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LehmberGinni (2023)

Posted: 11/03/23 03:41
by bunniefuu
No person is born with lies.

But they start lying just

after giving birth.

The village head was blessed

with a baby boy.

Baby boy had just opened his eyes...

but the guesses already started.

The baby is exactly like his father.

No! His nose looks like Surjit Kaur.

He will definitely look

like his mother.

Tell me, did they give birth to

a kid or get him photocopied...

that they already knew...

who would he follow?

After one month, the kid's memory

card started working...

and family members started

their work.

What is my sweety doing?

What is my sweety doing?

You are my sweet.

Dudd! Oh my Dudd!

Mom! - Yes.

When Laddu will grow...

me and Laddu will together

go to school.

Rimpi, you can go to school.

But try to stop his cries first.


- Go and calm your brother down.

Hey, Laddu! Hey,

my Laddu, will you go to school?


It was not over here...

Not just the family members,

villagers were also not far behind.

Greetings, village head!

Greetings! Where are you taking

the young head?

Young head!

Okay, fine!

Before his memory card

got crashed...

his father took him to school.

Good morning, everyone!

Good morning, ma'am!

Sit down!

- Thank you ma'am! I am going to mark attendance now.

Jasmit Kaur!

Present ma'am!


Present, ma'am!

Jasdeep Singh!

Present, ma'am!

Navjot Kaur!

Present, ma'am!


Present, ma'am!


Present, ma'am!

Okay. That's enough.

What is your name, son?

My mother call me a Baal and...

my father calls me Dudd.

Grandmother calls me sweet.


- These all names are given to you out of love.

But your real name is Lehmber Singh.

That day, the kid got

to know that...

his name is Lehmber Singh.

Then the kid was equipped with

the information of other planets.

Son, look at that.

Your grandmother is spinning

wheel on the moon.

Tell me,

did we have pests at home...

..that granny had to go

to the moon to spin the wheels.

We would have got pest control.

Okay, son! There is only

a bit of milk remaining. Drink it.

Drink it, or else

the lion will come.

Drink it! Drink it!

My lion!

- Have you even seen the lion coming?

Elders say that

a lie doesn't have any feet.

You can lie as much as you want.

One day, the kid will definitely

find out...

that all of this was a lie.

But till then,

the lie dances on his head.

"O beautiful girl!"

"Who will take care of you?"

"Dulla Bhatti will!"

"Dulla's daughter got married."

"He gave her one kilo of sugar!"

"O beautiful girl!"

"Who will take care of you?"

"Dulla Bhatti will!

Dulla's daughter got married."

"He gave her one kilo of sugar!"

"The girl is wearing

a red wedding suit!"

"But her shawl is torn!"

Son, come outside.

Come here!

"Aunt, listen to us."


They are here to ask for sweets

on 'Lohri' (Indian festival).

There are grounds and sweets inside.

Go and get them.

Mom, I won't give them.

They are mine.

You can also have them.

Go and share them.

Mom, then what am I supposed to eat?

Okay. I will be right back.

"But her shawl is torn!"

"Who will stitch her shawl?

Uncle will."

"The landlords plundered it."

"The landlords are beaten up!"

Take it and give it to them.

Go away from here.

We do not celebrate 'Lohri'.

Why don't you celebrate 'Lohri'?

My grandmother died.

So we won't celebrate 'Lohri'.

It's not like your grandmother took

the wallet with her.

Hey, we won't take

'lohri' from them.

We will eat sweets on his

grandmother's death celebrations.


Let's go!

"O beautiful girl!"

"Who will take care of you?

Dulla Bhatti will!"

"Dulla's daughter got married."


I will also come with you.

What happened now?

I will also come.

Why? You are not celebrating

'Lohri', right?

Your grandmother died.

So what? At least

I can ask for 'Lohri.'

Who is even going to give you

'Lohri'? They will give me.

I am the village head's son.

Okay then! Come to the front.

"O beautiful girl!

Who will take care of you?"

"Dulla Bhatti will!"

"Dulla's daughter got married."

"He gave her one kilo of sugar!"


Who is she? Hey!

Who is that with a pot in her hand?

You said that your grandmother died.

Hey, this is my grandmother's ghost.

Run away!

Run away!

The old grandma's ghost

is here. Run! Run!

Hey! Hey!

Hey! Can't you see?

There is a ghost.

What ghost? Whose ghost?

Your mother's ghost.

My mother's?

Who k*lled my mother?


"He create new troubles daily."

"Which ghost gets into him?"

"He create new troubles daily."

"They try to catch him daily, but

he doesn't get caught."

"When the God was giving brains,

where were you lost?"

"It must be a bad day for earth,

the day when you were born."

"It must be a bad day for the earth,

the day when you were born."

"The day you were born,

walls must have shaken."

"The sun must have shone

from the west...

and the w*r must have started."

"Someone must have arranged

an arena for your fight."

"Two, three, five, you must have

turned into the right counting."

"Turned into the right counting"

"After watching the horoscope, even

the priest says, what the hell!"

"What the hell! What the hell!"

"What the hell! What the hell!"

"People are fed up and

his brain has moved to his knees"

"After watching the horoscope, even

the priest says, what the hell!"

"What strange thing

this is? Everyone is confused."

"There is no rest for even

a minute. Whose food did he eat?"

"Whose food? Whose food?

Whose food did he eat?"

"Why doesn't he return back from

the bad omen he crossed?"

"It must be a bad day for the earth,

the day when you were born."

"It must be a bad day for the earth,

the day when you were born."

"The day when you were born."

Man! Till when will we wait?

We will definitely talk today.

It's his daily routine.

Yes. Moron!

We hold meeting every third day

in the village.

We see police every fourth day

in the village.

Look! All of us villagers will boycott them today.

- Yes.

Golu, pick that stone

and write on the wall that...

the villagers are boycotting this house from today.

- Okay.

Oh man!

- He will learn his lesson now.

Let's see!

Have some shame! It's

the house of the village head.

Why should we be ashamed?

When the village head's son is

a spoiled brat.

People will think that all of the

guys from the village are spoiled.

No one will marry

their daughter in this village.

Where are you hiding, uncle?

Step out! Or else you will

never be able to step out.

Look what they have done.

Oh man! What is this?

Look! Please don't do this.

Listen to me.

What's there to listen?

You can't live here anymore.

The whole village has boycotted you.

Now you should go to Up or Bihar

and look for land.

Please forgive us once.

I will beat him to a pulp,

I promise.

I will make him docile like a cow.

Forgive him for once.

Once! Just once!

Please forgive me! Forgive me!

Forgive me!

Forgive me!

Forgive me!

Thank God!

It was just a dream.

Before he makes us

leave the village...

I will make him leave the village.

I will send him somewhere.

Look. Lehmber Singh

has boarded the plane.

The land of England was

touched by the plane's tyres

and Lehmber Singh's feet.

Where are my sister

and brother in law?

So strange!

Oh! There is no network.

How strange these people are.

Let's go with him.

Let's go!



Oh! Give me my bouquet. Who are you?

You are also a Punjabi.

Yes. I am a Pakistani.

Who are you?

I am Smith.

No! You don't look like

a Smith from your face.

Do I need to get flowers on my face

for that? Where is the car?

This is the car.

- Bring the car and put this luggage in the car.

Every country is different.

People don't run to foreign without any reason.

- How, brother?

Look at us. One is from Pakistan...

and one is from Hindustan.

Everyone is irked with everyone.

Look here. There is no dust

on the roads.

There are no electric wires and...

there are only beautiful

girls around us.

When we can here first,

we had to work hard.

But now, the God has brought us

to a higher place.

I make round to the village sometimes.

- Great, brother!

Everyone says that...

Sikh and Muslims are brother.

Who goes up and who goes down?

Hey! Hey! Hey,

'Galib' (A famous poet).

