01x01 - The Sweetest Thing

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Shimmer and Shine". Aired: August 24, 2015 – February 9, 2020.*
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Follows two genies, Shimmer and Shine, who grant wishes for their human friend Leah.
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01x01 - The Sweetest Thing

Post by bunniefuu »

[woman] ♪ Two genies in a bottle

♪ Up in the starry sky

♪ It'’s Shimmer and Shine ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Two of a kind

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Boom Zahramay

♪ Three wishes a day

♪ Your genies divine

♪ It'’s Shimmer and Shine, Shimmer and Shine ♪

♪ From a genie palace

♪ In Zahramay Falls

♪ Riding a carpet

♪ When Leah calls

♪ Shimmer and Shine

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Genies divine

♪ Shimmer and Shine

♪ Shimmer and Shine

[Leah] Who knew making cupcakes would be so tricky?

Not me.

I thought it'’d be as easy

as pouring cereal into a bowl.

I was wrong.

What am I going to do, Zac?

I promised to bring cupcakes

to the school bake sale tomorrow,

and I can'’t make a single one!

That'’s not true.

This batch looks all right.

Then again, maybe we cooked it too long.


But let'’s not give up just yet, Leah.

We'’ve only tried eight times.

You'’re right, Zac.

We have enough ingredients to try one last time.

Okay, this cupcake recipe says

the first thing we need are three eggs.

But probably not the eggshells.

I'’ve got a fix for that.

Just put the mixeron high

and it'’ll grind the eggshells up so fine,

you won'’t even notice.

Problem solved.


Okay, next we'’ll need a cup of milk.



[gasps] Oops! Sorry, Zac!

I poured all the milk on you and not in the cup.

Eh, that'’s okay.

I can handle a little milk.

It wasn'’t a little.

It was all of it!

There'’s no more milk left.

How about we just use something else

that looks like milk,




Sure. It'’s white like milk.

That should be close enough.

If you say so, Zac.

And finally, we'’ll need some flour.


[both coughing]

You know what,Leah?

Maybe instead of bringing cupcakes,

we can bring our hungry bellies.


That'’s probably the best thing for you,

but I'’m gonna keep trying with the cupcakes.

[stomach growls]

Whoa! Did you hear that?

Sounds like my hungry belly can'’t wait for the bake sale.

I'’m gonna head home for a pre-cupcake snack.

See ya, Leah!

Bye, Zac!

How am I going to finish these cupcakes by tomorrow?

I wish I knew what to do.


That'’s it!

A wish!

I'’ll ask my genies for help.

Who'’s a big scary tiger?

Not Nahal.

She'’s just a cuddly little fur ball.

Yes, she is.


[Shimmer] Oh, Shine!

Food is ready!

[Nahal yelps and squeaks]

I wouldn'’t say it was "ready,"

but thanks for making us food,Shimmer.

I'’ll just wait for the ice to melt first

before I dig in.

[Nahal purring]



[Nahal yelps]

[Nahal grunting]


Looks like the meatloaf got your cat'’s tongue.

Oh, Nahal.

Not again.

Stay still.

[Shine grunting]

[Nahal yelps]

[Tala yelps]

[Shimmer gasps]


Are you okay?

We need a way to make the ice melt faster.

Ooh! I'’ll get the hair dryer!

[Tala squeaks]

[hair dryer whirring]

[chimes tinkling]

It'’s our friend Leah!

She needs us!

[Tala squeaks]

[Leah] Shimmer and Shine,

my genies divine,

through this special chant,

three wishes you'’ll grant!

I'’m Shimmer!

I'’m Shine!

[both] Your genies divine!

Boom Zahramay!

Your best friends are on the way.

[woman vocalizing]

[woman] ♪ We ride our magic carpet

♪ Through our genie wonderland

♪ To a world so fun and new

♪ Where every wish is our command ♪

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Up and away

♪ Up and away

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Up and away

♪ Up and away

[chimes tinkling]

[both giggle]


I don'’t know what you'’re doing, Leah,

but I already love it!

What'’s cookin'’, Leah?

Funny you should say that,

because that'’s exactly what I need your help with.

Then you called the right genies.

I love cooking!

I even made food for Shine today.


[Tala'’s teeth chattering]

I'’m glad you can cook,

because I promised to make cupcakes

for my school'’s bake sale,

but I don'’t think I have enough time to make them.


Those sound yummy!

Let'’s see how far you'’ve gotten with a little taste test.


[bowl splats]



I had a little trouble with the eggs.

You do get three wishes a day,

so just say the magic words

and you'’ll have lots of cupcakes in a jiffy!

Well, maybe we should make one cupcake to start.

For my first wish, I wish for a frosted cupcake.

Boom Zahramay!

First wish of the day!

Shimmer and Shine, frosted cupcake divine!


A frosted cup-cake!


Well, technically that is a frosted cup of cake.


It tastes like a cup of cake, too.


