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Beauty of Love, The (2021)

Posted: 11/03/23 04:54
by bunniefuu
Hey, Trevor.

Where are you?

The line was intense at the coffeehouse.

I've never seen such desperation

for a caffeine fix.

Some guy even offered Knicks

tickets just to cut in line.

- Did it work?

- Well, of course.

I'm just walking in now.

Look at this set up.

It's, uh, sassy chic.

Are we talking about you or the display?

Okay, touch.

I just -- I feel like it needs

a little something more.

It doesn't quite pop.

Uh, I have some gold silk ribbons,

and, uh, maybe if we swap out

a pair of heels

for some hot pink ones.

I mean, that is your color after all.

That is why I hired you.

Don't look now, but Francesca's here.

Ah, the quarterly review meeting.

I hope this isn't bad news.

Hey, we got this.

- I'll meet you up there.

- Okay.

So, last quarter,

our numbers have been flat.

How flat?

- Your double espresso.

- Thanks.

Um, you know, nothing to be

too concerned about.

But if we don't stay on top of it,

I think we could be in some real trouble.


Well, Trevor and I

can brainstorm

some new marketing campaigns.

Uh, shake things up a little.

- Good.

- What?

Well, I was just gonna add

that I think that,

uh, we'd become a bit stagnant.

Oh, you know what?

"Stagnant" -- that's -

that's too strong of a word.

It's just -- you know

how we've always been

on the forefront of the latest trends?

- Mm-hmm.

- I just feel like lately,

we've been letting that slide a bit.

What do you suggest?

For starters, I think we should refresh

some of the product lines.

Hear me out.

It appears that people

are craving comfort.


Little indulgences that

they can more easily afford.

I know hot and trendy has been

our sweet spot,

but what about hot and cozy,

where we redefine hot

to be something more accessible

to the average person.

I see.

So, it's like people are seeking

meaningful coziness.

Meaningful co-- Yes. Yes!

Now we just need to find

products that reflect that.

- And fit our brand.

- Right.

Okay, Trevor, you're up.

What are the times

that we received this week?

Uh, make your own tie-dye

kits, uh, pajamas,

blankets, a pom-pom beanie.

As much as my teenage self

would be disappointed in me, pass.

Don't hate on the pom-pom beanie.

Even Beyonc wears one.

It was a double pom-pom.

It is too niche.

We need something with -

- with broader appeal.

- Right.

What about the thing

that you got yesterday?

- The -- The homemade lotion?

- "Vermont Botanicals."

I'm not sure that homemade

is really our niche.

Let's just take a little look.

- Okay.

- "Hi, Emma.

I'm sure you get a million

of these letters,

but I'm hoping to be

the exception to the rule.

I'd be honored if you'd try

my skincare line

made with organic botanicals

grown in our Vermont Inn's garden.

Vermont Botanicals -

handcrafted by Jill."

I mean, you have to admit,

the packaging looks professional.

It is charming.

Oh, I love the design.

Oh, you can smell the lavender.

That is cozy, and I'm thinking

we need to consider this.

It hits all the right notes,

and skincare is a growth market.

- It's at least worth a call.

- Okay.

What's her number?


Jill Smith speaking.

Hi, Jill.

It's Emma Reynolds.

Thank you for your samples.

- We are intrigued.

- Oh, my gosh!

Thank you so much!

But the first question

we always ask is "Why you?"

What differentiates you

from other products?

Wow, Emma, hi.

First of all, I just wanna say,

uh, it is an honor

to speak with you.

Now, to answer your question, uh, for us -

for us, it's the ingredients.

Uh, uh, it's so hard to do it

justice over the phone.

Wait, why don't you come to Vermont?

You can come and you can see

how our products are made

and where we grow our very own

herbs and botanicals.

Plus, it'll be great social media content.

- "Classically Emma on location."

- I appreciate the offer, but -

My family has a beautiful inn.

We will put you in our finest room.

You'll be completely pampered.

Who doesn't love to be spoiled?

Now, have you ever been to Vermont?

No. No. No.

Now's your chance.

You're gonna love it.

How -- How's this weekend?

Uh, it's fine, I guess.

Though -


I will text you the address.

See you soon.

What just happened?

I think you just got outmaneuvered

by an ambitious Gen Z.

Oh, my God.

I guess I'll be packing tonight.

Perfect, because the sooner

we find the right

new products, the better.

- Okay.

- Cheers.

Cheers. You guys.

Welcome to...



It's a beautiful 79 degrees...

Oh! Look out!

Oh. Are you okay?

Yeah. I, uh -- I'm fine.

- Fingers still intact.

- Uh, well, good.

First rule of innkeeping -

don't injure the guests.

Um, sorry about that.

I was just playing a little ball

with my dad,

but that was still an impressive catch.

- Can you throw just as good?

- Maybe.

Sounds like a challenge.

Come on.

Let's go.

Let's see what you got.

Hey, Dad, back up.

This one says she's got an arm.

- Okay.

- Back up.

Back up, back up.

You might have to make

a diving catch for this one.

- Oh?

- Ready?

I am.

- Hey.

- Whoo!

Touchdown! Good job.

- Not bad. Nice throw.

- Thank you.

Feel like I should be

asking you for pointers.

- Perhaps while I'm here?

- Uh, sorry.

Actually, our inn is closed.

So, we shut down for renovations.

We're not opening until after

the final inspection,

but more than happy to help you

find another place to stay.

I'm actually Emma.

Uh, though you probably know me

as Classically Emma.

Okay. I -

Actually Emma, I'm -

- I'm Definitely Jesse.

- Emma!

Emma! Oh, my gosh.

I'm so happy you're here.


So nice to finally meet you in person.

- It's -- It's Emma!

- Yeah.

I've been hearing that a lot recently.

It would be a lot more exciting

if I knew who Emma was.

- No offense.

- Oh, none taken.

Of course you know who she is.

She's Emma, of Classically Emma.

Only the most brilliant

and successful lifestyle

platform out there.

I'd like to apologize for my brother

and business partner Jesse.

Wasn't quite the greeting

I had in mind.

No. No. It was actually a great greeting.

- I scored a touchdown.

- Mm.

Actually, Emma did...

So, what -

what brings you to our inn?

Uh, do you have your keys

or your suitcase in your car?

- Suitcase?

- Yeah.

- Could I have your keys?

- Sure.

Jesse, can you please take

Emma's stuff upstairs?

Thank you.

Um, let me show you around.

I'm so happy you're here.

- How was your drive?

