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01x03 - Pegasus Girl

Posted: 11/04/23 08:22
by bunniefuu
(tense music)

(high-pitched ringing)

(breathing unsteadily)

(distant murmurs)

(breathing unsteadily)


Welcome back, sweetheart.

Do you know where
you are, honey?

What did you do to me?

You've been in a coma
for a few weeks.

You were just transferred
here yesterday.

We're gonna take
good care of you.

(breathing unsteadily)

(tense music)

(ethereal music)

Hey, there.
(door closes)

I'm Dr. Teller.

You can call me Pam, okay?

You have a stain on your boob.

What? Oh, goodness.



I'm your neuropsychologist.

And I'm here to help you
get your memory back.

Knock yourself out, Pam.

Okay, I'll do my best.

So I have some news and, um...

it's not good.

You were in a head-on collision
with a driverless truck.

You were sitting in the back.

Your parents were in the front.

They didn't make it.

I am so, so sorry.

Okay. What else?

Well, you suffered
head trauma.

Then your heart stopped
on the way to the hospital,

causing brain hypoxia.

So you've lost
your long-term memory.

And that's what I'm here
to help you with.

(breathing unsteadily)

I'm so, so sorry.

You've just suffered
a really big loss.

(breathing deeply)

I'm not sad because they died.

I'm sad because I feel nothing.

I can't remember them!


Where are you from?


But we were visiting Boston

because my mom wanted
to see Fenway.

What were your parents' names?

Monica and Nicholas Anderson.

Everyone called my dad Nicky.

And what about school?

I was a junior.

But I skipped a grade.

Yes! You're getting
so much better!

I'm just spitting back facts.

They still look like
strangers to me.

I know, but we're stimulating
your limbic system.

Your memories,
they're still in there.

And then I get to live
with my grandpa?

No, honey.

Your grandpa's not well enough
to take you.

He had a stroke.

I thought you knew that.

My parents worked in shipping.

We were working-class,
but I got a scholarship

to a private school.

I had a dog.

Sparkle Fatty.

What a shitty name for a dog.

I hope I didn't
come up with that.

I wanna go home.

But there is no home.

And then like a ride
with some, like, rando guy

who picked me up
because Payton

wasn't going to walk
all this way in these boots,

and Payton didn't have money
for a ride-share.

So, you owe me.

Nobody else really wanted
to come and I was like,

"Hello, you guys? She literally
almost died and shit." Oh.

I really appreciate it, Payton.

Oh, my God.
Your hair looks amazing.

It's like % mental patient.

(Payton laughs)

So, my mom is like kind of
really pissed with your mom

for being three months
behind on the rent.

And I was, like, "Mom, the woman
is literally dead now!"

God, what a bitch.

So, are there any guys in here?

You know you gotta get that D!

Uh, I haven't really looked.

(door closes)
- Hello! You must be Payton.

You two know each other?

No, Payton reached out to see
if she could visit.

I thought it'd be nice.

You're more than welcome to stay
for Jules' rehab.

Support improves prognosis.

Actually, Pam, I think it
should just be you and me today.


Uh, that's kinda messed up.

- I'm sorry, it's just...
- No, no, no, no. It's fine.

I kind of used you as an excuse
to come up here, anyway.

I'm meeting with a guy
in New York who thinks

I should model, so...


(exhales deeply)


(door closes)

She was energetic, huh?

(Pam laughs)

Do you think all of my
friends are like that?

I don't know. She was
the only one who reached out.

I was counting down
the minutes

until she would leave.

Yeah. Amnesia patients
often feel alienated

from their past selves.

So maybe you just need
a fresh start.


Yeah, maybe I do.

Wait a minute, what?

I don't know,
it just happened!

Oh, my goodness!
You have to tell me about it!

Okay, so I was
making my bed...

- Uh-huh.
- And I had a flash

of walking Sparkle Fatty!

And-and a car honked and...

and Fatty took off
through someone's yard,

and we crashed through sheets
on a clothes line. And...

And that's it.

I just... I dunno,
maybe it's not real

and I just invented it
after everything

you told me about myself.

No, no. Don't doubt yourself.

That was a recovered memory.
You did it.