Drive the car like a good person.

Drop me on this address.

Look at this.

This is not my route.

I was supposed to drop you at hotel.

It's not like you are driving

a bus to have a fixed route.

Drive it from street to street.

I have to go to someone's

house first.

Then I will go to hotel myself.


Sir, take your bag.

Are you alright?

Will you make

your boss pick up the bag?

Bring my bag and come behind me.

Hey, you didn't come to pick me up.

I am Mr Smith.

I am so sorry!

Come fast! Yes, sir.

I will file a complaint.

No, sir.

No! What is sorry?

Come! Come fast.

I am coming.


What happened, brother?

Why are you getting angry?

People like you come to England...

after taking loan on

your parents lands.

You look like a pigeon by face!

British! As if!

So what? It's my fist time

coming to England.

And don't take me lightly.

I have seen England on Google.

Take your rupees twenty.

Run along!

You are talking nonsense.

What kind of horror house this is?

The gate is opening automatically.

It must be cheap.

My brother in law is

a real master mind.


Is this Balvinder Kaur's house?

I can't see her anywhere.

Move! I am Balvinder Kaur.

It's not like I am paying rent here.

Really, aunt? I thought you would

still look like a tractor.

But you are more smart than

a Mustang now.

I also thought that you would

look like Peter Scotch.

But even a trailer is

better than you.

Aunt, you are still fun. Greetings!

That's alright.

Where is your sister

and brother in law...

They went to airport to pick you.

I observed on thing, aunt.

Like how Punjabi hurry

to climb a plane...

you foreigners hurry to

pick from the airport.

Anyone who comes here for

the first time...

get lost on the way. Come.

How was your journey?

Did you face any trouble?

Aunt, it's not like I am a kid.

When I reached at

the corner of your colony's road...

I asked which is

the house of Balvinder Kaur.

Aunt, people started following me.

Someone told me to go right...

and someone asked me to go left.

It was too much...

when a white old man told me

that he would drop me.

I told him to hold his horses...

because you are my aunt.

He can't flirt.

You don't need to get frank with me.

Don't you dare call me aunt.

We call our sister's

grandmother as aunt.

Everyone around here call me

Beli aunt.

Beli aunt, at least get me a tea.

I am so tired.

It's been so long since

I made a tea.

I drink black tea without milk.

The kitchen is there.

You can go and make tea.

How strange!

What a great welcome!

I have to make tea myself.


Who was that guy?

Wow! Beli aunt,

I won't tell you that.

You didn't make me tea.

Mom, 'gulabjamun'(Indian

sweet) is very hard.

Son, this is not 'gulabjamun.'

These are sweets made

of dried milk solids.

Your grandmother has sent them...

for you.

Sweet is fine.

But did she send this jacket for me?

Am I that old to wear this jacket?

Mom, she has made

this with her own hands.

Then you can wear

this jacket made NY your mom.

I have many jackets that

I bought in London.

Okay. I will wear it.

Do one thing. Come

and eat your avocado sandwich.

Your skin will glow more with this.

Gary, have dinner.


Did you offer him

something to eat...

or just asked him to sleep directly?

It's not like he asked for a pizza.

He asked tea made of sugarcane.


Jaggery tea.

What is this?

Father doesn't know

about sugar cane...

and the son doesn't

know about jaggery.

We don't have any jaggery here.

Mom, they have send a box of jaggery

along with the sweets.

You could have made tea for him.

Daughter, I know that

he is our family.

But a person should realize soon

that this is a foreign land.

You have to do everything on your own here.

- You are right, mom.

I think he was doing nothing there.

He will do the same here.

He has been sleeping

since he arrived.


I haven't been free in Punjab.

It's not like you were

an officer there.

Aunt, I used to work

24 hours in fields.

And, there was no need for me to

leave my business and come here.

I came here for you.

Right, brother in law?

Yes. When you will go to work

after some 20 days.

Then you will know the reality.

20 days! It's hard for me

to even spend 20 minutes.

My body starts itching if

I don't work.

Quickly find a job for me.


your dramas won't work here.

Here, you have to sweat even

to save four pounds.

Roam around London for four days.

You won't be able to even pay...

the installments of house

and a car here for your whole life.

Okay. I have no problem.

Show me around London then.

We are busy for now.

We will take you around on weekend.

What? Weekend is not near.

Okay. You can go ahead

with your jobs.

Aunt is free.

She will show me around London.

I haven't got a carriage

for you to show you around London.

I have a kitty party tomorrow.

I have to go there.

Wow! Kitty!

Then we will dance in

the party tomorrow, aunt.

"Twinkle twinkle little star"

"Looks like we are in clouds"

"Everyone is looking at me

and asking about me."

"I got so tired."

"We are dancing in London. The

heart is going to fly."

"But Punjab is moving."

"We are dancing in London. The

heart is going to fly.""

"But Punjab is moving."

"Happiness all around. My fate

is changed, I am laughing."

"The whole city is watching me.

I have done so great."

"I am roaming around. My feet

are not staying still."

"Long long cars, having fun."

"We have become so red."

"We are dancing in London. The

heart is going to fly."

"But Punjab is moving."

"We are dancing in London. The

heart is going to fly."

"But Punjab is moving."

"We are dancing in London. The

heart is going to fly."

"But Punjab is moving."

"We are dancing in London. The

heart is going to fly."

"But Punjab is moving."

"On the parapet, there is

a white rooster waiting for you."

"Buy me a necklace

or else you are so useless"

Oh man! My name is not there even

in this list.

Hello! My name is Dav. My name is

not there even in this list.

My name is in the waiting list

since last eight months.

At least your name is in the list.

Some of their name is

not even in the list.

But I really need a house.

I have nothing to even eat.

Sorry, sir. I can't do anything.

Ma'am, please do something.

You should wait. When

your name comes in the list...

we ourselves will tell you.

Please go outside.


Mr Dave!

Yes, ma'am!

- I am so sorry. Please don't be sad.

I will personally try my best.

You will definitely get a house.

Thank you, ma'am!

Did you eat something?


Okay. Just give me

two minutes. Okay.

Thank you, ma'am!


What did you do?

You are promising everyone.

How will you help everyone?

Money doesn't come free of cost.

Jass, as much as you can help...

you should do it.

And you should not have behaved

like that with him.

Can't you see how sad he is?

We need to help them. It's our job.

Yes. Ginni, I know what my job is.

But you should also know that it's

the government's job...

to select the names of

people in a list.

Leave it. Let's go shopping.

That... shopping...

Let's go tomorrow.

Actually, I have many things to

do today. let's go tomorrow.

Leave it. I know that you have spent

all of your money on them.

You can't even go shopping.


Jordan, greetings!

Please come, doctor. How are you?

It's all good by the God's grace.

You should tell me how is your health?

- Have a seat.

You have kept me safe.

No! Only the God can do that.

I can only give medicines.

Anyway, he is Lehmber,

my brother in law.

I talked to you about him, right?

- Yes.

Good afternoon!

Very good afternoon.

Okay, doctor. Your brother

in law is like my brother in law.

I mean that...

since doctor Raftar has said,

your job is done.

You can start working from tomorrow.

How can it be like this?

No, sir! No.

How can you hire me

without any interview?

You should check someone's


his knowledge...

his merits.

How can you do it like this?

You have to pay me a salary...

So you should know me first.

Yes. very good!

I appreciate your spirit.

Thank you.

Tell me something about you.

What do you know?

I am a economy and Hindi graduate.

To know when to lie

or tell the truth...

is my specialty.

Car, scooter,

tractor, or generator...

I can operate anything.

I can repair tape, lock or motor.

I can even climb transformer.

Every small and big officer...

knows me. If you want

to grab a land...

free a land or trap someone in

a fake case...

I can do it within minutes.