- Good. Almost no traffic.

So, I have you in our finest room.

New everything.

The more luxurious sheets

you're ever gonna sleep on.

And if you need anything -

day or night -

- just let me or Jesse know.

- I appreciate it.

Thank you.

And I know Vermont Botanicals

is not exactly on-brand for you,

and Emma, I have heart.

I put everything I have into my business.

I know I'm gonna win you

and the Classically Emma

audience over.

Well, you've got me for a few days.

Give it your best shot.

- I dare you to impress me.

- Look, really, Betty,

you didn't have to come all this way.

I could have driven you

to pick up the groceries.

- Hi, Betty.

- It gets me out of the store.

Otherwise, all I do is work.

Betty, this is Emma.

Emma is here to learn more

about Vermont Botanicals.

- Hi.

- How lovely.

You know, my store

was the first one to carry them.

Oh, very nice.

Anyone care for an apple cider donut?

They're still warm.

Thank you.

They look scrumptious.

Betty, you're just in time.

Care for a donut?

- Uh, split one with you?

- Music to my ears.

If it wasn't obvious already,

my dad has a bit of a sweet tooth.

It's all about the guests' stay sweeter.

I think it's smart, Carl.

You're giving your guests

a cozy inn experience.

I mean, who wouldn't love

to walk through that front door

and be welcome with a homemade dessert?

It's my thoughts exactly.

Speaking of guests, Jesse...

Oh. Uh, that's my cue.

Let me show you up to your room.

Well, I will see you all later.

Thank you for the sweet treat.

Hey, girls.

Ruth, Betsy.

Hey. Come on.

You guys gotta share.


What do you think?

It's pretty good, right?

Very impressive.

These are tinctures I made

from botanicals in my garden.

I like to pick my herbs

early in the morning,

when the volatile oils are at their peak.


These are herbs and flowers

that are dried,

and I use them to make the tinctures

and essential oils, and -- and soaps.

Oh, this is my favorite soap

it has lavender flowers and rosemary.

It's really calming on your skin.

Mm. Wow.

Your products are so fragrant.

You can really smell each one.

- Home grown with love.

- Uh, I'm sorry, Emma.

What, uh -- What exactly

is your interest in us?

We're -- We're not exactly trendy luxury.

My base isn't just about luxury.

I think everyone is craving

a bit more coziness these days.

The simple things, you know?

People are shifting their priorities.

- Companies are, too.

- Oh, I know what you mean.

We're experimenting with

sustainable packaging options,

things like bamboo and cork,

recycled glass.

Just no plastic.

Sustainability is a really

good business move for us.

I've been actually doing

research on the solar-powered

greenhouses, like we talked about.

So, any extra energy,

we're gonna use for the inn.

Isn't Jesse amazing?

He just finds a way to make

the finances work

when my creative impulses run wild.

It's one of the benefits

of having an Ivy League MBA

in the family.

Well, someone has to keep

the creative brilliant

from bankrupting us.

Uh, this is our raspberry cream.

- Wanna try some?

- Sure. Sure.


Oh. It's so velvety.

Shall I take a few photos

and videos for my assistant

Trevor to post?

- I-I would love that.

- Okay, great.

Uh, well, let's give it

a more personal flair and get you in it.

We really want to feel your passion.

- Yeah.

- Uh, do -

do you want to get in there as well?

No, no, no, no.

That's just you girls.


Just keep it light, easy.

- Am I good right here?

- Yep, that's perfect.

It'll be really easy.

No pressure.

Um, and whenever you're ready.

Three, two, one.

Welcome to

Vermont Botanicals -

home grown with love

from my garden to you.

Oh, these are some of

my favorites over here.

This is a rose-infused bath b*mb.

Just made it the other day.

And some lavender.

Freshly picked, of course.


You know, I have to say.

I am impressed.

I think Jill might be the real deal.

Well, I'm loving these photos and videos.

- I'm gonna post them right away.

- Awesome.

Listen to this.

"The global skincare market

has increased in value

nearly 60% in the past decade,

and 48% of women here in the US

look for natural and organic

ingredients in their products."

Well, Francesca will be pleased.

I think there is a huge opportunity here.

And look, I know

I was hesitant to come.

- Uh, hello. Understatement.

- Okay.


What I am trying to say

is thank you

for encouraging me to come here.


Thank you for forcing me to come here.

Em, have I ever steered you wrong?

Mm, Trevor, your advice

is as flawless as your style.

- Always.

- I'll talk to you tomorrow.

- Goodnight.

- Bye!

Alright, so, spill it.

Why didn't you tell me about Emma?

I'm sorry.

I know I should have.

I-I guess I just thought

you wouldn't understand.

- What do you mean?

- I don't know.

You came home so you could

escape the big city

and the business world and all that stuff,

and here I am,

inviting one of the trendiest

New York lifestyle

brand founders to the inn.

Yeah, which I'm more

than capable of dealing with.

But even so,

she's not even on brand for us.

You don't know that.

You know, she's -

Pivoting towards a new direction. I know.

But still, working with an influencer -

- it dilutes our brand.

- She's not fake.

And I wouldn't want to work

with anyone who was.

Just get to know her.

- You'll see.

- Help me understand this.

Is -- Is this just a pure marketing ploy?

Like, what's the business angle with this?

She can help elevate our brand's profile.

Help us get our sales to go national.

And maybe even international.

Yeah, which we decided

we didn't want to do anyway.

No, you decided.

Jesse, look, the more

successful you and I are,

the more we can help out Dad.

He put everything

he had into this remodel.

And you know how much

the inn means to him.

I know.

Plus, would it be so bad to make it big?

What if I told you that was my dream?

Hello? This is Jill.

Wait, what do you mean they're all wrong?

Okay. Okay.

I'm -- I'm on my way.

Okay, thanks.

- What happened?

- It's our new shipment of jars.

They messed up the color.

I need to go see if any of them

are salvageable.

But can you work with Emma while I'm gone?

Just, like, show her some creams.

Like, maybe the mint line?

Uh, okay. Fine.

But you owe me.

Anything you want.


I remember you said that.

Well, whatever it'll be,

it will be worth it,

and can you finish making her breakfast?

- She's waiting for it.

- Jill.

- Love you.

- Jill.

- Thanks.

- I...

What do influencers eat?

- Hey, Emma.

- Good morning.

Uh, good morning.

Hope a continental breakfast is okay.

Muffin, fresh fruit, coffee.

Of course.

- Thank you.

- Yeah.

Um, Jill got called away.

