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Hard Hit, The (2023)

Posted: 11/03/23 05:19
by bunniefuu
(logo whooshing)

(gentle music)

(reel clicking)

(horns honking in distance)


- Yeah.

(upbeat funky music)

Good morning, Mr. Bentley.

I don't mind if I do.

(upbeat funky music continues)

Oh, shit.


(upbeat funky music continues)




That's A1 Perico.


What are you doing?

What are you doing?

Staying ready.

That's my guy right

there, ain't got no soul.

I know you ready.

Hey, don't sh**t.


Hey, who put this

white bitch up here?

Oh shit.

If it ain't the two Chinamen

and they tall, dark,

and handsome handler.

I thought we were crystal clear

in our message when we said,

I will remain the head

of my organization.

Or did your boss

not get that memo?

Obviously not,

'cause you wouldn't be here.

So do I need to send a reply

back with you gentlemen?

(funky music continues)

- Ah.


I'm gonna look you in

your eyes like a man.

Now we all want the

same thing, right?

So you know how

this going to go?

Things need to be

restructured, alright?

Now you can keep the autonomy,

head n*gga in charge.

Chief of the organization.

- That's me.

- That's you.

And we respect our partners.

But your company's been

the last organization

that has not complied.

Can't have that.

But you know, let's

forget the titles,

our little metaphoric phrases.

Just think of us as your

silent insurance policy.


- I'm already in good hands.

(g*ns clicking)

- You see,

you are a good

earner, it's, its,

it behooves me is how you

could be so smart when

I was hoping

you wouldn't be as dumb

as you look right now.

- What the f*ck is

you talking about?

See, I don't hope for shit.

I make shit happen.

I run shit.

But that's the difference

between me and you.

I'm a boss.

I built this shit.

I sacrificed for this

and I'll be damned if I give

up what I've sacrificed for

and worked hard for,

for you or anybody else.

So you run and tell

your boss that.

- Well,

one day you're gonna have

to bow down to somebody.

Take that knee.

- Ain't gonna be today.

- Well, let me help you.

(Tash screaming)

- Oh shit.



(g*n sh*ts firing)

(dramatic music)

(dramatic music continues)

(g*n sh*ts firing)

Yous are dead m*therf*ckers.


(dramatic music continues)

(g*n sh*ts firing)

(men grunting)

(dramatic music continues)

(neck snapping)

(dramatic music continues)

(men grunting)

(g*n shot fires)

(dramatic music continues)


f*ck you!




I'm gonna f*cking k*ll you.

When my brother finds you,

he's gonna f*cking k*ll you.

You dead.

(tense music)

- [Haze] Yonel, your brother.

We already took care of him.

- f*ck!

f*ck you!

f*ck you!




f*ck you.

- [Rico] "I make it happen,"

that's what you said.

Come on out there.

- No.

f*ck you.

- You wish

you had some hope right now.

- Don't sh**t me.

(intense music)

(gentle music)

- That's a good throw.

(gentle music continues)

- Thanks for doing

this, by the way.

- Doing what?

- You know.

Sacrificing your career.

Moving again for my work.

- [Linda] We're family.

Family sticks together, right?

- Who would've guessed

from that pub all those

years ago to here?

Never forget that perfume

on your sash you let behind

and the shoes you had on.

Tracked those prints right

through the mud to the jacks.

(gentle music continues)

- There's a fine line

between creepy and useful.

I'm glad that ended up

being your actual career.

Ha ha.

- That's the only

thing I'm good at.

- Well, Sarah and I

would've been bored to death

in Dublin without you.

Plus we get our dose

of bad humor from you

instead of an iPad screen.

- Bad humor, huh?

- Well, you know, you're

not the best at telling.

- I'm the best at telling what?

- Not the best telling jokes.

(gentle music)


(gentle music continues)

Quick, throw before he gets it.

- Hey, to daddy.

(gentle music continues)

- Outrun me.

- Oh, where's that?

(gentle music continues)

(juice pouring)

- Honey, have you seen the sash?

- [Linda] Yeah,

I'll get it for you.

It was packed in the wrong box.

(gentle music continues)

- Hey, that's my girl.

- Flattered that you keep

this old thing on you,

but it almost made you late.

- It reminds me of you.

Helps me focus.

(gentle music continues)

Hey Sarah, story time

tonight, I promise.

I know, I've been bugged

down with work and the move,

but tonight's the night

we start that book, okay?

- Uh huh.

- Okay.

(gentle music continues)

(phone vibrating)

Hi mom.

Yeah, everything's great.

Yeah, just settling

in after the move.

Is that Riley and the

girls I hear in the back?

Hey sis.

Yeah, tell Finley

happy birthday for me.