I have full experience of jail

and police station.

Everything else is just words.

We should work hard and...

I will get a chair near you.

Wait! Wait! Wait!

Cool down!


Your brother

in law is over qualified.

How can I hire such a...

knowledgeable person.

Knowledgeable person.

Please find a better job for him.

Thanks a lot, Mr Jordan.

Thanks a lot.

Thank you very much.


You have touched the heights.


Hey, careful.

How are you? - All good.

- Since how long are you working here?

Seven years.

Based on your Boss's

small thinking...

You will at least do the same

work for next 8-10 years.

If you want to grow,

start your own work.

If I was at your place...

I would have been

the boss of this place by now.

Why did you need to talk so much?

This habit of yours won't allow...

you to get any job.

What can he even do?

I knew it since the first day.

He only knows how to talk.

He has earned so much

respect for me today.

What are you saying?

If a person has a talent,

he should share it...

and then only the other person

will know his capabilities.

Tell me what do you even know?

What do I know?

Let me tell you an incident.

Dad gave me 1 lakh rupees and

asked me to buy a buffalo.

Uncle, what is that?

A buffalo.

I went to the market in morning.

I saw many buffalo priced at 90,000

or 80,000 or 70,000.

I said them that

I could not pay that much.

Then I saw

an ox with such a big head.

I paid 20, 000 rupees

and got that ox.

I brought him to home in evening.

My dad and ox, both became happy.

I knew that you would do

something like this.

If you would have bought a buffalo,

you could milk it everyday.

It's not like that

the ox was going to give milk.

I didn't think about that...

You need a brain to think,

not a tongue.

Lehmber, make a promise to me...

that you would not talk

nonsense from now on.

You will only answer

what is asked of you.

Okay, sister, I promise on...

this Belli aunt.

- Why are you making a promise on me?

I don't want to die.

Make a promise on your sister.

Aunt, sometimes bad things

happen to people.

It's less risky with you.

Thank you.

Hey! Hands up!

Hands up in the air! In the air!

Hey you! You two, sit down.

Give me the cash! Don't act smart.

What's that?

Bro, last piece, single piece.

It's only one left.

Give me that. What's this?

You white man! Give me that.

You pizza eaters,

when did you start eating pickle?

Keep it down.

Give the money back.

Here! Here!

I have never let even

my dirt got stolen.

How will I let

the Queen go? Hold it!

How dare you...

to touch my pickle!

I would have let you go

if you wouldn't have done that.

Thank you!


Wow, gentleman! You have done great.

After so many days...

I have seen

a brave person in this country.

According to my guess...

you must have a military background.

That's so awesome.

You recognized me so quickly.

Four of my generations

have been in military.

You must be

a great person or else...

a person can't be recognized

this quickly.

Myself major Jaswant Singh!

Oh! Sir! After seeing you,

I remembered an incident.

It was dangerous.

A w*r was going on.

Planes were throwing

bombs from the sky.

Oh! - On the other side,

in the forest...

there was a fire lit by tanks.

Everyone was running around.

Three lions surrounded

a young soldier.

Soldier didn't have

any more b*ll*ts.

But he still k*lled three of them.

There was no b*llet.

How did he do that?

The soldiers caught the lion's paws.


Did you caught the lion's paw?

No. That was someone else.

I was a mailman in the w*r.

You wasted

your time in giving letters but...

my grandfather fought directly

with enemies.

There was a w*r with China.

My grandfather had taken

some drinks with snacks.

He was throwing bombs after bombs.

But then, two b*ll*ts came and...

hit him his shoulders.

So our grandfather's without arm

statue was erected in my village.

Very good.

Motivational statue.

By the way,

young man, what do you do?

I am taking my grandfather's

thinking forward.

Myself Major Shamsher Singh!

- Salute!

Hey! - Something is wrong

with your arm.


It's nothing, sir. I went to do

an encounter last week.

The b*llet brushed me here.

Oh! - That's why

the muscle was pulled a bit.

Major, can

I get your phone number please?

No problem. Take it.

This is how people meet.

What is the number?



Thank you!


Okay, sir!

Hello, officer!

Do you need a job?

I do. But who are you?

The store from you bought

these things, is mine.

You look like

a tea seller from your face.

You don't look like

an officer from your face.

By the way, I am Jerry from Doaba.

Lehmber, From Majha

Lehmber, did I loose some weight?

You fat fellow,

your weight is around 2 quintal.

How will it change within 2 hours?

Do some hard work so that

your body can feel something.

Do it.

He has got some other channel.

Hey, my name is Bobby.

Your name is Bobby

but your act is like a baby.

Be a man.

Run like a man.


Yes, a man.

A person's youth must me

so attractive...

that every UK girl

wants to have him.

Then, take me.

Take me.

Be a man.

I am asking you to be a man

and you are hitting on me.

Lift the dumbell.

I will lift that one.

Put that down.

Hold this.

Oh man!

You broke my knee.

What is this?

What kind of helper you are?

You need help yourself.

You can't even lift a dumbell.

Mr manager, I have never wasted

my time with these dumbell.

I have used traditional methods

to make my steel body.

And I can't work under

your authority.

I am leaving the job.


Hey, Baby

Boby, move!

Listen to me.

Play your tune.

What are you thinking?

Do something useful.

I will, Beli aunt.

I should understand the game first.

I will take the queen this time.

Queen! No one will even give

their daughter to you.

Aunt, let me get UK's PR first.

I'll make girls follow me.

We also gave our such a beautiful

sister to brother in law.

No one will give you PR on a plate.

You need work experience.

You need to work for that.

Brother in law, I am not here

to take people's orders.

I will start some large business.


do something with

this big businessman.

By listening his words

and getting worried...

I will go in depression.

Why don't you put him

on Kulwant's gas station?

There will be no restrictions.

That's what I am afraid of.

What if he insults me

among the family?

It's not about the job. I can

give him a job in the clinic.

But it's about his actions.

Brother in law...

that's a very easy job.

I have so much experience

of this job.

That's what I did in the village.

Did you have

a dispensary in the village?

Aunt, I was

a moving doctor in the village.

I used to treat...

all of the villagers' disease...

with one packet and...

the person used to run.

Lehmber, shut up!

See, if he talks nonsense like

this in there...

and sells his packet...

he will get my clinic closed down.

Lehmber, listen to me carefully.

If you keep on doing these things,

I will send you to India.

You can sell your packets there.

Sorry, sister. I was just kidding.

I won't do it anymore.

I will be ready by 8:00 am

in the morning.

Lehmber, work with dedication.

It's our own office.

No one will say you anything.

No worries, sister.

Don't worry.

I will help brother in law.



Hi! Good morning!

Good morning!

My brother, Lehmber.

My boss, Stella!


The God must be really free

when he made you.

He used all of

his energy in making you.

You are really beautiful.

Thank you! So nice of you!

Lehmber, come now.

We are getting late.

Yes, I am coming.

Don't hit on her. Your brother

in law is calling you.

Okay, Stella.

This is my first day on the job.

I will see you later.

Okay. Good luck!

Come on! Let's go!


How nice, brother in law.

I thought that you were some

insignificant doctor.

But you have such a huge hospital.

Have you seen it now?



That's your place.

That seat.


Listen to me.

You have to come early in

the morning and worship.

But the owner does that.

- You can think yourself as the owner.

I am going out for

an important work.

Take care of the place.

If any patient comes,

ask them to sit. Okay?

Okay, brother in law.

I am not your brother in law here.

I am a doctor here.

Doctor Avtaar Singh!


Wow God!

You have made me an owner.

God, please make

this place successful...

so that he says

that Lehmber's feet are lucky.

Let's go and see brother

in law's office.


It looks like an air pump.


This is a doctor's coat.

Wow Lehmber!

It looks really good on you.

Oh yes!

