Stalked by My Stepsister (2023)

Thanksgiving, Dramas Movie Collection.

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Stalked by My Stepsister (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

Got you.

Put me down.

I keep telling you,

you got to pace yourself

if you really wanna to crush

that last quarter mile.

You okay?

You sure?

- I'm sure.

- Okay.

- What's my time?

- Just under 22 minutes.

- Man.

- Come on, that's not so bad.

It's not so bad

for high school.

It's not going to get me

into Superior.

Maddy, it's one off day.

You're allowed

to have an off day.

- Stupid asthma.

- Come on.

Take you for a milkshake,

make it all better?

Can't. Have to get home.

Mom and Kent said

they have a surprise for me.

A surprise?

Do you think you're

going to be a big sister?

I think they're

a little past that.

Anyway, whatever it is,

nothing's going to top

a phone call from Vegas

telling me my mom eloped.

What are you complaining about?

I wish my mom would marry

a millionaire.

I think your dad

would frown on that.

Anyway, I'm just happy to see

my mom happy for a change.

She's had a tough couple years.

She did?

Oh, do you mean how you were

skipping school, sneaking out,

and getting picked up

by the police?

You know I'm joking.

Actually, I kind of dig

dating a girl

with a sordid past.

- Sordid?

- So sordid.

I have a surprise

for you, too.

Really? What's that?

Race to the car.


...don't call me

later for dinner.

- 'Kay.

- Hey.

Hi, sweetie.

How was your run?

Not my best.

Just under 22.

Mm, your asthma?

Do you want me to make another

appointment with Dr. Nelson?

I think it was

just an off day.

I'm gonna go clean up

before dinner.

Oh, I think

your surprise is here.

Maddy, I'd like you

to meet my daughter Devon.

Maddy, it's so nice

to meet you.

Oh, it's nice to meet you, too.

I'm sorry, I had no idea--

I know.

Mom and Dad wanted it

to be a surprise.

I told them we should warn you,

but you know how they are.

Devon's just back from London.

Yeah, I thought you were

in an arts academy there.


Yeah, I had some time off

between semesters,

so I decided to come back home

for a while

now that I have a whole

new family to get to know.

Well, welcome back.

I should probably go

clean up before dinner.

It was nice to meet you.

Madison. I'm sorry.

I really did

tell them we shouldn't

spring this on you.

Oh, it's totally fine.

It just caught me off guard.

I knew Kent

had a daughter, but--

Our parents ran off

and got married without even

introducing us over Zoom.

Listen, I just

wanted to tell you

that I'm excited you're here.

The truth is,

I've always wanted a sister.

I'll see you at dinner?

Gia: Wait, so you have

a little sister now?

- Apparently.

- I always wanted

a little sister.

Well, you can have her.

Wait, why?

Is she super lame?

No, she actually seems

pretty sweet.

Wow, I can see why

you'd want to get rid of her.

- What a bitch.

- Stop.

She's just, I don't know,

maybe a little too sweet.

- Oh.

- Sorry, I didn't mean

to interrupt.

No, that's just fine.

Gia, I'll see you after dinner.

Are you choosing her over me?

Bye, Gia.

I just wanted to let you know

that dinner's ready.

Oh, thanks.

I'll be right there.

I love what

you've done in here.

This was actually my room

before I left for school.

Oh, I'm sorry.

This is just where Kent put me.

You can have it back.

Oh, no. It's yours now.

It fits you.


Come on. I'm starving.


Thank you, sweetheart.

So, Devon,

London must be so exciting.

I bet you made

some good friends there.

Actually, I spent

most of my time in the studio.

Well, the studio

and Tate Modern.

Kent: Most parents

have to set a curfew.

I had to practically

throw Devon out of the house

to go have fun.

I had lots of fun.

Of course, I never

would have gone

if I knew that my father

was going to find

the love of his life

and marry her while I was away.

Well, it wasn't

exactly planned.

We were staying at the same

hotel for a conference.

I couldn't find anywhere

to sit for breakfast.

I saw your dad

wandering around,

and invited him

to sit with me in the lobby.

It turns out

we're both from Springfield.

Kent: The next thing we knew,

the sun was going down,

and then it was coming up again.

And we were still

in the lobby talking.

- I'm really not

an impulsive person.

- It's true.

She won't buy a toaster oven

without a thorough

background check.

I don't know, I guess,

talking to your dad,

we just have so much in common,

and we didn't want to wait.

Why wait when you know

it's perfect?

Dad's definitely had

his share of broken hearts.

More than my share.

I'm just so glad he's

finally found someone.

I will drink to that.

- Oh, hi, Gia.

- Hey, Miss A!

Sorry. Mrs. Miller.

Still getting used

to the new name.

Just call me Laura.

- Nah.

- Gia, this is Devon,

Kent's daughter.


Laura: Gia and Maddy

have been best friends

since fourth grade.

- Except for seventh.

- Yeah, Maddy stole

my boyfriend.

He wasn't your boyfriend,

and I didn't steal him.

He sat next to me

at lunch one time.

Yeah, you're just lucky his dad

got that job in North Dakota

before I could steal him back.

We're going to get coffee.

Why don't you

take Devon with you?

Oh, that's okay.

I don't want to crash.

