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01x20 - Parental Misguidance/VIP Mistreatment

Posted: 10/23/23 06:28
by bunniefuu

♪ Three! ♪


♪ Three! ♪


♪ Three! ♪

♪ One, two, three! ♪

It's an alien invasion!


We have to protect our school!

No, Herby, you just

made it dirtier!

I got this!

Burt style.


It's got my shoe!

I'm taking charge!

Fighting isn't the answer.

I come in peace.


Uh, Kirbie,

Donnie's taking charge.

OH NO! Help!

They've got me!

Uh, shouldn't someone

get Colonel Cork?

I've been

here all along.

And I'm NOT


[Col. Cork grunting

and shouting]


That was amazing,

Colonel Cork.

You stopped the invasion!

If you're going to be

real space explorers,

you have to learn

to take charge!

That's what I was doing

but those Amigo-clowns

ruined it.

You can't

lead when your head

is inside an alien's

mouth, Donald.

[others gasp]

They're back!

I wish.


this is much worse.


is my mother.

You have a mom?

The most strict, stern

parental unit in the galaxy.

Even her rule's

rules have rules.





Um, sir?

I thought that your mother...

fine as she is...

was a Commander General.

Make that retired

Commander General.

You're wearing...


You always said that jeans

were the slacks of slackers.

I'm here to throw away

my rule book

and have some quality

mother son time, Corky.

F.Y.I. they're called jeanies

and surprisingly comfortable.

But you love rules.

Well, if I was wrong

about jeanies,

perhaps I've been

wrong about everything.

Time for us to experience the

fun I never let you have!

Sounds like fun.

You will stay right

here and practice

your combat training

until you are

capable cadets!

But it wasn't my fault!


You heard him.

Get back to work!

No problemo.

Burt style!


But mother-

Nuh uh.

It's Mom now.

You always said I couldn't

have a TV in my room.

Oh, I said a lot of things,

but I'm not commanding

a battalion anymore.

I'm commanding good times!


Now let's go bladin'!


So comfy in

these jeanies!

Come on, Colton,

live a little!

Mother, please.


Bladin's thirsty work!

[Col. Cork]

Right from the carton?!


Your turn, sonny.

Go on. It's fun!

♪ [tense music] ♪

Promise you

won't ground me?

I'll ground you

if you don't!

[nervous sigh]




[both laughing]

[both laughing]

[Col. Cork

shouting and cheering]

[Col. Cork

shouting and cheering]


I can't believe Colonel Cork

is like fifteen seconds

late for roll call.


Now's your chance Donnie.

Take it!


Something is obviously wrong

and I am taking charge.


go investigate Cork

while the rest of us

go get our blades!

Come on, everybody.


I do not like the idea

of Donnie in charge.

But he was right

about one thing.

We are the best investigators

at the Academy.

Let's go find the Colonel.

♪ [music behind door] ♪

What's that sound?


He's in trouble!

I'll save you!

Colonel Cork,

are you okay?

You missed roll call.


There, I called it.



[awkward laugh] Good one,

but, uh, shouldn't you be,

you know, um,

running the school?


Just taking some chill time.

Mom says it's ai'ight.

Uh, where is she anyway?

Making pizza!

I never got to

have it growing up.

Against the rules.

[video game beeps]


I full on sank that t*nk!

What is wrong with him?

I'm assuming his mom feels bad

about his strict upbringing

and she's trying to

make up for it, you know,

by letting him

do what he wants.


Attention all students,

this is your leader,

Donnie Top Dog Dewayne.

Report to the gym for

an extreme dance battle

in my honour...


Maybe it's not...

that... bad?

Kirbs, he somehow just made

dancing not sound fun.

Let's go!

No fair.

You took out my guy!

Ya snooze,

ya lose.






Battle for my amusement!

Do the running man

all over each other

while chanting my name!

Come on,



[others chant

"Don-NIE! Don-NIE!"]

You in the back,

I can't hear you.

Don-NIE! Don-NIE!



What are you

doing here?

Just knitting

a cat a sweater...

What does it look

like I'm doing?

OF COURSE I'm ruling!