Our village doctor Sardul

used to have it.


I can hear something.

That's how they check.



Doctor is not here.

Then who are you?

You are also a doctor.

My self doctor Lehmber.

Please have the seat.

- Thank you so much. - What's the problem?

I feel really cold in evenings.

It's not a big matter.

It's an easy job for me.

This is your medication.

This is your prescription.

Take three liter hot water...

and a liquor quarter in the night.

That's what you have to take.

You can come and catch me

if you even need to take a blanket.

I am not that kind of a person.

Doctor, fee?

What, fee?

I haven't given you any medicine.

But you gave this useful medicine.

A doctor must be like you.

I'll call you after reaching home.

You have to...

say the same thing to my wife.

About the drink?

About the drink.

Go and get your medicine.

Doctor, I am really fed up.

I am so sick.

What happened, madam? Have a seat.

Tell me!

- I feel ashamed even telling about it.

I didn't go since last three days.

You must have not paid attention...

That's why it spiraled

out of control.

I paid a lot of attention.

It's in my stomach.

All of us are born from stomach.

No worries! Show me a picture.

I am telling you that it didn't

come from three days and...

you are asking for photo.

I mean that there must be

a family photo.

A group photo.

It's not like my whole family

go together to toilet.

I am saying that it didn't come

since last three days.

First, tell me, who didn't come?

Toilet, doctor.

They why don't you say

that you have constipation.

I thought that your girl ran away.

It's been three years

since our girl ran away.

She hasn't come yet.

No worries! She will come back

after facing hard times.

But, don't give hard

time to yourself.

I will write a medicine for you.

We will get rid of this constipation

and break the dam. Take it.

I have written this medicine. You

have to blow it 8-10 times a day.

Doctor, a conch shell?

Aunt, this is your medicine.

You just have to blow

it 8-10 times a day.

It will open all of...

your blockages.

Wow, doctor! A person can do

anything in hard times.

What will I do with medicine if

a shell can solve the problem.

Yeah! You just have to blow it now.

Where is doctor Avtaar?

I am also a doctor.

Do you think I am a nurse?

By the way, myself doctor Lehmber.

M. B. B. S., M. D., from

university of Las Vegas.


That's really nice.


You have studies so much

at such a young age.

Actually, I...

my family gave me books instead

of toys at a very young age.

So I studied and became a doctor.

By the way, what's your problem?

Actually, I feel really low.

I also get anxiety some times.

Oh! What's your job?

I work in the Local Council.

What is that?

It's a Govt. job. People who can

not afford their house here...

I get houses allotted for them

from the government.

How great!

I also need a house.

You need a house?

From the government?

I mean...

I want a private house

like a bungalow.

No! No! I think you're getting me

wrong. I am not a property dealer.


Actually, since you serve poor

people the whole day...

that may be the reason that you

feel low. Nothing to worry!

I will write medicine for you.

Not a problem.

You have to take

this medicine 10-15 times a day.

10-15 times?

Won't it be an overdose?

You are really funny you know.

The course might take

a bit longer time...

and you might have to come to

the clinic again.

Of course, I will come again.

Just give me your number.

Yes. Why not?

Please note it down.

00... What?

Isn't it a country code?

Actually it has become

my habit since...

I have patients all

around the world.

So I have to tell my country

code to them.

No problem! I will feed it.

Take it, ma'am!

Thank you!

I definitely have to meet you again.

- Yes.

Thank you!

Thank you!

Bye! Bye!


Oh God!

I am not a normal person.

How awesome!

"Love you my life,

since the day you hold my hand."

"Hey, fairy, just by looking at you,

this guy keeps on dreaming."

"I adore you so much love"

"I can't stay without you even

for a moment."

"I adore you so much love"

"I can't stay without you even

for a moment."

"My eyes like you

a lot."

"That's why I liked you."

"Love you my life,

since the day you hold my hand."

What happened to you?

You are laughing even while

watching the news.

Oh! The news is running.

I was not paying attention there.

Where are you paying

your attention then?

Did you start liking a girl?

- Oh! No!

Sister, it's not about a girl.

When I'll like someone,

I will first tell you.

Oh! If it's not about that,

who eats a carrot with tea?

Lehmber Singh, are you done cleaning?


The stock is full, right?

I brought two bottles yesterday.

Why do you always think about

alcohol? I am talking about medicine.

And keep your attention on the work.

Yes. That's complete.

Oh God!

It's trouble.

Hello! Yes.

Who is this?


How did this happen?

Don't worry!

Doctor will be there right away.

Yes. he will be there. Cut the call

and I'll send him right away.

Doctor, it was a lady calling.

Her husband was bitten by a dog.

Please hurry up.

If a dog has bitten, they should

show to a dog's doctor.

I am human's doctor.

I mean, the man was

bitten by the dog.

She was really worried. Hurry up!

You should directly ay that

we should check the person.

Doctor, please hurry up!

Please go, my lord!

I am not an animal doctor

who goes to people's houses.

Ask them to come to the clinic

and I'll check.

Then do one thing. Give me

the address of a good doctor.

I will ask them to get

treatment from there.

Hey, I am the best doctor

of this area.

Doctor, I am not saying based

on treatment...

I am saying based on humanity.

A doctor who doesn't


and go to a patient in

any situation.

I know very well about my

duty to check a patient.

Tell me the address. I will go...

Hurry up. It's the house

at the right side of the shrine.


You will find people standing

outside the shrine.

Thank god brother in law has left.

Dr Lehmber, get ready.

Doctor, I am really sorry!

I am a bit late.

It's good that you're late...

Else, there would have

been some problem.

Problem? What problem?

It was a lot of rush.

I am kidding. Have a seat.

Okay. - tell me,

how are you feeling these days?

I feel really good these days.

I am really happy too.

That's a nice thing.

We should stay happy.

You will have to come

for more 2-3 times.


- Then, you will be good on your own.


One minute!

Yes. Listen to me!

Where did you send me?

If I get irritated,

I will break your legs.

There is neither

a person nor a human...

Why? Where are you standing?

I am in front of the shrine.

I sent you on purpose. Why?

When did you go to

the shrine last time?

Don't laugh and go there.

Go to the God's place

and pay your respect.

Eat the food and work will keep

on going like this.



Who was that? Who were you giving

the directions?

No one. He is my friend. Actually...

he needs some counseling some time.

That's nice too.

You made me so happy.

You gave me so much happiness.

So I'll also write a medicine.



Doctor, are you here to give me

glucose or get me coffee?

I have never given and injection

to anyone and

never suggested someone to

have medicine.

I treat my patients with love.

Woo! Naturalpathy.

I have to become your friend now.

Tell me your Facebook id.

Lehmber, all of your Facebook photos

show you drinking in the farms.

Leave it! What if your pair

break even before forming?


I am asking your Facebook id.

Tell me.

Oh! I...

never made an account on

social media.

Actually, I don't believe

in the face but in the heart.

Doctor, your words are right.

But with social media...

you can form a social circle.

And you are new in this city,

you definitely need promotion.

Miss Ginni, you can do my

promotion on your id.

Why are you confusing me with

all this?


I don't believe in this kind of...

Oh! really!

Give me your phone.

I'll make your Facebook id.

Give me your phone.

Doctor, I am asking for your phone.

Give me the phone.

Leave it! I will definitely make

an id.

- Leave it!

- Okay! Okay!


I am so dead.

You really don't use Facebook.

I mean, you don't

use any social media.

Have your coffee.

I will make your id.


Do you know that

you can find all of school and

college friends on social media?

She is teaching a priest how

to read Geeta.

What else I have done other

than this?

I have drunk alcohol or have

done fighting.

I am making your id now.

See! Your id is ready.

Now, wear your coat and we will...

set your profile picture.

Wear it! Wear it! Wear it! Fast!




It's done.