I know, I wish we could

make the big party too,

but listen, I do have to go.

So I just wanna say love

you all and talk again soon.

Bye, Mom.

(soft tense music)

- Director Ross and the others

started a few minutes ago.

Here are your subject

briefing materials.

Some information

has been redacted

due to confidential

informant wiretaps.

- Wiretaps?

I'm familiar.

- Yes sir.

I will keep you informed

on what we find out.

- Okay, thank you.

(soft tense music continues)

- Alright, so we gotta

do better in that area.

Alright, next thing I'm

gonna say is very important.

So listen closely.

We've been chasing a phantom.

So multiple agencies

have had their best agent

in place infiltrating

different criminal enterprises

around the world

to take down

the individual

organization's top guy.

But we've been off.

We've had our eyes on puppets.

Every agent has corroborated

that these so-called top guys

aren't at the top at all.

We've been deceived.

There's a Jim Henson out there

controlling these muppets

and we have no ID,

no country of origin.

All we have

is chatter

from INTERPOL assets' wiretaps,

indicating that this,

this ghost has been in

Dublin a few months ago,

restructuring all the

highest criminal syndicates.

So much so that they now

seem to be working in tandem.

The good news is from that

we have tracked them here.

And the only reason

I say we is because

the man who figured all this out

is now on our team,

Alan O'Connor.

And now listen, he's the

best tracker in the world.

So whatever shred he

gives us is a meal.


Now moving on,

we also have

a politician in the cross-hairs.

Matthew Winford.

He's been very outspoken

on cracking down on

trade regulations,

import laws,

and busting up big business,

legal and illegal.

- We need to stop

these assholes.

- We have no leads

from any agents inside.

No POI's background missing?

- Nothing.

And we've went

through everything.

There's nothing there.

I mean there is

some chatter about

a possible name, Haze,

but we were unable to

connect it to any ID.

Now Haze has never been seen.

He supposedly only communicates

through the higher ups

via a right hand man.

It is something

that neither agency

has ever seen before,

but it is keeping us finally

to play nice with each other.

But from the agents,

they have indicated

that they have taken over

most of the drug trade routes,

(tense music)


(tense music continues)

human trafficking.

(tense music continues)

They even got their hooks in

world leaders and politicians.

- They can own almost anybody,

leave behind almost no trace.

Whether or not they want us

to find out what shreds

of intel we have or not,

we're going down the foxhole.

- So we're relying

on European intel

from some potentially

corrupt asset

who's given us a wiretap

of a mystery person

who they say could be

the boss of all bosses?

Come on.

- That's what

we're going off of.

That's all we got.

And if it wasn't

for O'Connor here,

we wouldn't even have

that little nugget.

- Vetted the asset myself

as well as INTERPOL,

ad they're a highly

decorated and loyal agent.

All past and current

transmissions fit

the same pattern

with no deviation or

reason of suspicion.

Best trackers rely on

instinct and observation.

You trust those over

everything else.

- O'Connor will be

running this operation.

Play nice.

Alright, dismissed.

(soft tense music)

O'Connor, hang back.

(soft tense music continues)

So most of your

team has arrived.

Black Ops agents.

Some of them have been

in the field a long time,

some too long.

Their identities can't be

compromised, understood?

Trust is hard to come by,

especially with all

these circumstances.

So go meet them.

Bond a little.

- Understood, sir.

- Wait a minute.

(uneasy music)

4480 Maryland Parkway.

Your contact is Jacqueline.

And Alan,

wear something loose.

(uneasy music continues)

(knocking on door)

- Come in.

- Sorry if I'm

interrupting, sir,

but here are the

wiretap transcripts.

- [Alan] Oh.

- We didn't find anything more,

but intelligence is still

working on deciphering them all.

- Right, thank you.

- No problem, sir.

- Oh, Kelly, before you go,

can I ask you something?

- [Kelly] Yes, of course.

- How long has Agent Rivers

been with the agency?

- Jason Rivers?

I think he's been here about

three and a half years.

- Hmm.

- Would you like me to schedule

him an appointment with you?

- No, no, thank you.

I'm just trying to get to

know the fellas around here,

seeing as though I'm the

new kid on the block.

- Sorry about that, sir.

- It's okay.

You can do away with

all the sir business.

You can just call me Alan.

And yeah, I got it.

New Kids on the

Block, you laugh,

but they were big in Ireland.

- I know.

My sister loved them.

Sorry, sir.

Sorry Alan.

- No problem.

Listen, Kelly, I'm gonna

be out of the office

for a couple of hours.

Call my cell if

you need me, okay.

(soft tense music)

(people shouting)

(tense music)

(fighters grunting)

Hey, what's going on here?