I mean... it's textbook, right?
Making your bed,

the sheets,
that was the trigger.

Anyway, I have some really
good news for you.

Your foster family is coming
to pick you up next week.

- What?
- Yeah.

I'm leaving? I...
I mean, I...

I haven't even met them yet.

Social Services,
they sent me their file

and they seem really lovely.

Mom's a banker and the dad,

the dad's an artist!

Now, I can be here
when they come, if you want.

Oh, look at you guys.
Get in. Get in tight.

There we go.

- Is this okay?
- Uh, sure.

- My face is starting to hurt.
- Uh-huh. Mine too.


One, two, three!

(camera clicking)

There ya go!

- Thank you.
- Bye, guys.

Bye, Wes.
- Bye.

Right over there.
- Thank you so much.

We'll see you soon.
- Thank you. Bye-bye.

See? They're nice.

I like her, especially.

Yeah, I guess.

- What?
- You have lipstick

on your teeth.
- Here?

Did I get it?




You've got rehab on Monday,

so this is just a...

it's just a "see ya later."

I know.

You got this, kiddo.

Go on now.

It's okay.

Bye, guys!

(birds chirping)

And this is your bedroom.

(soft music)

And there's the en suite.

Wes has actually been trying
to get me to swap rooms,

but I think that a woman
should have her own bathroom.

Don't you?

I've been trying
to get Mom past

this whole gendered paradigm.


Try less, Wessey. Try less.

Oh, I-I wanted to finish that
before you arrived.

Look, you just pick whichever
one is your favourite

and then we'll paint it.
- They're all really nice.

I'll, uh, think on it.

Okay, no rush.

Just let me know
if you need anything.

And Jules, I-I just wanna say...

I'm really looking forward to us
getting to know each other.

Me too.




(tense music)

(light rhythmic music)

Raw tarts for a black heart.

I don't know how
you eat those cold.


You okay?

Or did you finally realise

surviving a kidnapping
is a huge deal?

I'm fine.

You practicing for motherhood?

I need the extra resistance

for this morning's road work.

"Road work?"

You mean our four-block-walk
to school, right?

I'm not absorbing
any negativity this morning.

By summer I'll have a -pack.


(soft tense music)

Listen, Lucy,
you sure about this?

Jack, this girl is me.
If this is where she recovered

after her so-called accident,

someone in there's
gotta know something.

Is Charlie okay without you?

Yeah; yeah, she'll be fine.
Tina's on it.

Thank you for...

being here with me.
It means a lot.

Yeah. All right. Let's do it.

(birds chirping)

Let's go.

(indistinct chatter)

- Thanks, Josh.
- Here we go.

Ooh, yours looks... fun.

No, my therapist says
it's important to practice joy.

Sorry I didn't get
back to you sooner.

I've been spending a lot
of time with Mom and Dad.

And Jennipurr, my Bengal,
has had this stomach problem

that has been the most
stressful thing in my life.

So, you're, uh,
you're worried about the output?

What was the calibration
accuracy of the machine?

The margin of error
was virtually zero.

It was calibrated perfectly.

They're worried
she's dangerous,

which doesn't make any sense...

unless there were
cellular variations

that we didn't anticipate.

She was a perfect match.
I checked it times.

We both did.
- She woke up with no memories.

'Cause the scan
wasn't high-res enough

to replicate the detail...
- I know.

...needed for memory. Structurally,

her brain was exactly the same.

I don't think you're really
having doubts about the method.

It's the fact that we did it
at all that's bothering you now.

Of course it does.

Do you think I wanted her
out there in the world

with no support,
no idea who she is?


Look, I-I know things got... complicated.

...but if you ever want to come

back to Additive,
there is a place for you.

Thank you.

Yeah, that means a lot.


I'm thinking of retiring, actually.

What? Kira, no.

I don't trust myself anymore.

Just think about it.

(phone chiming)

That's Jennipurr's food alarm.

I'm here, though, if you need
to troubleshoot anything.

Thanks, Josh. I appreciate it.

I can't give out private
patient information.

I know, I'm so sorry
to be a pain in the ass.

I just, um, her parents...

my aunt and her husband, uh,
they actually, uh, they died.

