Christmas by Design (2023)

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Christmas by Design (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

Buenos dias!

Don't tell me you fell

asleep in here again.

How long has it been since you

actually put on your pajamas

and slept in your bed?

You truly are a godsend.

I'm serious, Charlotte.

You can't live like this,

it's not healthy.

Well, I don't have

time to sleep, okay?

Sales are slowing down.

I have to create

a new collection quick

before everyone just forgets

about Alistair altogether.

Every luxury brand is

slowing down right now.

It's inflation.

Prices are too high for people.

But that doesn't change the fact

that I haven't created anything

new or worthwhile since April.

Well, it's probably very hard

to get inspired when you

don't go out and socialize

with humans every now and then.

Hey, I socialize.

I talk to you every day.

I'm your seamstress.

You literally pay me

to talk to you every day.

Are you sure there

is nothing in here?


Everything I draw looks more

like lounge wear than luxury.

There is nothing

wrong with lounge wear.

There is when you

own a luxury boutique

and you pride

yourself on exclusive

and cutting edge clothing.

Point taken.

Shall we go open?

Uh, change first, please,

before we go downstairs.

Did you get more silk,

by the way?

I need to make more of

those gold tunic pieces.


the price went up, 120 a yard.

120? Are you kidding?

That's going to put us

way over budget.

The cost of being

a luxury designer.

Not to mention the rent's

going up in January.

Do you have to leave me

for two whole weeks?

Yes. Some people spend their

holidays with their families.

It's a very strange concept,

I know.

Speaking of which.

Hi, Mom.


Oh, Charlie. You picked up.

What's up?

Is everything okay?

Oh, everything's fine.

It's great, actually.

Christina and Peter's place

is still under renovation,

so they're going to be staying

here until the new year now.

It's going to be

a full house for the holidays.

Yeah, sounds cozy.

So, if you have time in

your busy schedule to come by

for a night or two,

we thought it would be really

special for us

all to be together.

Maybe watch some movies,

play some games, like old times.

Mom, you know I'd love to,

but I'm just too busy right now.

I need to be here

to man the store.

Mom: You can't close

for a few days?

Mom, we've talked

about this.

If I close the store then

I could miss a customer,

and every customer

matters right now.

I know, I know.

I just thought I'd try.

Would have been so nice

for us all to be together

for the last year

of Elfcapades.

I know.

Maybe next year.

Wait. Did you say the last year

of the Elfcapades?

I thought I told you.

What-- No, why is it

the last year?

Dee Dee?


Tell her I said hi.

Rick says hi.

Honey, I've gotta go.

Rick and I are going

cross-country skiing.

Please, just think about

making the trip, okay?

I'll make your

favorite ginger loaf.

Maybe next year.

I'll talk to you later.

Love you.


Love you too, Char.


You're seriously not

going home for Christmas

because you're afraid you're

going to miss a customer?

You do realize 80% of our sales

come from the website, right?

Well, someone has to

be here for the other 20.

Is there some other reason

you're avoiding going home

or you're just

a complete Scrooge?

I'm not a Scrooge.

I'm just focused.

I have worked really

hard for 10 years

trying to put

Alistair on the map.

I'm not slowing down now.

If you say so.

If you'll excuse me,

I have a customer to attend to.

Hi, welcome to Alistair.

Is there anything

I can help you with?

Great. Just great.

No water.

Yes, we're hoping to have

a spring collection ready

for New York Fashion Week

in February.

Absolutely, yeah.

We'll work right on that.

Uh, can I call you

right back?

Margo: Charlotte, finally.

Wh-- What is happening here?

Why are my garments

completely drenched?

A pipe burst.

It's an old building.

It was bound to happen.

"Bound to happen?"

This is my livelihood.

I need to sell these

in order to pay you rent.

Well, don't you have

any extras in the back?


No, we are a boutique.

Each garment is hand-stitched

and one-of-a-kind.

That's not very efficient.

This is a disaster.

How long is this

going to take to clean up?

Well, the plumber said

there's significant damage,

so you're gonna have to close up

and leave for the next week

so I can take care of it.

A week?

Are you kidding me?

Do I look

like I'm kidding you?

Wh-- Where am I

supposed to go?

Well, don't you have friends

and family you can stay with?

What about staying with Margo?

I'm renting out

my place while me

and my family are in Colorado.

Sorry, Charlotte,

but unless you want to live

in a place with no running

water for the next week,

you better figure it out.

It's ruined.


I'm so sorry, Charlotte.

I don't know

what I'm gonna do.

I don't have the money

to replace all this fabric.

This is a catastrophe.

We'll figure it out.

I don't know if Alistair's

going to bounce back from this.

Come on, we just have to

pray for a Christmas miracle.

Aren't you Jewish?

Okay, fine.

A Hanukkah miracle.

Either way,

I believe in miracles,

especially this time

of year.

Well, that makes one of us.

Oh, maybe this

is the insurance.


Yes, this is her.

Wait. What?

Warwick's Christmas Challenge?

But I never applied--

Tomorrow? Uh, yes.

Two o'clock?

Okay, great.

Thank you.

Did you submit Alistair for

the Warwick's Christmas

Design Challenge?

Did you just get accepted?

They said one of their

designers had to drop out

for personal reasons so they're

looking at me to fill the spot.

I have a meeting with

Roger Warwick tomorrow

to discuss details.


That's amazing!

You could be

the next Donna Karan.

I can't believe you

applied without telling me!

I knew the word "Christmas"

would turn you off.

You're so talented,


The world deserves

to see what you can do.

Christmas garb or otherwise.

Roger: We loved your brand

right from the get-go.

Fabulous designs,

great social media.

The reason we didn't

choose you right away

is that we felt your design

style just didn't match

this year's challenge.

Why? What is the challenge

this year?

It's to design

two holiday outfits.

One for a female buyer,

one for a male buyer.

It's for our home

and family brand.

Home and family?

Yeah, it's actually our most

popular clothing division.

It's affordable,

it's inclusive, family-oriented.

But I design luxury pieces.


We thought you might

actually bring something special

to this year's challenge.

How much time would I have?

So, we do a fashion show

Christmas Eve.

Wow, that's, uh...

that's eight days away.