- Oh, Seals versus

whoever they are.

- Yeah.

- Winners in under two minutes

gets too months worth of wages.

- That's not smart,

who would do that?

- That's the Jackal for ya.

(tense music continues)

(fighters grunting)


(tense music continues)

- We accept cash,

PayPal, Venmo, cash app,

all of the above.

Your account better not be dry

or I'll beat your ass again.

- Sorry gentlemen,

and lady.

Better luck next time, eh?

- [Seal] Go to hell, Doug.

- Don't be Petty Officer.

My champions,

accept this humble

offering of alcohol

I snagged from the

owner's office.

Stupid fitness joints

only have the lame 90

calorie drinks though.

- Oh, whiskeys on me.

- Just drinks

after that big win?

I'm not getting a piece?

I'll take that as a maybe.

- [Marc] I wouldn't.

- Excuse me, are you?

- [Jacqueline] Waiting

for my Venmo notification?

Hell yeah.

- Got a message

from Director Ross.

- Oh shit.

I'm guessing you're O'Connor.

- INTERPOL's Dublin Division?

Number one tracking

analyst agent in the field?

Glad to have you

on the team, but

this is unlike anything you

or anyone else has

ever dealt with before.

- They got their hands

in every honeypot

all over the globe

and they'll k*ll anyone

that gets in their way.

Like Pooh-bear,

if he was a soulless k*ller.

I hope he wears pants though.

- I've been tracking

their patterns

and activities in

Dublin for months now.

And through informants and taps,

I see the same patterns emerging

in the enterprises out here.

After consorting with Ross,

we're onto someone significant.

Might be close to Haze.

- Oh yeah, I heard

of this Haze guy.

I don't think anyone's ever

seen him in person though.

Least I don't think so.

But he has been

starting to control

a lot of successful


Oh, we might know of a guy

that might be under his radar.

- Gio Bugatti,

old school generation mob boss.

Nothing gets in or out of out

of Vegas without him knowing

or without his approval.

One of the last real

gangsters out there.

I highly doubt he

would've joined Haze.

- Well, if Geo's the

last true gangster,

then he is probably been

probed by Haze already.

Let's go pay him a visit.

- Yeah, I think he still runs

an invite only poker game

off in the back room of Cigar

Lounge close to the strip

over by the Naked City District.

- Oh, the Naked City District

is my specialty.

- Lead the way.

(cigar crackling)

- I call.

- [Football Player] Straight.

- Full house.

You should see the look on

your f*cking face right now.


Look, I understand you've

been swimming in a small pond,

but this is the great white

f*cking shark territory.

Pink slip and keys.

- Not the whip, G.

- Well, let's see.

You put 'em up,

winner take all.

And I got the

winning hand, right?

So I'm f*cking taking it all.

- Gotta be f*cking kidding me.

- Do I look like I'm

f*cking joking to you?

Look man, I know you're upset.

No, but you're the new big

professional football player.

You know what I'm saying?

You probably spend all

your money on new toys,

but you're k*lling

it on the field.

You are the new big stars.

That shitty sports car out there

don't mean a f*cking thing.

It's a drop in the

bucket for guys like you.

Don't be so f*cking glib.


I want us to be friends.

I want us all to be happy,

but I'm out 200 f*cking Gs

and that's no way to

start a friendship.

It's just not right.

But we're in Vegas now,

so I believe there's a way

that we can take our friendship

and make it work both

ways for both of us.

I can't wait for

the upcoming season.

We'll talk soon.

(tense music)

- All right, since

we're maintaining cover,

I'm going in fronting as one

of Haze's associates now.

I've been tracking more than

I've been in the MMA gyms

for the last three years.

So if I'm compromised.

- Hey, don't worry about it.

We got you covered.

Luck of the Irish you

got us as backup, huh?

- Yeah.

Heart stars and horseshoes.

Clovers, huh?


- Wouldn't mind a

b*llet in the face

instead of listening

to that shite.

(tense music continues)

(knocking on door)

- [Henchman] State

your business.

- Here for Bugatti's game.

I'm with Haze.

- Any weapons on you?

(soft tense music)

Turn around.

Come with me.

(soft tense music continues)


- What a f*cking night.

Have a seat.

And who are you?

- Alan.

- Do you have a last name, Alan?

- We'll just keep it at

Alan if you don't mind.

- Okay, so what

can I do for you,

just Alan?

- As I'm sure you're aware,

I'm from the Ireland

subsidiary of the organization.

Haze has given me instructions

to connect with you

regarding working together.

Figured I'd start out with a

nice game of poker, you know,

to get to know each other.

- Oh yeah?

