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02x22 - A Very Villainous Vacation

Posted: 10/23/23 08:08
by bunniefuu
- Hi! - Hello.

- Notice anything different about me?

Yeah. I'’m wearing a vegetable vest.

- Whoo-hoo! Vegetable vest!

Yummy. Ahh--

- Buddy, don'’t eat my vest.

- Ugh. Okay.

- Today, all the magic words start with a "vvv" sound,

and this letter.

The letter V.

So I made a vest out of vegetables.

- Ahh...

- Norville!

- Okay. All right, all right.

- [laughs] Norville loves vegetables.

- Mm-hm.

- Ooh, wait. Norville, I know.

I can make you your own vegetable vest.

- Ooh. - Vegetable vest!

- Ooh!

[babbling excitedly]

- Well, that didn'’t last very long.

- [burps] Mm.

[both laugh]

[upbeat music]

- ♪ Wally found a stick

♪ Waved it in the air

♪ All these magic words went flying everywhere ♪

♪ If you need a friend to lend a helping hand ♪

♪ You can call on Wally

- ♪ Say "Wallykazam!"

- ♪ Anything is possible with Wally ♪

♪ All you need is a word

♪ Say the word, say the word ♪

all: ♪ Wallykazam!

- ♪ Say it, say it

♪ Hear the music playing now

♪ Say the word, say the word ♪

all: ♪ Whoo-hoo-hoo

- ♪ Wally, Wally, Wallykazam! ♪

- [barks]

[lighthearted music]

- Pack your stuff in the beach bag, everybody.

- Okay, Mom.

Hi. Guess what?

We'’re going on vacation!

- Vacation! Whoo-hoo!

Dragon biscuits?

- Dragon biscuits. Good idea, buddy.

Today, all the magic words start with "vvv"

and the letter V,

and "vacation" starts with the sound "vvv,"

so we decided to go on a big family vacation.

- Oh, can'’t forget my book.

I love reading on vacation.

- Me too. I'’m bringing some comic books to read.

- Don'’t forget the sand toys.

- And dragon biscuits.

- Um, I think that might be enough dragon biscuits, buddy.

- Okay.

- So, are we all packed?

together: Yep.

- [grunts] Uh-huh.

- Okay, then we'’re ready for our...

together: Trollman family vacation!


- All right, everybody. Here we go.


Wow. Big word.

Wallykazam, Wallykazation.

Magic stick, let'’s take a...


- [gasps] We'’re at the beach.

- Whoo-hoo! - Yeah!

- Wow. Way to go, Wally.

- Ahh.

Feel that nice beach breeze.

[squirts sunscreen] - Ahh.

And look at that water.

It'’s a lovely shade of troll blue. Mm.

together: Ooh! - Very nice.

- Sunscreen, honey?

[squirts sunscreen] Now we can rest, relax,

and read.

Whoa. Except the sun is really bright.

Did we bring hats?

- I don'’t see any. Uh...

We have a lot of dragon biscuits, though.

- Yum! Whoo-hoo!

Dragon biscuits!

- Maybe I can make hats with the magic stick.

Hmm...except "hats" doesn'’t start with "vvv."

- Ooh! How about visors?

That'’s a kind of hat.

- Visors.

Does "visors" start with "vvv"?

Yeah. It does.

I can make us visors.

- Amazing.

Reading time.

- Look, I brought comic books for us to read, Norville.


Where are you, buddy?

- Hello!

- [laughs]

Norville loves to dig in the sand.

Want to read a comic book with me, buddy?

- Ooh, yeah!

- It'’s our favorite comic:

"Wonder Dragon and Mighty Troll."

They'’re trying to stop Victor the Villain.

[stick sizzles]

Oh...the word "villain."

Villain starts with V.

It'’s a magic word.

But a villain is a bad guy.

We don'’t want to make a villain.

- Nope. No way. Nuh-uh.

[wind swooshes]

- Oh, no! The wind'’s blowing it.

Get that word, buddy!

- [barking]

- [gasps] We made a villain

come out of our comic book.

Victor the Villain.

- Yes, I am Victor the Villain,

the world'’s greatest bad guy.



Wait. Where am I?

This place is so sunny.

And warm. And nice.

It'’s disgusting.


- We'’re at a beach, Victor.

On a vacation.

It'’s fun.

- Fun?


Villains don'’t like fun.

Villains do bad things.

And you'’ll never stop me, because I have the power

to disappear.

I can vanish.

Like this!


- [gasps]


- See? Muah-ha-ha-ha!

Oh, whoa!


I meant to do that.