Uh, jar emergency.

She asked me to fill in for her.

Wanna meet me in the cosmetics

room after breakfast?


Uh, in about a half hour?


- Well, uh, after you.

- Thank you.


Uh, I'm gonna show you our newest line.

Jill thought about highlighting

the different varieties of mint.

You mean there's more than

Yeah. Uh, yeah. Yeah.

There's -- There's over

600 varieties of mint.

Wow. Uh, okay.

So, there is spearmint, peppermint...

...minty mint?


These are not flavors of bubble gum.

- Okay.

- But yeah.

So we only have a few more to go.

You did get spearmint.

That happens to be that one.

- Here. This -

- Ooh.

- You okay?

- Mm-hmm.

- Smell.

- Wow.

- So, that's sweet mint.

- Mm-hmm.

Then spearmint, which you did get.

Um, lavender mint.

This one's an apple mint.

This one's orange,

and then we have lavender mint.

All the others' in the garden.

Wow. I just -

I had no idea there were

so many varieties of mint.

And that is so brilliant of Jill -

taking the familiar mint

and giving it a unique twist.


Oh, she's pretty great.

Uh, she even came up with the idea to do

the mint green glass jars.

So, this is our licorice mint.

Go ahead and open that, smell it.

That is incredible.

And the jars are just so beautiful.

Do you mind if I do

a quick video for my social?

Uh... I don't -

I don't know.

If you don't like it,

I'll delete it.

No questions asked.


And would you do me one favor

and film it as well?

- Sure.

- That's perfect like that.


Hi, everyone.

It's me, Emma, and today,

I am livestreaming

from the Maple Seed Inn,

where I'm sharing my newest discovery -

Vermont Botanicals.

So, what makes a product special?


It's when it touches something

in us, something meaningful.

This is sea glass.

I found it on the beach

back home when I was a kid.

It was this little piece of magic

that just washed up

on the shore, and I kept it.

And it represents home,

and when I need that connection,

I just -

I hold it and I know

everything's gonna be okay.

So, when I saw this jar

of Vermont Botanicals cream

and it's seafoam colored glass,

I thought of my sea glass,

and I was transported home

for this beautiful moment.

So, when has something

like this happened to you?

I'd love to hear your memories.

Uh, I don't know what to say.

Oh. It's fine.

- I won't post it.

- No.

No, actually -- actually,

I think you should post it.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

This, um, this is our mint soap.


That's our homemade maple lemonade.

So, you're not from New York?


Sorry to disappoint you,

but I am from a small

coastal town in Massachusetts.

I moved to New York

when the website took off.

It was better for running the business.

Is that another reply to your video?


Yeah, it's been doing great.

Did you want to see?

- Can I -- Yeah.

- Yeah, okay.

"Every autumn, my favorite

restaurant serves

butterscotch milkshakes.

They remind me of the butterscotch candies

my grandmother used to give me as a kid.

She'd tell me not to tell my mom.

It was our little secret."

That is a sweet one.

Okay, so people -

people just often share

their personal stories with you?

We both do.

It's about that connection.

We share each other's worlds in a way.

And it's -- and it's not

just a marketing ploy?

No. No. There's a real relationship there.

It's -- it's one that

we both feel a part of.

Yeah, but -

but you promote luxury items.

I give people a moment

to forget about life's problems.

Whether it's through a relaxing bath

with one of Jill's bath bombs,

or feeling like a million bucks

in a pair of stunning high heels.

It's about what makes you happy.

But enough about myself.

Tell me something about you.

What makes you happy?

You know, I still need

to show you the orchard.

That's our main lodge.

So, after the final inspection,

that's where the guests are gonna stay.

By the way, uh, nice segue

off the "what makes you happy" question.

- What? What?

- Okay. Nothing too personal.

How about something fun?

Perhaps a game of "Either/Or"?

Uh, okay.

- Road trip or plane?

- Train.

Definitely a train.

Something really romantic about a train.

Wouldn't you say?

I mean, the sights, the sounds,

the people,

just looking out the window.

You do know this is a game

called "Either/Or?"


Alright, ask again.

- Sunrise or sunset?

- Am I alone or with someone?

What? No, hear me out.

Seriously, hear me out.

Sunrise -- perfect for self-contemplation.

Uh, sunsets -- better shared

with somebody else.


Yeah, I know what you mean,

but you're still not

answering the question.


Let's see how you do this.

- Okay.

- Chocolate or vanilla?

- Vanilla.

- That's it?

No -- No cake or ice cream?

- No.

- Pudding?

Milkshake? Nothing?

Some of us don't make life so complicated.

I see it as clarity, not a complication.

It's the gray area

that gets you in trouble.

But the gray area is a part of life.

I mean, yeah, it can be troublesome,

but it also adds to the adventure.

Alright, Miss Adventuress,

hiking or going to the movies?

- Hiking.

- Really? Why?

It's just you and the trail.

Everything else melts away.

That's when the magic happens.

You know, I had a, uh, monarch

butterfly land on me once.

I just stared at it, mesmerized,

scared to even breathe.

It was one of my favorite moments.

Well, you know,

Vermont Botanicals -

it was inspired by a hike.

- Really?

- Yeah.

Tell me more.

I-I'd love to hear more about it,

'cause I really think

it could help my audience

connect with your brand.

Well, maybe while you're here,

I can take you.

- There you are. Hey.

- Hey.


How's it going?

What happened?

There were so many

inconsistencies, but, you know,

I think it's actually

gonna work to our benefit.

Now each jar is unique.

But guys, have you seen

the orders for today?

Like, the numbers are off the charts.

- Really?

- Yeah.

I wonder what could have -

- Her video.

- I told you.

Emma weaves magic like no other.

I think you two are the ones

who have created something magical.

Well, thank you.

Hey, um, can we go down to the store?

I'm running low on shipping supplies.

Do you mind if I borrow him from you?

Oh. No, not at all.

- I-I have some work to do anyway.

- Perfect. Perfect. See you.


Three stars.

Only three?

- Five would be better.

- Not according to Michelin.

The point is, everyone's loving

Vermont Botanicals.

We're seeing our highest

engagement numbers of the year.

I've never seen Francesca so giddy.

I can't even imagine Francesca

acting giddy.

Believe me, it's best

that you don't see it.


Speaking of...

- Hi, Francesca.

- Hi.

Please tell me things

are still going well,

because our numbers are trending up

and we need to sustain this momentum.

Well, keep it up.

Everything is going smoothly.

I think Vermont Botanicals is the key.

