.

Was I speeding?

Hey, crazy morning.

Rain check?


Yeah, I uh...

I got a crazy morning too.
(phone chiming)


Yeah, I've gotta go
to Chemplicate.

Since when does the boss
go to the chemical wholesaler

in the morning this early?
- Uh, there's a new VP.

Wants to show me
some new products apparently.

Blah, blah, blah. I'll uh...

I'll see you later, though.


(birds chirping)

(soft music)


(computer) Good morning, Jules.

It's six a.m.
Eastern Standard Time.

The temperature is
degrees Fahrenheit.

Can you let me out?

(computer): Please speak or
enter your five-digit passcode.

Access denied.

Please try again.

Go to hell.


(man singing)

♪ Take the bad times... ♪

(continues humming)

You were trying to escape.

- Wow, you really are a genius.
- I apologise.

They shouldn't have
locked you in here,

and I'm gonna make sure
that doesn't happen again.

How'd you sleep?



(clears throat)

Look, uh...

I'm not gonna play games
with you

'cause you're
too smart, Jules.

I printed you.

Why the hell did you do that?

You know, let's not take on
too much right now

because you've been through a
very traumatic experience and...

You're the one
who traumatised me!

Sending your fake cops
to kidnap me?

Having Pam brainwash me into
thinking my parents were dead?

What do you want with me?

You won't even answer
my questions!

I will.
When you're ready.

I'm ready now.

Tell me why you printed me.

Tell me who I am.

Tell me!

If you need anything to eat,
uh read, grow, anything,

just ask the nearest person.
Everyone here is a resource.

Do you like your room?

My room?

Are you insane?

It's your favourite colour.

- Access granted. Bye, Paul.

You can leave whenever
you like.

What's in there?

Yeah... not yet.


So I'm free to go?
- Hmm.

(birds chirping)

(soft music)

(high-pitched ringing)





Got too close
to the sonic field.

Where did it go?

The sound.

It, uh, stops
when you move away.

It works like a fence.

It goes around
the whole property.

Did I pass out?

I don't know.
Did you?

You're helpful.

I'm Xander.

I work here.

I was about to harvest
the matsutakes

and found you like this.


Do you have a phone?

Uh, they're not allowed here.

The boss doesn't want anything
to mess with our whole

"off the grid" thing.

Matsutakes can
only be cultivated

with coniferous trees.

Our proprietary blend
of Japanese red pine mulch.

That terrarium is a simulation
of a forest in Hokkaido.

You grow things?
- Sometimes.

We should, uh, probably get
you some help with that knee.



So how bad is it?


The Alzheimer's that I have
coming my way in years.

Do you know that
what you did was wrong?


You know I haven't had a single
night's peace since you left.

Well, you said you'd spent
all this time looking for me.

What were you gonna do
when you found me?

I wanted to make sure
that you knew

who you were supposed to be.

Now I want to make sure it never
happens to anybody else.


I still haven't
heard back from Jules.

I'm starting to freak out a bit.

Mrs. Tartakovich?

I hope Jennipurr's stomach
gets better.

Thanks for the rush on these.

You'd think my husband
would be on it, right?

- Mm. Men.
- Yeah, men.

Damn. It's a P.O. box.

So, guess we're going
to the post office.

They won't just give us
his home address.

That's the whole point
of a P.O. box.

If you ask the right person,
they will tell you anything.

(phone chiming)
We have to at least try.

Oh, I have to go home.

We're not done.

No... This is urgent.

Fine. I'll talk to Jack
about the P.O. box.

What is all this?


People make stuff here.

May I?

Try not to move.

And just like that.


How does that work?

I don't know,
but it works fast.


Don't touch that!

A giant rock.

I think it was
gonna be a rocket.

It's made of graphene.
The guy that worked on it

said it was the lightest
material known to man.

But graphene's super rare.

Well, nothing's rare here.


Franklinia alatamaha.

I've read about this plant.
It's supposed to be extinct.

How are you guys growing this?

Someone found a fossil
of a Franklinia

on some rock in Georgia.

Mr. Darros had it
flown up here...

There she is,
like she never left.

What is this place?

Like, really?

Mr. Darros wants to make
the world a better place.

So he sponsors different
scientists, brings them here,

and they can really do
some amazing work.

How long have you worked here?

- Few years.
- You like him?

Mr. Darros?
He's been good to me.

You wanna see something
I worked on?

Hey. Tea?

I'll pass on tea.
I want something cold instead.

Really? But it's gonna be
a long night.

Caffeine might help.


Dinner with Lucas's
new lady friend?

Did you forget?

You know what? I did.

Actually looking forward to it.

- Oh my God. Why?
- Lucas.

Our Lucas is bringing home
a girl he's known for a week?

Sounds like he's finally
gonna get laid.

Oh, God.

El, why would you put
that thought in my head?

Who crawled up your butt
while I was gone?