You wouldn't be crashing.

I was just gonna ask you.

Let me just grab my purse.

- I'll be back by 9.

- Laura: Have fun.

- Bye, Gia.

- Bye.

- You were just going to ask?

- What was I supposed to do?

My mom put me on the spot.

I don't usually

drink coffee in the evening,

but I think

I can make an exception

for my new sister

and her best friend.

- Ready?

- Ready or not.

Let's go.

So I just filled it with coffee

and they added it to the menu.

So you invented this?

Invented is a strong word.

It's just hot chocolate

and coffee.

- I can't believe you work here.

- Ever since I turned 16.

I've never had a job

except for taking

care of my dad.

I'm glad he has

you and your mom now.

Yeah, ever since she was little,

Maddy's been asking

for a middle-aged businessman

to take care of.

Kent's been a great stepdad.

He and Mom seem

really happy together.

I'm hooked.

I'm going for another.

I thought you said

she was your stepsister,

not your Stepford sister.

- She's fine.

- She's lame.

- You never like anyone new.

- And I'm always right.

Give her a break.

Okay, she could be worse.

- She could be your sister.

- You leave Shannon out of this.

- She's really turning

her life around.

- 360 degrees.

I ordered us three.

I figured we could stay

and talk a while longer.


Your job seems really fun.

I don't know.

It's-- I like it.

Thank you

for inviting me tonight.

It was nice to meet Gia.

I can see why

you two are friends.

Oh, now that you're back,

we'll have to take

a new family photo.

I'd like that.

Is this your mom?

No, my mom died

when I was five.

That's Teresa.

She was my dad's fiance.

- And what happened there?

- She k*lled herself.

I'm so sorry. I had no idea.

He doesn't like

to talk about it.

It was just a few days

after they got engaged.

She left a note, but it really

messed him up for a while.

He shut himself off

from the world.

It was just him and me

alone in this house.

That's why I'm so glad to see

how happy your mom has made him.

I feel the same way.

It was just my mom and me

the past few years.

I haven't seen her smile

like she has since

she met your dad.

I'm happy you're here, Maddy.

Both of you.

Thanks, Devon.

I know this is your house,

but thanks for making us

feel welcome.

What are sisters for?

Well, good night.

Good morning, sleepyhead.

It's 7 AM.

Oh, thanks, um...

I don't usually eat much

for breakfast.

That's because you've never

had my blueberry pancakes.

What's that?

Oh, blueprints for the remodel.

The architect sent them

over this morning.


Yeah, your dad and I are

doing a little renovating.

I guess you miss a lot

when you're 4,000 miles away.

Oh, it's nothing too big.

Just taking down

a few of walls,

replacing some

of these old doors

we don't have the keys for,

fresh coat of paint.

I'll be doing

a lot of it myself.

My mom decorated this house.

Devon, I'm sorry.

I had no idea.

Oh, I didn't mean it like that.

I'm just saying

it's been a while.

Definitely time for a refresh.

- Morning, ladies.

- I made breakfast.

It smells amazing,

but I'm running late.

I just need some, uh--

it's good to have you home.

Laura, have you seen

my gray suit jacket?

It's not in my closet.

Uh, yes, I picked that up

from the dry cleaner yesterday.

- I will grab it.

- Thank you, thank you.

Have a good day, girls.

- You too, Daddy.

- Thanks.

Actually, I have to run, too.

I'm meeting Ian before school.

- Ian?

- My boyfriend.

- I can help you clean up.

- Oh, no. Go, go.

I don't want to stand

in the way of true love.

Okay. Thanks for breakfast.

- Is it crooked?

- No, I just like having

an excuse to do this.

So what are you up to today?

I'm gonna start

painting upstairs.

Oh, that's right, that's right.

Be careful on that ladder.

It's old, and I do not want--

Mm-hmm, and make sure

the hinge locks.

- Yes, thank you

for the warning.

- Hey.

I think I picked it up

the third or fourth time.

I am your husband.

It's my job to worry about you.

- Well, I kind of like

being worried about.

- Good.

But don't worry.

Maddy's helping me set up.

Good, good.

Good, good, good.

I love you.

I love you. I love you.


- All set.

- Locked and loaded.

Anything else?

No. Thank you, sweetie.

Have a good day at school.

Bye, Mom. Happy painting.

So I was right.

You're gonna be a big sister.

You're such a dork.

Hey, now, you need

to set a good example

for your younger siblings.

So, what's she like?

I don't know. She's nice.

She's trying

a little too hard,

but I think she's harmless.



Mom, what happened?

Are you okay?

I'm fine.

Just a little banged up.

Your mom's very lucky.

It could have been a lot worse.

I was painting

and the ladder collapsed.

She fell all the way

down the stairs.


Mom, I double-checked it.

Laura: Devon found me

and called for help.

I don't know what would've done

if she hadn't been here.

It's best not

to even think about that.

Are you sure

you won't let us take you in?

No. You said it looks okay?

- Mom!

- It's okay, Maddy, really.

Devon made an appointment for me

at the doctor this afternoon.

All right,

we're gonna pack up

and let you rest.

We gave her something

for the pain,

so she might get

a little sleepy.

Devon: Thank you.

Sorry for the trouble.

