Mystic Christmas (2023)

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Mystic Christmas (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

[audio logo]

JUNIPER: I'm not

saying it's bad to get

emotionally attached to humans.

I don't want you thinking

that I'm bringing that kind

of energy into the holidays.


But after a few months,

Lionel completed

the program that we designed

to break his dependence on us.

He could finally survive

in the wild again.

It was hard, but he wasn't meant

to spend his life in one place.

It's a big world out there.


And we all deserve to see it.



[glasses clinking]

Thank you.

It can't be the

best Christmas song

if it's less than 30 years old.

Says who?

Says me!

Am I wrong?


WOMAN: Of course you're wrong.

Everyone knows the best

song is "Good King Wenceslas."

I like the donkey song.

Ah, yes!

And more than 30 years old.


Who wants to go back to

my house for [non-english]??

Ooh, you're coming?

Oh, I'm maybe

going to head home.

Oh, but you must come!

We won't take no for an answer.

(NERVOUS) Um... oh, sorry.

Oh, you know what?

I have to get this.

But brunch tomorrow?






Bless you.

Oh, I'll take it.

But what did I do?

JUNIPER (ON PHONE): Uh, you just

rescued me from a house party

with a horde of rapidly

chatty marine biologists

whose idea of having

fun is discussing

archaic Christmas songs.

Oh, they're making

you socialize?

The audacity!


too much pressure, Candace.

Welcome to our home.

Here are our things.

Do you like them?

Can we get you anything?

Ooh, and while you

were thinking about it,

you forgot to take

off your shoes,

and you messed up our home.

Please go, now.

Has that happened, or...


No, because I

don't go to house parties after

receptions after speeches.

You know I'm an introvert.

I like a slow burn.

I need to share a dorm

room for a semester first.

CANDACE (ON PHONE): I remember.

Hey, are you

staying in Amsterdam

for the Christmas season?


am trekking across Norway

to go see the northern lights.

Oh, that sounds amazing.

Don't do it.

Come to Mystic and save me.

Keep talking.

The head of my

rescue program quit,

and I just got a call

asking the center

to take in a stranded seal.

I know you don't like

getting stuck in one place

for too long, so I promise...



You had me at stranded seal.

Thank you!


Hey, the northern lights will

be there next year, right?

Visibility is decreasing

every year until 2025.

But essentially, yes.

Oh, and a quick

note, I am flying

to South Africa for a gig

the day after Christmas.


ready for release before then.

Oh, and you can stay with me. Yeah.

We're a shoes-on

house, and I don't

care if you like my stuff.

Quick question.

Yes, my brother

still lives in Mystic.



Yeah, your brother is great.


Yeah, he's kind and hilarious.

And, you know, yeah, sure,

maybe I spent the most romantic

weekend of my life with Sawyer.

My wedding weekend.

Yeah, after which I

wrote the most mortifying

email I've ever sent.

And yet, I never

tire of the details.

What was it,

something celestially?

I said that he helped

me find the place

in my heart, where celestial joy

and miraculous safety coexist.


More like celestially embarrassing.

And then I begged him to

come visit me in Alaska,

and he never responded.


he did and you ghosted him.

Are you sure you didn't

just miss his email?

Yeah, right, I've been

inbox zero since eighth grade.

This is going to

be weird, isn't it?


It's been ten years.

It won't be weird.


That is going to be so weird!

Juniper said it wouldn't be.

She's wrong, which is unusual

for someone so smart and funny,

and who, after the most

romantic weekend of my life,

just decided...

OK, how did everyone have

a better time at my wedding

than I did?

Because you had a terrible date.

- Ooh.


Anyway, Juniper gets in today.


As in this today?

I meant to mention that sooner.


No, you didn't

tell me because you

knew I'd be annoying about it.

If so, I am quite clever.

Yeah, ruthlessly clever.

I need to go to school now.

You got it, boss.




We're not done!

OK, brother deserves a heads up.

That's all I'm saying.

Sawyer, do you have

time to stop by the cafe

and discuss the toy drive?

Yeah, I sure do.

How about, uh, 11:00?

- Perfect.

- Cool.

See you then.

SAWYER: Sounds good.

All right.

OK, so I was saying...

Susie, how are the Christmas

lights treating you?

A few strings came

down in the storm.

Oh, no, say no more.

I'll be by later to

string them back up.

You're a peach.

No, it's Christmas.

Call me a sugarplum.


Hey, as I was saying...

Oh, sorry, one second.


Hey, I found the suitcase

you wanted to borrow.

Can I just drop it

off after close?


You'll barely see each other.

Juniper will be at

the rehab center,

and your every minute is

accounted for from now

until Christmas.

What does that mean?

[scoffs] What does

your day look like?

I have breakfast with you,

and then I'm going to work.

And then?

Then I'm popping

by the coffee shop.

And then?

Then restringing Susie's lights,

going back for the dinner

shift, and then dropping

the suitcase off at Michael's.

What else?

That's it.

You're picking

me up from school.


CANDACE: You do too much.

Yeah, you're right.

I'm leaving Lou at school.

[chuckles] It wouldn't

k*ll you to have a hobby

that wasn't being helpful.

I do.

I almost finished

a book this year.

About what?

Time management.

No, I'm just... [laughs]

I'm just kidding.

It's about alien cowboys.

I'll slow down... next year!

[festive music]




Can I, by any chance,

get a charge for my phone?

Oh, of course.

There are outlets

along that wall.

Oh, great, thank you.

I was wanting to finish

this audiobook on the train

and just playing a little fast

and loose with my battery life.

Can I offer you a cup of coffee?

Yes, please.

And could I get a

good recommendation

for a cab company?

Where are you headed?

To the Mystic Aquarium

and Rehab Center.

Sawyer can give you a ride.



Uh, were you down

there the whole time?

Yeah, I thought it'd be weird

if you walked in and saw me,

so I hid.

Yeah, that made it weirder.

- It sure did.

- I see that now.

You want a ride?

No, you don't...

You don't have to.

He doesn't mind.

I don't mind.

No, it's fine.

It's fine if I do

give you a ride or fine

if I don't give you a ride?


So what...

Give the woman a ride, Sawyer.

It's on his tab.

Welcome to Mystic.

So thanks again

for... for driving me.

Oh, yeah.

It's on the way

to the restaurant.


How is the restaurant?

It is good.



How are the seals?

The... the seals?


All the seals in

the entire world?


Yeah, you know, besides human

existence impeding on them,

um, generally OK.



Yeah, good.

How's Alaska?

Oh, I've moved from there

a while ago, 12 times since.

That's fun.


Time, huh?

[awkward chuckle]

Yep, time.

And we're here.

Oh, good.

You know, I can take

your bag to the hotel

so you don't have

to lug it around.

Didn't Candace tell you?

I'm staying at her house.

Ruthlessly clever.

We will be seeing a lot

of each other, then.

Sawyer, whatever happened

between us, you know,

who did or didn't email who...

I emailed you back.

You didn't.

But let's just say past

is past, clean slate.

Yeah, I think

that's a great idea

and quite in the

Christmas spirit.

Also, I responded.

You did not.

But I will see you around.

Check your spam!

It's been 10 years!

[festive music]

CANDACE: I hope that's

your impressed face.