So, are you confident they're ready?

I'm doing my due diligence,

but I believe so.

Perfect. We need to move things

alone ASAP.

I am working on it.

Jill will be on board, but her -

her brother, who handles

the business side,

might not be as ready to leap.

But you can convince him, right?

Of course.

It's a win-win for both of us.

Yes. Music to my ears.


I'm gonna talk to you later.

- Bye.

- Bye.

Can I help?

No. You're our guest.

- Please, take a seat, though.

- Thank you.

You know, I hear it's been quite the day.

Jill said there's never been

so many orders.

I told you, Dad.

It's time for the greenhouse.

And how amazing would it be

if we had our own farm, too?


And if we could just have farms all over,

we could grow botanicals native

to all different regions.

I love your vision,

and what you're trying to build,

but how do you get there?

Let's say, you become

an overnight sensation,

and you need to scale up immediately.

Could you, for instance,

fulfill 1,000 orders next week

if you had to?

Oh, yeah.

That's not a problem.

We have, uh,

we have plenty of co-packing

companies in the area.

We've used them before when necessary.

Though, ultimately,

I'd like to have

a bigger facility ourselves

so we can keep everything in-house.

I think Jesse can make the finances work

so we can make it happen.

- Yeah, that's easy.

- But the short answer is yes.

Yes. We can do it.

Uh, tomorrow, how about we do

something fun?

Make some creams.

Give you a little peek behind the curtain.

Yeah. I would love that.

Oh, my gosh.

Dinner's in the oven still.

I got distracted.

I'm so sorry.

I will be right back.

Hey, honey, would you

take this for me, please?

- Yes, of course.

- Do you need any help?

No. I'm good.

I got it. I got it.

This is so exciting.

You guys do it all.


- Oh, here it is.

- Yes.

Oh. Oh, look at you.

Dinner looks wonderful, Jill.

- Thank you.

- My favorite.

- It smells amazing.

- Mm-hmm.

- Thanks, guys.

- Oh, not so fast, Jesse.

- I'd like to make a toast.

- Oh, no.

Dad, Dad, please, no toasts.

Dad is the master at awkward rambling.

- Eye-roll-inducing.

- Routinely uncomfortable.

And occasionally bizarre toasts.

Now, don't forget the "Oh,

darn, what do I do now?" toast.

Okay, Dad gave a very touching,

lovely toast to our cousins,

Eric and Brittany,

on their move to California.

Yeah. Unfortunately, they

hadn't told their parents yet.

- Oh.

- Dad broke it to them.

- Oh, no.

- And yet, it's still my fault.


Tease my toast all you like,

but don't dish it out

if you can't take it.

I'm sorry.

Is -- Was that to me?

Yeah. Uh, definitely.

Right to you.

Bring it on.

What do you got?

Don't. No.

Come on, Jesse.

You know you want to do it.

What is this?

Uh, in college,

I might've been in a boy band.

Oh, please,

I have got to see this.

- No.

- Oh, yes.

No. Absolutely -

There is no way.

Absolutely not.

- Boo!

- Boo!

I've never heard that before.

I just want to say. Now.

I'm sorry I challenged the master.

If we can just move on with the toast.

Okay. Alright.

- We were really good.

- To Emma.

Though we only just met,

your kindness and generosity

have already shown through,

and that you would choose

to share your wonderful gifts

with our family.

For that, I toast you, and I thank you.

Well, thank you, Carl.

I appreciate your kindness, as well.

And thank you all for having me.

- To Emma.

- To Emma.

- To Emma.

- Thank you, guys.

- Alright, now, let's dive in.

- Please.


Would you like a roll?

- Yes, please.

- I made them myself.

- Of course you did.

- What was that?

- Nothing.

- Here.

Oh. Actually, I'm sorry.

These aren't keto,

gluten-free, or low-carb.

Oh, that's okay.

You know, those take a really

skilled baker to make.

I can show you, if you want, actually.

This is beautiful.

Thank you. Thank you.

- Some corn?

- Uh, yes, please.

I know you want the mash.

That's the last of the dishes.

You were right about Emma.

What did you say?

I didn't quite hear you.

Can you say that again?

You were right about Emma.

- Mm.

- Yeah.

She wasn't what I was expecting.

She's got substance.

And working with her

might not be such a bad idea.

Okay, it might even be a good idea.

See? You know better than to doubt me.

Jill, what -- do you -

do you really want

Vermont Botanicals to go big,

to be this successful brand?

Is that really your dream?

I thought you were happy

with it being a small family business?

Yeah. I am.

That's not what I'm asking.

Why didn't you tell me?

Jill, I don't want anything

from my past, ever,

to stand in the way of your dreams.

Do you really mean that?

You're my kid sister,

of course I mean that.


So, let's do this.

Operation Impress Emma starts right now.

- Are you in?

- I am so in!

Are you kidding?

Come here.

Good morning.

So, what's the big surprise?

Well, hurry up, New York.

Come on.

You're gonna love this.

Wild blueberries.


They grow everywhere.

How about blueberry pancakes

for breakfast?

- With local maple syrup?

- Of course.

It's tradition. Are you in?

- Definitely.

- Yeah?


- One more.

- Here.

- Mm. Yum.

- To the industrial kitchen.

Our special dark amber,

and this is from last season.

Wait, wait, wait.

Final touch.

Boom. Enjoy.

Bon apptit.

- Thank you.

- So, get ready.

Your life is about to change.

I might be known in these parts

for my blueberry pancakes.

Jill did say she wanted you

to be pampered.

- Well, it is working.

- Mm.

I am a firm believer that breakfast

is the most important meal of the day.

Every single bite should be savored.

Most people, they just grab a protein bar

and rush out the door.

Well, sometimes, you gotta rush.

Yeah, but sometimes, you have to savor.



That was just like really good.

Hey, guys. Perfect timing.

Emma, would you like to learn

how to make some body butter?

Yes, please.

I love body butter.

It's so rich and luscious.

Well, it doesn't have any water in it,

like lotions and creams.

That's why it's so rich.

So, this is shea butter,

and I'm gonna add some jojoba oil to it.

It's a carrier oil,

so it'll make it more malleable

and will absorb better

in the skin. Alright?

And now, I'm going to mix it all up.

And you can smell the hibiscus.

- Mm-hmm.

- Good.


Now, I'm going to put it

in the refrigerator

for it to harden.

- She's amazing.

- She's incredible.

And while we wait,

let's have a little fun.

