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01x15 - Dream Dollhouse

Posted: 10/22/23 15:25
by bunniefuu
- ♪ Two genies in a bottle

♪ Up in the starry sky

♪ It'’s Shimmer and Shine ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Two of a kind

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Boom Zahramay

♪ Three wishes a day

♪ Your genies divine

♪ It'’s Shimmer and Shine, Shimmer and Shine ♪

♪ From a genie palace

♪ In Zahramay Falls

♪ Riding a carpet

♪ When Leah calls

♪ Shimmer and Shine

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Genies divine

♪ Shimmer and Shine

♪ Shimmer and Shine

[light music]

- Here'’s your cup.

One for our guest.


And there! We'’re all set.

[knock at door]

Our guests are here!

Hi, Zac! - Hey, Leah.

I brought my Artie Apatosaurus toy over

like you asked for.

- Great!

'’Cause now we can play

with my new dollhouse!

- Whoa!

Awesome dollhouse,Leah!

Can I get a tour?

- Sure!

Down here is the living room

with stairs that go up to the big bedroom.

And over here is the kitchen,

where my doll is ready

to have a tea party with Artie!

- Oh, that'’s perfect,

'’cause Artie loves to party.

Let'’s play!

Thanks for inviting me.Roar!

Your house is very lovely.


Excuse me if I'’m roaring too loud,

but that'’s my thing.


- [giggles] That'’s okay, Artie.

Please, have a seat as I pour this yummy tea.

- Don'’t mind if I do.

I'’d love to sit down with you.


If I could just--[grunts]

figure out how to

squeeze into this chair

with my big dino tail...



- [gasps] - Oops.

Sorry, Leah.

Artie'’s good at being a houseguest,

but his tail'’s good at making a mess.


It happens, happens a lot.

- It'’s okay; we'’ll just have Artie

drink his tea standing up.

- But what if he makes another mess in your dollhouse?

It'’s probably better if I take him home.

Come on, Party Artie.

See ya, Leah!

- Bye, Zac!

[door clicks open and shut]

Care for some tea?


Playing dollhouse isn'’t as much fun

when your doll has no one to play with.

But I know who can come over to play!

My genies!

- And done.

Take a look, Tala,

and tell me if you like it.

- [squealing]

- Yay! Now my turn!

Give me the monkey makeover, please.

- [squealing]

[blow-dryer whirring] - Whoa!

- [squealing]

- Wow...


Love it!

Thanks, Tala!

- [squealing]

- Uh, Shimmer?

Don'’t be mad, but...

I washed all your clothes.

- Why in genie world would I be mad about that?

Thanks, Shine!

That'’s so sweet of you!

- Well, you'’re not going to think

it'’s so sweet when you see this.

They shrank '’cause I left them in the dryer too long.

Nahal and I were taking a cat nap and--

- [yawns] - We lost track of time.

- [giggles] That'’s okay, sis.

This is the cutest little outfit I'’ve ever seen.

Maybe I can still fit into it.

[bells jingling]

Or we can give it to someone

much, much, much, much smaller than me.

- Looks like we'’ll have to figure out what to do later.

Leah'’s calling!

[chimes tinkling]

- Shimmer and Shine,

my genies divine,

through this special chant,

three wishes you'’ll grant!

- I'’m Shimmer!

- I'’m Shine!

both: Your genies divine!

Boom Zahramay!

Your best friends are on the way!

[woman vocalizing]

- ♪ We ride our magic carpet

♪ Through our genie wonderland ♪

♪ To a world so fun and new

♪ Where every wish is our command ♪

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Up and away

♪ Up and away

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Up and away

♪ Up and away

[shimmering tones]

[all grunt]

- Okay, either we grew a lot on the magic carpet ride,

or Leah moved into a teeny-tiny house.

- Shimmer, Shine! I'’m so glad you'’re here.

Now we can play with my new dollhouse.

- Ooh, I love playing with new things!

- [squealing]

- And so does Tala!

[all giggling]

- So how do we play?

- Well, we all bring

our doll friends together to play in the dollhouse.

- Oh, we didn'’t bring any dolls.

- But we did bring wishes!

- Perfect!

For my first wish,

I wish my doll had more friends to play with.

- Boom Zahramay!

First wish of the day!

Shimmer and Shine,

more doll friends divine!

[shimmering sound]

- [squealing]

- [gasps]

What happened? Why are you so little?

- I granted your wish, Leah!

What better friends for your doll to play with

than genies?

- [squealing]

- See? Your doll and I

are already getting along great!

- But I meant to wish for more dolls,

not turn my genies into doll-sized friends.

- [giggles nervously]


Looks like I made a teeny-tiny mistake.

- It'’s okay, Shimmer. You tried your best.

We'’ll find a fix for this,

even though it is kind of cute having two little genies.

- And it'’s kind of cute having a best giant friend!

