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02x20 - Xtreme Xmas

Posted: 10/23/23 05:09
by bunniefuu
Merry Christmas, son, Merry Christmas.

Ho, ho, ho, and a bottle of rum.

Oh, wait, that's pirates though pirates have beards, and so does Santa so I'm sticking with it.

-Weird kid.

-You got that right, Santa.

Although, who am I to talk? Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas.

So how are we rating this year`s Santa? Well, off the beaten path, scraggly beard and no gut.

Good attitude, though.

I think the Santa from last year was in a motorcycle g*ng.

What is all that junk? A drummer, a compressed air horn, a hand buzzer, a siren hat and a toy bugle.

Aren't all those Matt's things? I think he's outgrown them.

Besides, he didn't say anything when I took them.

He was asleep when I took it, but still You should've just donated your little brother.

He weighs a lot less.

for my float on the Christmas parade.

Plus, he's good at getting sticky stuff everywhere so this time it'll be useful.

I'm in charge of decorating the tree on the float, right? 'Cause frankly, I've mastered making dreidels and lighting menorahs, and I'm looking for a new challenge.

I think my float will keep you busy.

"Rock-n-Roll Christmas," huh? You're really going for it.

First prize is a ski trip.

I can get all of Matt's noisy stuff out of the way and win a free trip to Aspen.

This could be the best Christmas ever.

Especially if that's Freddie Prinze Junior waiting for me down there at the bottom.

No, it was a moose.

Whoa, major loot! Sweet siren hat.

Very generous, eh, Santa? Believe me, it was my pleasure.

The kids get a merry little Christmas and I get a silent night.

If you believe We've got a picture-perfect plan We've got you fooled 'Cause we only do the best we can And sometimes we make it And sometimes we fake it But we get one step closer each and every day We'll figure it out on the way Lizzie McGuire S02E20 Xtreme Xmas -So, we have to make this? -Out of this.

Using this? Oh, use my history paper, please.

I do not want my parents to see that.

Hey guys, can you help me out? I need something for my float.

You wouldn't happen to have an exhaust assembly system for a rebel force's X-wing fighter, would you? I'm afraid not.

We've got some green felt.

Huh! I can make that work.

So, what's the theme of your float? "Death Star Christmas.

" A very shiny nose Rudolph had yes.

-Weird kid.


My float's over against that wall get to work.

Kate, you're paying carpenters to build your float? Get real.

My dad's paying them.

The float will depict an immense ladybug wearing a Santa cap while stereo speakers broadcast cheery music of a Yuletide nature.

The title of the float is to be called "Jingle Bug.

" Kind of adorable.

Uh "Rock-n-Roll Christmas"? Whatever.

Our float costs six grand.

You guys are on the clock.

Get the layout.

Okay six grand? But I think our float design is better than a jingle bug.

And we know you'll beat Tudgeman.

I mean, he's got robots.

You've got fake penguins.

Who doesn't love penguins? We elves aren't too wild about them.

Elves are allergic to penguins.

My pal, Little Blinky, turns red as a turkey gobbler.

Wait, weren't you Santa's helper at school? Santa's chief elf, officially.

Nobby Frostybump, nice to meet you.

What are you doing here? This is a Christmas parade.

I'm Santa's helper.

Well, where else would I be? Well, maybe in the North Pole making toys? My crew has that covered.

After we have our Spring Manager's Meeting set our production goals I'm pretty much hands-off.

Oh, excuse me.

Sometimes my elves need to reach me.

Hello? Ah, he did what? Why did he try to pet it? Tell Thimble Muffin to stop petting wild animals! If he loves animals so much, he can deworm Rudolph.

Oh, my goodness.

A badger bit Thimble Muffin.

This guy really thinks he's one of Santa's helpers.

Hey, Lizzie I brought my electric drill.

And I brought stuff to make paste and my gum.

And I made Christmas cookies.

I got gingerbread Santas, and in honor of Hanukkah I made potato pancakes.