Mom, can I get you anything?

I'm fine,

I just want to rest.

Well, where's Kent?

He was in Franklin this morning.

He's on his way now.

But it's okay,

I've been here.

I'm sorry, maybe we shouldn't

have bothered you at school.

Maddy, you really

should get back.

You can't just leave school

in the middle of the day.

- Mom, I can't leave you.

- Kent'll be here soon,

and you've already been in

enough trouble missing class.

It's okay, Maddy.

I'll stay here with her

until Dad gets here.

Are you sure?

I do not want another call

from the school, Maddy.

Go ahead. Back to class.

Okay, well,

lunch is in a few hours.

I'll come back

and check on you then.

- Did you see what happened?

- I just heard a loud crash

and I found her

at the bottom of the stairs.

I just-- I swear I checked

the ladder was locked.

Devon, thank you

for taking care of her.

Of course.

She's family now.

- Call me if anything changes.

- I promise.


- Is she okay?

What happened?

- She's resting.

We shouldn't wake her.

Come on, I'll fill you in.

Oh, jeez.


Morning, sweetie.

Mom! How are you feeling?

Like I fell off a ladder.

The doctor says

it'll be a couple weeks

before she's back to herself.

- Mom, I'm so sorry.

- I know, sweetheart.

I'll just let the contractors

handle it from here.

Speaking of which, you haven't

seen the blueprints, have you?

- Do you want me to

stay home with you today?

- No, I'll be fine.

I'm just gonna take it easy.

Good idea.

Save your energy for tonight.

- What's tonight?

- I thought Dad said

it was tonight.

Kathryn Woods

is coming to dinner?

- That's tonight?

- That's tonight.

- Maddy: Kathryn Woods?

- She runs a tech startup

Kent's been trying to acquire.

I'll just let her

know what happened.

- We'll reschedule.

- No.

No, you're not cancelling.

You've been trying

to set this up for months.

- Laura--

- We're not canceling.

Maybe we can just go out.

- You're not exactly in

great shape for a night out.

- I can make dinner.

It's no problem.

I'll get Gia to help.

Her mom's a chef.

- You sure you don't mind?

- Not at all.

I'll stop by the grocery store

on the way home from my run.

- Maddy to the rescue.

- Thank you, sweetie.

You're a lifesaver.

Here, for groceries.

Oh, and no seafood.

Her husband has

a serious shellfish allergy.

We'll stick to chicken.

- What did I ever do

without you?

- Thanks, Maddy.

Hey, all right. Under 21.

We just need to shave

a few more seconds off

and you'll be a shoo-in

for Superior.

That's easy for you to say.

Your airways aren't trying

to choke you to death.

True, but a piece

of potato did once.

You're so weird. You're--

- Devon?

- Okay. Unexpected twist.

- Who's this?

- Maddy, hi!

- I didn't know you ran here.

- Every day.

Hi, I'm Devon, Maddy's sister.

You must be Ian.

Maddy's told me all about you.

Oh, she has?

Well, not all about you.

That's true.

She didn't tell me

how handsome you are.

Nice catch.

Are you a runner, too?

Well, kind of.

Actually, I only joined track

so I would have an excuse

to talk to Maddy,

but I kinda fell

in love with it and her.

Seriously, Ian,

this much cheese

is bad for your heart.

I think it's sweet.

We should get going.

Oh, hey,

why don't you join us?

I'd love that,

if you don't mind me

crashing the party.

- Lead the way.

- Come on.

She seems great.


Okay, looking good.

- Almost ready?

- Almost.

I just finished

stuffing the chicken.

- Crab isn't a shellfish, right?

- Keep making jokes like that,

you're gonna see a real crab.

Kent said this guy

is seriously allergic.

Okay, sorry. I'll clam up.

Do you need any help?

I think we're good,

but thanks.

Wow, you like your pepper.

I guess I'm used

to European food now.

The palate is

a little more refined.

Yeah, here in America,

I have to resist the urge

to wrap everything in pizza

and deep fry it.

- What?

- Be nice.

That was me being nice.

I was being nice.

How's it looking, ladies?

- Gia: I think we're done.

- Whoa.

- This looks amazing.

- I've picked up a few

tricks from my mom.

- And YouTube.

- Hey, a true chef never

reveals her secrets.

Yeah, well, thank you

so much for your help, Gia.

- Really, thank you.

- Happy to.

I'm just glad that you're okay.

And, uh, I think

that's everything.

Thanks, G.

You can get out of here

before they show up.

Do I have to?

I wanted to stay and hear

more about Kent's work.

You know, leveraging

the scalabilities of his

mergers and acquisitions?

- Okay.

- I'll fill you in.

But you always leave out

the juicy details.

Call me after.

Enjoy your

crab-stuffed chicken.

Oh, she's joking.


Thank you for all

of your help, Maddy.

This dinner

is a huge deal for Kent.

I've been trying

to get some face time

with Kathryn for months.

We just want to make sure

it goes perfectly.

Actually, Kent and I

have something for you.



That was your father's

favorite photo

of the two of you.

I've been wanting

to give it to you for a while,

I just haven't found

the right moment.

With everything

you've had to overcome

the last couple of years,

I'm just--

we are just so proud of you.