Now we will upload your video.

- Okay? ready?

- Yeah!

Hi guys! This is Ginni from London.

He is doctor Lehmber.

I used to feel really low and feel

really sad before.

But since I started getting treated

from him,

you know what, I am feeling

very positive,

very good. If you also have any


you should message him right now.

When did he become a doctor?

This guy is really smart.

Why would he call us?

He has got a girl.

- Who got a girl?

- Our Lehmber.

Show the picture.

You are not supposed to see your

daughter in law's photo, dad.

I will go and tell other


Wait! Wait! I will also come.


has become a doctor, people!

He has become a doctor.

Uncle, Lehmber has become a doctor.

Uncle, our Lmaber

has started a new thing.

He has become a doctor now.

A person can't become a conductor...

as quickly as Lehmber

has become a doctor.

You should call him. He will

tell you the truth.

No, brother. I am also scared.

He has raised a new trouble.

You should do it yourself.

Surjit Kaur,

you should talk to Rimpi.

They will keep on discussing.

Yes. You should do it.

Mom's call! That too so early

in the morning.

Greetings, mom!

Greeting, daughter!

What's the matter? You called so

early in the morning.

I called you without any reason.

Is everyone good?

Everyone is good. What will

happen to us?

Oh! Is our Lehmber alright?

- Mom, Lehmber is also good.

- Okay.

Why are you dragging it? Ask her

directly about that doctor stuff?

What stuff, mom?

Rimpi, Sukha showed us a picture.

He was saying that our Lehmber

became a doctor.

Mom, he didn't become a doctor.

He has started going to the clinic

with his brother in law.

He is really working hard.

- Oh! He puts his heart into the job.

- Thank God!

- Thank God!

Mom, you should not worry about him.

Okay. I will call you later.

You must have something to do.

Okay then!

- Thank God!

- Thank God!


did you see that? Our video got


Yeah! I saw that.

My friends back in the village also

saw it.


- They were asking me who was the girl?

Then, what did you say?

Oh! I told them she was patient.

Oh! I am still a patient.

You will keep on meeting as long

as you stay my patient.

You will remember me.

Or else you will forget...

about this Lehmber.

You are not something who can be


And I don't make friends so quickly.

If I have made you my friend,

there must be something.


Hey! Hey!

I know it!

- What do you know? Who are you?

Who am I?

The heart wants to say it

but it's shy.

What do you need?

Don't get a curse from me.

That's what I do.

Make a pair and make a print.

Give me a pound. Give me a pound.

Don't do it. take it and go.

Take it.


"You exactly look like a moon."

"My eyes ask you to sit

in front of me."

"You exactly look like a moon."

"I want to love

you the whole night."

"I want to spill all of my heart

to you."

"Now, what can I do?

I don't live without you."

"I lost my sleep after connecting

my heart."

"My eyes stay awake these days

after taking your feelings."

"My eyes stay awake these days

after taking your feelings."

"My eyes stay awake these days.."

"after taking your feelings."

"My breath works on your


"My nights and my days pass here."

"My breath works on your


"My nights and my days pass here."

"I have formed friendship

for lives with you."

"I have my stake over you, darling"

"You have become my life."

"Never turn your back on me

and leave."

"My eyes stay awake these days.."

"after taking your feelings."


You have studied enough.

It's time to perform practical now.

Daddy, I am not studying

Punjabi language.

I am studying human psychology.


Then, you must have

found out that...

how strong a military man's

psychology is.

That's why I have chosen a military

officer for you.

His name is Major Shamsher Singh.

But dad, I have...

That... oh Dad!

I like a guy.

His name is Dr. Lehmber.


you know that safety is...

really important in the life.

And only a military

man can keep you safe.

But health and security is also

important these days.

And only a doctor can do that.

No! No! No, daughter.

I am a military man.

I want that my daughter marries

a military man.

I will not marry you somewhere,

where the post doesn't

contain the 'man' word.

Okay, daddy. Do one thing.

We have a watchman, right?

Get me married to him.

He is also a watchman. His name also

has man.

My daughter, I am going to

arrange your meeting...

with a military man tomorrow.

His name is major Shamsher Singh.

No, daddy. We won't meet major

Singh tomorrow.

We will meet the doctor tomorrow.

- Dr. Lehmber.

- Okay.

I don't mind. Let's do one thing.

In the morning, you can call Dr.

Lehmber at home.

I will take you to meet Major

Shamsher Singh in the evening.

- Well?

- Done.

- Sure.

- Okay.

Thank you, dad! I will call Lmaber.


Jerry, if Ginni's daddy agrees,

I will get sweets for you.

Bro, this is London. Sweets won't

work here.

If you want to do some charity,

then you can give a pound to some

monkey or bear.

I have done so many times.

A bear comes everywhere I go.

He has already taken 30 - 40 pounds

from me.

Okay then. Your relation will

be approved.

Take care this from next time.

When you see him anywhere, give him

20 pounds.

Not just twenty,

I will give him thirty.

It's just that Ginni should not

get angry...

when I tell her that

I am not Dr. Lehmber

but just Lehmber.

Do you want to tell the truth

to sister in law?

Bro, when you start a new relation,

you should start it with the truth.

Oh! That's good!

But yes,

when you will go to meet that

major's daughter tomorrow,

take me with you. What if I get

a chance?

Even if I don't, no problem.

We will get rum from major.


"Your weight is equal

to five flowers."

How is he here? Is he a major

or a messenger?

- He reaches everywhere.

- Wow! You?

I heard that officers are always

on time.

But I am seeing it

for the first time...

that they are so advance.

Come on gentleman! Come inside.

Come in! Come in!

Finally you found the house.

You can find it on Google.

Doctor, you are here.

Doctor, you...

Daddy, he is Dr. Lehmber.

No, daughter. He is...

major Shamsher Singh.

No, daddy. He is doctor Lehmber.

He is major Shamsher Singh.

Daddy, I told you right,

he is doctor Lehmber.

Daughter, you never listen

to anyone. Let's do one thing.

- Let's ask him.

- Okay. Ask him.


The pulse is working fine.

Is he acting?

What happened to my brother?

What happened to him?

Nothing. He is absolutely fine.

Lehmber. Why won't he get up?


Lehmber. Isn't

he officer Shamsher Singh?

Dad, didn't I say...

he is Dr Lehmber?

Look, he is neither a doctor...

nor an officer.

He is my brother-in-law.

He is my brother.

He came from Punjab 2 months ago.

He is neither a doctor...

nor an officer.

He came from India 2 months ago.


He lied to me.

If he can lie to Ginni...

he can lie to me also.

Doctor, when he regains

consciousness, tell him...

not to try to meet me

and my daughter.

Hereafter, Ginni

and I have nothing to do with him.

I can't even see his face.

"Don't ever fall in love."

"You have to go through

a test of fire."

"Love overwhelms the lovers."

"Love makes the heart pine."

"Love makes the heart pine."

"Love overwhelms the lovers."

"Love makes the heart pine."

"Love makes the heart pine."

"Don't ever lock eyes with love."

"Don't make it yours."

"Don't ever lock eyes with love."

"Don't make it yours."

"It won't let you sleep.

It won't let the eyes cry."

"The night is spent counting stars.

"Day is spent in yearning."

"It makes us out of breath."

"Love makes the heart pine."

"Love makes the heart pine."

Thank you. Thank you.

Cheers. Take it, Lehmber.

Lehmber, where are you lost?

Jerry, tell me something.

In this world,

for every mistake there is...

a punishment or forgiveness.

You tell me, should I get punished

or should I apologize?

Look, bro. You both are

facing punishment.

But you have to apologize because...

you have made a mistake, not her.

I am ready to apologize. Let's go.

Listen. Sit down.

Look, she is very upset.

If you go to her now...

she can complain against you.