- Victor is a very silly villain.

- Very, very silly.

- Well, I don'’t think he can

get into too much trouble on a beach.

- Yeah, that'’s true.

- Norville, look what I brought.

- [gasps] Whoo-hoo!

- Get it, Norville.

Get it!

- Hi-yah! Whoo-hoo!

- Great catch, buddy.

- Oh, yeah. Uh-huh. Go, Norville.

Catch! [barks]

- Ew. Look at them, having fun.

I'’ll put an end to that,

because I am the greatest villain ever.

Aah! Umph.

I meant to do that.

Ooh, what a nice shell.

I will name you, you...


[cackles] And together, we will

ruin their vacation.

Oh, I'’ll mess it up big time.


Ow! Coconut on my foot!

Owie, owie, owie, owie, owie, owie!

- [grunts] Got it.

Go long, buddy. [grunts]

- Whoo-hoo-hoo!


- Norville'’s on my head, isn'’t he?

- Yep. - Hello.

- Sorry, Dad.

- That'’s all right. It'’s not the first time

I'’ve had a dragon on my head.

Won'’t be the last.

- [cackling]

both: Victor.

- Oh, is this one of your friends, honey?

- No, he'’s a villain from my comic book.

I accidentally made him come alive with a magic word.

- Yes, I am a villain.

Ugh. Victor the Villain!

And I am going to ruin your vacation...

like this!

Take that, sunscreen. [cackles]

- Oh. That'’s not very nice, Victor.

- [cackling]

- Good thing I always bring extra.

- [cackling]

Ooh, fiddlesticks.

Fine. I'’ll think of some other way

to ruin your vacation,

because I am a villain.


[pops] [all gasp]


I meant to do that.

There'’s only one bush on this beach,

and I get stuck in it.

Not my day. [grumbling]

- Victor!

- Don'’t worry, we won'’t let some silly villain ruin our...

together: Trollman family vacation!


- Ooh, Norville, I brought sand toys.

Let'’s go make sandcastles.

- Sandcastles! Whoo-hoo!

- Mine'’s gonna have a turret and a moat.

- Oh! Mine'’s gonna have dragon biscuits on it.

- Ah, dragon biscuits. Very nice.

Whoo-hoo! Sandcastles!

[Norville barks]

[both laugh]

- Dad and Norville love making sandcastles.

- [gasps] Ooh, look!

A volleyball net.

I love volleyball.

I used to play it in school.

Oh, but there'’s no volleyball.

- Wait. Volleyball.

Volleyball sounds like it starts with "vvv."

Does it?

Yeah, it does.

Mom, I can make a volleyball.

- Really? That would be incredible.

- Here comes a...


- Let'’s see if I'’ve still got it.


- Whoa! - Wah!

- Wow! - Ha-ha!

- What? - Ha! Huh! Hoo!

Yep. I'’ve still got it.

- Mom, that was awesome.

- [giggles] Thanks.

Want to play?

- Yeah!

[both grunting]

- And then she pulls another bottle of sunscreen

out of her bag, Shelly.

It was terrible.

She always brings extra.

I don'’t know what to do now.

How will I ever ruin their vacation?


It'’s one of those things people have fun with.

- Can we please have our volleyball back, Victor?

- Of course. My pleasure.

- Thank you. - Yeah, you'’re very welcome.

- Wait! No!

That was my chance to do something bad, Shelly,

and I blew it.

I need to ruin that ball and stop their fun.

Oh, but how? How?

Use your head, Victor.

Wait. That'’s it!

I'’ll use my head.

I'’ll pop the ball with my pointy hair,

which is on my head.

[laughs] You get it, Shelly?

You see, because the hair is on my head.

- Nice hit, Wally.

- Thanks, Mom.

- Watch this.

Backwards. Eyes closed.


- Whoa.


- [grunts] [ball deflates]

[Wally gasps] - [laughs]

♪ I popped your ball Na-na-na-na-na-nah ♪


And I'’ve ruined your vacation.


- No problem.


- Hey. No fair.

- Victor, you can'’t ruin the Trollman family vacation.

- Oh, really?

I'’ll pop that volleyball too. [grunts]

- No, you won'’t. Heads up, Mom.

- [grunting] - Back at you, Wally.

[both grunting]

- Good shot, Wally.

- Stop it!

- Good one, Mom.

- Please just let me pop it! [grunting]


Stop it!

Oh. Waah!



Your volleyball powers are strong, Trollmans,

but I'’ll still ruin your vacation.

I'’ll mess it up some other way.




Wet, wet, wet, wet, wet, wet, wet--really wet!