And I know

your dad would be, too.

Thank you.

Of course.

You deserve it.

- Hi, honey.

- Wow, that's beautiful.

- All set?

- Should be ready

in about an hour.


What's her husband's

name again?

Right this way.

- What a beautiful home.

- Thank you.

Laura is in the process

of redecorating.

This is Laura's daughter Maddy.

It's nice to meet you.

Ah, the cross country runner.

You know,

I ran track in college.

Well, Maddy is applying

to Superior for the fall.

I know the provost.

I'd be happy to put in

a good word for you.

And this is my daughter Devon.

She's just back

from a semester in London.

Devon, sweetie, would

you mind grabbing the wine

from the kitchen?

Everyone okay with merlot?

- Adam: Sounds perfect.

- I'll be right back.

So, Laura, tell us

your plans for the house.


Oh, really nothing major,

but there's some old

drab wallpaper

that really needs to come down.

And I'm gonna do

a little repainting and...

Laura: Kathryn,

I'd love to know more

about what you do.

Sorry. Took me forever

to find the corkscrew.

This looks fantastic.

I can't take the credit.

Maddy prepared dinner.

Kathryn, how is the latest

update coming along on the app?

A little behind schedule.

We lost two of our senior

programmers to a headhunter.

Well, it's a competitive

market out there

right now for startups.

It's a good time

to think about partnerships

with larger organizations.

- Like yours?

- Well, now that you mention it.


- We do have a stable

development infrastructure.

- Mm-hmm.

We might be able

to get you back on track.

Hmm. Truth is,

I've been thinking

a lot about it,

and it might be time

for a strategic partnership.

- Are you okay? Are you--

- Adam?

He's choking!


- He's allergic to shellfish.

- I didn't-- there isn't any--

- Call 911.

- Open your mouth.

Keep coughing.

- Kent: Adam, look at me.

- Uh, honey,

tilt your head back.

- Tilt your head.

- Buddy, buddy, buddy.

Yes, please, I need an ambulance

at 1210 Chestnut Street.

What happened? Is he...

He's okay.

They're letting them go home.

Thank God.

Is he, um-- are they--

- Are they angry?

- What do you think?

Mom, I don't know what happened.

We just made chicken

like we said.

With crab stuffing?

What? Mom, no,

Gia was just joking.

This isn't a joke, Maddy.

He could have died.

I'm sure it was an accident.

I saw cocktail shrimp

in the trash.

Maybe they were eating it

while they cooked.

We didn't eat anything.

I don't care

what happened, Madison.

Kent won't tell you this,

but you should know

that this has created

huge problems for him.

I mean, we were

supposed to impress her,

not send her husband

to the hospital.

I can't believe that

you could be this reckless.

I guess...

...maybe I just

expected too much.

Come on, let's go.


I'm sure she didn't mean to.


He seriously almost died?

He stopped breathing

for almost a minute

before the ambulance

got here.


Way to ruin a dinner party.

That was pretty

shellfish of him.

- It's not funny.

- Sorry, Mads.

I'm just trying

to lighten the mood.

Were you trying to

lighten the mood last night?


I don't get it.

I found that in the trash.

And what? You think I was

secretly trying to poison

my best friend's stepdad's

business partner's husband?

- You were joking about it.

- Yeah, joking, Maddy.

You know I'd never do

anything like that.

Honestly, if you're

looking for a suspect...

I'm glad to see you, Gia.

I was worried you might be

too embarrassed to come back

after last night,

but you're always welcome here.


I didn't do anything.

Oh, I know,

I'm sure it was an accident.

That's what I've been telling

Dad and Mom all morning.

Just give them a couple days.

They'll understand.

Maddy, I'm here

if you need me.

Are you sure Devon's name

ends with an "N" not an "L"?

Don't blame her for this.

My mom is pissed

and Kent's in trouble at work.

- It's not her fault.

- All right, I get it.

- Hey.

- Hi.

We're late for our run.

I'll see you later.

Word of advice,

steer clear of seafood puns.

And don't forget

your backpack. Come on.

Ian: Is everything okay?


Did you find

what you were looking for?

- Um, yeah.

- Good.

- You're funny, Gia.

- Um, thanks?

My dad's fiance was funny.


Always joking.

She especially loved

to give me a hard time.

Until she died.

Have a good day, Gia.

Maddy: She didn't even give me

a chance to explain.

She thinks

we did it on purpose,

and now Kent's

in trouble at work and--

Wow. You don't

really think Gia

did it though, do you?

No. Well, I don't know,

I mean, maybe not on purpose.

It's just I'm trying

to get my mom trust me

after last year,

and now it's like

it was all for nothing.

She thinks

I'm totally irresponsible.

Hey, I like my girls

a little irresponsible.

Hey. How are you doing?

I'm okay,

I just think I needed

some time alone.

I know how you feel, Maddy.

Sometimes our worst enemies

come disguised

as the best friends.

Just one second.

Sorry, Devon,

I have to take this.

Oh, I don't mind.

Um, so I'll see you later?

Come find me after?

What's up?

Good to know

we're still talking.

Yeah, well, it's just

so I can avoid Devon, okay?

She's been driving me nuts.

Maddy, I need to see you.

- So come over.