Don't go for second best, baby

Put your love to the test

You know, you know you've got to

Got to express how you feel

And maybe then you'll know

your love is real

- What are you doing?

- Hey!

Make him love you till you can't come down

Are you ready for my favorite part?

I'm on it.

- Now, I am really intrigued.

- I -- It's true.

This is our secret w*apon -

an old-fashioned hand mixer.

And let's add a little

something to make it special.

Uh, okay, these are essential oils

made from plants in our garden.

What about...

Ooh, let's add some lavender.

Eh, I mean -- I mean, yeah,

it's a classic for skin care,

but let's do something a little more fun.

Okay. Um...


A little anise hysop?

- Some licorice mint action.

- Mm.

- Why don't we let Emma pick?

- Yes. Of course. Of course.

- Emma -

- Alright, so what -

what would fit that

Classically Emma community?

- Hmm.

- Okay.

Whatever you want.

Well, I do love rose.

Ooh. Maple.

Made from our very now maple trees.

You know, I have been doing some research,

and studies have shown that maple leaf

extract reduces wrinkles.

But you guys probably use maple

all the time.

Actually, you know,

just for the bath bombs.

I always get distracted by other plants.

Sounds like it's calling

your name, so go for it.

- Add a few drops.

- Okay.

That's perfect.


I think she should do the honors.

Yes. Absolutely.

- Oh, I shouldn't.

- It's just like mixing batter,

and you do know how to bake, right?

If I remember that claim

from last night at dinner.

It's okay. I mean, unless

you're too scared.

Uh, do -

do you mind if I film you?

Oh. No.

That's a great idea.

- Perfect.

- Okay.

- And go for it.

- Hey, everyone.

It's me, Emma, and today, I want

to thank Vermont Botanicals

for sharing their secret w*apon

in the fight against dry skin.

A hand mixer.

So, now I am going to make

maple body butter with, uh,

maple essential oil

from their very own maple trees.

Wish me luck.


Let's try this.

That's great!

- Perfect.

- Okay.

I think we have a winner.

Mm. Oh.

It reminds me of cozy night,

staying in, baking with the family.

So, ladies and gentlemen,

the very first, exclusive,

Classically Emma maple body butter.

You guys, that was so good.

Wait, our new shipment

just came in at the post office.

C-Can you show Emma the rest of the line?

- Uh, sure.

- Okay.

I'll be back in just a few.

Just a few.

Uh, gosh.

I have a lot to learn.

This is nice.

Alright, we gotta mix it

a little bit more, though.


See how it's not quite rubbing in?

- Mm-hmm.

- Okay.

So, add some more -

add some more maple to it.


Don't be shy.

Like the pancakes this morning.

Just go for it.

- Alright, ready?

- Mm-hmm.

So, that's actually one

of our most popular elixirs.

And then, of course, your

soon-to-be maple body butter.

Ah. Sorry.

You're quite the multi-talent.

Jar filler.

Football player. Bread baker.

Chicken feeder.

Okay, are you sure there's

a compliment in there somewhere?

You do make the most heavenly

blueberry pancakes I ever had.

Well, thank you.

So, uh, what's your biggest seller?

Uh, honestly, anything with lavender.


And did you know it's been

shown just the smell of lavender

can help relieve mood and elevate stress?

So, basically, it makes you happy?

Uh, yeah. Yeah, it can.


This is our lavender serum.

- Okay.

- So, smell it first.

Mm. Mm. That is nice.

- And then, do you want some?

- A little bit.

- Just a touch.

- Ooh.

And just rub that around.


You know, you never did answer

my question.

What makes you happy?

Apart from lavender, of course.

Uh, well, my -- my family.

Jill succeeding, and the inn doing well.

What makes you happy?

The operative word being "you."

You know, I just haven't

really asked myself

that question in a long time.


I know what you mean.

What do they say, though, it's

the -- it's the simple things?

Like a sunset and a smile.

I'm happy right now.

Me, too.

That's our lavender serum.

Yeah. Mm.

That's -- That's great.

Um, you know, I actually have

a bunch of content

I should send to Trevor to post.

Yeah, I-I have to finish

bottling this load, too.


You said you wanted to see

how Vermont Botanicals started, right?

How about that hike?

I was planning to post about it.

- It is work.

- I'll just go change.

Alright, Miss Adventurous,

so, uh, Trail names.

Some people just make up their own.


But I believe it has to be

bestowed upon you

by another hiker, such as moi.

- So what's yours?

- Mine is the Edge-ster,

and it's 'cause I always stop

at the steepest edges

looking for the most perfect views.

Mm, I can totally relate.

What should yours be?

Let's do City Girl.

I'm assuming you mean that

as a compliment, right?

Okay, maybe something else.

Um, what about

Butterfly Whisperer?

Butterfly Whisperer.

I like it.


Uh, I also want to apologize.

I want to apologize for being

wary when you first got here.

I really didn't see how your business

was gonna be complementary to ours.

And, uh, I can be a little

overprotective of Jill.

It's one of the perils

of being a bigger brother.

Yeah. I have a confession

to make, as well.

- What is it?

- I didn't want to come.

I thought it would be a waste of time,

and my team wouldn't let me back out.


So the truth finally comes out.

Um, I take my apology back.

Hey, sorry, no take backs.

Okay, fair enough.

I, uh,

I do have a question, though.

Okay, I have an answer.

You know how you joked about an exclusive

Classically Emma maple body butter?

I wasn't joking.

You were thinking the same thing?

Yeah. Yeah, I think it'd be

a really smart partnership.

How about not just body butter,

but an entire maple line

for Classically Emma?


I like that.


Good afternoon, Carl.

Betty. Good afternoon.

- You're looking dapper.

- Why, thank you.

- What's the occasion?

- I just wanted to ask you...

Uh, what do you think?

I've been getting some fashion tips

from that young lady you met.

She's a big New York City style guru, so...

I thought you always

looked good. Always have.

I mean, the whole clothes make

the man thing is such nonsense.

A true gentleman shines

from the inside out.

Betty would you like to -

Betty to the register, please.

Y-You better go.

We can chat later.

What were you gonna ask?

J-Just some -- some advice -

some advice about -

about this, um, this, uh, this face cream.

- You're buying face cream?

- Yes.

Market research. Uh...

But I'm good.

You just go and check on your staff.

Okay. See you later?

Carl, next time, pick a better fib.

Will do.

So, when do I get to hear

this origin story?

Patience, we're almost there.

I'm a New Yorker,

I'm impatient.

You're a transplant.