[all laughing]

- ♪ When we make a big mistake ♪

♪ Don'’t fret, let'’s celebrate ♪

♪ '’Cause we'’ll get another try ♪

- ♪ Oh, yeah - ♪ We'’ll do better next time ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, yeah ♪

♪ When things go wrong, we'’ll find a way ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, yeah ♪

♪ We'’ll work together to save the day ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, yeah ♪

♪ Hooray, hooray

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, yeah ♪

♪ Oopsie, save the day

- Whoa!

Thanks for the kitty love,

but how about I pet you instead?

- [purring]

[all laughing]

[knock at door] - Hey, Leah!

- It'’s Zac! Hide!

- [chattering]

- Uh...

[both grunt]

- I'’ll hide behind these curtains!


They'’re made of stickers!

- This isn'’t gonna work.

What do we do?

There'’s no place to hide in the dollhouse.

[dramatic music]

- Then let'’s pretend to be dolls!

- I brought over another toy.

Meet Glork.

He came all the way from his alien planet Goop

to play with your dollhouse.

- Planet Goop?

- Yeah, check it out!

[slime splatters]

- [giggles] That does look pretty goopy.

- Hey, when did you get genies, Leah?

- Genies?

[gasps] Oh, uh,

just after you left.

- These dolls look so real.

- Uh...

- Genies, meet Glork the alien.

Nice to meet you, Glork.


That'’s alien for,

"Nice to meet you too, genies."

Beep-boop. Beep-beep-beep-boop.

Glork said, "Let'’s check out the dollhouse."

[slime oozes]


- Oops.

Looks like Glork gooped again.

- It happens, happens a lot.

Gooping is his favorite thing to do.

I'’ll take him home and look for another toy

that'’s not so messy.

Let'’s go, Glork!


That means, "See ya, Leah!"

- Bye!

- [sighs]

- Too bad Glork had to leave so soon.

He seemed nice.

Oh! Ugh! [splashes]

Goopy but nice.

- Leah, any chance you have any

clean clothes in doll size we can borrow?

- Sure, check the closet.

[both gasp]

[together] Wow!

[enchanting music]

[both gasp]

- It'’s...


- [purring] - [squealing]

- Look at all these clothes!

It'’s like a whole room just for playing dress-up!

- Check out these bracelets!

- And these super cute shoes...

in every color!

- And these hair clips for my ponytail!

- Or even a ponytail for your ponytail!

This dollhouse keeps getting better and better.

- You guys look like you'’re having so much fun.

Oh, I wish I could play in the dollhouse with you.

- Boom Zahramay! Second wish of the day!

- Wait, I didn'’t mean to make that a wish!

- Shimmer and Shine,

Leah play in the dollhouse divine!


- I'’m--I'’m little! Like you!

- Yup!

Now you can play in the dollhouse with us,

like you wished for.

- I did want to play in the dollhouse,

but I didn'’t mean to make that wish.

- Oh, sorry about that, Leah.

- Actually, it was my mistake.

We'’ll figure out a way to fix this...

But maybe after we try every one of these outfits on?

- Whoo-hoo! - Yeah!


- ♪ Look at the racks of clothes ♪

♪ We'’re talking stacks of clothes ♪

♪ Makeovers from head to toe ♪

♪ Trying on hats and shoes

♪ And pretty dresses too

♪ So many outfits to choose ♪

♪ Playing dress-up, dress-up ♪

♪ With all of our friends

♪ In a big dream closet where the fashion is ♪

♪ Playing dress-up, dress-up

♪ In new outfits

♪ Put on a sparkling necklace and some shining gems ♪

♪ Yeah, we'’re playing dress-up ♪

♪ Dress-up with our friends


[all giggling]

- Playing dress-up is the best!

- And guess what.

We have the rest of the house to explore!

- Let'’s check it out!

[all gasping softly]

- Whoo-hoo! I just realized there'’s a kitchen in here!

- Everything is so tiny!

It'’s so cute.

- [crunching]

Ew. This apple tastes funny.

- [giggles] That'’s because it'’s not real.

- Leah, I'’m back!

- Looks like playtime'’s over.

- What do I do?

If Zac sees me this little,

he'’ll know something'’s up.

- We'’ll just have to hide you! Come on!


[door clicks open and shut]

- [squealing] - [purring]

- Leah? You here?

Oh, hey, genies.

Cool costumes.


I brought over a new toy for you to play with:

Racing Richie.

He'’s got no tail and no goop.

That means no messes.

He'’s awesome like that.

In fact, he'’s inviting you two

for a ride in his race car!

Buckle up, genies.

Racing Richie only drives in one speed:


Vroom! Vroom-vroom-vroom!

[muffled whimpering]

[imitating motor revving]

[both giggling]

- [squealing] - [purring]

- [gasps]

- [squealing] - [purring]

- [gasps]

[dramatic music]

[tires screeching] - Uh-oh!

We'’re coming up to the Mountain of Mayhem.

Will they make it over the super steep peak?

Vroom! Vroom!


Oh, no!

But now they'’re jumping over the canyon!

Oh. It doesn'’t look good...