I'm only going to say thank

you, like, 400 more times.

You don't need to say it once

if you bring me to the seal.

Of course.

[chuckles] Come on.

She's a harbor seal

found weak and dehydrated

in Maine back in September.

Oh, no.

So this probably isn't even

her first time being stranded.


They were preparing

her for release,

but they just lost

all their funding,

and they just didn't feel

like she was quite ready.

OK, so we're just

wrapping up her journey.

That was the hope.

But when she got here,

she wasn't eating.

So we are back to force feeding.

That's not good.

What's her name?


Maine named her, but our

animal rescue interns love it.


Did I not mention

that in addition

to overseeing the staff,

you're also responsible

for three post-grads?

[gasps] Oh, my gosh, it's her.

This is Peter,

Eric, and Theresa.

I read your paper about

spotted seals four times.

Did you really do a

semester in Antarctica?

I have thoughts

about UMEs, and I'd

love to hear your feedback.

What's it like living on a boat?

Guys, guys, come on.

Let's give Dr. Jones

a chance to settle in.

Thank you.

How was your train

ride, and where

are you staying, and do you

need any recommendations

while you're here?

Just... quick second, please.

Before you say anything, if you

can prepare seals

for release, you can

prepare interns for the world.

That is not true

and maybe offensive.

I am not a mentor.

You're great at

explaining things.

Eric read your paper four times.

OK, yes, fine, I am

excellent on paper,

and I am a great public

speaker when I am prepared.

But as a teacher on the

fly, I mean, I just...

I get all confused,

and I mix up my words.


You are a huge deal to them.

I assure you, I am

a regular-sized deal.

You'll be great...

Or at least fine.

[whimsical music]

Welcome back.

You guys good?

Hey, Brooke.

You're early for your shift.

I am because I'm

very responsible.

Yes, you are.

Although, I sense special

meaning behind that statement.

I would like to take on

management responsibilities.


I manage, and Paul manages.

OK, but what if there's

a conflict someday,

and you can't come in, and Paul

has a wedding or something?

Paul doesn't like weddings.

Besides, you're in high school.

No, I was in high

school when you hired me.

I'm graduating college.


Wait, how old am I?


So managing is the sort of

experience I need before going

out into the big, wide world.

I will think about

thinking about it.

I accept.

I got to be honest,

you look good.

You look healthy.

You look strong.

But we have got to break you

of this force-feeding habit.

The rehab restaurant

is officially closed.


Should we step back?

We should step back.

We'll step back.


That's a good idea.

We're going to start a foraging

program for Peppermint.

Does that mean

we're only scattering

live feed from now on?

We will be scattering

live food while also using

other enrichment techniques.

Does that sound

good, Peppermint?

So what do we do now?

I'm going to give

Peppermint an exam,

but I really don't

need help with that.

So you guys should go take

stock of the supply room.

All of us?

Sure, that's great.

More the merrier, right?



[nervous chuckle]

That went well!

Come on in.

JUNIPER: Oh, my gosh,

the place is so cute!

Thank you.

You need to decorate

my dream home one day.




BOTH: How are you?

- I'm great.


Oh, that's good.

How was work?

Work was great.

I was not.

No, you'll find your feet.

Hey, Lou, do you

remember Juniper?

You're reading The Wild Dragon?

You know it?

Uh, yeah, the first

trilogy is amazing.

I was obsessed

with Dragon Riders,

but this series is gold.

It is.

My favorite is The Ring of Fire.

[gasps] Ooh, so, Louisa,

no pressure, but which Craft

House do you think you'd be in?

So this is where

you'll be staying.

Ooh, should I get,

like, a tent or something?

You're welcome.

[door creaking]


[knock on door]

I come bearing an olive branch.

That looks more

like olive pizza.

No, no olives, just our

seasonal Christmas pizza.

Ooh, snickerdoodles

and tomato sauce?

Nope, just a perfect balance

of sauce, spinach, and cheese.

Well, that sounds incredible.

Thank you.

Well, enjoy the pizza.

Maybe I'll try your

snickerdoodle thing next year.

Sawyer, wait, um,

did you eat dinner yet?

This is a little awkward.

Oh, no, it's very awkward.

But it shouldn't be, right?

I mean, past is past.

You said it.

We're new people.

So do you want to play

the questions game?

You invented it.

Remember, you said you learned

more from hypotheticals?

Oh, my... we played

in the coat closet

after you stole wedding cake.

We stole.

Fair, fair.

OK, if you had to be a roommate

of any fictional character,

who would it be?

Oh, easy, Batman.

Cool toys, no

problem paying rent,

and he's always out at

night, so the TV is mine.

OK, you can only

use one condiment

for the rest of your life.



[laughs] For the rest of your...


I like what I like.

I had spent this

Christmas in Poland,

and the host had

made the most amazing

mushroom and sauerkraut dish.

It was...

How many different places

have you spent Christmas?

It would have been 12 if I

went to Norway this year.

I mean, the northern lights

would have been amazing.

Mystic is amazing.

And it also counts as

a place, by the way.

Oh, point taken.

Yeah, no, I haven't

repeated a Christmas

since I was in college.

That's a little sad.

Is it?

I mean, I've never

got why people

always fixated on

making every year

the same as the one before.

Well, because it's tradition.


But is it because you

like those things,

or just because

you remember them?

Hmm, that is the true

question of Christmas.

Your parents don't

mind that you're

never home for the holidays?

Well, my parents

are divorced, so home

isn't so obvious anymore.

That's rough.

Mmm, it was more rough

when they were together.

When I was little,

though, it was amazing.

They loved to travel,

so we went everywhere.

And then my dad had to take

over the family business,

so we moved back

home, and they just...

They felt trapped.

They get along so

much better now.

My mom married a lovely

cruise ship director.

Oh, and Dad?

He finally sold

the store last year,

and he is mountain

climbing in Nepal.

What about you?

Did you ever take that

epic European trip that you

were fantasizing about?

Not quite.

Um, my dad passed

three weeks after I got

to Italy, so I came back home.


Sawyer, I mean, I knew that...

I know that he's gone, but

I had no idea that timing.

I'm... I'm so sorry.

I keep telling myself

I'm going to go back,

but, you know, life.



Back to you.

Favorite international

Christmas tradition?

Oh, easy, Jolabokaflod.

Oh, yeah, of course, that

is the Swedish tradition

of making jolly baklava.

Did I get any of that right?



OK, all right.

[phone buzzing]

Ooh, pizza emergency.



I'm glad you asked me to stay.

I feel like we took an

uncomfortable situation

and downgraded it to

passingly uncomfortable.

You know, and who knows?

Maybe by the time I leave, it

won't be uncomfortable at all.

At which point, we will fall

for each other all over again,

and one of us will

stand the other one up,

and we will be right

back to where we started.

And I made that uncomfortable

again by saying that.

Yes, you did.

I was...

I was joking.

I know.

But you never know.

Celestially embarrassing.

Juniper, what were you thinking?

Your qualifications look great.

I will be in touch.

Thank you, bye.

Let's go, kiddo.

You're going to be

late for school.

I'd want to be in Harper

Hall because I love writing.

But I could never sing

or talk in public.

You know, I used to feel

that way about public speaking.