And I've been trying
to track her down ever since.

Her name is Jules Lee.

She was in a terrible
accident and her...

If she's a minor,
you need to contact DCF.

No, I know. I did that

and they actually
directed me to you.

So, um, could you just maybe

tell me who was
in charge of her case?

If you keep asking, I'm gonna
have to call security.

Hey, hey. There you are.

Sorry, uh, since her accident,

she sort of wanders off sometimes.

It feels like
they're hiding something.

Oh, excuse me?

You said you were
related to Jules?


Oh, they tried to notify
next of kin

but they said they never
found anyone.

And then when they placed her
with her adoptive family,

she was discharged.

- Who discharged her?
- Her neuropsychologist.

I mean, it was a private hire,
which was weird.

We don't usually
bring in consultants.

What was their name?

Uh, Pam Teller.

Jules was such a sweet kid. Troubled.

She had these nightmares

and I'd find her huddled up
in the common area.

And then she'd just
sit there all night,

not wanting to bother anyone.

Nightmares about the crash?

I don't know.
All she'd say is,

"I can't get the blood out."

(sinister music)

(pager chiming)

Oh, my break's over.

I'm really sorry.
I wish I could be of more help.


You okay?

Yeah, no, it's just...

that nightmare.

I think we're having
the same one.

(indistinct chatter)

Okay, today we'll be
extracting this...

from this!

Jules, could you please wait
for my instruction!

Last time,
Ingrid lost her eyebrows.


Okay. First, we will prepare
a solution of...

Hey, do you wanna
hang out after school?

Only if Z can come too,

and you don't get
possessive this time.

Right. Um, I thought about
that and, sure, let's be poly.

We can totally do that.

How about let's not be a "we"

but free individuals instead.

That's what I meant, yeah.

Um, also I have this
calc test on Friday

so I would like to make
a purchase from the pharmacist

if you've made that new batch?

Zero dollars, please.
Friend's discount.

- Cool.

So, I ended up snorting
the last ones

and I tripped hard.

Like, my dream from
the night before

started playing out
on the bus ride to school.

Yeah, that's probably
a bad idea.

Hey. Where did you just go?

I'm just thinking about
this afternoon with you.


Jules, you're wanted
in the principal's office.

(Claire): I'm sorry.

(indistinct chatter)

Ugh. Hi, there.

What are you doing here?

Well, your advisor said
you weren't in school yesterday.

Where were you?

I didn't realise you were
keeping such a close eye on me.


Jules, if something's wrong,
you can tell me.

I care about you, kiddo.


Can I go back to class now?

So then there's nothing
going on?

Nope. I'm good.


Who sent all my things back

when I was at the hospital?

My stuffed alien, my journal?

Payton's family sent up a box
to help with your recovery.

The stuff I wrote
in that journal...

it's nothing like me.

Habits, even
personality traits,

can change in brain-injury

Remember Jules, you have perm...
- I know.

"I have permission to change."


You're it!

(excited shouting)
- You're it!

Go on.

(boy): Now, behind you!

Got you back!


(eerie music)



- Are you okay?

Why'd you do that?

I am sorry.

My goddaughter's been having

a hard time with bullies
and she misread the situation.

That boy's parents
are not pleased.

I-I'm sorry, young lady, I...

I don't understand.

Excuse me?


Her hamster just died,
and she is blaming herself,

so I should really get her home.

Ma'am, can I see
some ID, please?

Sure thing.

Army, huh?

Two deployments. You?

Marine Corps.

Keep an eye on that one.

Will do, Officer.

So, is it her?
The woman who printed you?

No. It's some woman
with a degree

from Harvard Medical School.
(phone ringing)

She's building some
"Memory Experience Center"

that looks expensive.
- Hello?

Ah, shit.

Yeah. Okay, okay.
I'm on it.

- What?
- We-we have to go back.

Charlie just confessed to a cop.

(birds chirping)

She's hunting alone again.

Like a wolf.

Actually, wolves generally
hunt in packs.

Not lone wolves.

Apex predators?

It's a thing. Look it up.
- I will.

The autopsy came in
on our man shot in the orchard.

The angle of b*llet entry
is canted from below.