It is, and,

as you know,

the winner gets their design

sold in all of our stores

right across the nation,

as well,

you continue to design for us

for the entire year.

Wow, really?

That's incredible.

So, the only question is...

are you up

for the challenge?

Because there's a lot of other

designers here in New York City

that would love to be

sitting in your seat.

Uh, no.

I-- I'm definitely interested.



Here are the models

that we will be designing for,

and their specs are on

the back of the picture.

Well, great.

Thank you so much.

I will not disappoint.

Nice to meet you,

and we'll see you Christmas Eve.


Thank you.


Home and family.

Wow, that's huge.

I know, but he says

he needs the designs

to be festive, inclusive,

affordable, and family-oriented.

So, Alistair's polar opposite.

Yup, but winning this


would push my career to

a whole new level.

I'll design baby bonnets.

I am desperate for a win.

I'm so sorry.

I can't even help you sew.

Oh, that's okay. I only

have to design two outfits.

I think I can manage.

So, when are

you going home?

What do you mean?

What do you mean

what do I mean?

You're not planning on staying

here without water, are you?

Well, no, but--

Uh, but what, Charlotte?

You're designing Christmas

attire for home and family.

Don't you think it

might be beneficial

to go spend Christmas

at home with your family?

It's just--

It's just what?

You're right.

I can't afford an AirBnB at

this time of year anyway. So...

Brooksbend it is, I guess.


This will be

so good for you.

I just know it.

Radio Host #1: You know,

this might be my favorite night

of Elfcapades.

I mean, cookies, hot chocolate,

Christmas carols. Come on.

Radio Host #2: Right.

My kids are really gonna

miss it next year.

Radio Host #1:

Oh, tell me about it.

I guess we'll just have to go

all out for the next seven days

and make

Gregory Carmichael proud.

Radio Host #2:

Here, here!

Radio Host #1:

Okay, let's do it.

I am so sorry. I--

I was completely daydreaming

and not paying attention.

That's not ideal when you're

behind the wheel of a vehicle.

I know. I'm a little

out of sorts today.

I've been driving the past

four hours from Manhattan.

Ah, city girl.

That explains it.

What's that supposed

to mean?

Were you texting?


No. Stereotype much?

Well, lucky for you

mine's okay.

So, you're just going to have

to worry about your own there.

Oh, come on.

Well, that's a great start.

Tell you what.

Why don't you

follow me to my shop

and I'll take care of it?

Your shop?

I'm a mechanic.

Oh, and here I was

thinking your coveralls

was a personal

fashion choice.

Follow me

and I'll take you home after.

I got this.

Here. Just watch out.

I remember this place.

This used to be

Joe Segal's right?

Uh, you know, I don't know.

It was vacant when I got here.

I'm actually new

to Brooksbend.

Oh, wow. So, you actually

chose to live here.


Because it's so welcoming

and homey.

Everyone here is really

family and community focused.

People have been

so kind to me.

I can't imagine why

anyone would want to leave.

Three words for you.

New York City.

Two words for you.

Hard pass.

Besides, bet the city doesn't

have twelve days of Elfcapades.

You ever heard of it?

I grew up going.


I'm actually volunteering with

the Elfcapades this year.

Are you on probation?

No, I-- I just like how

it brings people together.


Nothing. Just sounds like you're

on an after-school special.


You're really defying

the whole cold-hearted

city slicker

stereotype here.

Yeah, it's not

my thing anymore.

It's a little

too much... Christmas.

That's sort of the point.

Well, as much fun

as this is,

we should get going before my

mom sends out the authorities.

Right, yeah.

Let's get you home.

Just have to get my bag.

Oh, okay, yeah.

Thank you for the ride.

Yeah, no problem.

And how long do you think

the repairs will take?

Oh, it'll just

take a couple days.

Thank you, uh...


- Spencer.

- Yeah.


Well, merry Christmas.


Mom? Christina?

Oh, Charlie. You're here!

You're really here.

Oh, I can't believe it.

Is it really you?

Well, I'm not an apparition,

so I think it's really me.

Aw, you look tired.

Are you getting enough sleep?

Yes, I'm fine, Mom.

Auntie Charlie!

Hey, buddy.

Look at you.

You're so tall.

How did that happen?

Oh, it's called

the passage of time.

And I eat a lot

of broccoli.

That, too.

- Hi, Chris.

- Come here.

Char, it's great

to see you,

but I had 10 bucks down

that you wouldn't show.

I appreciate that,

Pete, thank you.

Okay, who's ready to go?

Me, me, me!

Charlotte, hi.

Welcome home.

Uh, where are you going?

Well, Elfcapades, silly.

It's the cookie

and cocoa crawl tonight!

Dee Dee's is our first stop.

Oh, well,

you guys have fun.

I have to unpack

and start sketching,

but we'll catch up tomorrow.

What? Come on.

This was always your

favorite of the Elfcapades.

I know, but I have

a lot of work to do.

This opportunity I have with

Warwick's is once in a lifetime.

So, I'm sorry.

So, you came all this way to

just keep ignoring us for work?


You sure you're just not

scared of bumping into Evan?

I told you not

to bring that up.

Peter: I can throw him out

if he's there.

Ben and I just got

our blue belts in karate.



Well, that's very

nice of you guys,

but it's been four years.

I think I can handle

seeing him.

Well, it would really mean

a lot if you came, Charlie.

Even just for an hour.

Please, Auntie Charlie?

All right, just give me

a minute to unpack.


Thanks for coming,

and merry Christmas.

Dee Dee?

Well, look at all

these wonderful faces.

And you,

I feel like we've met before.

It's Aunt Charlie!

Oh, my goodness.


Hi, Aunt Dee Dee.

I spy some gingerbread

cookies at two o'clock.

Get 'em

while they're hot.


Welcome home, kiddo.

Oh, it's been

way too long.

This is a great turnout.

You know,

I wasn't sure what to expect,

but so many people

are still participating.

It just keeps growing,

year after year.

Your dad would be delighted.

But then why

is it ending?

The town decided to

take back the funding.

I tried to stop them,

but they had

their minds made up.

Something to do with

allocating the money

to a new community project.

Well, that doesn't

make any sense.

I mean, people love it.

It's tradition.

My dad wanted

it to keep going.