- Not at your house.

Well, after yesterday,

I don't think my mom

is gonna let me leave tonight

or ever again.

Maddy, please?

There's something

I need to show you.

Show me at school on Monday.

- No, tonight.

- Gia.

Maddy, please. It's important.

Trust me?

Okay, I'll meet you

after my mom goes to bed.

Okay, meet me at the library.

- I'll be waiting.

- Okay.

I'll meet you

at the library at 10.

Bye, Gia.

Cool. Okay.


I'm still studying back here.






Gia: Up here!



Come on!



Good night, sweetheart.

- Madison.

- Devon, hi.

I was just...

Sneaking out?

Go ahead.

I'll cover for you.


I've always wanted

a sister to cover for.

Thanks, Devon.

I'm just meeting up with Gia.

Don't mention it.

Tell Gia I said hello.

Maddy: Gia?


Gia, if this is another joke,

it's going over about as well

as the last one.

Laura: Maddy?

It's time to go.

Yeah, that's fine.

You good?

- Maddy, I'm so sorry.

Are you okay?

- How is she?

Her mom says

they don't know if she...

She said she'd call

if anything changes.

- Madison, I spoke with

the police this morning.

- The police?

They had some questions

about Gia.

- What kind of questions?

- I don't know.

They're sending a detective

over this morning.

- When?

- They're on their way now.

I need a minute.

She hasn't slept.

Can we ask them

to come this afternoon?

I'll get it.

I'm Detective Waldron.

I'm here to speak with Madison.

Yes, detective.

We've been expecting you.

Please come in.

Let me show you

to the living room.

- Can I get you anything?

- No, that's all right.

Thank you so much

for coming, detective.

It's so awful, but why

are the police involved?

We just had a couple questions

about the accident.

- Do you know Gia Benton?

- We only met a few times.

To be honest,

I barely know Maddy.

We only met a brief time ago.

Her mom married my dad.

- Sounds like a big adjustment.

- It has been.

- Especially...

- What?

No, I-- they just seem to have

a lot of conflict

between them,

ever since Maddy

almost k*lled her mom.

Oh, detective, no, I'm sorry.

I didn't mean it like that.

Maddy was helping

her mom redecorate

and Laura fell off the ladder

and down the stairs.

- When did this happen?

- It was just a few days ago.

But please,

really it was nothing.

- Not compared to...

- Compared to what?

Nothing, detective.

I'll leave you to your work.

Miss Miller, please,

any detail you can provide

might be helpful,

no matter how unimportant

it seems to you.

It's silly, really.

Our parents had guests over

the day after

her mom's accident.

Maddy and Gia prepared dinner,

and-- is this really necessary?

Please, go on.

One of the guests

had an allergic reaction

and had to go to the hospital.

It was an honest mistake.

It's just they had

been joking around

about triggering his allergy.

- Who?

- Maddy and Gia.

It was just a joke, detective.

I know, because they were

fighting about it afterwards.

So, Maddy was angry at Gia.

I saw Maddy leaving that night

to go meet Gia.

I didn't say anything

to our parents.

Of course, I wish I had,

but when she left,

she seemed different.

Different how?

Agitated, I guess?

She almost didn't go,

and then...

- I'll let you all talk.

- Thank you, Miss Miller.

You've been very helpful.

Good morning, detective.

Would you like some coffee?

- No, thank you.

Let's get started.

- Have a seat.

I'd like to start

with a couple

background questions

about the past couple weeks.

Thank you for coming,


Thank you for your time.

If you think of anything else,

you have my number.

- Thank you, detective.

- Madison, I'm going to ask you

not to leave town

for the next couple of days

until we've made some progress

on our investigation.

We'll be in touch.

He's just doing his job,


Is he gone? How did it go?


what did you say to him?

To the detective?

I just told him

what a terrible time

you've been having.

You made me sound

like a psychopath!

- Maddy, no, I promise.

- Madison, calm down.

- Calm down?

- Maddy, hey.

Hey, Kent and I

are on your side here,

but we need to know exactly

what happened last night.

- I told you what happened.

- Maddy, is it happening again?

What are you talking about?

Everything that happened

after your dad died, Maddy.

The lying, the disappearing,

the police?

How can you ask me that?

My best friend

is in the hospital.

- You think I had

something to do with it?

- I don't know! Okay?

I don't know why you're

sneaking out of the house

in the middle of the night.

I don't know

if you're in trouble

or if you need my help.

I don't want to talk

about this.

You have to talk about this.

Okay? You are involved

in a police investigation.

You don't get to keep

your feelings to yourself.

I want to know

what's going on!

- Maddy, where are you going?

- For a walk!

Or maybe to go finish the job!

- Laura: Maddy.

- Daddy, I didn't mean to--

It's okay, Devon.

You didn't do anything wrong.

- Laura, can we, uh...

- Yeah.


- We need to get a lawyer.

- Kent, he's just doing his job.

He's asking a lot

of questions, Laura.

- Not about Gia. About Maddy.

- Kent.

Why is he asking Maddy

about her police record?

She was a juvenile.

That's supposed to be sealed

- unless she gets

in trouble again.

- Wake up, Laura.

Your daughter

is in trouble, okay?

You didn't tell me

about all this.