- We did it, Mom. He didn'’t pop the ball.

together: Trollman family vacation!


- Ta-dah!

- Ooh, great castle, Norville.

Nice touch with the dragon biscuit.

- Why thank you.

- Mine'’s almost done too.

This part is called the turret.

- Oh, the turret. Okay, uh-huh.

- And...there.

King Howard Trollman'’s castle is finished.


- Da-da-da-dahh!

- Da-da-da-dahh!


- [groans]


- Hello, Trollmans,

and bye-bye, sandcastle.


Aah! Aah! I'’ve got sand in my shoe.

And it feels oogy.

Oh! And it itches! Aah! Wah! Waah! Oh!

- Aw, why would you have to ruin a sandcastle?

It had a turret and everything.

Victor, you are behaving very badly.

- I'’m a bad guy.

Bad guys do bad things.

And I'’ll ruin your other castle next.

[cackles] Aah!

Just as soon as I stop itching.

Ooh! Itchy, itchy, itchy,

itchy, itchy, itchy, itchy...

- [groans]

- Don'’t worry, Norville.

We'’ll make sure nothing happens to your castle.

- Hi, Dad. Hi, Norville.

- How are your sandcastles coming along?

Oh, no. What happened to that one?

together: Victor the Villain.

- He'’s coming back to try and ruin Norville'’s castle, too,

but we'’re not gonna let him.

- Maybe I can make your castle bigger and stronger, Norville.

Then Victor can'’t ruin it.

I'’ll make it giant.

Oh, yeah.

"Giant" doesn'’t start with a "vvv" sound.

What other words mean giant?

- Huge.

- Vast?

- Huge or vast?

Yeah, both those words mean giant.

Which word starts with the sound "vvv"?

Huge or vast?

Yeah. Vast.

I can make Norville'’s sandcastle...


- You'’re too late.




Wah! Now there'’s sand all over me.

Itchy! Itchy!

Oh! Really itchy!

- We did it. We got rid of Victor.

- Nothing can ruin our...

together: Trollman family vacation!


[surf rock music]

- ♪ Been workin'’ so hard now it'’s finally time to play ♪

- ♪ I'’m so glad we had a chance to get away ♪

- Uh-huh!

- ♪ Gonna have some fun

- ♪ In the sand and the sun♪

- ♪ All day

together: Whoo-hoo! - ♪ A-well-a-well-a-well-a

together: ♪ Whoa-oh family vacation

♪ Whoa-oh vacation celebration - ♪ A-well-a-well-a-well-a

- ♪ The water is warm - ♪ And the sun is bright

all: ♪ Come on, come on and feel all right ♪

- ♪ You know our family does vacation right ♪

together: Whoo-hoo!

- ♪ There'’s nothing we have to do ♪

♪ We can do anything

- Uh-huh!

- [snoring] - ♪ We can catch some rays

♪ Or catch up on some light reading ♪

- Huh? What? What? Oh.

That'’s a nice sandcastle.

- And look! Norville'’s our king.

- Hello, hello. - ♪ A-well-a-well-a-well-a

- ♪ Wah-ooh together: ♪ Whoa-oh

- ♪ Wah-ooh together: ♪ Family vacation

both: ♪ Whoa-oh vacation celebration

- ♪ A-well-a-well-a-well-a - ♪ The water is warm♪

- ♪ And the sun is bright - ♪ Wah-ooh

together: ♪ Come on, come on, and feel all right ♪

- ♪ Kick back and relax

♪ '’Cause vacation is out of sight ♪

together: ♪ Whoo-hoo

- ♪ This vacation'’s giving me such aggravation ♪

♪ A-well-a-well

♪ I don'’t like all this sand and sun ♪

♪ It'’s causing me frustration ♪

♪ I want to ruin this beautiful day ♪

♪ For everyone


- ♪ Wah-ooh - ♪ Woah-oh family vacation

♪ Woah-oh vacation celebration ♪

- ♪ A-well-a-well-a-well-a - ♪ The water is warm♪

- ♪ And the sun is bright - ♪ Wah-ooh

together: ♪ Come on, come on, and feel all right ♪

♪ You know our family does vacation right ♪


- That was a rather catchy song.

♪ Woah-oh family vacation

Uh, no. No, no, no. No singing.

I must mess up their family vacation.

I must ruin it... forever!

I need something big, Shelly.

Something like...

a volcano!

Yes! That'’s it.

Villains always need volcanoes.

But not just any volcano.

I need an extra villainous volcano.

[cackles] Aah!

I'’ll get you for that, volleyball.