[Nahal'’s stomach growls]

[Nahal'’s face splats]

[Nahal slurping, munching]

[knock at door]

[gasps] It'’s my friend Zac!

He can'’t know I have genies.

Hide before he sees you!

[both gasp]

[knock at door]

[Tala cooing, yelps]

[knocking continues]

[whispers] Okay.

Hey, Leah.

Any luck with the cupcakes--


Looks like you had a lot of luck!

What happened?

Uh, well...

my cupcake came out

a little bigger than I expected.

Looks like you used the wrong cake pan.

It happens.

Happens a lot.

Like this one time,

I used the wrong soap to wash my dog.

And all I had was bubble bath soap.

So for a whole week, every time he barked,

bubbles flew out of his mouth.


Anyway, you need some help eating the cake?

It'’ll take me a while, but I think I can handle it.

[whispers] What did he say?

[whispers] I think he said he wants to eat the cake.

[whiqspers] The whole thing?

Okay, if he says so.

Here you go.

Maybe we can have some cake later.

Okay. Maybe later.

See ya, Leah--


That'’s weird.

I think that cake moved all the way over here

from the other side of the room.

It happens.

Happens a lot.





Whew. That was close.

Hey, has anyone seen Tala?

She was just with me.

[Tala chattering]


[all laugh]

Guys, I think we have a problem

with the cupcake.

You don'’t think it'’ll fit through the door?

I can make a bigger door.


No, I mean the cupcake is too big.

A real cupcake is a lot smaller.

So the cupcake I made was a mistake?


I guess I still have

a few things to learn in the kitchen.

It'’s okay,Shimmer.

We both do.

That'’s what makes cooking so great.

With the right ingredients,

we can start anything from scratch!

[woman] ♪ When we make a big mistake

♪ Don'’t fret, let'’s celebrate ♪

♪ '’Cause we'’ll get another try ♪

- ♪ Oh, yeah - ♪ We'’ll do better next time ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, yeah ♪

♪ When things go wrong, we'’ll find a way ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, yeah ♪

♪ We'’ll work together to save the day ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, yeah ♪

♪ Hooray, hooray

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, yeah ♪

♪ Oopsie, save the day

I know what we can do with this mistake.

We can eat it!

If the five of us start gobbling it up now,

we can get the cake

down to the right size in no time.

That idea does sound yummy,

but I think you should try

a real cupcake first.

There'’s nothing in the world like it.

Cupcakes are like mini cakes

that are baked into little paper cups,

then frosted with chocolate swirls

and teeny tiny colorful sprinkles.



- Want. - Cupcake.

- Now. - Please.

[both giggle]

Ooh, can I decorate mine with hearts?

Or stars?

Or flowers?

Or hearts and stars and flowers?

[Leah laughs]

All we need to do

is mix together a few ingredients,

and soon we'’ll have lots of cupcakes.

The problem is,

I ran out of some ingredients.

Nothing'’s a problem

when you'’ve got two more wishes left.

You'’re right, Shine!

For my second wish,

I wish for eggs, milk, and flour.

Boom Zahramay!

Second wish of the day!

Shimmer and Shine,

eggs, milk, and flour divine!



- [squawks] - [yowls]


Um, Shimmer?

What happened to the eggs, milk, and flour?

They'’re right here.

A chicken for eggs,

a cow for milk,

and flowers for...

well, flour.

Only the freshest ingredients!


They are fresh.


Isn'’t that right, Bessie?

[Bessie moos]


I was just hoping for a gallon of milk,

a carton of eggs, and a bag of flour.

Oh, sprinkles!

I didn'’t get this wish right either, did I?

No, but it'’s okay,Shimmer.

I'’m sure we can whip up a fix in no time.

If a fix tastes like cake,

then pass me a fork.

I think I have an idea.

We can try milking the cow,

wait for the chicken to lay eggs,

and the flower--

Well, this one'’s harder.

I was hoping to get the kind of flour that tastes good,

not smells good.

Well, Bessie thinks these flowers taste great.

[all laugh]

[Zac] Hey, Leah?

You still in there?

Zac'’s back! Hurry!

Help me move the cow into the other room.

[all grunting]


She'’s too heavy to move.

I have an idea!


This way,Bessie.

[Shimmer laughs]

Good thinking, Shine.

The wrong kind of flower

is turning out to be the right kind.

[hen clucking]



I don'’t think my hungry belly can wait for the bake sale.

I'’m sure Leah won'’t mind if I try a piece of this cake.

[Tala squeals] - Hey!

[both grunting]



[both scream]

[Tala chatters]

[both scream]

[cake splats]

[Tala chattering]


I think I just wrestled a monkey over a strawberry.


It happens.

Happens a lot.

Well, I guess we could start

with getting milk for the cupcakes.

[milk squishing, splashing]

Does anyone know how long it takes

to fill a bucket with milk?

Hopefully faster than

it takes this chicken to lay an egg.

We'’re gonna be here forever.

I wish we could just speed this up!

Boom Zahramay! Third wish of the day!