I told you

Maddy had a hard time

after her dad passed.

A hard time?

You didn't say the police

were involved.

- For truancy, Kent!

- Okay.

Not for attempted m*rder.

What do you want me to do?

She's my daughter!

Yeah? You're not

the only one with a daughter

in this house, Laura, okay?

- My daughter lives here, too!

- So are you saying

Maddy's a threat?

I didn't say that.

Don't put words in my mouth!


Then what are you saying?

Kent: I'm saying that

your daughter is in trouble

and my daughter lives

in this house now, too!

My daughter is here now!

Laura: You think

I don't know that, Kent?

What do you think

is going through my head?

They questioned me

for an hour.

Devon says

she was trying to help,

but she just made

everything worse.

Maybe you were

right about her.

Which means

you have to wake up.

Just so you can say

I told you so.

Please be okay, Gia.

Please wake up

and just be okay.

Who's Maureen?


Hello? Hello?

Hi, yes.

Sorry to bother you.

- My name is

Madison Andrews, and--

- Oh, hi, Madison.

- I was wondering when

I'd hear from you.

- Excuse me?

- Gia said you'd be calling.

- You spoke with Gia?

She didn't tell you

to get in touch with me?

No, she...

Gia's in the hospital.

She was in

an accident last night.

She's not talking right now.

Madison, I think it's very

important that we speak.

- Can you meet me?

- Please, just tell me

what's going on.

Your stepsister Devon,

I believe

she may be dangerous.

Devon? What do you mean?

I'll tell you everything

when we meet.


I'll meet you for coffee

tomorrow after school.

I'll text you the address.

I'll see you then.

And, Maddy? Be careful.

- Devon.

- Who were you talking to?

Just Ian.

Do you need something?

I wanted to apologize

for earlier.

- I really didn't mean to--

- It's okay. I was just upset.

Of course.

I know how much

you care about Gia.

Is there anything I can do?

Actually, I think

I'm just gonna take a shower

and go to bed.

Good idea.

Everything always seems

a little bit better

after a good night's sleep.

- Good night, Devon.

- Good night.

Devon, what are you doing?


Knocked your backpack

on the floor.

How are you feeling?

Maybe we can hang out later

when you get home from school?

I'm going straight to work

after my run.

- After you meet with Ian.

- Hmm?

Yesterday on the phone?

You said you were going to

meet Ian before work.

Oh, yeah. After that.

- All right, I'll see you later.

- Have a good day.

So, you're going to see her?

I have to hear

what she has to say.

Maddy, doesn't this seem

a little crazy?

I mean, Devon seemed

pretty normal to me.

Don't you think you should

tell your mom or the police?

Tell them what?

I found some random woman

who says she spoke to Gia

about something?

I have to hear

what Maureen has to say.

Then I can decide what to do.

Maddy, I don't like you

meeting her alone.

- Then come with me.

- I'm heading straight there

after my run.

Come on.

I don't want to be late.



My inhaler.

The cartridge-- it's missing.

- Where is it?

- It's not here.

Whoa, Maddy, I got you.

Just breathe, Maddy,

I've got you.

Hi. I'm at Lincoln Park.

I need an ambulance.

Maddy, please, just breathe.

I've got you, okay?

No, she can't breathe.

She has asthma. Please, hurry!




Are you sure you're okay?

I'm fine, Ian.

The doctor says I'll be fine.

I've never been

so scared in my life,

just seeing you

not breathing.

It wasn't exactly

a picnic for me either.

I'm getting really sick

of this hospital.

- Maddy.

- Hey, Mom.

I just talked to the doctor.

Maddy, what happened?

My inhaler cartridge

went missing.


You're always so careful.

I know. Mom, I think...

I thought I'd brighten

things up a little.

It must've just

fallen out somewhere.

Thank goodness

you're all right, Maddy.

You frightened us

all to death.

It was pretty scary there

for a second,

but Maddy pulled through

like a champ.

Well, they want to keep you

overnight for observations.

Maddy: Mom, I'm fine.

I don't think that

was a suggestion, Maddy.

Why don't I go home

and pack you an overnight bag?

Kent's on his way home,

and we'll bring you dinner.

I can stay with you,

if you want.

- That's okay. I have Ian.

- Oh, I--

Okay, I am going to

go visit Gia's mom,

see how she's doing,

and I'll be back

in a couple hours, okay?

I'll be here.

Please give her a hug for me.

I'm really glad

you're okay, Maddy.

I'll see you soon?

- Get some rest.

- You know I can't stay, right?

My parents are out of town.

I need to pick up my sisters.

It's fine.

I just didn't want Devon here.

My mom will be back

soon anyway.

I'll call you.


I'm Maureen Delisle.

I'm so sorry

about your friend Gia.

- How did you know her?

- I don't, actually.

She contacted me

out of the blue

a couple days ago.

She had some questions

about Teresa.

Kent's last fiance.

Teresa was my best friend.

I met her at a time

in my life when...

Let's just say

I needed a friend.

When she met Kent,

it was like a fairy tale.

I'd never seen her so happy.

- Until...

- She met Devon.

Teresa said Devon was

the nicest kid she'd ever met.

But then things

started to go wrong.

At work. At home.