But, Colonel Cork

is in charge.



Oh, okay in that case

where is he, huh?

Yeah, 'cause I thought

you were going to get him.

Looks like you failed

your assignment.

And what do we

do with failures?



I forgot to bow down!


We need Cork back,

and fast!

I have an idea.



That was close.

What's the plan, Herb?


And if it doesn't snap 'em

out of it, nothing will.

What's it do?


Core meltdown in five minutes.

Well, that's extreme.

I like it.

Come on, let's go watch

Cork save the school!

[students roaring and screaming]

[students roaring and screaming]

More cheesy puffs!

Where are Cork

and his Mom?

The students are

having a melt down

and the core is about

to melt down too!

It's worse

than I thought.

Time for plan B.

Mrs. Cork's Mom!

Oh, thank goodness.

This pizza smells nothing like

the ads on TV tell me it should.

Oh, it helps if you

take it out of the box.


Your son is in danger!



Mother's in danger?!

She's been captured

by Donnie

and his pack of

rogue students.

You have to save her!

Where's my son?!

Where's my mother?!

Help me!

The students have gone mad

and I have no idea why!

You're okay?

You're okay?

You're okay!

You're okay!

But the school

is NOT okay!

Now, grow up

and act like

the responsible

leaders you are!

It's not so bad.

Just some kids blowing

off a little steam...

And just a few lightbulbs...

And just my decorated son's

picture on the wall...


I'm sorry son.

It's been fun,

but I just can't be

the free- wheeling mom

you want me to be


The only mom I want...

is the one I've

always had.



You WILL stop this unruly

behaviour immediately!

[computer] Ten seconds

until reactor meltdown.

You will STOP melting down.

I'm sorry you feel that way.

Meltdown averted.

If things aren't

back to normal and fast,

it's ten laps around

the academy...

without space helmets!

[students groan]

I'm proud of

you Colton.

I mean Colonel.

And I'm proud

of you, Mom.

I mean Mother.

And no need to thank us.

According to my rule book

lying to a superior

about his mother

being in danger

is a punishable offence.

Oh, I couldn't

agree more!

As is impersonating a leading

officer of the Academy

and imprisoning

your fellow cadets.



Talking back to

a commanding officer?

Another detention!

A hint of squidginess with

a whiff of rubber and...

fuzzy tomato.






Take back that burp!

[belch sound reversed]

Any future expulsions

will lead to

actual expulsions

from the Academy!

That goes for you as well,

Herbert and Burtholemew.

Since when is a burp a crime?

Now, you listen up.

Today I, Colonel Cork,

am responsible for a very

important VIP guest.

How important?



The VIP is

the Ultra-President

of the Supreme Council

of the Mega School Board.


He is coming for the annual

State of the

Universe tea party.

If this event with

President Skillsworthy

does not go perfectly,

we're all done for.

So, you better be on

the best of your

best behavior.

I'm warning you.



relieved sigh]


Any longer and that woulda

come out the other end.

Guys, you heard Cork.

He's counting on us

to make sure

there's no

funny business,

so keep your eyes peeled.

You got it.

[all gasp]

[indecipherable whispering]


Look, guys.

Suspicious-looking lurkers.

The ones lurking



This is the funny business

Cork wants us to put

out of business.

Burt, you distract them.

Kirbie, follow me.

Excuse me, sirs.

Do you know where

I can buy some,

um, apples?

What about, uh,

ooh pencils?!

Yeah, pencils...

[whispering] The good kind.

When I open the

garbage chute door,

you get on your hands

and knees.

I'm looking to buy

a framed painting

of a smiling donkey

on water-skis.

Look kid,

we're kinda busy.



All in a responsible

day's work.

Cork would be proud.

I highly doubt it.

Proud of what?

Ah, well you see we were

patrolling the halls

for "funny business," and--

You will do

no such thing!

Leave that to the VIP's

security team.

You've probably seen them

sweeping the campus for threats.

Security team?

Uh oh.

Imposing big guys?

Dark suits?

These sunglasses?

What have you done?

Hero business.


Do not leave this room.

Do not think about

leaving this room.