Oh, thanks.

I can't get away from those.

Every December, it's all I eat.

May I see one of those cookies? Oh, very good likeness of him.

Of course he has a scar on his neck from where he had a mole removed but you can't expect a cookie to show that, huh? Had a tummy tuck, also He's Santa's helper.

Oh I'm sorry.

I should introduce myself.

Nobby Frostybump.

Hi, Nobby.

Sam McGuire.

Oh, Sam McGuire.

You wanted a Quickie Bake Oven when you were ten.

Um, a lot of guys my age wanted those to make pizza.

Um, I'm going to go charge my electric drill.

This is a power tool Santa's Helper, huh? Since I've got you here, I guess you can save me a stamp.

Okay, so I want three of those.

Uh, the good kind of those a brown one of those and the fish to feed it.

Sure, as long as you've been a good boy all year.

I'll just take that back, then.


Okay the first thing we're going to need to do is lay down a coat of burlaps.

So I'm going to need some paste.

I'll go recharge my electronic organizer.

He may be a kook but he's a very friendly kook.

I'll go make it.

Oh, I'll go help.

You remember the last time Matt was alone with paste? If anyone comes to deliver a 30-horsepower motor send him to our float; we're going to lunch.

Their float's going to have a motor? Look, I am going to beat Kate and I'm going to win first place in this thing and you and my family are going to help me.

That's a good one, Nobby.

So, uh, Lizzie, we're out of here.

-We're going to have lunch with Nobby.


He has the most incredible stories.

-And he knows a great Chinese place.


You want to come? No, I have to work on my float, remember? Okay, Lizzie, well, look, we'll be back soon.

Come on, Nobby.

Here's the paste.

We'll see you later.

And we're off to a great start.

What are you looking at? I'm home.

I hope you guys enjoyed your six-hour lunch because I got like, nothing finished on the float.

Oh, oh I was just checking your toys.

If there's one thing that fascinates me, it's toy quality- toys and Latin dancing.

You! What are you doing in my house? I well, your brother wanted to see my work duds.

So we swung by the retirement hotel where I live.

We were having so much fun, we lost track of time.

Your parents even asked me to dinner.

We're having spaghetti.

Nobby, Nobby! Here's your hot chocolate.

Oh, thank you, Mattie, but it might not make a difference about your present.

Your own Caribbean island's kind of a tall order.

Well, uh, see what you can do.

Well, how about what I want for Christmas? I want to get my float finished.

You don't have to listen to her, Nobby.

She's a Grinch- -only the Grinch smells better.

I do not hate Christmas; I love Christmas.

I love everything about Christmas and I love having Santa's helper in my house.

I think it's simply charming.

Well, that's good because Nobby's going to be staying with us for a few days.

Yeah, the plumbing's busted in his retirement home so he's got nowhere to stay till it's fixed.

Hey, I don't care if you have the Dallas Cheerleaders living here as long as my float gets done.

Eight maids a-milkin' Seven swans a-swimming Six geese a-layin' Five golden Sorry, I have to take this.

Frostybump here.

Talk to me.

We can't get it done by Christmas? So many people will be disappointed.

What, another one of your elves can't get the toys done in time? Auggie Bajmajian Plumbing and Heating they can't get the pipes fixed by Christmas.

-Why not? -No workers.

Everybody's taking the holidays off.

But the toys are okay, right? Oh, the toys'll be there on Christmas.

Don't worry about that.

I can do the plumbing.

I've got the tools.

I've taken a couple of courses.

We'll have it fixed in a couple of days.

-I'll help.

-Count me in.

Count me out.

It's too bad Santa's helper can't take a shower until New Year's but I've got commitments.

But what about my Rock-n-Roll Christmas float? I need help to finish it.

Well, you and Gordo can work on it together, can't you? I guess.

This could still be the best Christmas ever.

Hey, guys.

You've seen the smoke machine I got for my float? This is going to make all the X-Wings crashing in from the Death Star.