Wait! That'’s my last wish!

Shimmer and Shine, speed this up divine!

[hen squawking]

[Bessie moos]

You know, even though the wish to speed this up

was my mistake, I think it'’s turning out okay.

We'’re finally on our way to finishing the cupcakes.

The faster we mix, the sooner we'’ll be done.

[hen squawking]

[Shine]Whoops! I cracked an egg.

And another.

And another.

[milk squishing, sloshing]




[milk splashes]


Is it weird that all this milk

is making me want cookies now?

[Nahal slurping]

[Leah laughs]

That cookie does look good, Shimmer...

but let'’s get these cupcakes done first.

[laughs] Good thinking, Leah.

[whispers] I'’ll save you for later.


[Nahal slurping]

[hen clucking]


I don'’t think I can keep up!

The ingredients are coming in too fast!

[batter explodes and sloshes]

[all squealing and laughing]

[Bessie moos]

[doors slam open] - Whoa!

[Leah giggles]

[Bessie moos]

[Bessie moos]

[hen clucking]

[all laughing]


Making cupcakes sure is messy.


Can we do that again?


Maybe next time,Shimmer.

Right now, I have to figure out how to make cupcakes

without any ingredients or wishes left.

That was my mistake, Leah.

I granted your last wish.

It'’s all right, Shine!

I know we'’ll come up with a way

to get us out of this sticky situation.

Sticky and slippery!

Whoa! [laughs]


I'’m okay.

[all splat]

[all laugh]

[door clicks open]


It'’s Zac!


[both grunt, splat]

Oh, hey, Leah.

Hope you don'’t mind, but...

I couldn'’t resist trying your cake.



Looks like you got swept away by a river of cupcake mix.

That'’s actually...


exactly right.

It happens.

Happens a lot.

[hen clucking]

[Bessie moos]

Uh, about the farm animals...

No need to explain.

You used fresh ingredients.

Anyway, I couldn'’t find a plate,

so I'’m taking this cup of cake home with me.

I'’ll bring it back later.


I meant I'’ll bring back the cup,

not the cake.

That'’ll be gone.

I just want to make that clear.

A cup!

Shimmer! Shine!

I know what to do now!

To the kitchen!


Cupcakes are really tiny versions

of a big cake,right?

So what ifwe use

some of this big birthday cake

to make little cupcakes,

kind of like how Shimmer and Zac did with the cups?

[both laugh]

You made a cupcake from a cup of cake!

That'’s a great idea, Leah!

Let me try!

[Nahal purrs]

Cupcakes really are mini birthday cakes.

With the three of us working together,

we can finish the cupcakes in time for the bake sale!

[woman] ♪ A scoopful of sweetness

♪ A delight that'’s so divine ♪

♪ Add a little frosting

♪ And a flowery design

♪ Yummy yummy yummy

♪ Yummy yummy yummy

♪ Yummy yummy yummy

♪ Yummy yummy yummy

♪ Ready for the bake sale

♪ Together we'’ll succeed ♪

♪ In helping out our best friend ♪

♪ With whatever wish she needs

- ♪ Yummy yummy yummy - ♪ Sweetest

- ♪ Yummy yummy yummy - ♪ Sweetest

- ♪ Yummy yummy yummy - ♪ Sweetest

[woman] ♪ Yummy yummy yummy

♪ The sweetest thing

[giggles] We have cupcakes!

And the real kind too!

Who knew all our mistakes

could make such a sweet little dessert?

You see?

It'’s a good thing we made mistakes,

because without the big cake,

we never would'’ve been able to make these cupcakes.

We fixed our mistakes,

and the day turned out great.

[both] Zahara Zlam!


That means "awesome" in genie.

Oh, cool.

Well, thanks so much for all your help today.

Anytime, Leah!

But right now, we should head back home

so I can give this tiger her second bath of the day.

Of the day?

How many does Nahal usually get?


Her curiosity really gets the mess of her.


See you tomorrow,Leah!

Good luck at the bake sale!

Thanks again!

Our mistakes came out great when we worked together.

Can'’t wait till tomorrow, my best friends forever!

[both] With magical powers that shimmer and shine,

boom Zahramay!

We'’ll see you next time!

[hen clucking]

[egg cracks]

[woman vocalizing]

[woman] ♪ It'’s time to go back home ♪

♪ We granted all the wishes

♪ Made some mistakes

♪ But we fixed everything

♪ We learned so much

♪ On our great adventure

♪ We can'’t wait to see ♪

♪ What tomorrow brings

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Oh, what a day

♪ So much fun today

[Nahal purring]

[Tala chatters, munches]


Okay, Nahal.

You'’re all clean.



I told you you were just a cuddly little fur ball.

[Shimmer] Oh, Shine!

Food is ready!

That looks delicious!

[giggles] Thanks!

But I can'’t take all the credit.

I had a little help from some friends.

[hen clucking]


[both giggle]

[Bessie moos]

[hen squawks]
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