Prepare to be popped.

Wait. A volleyball.

That'’s it.

I'’ll make a volleyball volcano.

It will cover them in volleyballs,

and it will ruin their vacation.

And I think I know just where to get a volleyball volcano.


- I love vacation.


- Ahh.

- Nahh.

all: Victor.

- Look over there!

It'’s a volleyball volcano.

- You can'’t fool us, Victor.

There'’s no such thing as a volleyball volcano.

[stick sizzles]

- [barks]

- Oh, yeah. Those are magic words.

- Volleyball volcano.

Thank you.



[all gasp]


- Uh-oh! - Aah!

- Ha-haa! - Oh, dear.

- Now your vacation is really ruined.

Ha! Forever!


- Maybe I can make that volleyball volcano vanish.

I learned that word from you, Victor.

- Hey, no fair.

- What sound does "vanish" start with?

Yeah, it starts with "vvv." And...


- [cackles] And now I'’ll vanish

with your enchanted branchamabobby.

- It'’s a magic stick.

- Oh, whatever.





♪ Oh yeah uh-huh ♪

♪ Who'’s bad? I'’m bad ♪

Oh--aah! Aah!


- He dropped the magic stick. We'’ve got to get it.

- But it'’s on top of the volleyball volcano.

- I can get us up there. Follow me.


[exciting music]

Take that! And that.

And spike.

And set. And spike.

- Go get '’em, honey.

- That'’s my mom. Isn'’t she awesome?

[all grunt and groan]

- Under the umbrella, guys.

- [gasps]


Look out. Here come a bunch.

- Linda, umbrella!


- Look! We'’re almost to the stick.

Come on!

Take that! Spike, set, spike!

Spike, set, hi-yah!

- I got it!

Now we can stop the volcano.

Wallykazam, Wallykazanish,

magic stick, make the volcano...


[triumphant music]

- All right! - It worked!

- Yeah! - Nice, Wally.

- Yeah! - Incredible.

all: Whoo-hoo! - We did it.

- And now, back to our family vacation.

- Fiddlesticks.

You win, Trollmans.

I just can'’t ruin your vacation.

You have defeated Victor the Villain.

- Time to go back in your comic book, Victor.

- Fine. I don'’t want to be around

all your vacation fun, anyway.

Bleh. The sand is itchy.

Coconuts keep falling on my foot.

Aah! You see?

And there'’s not even a coconut tree here.

Where did that come from?

Ugh. Farewell, Trollmans.

I'’ll miss you, Shelly!

- We did it! He'’s back. Look!

[Norville barks] - All right!

- Nothing can stop our...

together: Trollman family vacation!


- [barks] - Can you believe it?

Victor didn'’t ruin our vacation.

- Dragon biscuit?

- No, thanks, Norville.

- Whoo-hoo! More dragon biscuits for me!


[all laughing]

- Norville...

- Hi. I'’m playing Rhyme or Slime

with my mom...

- This is so fun, honey.

- And Victor the Villain.

- I will defeat you all.

- Be nice, Victor.

- Sorry, Mrs. Trollman.

- All right. I'’ll say a word,

and then you say a word that rhymes with it.

Here we go. Bad.

- Glad.

- Victor.

What? I am bad.

- You have to say a word that rhymes with "bad," Victor.

Like "bad" and "glad."

They both end in the same sound.

- Fiddlesticks.

- Here we go. Mad.

- Add. - Volcano.

Ugh. Fiddlesticks.

That doesn'’t rhyme with "bad" either.

- Okay. One more time.

- Dad. - Had.

- Mm...I can'’t think of one.

Ha! Missed me, slime.

Na-na-na-na-- aah!

Oh, yugh.

Fiddlesticks. Now I'’m sad.

Wait, "sad." That'’s what I should'’ve said!

[both giggling]

- ♪ Wally, Wally, Wally, Wally ♪

- ♪ A-Wally, Wally, Wally, Wally ♪

- ♪ Wally, Wally, Wally, Wa

all: ♪ Ba-bah - Wallykazam!

- ♪ Wally, Wally, Wally, Wally ♪

- ♪ A-Wally, Wally, Wally, Wally ♪

- ♪ Wally, Wally, Wally, Wa

- ♪ Wally, Wally, Wally, Wally, Wally ♪

- Wallykazam!

all: ♪ Doodle-oo, doo, doo - Wally!

all: ♪ Doodle-oo, doo, doo - Wally!

all: ♪ Doodle-oo, doo, doo - What?

all: ♪ Wally, Wally, Wally, Wallykazam! ♪