I know. We'll have to find

a new way to honor him.

Charlotte Carmichael.

Oh, my God.

I haven't

seen you in ages, girl.

Oh, Gwen, hi!

Can you believe that

it has been 10 years

since we graduated

high school?

God, it feels

just like yesterday

we were roaming

around the hallways, huh?

O-M-G. He's here.

How does my hair look?

Uh, wha-- Who's here?

Oh, my God.

Is my make-up okay?

How's my breath?

Uh it's very minty.

But who are you--

- You.

- You.

Hi, Spencer.

Um, can I get you a cookie

or a beverage?

Uh, I'm okay right now,

but thank you.

Okay. If you need anything,

just ask.

I'm, uh,

happy to be of service.

I will, yeah.

For sure. Thank you.

Uh, well,

that was... interesting.

Every single woman

in town is after him.

Wow. Lucky you.

Have you decided who

you're going to give

the final rose

of the night to?

What can I help you

with tonight, Dee?

Well, you can either

help serve with Gwen,

or decorate a new

batch in the back.

Up to you, doll.

I'll be in the back.

Pleasure as always.

How do you two

know each other?

I hit him with my car today.

That's one way

to meet new people.

I'm gonna slip into the back.

Make yourself at home.

Thanks, Dee.

You look like

you just saw a ghost.

Ghost of Christmas Past

to be specific.

An ex?


Mm. Yeah, that's one of

the drawbacks

about being in a small town.

One of many.


Take your mind off it.

Surprised to see you here.

Thought Christmas

wasn't your thing.

Well, it's important

to my family.

My dad was actually the one

who started the Elfcapades

30 years ago.

You're kidding.

Your dad

was Gregory Carmichael?

Well, that would make

you Dee Dee's niece.

You're the-- the one

she's always talking about.

The big fashion

designer in New York.

I don't know

about a big fashion designer,

but it's getting there.

I'm actually a contestant

in the Warwick's Design

Christmas Challenge this year,

and if I win they're

going to sell my designs

in all

their department stores.

Wow, that's a big deal.

Even I know Warwick's.

The only problem is

is I have one week

to design

two holiday garments.

It's just not enough time.

Eh, you can do it.

You have no idea how hard it is

to design an original garment,

especially one

that needs to be festive

and appeal to

the average man slash woman.

It's completely

out of my comfort zone.

I don't even know

where to start.

I do. Here.

The Elfcapades.

There's all the festive

inspiration you could hope for,

and, from what I can tell,

everyone who attends is

super family-focused.

Yeah, especially all the single

women when they look at you.

Talk about being

outside your comfort zone.

I'm not really looking

to be dating right now.

You and me both.


Why don't you come with me

to the rest of the Elfcapades?

You can get

all the inspiration you need

for your Warwick design

and you could be my buffer.

Buffer? Really?

What are you 15?

It can't be that bad.

- Come on--

- Spencer!

There you are.

What are you doing?

Just doing a new batch

for Dee Dee.

Okay, well, hurry up.

Someone found a mistletoe

with your name on it.


Yeah, he might be a while.

He is a really

slow decorator.

No rush.

We'll be waiting.


Okay, you weren't lying.

Please come with me.

Okay, hear me out.

I will go to

the Elfcapades with you

if you will be

my personal model.

Personal model?

What does that mean?

Well, you're about the same

size as the model that

I have to design

an outfit for

for the Christmas Eve Fashion

Show in New York,

and it would really help me

to have a real person

to try on the designs,

see how they fit and look.

So, basically you want me

to be a mannequin?


That feels degrading somehow.

Oh, and using me as

your personal buffer isn't?

Good point.

So, we have a deal?


My cookies look so cute.

Not as cute as mine.

Look at this guy.

Cute as a button.

Yeah, I-- I cannot believe

you're doing the rest

of Elfcapades to help some

random mechanic you just met,

and when I ask

it's like pulling teeth.

Well, it's not just to help him,

I mean, he has a point.

It might inspire

my Warwick's design,

'cause as of now,

I have nothing.

What's that?

It's a snow angel silk dress.

Word of advice?

Nix the silk.

Christmas attire should be

warm and cozy, not slippery.

Well, what do you suggest?

I don't know.



That's so simple.


should feel simple.

Two hot coffees and some fresh

gingerbread cookies.

- Thanks, Aunt Dee Dee.

- Thanks, Aunt Dee Dee.

I must say, Charlie,

I haven't seen your mum

this excited in years.

Having you home for

Christmas is the best gift

she ever could have

asked for.

Yeah, well,

I have a pretty busy week,

so I hope expectations

aren't too high.

We'll try

to keep them at bay.



You're a real ball

of holiday cheer.

You used to love

this time of year.

Yeah, well, things change.

Lasagna's ready.

Can you take a break?

Come eat with us.

I don't think so. I--

I have a lot of

work to do still.

Maybe tomorrow night?


Well, don't work too hard.

Man on megaphone: Welcome to

the Elfcapades Night Market!

Don't forget

your hot chocolate!

Okay, so, I see

garlands with tinsel.

Twinkly lights.

Candy canes.

Anything jumping out

at you?

Besides a sea

of people

with very questionable

fashion sense?


Judgmental much?

I'm sorry,

but in New York City

if you wear

pajamas pants out in public,

it is a very serious offence.

I think it's endearing.

Coming from a guy

who wears onesie every day,

I wouldn't expect

anything else.

It's not a onesie.

They are coveralls.


Same thing.

Come on.

There is Christmas

inspiration everywhere.

Try to use that to

your advantage

rather than focus

on the negatives.


Isn't this great?

Everyone's out,

away from their screens,

enjoying the magic

of the season.

You really love Christmas,

don't you?

You and my dad would

have been... best buds.

I don't know. I just think

there's something special

in the air this time of year.

Oh, no.

You're not one of

those lunatics that

decorates in early November,

are you?

November first,

my wife and I, we would go nuts

and decorate the whole house.

Our neighbors

thought we were crazy.

You were married?

Her name was Laura.

She got sick

a few years back.

Hodgkin's lymphoma.

I'm so sorry.

That is awful.

That's why I decided

to move to this place.

Leave the past

in the past.

Don't you find it hard to

celebrate Christmas without her?