What changed?

I realized that my

ideas were too good,

and people deserve to hear them.

Oh, here you go.

What's SALSA?

Latin dance music

popularized in the '60s.

Come on, Candace.

You need to get out more.

OK, it's the South African

Local Seal Alliance.

It's the rescue organization

that's in Cape Town

that I'm volunteering

with next year.

I can't believe

you're leaving so fast.

Hey, I was always supposed to

do this before you called me.

I know, but I like you here.

I like being here too.

Well, in the event you

have a sudden change of heart

and you realize you simply must

stay in Mystic with your best

friend, the job is yours.

Well, if you knew how badly

it went with the interns

yesterday, you would

not suggest that.


You should go to

the Boat Parade.

THERESA: I've lived

here my whole life.

I really don't need

to see it again.


I don't think I'll

ever feel that way

about anything in Mystic.

Yeah, you should

get out for a bit.

- Good morning.

- Yeah, I know.

I really need to get into

that New Zealand program.

Did you know you can study with

so many different animals...


Good morning?

Sorry, you didn't

want to interrupt.

You know you're our boss, right?

Ooh, ick, pressure.

Maybe don't, you know,

think of me as your...

Your boss.

Think of me as head seal lady.

Speaking of, I had

written down some things,

organized my thoughts.

So in order to get

Peppermint ready for release

by Christmas, which

is 11 days away,

I want to combine the

enrichment program

we use for c*ptive seals with

the method we use for rescues.


Oh, please don't interrupt.

We'll work in shifts

of two from now on

and restrict verbal

communication in order to limit

her comfort with humans.

Any questions?

Peter and I will

take the first shift.

Eric and Teresa support

the veterinary staff.

Go, team.

Am I supposed to follow her?

I have no idea.

I have a proposition you

are not going to say yes to.

Terrible opening gambit.

Let me manage on Saturday night.

Saturday is the buyout for the

high school girls soccer team?

It is.

Absolutely not.


One, it's a party.

Two, high schoolers are animals,

especially the athletes,

especially the girls.

I'll manage.

You can't.

You are hosting trivia.

Paul will manage.

Paul has a wedding.

Let me sleep on it.

I didn't clock in yet.

I'm kidding!

[upbeat music]

She's going to put the ball in.



That's good.

Do you want to write that down?

She did great.

I was skeptical,

but you were right.

I am great with the new seals,

less good with new humans.

That's why I've been a little...


Your only crime is

being so apologetic

and maybe that kindergarten

thing with the lights.

Oh, valid, yeah.

Unsolicited advice?


If you won't trust

yourself, at least trust

that we're not judging you.

We're cool and kind

once you get to know us.

Roger that.

Hey, it's after hours.

Do you mind if I head out?

I was going to meet some

friends at the Boat Parade.


What's the Boat Parade?

Oh, to be young and

wide-eyed and new to Mystic!

It's only one of our

coolest Christmas events!

Wait, you don't know

about the Boat Parade?

Apparently not.

Uh, what are you doing here?

Oh, I dropped some decorations

off with Candace before heading

to the Boat Parade.

Am I the only one who doesn't

know about this Boat Parade?

It would seem so.

You should go.

Oh, no, I should stay here

and finish up some paperwork.

Well, I'm heading

over there now.

So if you did want

to go, we could...

Come with us!

Or we all could go?

I mean, if you... you know...

OK, you know?

Let's, uh... let's go.

Let's go.

Let's... let's all go.


[bridge-crossing bells]



I lived a few

places after college,

but everywhere was

either too big or too

small or too loud or too quiet.

That's very Goldilocks of you.

I know.

But then I got here, and it's...

Just right?

I mean, it's

vibrant, but it also

feels like a small community.

And, oh, the history!

Oh, ahoy!

My fine friends!

I have spotted my merry band.

Savor this Christmas moment.

And then there were two.

["I saw three ships" playing]

Wait for it.

[boat horn]

[cheering, applause]

[chuckles] Wait do

you see the elves?

[cheering, applause, boat horn]

It's beautiful.

Mystic magic.

Any town can have a tree.

[boat horn]

[cheering, applause]


Oh, do you see?



What do you know

about sand dollars?

My class went to the

beach, and I gathered

these so I wouldn't have

to make conversation

and accidentally say

something nobody liked.




So sand dollars are

a type of sea urchin.

And when they're alive,

they are many colors.

And they are covered

in tiny hairs that help

them put food in their mouths.

Then what's this?

That is its dead body.

CANDACE: It's a fossil.

You could've said fossil.

Skeleton, also less upsetting.

See, that's what happens when

I explain things on the fly.


So, Lou, what

are you going to do

with that bucket o' skeletons?

Well, maybe we can use

some of the craft supplies

and make sand dollar ornaments.

Can you come with me?

Sure thing.

Let's go.



I find crafting very satisfying.

And this is?

It's the northern lights.

I see.


Sawyer, aren't you

going to sit down

and relax and start painting?

Oh, I'm helping Louisa.

I'm actually OK.


Uncle Sawyer is bad at

doing things for himself.

He hasn't read a book all

year because the library

keeps asking for it

back before he finishes.

Isn't that sad?

The saddest.

Twice a traitor?


[sighs] OK.

Lou, that is awesome!

I brought it back to life.

Look at that cilia!

Excellent attention to detail.



May I go read in bed now?

If you leave the big light on.

But it's not cozy that way.

It's safer for

your eyes that way.

You've got a real

cool kid, Candace.

The coolest.

Mm-hmm, I know.

I like that she's herself

around you, Juniper.

Well, from one late bloomer to

another, she's going to be OK.

And this is what you'll

have to show for it.

Hey, I don't even see yours.

Well, in Mystic

tradition, the eldest male

does not reveal his sand

dollar until Christmas morn.

Yeah, you can't just make things

up and call them tradition.

Come on.

Where is it?

I'll never tell.

It's in his coat.



Ah ha!

You know, there is

a Canadian proverb

that says, don't spend so much

time decorating other people's

ornaments that

you don't ever get

a chance to decorate your own.

And to all a good night.

Come on, you can't

just make things up

and say they're

Canadian proverbs.

I don't want to know.

Don't want to know what?

Whatever this is, it's

going to end up in tears.

Juniper never stays in the same

place, and you never leave.

So my position is, I

don't want to know.

[festive music]

[bell ringing]


can I get for you?

Hi, I need an assortment

of pastries that says,

sorry about the lights.

Ooh, I'll need more context.

Are these for friends,

associates, frenemies?

Work acquaintances.

Strictly professional?

Trying to build a bridge.

Are you the boss?

I would say lead advisor.



Ha ha!


Ooh, ah.

You are a winter pastry warlock.

Thank you.

You're with the

rehab center, right?

Oh, um, the

uniform give it away?

I'm going to

throw in some savory

pastries because you've

got an anti-sweet

activist in your midst.


I love that one.

Good morning.

There's coffee and pastries

if anybody is interested.

Sift, she's

already a Mystic pro.

Hey, how was the Boat

Parade experience?



There's chocolate

raspberry croissants,

ginger molasses cookie,

pecan sticky bun,

and blueberry scones.

I'm a big splitter

if anyone wants

to try more than one thing.

I'd split a ginger

molasses cookie.