That's interesting.
She shot him

from a bended-knee position.

Or the person
who pulled the trigger

was a lot shorter than Lucy.

A child, maybe.

Lucy may not be dangerous.

She kidnapped
a girl at gunpoint.

Under extreme duress.

What are you doing?

I think we might want
to reconsider our approach.

Lethal force
may not be necessary.

Oh, Darros already signed off

on this approach, but thank you

so much for always
contributing your input, Emily.

(rhythmic music playing)

This feels weird.

A brother's supposed
to steal his sister's diary,

not be asked to read it
by said sister.

But what do you think?

"He looked at me
in Spanish class today.

Really looked at me, you know?

And I felt like
, tiny knives

sprang from his pupils
and pierced my heart."

Doesn't not sound like you.

Uh-huh, screw you.

Okay, this one's amazing:

"I have a secret.
Don't tell anyone, okay?

I imagine myself flying,

wings springing from my back.

I gallop and take flight
toward a destination unknown.

Forever wild. Forever free.
Forever me."

Holy shit, Jules!

Too late, it's already burned
into my brain forever!

(ominous music)

What are you doing?


"I gallop and take flight
toward a destination unknown.

Forever wild. Forever free.
Forever me."

What if I didn't write this?

Or, old-you plagiarised
Pegasus Girl.

David Stanley Fagerland.

And his address is right here.

Let's go see him.

What? No, Jules,

I think it's just better
if we leave this alone.

I can't just leave this alone.

This whole year
I've been living with this...

dread in the background.

Knowing something's wrong,

even though everyone's been
telling me everything's fine.

I have to do this.


it's good to see you,
Dr. Manning,

uh, but you didn't have
to come all the way out here.

I just want to make sure
we understand each other.

Of course.
Clarity is paramount.

I know there have been
some concerns

about irregularities
in the printing process.

But, uh, I have been back
over the data,

and there's nothing to suggest
that she is structurally flawed.

No reason to think
she could be dangerous.

Actually, you know what?
Um, she calls herself Lucy now,

so I think we should
follow suit, don't you?

Does that name mean
something to you?

No. I, uh...
I was just surprised.

I want your word
that you won't hurt her.

Hurt her?

Dr. Manning, I-I'm sorry.
I'm a philanthropist,

not some movie villain.

I have absolutely no intention
of hurting anyone.

Okay? We will sort this out.

And just like my grandfather
always used to say,

um, it'll all come out
in the wash.

She's not a piece
of laundry, Paul.

She's a human being.
- Of course.

And your concern for her
is very touching.

And I promise you,

we will take care of Lucy.

We're in this together,

just like we've always been.

What did she say to the cops?

She used her phone to tell him
she k*lled someone.

Yeah, it was pretty bad.

And then he, uh,
he asked for your ID?

I showed him my old Army DoD.

That always smooths things over.

Is her finger gonna be okay?
- Yeah.

Yeah, she just jammed it.


(door slams)


(indistinct chatter)

Hey. Hey, I'm so happy
you came.

Of course. Uh, Mom,

this is Rhona, my, uh, friend

from the Quaker meetings.

Such a pleasure to meet you,
Dr. Manning.

Lucas has been telling me
everything you do here.


Thank you for donating
blood today.

Giving back is one of our
foundational Quaker beliefs.


Yeah, a lot of people
have that belief.


All right.

Lucas, why don't you go ahead
and show Rhona how it's done.


Just roll up your sleeve here.


(tense music)


(clears throat)

(distant dog barking)

Maybe this is the wrong place.

You scared?

Yes! This place
is sketch as hell.

I'll protect you.

Also, that's classist.

So, uh, what's that
thing on your head?


Supposed to help me
with regrowth.

(device chimes)

Jury's still out.

And, uh, who the hell
are you two?

"I gallop and take flight
toward a destination unknown.

Forever wild. Forever free.
Forever me."

You're fans! Welcome!
I've got a couple signed copies

here for ya if you'd like to...

(ominous music)

How'd you get that?

It's mine.

I'm Jules Anderson, or I was.

Okay, look, you can't
tell them I re-used that line

in my book, okay?
They'd be so mad.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Please, just, just...