You could be deported.

Let them deport me.

I want to apologize to Ginni.

Get up.

- Brother, please sit down for a minute.

Let's sit down and talk.

You won't get Ginni

if you get deported.

Have patience. Pray to God...

so that whenever you go to her

and apologize to her...

she should forgive you.

Have patience. Don't worry.

Now take a drink. Relax.


We have come to apologize to you.

Lehmber has made a mistake.

But please forgive him.

How can I forgive him?

He trapped my daughter in his lies.

He played with her emotions.

I don't want to have

any relationship with the man...

who has ruined my daughter's life.

Major, Lehmber has realised

his mistake.

Lehmber and Ginni love each other.

Doctor, this isn't called love.

He wants to get PR by trapping

my daughter in love.

And you are also helping him.

That's not true, sir.

Lehmber is not a bad guy,

but he just like to boast.

He lies without thinking twice.

No, it was all planned.

Thank God I didn't complain

against him.

Or he would have been deported,

and you would have been charged.

I am sorry.

I don't want to have

any relationship with a liar.

And you are not welcome here again.

You may leave.

That's was the only thing left,

and he has done that too.

You are wise.

Mom, we came there

for Lehmber's well being.

What was the need to go to

the girl's house?

Did you think they will welcome

you with garlands?

You got insulted.

Lehmber. Lehmber.


Lehmber, stop.

You? How dare you...

step in my house without

my permission?

If you hadn't been Ginni's father...

I would have show you my guts.

Why did you insult my sister

and brother-in-law?

Do you think I will welcome them

and show hospitality...

and accepted your marriage proposal?

Do you think you are so deserving?

I may or may not be deserving...

but it was my mistake,

so you should have talked to me.

We shouldn't talk to those

who stoop low.

I respected you a lot earlier.

But now for me you are just

a cheat, liar and a fraud.

You neither have any status

nor existence.

You are a big zero.

The one who can't be

true to himself...

the one who can't have confidence

in himself...

how will he belong to someone?

You are a liar and a cheat.

You can never reform.

Go away. I don't even want

to see your face.

Just get out!

"It is better to break the ties..."

"with ungrateful friends."

"Thank God, I realised my folly..."

"before I had wasted my whole life."

"You will forget

yourself in these paths."

"The world will mock you.

You won't find solace in love."

"It has drowned Sohni in the water."

"Love makes the heart pine."

"Love makes the heart pine."

He won't do anything in his life.

He will just wander around.

Let's hold a meeting.

He will come back.

He is a lazy bum.

He doesn't want to do any work.

He lies all day. He can't do

anything without lying.

He is not a liar, but worthless.

You are a liar and a cheat.

You can never reform.

Hello, mother.

What is the matter? You called

so early in the morning.

Is everything fine?

Mother, I was missing you.

So I called up?

Talk to me, son.

If you talk,

you will feel unburdened.

From your voice, I understood...

that my son is sad

because of something.

Look, son. Trust God.

If we take His name

and tread the path of truth...

then the paths get cleared.

Son, you should pray to God.

All your sorrows will be alleviated.

- Okay.

Mother, I will call you later.

I am going to sleep.



Who is it?


Talk softly.

Come quickly.

Other people also stay here.

You will get me evicted.

Who told you to drink so much?

Brother, I didn't drink too much.

I drank only one bottle.

Other people also stay here.

You will get me evicted.

They must be wondering

who has come...

and from where, so drunk.

Do you stay here, fatso?


I somehow manage this place

by working hard.


- I have to work here day and night.


Are you awake, jilted lover?

Do you remember anything

about last night?

The way you created a ruckus...

you would surely get me jailed.

I have a hangover.

Should I bring coffee

or liquor again?

Let's go to the Gurudwara.

Come on. Get ready.

We will go there.

What is it?

Oh my! I see.

"My beloved."





What work do you do?

I have to do something to survive.

You stupid fool!

Do you come in costume in the park?

Return my 30 pounds.

I will punch you, chimpanzee.

That's why

I felt you seemed familiar.

Fatso, my work was spoilt because of you.

- Brother.

It was because of me,

but because of your own misdeeds.

If you were honest,

she would have been with you.

Get lost. Go and get ready quickly.

We have to go.

O God!

Today I have come to apologize

for my mistakes.

I lied all my life...

without thinking

that my lies could hurt someone.

I realised my mistake...

when I lost my love

because of my lies.

O God.

Today I promise in your Gurudwara...

that hereafter I won't lie.

Forgive my mistakes.

And give me strength to tread

the path of truth.

Today you disturbed God early

in the morning.

I had an important work with God.

What was it which could have

been done during the day?

Jerry, today I made

a pledge in the Gurudwara.

Hereafter, I won't lie.


You make wishes seeing

sh**ting stars.

Why did you make false

promise to God?

You can never give up lying.


You know when you get hurt here...

this stops working.

And today it has called out to me...

to quit.

Enough is enough. Now move on.

I see. So...

what do you think about me...

What is there to think about you?

You are lowly

and you will stay lowly.

Even a dried stick is

used by kids to play.

But you are totally worthless.

What did you achieve in your life?

You wear bear's costume to scare

the foreigners.

Your acts like beasts.

But you are pure hearted.

Come on.

If I have so many flaws...

why are we friends?

Our friendship depends on needs.

I needed a guy to k*ll time.

I made you my friend.

I need someone for outing,

and you did that.

And what about all the help

I gave to you?


We need to someone share food,

liquor and fun...

Bro, you need a girl for that.

But you made friendship.

You are so odd.

Even others never humiliated me

so much...

as much as my friend did.

Come on. I will take my leave.

See you.


Hello. Where are you

going leaving me?

You are not the only ones

I know in this world.


The way I have tied

your hair today...

Look. You have become Singh.


You are so decked up.

Are you going to a fashion show?

I am not old for wearing make up.

I am only 17.

You are not 17 but 70.


Hey, Candy. I am coming.


How are you aunt Candy?


Hello, Candy. How are you?

Hi, Kelly.

You guys enjoy.

Where is Dr Avtaar?

He is not at home.

He is on vacation.

Aunt is also lying.

On vacation? Seriously.

Where is he gone?

Now what?

Let's go.


some people have come in suits.

Lehmber, they would be bankers.

Tell them I am not home.

First aunt lied to them.

Now you are asking me to lie.

I can't lie.

Now do you have trouble lying?

You lie all the time.

It is nothing new for you.

It was different earlier.

I can't lie now.

Even Gavy is sitting in the front.

Gavy, go inside.


Now tell them I am not home.

I couldn't pay

the instalment because of you.

Because of your mess.

That's why they have come.

Tell them I am not home. Go.

Yes. - We have come from

the bank to meet Dr Avtaar.

Dr Avtaar Singh. My brother-in-law.

You mean my sister's husband.

Yes. - Your sister's husband.

Where is he?

I don't know. Come after a few days.

You can call him up.

His phone is switched off.

Tell us, where is Dr Avtaar?


Brother-in-law is getting

ready inside.

He told me to tell you that

he isn't home.



Lehmber, did they leave?

No, brother-in-law.

They didn't go. They have come in.

I am really sorry, sir.

I was just joking.


- Doctor, we didn't expect this from you.

You are a professional person.

Since the last ten months...

you have no paid EMI of the house,

and now you are lying.

You will have to pay double fine.

Again I am really sorry, sir.

I was busy.

But I will pay it tomorrow

definitely. It is my promise.

Sir, please don't fine him.

Please. Forgive him

for my sake. Look.

I could have lied to you that

he isn't home.

But I told you the truth. Please.

Bro, you are honest.

We will spare him this time.

Doctor, don't make a mistake again.

Especially such a one.

Thank you so much. I really

appreciate that. Thank you.

Okay, let's go.


I asked you something a while ago.

Have you thought about it?