ERIC: Please don't

take it personally.

I hate sweets, but I

appreciate the gesture.

Never mind, it's fine.

I'll eat a scone.

Nobody needs to eat a

scone under duress, Eric.

We have savory croissants.

Nick never fails.

Thank you.


So it has been brought

to my attention...

By me.

Yes, by Peter, in spite

of what my anxious brain says,

you guys are not judging me,

and I should get to know you.

So let's start getting

to know each other.

Favorite Christmas song, I'll

go first, "Dominic the Donkey."

And right away, she puts the

no-judgement thing to the test.



Step aside, tree.

Oh, pff... oh, hi.

I'm getting ready to

decorate for the Mystic

Christmas Eve party slash

toy drive slash talent show.

That is a lot of slashes.

And on top of everything

else, we're hosting it

here at the aquarium this year.


- Can I say something grinchy?

- Always.

There's a planning meeting for

this tonight at the community

center, and I don't want to go.

Lou has a piano

lesson, and I have

to interview job candidates.

And, you know, on some

level, it's your fault that I

have to do these interviews.

On no level is it my

fault, but keep talking.

What if you went in my place?


Um, so is this

meeting, you know,

something that

Sawyer would be at?

OK, whatever is between

you, I don't want to know.


I'm just asking a question.

Here's another question.

What would I need to

do at this meeting?

Just make sure no one tries to

fill this place up with candles

or tigers or knives.


Oh, I'm going to get you the

most amazing thank-you gift,

a fruit basket.


Do you like persimmons?

Not really, but

I love a good pear,

and I really respect apples.



Are you volunteering?

Oh, I'm just standing

in for Candace.

Which, I don't know why, since

you and Theresa are here.

Oh, I'm here for the

Historical Society,

and Theresa is not

happy to be here.

No, I'm really not.

Theresa, we're

running low on coffee,

and volunteers

are getting antsy.

Come on.

Yes, Dad.

I didn't know that

Ken was Theresa's dad.

Small town.

Fun fact... we're

technically not a town.

We're a village and a

census-designated place.

Did you always integrate this

much into places you visit?

Um, I'm merely here on

tiger and candle defense

and just for the night.

You're going to get

roped into more than that.

PETER: It's true.

Ken is very persuasive.

Oh, I'm not so easily roped.

And Juniper will distribute

flyers, coordinate decorations,

and lead guided tours.

Meeting adjourned.

How... how... how...

How did that happen?

Juniper, here are the flyers.

And could you take

minutes next meeting?

Paige has book club.

Oh, I'm not going to

be here next meeting.

Candace will be back.

I can take the minutes.

No, Sawyer, your

handwriting is embarrassing.

Juniper will do it.

Oh, yeah.

How did he do that?


Peter, you have to help me

distribute these tomorrow.

Oh, I would, but I'm on duty

for the Historical Society.

Sawyer can help.

Sawyer is hosting trivia.

Sawyer is hosting

trivia at night.


Oh, I see what this is.

BOTH: There's nothing.

[nervous laughter]

I can help if you want,

but not if you don't want.

So, yeah, you know what?

What time is it?

Because I'm starving.

What are you in the mood for?




See, that's the drawback of

doing a different Christmas

every year.

You need to get your fill of

everything you love in a week.

Which is why people

repeat traditions.

Then this is a saucy, crispy,

spinachy point for tradition.

["joy to the world" playing]

Floors are mopped.

Tables are set.

Excellent work.

Is everything OK?

Tomorrow is Saturday.

It is.

And somebody needs to manage

that dreaded soccer girls


But Paul is at a

wedding, and you

are hosting Christmas trivia.

I have a plan.

Which is?

I'm cloning myself.




Brooke manage?

She hasn't managed before.

And round and round we go.

See, there is a saying in

marine veterinary circles,

if you give a seal a fish,

she'll eat for a day.

But if you teach a

seal to fish, she

will eat for a lifetime,

barring natural predators

and a decline in resources.

That's a saying, is it?

Mm-hmm, yup.

OK, fine, you can manage.

You will not regret this.

I won't.

Juniper will.

The world will

not burn down if you

abdicate some responsibility.

No, but my restaurant might.

You have insurance, right?

[laughs] Stop.

Tomorrow, Mystic

Village, 9:00 AM?

It's a date...


It's a date plan.

Were you about

to say it's a date,

and then you panic because

you thought I would think

that you meant romantic date?


[chuckles] See you tomorrow.

Ready for a day of flyering?

I've already begun.


What else you got in there?

Oh, tape, thumbtacks,

and about 4,000 staples.

And snacks?

Oh, no.

The secret agenda of

today isn't flyering.

It's "tour-or-ing."


Yes, Mystic, and we begin

with a life-changing experience.


So you think you've had good

pastries with your Frances

and your Swedens

and your Germany.

I haven't been to Germany.

You are so young, and your life

is about to change because

you have no idea just how...

Juniper, same as last time?

Fair enough.

So you've tried the

chestnut croissant, then?

I have not.

Are you holding out

on me, Nicholas?

Chestnut isn't an

everybody flavor.

Uh, it's a "thisbody" flavor.

Two chestnut

croissants, coming up.

BOTH: Ooh.

Mmm, OK, I'm going to

make a bold statement.

Can't wait.

Chestnut deserves the same

amount of fuss in winter

that pumpkin gets in fall.

I think people would

say gingerbread is

the winter pumpkin spice.

Well, those people are wrong.

Are you one of the

wrong people, Sawyer?

Team chestnut, all the way.

[laughs] Good.

That was my read on you.

When I was in Italy,

I had this chestnut

and sage tagliatelle.

I still think about

it once a month.

Have you tried recreating it?

Yeah, I tried and failed.

Just got to have it again when

I go back to Italy someday.



Oh, nothing.

It's just that's,

like, the second time

I've heard you say "someday."

Why haven't you been back yet?

Well, first of

all, I didn't know

I was with the travel police.

No, I'm just curious.

I mean, is it because

of the restaurant?

No, I stay for

people, not pizza.

OK, well, if you're going to

go back, why not go back now?

Right now, I need to flyer.

OK, come on.

You know what I mean.

Louisa is still young,

and there's always

an event or a commitment or...

You know, it's just

not the right time.

So where to now?

Now, a little time travel.


[upbeat music]

Welcome to the 19th

century on this fine morning.

Oh, nice getup.

Any chance we can leave

some of these flyers?

This contemporary calamity?

Absolutely not.


Toy drive donate, if you dare?


It's attention grabbing.

It's a little

ghosty for Christmas.

The best Christmas

stories are ghost stories.

A Christmas Carol?

Let me take a crack at it.

You know, actually, if

you want real Christmas

vibes, the Historical

Society is hosting

a lantern tour on Monday.


Two tickets.

I'm in.

And if you're not busy

tonight, Eric, Theresa, and I,

we're going to Christmas trivia.

You should join us.


I'll give my questions a

little international flair.

Yeah, I'll think about it.

There we go.


"'Tis the season of swimming

and the season of giving.

Come to the Mystic Christmas

Party and Toy Drive."

SAWYER: I do good work.


To be honest, I'm a bit partial

to Maine-style lobster rolls.

I'm a little wary of

butter as a mayo purist.