But okay, our story begins in spring,

and Jill was out

walking in this very field,

and then she looks out

and she sees it entirely

covered in wildflowers.

And then she gets so inspired

that she goes

and buys wildflower seeds

and starts planting them at the Inn.

And then Dad, of course, he starts saying,

"What do wildflowers have to do

with the Maple Seed Inn?"

Next thing we knew, she started

making these handmade soaps

for the guest bathroom,

and they became so popular

that she started making

all these other toiletries.

Then she just wanted

the finest ingredients,

so she started planting them at the inn,

and the rest is history.

- She found her passion.

- Yeah.

Yeah, she did.

How about you?

I think sometimes you can

just get so comfortable

with the little world that you've created

that it's hard to see beyond it sometimes.

Until someone comes by and opens

your eyes to the possibilities.

I bet that's how Jill felt

when she saw all of these wildflowers.


Yeah, perhaps.

Perhaps that same magic will strike twice.


You can tell her.

Oh, my gosh.

This is beautiful.

You guys were gone for a long time.

Yeah, and you never seem to stop working.

Well, you know I get

inspiration out here sometimes.

- I know.

- How was your hike?

Oh, so nice.

The trail was gorgeous,

and Jesse showed me

the famous wildflower spot.

And I had a question.

- Yeah.

- We had a question.

So, the maple body butter we made,

what would you say to partnering on it?

Well, more than just the body butter.

We're talking an exclusive

Classically Emma maple line.

Wait, seriously?

Are you joking?

Come on, would I do that?

Okay, maybe I would,

but would Emma do that?

- So that's a yes?

- Yes!


I was wondering, what would you both say

to having a little announcement party

while I'm still here at the Inn?

Make a big splash.

- I-I would love that.

- Yeah, that sounds great.

- Should we do it in the barn?

- Yeah, we -- we have lights

that we can string to make it sparkle.

- Oh, man!

- Is everything okay?

This darn ice cream machine.

I can't figure out what's wrong.

I want to make maple creemees

for the party.

What can I do to help?

You know anything

about ice cream machines?

I did work at an ice cream shop.

Um, what's the problem?

It's the texture.

It's too runny.

It's not freezing up the way it should.


It's too close to the wall.

There's not enough venting space.

It's restricting the air flow

and overheating the ice cream.

- Thus the melty mess.

- That's my guess.

Here, let's pull it from the wall.

- Wait, let me help you.

- Okay.

- One, two, three.

- Great.

Alright, let's just give it a few minutes.

Okay. Thanks a lot, Emma.

I owe you one.

You know, I did come down

for a sweet treat, after all.

Well, maple deliciousness coming right up.

I can now say without hesitation

that you've not fully lived

until you've had a maple creemee.

Carl, you are my hero.

Let's just say we make a good team.

Yes, we do.

I tell you, between this

and the blueberry pancakes,

I may never leave.

Mmm. Okay, Carl, time to spill the tea.

What is up with you and Betty?

- There's no tea to spill.

- But why?

Betty is clearly crazy about you,

and you like her, right?

- That I do.

- And?

I don't know if I'm ready

to start dating yet.

Well, you won't know until you try.

And Jill and Jesse seem

to think it's a great idea.

I-I don't think they would be

so encouraging

if they didn't think you were ready.

I guess.

Why don't you invite Betty to the party?

That'll take the pressure

off of it feeling like a date.

You can just go in, have fun, relax.

- It'll be easy.

- Hmm.

Maybe I will.


Ah, well, I really should be

getting to bed.

Thank you for the creemee, Carl.

- Goodnight, Emma.

- Goodnight.



Thank you.

So, welcome to the country store.

This is literally the heartbeat

of the town,

and it's the best place to go

if you want to find out

what's up with anything.

It is so charming.

Well, it's been charming

locals and tourists alike

for over 100 years.

I'm just gonna go do my shopping.

Oh, uh, let me know if you

need any help picking out items.

I think I'm good.

I know exactly what I want.


It is like a maple wonderland.

Yeah. Yeah, it is.

It's maple-yummy.

- What?

- Nothing.

No, you can't -

you can't do something like that

and not tell me.

- What?

- Maple-yummy?


It's a little corny, don't you think?

Well, I think it's maple-icious.


Let me see.

Yeah. You'll love it.

Jesse, can you please help

your dad make up his mind

- on his sandwich order?

- A sandwich order?

Dad, since when have you had

a sandwich you didn't like?

I can be choosy.

I -- But you know what?

You go ahead and order.

Take your time.

Uh, okay, so Emma has

never been to Vermont before.

I wanted to introduce her

to some of our finest cheeses

that we have.

If you could just bag up

whatever your favorite currents are,

that'd be amazing.

Coming right up.

Life is better with cheddar.

- Right?

- Unless you're a mouse.

You see, the whole thing

about mice loving cheese,

well, that's simply not true.

Mice actually prefer nuts

and fruit, grains.

But I, myself,

I-I prefer cheese.

Everything's better with cheese.

True that.

Uh, could I get some bread, as well?

Have you decided, Carl?

Um, take a baguette.

- Is that it?

- Yep.

Charge it to our account.

So, Betty, Jesse and I

are actually partnering

on a new skincare line,

and we're announcing it

at a big party tomorrow night.

You know, people are coming in

even from New York City.

Well, that sounds like quite the shindig.

Why don't you come?

I'm -- We'd really be -

I would be very happy if you would come.

Well, I think I can dig up

some dancing shoes.


Well, it was lovely to see you.

Thank you.

Uh, I'm gonna give you a call later

for the food order for the party.

- Sounds good.

- Thank you, Betty.

Okay, I'm sorry, am I missing something?

No idea.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I swear, I've -

I've never seen my dad act

this way before.

I don't know what you're doing to him.

He bribed me with ice cream.

It's a totally one-sided relationship.

Really? It's one-sided?

- Mm-hmm.

- And ice cream's involved?

- It always works.

- Well, well, well.

What do we have here?

It's lovely.

I did promise you

a food-tasting excursion.

So, of course we have strawberries.

We do have a couple different

kinds of cheeses,

so may want to try a cheese next.

- Mm-hmm.

- This is a smoked chili Asiago.

- Mmm.

- Phenomenal.

Okay. Ooh.

- Want to try that?

- Mm-hmm.

No, no, no.

That's better on bread.

You're going for it anyway.

I -- Don't say

I didn't warn you.

I can't tell if that's enjoyment

or confusion on your face right now.

- Oh, that's good.

- Y-You're lying.

- You got to try it.

- Thank you, I will pass.