Your silence isn't

the answer to my question.

You have to think about the future.

Dad, what do you think about

the future? Dad, I am doing a job.

You know very well what

I want to say.

I accept...

that you were cheated.

It happened with me too.

Life doesn't end if we stumble once.

On the contrary,

it makes a new start.

I will find such

a suitor for my daughter...

who will always keep you happy.

It is very difficult

to pass life alone.

Lehmber, couldn't you say

a small lie?

You should have said

your brother-in-law was home.

No, sister. I have decided.

I will never lie in my life again...

even if I have to incur a big loss.

God has given me a chance to reform.

Don't let this opportunity slip.

You have lost so many chances.

Nobody gets so many in UK.

God has given you another chance.

Listen to me carefully.

I have talked to Stella for you.

Go and meet her. And just agree

to whatever she says.


Okay, sir.

I will meet her.


- Hi, Lehmber. Please have a seat.

Lehmber, I am so happy that you came

to meet me on Rimpi's behest.

It is nothing like that.

I need a job and...

I will work hard, day and night.

I am even ready for over time.

If you say,

I won't take leave even on Sundays.

Didn't Rimpi tell me

why I called you here?

No. She didn't say anything.

But you would have called me

for a job.

No. There is something

more than that.

What do you mean?

- Lehmber, I am noticing you since a long time.

I really like you.

I want us to get married...

and you should become my life

partner and business partner.

You know what.

Lehmber, I am UK citizen.

I have my own house and business.

It will be ours.

And we can lead a good life.

Sorry, Stella.

I am in love with someone else.

And I can't think of

anyone else now.

Anyway, we can't be happy

if our hearts are not one.

Our hearts will unite, Lehmber.

If you are not stressed out

about looking for a job...

or about PR...

then life will be easy, and

gradually you will fall in love.

Stella, I accept that I want PR...

and I also need a job.

I won't get PR so easily.

And I will have to try

hard to get a job.

But sorry...

my heart can't forget her.

Calm down, dear.


Don't cry, dear.

What happened?

Is everything fine?


You make a mistake and you ask us.

I never raised my voice

in front of anyone.

I never hurt anyone.

Since I came in this house...

I respected you as my God.

I revered you.

I didn't know you would

stoop so low.

Stoop low?

I am standing in front of you.

Will you tell me what happened?

Today with which girl were you

strolling with hand in hand?

With which girl was

I strolling with hand in hand?

Have you lost your mind?

Where did you see me?

I saw you.

You gave a bouquet to

a girl in the restaurant.

Aren't you ashamed to ruin

your sister's married life?

You should be ashamed.

You were going out with

some other girl.





She was my patient.

She is at the last stage of cancer.

I do counseling for her.

Do you think...

I will go out with her?

I saw you. I told here what I saw.

You don't have any brains.

If you had any brains...

you should have got a job by now.

Never mind, son.

He would have been mistaken.

Mom, be quiet.

Since he came to our house...

he has made our life miserable.

He creates a new mess every time.

I built a reputation

in all these years...

but he has spoilt it.

If he stay here any longer...

God knows what more trouble

he will invite for us.

Brother-in-law, I didn't know

you thought that about me.

I can go any minute.

You should have told me.

We have to say it to

the one who has self respect.

But you have no self respect.

If you have any dignity...

then leave my house.

Get out!



Lehmber, don't be offended by

what your brother-in-law said.

Let him go.

I will make sure nobody

gives him shelter.

"O traveller."

"After the fall of dusk."


"O traveller."

"O traveller."

"O traveller."

"Continue the journey of life,

all alone."

"O traveller."

"Keep marching, O traveller."

"The caravan moves on."

"Nobody is our own or an outsider."

"The one who has created

this world...

we have no enmity with

that creator."

"You will get

what your destined for."

"O traveller."

"O traveller."

"Keep marching, O traveller."

Lehmber, at this hour?

Friend, did you do some scam?

I didn't do anything.

I have left my sister's house.

It had to happen.

The relatives don't let

you stay here for long.

I knew that...

you would come to me some day.

You have come now.

Tell me...

what do you think about me?

What is there to think?

You were lowly and you still are.

Did you get PR?

Did buy a house or marry

a foreigner?

You will do the same job as before.

If I am so lowly,

why did you come to me?

My brother-in-law drove me

out of his house.

That's why I came here.

Do you think I will let you in

after hearing all this?


Look, I have come to you.

You are pure hearted.

Come on in.

I will let you stay here.

Because you are a good hearted guy.

And honest also.

But to stay here,

you have to pay half the rent.

And you have to arrange

for your meals.

Never mind, bro. I will do it.

You will do it, but how?

You don't get a job.

If you get a job...

you fight there and quit.

Bro, I will find a job.

Now I have to do a job.

There is no other way out.

I have a suggestion for you.

Whenever you are free,

you should come with me...

disguised as monkey.

What are you doing?

I will ask JD sir.

I can't wear costumes.

I will find a job for myself.

Okay, fine. As you wish.

Come on in.

Sir. - Are you

the one who came with Dr Avtaar?

Why are you here now?

I want a job.

Didn't I tell you the other day...

we don't have a job for you?

Sir, please.

There is no vacancy. Go.


Just leave.


Yes, Jerry.

I have sent you a location.

There is a vacancy in a restaurant.

If you go, you may get the job.

Okay. I will go.

Did you work before?

Yes, sir. I did a few jobs.

How much experience have you got?

Sir, 2-3 days.

2-3 days. Were you fired?

Sir, I was fired

because of my mistakes.

Should I make

a mistake by hiring you?

Sir, please.

Get out of here.

Sir, please. Get out.

If you want to progress,

do some business.

Had I been in your place,

I would have become the owner.

What is happening?


Is this the way to talk to someone?

I am sorry.

Just go inside.



What's your name?


Are you all right?


Brother, let's sit inside and chat.

Lehmber, maybe you don't

remember, but I do.

Once you told me...

how long will you just be a manager?

Will you become an owner or not?

Your words pierced my heart.

And that day I decided...

to start my own business.

Since that day, I toiled hard

and got this success.

How did you like the place?

Very good. Very nice.

It is my restaurant.

It is because of you.

So I am thankful to you.

So tell me, what can I do for you?

I wanted a job.

I can't cook, but I can take order.

Yellow lentil,

black lentil, chickpeas, curry...

Enough. Enough. Enough.

Lehmber, enough.

This is an Italian restaurant.

Okay? Your job is confirmed.

You can join from tomorrow.

Thank you. Thank you.

It is all right.

Thank you so much.

You are welcome. Okay?

See you.

Mother asked me

to tread the right path.

God has blessed me. I will give

the good news to mother.

Mother, hello.

Hello, son. Is everything fine?

It is very good.

I got a job.

Really? That is a good news.

Son, work hard.

Don't worry about us.

Yes, mother.

I will hard with dedication.

Okay, mother. I will talk to you later.

- Take care.

"Step out and start a new journey."

"Come and observe

the nature in daylight."

"If you try,

you will find the destination."

"You will get

what is in your destiny."

"Praise the Lord."

"You have to enter the arena

and face the opponents."

"You have to fight your own battle.

Pick up your swords."

"Don't retreat. Don't lose."

"Keep fighting. It is do or die."

"Change your luck."

"Don't underestimate yourself."

"Create something new to

impress the people."

"Don't be depressed.

Reach out to the destination."

"Tell the new generation

how to rise again."

"Be victorious."

"Rock on."

Hmm. There.

Lehmber. How is it going?

Everything is fine.

Good, good.

Listen. My important

guests are coming.

You see the centre table outside.

- Yes.

Please get it ready quickly.

Okay. Okay?



Hello, uncle.

Hello, son.

Please take your seat.


Thank you.



He is Gurbash.

And she is my daughter.