But I don't think

she would want me to avoid it

just because she's not here.

I don't know.

Oh, man. She would have

loved the Elfcapades.

Son of a... snowman!

Go, go, go!

What are you doing?

Oh, my gosh.

That's my ex over there.

Being in this town is

like living in a snow globe.

Where is he?

Green coat, red hat.

Evan Miller?

Is-- Isn't he the mayor?

Brooksbend's youngest

mayor ever elected.

What is he doing?

Who is he with?

Are they holding hands?

Did you guys, like,

just break up or something?

Four years ago.

You okay?

Yeah, no, I'm fine.

Everything's fine.

It's not like

we were engaged or anything.

Engaged? Really?

Broke up with me

two months after my dad...

He said he was...

He said he needed space

and he was sick

of taking the train to New York

every other weekend.

He abandoned me

when I needed him most.

Sounds like you

dodged a b*llet.

Hey, let's get out of here.

To where?

Christmas village where

we have to dress up like elves

and prance around?

I know a spot.

Come on. Go. Go, go.


Why am I so bad at this?

It's okay, you just...

you just gotta focus,

all right?

Really focus, and don't let

the outside world distract you.

Well, it's hard to not let all

this flannel obscure my vision.

Hey, watch it. Flannel is

the greatest fabric on earth.


Yeah, you're terrible.


Thank you

for bringing me here.

The Christmas Market has

a lot of memories attached.

Sometimes it's hard for me

to be home this time of year.

You said it yourself,

you know?

Sometimes it's best to

leave the past in the past.

How are you

so good at this?

All right, just...

picture Evan's face.

- Come on.

- Trust me, it works.


See? I told you it works!

Wow! I actually pictured

your face, hope that's okay.

Whatever gets you through.

I'm really sorry

about your wife, Spencer.

I'm sorry about your dad.

Woman: Hi, Spencer.

Wow, you really are

the Clooney of Brooksbend.

Don't get weird about

what I'm about to do.

What are you doing?

Getting them to

mind their own business.

Just look me in the eyes.

Um, there you go.

Yes, uh...

I should get home.

I have some sketches to do.

Of course, right.

- Um, yeah.

- I got this, I got this.

Oh, thank you so much.

Here, let me help you

with this.


Wake up, Aunt Charlie!

What the--

Breakfast is ready!


You know, I think I'm going to

skip breakfast today, Ben.

Okay? I'll just make

a smoothie later.

Well, Mom said that

if you said that,

I was allowed

to jump on you.

She said that?

Oh. Not the phone, man.

Come on.

Will you come

down for breakfast?

Are you blackmailing me?

I don't know

what that means.

I will be down in a sec.

Just give me a few

minutes to get ready, okay?



Eggs are ready.

Oh, look who it is.

How nice of you to join us.

Yes, and thank you for

sending up the human torpedo.

That is me!

Let me pour you a coffee.

No thanks.

I got it.

So, we were hoping you might

be able to join us tonight

for a Christmas-themed

games night.

Oh, I would,

but I promised Spencer

that I would go to

the Elfcapades with him.

That is tonight's Elfcapades.

What do you mean?

Everyone's encouraged to play

a Christmas-themed games night

with their family.

So, you'll join us?

Please, Aunt Charlie?

Okay, sure, but I still

have a ton of work to do, so--

However long we can have you,

we'll have you.


Was it something I said?


She just really misses dad.

Okay, what do you

think about this?

So, picture this silver

being extra shiny

with tinsel-fringed sleeves.

It kind of looks

like a disco ball.


So, retro.

Retro is in.

Dee, would you

come here a sec?


Would you wear this?

With the tinsel?


Probably not.

Too flashy

for little old me.

Well, what do you like to

wear during the holidays?

Something simple

but comfortable.

Modern, but also

traditional and classic,

you know what I mean?

I'm trying.

This is useless.

Modern, but also

traditional and classic?

What does that even mean?

I'm doomed.

I think

I know what she means.

You do?

Come with me.

I gotta show you something.

This is what she means.

Come again?

So, for the last two years,

I've been restoring

this old car,

finding parts, cleaning them,

adding my own unique touches,

but making sure that

I protect all the things

that make this car

so special.

All right, come. Sit.


This is really beautiful.


Here, feel the leather.

No, come on.

Really feel it.

Close your eyes.


Humor me.

Feel that?

All that history?

This car was made for

the average American family.

It's comfortable,


No frills, just classic.

It's nostalgic,

but still contemporary.

I think your design

could do the same.

Too cheesy?


Not at all.

You just made me

realize how much I miss that

creative enthusiasm and passion

that you have for cars.

I used to get

so excited

to just sit

and sketch and sew.

You know, before profits

or reviews mattered.

I guess I just lost that

joy somewhere along the way.

Well, this is a great

chance to get it back.

What was your favorite

Christmas tradition growing up?

I don't know.

Probably throwing snowballs

at my sister.

Come on, no. Seriously.

What part of the holidays was

always the most magical to you?

Probably the Pajamboree.



It's the last event

of Elfcapades on Christmas Eve.

People wear their pajamas

and there's music and dessert.

And my dad would

always make homemade pizza

before we'd all pile

into his tow truck and went.

Your dad was

a tow truck driver?

You weren't the only guy roaming

around town in coveralls.

Anyway, that's what I looked

forward to the most.


I love it.


Why don't you design a pair

of pajamas for Warwick's?

- Pajamas?

- Yeah!

Everyone loves a new

pair of PJs at Christmas time.

That's not

a bad idea, actually.

In fact,

that's a great idea.



It's genius!

I'll design a matching pair

of holiday pajamas

for him and her.

It's perfect.

Thank you, Spencer!

Aw, happy to help.

Hey, what are you

doing later?

Why don't you come over

to our place for game night?

Um, I wouldn't want to impose.

Don't worry--

No, it's not an imposition.


Dee Dee will

be there, too.

You sure your family

won't mind?

I am positive.

Like they say,

the more the merrier.

Maybe we could even get in

a game of Christmas Pictionary.

Mm-hm. Yeah. I mean,

if you're okay with losing,

we can definitely

arrange that.

I'm willing to take the risk.

Oh, well.

I better go help him.