Just wait.

["joy to the world" playing]


Yeah, yeah.

How does it taste to be wrong?

Like, Maine can kiss it.

Yeah, Connecticut forever!


OK, so Christmas-themed


if you had a job

in the North Pole,

would you clear reindeer

stalls or alphabetize

the naughty list?

Easy, naughty list.

That's a softball.


Give me a tough one, smart guy.

If you had to spend every

Christmas in one place,

where would it be?

Easy, the Moon.

Because if I had to stay

in one place forever,

I would launch myself to

outer space in protest.


JUNIPER: Mm-hmm.

You're really

never settling down?

Not even if, like,

the right guy asked?

I mean, that's a trick question.

The right guy wouldn't ask.

And, you know, no, not never.

And I like the idea of one

town and one place, one home.


Why not now?

It's just not the right time.

Well, we should

get you to trivia.

No, no, no, Peter

was just being polite.

Well, then wouldn't

it be rude to no-show?

[door creaking]

[indistinct conversation]


Nobody wants to hang

out with their boss.

They'll be so annoyed.

THERESA: Juniper!

Juniper, over here!

Yeah, so annoyed.

Juniper, sit here!

PETER: Juniper!

THERESA: We have a seat!

Come on.



Well, that was a truly

terrible round for us.

I am a scientist,

not a movie buff.

We'll rally.

OK, I hope you saved room for

dessert because the next round

is Christmas sweets.

First up, some might

call it a yule log,

but in France,

Belgium, or Luxembourg,

you're more likely to eat what?

Buche de Noel.

According to legend, this was

first baked in Trent in 1545.


SAWYER: Name three

spices, besides ginger,

commonly found in gingerbread.

Cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves,

cardamom, and anise.

That was five.

I thought you hated desserts.


All right, bring

up your answers.

Is this another night

where Eric's dessert

knowledge puts me to shame?

Let's see.

No, we were terrible!

But that was fun.

It was fun.

Yeah, you did shockingly

well in dessert.

Interesting, you should

note that I think that someone

on our team who

doesn't like sweets

might have a crush on someone

who specializes in sweets.

Why do you say that?

I mean, why else learn obscure

facts you're not interested in?

To impress strangers at parties.


You know, I should check

on Peppermint real quick.

You know, Juniper, if

you teach a seal to fish...

Everything OK?

I need to get to

the rehab center.

You couldn't see

her on the monitor?

Are we worried about

a seal-napping?

JUNIPER: I think

she might be hiding

because she's sick or injured.

Here, you should stay back.

[gate clanking]

Oh, hey, there.

You want to come out so

we can see what's wrong?

It's OK.

Let's see what's wrong.

Hey, how's it looking?

I think it's an infection.

She'll get fluids.

I'll put her on antibiotics,

and hopefully it'll clear

up and not get more serious.

OK, good.

I was worried it was domoic

acid toxicosis or leptospirosis.

Have you been

doing some googling?

I don't have a ton of experience

with problems I can't fix.

Domoic acid toxicosis

is more of a problem

for West Coast seals.

Oh, OK.

[chuckles] It's OK.

You can head home, Sawyer.

Are you sure?

I mean, I can always

stay and do more nothing.

Oh, no, I'm sure

I'm going to keep

monitoring her for a while.


Call me if you need anything.

Will do.

I promise.


[nervous laugh]

[sentimental music]

THERESA: Die Hard is not

actually a Christmas movie.

It's an action movie.

It's just...

Oh, no.

What's wrong?

Peppermint's sick.

I've been monitoring

her since Saturday,

but not much has changed.

You've been here for two days?

I didn't want to leave her.

Well, what can we do?

I mean, there's

not much we can do.

Waiting for the

results from the lab,

and started her on a

low dose of antibiotics

until we figure out

what's going on.

Maybe you should go

home, get some rest.

We can watch her and let

the rest of the staff know.

- Are you sure?

- Of course.


Yeah, OK.

Yeah, then I'll be back tonight.

I'm sorry, I'll be

missing the lantern tour.

I can come back tonight.

I mean, I won't be able

to focus on fun anyway

until I hear back from

the New Zealand program.

And no offense, Peter...

I know.

I know.

You've seen enough

lantern tours to...

BOTH: last a lifetime.

PETER: Juniper, go home.

We've got this.

Thank you.

BROOKE: We're low on napkins

and takeout containers.

I will order some more.

Hey, um, I want you to

take a look at this.

Bruise manages?

What does that mean?

It's supposed to

say "Brooke manages."

I was trying to

do a fun little...

Is my handwriting

really that bad?

I can be a real manager?

Well, the soccer coach called

and said Saturday was amazing.

So if you want it, I'm adding

you to the management rotation.

I want it!

Sawyer, thank you.

When I buy this place

from you someday,

I will remember this moment.

I'm a very tough negotiator.

BROOKE: You are not!

["o christmas tree" playing]

O Christmas tree.

CANDACE: So what would you say

are your strongest weaknesses?

I'm sorry.

I mean, your biggest weaknesses.

Where are your allspice berries?

That's not

something people have.


Is Peppermint OK?

She's more stable.

So no morbillivirus?

OK, no more Google for you.

Who can I help?

How are you with hair?

I'm willing to learn.

OK, great.

OK, sorry, yes.

Mm-hmm, yeah.

OK, what are we doing?

It's costume-optional, but I

want the authentic experience.


What are we doing over there?

Uh, drinks for the afterparty.

For a lantern tour?

Oh, you'll see.

I got mulled cider,

mulled wine, mulled punch.

That's like a "mullion" drinks.

Oh, yeah, I got it.


I should wear my hair

like this when I do my poem

at the Christmas Eve party.

I'll be in touch.

When you what?

I wrote a poem,

and I volunteered

to perform it at the party.

Juniper got over her fear

when she realized her ideas

were good, so I will too.

Lou, that is so cool.

I know.

Are we ready to go?

SAWYER: Can you take this?

I got to get cleaned up.

And Juniper and I

will meet you there.


Juniper, what have

you done to my kid?

I do not know.


All right, let's go.

Thanks, buddy.

OK, so I'll rummage

up some costumes.

Oh, no, they're optional.

Oh, I want the

authentic experience.

Are they... closet?

- Yeah, yeah, oh, yeah.

- OK.



[crowd chatter]

You made it!

I did.

Peppermint is on the mend.

Theresa called and

said her fever is down.

I'm going to stand over

here and hope I absorb some

of Eric's dessert knowledge.

Christmas, 1876!

[crowd gasps]

We begin.




I don't believe in ghosts.

But if I were one,

I'd haunt Mystic.

Well, you kind of

have to, since it's

the only place you ever lived.

Juniper could haunt

the world, though.


Poland, the Galapagos.

Soon South Africa.


Thank you all so

much for coming.


Wow, love the hair.

Who inspired it?

ERIC: Peter!

Cocoa emergency!

Oh, I'll be right back.

Cocoa calls.



I'm not doing my poem

at the Christmas party.

I'm not ready!

Oh, honey, you know

you don't have to.

Well, hey, Lou, you know,

when I need to give a speech,

I practice on a

non-human audience.

Could I do that?

I think I can arrange

for that to happen.

Thank you, guys,

for stepping up.