Look really authentic.

Right, 'cause nothing says "Merry Christmas" like a fiery spaceship crash.

He's got special effects.

Kate's got pros building her float.

I've got to make this bigger.

It'll be a lot of work but I can still grind everyone else into the dust in the spirit of the holidays.

Hey, Lizzie, how's the float coming along? It's good.

It's going to take us all day to finish but I think we can do it.

Did you guys finish the plumbing? Oh, not exactly.

It's taking a little longer than we hoped.

I just came by to pick up some hacksaw blades from my toolbox.

You guys think you'll finish in time? I don't know.

I don't really think we have enough help.

What I'm afraid of is that Nobby and his friends won't have a place to stay for Christmas.

Well, is there anything I can do to help? -Sure, we could always use an extra pair of hands.


But what about my float, Gordo? I'm sorry, Lizzie, it's just well, I think fixing plumbing is a little more important.

But what about my float? Plus, would you want to go a week without a bath? No.

Sorry, Lizzie.

Listen, if we get done early we'll come back and help you out.

But what about my float? Chicken wire reindeer.

Chicken wire reindeer.

Chicken wire reindeer.

Chicken wire ow.

Pretty glitter.

Pretty glitter.

I can stay awake.

I can finish this.

I can take a little nap.

Pretty glitter.

Lizzie? Lizzie, wake up.

Nobby? What are you doing here? I'm Santa's helper.

And I'm worried about a young lady who has lost sight of what Christmas is all about.

What, are you talking about me? I'm not talking about that pile of trash in the corner there.

Hey, that's my float.

It is? Oh Oh, it's, uh very nice.

Oh, it's Good job.

Oh, yes.

And I've not lost sight about what Christmas is about.

Well, I have someone here who thinks you're wrong.

Say hello to the elf who wants to be a dentist.

I didn't want to make toys.

I wanted to be a dentist.

So I could help people.

'Cause helping people is what it's all about Well, I wish someone would help me finish my float! Why are you so obsessed with this float, Lizzie McGuire? Why? Here with the answer to that is the Ghost of Christmas Past.

Okay, this is crazy.

Junk food must be giving me a bad dream or something.

Mom, you're not the Ghost of Christmas Past.

You're the pepperoni pizza that I ate for dinner.

Lizzie, could pepperoni do this? Okay.

What do you want to show me, spirit? Look, Lizzie.

Look at the TV box.

That's my bedroom.

Why are you showing me my room? Because it's a mess.

Would it k*ll you to clean it up once in a while? Even though my mom is the Ghost of Christmas Past she has to hassle me.

The point is instead of enjoying Christmas with the rest of us you're obsessed with winning.

Okay, so maybe Christmas isn't about my float but now I'm getting a little confused.

What is it about? I'll tell you what Christmas is really about, Lizzie McGuire.

Lights, please.

Near Bethlehem, there were shepherds watching over their flocks by night.

And then the Angel of the Lord appeared before them.

"Fear not," said the Angel.

"For I bring you tidings of great joy.

"For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a child who shall be your savior.

" And suddenly, the Angel was surrounded by a great multitude of the heavenly hosts singing "Glory to God in the Highest.

"And on Earth, peace and goodwill toward men.

" And that's the real meaning of Christmas, Lizzie McGuire.

You know, I do a really great wise man.

Hey hey hey! I shouldn't care about winning something for myself.

Christmas is about doing good for others.

Just like you guys fixing the plumbing.

By the way, I hope that's going okay.

I can show you how it's going.

They're dirty and grimy.

Their hands must be stinging.

But yet they keep plumbing.

They're plumbing and singing.

But how can they plumb when they plumb without tools? They plumb without skipples, dee-daddles, or zools.

No wonder they make no plumb progress at all because the pipes that they're plumbing are two sizes too small.

I could still help them and we could get finished in time.

I just have to get over there.

Lizzie, you've had the power to go there all along.

I know.

I just close my eyes and click my heels three times.