And every time

something blew up,

Devon was standing there

in the background

looking innocent.

Teresa thought it was

just normal adolescent

acting out at first,

but when she found out Devon

had broken into her house,

she went to Kent.

What did he do?

He couldn't believe his daughter

had anything to do with it.

Teresa felt it would

blow over eventually.

I mean, what kid

likes their new stepmom?

So, why did she k*ll herself?

- She didn't.

- But--

I know the police investigation

determined it was a su1c1de,

but I knew Teresa.

I talked to her that night.

She was so happy

about her dress,

the honeymoon.

She wasn't suicidal.

Someone else wanted her dead.

She's dangerous, Madison.

No matter how sweet

Devon may look on the outside,

on the inside, she's poison.

We need to go to the police.

The police won't

reopen Teresa's case.

They'd have to admit

they'd made a mistake.

They won't do that

unless they have proof

Devon was involved.

- Then my mom--

- Does she trust you?

This is what Devon does.

She's isolating you

so no one will believe

a word you say.

Then what do I do?

Whatever it takes

to get you and your mother

out of that house.

And in the meantime,

Madison, be careful.

If Devon is who I think she is,

you are in danger as long

as you're in that house.

Woman: There it is.

Hi, Maureen.

Madison: I know I had it

at the hospital.


It's just a locket, Maddy.

The important thing

is you're okay.

- Home, sweet home.

- Mom, let's go somewhere.

Well, let's just

bring your stuff in and

then I'll take you to lunch.

No, not lunch.

Let's get out of town.

Just you and me.

- Sweetheart.

- Please?

Maddy, you can't leave town

when there's a police

investigation is ongoing.

- You know that.

- Then we'll just get a hotel.

Or we could stay at Ashley's.

She'd love to see us.

Maddy, we have a place

to stay right here.

Mom, please.

I don't feel safe here.

Maddy, what are you

talking about?

Is this because of Gia?

Maddy, no one's

gonna to break in here.

No, Mom, it's not that.

- It's--

- You're back.

- Hi, Devon.

- Maddy, welcome home.

Come on inside. I made lunch.

Just one second.

Maddy, what were you saying?

Uh, nothing.

It's nothing.


It's good to have you home.

Devon: Bon apptit.

- Thank you, Devon.

This looks delicious.

- Of course.

I'm just so happy to have

everyone together again.

So you're feeling better, Maddy?

Yes, thank you.

We're glad you're safe.

We've been worried about you.

Well, now that we have

everyone together,

Laura and I wanted

to talk to you girls.

Now, we've had a lot happen

over the past couple of weeks,

but it's important to us

that we come together

and deal with all of this

as a family.

We just want a fresh start

for the four of us.

- Clean slate.

- I think that sounds wonderful.

No need to hold on

to past hurts.

Right, Maddy?

I'm sorry, I'm suddenly

not feeling so well.

- Devon: Oh.

- Kent: Madison.

Laura: Kent.

Kent: It's okay.

Go ahead, Maddy.

Maddy, is anything wrong?

Are you serious?

I don't know

what you think is going on,

but I just want us to get along.

We'll get along when you go back

to where you came from,

and I don't mean London.

I know you're upset, Madison,

but I'd watch

what you say to me.

Or what?



Maureen, I found something.

Call me back right away.

Man: Waldron.

Anything on the cameras?

Someone disabled the cameras

in this part of the garage.

All we have are people

coming in and out.

- How many?

- Big hospital, big garage.

A couple hundred at least.

If someone disabled

the cameras,

they took the time

to plan this.

It wasn't random.

The question is, who did

Maureen Delisle tick off?


Is everything okay?

What do you mean?

You've been

checking your phone

every ten seconds.

I guess-- I guess

I'm just worried about Gia.

Where are you going?

To the kitchen

for something to drink.


I think I'm thirsty, too.

You have been

following me around

from room to room all day.

It's like you think

I'm gonna disappear.

It's been a tough couple weeks.

I really just need

my mom right now.

- Should I cancel

my trip tomorrow?

- Trip?

Well, Kent has to go

to Franklin overnight.

I was planning on

going with him.

But with everything

going on--

No, Mom,

you should definitely go.

You and Kent could use

some time away.

But do you need me here?

No, I'll be okay.

I'm working all day tomorrow.

I won't even be home.

You're sure?

I'd feel better if you went.

Okay. Come on.

We'll get fancy and make

ice waters with lemon.

- Good morning.

- Sleep well?

- Couldn't sleep at all.

- Guilty conscience?

- All set for your trip?

- Yeah, Kent's just

finishing in the shower.

Oh, Maddy,

you've gotta get going.

You're gonna be late for work.

Okay. Be careful.

It's just Franklin, Maddy.

It's only a couple hour drive.

We'll be back tomorrow.

We'll be home

in time for lunch.

I'll call you after work.


Have a good day, sweetie.

Maureen: Hi, you've reached

Maureen Delisle

with Delisle Consulting.

Leave me a message

and I'll call you back.

Thank you.

Thank you for going

with my dad today.

Oh, well, of course.

You know he's had a rough

couple of days at work.

I figured he could

use the support.

Oh, I know,

I just mean with everything

going on with Maddy.

I'm sure it's difficult

being pulled in

two different directions.