Oh, please, we're a team.

Quick, history of hot chocolate.

It was served cold and bitter

in the Aztec and Mayan empires,

but the sweet drink

we enjoy today

is a product of colonialism.

Hm, I'll have to fact check you.


You have no poker face.

I'm sorry.

Can I overstep?

There's no need.

Yes, I like Nick.

And Nick likes you!

That's an unknown.

We can't assume.



precise, I love it.

I hypothesize that

a relationship would

be lovely for the both of us.

But the only way to

know is to test it.

But what if that test causes

the lab to blow up, and by lab,

I mean my heart?

That's biologically unlikely.

But putting science aside, when

you imagine a relationship,

is it worth the risk?



there's your answer.

Mulling spices?

Roman Empire.

Ah, right.

But I don't care.

I don't like desserts,

but I like you.

Let's hang out sometime?

Is now a good time?

Now is my favorite time.

SAWYER: [sighs]

South Africa, huh?

You already have

your exit planned?

And that was always the plan.

One week, leave the

day after Christmas,

this was always just temporary.

And, you know, the...

The right guy wouldn't

ask me to stay, so...

He's not.

He's just hoping for a

little more time with you

before you go.

You know, I heard about

this cool light show at

the planetarium tomorrow night.

Are you free?

It's a date.

[hopeful music]

I know, kiddo.

Nobody likes going

to the doctor.

How's it looking?

Her fever is back.



She was stable last night.

It's her blood work, finally.

OK, we need all hands on deck.


[peppermint snorts]

Can you stop by

the aquarium tonight

and help hang decorations?

I can't tonight.


Are you going to a barn raising?

You volunteering

at the firehouse?

Or are you reroofing

Mr. Silverman's garage?

I have a date with Juniper.


I don't want to know.

You just asked!

And you said to take

more time for myself.


kickboxing class, or learn how

to knit.

Don't embark on a

doomed love affair with

my long-distance best friend.

Ugh, it's going to be another

decade before I get Juniper

within 100 miles of Mystic.

Why are you so sure this

is going to end badly?


am an expert on human nature.

That's why I can't

read mysteries.

I always know who the k*ller is.

And it's a curse because

I love mysteries.

But neither of us is dramatic.

That's exactly it.

You don't put

yourselves out there.

You both avoid confrontation.

Yeah, so this is good.


Because eventually some

miscommunication will come up,

and you'll both retreat

back into your shells,

like the cowardly

little mollusks you are.

I am not a mollusk.


I have to go.

Her white blood

cell count is high,

and her neutrophils are way off.

So that confirms

it's an infection?

I just don't understand

how she's worse.

Is it my fault?

No, the antibiotics are helping,

but we're sh**ting in the

dark we don't know what

and where the infection is.

This would be so much easier

if you could just tell us.

Could it be an ear infection?

Could be an infection

in the deep ear canal.

Wish we had a CT scan.

There's a facility in

East Greenwich that does.

- Well, can we call?

- Already on it.

All right, great.

Well, if we could get

her in and confirm,

then we'd be in

much better position

for targeted treatment.

THERESA: That's amazing.

JUNIPER: Let's see what's wrong.

- They can take us today.

- Great.

Let's get moving.


We'll figure this out.

I'm missing something.

I need a favor.

It's a big one.

I need you to cover

for me tonight.

You want me to

manage again, already?

If it's too much for you...

No, it's just...



I can cover, no problem.

You're a lifesaver.


Nobody likes the mint ones.


I'll drive.

Yeah, you guys can hold down

the fort while we're gone?

- Aye-aye.

- Thanks.

Let's go.

Oh, sh**t, sorry, wait.

Just give me one sec.

All right, let's go.


[phone buzzing]



Yeah, it's fine.



No, I'm not going to send that.

Yeah, I'm a mollusk.

OK, they're running the CT now.

She's going to be OK, right?


You're not great

at lying, are you?

Hey, sit.

How about this?

If there's something

really wrong,

Peppermint is exactly where

she should be, on the road

to getting the treatment

that she needs.

I like that better than maybe.

[phone ringing] Sorry.

[sighs] This day keeps

getting better and better.


I am not going to New Zealand.

Oh, Theresa, I'm so sorry.

I love Mystic.

I just wanted to miss

it for a little while.

It'll happen.

I thought you didn't

do reassuring lies.

I don't.


to the front desk, please.

Dr. Jones to the front desk.

It's the moment of truth.


What happened to

needing a cover?

I don't anymore.

Actually, if you have a second,

I might have messed

something up when

I managed that soccer party.

I think I solved it out, but...

OK, great, I'll look it over.

That's... that's

not what I'm asking.

I think I know

where the error is.

No, it's fine.

It's not your fault. It's my

fault. I've been slacking.

I should have been here more.

Do we want to distract

ourselves by planning

my first date with Nick?


Movie house or wine tasting?


Your date will start with a tiki

bar cruise on the Mystic River.

I know what you're thinking.

Tiki bar?

It's an ear infection.

It's deep in the ear canal,

but we'll be able to start

a focused antibiotic regimen.

All right!

But until she gets

better, this could

jeopardize her being released.

So cautious optimism?


Well done, Juniper.

Oh, no, no, not me.

No, see, if Eric hadn't

recognized her ear,

and if Peter hadn't

recommended the facility,

and if Theresa hadn't barely

obeyed the speed limit...

This was a team effort.

Thank you, guys.


Come on!

Oh, yup!


OK, back to work.

Yeah, sorry.



You don't have to

do the poem, you know.

You never quit anything.

I'm an adult. When

I was your age...

You were class president and

the lead in The Nutcracker,

and you played sports.

If we were the same age,

we'd have nothing in common.

SAWYER: Oh, look out!


Well, making a little extra

pocket money on the side?

Just being neighborly and

decorating without being asked.

It feels like vandalism,

but I can't explain why.

It's not the

cookies or the tree.

Hey, have you talked to Juniper?

As a matter of fact, I have.

She canceled last night.

So you were right.

And did you ask her why?


I said, all good, and I

completely understood.

Oh, so you practiced avoidance.

I'm a mollusk.

Don't gloat.



Good news, Peppermint's

on the mend.

How are you?


Good, yeah.

Have you... have you talked

to any brothers lately?


Look, I know you don't

want to get involved.

But after I canceled on him

last night, he seemed upset.

He answered with only

a thumbs-up emoji.

My brother's a monster.

Can I get tough

lovey for a second?


You're leaving in five days.

Why get involved?

About that, have you

hired a permanent chief yet?

I'm setting final

interviews, but why?

Are you thinking about staying?

I'm thinking thinking about it.

Is that nuts?

Oh, no, maybe.

Should I cancel

final interviews?

No, no, no, no, keep

interviewing candidates,

but maybe just, you know, check

in before you make an offer?

I know that that's annoying.

Only a smidge.

Hey, maybe as a trade off,

you can go to the planning

meeting for me again tonight.

The planning meeting,

where your brother will be?



Sure, sure.

Yah sure?


Is that an apology calzone?

It is.

I am sorry for being

snippy last night,

and I'm sorry for undermining

all the work you've been doing.

I accept.

Did you figure out

what was wrong?

It was a small thing.

But I will show you later

so you know for next time.