- Across the pond, my reach

is extensive, but here

Haze is interested

in acquiring weapons,

lots of them,

as well as assisting

me in finding someone

that can launder revenue

so it's legally transferable

and accessible to myself and

associates here in the states,

namely to Haze.

- Haze.

Yeah, I can help out with that.

In fact, I talked to

Haze's guy already.

I'm a little cautious

about mixing it together,

but I like to help out

from now, time to time.

But what are we talking?

How much and what's my cut?

- How high can you count?

Whatever you think is fair.

Name it.

- I could count

pretty f*cking high.

- Haze said you need to

contact his stateside man.

He'll head up all the details.

- Oh yeah?

- Yeah, give him a ring.

Have him set it all up.

- It was kind of funny,

you coming into my f*cking

joint giving me orders.

I need my cell

phone, got a minute.

(tense music)

So, who are you

and who you with?

And save me a cleaning bill

and just spill the beans.

- Well, if you're

not in with him,

I'm exactly the one

you'd want to be.

Have you seen him?

- His name is f*cking Haze.

What do you think?

I know these two

Oriental assholes.

They're real stealth K*llers.

They like the party Vegas style.

From what I understand,

they do all the inside jobs,

sometimes even with

the right hand man.

What the fucks up with you guys?

- I think you're

making a bad choice,

not taking the deal, boss.

You're putting us in danger.

Now this?

Sorry boss.

- Not so fast, gentlemen.

(tense music continues)

- Slipping in your old age?

You didn't think even they

could be turned by Haze?

- Well the times,

they're f*cking changing,

that's for sure.

Just Alan's with the suits?

- Yes.

- Just let him know that I

don't owe you shit anymore.

- I'd say stopping

your closest men

from touching up the

paint with your brains

is a favor worth repaying.

Now what else do you know?

- We've been running things

here for f*cking decades.

This is an institution.

It's a f*cking family business.

Oh really?

We play nice with you

guys when we need to.

We had our ways.

What the you got

in this modern era?

This f*cking Haze

syndicate shit.

- Oh, so Haze's men

have been in Vegas?

You've seen them?

- [Gio] Yeah, the Oriental guys,

sometimes the right hand man.

They'll hit the

Cork and Thorn club.

It's down in the art district

and they're usually

there on flight nights.

- Thanks.

We'll get going.

(uneasy music)

- Family's gonna have questions,

if Haze hasn't gotten

to 'em already,

now do what you gotta do.

- Where do you want it?

- Face,


(Gio groaning)

f*cking m*therf*cker.

- We owe you now, old-timer.

- f*ck you.


(soft tense music)

- Jason,

come on, how long we

gonna do this, huh?

Just answer is a

simple question.

Who else is there?

Who else?

- I don't, I don't know.

They don't tell us those things.

(Jason groaning)

(tense music)

I don't even know

who this Haze is.

They don't know shit.

- They don't know shit?

Here's the problem, J,

they probably know about me.

- No.

- Right?

No, no, no, no, no, no.

And being that that

I'm the closest thing

they will ever get to Haze.

You see that

I care about.

(Jason groaning)

- Psycho.

I did everything you asked.

I planted the f*cking bug.

I got you your target.

He's closest thing that

he could come close to

based on his reputation.

You k*ll him,

you're free.

(soft tense music continues)

- Jason,



You know who I am?

When I talk to you,

you look at me.

I know you.

I know everything about you.

I'm the one that gave

you everything you got.

Come from a Podunk

town, Wyoming,

with a menial career

with the government.

But you know what?

You just, it's just

not enough, you know.

With us,

we give you

everything you actually desire.

I make your dreams come true.

The hot women,

the fast cars.


The power.

(tense music continues)

Do you want your prosperous

life to continue?

- Yeah.

- With us?



I have a favor to ask of you.

Call Ross.

(tense music continues)

- Is she?

- Asleep already.

Don't beat yourself up.

You had a long day,

but tomorrow,

FaceTime with your sister

for Riley's birthday.

You can't miss that.

- I know.

I really missed you today.

(gentle music)

Had you with me the

whole time though.

- It smells like cigars.

- You know, I really

appreciate your support.

I never wanted to

be like my father,

but once this job is done,

I promise I'm gonna

give you and Sarah

what you deserve, some roots.

(gentle music continues)


- Morning.

- Sorry I was home

late last night,

but tonight's all you

and I, I promise, okay.

- Okay.

- Hug for daddy?

(gentle music continues)

- So good morning.

Jason was able to provide

us with valuable intel.

Now he might be in trouble since

he was supposed to be here.

Apparently Jason has found

one of Haze's warehouses.

The intel states that Haze

himself will be there.

- Sir, but what about Gio's tip?