Why would you do that? I've got my Olds Delta '88 parked outside.

I'll give you a lift! Santa's helper drives a gas guzzler?! I've got to get over there.

I hope I'm not too late.

It is no use.

There's just no way it's going to fit.

There's no way we're going to get this done on time.

The old folks won't have anywhere to spend Christmas.


Can't they stay with us? I can share my room.

Oh, honey, there are 240 of them.

They can share Lizzie's room, too.

-Matt -Um no.

I don't think so.

I'm not sharing my room.

Because we're going to get this finished tonight.

Well, what about your float? It won't get done in time.


I know, but I shouldn't care about my float winning first prize.

What matters is finding pipes the right size.

Okay, we need to change out the main lines and use step-down couplings.

Wow, how did you think of that, Lizzie? That could work.

I don't know.

It just kind of came to me.

Well, however it came to you, young lady.

you have just saved the day.

Well, that's what Christmas is about.

It shouldn't be about my float having reindeer or candy canes on it.

It should be about this.

What? Hot water for Santa's helper? No.

Helping people.

And I would have never realized that if wasn't for Nobby.


Where did Nobby go? Hello, people.

UhChristmas Eve, Santa's Helper.

Where do you think he went? Oh.

Hey, everybody.

Had to go down to the little boy's room in the gas station.

What? The plumbing's busted here.

And now, the Wendel Wookie high school marching band performing "Carol of the Bells.

" Oh, that's one of my favorites.

Honey, I'm so proud of you giving up working on your float to help us out.

It was fun.

We dropped by the warehouse last night.

Saw your float.

Why isn't it out by the trash cans? Merry Christmas to you, too, Amy.

Oh, my gosh.

I can't wait to see your face when my float comes down the street.

"The Splendor of Christmas" by Reginald Rehovan and Allistair Stukovich.

Hey, it's my cousin Reeree and his buddy Stucco.

"The Splendor of Christmas" seems to be a disoriented moose hauling some form of dock worker.

At any rate they're pelting the crowd with double AA batteries.

Incoming! Duck and cover! Oh.

I've just been informed that they're children's toys.

Oh, nice.

The plumbing got fixed and Nobby and his friends have a place to stay.

I'd say, best Christmas ever definitely applies.

That's the spirit.

Hey, it's you.

I thought you'd like to meet the head honcho.

But he doesn't have much time.

He has to be at a meeting in Korea in 3 and half hours.

I heard what you did for Nobby.


Santa just said, "Righteous.

" Well, I was glad to help.

Are you really Santa? Well, I ain't the Easter Bunny.

You're too skinny to be Santa.

Hey, I'm working on it.

-Well, you may be too skinny but you sure look old enough.


If you're Santa, prove it.

Yeah, prove it.

-Take a hike, you little -No, Santa.


All right.

I'll prove it, but only because I like showing off.

And now, ladies and gentlemen, the next float Rock-n-Roll Christmas by Lizzie McGuire.

What? No.

My float is a hunk of chicken wire and a box.

I didn't get to finish it.

Somebody did.

And I think I know who it was.

I think you do know, Lizzie.

Santa Claus is coming to town Santa Claus is coming to town Yeah, you better watch out You better not cry You better not pout I'm telling you why Santa Claus is coming to town He's making a list He's checking it twice He's going to find out who's naughty or nice Santa Claus is coming to town He sees you when you're sleeping He knows when you're awake He knows if you've been bad or good So be good for goodness' sake So, you're saying that Santa Claus finished your float then turned into Steven Tyler from Aerosmith to perform on it? I did not see that one coming.

You better not cry You better not pout, I'm telling you why Santa Claus is coming I said, Santa Claus is coming Yeah Santa Claus is coming To town.

-Did he say "Action"? -Yeah.

Dude, one more.

One more.

Sweet siren hat that's stuck to your arm there.

Shut my eyes and click my heels two times? -Why would you ? -Three times I think.

And Got that one.


-Got that one.

Got that one.