Oh, come on.

Are you not daring?

- Really?

- You know you want to.

That's what you're going with?

I know. I know, I'm sorry.

Mmm. That's so good.

Why would you do that to me?

I can't help it.

Smoked chili and maple butter

is not a good combination.

- Nope.

- Okay, we can be friends again.

So, I'm gonna use those for the extracts.

So, what do you miss

most about your hometown?

I used to jog on the beach

early in the mornings.

It was just me, the crashing

waves, the seagulls.

It was soothing to the soul,

yet motivating at the same time.

Was it hard to go from that to New York?


No, just a different vibe in New York.

You know, the energy

of the city, the people.

Their passions and their drive.

I love both places very much,

just in different ways.


So then what are your thoughts

about Vermont?

I'm starting to see the appeal

of the Vermont pace.

How about you?

Have you ever left Vermont?

Uh, yeah.

I did for college.

I-I came back after my mother passed away.

- I'm sorry.

- Oh, it's -- it's okay.


Yeah, my -- my family really

needed me, especially Jill.

So, I came back, helped take

care of them for a little bit,

and then I left and I got my MBA,

did the whole corporate finance thing.

Very quickly realized

that that world was not for me.

Um, yeah.

And I also realized

that my business acumen

could be better served

taking care of my family

or helping them out

instead of some corporate behemoth.

- Yeah.

- I don't know, enough about me.


Come on. Sit up.


May I have your hand?

"To see a World in a Grain of Sand.

And to see a Heaven in a Wild Flower."

William Blake.


It's beautiful.

Thank you.

You're very welcome.

So, do you make lots

of wildflower bracelets?


I-I haven't wanted to make one

for a very long time, until now.

- Really?

- Yeah.

Oh! I'm sorry.

No, you were -- that's...

It's alright. It's fine.

Oh, here.

That one looks like a dog.

Right there.

A dog wearing a top hat.

Yeah, it's getting ready to go to a party.

I bet you they're serving

maple butter there.


Let me help carry something.

No, no need, no need.

I got it.

Dad. You broke out the old porch bench.

Yeah. I though it'd be perfect

for the party.

Give it a little old-school inn charm.


It's an amazing piece.

I'm glad you like it.

Oh. I'm sorry.

I-I have to take this.

Hi, Trevor.

I'm just gonna go, uh,

throw this in the washer.

- Mm-hmm.

- It looks good, Dad.

- You think -

- Shh! Don't jinx it.

Yes, Absolutely.

So, who have you been able

to wrangle for coverage

at the party tomorrow?

Guess who didn't say no this time?


You could sweet talk my grandma

into skydiving.

And I would, too, if I wasn't so scared

of your mother telling me off.

She's not that bad.

I will send you photos and videos tonight,

and keep the buzz growing.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Okay, bye.

Uh, yes, let's move

that table closer to me.

Perfect. Right there.

Okay, and then we'll grab

this other table, yeah,

and just bring it closer to me, as well.

I want to make it symmetrical

with this one.

Keep going, uh-huh.

Okay, a little bit to the left,

and that's it right there.


Dad, those are beautiful!

There are more in the car.

- I'll get 'em.

- I love these.

Carl, those are perfect.

Thank you.

And we have a string quartet playing.

- What?

- Oh, my God!

We can put 'em right here!

- It's perfect.

- Dad, you're the best!

Okay, okay, we have a party

to get ready for.

Okay. What's next?

I think it's time to open the doors.


Oh, I wanna dance with somebody

I wanna feel the heat with somebody

Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody

With somebody who loves me

Oh, I wanna dance with somebody

I wanna feel the heat with somebody

Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody

Who wants some cold apple cider?

Oh, I do!

What's with all the standing around?


You know I don't go anywhere

without my girl.


Everyone, this is Trevor,

my Classically Emma right hand.

Well, hi, Trevor.


Let me show you to your room.

- From Francesca.

- Thank you.

Don't mind if I do.

Oh, sh**t!

I forgot to put towels in Trevor's room.

This is the preliminary

agreement from Francesca.

- We should sign it.

- Uh, hi.

Um, if someone could show me

where to get set up, that would be great.


Here, follow me.

Thank you.


Oh! Help, please.

- Help has arrived.

- Emma, you look amazing!

Thank you.

You look gorgeous.

Thank you!

Okay, so these dresses

have been flown straight

from New York City.

There must be something in there.

Let's see.

Okay, no.

No. Uh, no.

And this has possibilities.

But it needs a little more flair.

I'm on it.

Nothing too over the top, though.

- Do you mind?

- No, not at all.

It's better, but it's not

really Jill's vibe.

We need it to scream, "Look out, world,

- Jill has arrived."

- Exactly.

Thank goodness we brought all our goodies.

- Oh, my -- they're gorgeous!

- Go try them on.

- Really?

- Yes.

Thank you, thanks!

- Isn't she adorable?

- She really is.

- Good work.

- Always.

I missed you.

Oh, hello!

- Oh, yeah.

- What do you think?

You like it?

I love it. Spin, spin.

Oh! Oh, yeah.


Okay, one, two, three.

- Classically Emma.

- Classically Emma.

- Oh!

- Hello, gorgeous!

Oh, my goodness.


Come on!

I vote little black dress.

You can never go wrong with a classic.

Now, I think you look stunning

in all of them,

but they don't really

capture your essence.

There's a photo in the lobby of you

wearing a simple yet elegant floral dress.

That was my mother's dress.

I know exactly where it is, too.

Be right back.

Classic work, Emma.

Is this seat taken?

- You came.

- Of course.

I told you I would.

Besides, I'm not as good

at fibbing as you are.

May I have this dance?

But there's no music.

We'll just have to make our own.

You're making me look good.

Guests are arriving.

Don't worry,

Carl's manning the door.

What the...

Trevor, is that...

Edward Hawk?

New York's leading investor in beauty

and cosmetic companies?

- What is he doing here?

- Mm.

What do you guys think?

You look lovely.

We're almost there.

Just when he thinks a look is complete...

I add just one more thing.

Oh, Trevor, this is beautiful.

You guys, thank you so much

for everything.

I'm gonna go put this on

and I'll see you guys down there, okay?

- Okay.

- Okay.

Nice work.

Now, I think I will go have a chat

with the illustrious Mr. Hawk.

It's showtime, baby.

You know, getting

the Classically Emma brand

to promote you, that's significant.

- Very smart of you.

- Thank you.

I'm really pleased to hear that, Edward.


You really raised your profile.