[muffled squealing]

[imitates crashing] Yes!

[tires screeching] Vroom, vroom!

- [gasps]

- All they need to do is make it through...

the Tunnel of Doom!

They did it!

Time to head home.

But not that fast!

- We'’re going to crash, Shine!

- Good thing we'’re buckled in,

'’cause there'’s nothing we can do about it!

[whirring and crashing]

- Ugh.

- That was so much fun!

I want to crash again!

[both giggle]

- [gasps] Another dollhouse mess!

I need to clean it up before Leah comes back.


This will give me time to go home

and get cleaning supplies.

Let'’s go, Richie!

- [squealing] - [purring]

- Shimmer, Shine, are you okay?

- I'’m better than okay.

I'’m fantastic!

I just had the ride of my life, Leah!

- Me too!

I have got to get me one of those race cars.

- I'’m glad you had fun, but maybe it'’s time

we get out of here before Zac comes back.

Let'’s go out this way!

Never mind.


We need to find a real door.

- [grunts]


Tala, Nahal!

Can you open the dollhouse from your side?

- [squealing] - [purring]

- It'’s not working!

We'’re trapped!

- [purring]

- Oh, if only I never shrank us with your wish.

- Wait, that'’s it!

I still have one more wish left

to make us big again!

For my last wish, I wish we were back to normal.

- Boom Zahramay!

Third wish of the day!

Shimmer and Shine, back to normal divine!


[stretching sounds]


- Well...

We'’re back to normal.

- Yay!

- But we also broke the dollhouse.

- Boo.

- And you'’re all out of wishes too!

- Double boo!

Sorry, Leah.

I didn'’t mean to make a mistake.

- That'’s okay, Shimmer. What matters is, you tried.

Even though we only got to play

with the dollhouse for one day,

I had a great time.

- Hey, I know how we can play in the dollhouse every day!

We'’ll make a new one!

- I'’ve got the glue!

- And I'’ve got the glitter!

- And I'’ve got the jewels.

- [squealing] - [purring]

- And Nahal and Tala want to help too!

- Okay!


- Hmm...

Maybe it will fit if you turn it around.

- Like this?

- Perfect.

- [squeals] - Thanks, Tala!

But I'’m missing a window.

- [chattering]

- [meowing]


- Nahal'’s got it!

- [squealing]

- [meow]

- [squealing]


[enchanting music]

[all grunting]


all: Wow!

- This genie dollhouse is amazing!

- You really like it? Whew!

I wasn'’t sure how it would turn out

with just one jar of glitter.

- It reminds me of my two best genie friends,

so I think it'’s perfect.

- Leah? You back yet?

- It'’s Zac!

- Leah, there'’s something I need to tell you...

I made another mess in your dollhouse.

I wanted to clean it before you saw

so I brought some supplies to clean it up.

And we'’re gonna help clean up

the mess we made! Roar!

- [giggles] Thanks!

But it'’s okay.

The dollhouse is all cleaned up.

I even added a few new touches.

- Wow, it'’s like magic!

Awesome job, Leah!

- [giggles] Thanks, Zac!

It does look pretty magical.

And Artie, Glork, and Racing Richie

are always welcome to play in it.

- You hear that, boys?

Bring on the tea party!

Hey, where'’d your genies go?

- Uh, you just missed them.

- Too bad.

They did a great job cleaning the place.

They even gave it that special genie touch.

- [whispering] It'’s like I always say:

It takes two genies to make a dollhouse a doll-home.

- [whispering] I'’ve never heard that before.

- [whispering] That'’s '’cause I just made it up.

- I'’ll be right back.

I think I left my genie-- I mean, doll

in the kitchen.

Thanks for coming over,guys!

Because of our mistakes,

we got to play with the dollhouse

from inside the dollhouse!

- And accidentally breaking it

helped us make an even sparklier one.

- We fixed our mistakes, and the day turned out great!

- [whimpering]

[somber music]

- Aw, Tala.

You took such good care of my doll,

I think you should keep her.

- [squealing in joy]

- Can'’t wait to play again tomorrow, Leah!

- Thanks again!

Our mistakes came out great when we worked together.

Can'’t wait till tomorrow, my best friends forever!

both: With magical powers that shimmer and shine,

Boom Zahramay!

We'’ll see you next time!

[woman vocalizing]

- ♪ It'’s time to go back home ♪

♪ We granted all the wishes

♪ Made some mistakes

♪ But we fixed everything

♪ We learned so much

♪ On our great adventure

♪ We can'’t wait to see ♪

♪ What tomorrow brings

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Oh, what a day

♪ So much fun today


- [snoring]

- [sipping]





- Shine!

- [gasps] - [purring]

- Hey. Hi, Shimmer.

Nahal and I were just taking another cat nap.

What'’s going on?

- Well, sis, I figured out something.

- That things turn out better

when two genies work together?

- Yes, and the clothes you accidentally shrank

are the perfect fit for Tala'’s new doll!

- [squealing]


[both giggling]