Well, Maddy said to go.

She really is

such a sweetheart,

putting my dad first.

I know how much

she was hoping you'd stay.

- She was?

- Maybe I shouldn't

say anything.

Um, she just mentioned

what a hard time

she's been having,

but she didn't want

to get in the way

of your trip with my dad.

I just hope she'll be all right.

It's a lot, almost losing

your best friend,

ending up in the hospital,

a police investigation.

Morning, Dev.

- Laura, you're all set?

- Um, can we talk?


Maddy, don't you think we

should call the police now?

Not until Maureen calls back.

The police already suspect me.

Maureen's been

talking with them.

I need to wait

until she calls--


Maureen, I've been

trying to reach you, I--


No. No, when did she...

Um, no. I'm sorry.

Thank you.

Maddy, what's going on?

It's Maureen.

They found her

in her car last night

in the parking garage

at the hospital.

- She's dead.

- Maddy, that's it.

Either you tell the police

or I'm going to.


- Mom?

- Laura: Honey, Detective

Waldron was just here.

- In Franklin?

- No, honey,

I'm not in Franklin.

I decided to stay home

for the day.

- Mom, you're home alone?

- No, Devon's here.

Mom, listen to me.

You need to get

out of there now.

Maddy, what the hell

is going on?

I'll explain everything.

Just promise me you'll leave.

- Maddy.

- Mom, please!

Okay, fine.

I am on my way

to you right now,

but do not say anything

to the detective

until I get there.

Maddy, what's is going on?

My locket.

It was in my room

when she visited.

I'm being framed.


- Mom, listen--

- Devon: I'm sorry, Maddy.

Your mom can't come

to the phone right now.


She's looking for her keys.

Can't seem to find them.

Devon, leave her alone

or I swear--

It's too late

for all of that, Maddy.

I just wanted to

let you know that I'm sorry.

I wish you would've just left

when you had the chance.

It didn't have to come to this.

I'll tell the police everything.

I already did.

They're on

their way there now.

Goodbye, Maddy. I'm sorry.

Devon? Devon!

- Maddy?

- Ian, it's my mom.

- She's going to hurt my mom.

- The police--

They won't believe me.

I need to get home now!


Come with me.

Come on.


Madison Andrews?

Suspect has fled in blue sedan

heading south on Washington.

In pursuit.

Backup requested.

- Is everything okay?

- No, I need to get

to Maddy right away

and I can't find my keys!

I think I saw them upstairs.

Why would my keys be up here?

- What's this?

- Oh, so you can

finish painting.

Uh, no, we said

we were gonna have

the contractors finish it.

I thought that, too.

I wasn't expecting

you to tell me

that you wanted to finish

as a surprise for Daddy

while he was away.

Devon, what are you doing?

Of course, I tried

to talk you out of it,

but you know how you can be.

So stubborn.

I made you promise me

not to use the ladder again,

but when I heard

that terrible crash,

I knew.

You wanna play?

I'll bring my toys.

Turn here.

Turn off the engine!

Open the car door!

Step out of the car now!

Where is she?

Devon: You think you're

the first person to see my dad

and think you've hit

the jackpot?

Handsome bachelor,


massive old house just begging

for a woman's touch?

I've seen a hundred women

like you come and go.

Some lasted

a little longer than others.

One even got

a ring on her finger

before I could get rid of her.

But-- but you, Laura,

you waited until

the time was right.

I was gone!

You swept him away

and married him

before I even knew

you existed.


I guess we do have the keys

for these old doors after all.

I know you're here, Laura.

It's nothing personal.

It doesn't have

to end like this.

We can make it quick

and painless.

Or not.

Devon, please!

You ruined my plan.

You ruined everything!

I'm sorry.

It wasn't supposed

to end this way.

It doesn't!

What's wrong, Maddy?

Can't catch your breath?


This couldn't have

worked out better, really.

Your mom fell down

the stairs again.

You came home and found her,

triggering an asthma attack.

I found you both right here

when I came home.

Dad will be heartbroken,

of course,

but we'll get through it

the same way we've gotten

through everything else.

Just the two of us.

But first, I have some

cleaning up to do.

I'm so sorry, Daddy.

I never should

have left her alone.

I started carrying an extra

since mine went missing.

Why won't you just die?

You first.


Mrs. Miller, what happened?

- It's Devon.

- Where?

- Just inside.

- Be careful.

She's dangerous.

- Are you okay?

- I am now.

We're safe. We're okay now.


Call the station.

Have them send everybody.

Yes, sir.

You're sure you have everything?

Mom, if I try to fit

anything else in my dorm,

I won't have room

for a roommate.

I just met your roommate

and maybe

that wouldn't be so bad.

Promise you'll miss me?


But I can't miss you

until you go.

Come here.

- I love you.

- Thanks.

Tell Kent, um--

tell Kent I said goodbye.

I will.

He really wanted

to be here, Maddy.

It's just been

really hard for him.

Yeah, I know.

- Call you tonight?

- You better.


- Welcome to college!

- So far it involves

spending a lot more time

with your mom

than I anticipated.

Well, she's gone now,

and I have a surprise for you.

- What's that?

- Race you to lunch!

What? Cheater!

Don't you dare!
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