So, Mrs. Mousey said,

"Thank you for the ride,


I'll make sure to

leave some gouda and milk

under the tree for you."

And that's how

the magical Christmas mouse

found his way home.

The end.

Again! Again!

Why don't you read it

this time?

No, you're better at the voices,

Auntie Charlie.

Hey, nobody does

Mrs. Mousey like your mom.

Hey. The truth hurts, sis.

Deal with it.


Oh, I'll get it.


Welcome, you two.

Let me take your coats.

- Spencer: Thank you so much.

- Dee Dee: Thanks.


Make yourself comfortable.

Thank you.


Thank you.

This house is incredible.

Did you grow up here?

Born and raised.

Well, I was born

in a hospital.


- You know what I mean.

- Yeah.


If these walls could talk.

No kidding.

I actually had

my first kiss right over there.

No way!

Was it everything you hoped

and dreamed it would be?

No, it was

terrible actually.





You bet.

Mm, look at you.

Flannel jammies.

The horror!

Yeah, I have to admit,

those were actually

pretty comfortable.


All right, everyone.

Let's get started.

Christmas Pictionary?

Your wish was my command.


Bells are ringing

There's a magic

in the air

Choirs are singing

Full of

joy and happiness

Stars are bright

As we share

a winter's night

Here's to Christmas

Kids are smiling

Making snowmen

in the street

People driving

to be home...

Oh, safe drive, Spencer.

It was so lovely to have you.

Thank you for having me.

We'll get 'em next year.


Here's to Christmas...

Thanks for inviting me.

Your family's awesome.

Yeah, well, thank you

for the game suggestion.

I had a lot more fun

than I thought I would.

Now, all I want

to do is draw.

That was the hope.

Is that why

you chose Pictionary?

I thought it might help

get you out of your head

and reconnect with

drawing just for fun.

Thank you.

It did help.


I expect three designs

by 9:00am tomorrow.

Yes, sir. On it.

Okay. Well... goodnight.

You, too.




Are you awake?

What time is it?

It's almost 10:00.

When did you go to bed?

I don't know. I--

I just kept sketching.

I had so many ideas

bouncing around in my head.

Hm. Looks like you may

have found your muse.

- What do you mean?

- What? Nothing.

Hey, do you know where

my old sewing machine is?

Should be in the closet.


Coffee's going to

run out if you're not quick.

I'll be down soon.


Thank you. Yeah, that's good.

I've done it.

I have sketched

five new designs.

Five?! That's amazing.

Yeah. Now, we just need to

figure out which ones are best.

How do we decide?

I have to make them first,


and then,

as my personal mannequin,

I will need your help.

What do you have

in mind?

Oh, wow,

what about this?

Like a Grinch moment,

you know?


No, that's not gonna work.

Okay, um-- Oh!

Oh, look at this.

Oh, that's cozy.

Oh, it's so soft.

- Yeah. What do you think?

- I think it's perfect.

- I'm in.

- Let's do it.

- Winner.

- All right.

Ring the bells,

blow the horn

Let the music play

School is out

Well, that's great,

and then...

- No?

- No.

- No?

- It's nothing.

All right. X it out.

Celebrate with

family and friends

Christmas is here again

Listening to

the Christmas...

What are you doing in there?

Come out.


I'm on my way.

Okay, so?

How does it feel?

Feels good. Comfy.

How does it look?

It's a little bit

loose in here

and it can be taken in

a little at the waist,

the length isn't quite right,

and the collar needs some work.

I'm not so sure

about the fabric either,

but for a first attempt

it's not bad.

Just okay?

Yeah, something isn't

quite right,

but, no,

we're getting there.

All right, but you're

not discouraged, right?


Actually, I'm quite inspired.


Told you the Elfcapades would

inspire you.

Yeah. Not so sure

it's just the Elfcapades.


Uh, yes.

Okay, yeah.

I'll be right there.

Duty calls.

Well, I'll see you

at bingo tonight?

I wouldn't miss it.


I should probably

change, right?

- Yeah.

- Yeah, okay.

Thank you.

Okay, do you want

a smoky eye or natural?

Natural. I don't want it to

seem like I'm trying too hard.




I just--

I don't remember the last time

you asked me

to do your make-up.


So, you like him.

Like who? Spencer?

Is that such a bad thing?

Christina, I live in New York.

Okay, relationships are

hard enough

without the long distance


Whatever you say.

I just-- I don't want you to

miss out on something good

because you're so

focused on your job.

But Alistair isn't job.

It's my life.

I just miss my sister.

It's been four years since

you've come home for Christmas.

I know.

Hey, do you remember

when we used to have

sleepovers in my room?

We'd do each other's


and we'd stay up all night

and talk about our crushes.

Of course.

We should do that again.

Before I go.

I'd love that.

Okay. Good.


- How do I look?

- Perfect.

Next up I have Prancer!

Ah, yes!

Got that one. Sweet!

Spencer: Wow.

You really want

that giant elf bear.


Ben would love it.

Oh, sure. Ben.

Okay, next we have

Frosty the Snowman.

Oh, I have

that one, too! Okay.

I just need mistletoe

and then I win.

These people

are all going down.

I love Christmas bingo.

I think you just

like winning.

Uh-oh, are you jealous of

my superior bingo success?

Hardly. Look, the--

the giant stuffy's all yours.

To be honest,

elves creep me out.

- What?

- Yeah.

Mr. Christmas is

creeped out by elves.

What a twist.

Oh, don't even get me started

on elf on a shelf. Chilling.

- What?

- Yeah.

I'll be right back.

I'm just gonna use the restroom.

You're going to miss me win!

I'll be quick.

Hey, Charlotte.

Oh! Hey, Gwen.

I see you're here

with Spencer.


Are you guys here...


Oh, um, I don't...

You are just

too cute, Mayor.

I am going to go

get us another round.

Sounds good.

- Hello? Earth to Charlotte!

- Uh. What?

All right,

next we have mistletoe!

- Bingo!

- Bingo!

You got bingo. You gotta go up.

Go, go. Hurry!

Well, come on up, you two.

Let me check your sheets.

Hey, Charlotte.


Dee Dee: Interesting to

see you here, Evan.

And why is that?

Considering you're the one

who took away funding.

I didn't expect

you to participate.