I appreciate that.

Well, I mean, I am

a really good boss.

You're fine.

I'm kidding.

You're great.

So these are some

of our full-time

sea lion residents who are

too injured to be released.

So they interact

with humans more?


They're very excited

for your poem.

How do you know?

[seals honking]

You made them do that.



Whenever you're ready.

Is it OK if I don't look at you?

We can look away.

[chuckles] Hooray, hooray.

It's Christmas.

What does Christmas mean?

It's not the

cookies or the tree.


Let's sit.

All the way over...

JUNIPER: Sorry, I'm just... uh.

I'm sorry.

Squeeze by you.

Thank you, so much.




Hey, were you upset

about last night?

No, no, no, no, no.

- No.

- No.

OK, good, because I was...

I was worried about your text.

What did he text?

I said it was all good.

He said it was all good.

You just texted

a thumbs-up emoji.

Sawyer, what's wrong with you?

I was being low-key.

There's a fine line between

low-key and passive aggressive.

Well, thank you, Ken.

I mean, she had to cancel.

We thought Peppermint could die.

Wait, Peppermint was sick again?

What, you didn't tell him?

Well, I didn't want

to make an excuse.

There's a fine line

between making excuses

and giving an explanation.

Thank you, Ken.

MAN: OK, everyone, we've

got four more nights

until our Mystic

Christmas Eve party,

and we have a lot

to get through.

Would you like to

talk somewhere private?

Yes, please.

I'm sorry I wasn't

more communicative.

I know.

I'm sorry we missed the light

show at the planetarium.

Well, if you're ever forced to

repeat a Christmas here, maybe

we'll get another chance.

Was that a dig?

Oh, no.

I'm just saying, if

you're ever in Mystic,

you know, for Christmas.

Yeah, well, maybe

next time, I'm here,

you'll finally be traveling.

Was that a dig?


No, I thought you

wanted to travel.

I do.

So do it.

I thought you wanted to

settle down eventually.

- I do.

- So do it.

Why are we fighting?

I don't know!

Look, I...

I think you should live

your life now, Sawyer.

Mystic isn't going anywhere.

Neither are the northern

lights, or Cairo, or Venice.

Actually, Venice is sinking.

I just don't want to abandon

the people who need me.

OK, don't... don't

get mad, but I...

I don't think you stay in

Mystic because people need you.

I think you stay because

you're terrified you'll

find out people don't,

and then who would you be?

I'm not mad.

Mortally wounded.


No, no, but it's OK.

You know, if we're going to do

this, I mean, let's do this.


I don't think you hold back

because you're introverted.

I think you hold back because

you are terrified of becoming

too attached, and

then you'll have

to make life decisions based on

more than seals and suitcases.

I'm sorry.

What is it with people

who travel always

looking down on everybody else?

What is it with

people in small towns...

Mystic is not a small town.

Who feel like anybody who

moves around can't possibly

make real connections?

We're fighting again.

Yeah, I noticed.

I should have just

left it at thumbs up.

Like I even got a

response this time.


[wistful music]

OK, let's settle this

once and for all.

Do you see it right there?

[majestic music]

[seal barks]

Guys, great news.

Peppermint is ready to

be released with two days

to spare.


That's great!

Why am I a little bit sad?

I know.

I am too.

Is it always kind

of bittersweet?

It is.

But that's what we've all

been working towards, right?

First, we release

the seal, then you.

Back into the world.

Hey, you guys have got this.

SAWYER: Bloop.

CANDACE: Oh, my.

SAWYER: Now, sprinkles...


SAWYER: sprinkles.

Yeah, more sprinkles,

boom, perfect.


[sighs] Impressive

operation you guys got going.

Uncle Sawyer dips,

and I sprinkle.

It's a tradition.

The tradition is ruining

desserts with anisette.

Licorice haters

out of the kitchen!

I am anisette-neutral.

Gosh, I feel like I owe you

guys a Christmas tradition.

What's your favorite?

Definitely Jolabokaflod.

What's that?

SAWYER: It's an Icelandic

tradition of giving

books on Christmas Eve.

It started in World w*r II and...

Um, I can let Juniper explain.

You've been googling it again?

To impress people at parties.

Well, Sawyer is right.

And then you drink

hot cocoa, and you

stay up reading all night long.

This is the greatest thing

I've ever heard in my life.

Christmas Eve

isn't until tomorrow,

but maybe our version

can be December 23?

OK, now, if you

get your own name,

you have to put it back in.

On the count of three, ready?

1, 2...

[festive music] Christmas!

Christmas is back again.

Now, the family's back again.

Back again.

And what a year it's been.

When you're finally closer

to who you love most,

it's Christmas.


Christmas is back again.

Now, the family's back again.

Back again.

And you're closer to

who you love most.

It's Christmas.

Christmas is back again.

And the book flood begins.

Me first.

[gasps] You got me?

LOU: It's a dragon book,

but it's for adults.

And it's a woman

who saves dragons,

and it's exactly what

you do with seals.

I did well.

Aw, this is so cool,

Lou, and impossible

to read in one night.

I believe in you.

[laughs] OK, your turn.

That was my favorite

when I was your age.

I can't wait to talk about it.

OK, and now...

Ooh, OK.


I know you said you

can't read mysteries,

but this is one of her

lesser known books,

and it's supposed to have

a really surprising ending.


Challenge gleefully accepted.

And finally.

It's my alien cowboy book.

So you don't need to keep

borrowing it from the library

because you shouldn't have to

be on anyone else's timeline.

So what now?

Now, we nestle under

blankets and get to readin'.

Oh, no, you can...


Um, Lou, do you need

both of those blankets?


Oh, Sawyer, have this.

No, you...

I mean, we could share.

Yeah, yeah, we can...

SAWYER: All right.

JUNIPER: Totally.

I should get her up to bed.

OK, come on, honey.

I didn't get to finish.

You can read in bed.

This is the best

night of my life.


Good night.

Sorry I stormed

off the other night.

That's OK.

I'm sorry I never emailed

you back 10 years ago.


The email was in drafts.

I wrote a very charming

reply and never sent it.


Maybe I was subliminally

afraid of getting sucked

into your globetrotting ways.

I mean, who would

I be if I wasn't

Mystic's helpful big brother?

That's... that's what I was

trying to say the other night.

People don't like you because

you're helpful, Sawyer.

People like you just because.

You don't need to earn your

keep to stay in people's hearts.

Thank you.

I'm sorry about the

seals and suitcases line.

I don't...

That was a good line.

And while we're owning

parts of our past,

I can admit that

I was heartbroken,

but also a little relieved when

I didn't hear back from you.

I mean, what would

happen if I fell for you?

Just a pair of mollusks.


- Did I miss anything?

- No, nothing.



Uh, you know, I

should probably...

I should go.


- Yeah.

- Right.

Um, I'll see you at the

party tomorrow night?

Count on it.

If you need to

confide, I'm here.

You would break your

sibling gossip embargo?

For you, I would.

Candace, you are a great friend,

but I cannot subject you

to romantic conversation

about your brother.


Good night.


[suspenseful music]

I did not see that coming.

[phone ringing]


What's wrong, hon?


Even half a world away,

your mom radar is impeccable.

Or you're calling at midnight.