And more importantly,
when is she leaving?

How was Chemplicate?

Oh, yeah.
It was, uh, it was fine.

We're not gonna go with any
of their new products.

They're too expensive.

Sure you don't want tea?

Leave it on the counter.
I'll drink it later.

- All right, well, don't forget.
- Yes, ma'am.

Check this out.

Whole thing is made of,
and runs on, mycelium.

No battery.

Just mushrooms.

They've got a few of these
on Mars right now.

(soft music)

This is wild.

Who made this?


Um, she's from Nigeria.

I don't know her last name.

I just helped her forage
the mushrooms.

Wait... Grace Taiwo?

You know her?

She's the greatest
living botanist.

Mr. Darros is...
very particular.

Pretty cool, huh?

Listen, Xander.

I need to get home.

Can you help me get out of here?

Uh, what do you mean?

Could you turn off
the sound field?

I'm sorry, I... I can't.

I'd lose my job.

Yeah, okay.

Thanks for the Band-Aid.

Even if you made it past
the sound field,

there's still miles
to the nearest road.

And there's these crazy woods
that you have to go through,

and there's bears.
It's not safe.

Then you'd better help me.

Wait up.

(insects chirping)

Wow, that's a whole lot.

She says it's everything
she knows.

Who I was supposed to be.

How she made me.


And she's rich?

And pushy.



But, uh, you...
I mean, future you...

you marry her, right?

Eleanor did. Not me.


Listen. Look at me.

You and Charlie
are the only two people

in the whole world
that matter to me.

I just want us to be
together and safe.

But this guy who's been
hunting me,

the only way to get him to stop

is to find out what
he's doing with this machine.

And why he printed Jules.

So, three people.
Me. Charlie. And Jules.

- Jack.
- I get it.

I just... We can't stay here
forever, you know?

- I'm trying. I just...

There's this other guy, uh, he
might know where the printer is.

He's, he's been really
hard to track down.

All I have is a P.O. box.
- Civilian?

- Yeah.
- I'll check it out for you.

Thank you.

(barking in the distance)

Yeah. Um, I'm trying
to pick my major.

Right now it's a tossup.
Divinity studies or pre-med.

So I took this class,
they call it God and Science.

It was so fascinating.

It's one of the hardest
classes they offer.

But Rhona got an A.
- Good for you.

An egghead.
You'll fit in here.


Mom? Your food okay?

Yeah, yeah, sorry.

Long day.
- Oh.

- So, God and science...
- Mm-hmm.

Well, it sounds like
you already made up your mind.

And anybody who entertains
theology as a framework

for science doesn't believe
in science.

So, uh, I'd go with
Divinity Studies if I were you.

(phone vibrating)

It's late.
Is that work?

Uh, it's, uh, it's Derrick.

He... He wants to know
if we wanna go and see a movie.

Um, Derrick is my bio-dad.

- Mm.
- Yeah, we're all friends.

So, turns out you can
choose your family.


Well, to be fair,

it wasn't exactly a rigorous
selection process.

We picked the smartest and
the least terrible man we knew.


I, uh, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to trash theology.

I just... just hate God.

- Mom!
- Hm?

What the hell
has gotten into you?

You're being a d*ck.
- No, it's okay, Lucas.

No, it's not.
I'm sorry.

Kira's just...
out of sorts lately.

Wow. Wow, okay.

Can't you two
ever just be normal?


Rhona. I am so sorry.

No, don't be.

I'm just grateful to be here.

Family is hard.

I only have my mom,
and she's not...

Well, let's just say
I preferred my dad.

But he died
when I was five. So...

But I really appreciate you
having me at your family table,

even if it's hard.

We're glad you're here.

(computer): Access granted.

Don't be long.

We need to be quick.

Security checks
his office every hour.

The clicker for the sound field
is in here somewhere.

Weird move, Captain Planet.

(door closing)

Don't... touch that.

What is it?


I got the clicker.

I was awful to that poor girl.

You weren't at your nicest.

(phone vibrating)

It's your...

You still going to the store?

Yeah, I am going to make you
get me more candy.

Have you been having sex
with someone else?

It's definitely not...

It's just sex.

I don't know if that helps
you... feel better or not.

I don't know.

Please say something, Kira.




I want you to be happy.

And... if having sex
with someone

that isn't me makes you
happy then I...

- What's going on with you?
- Nothing. Nothing is going on.

Then ask me why.

Ask me why I'm having sex
with someone else.

- Maybe I don't want to know.
- Well, maybe you should.

Or haven't you noticed what's
going on in your own marriage?

Well, we're okay.

No, Kira.
We're not okay.

We haven't been okay
for a while.

It's like, it's like one day,
you are riding my ass

about drinking tea!

And the next,
you're falling all over yourself

to do whatever it is
that I want!

You're needy all the time.