Wait, you were

the one who stopped

the funding for Elfcapades?

Well, there's more

important things that need

budgetary attention

in this town.

But you knew how important

this event is to my family,

and to my dad, and to me.

I know. I'm sorry. It just isn't

a priority for me right now.

Well, folks,

it looks like there's a tie,

but there's only one prize.

Oh, it's fine. He can have it.

Are you sure?

I mean, that would be great.

Jillian really wanted it.

Who's Jillian?

Oh, my beautiful

new fiancee.

The only way to deal with

this unprecedented moment

is the ultimate

mistletoe tie-breaker.

Um, what is that?

The first person to

find someone to kiss them

under the mistletoe wins.

Jillian! Jill!

Come here, hurry!

Yeah, quick.

Jillyboo, please!

Quick! Please!

Seriously? What are you doing?

Winning you that

creepy, giant elf bear.

Charlotte Carmichael wins.

Ah, you really saved

my butt back there.

Did you see the look

on Evan's face? Priceless.

Not all heroes wear capes,

I guess.

Just coveralls.

Oh, I can't believe

Evan is responsible

for ending the Elfcapades.

That was my dad's legacy.

Dee Dee's been doing everything

she can to keep it going.

She's heartbroken.

It's not right.

We need to save it.


I don't know,

but I need to

think of something.

The Elfcapades is

important to this town.

It brings people together.

I completely agree.

I forgot how special the holiday

season is in this town.

I really feel

like I'm home again,

and I haven't felt that

way in a long time.

So, thank you.

Well, I feel the same way.

- Well--

- Well...

Goodnight, Spencer.

Goodnight, Charlotte.

Good morning, everyone.

Good morning, honey.

Oh, you look chipper.

I feel chipper.

Peter: Oh, yeah?


My designs are coming along.

I'm actually excited

for the Elfcapades tonight.

Life is good.

Charlotte Carmichael getting

into the Christmas spirit.

Never thought I'd see the day.

Would this happen

to have to do anything

with a certain someone?

I don't know what

you're talking about.

Can I pour you

a cup of coffee, Charlotte?

Yes, Rick. That'd be great.

Thank you.

Aunt Charlie, are you in love?



Who said anything about love?

Well I heard Mom

and Dad talking about

how you seem like

a smitten kitten.

When are you going to

learn to stop eavesdropping?


Well, we think

he's perfect for you.

Guys, relax, okay?

It was just one kiss.

Mom, Christina, & Ben:

You guys kissed?!

If I were you,

I'd have breakfast at Dee Dee's

before the interrogation.

- Good idea.

- No!

I'll see you guys later.

No! No!

Run, Charlotte. Run!

- No! No! Why? Why?!

- Save yourself.


I'm so sorry. Are you okay?

Charlie, you startled me. Uh...

I thought we weren't meeting up

'til later. What's going on?

I just had some time off

so I thought I'd come

check on my car.

Oh, well, I, uh...

I got the part,

so should be done today.

Radiator leak?


You gonna solder it?

I'm sorry. Who are you?

My dad taught me all about cars.

He didn't want me

to get stranded in

the middle of nowhere

and not know the basics.

Benefits of having

a tow truck driver as a father.


So, um, I was wondering

if you could come by before

the Elfcapades

and try on a new design?

It's almost Christmas Eve

and I don't have

everything I need.

Yeah, of course.

Whatever you need.


And, uh,

speaking of Christmas Eve,

are you going to

miss the Pajamboree?

Well, the fashion show

is at 2:00,

should be out of there by 3:00,

and should be able

to make it in time.

It's going to be

cutting it close,

but I don't want to miss it

Great. I was, uh,

hoping that we'd go together.


Yeah, I'd like that.

Good. Cool.

All right, well,

I should get back to work.

Yes, thank you.

Oh, um, what times do you

want to meet for the Elfcapades?

Well, um...

Let's do a change of plans.

I'm gonna pick you up.

I got a surprise for you.

Spencer Dobbs

missing the Elfcapades?

Should I be scared?

Maybe. Maybe not.

Oh, playing the mystery card.

I'm intrigued.

Now, get out of here.

I gotta fix this car.

Okay, okay. Bye.

Why the long face?

I don't know.

Something's off.

I like the general idea, but...

..that's not the right feeling.

Oh, what feeling

are you going for?

I don't know.

Like how it felt

when I was a kid.

I have something.

Maybe this will remind you.


We really did have

the best Christmases, didn't we?

Yeah, we did.

And we still do.

It's just

a little different now.

You'll get there, honey.

Thanks, Mom.

Maybe you just need to step

away from this for a moment

in order to see it more clearly.

You know what?

I could use a break.

Now, that's a good idea.

- Okay.

- Yeah.

All right,

keep those eyes closed.


All right, come on down.

Keep those eyes closed.

I'm right here.

All right, watch out.

I got the door.


Now, come forward.

This is a lot like

the beginnings of those

true crime documentaries,

you know.

Come on.

You trust me, don't you?

Yeah, I do. I think.


Open your eyes.

Is-- Is this?

I found it on

this dealer's site

for people who like

to restore old cars.

I decided to buy it,

fix it up, and,

I don't know...

Didn't feel right

letting it sit there

and just get bought

for parts.

You're really amazing,

you know that?

What do you say?

Wanna sit in it?

Come on.

This looks exactly

the same.

I love these

old '90s radios.

They don't make 'em

like this anymore.

And I wonder if

it's still got some juice.

Is that--

No way.

Are those his coveralls?


This is the greatest gift

you could have ever given me.

Can I ask you something?

Yeah, of course.

How come you haven't dated?


I know, I need to get back into

the dating game at some point.

It's just...

Somehow moving on

just still felt wrong.

You know?

I know what you mean.

It's hard letting go.

That's why I moved here.

Is it helping?

It's starting to.


Wake up.

What took you so long?

It's eight o'clock.

Did you have a good time?

I had the best time.

I think you were right.

I think

I'm a smitten kitten.

Tell me everything.

Spencer, you're up early.

Can I get you a coffee?

That would be great.


Everything all right?


No. I don't know.

I, uh...

I could use

some advice actually.

What's going on?


There's this person.

And I can't stop

thinking about her,

but I don't know

what to do about it.