- The right hand

man and the others,

they're gonna have to wait.

We got a chance at

the head of the snake.

We cut it off, the

rest will fall.

- But if we spook 'em,

we lose the whole herd,

main component of--

- Of tracking, I know.

We track to capture.

We have those elements here.

So we're going to

see this through,

especially with Jason missing.

It tells me that he

was onto something.

- Something is

definitely going on.

Did everyone else get calls?

- Yeah.

Word is to keep all

mercs on standby.

- The target?

- Never said.

But I believe it's gonna

be Matthew Winford.

Price goes up every hour.

- It's not a drug deal.

So it could be they're

going after Winford hard.

I think they want a few

more parts of the machine

being aware of each other and

working in tandem on this job.

So I'm meeting with

the weapons runner

to go over terms

and trade routes.

They said not to bring

up Haze in the deal.

- Alright, for better or

for worse, we're mobilizing.

Let's get to it.

- Hey hon.

Yeah, I'm actually

not gonna be available

for the rest of the day,

but I will be home

later tonight though.

We may actually have a

big break in the case.

Listen tonight reading

time with Sarah

and tomorrow's

his birthday call.

I promise.

Love you too.



(gentle music)

- What's that say?

- [Ryan] That fish cost

five bucks plus tax.

- Alright, what about that one?

- [Ryan] It came to our pet

shop last Friday the 13th.

- What's, what's two plus two?

- Four.

- What's the three plus five?

- Eight.

- I love you.

I, I'll, I'll be right back.

(gentle music continues)

When did we get this one?

I like him.

(gentle music continues)

(tense music)

Is that the Irish tracker?

Let's see.

(tense music continues)

Invite him to the warehouse

and get rid of him.

(tense music continues)

- All right, be careful.

Report anything you see

and stay on high alert.

All right?

(uneasy music)

- We got bodies everywhere.


Looks like evidence of them

manufacturing a

new compound, MX1,

perfect for assassinations.

- Why is that?

- Almost untraceable.

We'll have you go

into cardiac arrest

15 minutes after dispensing.

(uneasy music continues)

- Jason!

(uneasy music continues)

- Yeah, we found

a beta solution.

I grabbed a little bit

so we can test it later.

- Okay.

All right, we're getting close.

Oh my God, get down!

(tense music)

(g*n sh*ts firing)

Go, go, go.

(tense music continues)

Subject fired us from top of

the warehouse on Windmill Lane.

Put a tracker on her now.

(soft tense music)

(tense music)

(g*ns cocking)

(tense music continues)

(g*n sh*ts firing)

(tense music continues)

(g*n sh*ts firing)

- Yo.

Now that's some right

hand man type shit

if I've ever seen it.

- You really saved our

asses back there, O'Connor.

- Hey, even if you can't fight,

you're the man O'Connor.

(hopeful music)

(uneasy music)

- What the f*ck happened?

- They were onto us.

He knew we were coming.

- So Jason was right?

Hm, poor kid.


- Yeah, Alan O'Connor,

saw him face to face myself.

He's still out there

with some muscles, so.

- You saw him face to face?

- Yes.

- What happened to my

best man and driver?

Jesus Christ.

He got close to us in Dublin

and now he's plaguing us


with my family.

- We have to do something now.

We have to show him

and those f*ckers the full

power of this organization

and what we can do to them.

- I want his guts on my floor.


- Why do I always have to

tell you to think bigger?

Your standard operations are

what got us into this mess.

We don't just take him out.

We take out his will to live.

He wants to track

us, our family,

then we track him.

Unroot his entire family tree,

his wife,

his children,

his g*dd*mn dog.

- We don't take hits

on women and children.

- That man is close to

unraveling everything

that we have built.

This is what's necessary

for operations like ours to

become global enterprises.

No mercy.

- Hmm.


- Children of your enemies

grow up to be your enemy.

- Think about that tonight

when you're talking

Ryan into bed.

- I have thought about it

and I will kiss him

sweetly on the forehead

and sleep peacefully tonight.

Get it done.

(uneasy music continues)

- No worries.

I just wanted to say I

love you and be safe.

(knocking on door)

(uneasy music)

- Ma'am.

May we come in?

- Sure.

(uneasy music continues)

Are you with Alan?

Is he okay?

(uneasy music continues)

- Ma'am, is your daughter home?

- What's going on here?

- Hey there.

Sarah, right?

What you got there?

Hey, you wanna be

polite enough to

maybe give me a tour around

while my friend

talks to your mom?

- Tell me, what's going on.

(uneasy music)

- Linda?


Oh my god, Linda.


(somber music)

Oh no.

Linda, no.


(somber music continues)

Oh my god, Sarah.