You two sit and talk.

After all, you have to spend

your lives together.

I will go and see the restaurant.

- Dad.

Dear, try to understand.

Uncle, I guess Ginni is

feeling uncomfortable.


"Don't lock eyes with love."

Excuse me.

"My friend, don't ever..."

Oh, Lehmber.

Let it be. They have left.

Listen. That girl's name is Ginni.

And I am getting married to her.

She was going to marry someone...

but that boy was a cheat.

So Ginni is tense these days.

Anyway, you carry on.

Love is the one that makes the herat suffer

You read books,

but you should follow it too.

Dear, I took you to meet Gurbaaz...

so that you can forget your past.

Dad, I am not a kid...

that you can take me anyway,

holding my hand.

You should have told me

where we were going...

and for what? I may not like to go.

That's why I didn't tell you.

I knew you would have refused.

I think Gurbash is

the right choice for you.

He is a handsome guy.

And he has built a restaurant,

with his hard work.

He will always keep you happy.

Now it is up to you.

I can not say anything more.

He has got a good job.

Lehmber, won't you even

talk to your sister?

You are still offended.

No, sister. It is nothing like that.

So why didn't you come home?

You should have come for

a cup of tea.

I was busy with work.

So I didn't get time.

I know my brother works very hard.

He does double shifts.

Lehmber, come home.

We have come to get you.

No, brother-in-law. I am fine here.

Lehmber, please forget

the past disputes.

Will you make me apologize to you?

No, brother-in-law.

It is nothing like that.

I have learnt from you...

how to live my life.

Now I feel I am fine here.

I am used to living alone.

Lehmber, you shouldn't stay

alone for too long.

Stella is a very nice girl.

If you agree to marry her...

all the problems will be solved.

Yours and ours also.

Lehmber, we have taken

loan from Stella...

because I couldn't repay

the house loans.

So we have to pay her back.

She is upset with us, as

we didn't get you married to her.

Even my job is uncertain.

Bro, listen to them.

Your life will be made.

You know, only lucky ones

get Red passport.

Our family gives only good advice.

My brother, please say yes.

We have come with respect.

We have high hopes from you.


Hi, Lehmber.


This is for you.

Thank you.

- I am so happy and excited that you agreed to marry me.

You know what.

You don't need to do this work.

Next week, you are going to be

the owner of a very big company.

I have said yes for the marriage,

not to quit my job.

Anyway, I want to become

a self made man.

That's what I like about you.

Okay, keep up with

your work. Carry on.

Next week, Rimpi and I...

have fixed

the wedding date on Sunday.

So please take leave from the job.

Because we have to do lots of shopping and preparations.

- Okay.

I will take my leave.

Thank you so much.

Thank you. Bye.


What a good choice!

You have found an amazing girl.

She is one of the richest lady.

And citizen also.

If I had got this option,

I too would have said yes.

Don't worry. Just kidding.

You will get your PR for sure.


I wanted an advice from you.

Ginni is very sad.

I don't understand what to gift her.

Everyone has

their own individual choice.

Still, you would know better.

You seem like a lover boy.

I think happiness is more

important in life.

Give her a smiley.


Sweet and simple.


Very good idea. Thank you.

Keep up the good work.

"Two earthen lamps."

"Two earthen lamps."

"I have lit with a prayer."

"I have lit with a prayer

that you lead a long life."

"Live a long life."

"O beloved.

You embark on a new journey."

"But please don't forget me."

"O beloved."

"With kohl, your eyes shine bright."

"You are one in a million."

"The sun bows seeing

your glowing beauty."

"Everything else is pale."

"But please don't forget me."

"O beloved."

"O my sweetheart."

"O my darling. O my sweetheart."

I knew you would come.

Thank you.

You are welcome.

Ginni, your father told me


Everyone has a past...

which is very difficult to forget.

But you can't plan

the future with past baggage.

We have to leave it behind.

Look, Ginni. I am in no rush.

You can take as much

time as you want.


I have got

a small but cute gift for you.

I hope it will give you

the reason to be happy.

Because someone told me...

that happiness is very

important in life.

How did you like the gift, Ginni?



I have a request.

I hope you won't refuse.

Tomorrow I have to attend a

function, and I want you to join me.

We will spend some time together.

Sure. I will come with you.

Thank you for honouring my request.

Lehmber, I want to tell

you something.

A sheep had a calf.

That calf keep moaning.

The family didn't know what to do.

So they tied his mouth.

Grandmother, what is Kataru?

Kataru like your uncle.

Are you happy?

Very happy.

Come on.

We have come to your wedding,

and not to a funeral.

Let's dance, because you will

forget me after tomorrow.

Fatso, am I going in coma?

Should I make you dance?

Stand quietly.

I have a request.

Find a girl for me.

First you get married.

I will marry later.

Bro, you are very big hearted.

You invited

your girlfriend to your wedding.

"I want to befriend

you for a lifetime."

Ginni. Ginni, what happened?

"You are just mine."

Are you all right?


Bro, so strange!

Not just the girlfriend...

you have even invited her father.

Fatso, I didn't invite anyone.

I didn't know anything.

Did he come to eat food?


We are so happy to have you

all here with us today...

for the engagement ceremony

of my lovely brother...

Lehmber and Stella.

Thank you.


Here, dear.

Make her wear the ring. Congrats.

They make a nice couple.

Yes, Stella is very lucky.

Look. They both are

looking so happy.

It is a great moment.

This moment comes once

in a lifetime.

What did you do?

- The same thing which I should have done.

You love me

and you are marrying someone else.

Are you not tired of lying?

You are lying to her also.

Lehmber, how long can you

run away from the truth?

I am not running away

from the truth.

I am on the side of the truth.

But the truth didn't support me.

As long as I kept lying,

the whole world was with me.

The moment

I tried to say the truth...

even my shadow abandoned me.

I am your shadow.

When the sun is over the head,

we don't see the shadow.

But it never leaves you.

Thank you so much,

Ginni, for forgiving me.

And for coming back into my life.


Congratulations to both of you.

Did you think...

only you can lie.

We are also like you.

Dear, the world teaches us

to lie a little.

As for me.

I had made up my mind...

the day I saw you working hard.

Lehmber, when you refused

to marry me...

I realised you are a honest man.

And I thought of helping you.

Ginni's anger was justified.

We would have appeased,

but Lehmber...

it was important to

teach you a lesson.

We didn't take any loan from Stella.

It was all a lie.

And I am here because of your words.

I had to help you with your love.

So you all took the refuge of lies.

Truth and lie are important

part of our lives.

We should never lie.

Because you hurt someone by lying.

You can spend your life by lying.

But by telling the truth,

you can live your life.

And I am thankful to all of you.

I am grateful as all of you...

showed me the real path of life.

And as long as I am here...

I will always tread

the path of truth.

I will never lie.

I will never hurt anyone.


Bro, you were offering me your coat.

So ask me again.

Can I take your coat?

I will buy a new one for you.

I don't want you to get stuck.

I too have said one lie.


- If I tell you, we will get caught.

Lehmber, run!

"Desi groom. Desi groom!"

"You speak sweeter than honey."

"Your disco is priceless."

"The singles ask each other,


"From which village have you come?"

"From where did you

buy the golden shirt?"

"My eyes are on you."

"When she walks alone,

our hearts skip a beat."

"When she walks alone,

our hearts skip a beat."

"You have applied kohl in her eyes."

"From which village have you come?"

"From where did you

buy the golden shirt?"

"My eyes are on you."

"The moon descended

on the earth from the sky."

"Looking for it, in the clouds,

the stars have started a fight."

"The moon descended

on the earth from the sky."

"Looking for it, in the clouds,

the stars have started a fight."

"I have found my peacock."

"From which village have you come?"

"From where did you

buy the golden shirt?"

"My eyes are on you."