What would you say if

I told you that I've been

thinking about settling down?

I'd say, who are

you, and why are

you impersonating my daughter?

And when I was done

teasing, I'd ask why.

I'd reluctantly tell

you that it's at least

a little bit about a guy.

Self-sacrifice is no way

to start a relationship.

If it's the right

guy, give it time.


Yeah, that's well put.

Thanks, Mom.

I love you.

Merry Christmas.

You too, Junie.

Merry Christmas.

[phone ringing]


Your timing is impeccable.

Merry Christmas.

Your mom texted I should call.

What's up, kiddo?

What if I were to

tell you that I was,

you know, maybe thinking

of settling down?

Oh, I'd say, who's

the lucky guy or seal?

And then when I was...

When I was done teasing,

I'd ask what your

gut was telling you.

What if my gut is 50%

excited and 50% terrified?

Then when either reaches

51%, that's the answer.

That's perfect advice.

Thank you, Dad.

Love you, kiddo.

Love you.

SAWYER: All right, the trick is

you want to test the decoration

before you place them.

Most people don't bother, but

now you know, for next year

when you do this.


I got 51%.


I don't want the chief

veterinarian job.

I'm going to South Africa.

Is this you running

towards something

or away from something?

Self-sacrifice is no way

to start a relationship.

You mean a relationship

with the rehab center?

Yep, that.

So I'm making an

offer to someone else?


Thank you so much

for this opportunity,

and have a nice day.

They should really cover

this stuff in grad school.

If you have any reservations,

now is the time.

But even if you do, it doesn't

mean that you should stay.

You can always visit, right?

[peppermint snorts]

Of course, I can.

I mean, you can.

Party's starting, and Ken

is demanding his tour guide.

I'll be right there.

[wistful music]




And if you have any

questions, you can find

me mingling with the desserts.

KEN: Juniper, this is

our best toy drive ever.

I think your flyering

really helped.

Oh, I promise you, I

flyered in no special way.


Merry Christmas.

We're happy you came to Mystic.

OK, now, you don't

have to try it.

ERIC: But I want to try it.


It's OK!

OK, one day, I'm

going to bake something

that will break through.


Oh, I'm so sorry.

No, I'm sorry.




It's good.


So Peppermint gets

released tomorrow?

Yep, and then I

head to South Africa.

I heard.

You know, I wanted

to tell you that I...

Uh, minor emergency.

My kid is missing.

Isn't she about to do her poem?

I think I know where she is.

OK, Juniper, what are

you going to say to her?

Why me?

She looks up to

you, and I already

got the I'm-nothing-like-you

once this week.

Come on, don't...

You have to...


I got this.

Hey, kiddo.

Last-minute rehearsal?

I'm not doing it.

I can't.

- You know you don't have to.

- I know.

You keep telling me.

Even you don't

think I can do it.

No, no.

No, I just think

you're so special,

and I want to protect you.

You know what?

You're right.

No, you have to do it.

No, now I want to quit.

Well, tough cookies.

Go poem.

What if I make

a mistake, though?

Have you ever made

a mistake before?

And what happened?

I felt awful.

And then?

Then it was OK.

There you go.

But maybe now

isn't the right time.

There's no such thing

as the right time.

There's only right now.

Let's go back to the party.


And now, a poem

about the meaning

of Christmas from Louisa Adams.

[cheering, applause]

Hooray, hooray, it's Christmas.

But what does Christmas mean?

It's not the

cookies or the tree.

It's not the presents or...

Or... it's not the

presents or holly.

It's not traditional

songs or sleighs.

It's something else,

I'm here to say.

Christmas is the ones

who care, who make

us brave our worst nightmares.

Christmas is

friends old and new.

So a very Merry

Christmas to you.


I was just OK!

[laughs] And how do you feel?


You should!

You wrote that?

I know!

It was really good.



[clears throat]

I'd like to show you something.

OK, let's go, then.

JUNIPER: OK, guys, where am I?

Excellent question.


Open them.

Sawyer, did you...

With help.

You guys.

We thought you deserved it.

As a thank you.

For our favorite head seal lady.

Thank you, everyone.

This is going to be a tough

one to knock off the top spot

of my Christmas memory list.

(WHISPERING) Thank you.

We know it's not as good

as the real northern lights.

I think it might be better.

[majestic music]


Here we go.



[festive music]

There she goes.

(SINGING) There's something

that the season brings...

A reminder when

it's hard to see.

ERIC: Merry

Christmas, Peppermint!

[cheering, applause]

(SINGING) There's a

miracle in everything.

Just say it.

I like your brother, and I

don't want to leave Mystic.

And the pendulum swings again.

I can't believe that I would

change my life plan for a guy.

I don't think you're

changing it for a guy.

I think you're changing it

for a guy and your best friend

and her kid and

three interns and...

Oh, why did tell you

to offer that position

to another candidate?

I don't know.

But I didn't listen.


You've been

flip-flopping all week.

I had to see where

you would land.


Merry Christmas.

It's yours if you want it.

I want it!

Thank you.

Of course.

What are you going

to tell SALSA?

Well, I'll tell them

that I am so sorry,

but I can recommend an

excellent replacement.

[scoffs] Now I need

to interview interns.


You're the best!

CANDACE: I know.


Merry Christmas.

I got you something.

JUNIPER: Thank you.

My handwriting is not that bad.

[chuckles] OK.

You finished it.

I did.

And since you pressured me...

Encouraged you.

I think it's only right

that you get to have it.

Thank you.

I'm leaving Mystic.

I'm staying in Mystic.

You first.


Well, I'm staying.

But it's not... it's

not just for you.

It's for a baker and three

interns and my best friend.

And it's just, forget it.

Forget it.

You're leaving?

I need to trust the

people in my life to love

me even if they don't need me.

Paul and Brooke can run

the restaurant next year.

The whole year?

It's a big world.


So I guess that this

is just the right time?

It's never the right time.

[majestic music]

You need some help?

Yes, please.



Oh, thank you.

What is in this?

Oh, that's souvenirs.

Souv... I could have

brought some of these back

when I visited you in Brussels.

Those are from after Brussels.

No, that was three weeks ago.

No, before we go to Japan, you

are getting a packing lesson.

OK, fine.

But that can wait because

right now, I want to go home.

I'm going to get a slice of

pizza from my restaurant,

and I want to crash.

No can do because

we are not going home.

["joy to the world" playing]

Look who's here!


You're back!


You know, I watched

every speech and debate

video while I was gone.

Aw, she saves all of

her best debates for me.

Welcome home, mollusk.

Oh, thank you.

OK, I know, but I

followed your recipe.


Just proves this place

needed you, Sawyer.

Sawyer, Theresa says

hi from the Galapagos.

Oh, hi!

Come on.


OK, so tomorrow, we have

the community center meeting

and then Nick and

Eric's engagement party.

And then this...

Oh, OK, OK, hey, hey, hey.

Hey, hey, hey.

That's all wonderful.

But first.

[upbeat music] Honey, I'm home.

Honey, I'm home.

Honey, I'm home...

Home for Christmas.

I can't wait... can't wait.

Can't wait... can't wait.

Honey, I'm home.

[bright orchestral music]

[sleigh bells ringing]

[audio logo]
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