Oh my god, Sarah.


(somber music continues)

(Alan sobbing)

- [Ross] O'Connor,

so look, I'm,

I'm sorry to hear

about your family.

At my request, the

agency has agreed

to have you on full paid

administrative leave

until further notice.

So take as long as you need.

(somber music continues)

(knocking on door)

- What the f*ck are

you lot doing here?

(somber music continues)

- I guess you're

not taking them up on that

administrative leave, I see.

- O'Connor, we can't imagine

what you're going through.

We just wanted to

come and check on you.

Ross said he went dark.

- Any updates you

have in the case?

f*ck off, I can handle it.

I can handle it.

- Well, we all assumed

after what happened

that we've been made.

You were obviously

right above Jason.

He spilled to

Haze's organization.

- So the money and

flash turned him?

I guess honor doesn't

mean shit anymore.

So bring me up to speed.

What else?

- Well, after what

happened to your family,

they're still investigating.

And after every rock

they overturned,

we find out just how

widespread this is.

- Right now, operations

have been suspended.

- What?

- [Jacqueline] They've

been suspended.

- So that's just

it, they've won.

They reached a point

where they're just

too big to go after.

(Alan scoffing)

- Well, that's why we're here.

Full leave too.

- It'd be black ops.

- Not many resources,

just our wits about us.

And a whole lot of rage.

- But if we've all been made,

it's going to be tough

to get close to them.

- If we've been made.

I mean, right now

we're in the dark,

so it'll take a lot

of risk and craftiness

and a whole lot

of good tracking.

- I'll teach you how it's done.

We track every movement,

every step,

digital and physical.

Be in tandem with the target,

start to understand

their decisions

and start to predict them.

But overall instinct

and observation.

That's how it's done.

And when we find them,

we're gonna cut them open.

- We got the ID on Rico,

the right hand man,

and Carla, the driver.

Just have no clue

where they could be.

- I got a lead on some

mercs that'll be in town

for the big MMA fight tonight.

- Good.

We can intercept him and find

out where Rico and his men

will be at the club

Geo tip us about.

(soft tense music)

Hey, there's the car.

- Should we move in?

- We observe, follow,

and this here will k*ll their

battery when we need to.

(soft tense music continues)

- They gutted it.


Yeah dude, the engine's not--

- I told you

not to trust those guys.

- I.

This is not mine.

This is you.

- No, it was you.

You told me to trust them.

- Hey, where would you guys

choose to have your last lunch?

- Wouldn't be any of

this is greasy shit.

- Now, I think if

I had to fight,

I'd choose something

light like a,

like a chicken Caesar

wrap or something.

But from a nice restaurant.

You know the black

ground pepper?

- Doug.

We get it.

All right, just

go up close to

personal and ask them

all right after

you plant the bug.

(soft tense music continue)

- [Fighter 1] This afternoon,

plus I fricking knew

something was up.

- f*ck, our battery's dead.

- [Fighter 1] What the

hell happened to it?

- [Fighter 2] Middle of nowhere.

- Hey,

you boys need a jump?

- That would actually help out--

- Hey man.

- What the f*ck?

(uneasy music)

- Don't tell him shit.

- Well, you'll have to

answer some questions.

You see wrong answers are fatal.

- f*ck you--

(g*n shot fires)

(tense music)

- Cheers.

- Hey, look at me.

You wanna end up like

your friend here?

- That was my f*cking brother.

- It was my family too.

Real smart, wasn't it?

- [Marc] Hey.

- O'Connor, get the intel.

Save it for Haze.

- Hey, hey.

We'll get it, brother.

Okay, just breathe.

Just breathe.

- It was just a hit, man.

We got a rapid fire on you.

We carried it out.

That's it.

- Cork and Thorn Club.


After the MMA fight tonight,

some of the men that hit

Linda and Sarah are

gonna be present.

Rico and Carla are

gonna be there too.

(g*n shot fires)

(tense music)

- Man.

Well, not turning back now.

(Doug chuckling)

(gentle music)

- Remember the time you had

together, even if it was short.

I joined the

trafficking division

because my sister was

trafficked and m*rder*d

when we were kids.

There's never enough time.

(gentle music continues)

(soft tense music)

- Hey, what are you doing?

- We got it.

We'll let you know if

there's anything worthwhile.

(soft tense music)

Guys, we found something.

Hold this.

Grab that table.

Put it right there.

Plug that in.

(soft tense music)

- Wait a minute,

I've seen these guys.


We crossed paths before

when, when I was under cover.

- They'll probably be

at the club tonight too.

Looks like Linda clocked

this fucker pretty good.

- She was a fighter, O'Connor.