But Classically Emma has no money,

nor the extensive skincare

industry connects that I have.

Uh, you are right,

Edward, but...

perhaps we just see things

a little differently now,

because when -

when Jill and I first

started Vermont Botanicals -

I think I know where you're headed.

- Have you signed anything yet?

- No.

No, actually, we have

the contract right here.

This is great.

We're gonna make some money together.

- Very nice, everything.

- Mm-hmm.

Thank you for coming.

And I'll see you inside.


Hi, Carl.

This was in the fridge.

Jesse asked me to give it to you.

He had some sort of business

to take care of.

- May I?

- Sure.

Just wanted to thank you

for everything you're doing

for my kids.

Jill, she's always carefree.

But Jesse, I -

it's been a long time

since I've seen him so -

him with such a spark.

It's what you've brought to him.

Is everything okay?

Yeah. Yeah.

You know you could tell me

if something was wrong.

I appreciate that, Carl.

But unfortunately, this isn't

something you can fix.

Well, my mom used to say

sometimes all we need

is someone to simply listen.

She sounds like a very wise woman.

That's one of many reasons

my father fell in love with her.

How did they meet?

On a train in Vermont.

There's something romantic about a train.

Yes, there is.

Now, once upon a time, my father

was getting off a train

when he saw my mom boarding.

He decided to stay on and...

and rode two hours in the wrong direction

just so he could speak with her.

By the time they got

to her stop, well, it was late.

He needed a place to stay

and ended up staying

right here in this very inn.

Isn't life funny sometimes?


It is.

Well, duty calls.

Remember, if you need a late-night chat,

my maple creemee stand is always open.

- Thank you, Carl.

- Yeah.

- Where'd you go?

- Trevor.

Okay, spill it.

What's wrong?

They were using us all along.

- Who?

- Jill and Jesse.

They were never interested

in a partnership.

They were using us for

social media and marketing

so that they could strike

a deal with Edward Hawk.

- B-But we had an agreement.

- No. We don't.

Conveniently, they didn't sign yet.

- What?

- I mean, who does that?

Especially someone who you...

Okay, Emma, what's really going on?

This is me you're talking to now.

I am just embarrassed, okay?

You know, I just -

I got sucked in.

I mean, I just don't know

how I could've misread

- everything so badly.

- Em, Em.

You're the strongest, smartest,

most fabulous woman

I've ever met, okay?

You'll find a way to turn this

into a Classically Emma success.

You always find a way.

How am I gonna break

the news to Francesca?

Don't worry about

Francesca, okay?

We can find a way to turn this into a big

marketing opportunity.

You know what? You are right.

It's just one product.

I-It's okay it didn't work out.

I mean, there's not just one product

that you're meant to be with

for the rest of your life.

Wait, wait, wait.

Are we talking about products

or are we talking about men?


Oh, I see what's going on.

So you've fallen for

the ruggedly handsome,

but geographically undesirable innkeeper.


- Maybe.

- Oh, Em.

And I just -

I thought he felt the same way.

And Jill, she seems so sincere.

I just -- I don't know how my instincts

could've been so wrong.

Well, it was me

who encouraged you to come.

Forced me to come.

It's all my fault.

- I know. It is.

- Come here, come here.

You'll feel better about this

once we get back to New York,

okay, where you belong.

But first, you have

a presentation to lead.

- It's showtime, baby.

- I'm ready.

Hi, everyone.

I'm Emma Reynolds.

Thank you all for joining us tonight.

Classically Emma would not be

what it is today without your support.

I came to the Maple Seed Inn

in search of something.

I call it meaningful coziness.

Where meaning and connection are found

in the simple things

that bring us together.

And what I found with Jill

and Jesse

of Vermont Botanicals

was, um...

Was, um...

I'm sorry.

Is she okay?

It was supposed to be

a surprise for after the party.

I don't understand.

Me neither, Emma.

What happened back there?

I should be the one

asking you that question.

I mean, I can almost accept

the business betrayal,

but the personal one?

- Was it all a lie?

- I-I'm sorry,

but I have no idea

what you're talking about.

I would've believed that

right up until Edward Hawk

ripped up our agreement.

- You saw that?

- Yeah.

Emma, I don't know -

I don't know how Edward

found out about the party.

I didn't tell him.

I knew him from our corporate

finance days,

and he had zero interest in Jill and I

until Classically Emma came on the scene.

He would make your company

an overnight success.

He would make us huge.

But it's -- it's not worth

what it would cost.

Which is what?


Emma, I-I want to partner with you.

If you still don't believe me...

It's your very own key to the inn.

For an office here,

since we'll be working together.

If that's something that

you're still interested in.

I don't know what to say.

You asked me what makes me happy,

and I've been avoiding

the question this entire time

because I didn't know

until you came into my life.

Emma, you gave me a glimpse

of what true happiness really feels like.

And I can't imagine my world

without you in it.

The only thing that truly scared me

wasn't losing out

on the business partnership.

It was that I thought

I lost you.



- What?

- The announcement.

We have to get back to the party.

Let's do this, partner.

- May I?

- Please.


Trevor! Do you -

Do you know what's going on?

I don't know.

We're gonna have to do something.

We're -

We're gonna have to go up.

- You. Yeah, come on.

- Are you -- Okay.


Who wants some, uh,

free maple body butter?


To the woman in the green dress.

Uh, what's more cozy than

a tie-dye beanie, am I right?

Everything's up to up

to our cozy-meister, Emma.

Ain't nobody know cozy like she do.


- Emma!

- Emma!


Emma, Emma, Emma, Emma,

Emma, Emma, Emma, Emma,

Emma, Emma, Emma, Emma...

- There she is!

- Yeah!

Looks like they have something

to announce, too.

We do.

To partnerships.

In fact, I would like to think

of us all as partners,

because a true partnership

transcends any one person's needs.

It's a coming together,

having each other's backs,

and in its authenticity,

creating something truly special.

So, with that said,

I am pleased to announce

that Vermont Botanicals

and Classically Emma

have united to create our

very own maple skincare line.

So, please, everyone, raise your glass

for a toast to maple dreams

and to our newest partner,

Classically Emma.

- Cheers.

- Cheers.

You know,

I do have one more thing

- that I want to discuss with you.

- Oh?

I have a suggestion for what

meaningful coziness means to me.


Well, it looks like you and me

snuggled up under a blanket

in front of the fireplace,

sipping hot chocolate.

And savoring some of your

heavenly blueberry pancakes?

Would you guys just kiss already?

May I?