And now, you're fine.
You're fine with me

sleeping with other people!

What is wrong?

Are you depressed or something?

No, no, I'm not depressed.

Then, get mad at me!
Yell at me!

What is it?

I look at you, and I see you
looking back at me,

and it's like you think
I'm gonna leave you.

(soft music)

I don't know what changed.

I don't know
what happened to us.

It's me.


It's me.

I changed.

(insects chirping)

Pullin' a night shift?

Uh, gotta harvest
the matsutakes.

I like to do it
when the air's cool.

Ah. Hey, you got any
- - back there?


No, lotto numbers. Yes.

The orchids for those turtles
are high maintenance.

Uh, lemme check.

- Well?
- Sorry.

Don't have it on me.

But there should be some back
in my maintenance shed.

You know where that is?

- Yeah, all right, thanks.

(phone ringing)


- Hey.
- Blue Bell Lane.

- You're sure?
- Yes, I'm sure.

This is military-grade intel.

And you'll meet me there?

I have to go check on Jules.

You can handle
Josh alone, right?

Josh? Sure.
Sure, I can handle Josh.

That's the sonic field:

parametric speakers
all along the property.

Hundreds of them.

This disables the sound field
for five minutes.

The speakers will turn green,
then you'll know you're safe.

So you've gotta hustle.

Never seen a hustle
like mine, trust me.

And I know this is like
sticking your neck out.

So... thanks.

Good luck out there.

(clicker buzzing)

(clicker buzzing)



No. No.

(clicker buzzing)
Come on.

No. Please?

I need to get out of here!

(clicker buzzing)

Xander! Answer me!

They reset the frequencies
every so often. It's not...

I don't know if there's
anything else I can do.

Maybe... maybe it's a sign.

You're supposed to be here.

Please just,
just leave me alone.

- But you won't know...
- Get away from me!

Here's a flashlight.


(soft music)


(banging on door)

Josh, you want me
to start knocking

on your neighbour's' doors? Josh!


- Josh, Josh, move it!
- Ouch. Stop. That hurts.

Hey, Jennipurr.
Do you have any idea

what your daddy
has been up to recently?

Please don't bring her
into this!

And don't be mad at me!

Why on earth would I possibly
be mad at you, Josh?

Are you leaving town?

This isn't gonna
end well, Kira.

Where are you going? Hey!


How could you do this?

You have put our tech

into the hands
of a delusional billionaire!

This whole thing started
because you wanted

to print your dead wife.

We had many long conversations
about the ethics of what we did.

And we did it.

And I am not saying

that the outcome was right,
but Darros, Josh?

He is not doing it
for the right reasons!

♪ I would not leave you
in times of trouble ♪

♪ We never could have
come this far ♪


♪ I took the good times

♪ I'll take the bad times

♪ I'll take you
just the way you are ♪

(computer): Sorry, Xander,
your music break is over.

Let's resume your lesson.

My backstory.

Well, I come from
a very humble place.

There wasn't a lot for me there,

so I had to go out
and get what I wanted.

My backstory.

Well, I come from
a humble place,

so there wasn't
a lot for me there.

Uh, I had to go out
and get what I wanted, right?

(computer): Sorry, Xander,
your dialect is not accurate.

Please adjust and try again.

I had to...

(both): ...go out and get what
I wanted, right?

Um, I worked hard,
overcame a lot.

Did you give him
the lens specs?

Of course not.
I made him one lens.

Only one.

What... what's he doing
with the printer?


It's life extension.

Classic stupid-rich-people shit.

So he's printed himself.

Are you him?

Are you a printout of Darros?

Darros is my prime.

He printed me because he wanted
to live another generation,

and I'm gonna carry
on his legacy.

Darros is
a narcissistic prick!

What about Jules?

Why did you print her?

- For the money.

Darros paid me millions
to rebuild the machine.

I thought it would
make me happy.

But I'm not happy.

Josh, we made a mistake
with Lucy.

A horrible mistake.

And I am trying to help her.

But you, you knowingly
printed a kid.

A child with no memory!

And she has no idea who she is.

What do you think it feels like
to feel like no one?

I don't know.

It must feel bad.

What about me?

Who's my prime?

- I don't know.
- You do.

Who am I?

I didn't know about you
until today.

I thought I was the only one.

Darros wanted you
to see this place.

But we knew you wouldn't have
an open mind about it unless...

Unless what?

Unless you trusted someone.

I'm done here!

Just to be real with you,

there's no way out of here.

He owns you.

It's so dark.
That we're here like this.

You were my hero.

I really thought we were
gonna be together forever.



I loved working with you.

I respected you so much.

You were my whole concept
for what it meant

to be a good scientist.

But somewhere we lost our way.

I wish we could take it back.

But Darros won't let us.
He owns us.

(dramatic music)


No, we...

Please, Josh,
we can figure it out.

No, we can't.


(body thudding)