(uneasy music)

(upbeat music)


Smack the ground

Don't drop that

I got the key to the city

I can lock that

And don't be

standing on the wall

You better pop that

I tell her go on, pick it up

We're gonna drop that

Oh lord

I been the man

since a little man

A 100 beef in the club

with a hundred man

Make it rain

Make it rain

You gonna drown if you

don't like quicksand

- So it's gonna be tough

to get to that VIP area.

So maybe we should

figure out the way to drug

them and lead them out.

- If we've already been made,

this will be the

shortest op in existence.

So I'm ordering Clase

Azul with tequila.

Your tab.

- Whoa.

If our cover's not blown,

you gonna pay me

back for that shit?

- Whoa.

This is not business as usual.

- What?

I can clean up nice.

- Very, very nice.

- Let's pair up, okay?

- I'll go with Jacqueline.

- Of course you will.

He has no idea, does he?

- Nope.

No idea about most things.

Make it rain

Make it rain

Break the ceiling fan

You look around if you

don't like quicksand

- You got Carla, Haze's driver.

Tell me who you came with

I'm all over your

like a light switch

(people laughing)

- [Assassin 1] It's funny.

You laughed.

It's all right, come on.

- Yeah man.

- Cheers.

- No work.

- No work.

- How we doing?

How are you doing?

You don't go nowhere.

Stay here, all right?

- Get the f*ck outta here, man.

- Come on, Hercules.


You gonna keep all the

hottest girls roped up?

Hook a brother up.

Pop some Azul baby, I got you.

- Goodbye, white boy.

It's not enough b*tches

even for me tonight.

- That's quite a scar

you got there, huh.

The right eye.

You hit the octagon tonight too?

- I used to train.

Make it rain

- I got a better gig now.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I see that, I see that.

Hey, I got some honeys

rolling through.

All right.

I'll hook you up.

Even you.

(upbeat music)

- I'll believe it when I see it.

Bye white boy.

(upbeat music continues)

- I'm gonna keep a

look out for Carla.

- Hey, don't get too close.

She knows our faces.

(upbeat music continues)

- Ladies, ladies.

The finest tequila in the VIP.

Let's go.

(upbeat music continues)

After you.

Hello, hello.

- Okay.

I'm into girls.


- Wait, no, but,


(upbeat music continues)


(people laughing)

- Told you.

I told you.

- Gentlemen.

What'd I tell you, huh?

(upbeat music continues)

Thank you, thank you.

One drink, huh?

Just one.

- My God, do you not understand

what I'm telling you?

- I'm just trying

to be a nice guy.

- Read the room, bro.

I'm sure you're a

really nice guy,

but you're just

not the guy, okay?

- [Doug] I brush my teeth.

I take baths regularly.

- [Girl At Bar] Yeah, doubtful.

- [Doug] Do you know,

come on, go ahead.

- [Girl At Bar] Literally,

look at your shirt.

- [Doug] Take a whiff,

take a whiff.

- Throw up.

- Take a whiff.

- You're gonna

make me throw up.

Oh my God, you're so not that.

- [Doug] It's good.

I think if you--

- Oh my God,

this is the girl.

- Better than she could.

- f*cking doubtful.

- Whoo.

- Smooth.

- [Assassin 1] Nice work.

- You could do better?

- To the worst

loss of the night.

- [Assassin 1]

I'll toast to that.

- [Assassin 2] Worst loss.

Right there.

- Here.

- sh*ts, all right.

- [Doug] Thanks.

- To the loser.

- Cheers.

- To the loser.

(upbeat synth music)

Nobody knows

Nobody knows

Nobody knows

Nobody knows

Nobody knows

Nobody knows

Nobody knows

Nobody knows

Nobody knows

Nobody knows

Nobody knows

Nobody knows

Nobody knows

Nobody knows

Nobody knows

Nobody knows

Nobody knows

Nobody knows

Nobody knows

Nobody knows

Nobody knows

Nobody knows

Nobody knows

Nobody knows

Nobody knows

Nobody knows

Nobody knows

Nobody knows

Nobody knows

Nobody knows

- That's a pretty big

scar you got there.

- I'm bad, babe.

Bad in a good way.

- There's nothing good

about the bad you are.

- f*ck you bitch.

(dramatic music)


- No!

(g*n shot fires)

(dramatic music continues)

- Doug.

- What?

- Oh Jesus.

(dramatic music continues)

Guys, I'll get Doug to the van.

You get the other guy.

(dramatic music continues)

(soft music)

- Hey, what happened to you?

- The f*cking agent.

He was at the club tonight

when I was picking up taxes.

- What agent?

Stand right there.

- f*cking tracker.

- But you kidding me?

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

The government gave up, right?