Ah, so you've caught the feels.


Does she know?

And I don't know

if I should tell her.

How come?

I don't know, Dee.

Laura's been gone

for almost three years,

but it still feels wrong

thinking about someone else.

I'm worried that if

I start falling for someone new

I'll forget about her entirely.

Darling, losing someone

we love is a type of grief

that never fully heals.

Laura will always

be a part of you.

The love you two

shared will never go away.

But to cut yourself

off from loving again,

that's a true tragedy.

You're right.

If I could give you any advice,

it'd be to tell this new

someone how you really feel.

I regret not telling my

brother how much I loved him.

Life is short.

Don't waste it by

withholding your feelings.

There's never a right time.

There's only now.

Oh, Spencer! Hi.

Hi, Olivia.

Is Charlotte home?

You bet, come in.

Okay, great. Thank you.

She's just upstairs.


The designs are all set.

I just need to helm the sleeves.

Margo: I can't believe

you pulled it all off

on your own in just six days.

Definitely wasn't all on my own.

My friend, Spencer Dobbs,

who you'll meet,

he was such a big help.

I couldn't have

done it without him.

Margo: Ooh-la-la. Who's this

Spencer Dobbs you speak of?

He's so great. You'd love him.

He totally helped me

get out of my head,

and reminded me why

I love designing so much,

and how much I love Christmas.

Margo: Huh. When will I get to

meet this boyfriend of yours?

Oh, no. He is not my boyfriend.

I mean, he's great,

but Alistair's in New York,

you're in New York.

He's a local Brooksbend mechanic

who wears coveralls all day.

I mean, it'll never work.

I don't know, maybe it could.

He's pretty amazing.

He reminds me a lot of my dad.

Still haven't

heard from him, huh?

I hope he's all right.

We were supposed to celebrate

the pajamas being done.

Oh, can I see?

Oh, wow.

They are so cute. Well done.


Maybe he just forgot

and he's at his shop.

You know how men can be.


- Hey.

- Hey, what happened?

I was waiting

for you at Dee Dee's.

Brought you a coffee.

Must have slipped my mind.

Okay. Uh--

She's all yours.

Are you okay?

Oh, I'm fine.

Are you sure?

You seem a little off.

Do I?

Must be because

I'm just a local mechanic.


I heard you on

the phone this morning.

It's real nice, Charlie.

Wait, wait. Spencer, hang on.

I can explain.

No, it's okay.

Don't bother. I get it.

I'm just some small-town nobody.

I'm not good enough for

some bigshot fashion designer.

It's okay.

What? No, no. Please, Spencer.

I was just talking to

my closest friend about

how I wasn't sure if

long-distance would work.

You clearly didn't hear

the full conversation.

I didn't need to.

So that's it?

One small misunderstanding

and you just freeze me out?

Charlotte, I can't be with

somebody who cares more about

their career than their family.

I think you're just afraid

to move on from Laura.


I got a lot of work to do.

Take your car and go.

- Spencer, could you just--

- No, could you please just--

God, Charlotte, I'm so sorry.

Let me--

No, please.

Thanks, Spencer.

I guess this last week together

really was just a waste of time.


Okay, Rick. Right on, right on.

Okay, that's looking good.


What are you guys doing?

Oh. Hi, honey. Come, sit.

Yeah, just like old times.


Is everything okay, Charlie?

My name is Charlotte.

Only my family calls me Charlie.

Oh, honey.

Don't talk to him like that.

And you're sitting

in my dad's chair.

Char. Don't.

Don't what? Talk about Dad?

Yeah, you'd like that,

wouldn't you?

Excuse me?

Ever since Dad died,

nobody even talks about him

or mentions him.

It's like he never existed.

And now you have

Rick replacing him

like an actor

in some bad sitcom.

How would you know whether

or not we talk about him?

You're never here.

We talk about him

all the time, Charlotte.

Just not when you come to visit,

because we don't

want you to feel bad.

Feel bad?

About what?

What? Tell me!

Just be real with

yourself for once.

The reason why you're upset

isn't because of Rick.

It's because you feel guilty

that you didn't come home

when Dad needed you most.

Saving the Elfcapades

isn't going to

bring him back, Charlotte.

You don't make time for people.

And if you're not careful,

you're going to end up alone.


My car's fixed and my pajamas

are completely ruined.

So, uh, there's no need

for me to stay here any longer

than I have to.

I'm going to head for

New York first thing tomorrow.

No, Charlotte. Hold on.



Can I come in?

I was up all night.

Me, too.

Don't go.

I think it's better this way.

I clearly make

a mess of everything.

I'm so sorry about what I said.

It's just been hard

these past few years.

I know.

I miss my little sister.

No, I'm sorry, too.

I've just been

completely wrapped up

in my own little world trying

to make a name for myself.

And then when Dad got sick,

I just buried myself

deeper in work.

I couldn't face the truth.

Everyone deals with

grief differently.

I just wanted to

make you guys proud.

To prove that I was

capable of greatness.

You did do that.

But at what cost?

Seeing you guys

a few times a year?

Having no

meaningful relationships?

I wasn't even there at

the end when he needed me most.

Don't beat yourself up, okay?

Dad knows how much you love him.

Yeah, Spencer was right.

What do you mean?

We got in this huge fight.

I've ruined

everything between us.

Not to mention

tomorrow's Christmas Eve

and I don't have anything

for the fashion show.

So fix it.


I don't know, but I'll help.

I'm a pretty excellent sewer,

in case you forgot.

Come on!

Dad wouldn't want

you to give up.

I just don't know.


I have an idea.


What do you think?

- Uh, no.

- Okay, okay.

It doesn't seem good.

All right.


That's perfect.

- I love it.

- Yeah?

Yeah, let's do it.


Charlotte, I--

I'm so glad

that you're here.

We thought you left.

Oh, Char.

You're still here.

Look, I know I haven't been

the greatest sister

or daughter,

or step-daughter.

But I want to try harder.

I really want to be

a part of this family.

I just miss Dad.

And sometimes it's really hard

for me to accept that he's gone.

Oh, it's hard for us, too,

but he will always be

a part of this family.

No matter what.

I know.

And I'm sorry

I've been so hard on you.