So, to be clear,
you wrote this journal?

It's all you?

Look, man, they told me
it was for a study, okay?

Some new therapy technique.
But, listen to me,

you can't tell them
you know, okay?

- I can't tell who?
- And I think they're still

watching me!

Who hired you?!

Jules, I think we should go.

Dr. Manning?
We had a ton of donors today.

Thank you for organising this.

Of course.

Why are you not freaking out?

I'm freaking out!
That was insane!

- Yeah.
- I can't believe

that crazy lady who kidnapped
you was telling the truth.

You're a printout
of another human being?


I don't know.

I mean, if this journal
is a lie,

then my whole life
is a lie too, right?

Like everything Dr. Teller said
that happened to me.

Did she just make it all up?

I mean, what kind of assh*le
would do that, though?

Oh, my God, do you think
I'm a printout too?

Wes, you have
all your memories.

You're not a printout.
- You don't know that.

My hives are coming back.

What are we gonna tell
Mom and Dad?!


Do you think
they're part of this too?

Go home, Wes.

No, they're not.
There's no way.

Go home.

Where are you going? Jules?


A man died.
You need closure. Okay?


(clears throat)

We didn't know you.

I don't think we would've
liked you if we did.

Uh, but, um...

(soft vocalisation)

(indistinct chatter)

(woman): Get out
of the bathroom!

What? What is it?
What is the emergency?

Your c*ptive has returned.


I'm thinking you and I
should maybe have a do-over.

I don't get it.

Why would anyone even want
to print out a copy

of someone else?

I have no idea.

And why two printouts

of the same person
at different ages?

My guess is that
you are a newer version.

A new version of who?

So, Dr. Pam...

I think she's involved.


I heard in the hospital

that you were having nightmares.


I have them too.

I'm in a bathroom.

There's blood on the floor,
and when I look in the mirror...

I see your face,

but I know it's me.

Did we do something
really bad?

I don't...

That dream is my only memory.

Mine too.

My only real one, anyway.

Yeah. I keep thinking if
I could just see more details,

I could figure out who we were.

I might be able
to help with that.

I'm listening.

So, there's this study drug
at school.

Kids have started snorting it

like the greedy
meth-heads they are,

and they've started to,
like, dream trip.

Where do you get it?


I make it.

Of course, teenage version
of me is a drug dealer.

Maybe if we try it together,

we'll be able to see
something new.

Where are you going?

It's at home.
I have to go get it.

Okay. Well, be careful.

I'll be fine.

They're after you, not me.



Jesus Christ!


How did you find me here?

You worked for
the State Department

until three months ago.

That's code for CIA.
Who leaves the CIA

to go and work for Paul Darros?

That's private.

I'm off the clock, Dr. Manning,

so if you need something,
it's gonna have to wait.

You were upset in the meeting.
I saw you.

What aren't you telling me?

She-she's a person.

Well, then you should've
thought of that

before you left her out there.


(tense music)

You wanna keep Lucy safe?

Just find her before we do.




You missed dinner.

Where were you?

With friends.

How'd the, uh,
Spanish studying go?

Me fue muy bien.

Um, I'm tired.

I think I'm gonna
go to bed early.

Actually, honey,
we'd like to talk with you.

Wes, would you give us some time
alone with Jules, please?

I'm happy to stay, though.

It's okay, buddy.
Please, head to your room.


We're worried about you, Jules.

Skipping school. Lying to us.

We got a call from Dr. Teller.

She thinks you've been
having some

"unhealthy disruptions" lately.

Do you know what that means?

Well, uh, she came to school
and took me out of class.

That certainly was a disruption.

She says your teachers
think you're hanging out

with the wrong crowd.

What is this? A police state?

See? That...
This is what I'm talking about.

Okay, James.

Dr. Teller is worried

that your emotional distress

is affecting your treatment.

She wants you to take these.

They're just antidepressants.

Just until things smooth out.

Wow. Okay.

Take one now, please.

You're supposed
to take them with food.

(tense music)


Show us your tongue.

- James!
- What? It's a thing!

Can I go now?


(breathing heavily)


(breathing heavily)

(toilet flushes)


(mellow music)