Do not allow the words

"leave, this and room"

to cross your

minds in any order.

Our VIP guest is

now exposed to

threats of all kinds,


but not limited to...


Punishment to be determined.

Aw, we really

let Cork down.

And he thinks

so highly of us.

He's probably more

sad than angry.

We should

make him a pie.

But nothing shows an apology

like a homemade card that says

just how sorry we really are.

To the craft station!




It's perfect!

Honorable Mr. Zark,

it is a pleasure to

welcome you again.

Yes, yes, yes.

I hope you have that

Saturnian biscotti I so love.

Hard as a rock.

Only the most stately molars

can chew such a treat.

And there are no molars

as distinguished

as yours, I'm sure.


It pairs so well with

Venutian tea...


Half a milk and three sugars!

Oh, you certainly know how to

throw a no-nonsense tea party.

Why, thank you.

Now, please follow me.

Academy President Skillsworthy

eagerly awaits your arrival.


Oh, how adorable!

A hand-made...


is this macaroni?



How's anyone allergic

to macaroni?

Dry, uncooked macaroni?!


This is terrible.


trusted me to handle

this most prestigious event

and it's ruined.

His favorite thing in

the universe is tea parties.

[gasp] I hope you

don't get fired.

Or worse...

lose your job.

Don't worry,


We'll take

care of this.

I have a plan.


♪ [drumroll] ♪



[crowd booing]


And now for Mr. Zark's

State of the Universe address.


The universe is

in such a state

of universal


Here, here!


Couldn't have

said it better myself.

And now for a cup of tea.

Then this tea party

will be finished

and everyone will

be pleased with

how well it went.


♪ [baroque chamber music] ♪

♪ [baroque chamber music] ♪


Don't forget your favourite.


Saturnian biscotti.

Like biting a diamond.


[shocked gasp]

[power shuts down]


We seem to have blown a fuse.

How embarrassing.

Forgive me,


♪ [dramatic music] ♪


Where did he go?!


Check backstage!

[both scream]


He's not there!

I mean...

He's not there.

Sir, I believe Mr. Zark

has just been...



How could this happen

on my campus?

Colonel, you assured me

of the utmost security!


Not to worry,

Mister Skillsworthy.

This kind of thing

happens all the time.



[Herby] Help!

This wasn't part of the show!

I'll get him back, Sir!

Three heads are

better than one.

Take the security

team with you.

Scratch that--

four heads are

better than three!

I'm coming too.

Wait a minute...

don't you have your own

special security ship?

Why are we in Woody?

The kidnappers...

um, they cut the fuel lines.



Uh, what's going on?

Why are you dressed like--

I'll explain later.

[whispering] Just go with it.

There they are!

[Cork] Herb-- ugh, Zark

is waving from the window.

Sir, we're coming

to get you!


Release the VIP!

[kidnapper] Not before

you give us what we want!

Which is?

Free movie tickets...

Seems reasonable.

...for life!

Well, that's a bit steep!


And a framed painting

of a smiling donkey

on water-skis.

Make it two!


I am so confused right now.

Now listen good,

you weasels!

I'll give you

a framed photograph

of my fist cleaning

your clocks!

How many times

do I have to say?

I'm not really Zark!

My name is Herby.

Yeah, right.

They're going into

the asteroid field!



We're never

going to catch them!

And the biggest shame of all...

We never even got to finish

the Saturnian biscotti.

Saturnian biscotti.

It's as hard

as a rock!

And twice

as delicious.

Is there an ejection

chute on this thing?


Er, Colonel, they've never

been on this ship before.

Uh, in my experience

aboard many, many ships

as a security guard,


it's over there.

That's the toilet.

Well, where do you think

it goes after you go?



Almost there...

Three, two, one...


[fart sound]

[electronics buzzing,

engine failing]

You guys did it!

Stinkin' biscuits!


[pained groan]


I'm sorry that this tea party

has been such a debacle.

It was an honest mistake.

These things happen.

Well, that's certainly

a positive outlook

in light of a kidnapping.


Hey, that's the guy that

threw us into the garbage chute.

And LOOK what we found there!