So I mean, these

m*therf*ckers done went rogue.

- Apparently.

- Sorry, sorry.

(tense music)


- Tell me how you got

stuck with the job

of k*lling my daughter.

- It was a job.

Just like yours now.


(soft tense music)

- You know, if you had

any shred of honor at all,

you'd never carry out that

type of hit if you were human.

All of you,

Carla, Rico, Haze,

amateurs wanting so badly

to rise above your stations.

- It was a promotion,

direct order from Haze himself.

Chance to change my station.

Look, I don't have the privilege

of choosing my career path

or like you, where I'm from.


- Well, your job

now is to tell me

where his family is and I'll

promote you to a swift death.

You see, you may not have had

the choices you had before.

Right now of the time

you've left, you do.

(soft tense music continues)

- Macdonald's Highlands.

Looks like a regular house.

The compounds expanded

underneath the foundation.

(g*n shot fires)

(uneasy music)

- Ryan, sweetie, I need

you to go upstairs, okay?

I'll get you back in

school with your friends

as soon as I can.

- I wanna see my friends.

- I know, honey, but it's not

safe to be outside right now.

Mommy and daddy have some

things to take care of.

(gentle music)

- Hey, kiddo.


Watch what you say to him.

Let him be a kid.

- Our family doesn't

have secrets.

I've never wanted to hide

any of this from him.

It's a necessary evil.

We play in the dirt

so our people all over

the world can rise up.

We don't have a choice.

- You're creating

fear around our son.

I want to do this with honor.

- We don't have the

privilege of your principles.

Besides our latest intel says

the government's backing down.

Tell him, Rico.

- Yes ma'am.

That is correct.

And because of that pressure,

you keep the

pressure right there,

that is why the

government is folding

and people being laid off.

See now they're seeing how

extensive our network really is.

And because of that,

the government is pulling

those agents for intel.

So now we're losing those

rats day by day that we had.

- It's just a pitiful

rouge group of c**ts left

ready to die.

- You gonna live?

- Of course.

- All right.

(soft music)

Come here.

(soft music continues)

- Hey, any word on Doug?

- He's still there, guarded,

safest out of any of us.

(soft music continues)

- Listen, I really wanna thank

both of you for everything

being there for me,

putting your lives on the line.

I want to finish this.

(soft music continues)

(upbeat suspenseful music)

(suspenseful music)

This has gotta be it.

Macdonald Highlands,

only plot of land

the foundation's

structurally sound enough

to have a compound

under as well.

- All right, so what's the plan?

How are we going in?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute.

What are you doing?

- No entrance for a while yet.

We set up a perimeter,

map out all the streets,

cut off any routes for backup

if they can be called

while we're inside.

But most importantly,


- It's about to be a long,

boring f*cking night.

(uneasy music)

(insects thrumming)

- Perfect.

I think we're all set.

Tomorrow's the night.

(uneasy music)

- Alan.

We can hit them now.

- Not in front of the kid.

- Alan, I think we're made.

They'll have time to prepare.

He's on to us.

- We have to move now.

- No, not in front of the kid.

Wait until he's inside.

(uneasy music continues)

(suspenseful music)

- Come on.


Get to the stables.

Wait for me or Rico.

- Come with us.

- I'll be there, I'll

be right behind you.

Alright, go, go, go.

(uneasy music continues)

- Go, go, go, go.

Go, go, go.



(suspenseful music)

(dramatic music)


- Good?

- Yeah, I'm good.

Go, go, get him.

(dramatic music continues)

- Hey!

You can't run through this.

- I'll take you down just

like we did your sister.

That's right.

I read your file.

- f*ck you bitch.

(dramatic music continues)


(g*n sh*ts firing)

(dramatic music continues)


(tense music)

(g*n shot fires)

(tense music continues)

- Dad.

- No.

- I am not like him.

I don't want you to see this.

Unlike you,

I don't put out hits

on women and children.

- [Haze] Neither do I.

You just let them get away.

(suspenseful music)

(Alan groaning)

(g*n sh*ts firing)

(Alan groaning)

(soft music)

(birds chirping)

(gentle music)

- Wish we could have

had more time together.

I really wish I could have

been more open with you.

And Sarah,

just imagine her growing up,

going to college,

walking her,


(somber music)

walking her down the aisle

when she gets married.


(somber music continues)

It still reminds me of you.

(somber music continues)

- Hey O'Connor,

I've been looking for you.

- I was just leaving.

- O'Connor, I need

to talk to you.

Alan, I found her.

(upbeat tense music)

They've changed their

looks multiple times,

but we tracked them down.

(upbeat tense music continues)

We need you on board O'Connor.

(upbeat tense music continues)