I never wanted you to

think that I was trying

to replace your dad.

I had great respect for him.

He was a dear friend.

I know.

And you've been

nothing but kind,

and you've made my mom so happy.

And I've been nothing

but rude to you.

And you don't deserve that.

I hope you can forgive me.

Of course, Charlotte.

Call me Charlie.

This really feels like

a group hug kind of moment.



Oh, so, what's with

all the new fabric?

Oh, well, I am going to

make Christmas coveralls for

the Warwick's Fashion Show.

Each pair is going to come

with its own embroidery set

for each person to

sew their name into.

Just like real coveralls.

Isn't the fashion show tomorrow?

Yes, which is why

we need all hands on deck.

Ah, okay.

Wh-- What do we do?

Okay, let's go!

These are turning out great.

I want a pair.

Agreed. I'd actually wear these.

Don't worry,

by this time next year,

you can all buy

them at Warwick's.

Maybe, but either way I'd be

happy to make you each a pair.

Mm-hm. Well, the women's pair

is pretty much done.

Great. Is there anything else I

can do?

Uh, do you guys

think we have time to

make an extra pair of men's?

Backup, great idea.

Actually, I had

something else in mind.

Here you go.

Thank you.

Wish me luck.

Ah, we love you, Charlie.

Aw, I love you guys, too.

If you don't make it back in

time for Pajamboree don't worry.

Just as long as we get

you on Christmas morning.

I will make it back,

mark my words.


Thanks for everything.

Got it.


Knock 'em dead, honey.

I'll try.

- Bye.

- Bye.


- Hey.

- Hey.

Shouldn't you be

on your way to New York?

Uh, I wanted to

give you this before I left.

It's the new design.


And I just wanted

to say that I'm sorry.

This last week with you has been

the happiest

I've felt in a while.

And I mean that.

Anyway, um,

if I don't see you later...

Merry Christmas, Spencer.

Merry Christmas, Charlotte.

Roger: Charlotte.

- Hi.

- Welcome.

Can you take that for me?


Can't wait to see

what you brought us.

Oh, thank you, Roger.

Um, I thought we were

getting started at 2:00.

You didn't get the email? No.

We pushed it to 3:00.

But at this rate it's probably

going to be more like 3:30.

What? But it's Christmas Eve.

Sorry, Charlotte.

You know how these things go.

You'll be out of here by 5:30,

the latest.

I have an event tonight with

my family at 8:00,

and it'll take

four hours to get there,

and Christmas traffic

it'll probably take longer.

I'm sure your family

will understand.

Wow. Would you look at these.

These are great.

I really can't wait

for everyone to see them.

Well, unfortunately, they won't.

What do you mean?

Would you guys mind going

and taking these off

and bringing them to me

as quick as you can?

Please, right now.

Bring them to me. Thank you.

I'm sorry, Roger. I have

somewhere else I have to be.

Charlotte, you do know this show

could be a game-changed for you.

I know, but family has

to come first this time.

I hope you'll forgive me, Roger.

I would love to

have designed for you,

but maybe next year?

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

It's in the air

That Christmas feeling

Man on megaphone: Welcome to

the final night of Elfcapades!

The Pajamboree.

And hang the stockings

It's so beautiful.

You're here!

Rick & Dee Dee:

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas, Dee Dee.

Oh, it's so soft.

Any word yet?

Oh, just a text

a couple of hours ago

that she was on her way.



Come on, pick up.

Voicemail: Hi, this is Spencer.

Leave a message

and I'll get back to you.

Spencer, it's me.

Charlotte: Spencer, it's me.

I can't stop thinking

about the way we left things.

I am so sorry if

I ever made you feel

small or less-than.

You are the most

incredible person,

and the only thing that

matters to me right now

is making things right with us,

and as crazy as it sounds--

it might be--

Come on. Come on, come on.

hope that you decide--


I am so sorry.

But I'm really happy

to see you.

Are you?

'Cause, you know,

two accidents,

it starts to look intentional.

How did the show go?

It didn't.

I left.

You left?!

I promised my family

I'd be here.

And if there was any small


that I could see you,

I had to take it.

But Roger should see

the new designs. It's perfect.

I don't care about

any of that right now.

I care about you.


I know it sounds crazy.

But spending this past week

with you has made me realize

that the only important thing in

life is who you spend it with.

And I want to spend

every moment I can with you.

Charlotte, I, uh...

I love you, Spencer.

And it's okay if you

don't feel the same way

or you're not ready.

But I didn't want to

regret not telling you that.

Well, you're in luck.

'Cause I love you too.



What now?


We go dance it up in style.


- Ready?

- Yeah, let's do it.

Let's do it.


- You made it!

- Yes!

Of course, I wouldn't miss it.

How did the show go?

I ditched it.

You what?

Being here with

you guys matters to me most.


Oh, hold on.

It's-- It's Roger.

Probably calling to give me

the old Christmas Eve scolding.


There's my all-star.

Pardon? What do you mean?

You know, that was really bold,

what you did.

Giving up on your dream

to be with your family.

I respect that. I really do.

And that's exactly the type

of person I want designing

for my home and family brand.

Not to mention

the fact I can't stop

thinking about those coveralls.

They are fantastic.

Are you serious?

I am.

We want exclusive rights to

sell them in all of our stores,

and I want to offer you

a one-year contract to

design for us exclusively.

What do you think of that?

I mean, yes. That's incredible.

I would love to.

Um, there's just one thing.

Roger: What's that?

I'd like to move

Alistair's headquarters

to Brooksbend, Connecticut.

As long as you can be in

New York a couple times a month

for meetings, you can

design wherever you like.

Then you have yourself a deal.

Roger: Perfect. I'll give you

a call in the New Year,

we'll go over the paperwork.

Merry Christmas, Charlotte.

Merry Christmas, Mr. Warwick.

I won!

You did it.

No, we did it.

I never could have

done this without you.

Merry Christmas,

Charlotte Carmichael.

Ben, you wanna dance?

- Oh yeah!

- All right!

Bells are ringing

There's a magic in the air

Choirs are singing

Full of joy

and happiness

Stars are bright

As we share

a winter's night

Here's to Christmas

Everybody feel

the magic in the air

Everybody, whoa-oh

Everybody, everybody
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