01x02 - Genie Treehouse

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Shimmer and Shine". Aired: August 24, 2015 – February 9, 2020.*
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Follows two genies, Shimmer and Shine, who grant wishes for their human friend Leah.
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01x02 - Genie Treehouse

Post by bunniefuu »

[woman] ♪ Two genies in a bottle

♪ Up in the starry sky

♪ It's Shimmer and Shine

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Two of a kind

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Boom Zahramay

♪ Three wishes a day

♪ Your genies divine

♪ It's Shimmer and Shine, Shimmer and Shine ♪

♪ From a genie palace

♪ In Zahramay Falls

♪ Riding a carpet

♪ When Leah calls

♪ Shimmer and Shine

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Genies divine

♪ Shimmer and Shine

♪ Shimmer and Shine

[Zac] Just one last nail.

And we're finished!

We have a tree house, Leah!

Well, we have a ladder and a tree

but I think we're still missing

the tree house part, Zac.

What do you mean? It's totally done.

Come on, I'll give you the grand tour.

Okay, so this is the living room,

and here's the TV.

[squirrels chattering]

And these are the neighbors.

Hey, there, Mr. and Mrs. Squirrelson.

[squirrels squeak]

They're friendly, but, boy, are they noisy.


And here's where we take a nap

after a hard day of hangin' out

in our new hangout.

Wow, Zac, you've thought of everything.

Yep, this tree house is ready.



Okay, maybe it's not.

Zac, are you okay?

I'm fine. It happens. Happens a lot.

Like, this one time, the zipper broke on my jacket.

The only way I could get it off

was to hook a fishing line on my hood

and pull it over my head.

Maybe we should think about

putting a real tree house in the tree.

Or at least a floor.

You're probably right.

I'll see if I have another box of toothpicks at home.

That should be enough wood

to finish the tree house today, right?

Today? Uh, we can try.

Great! See ya, Leah!

Hmm, if we're gonna build a tree house

toothpick by toothpick in a day,

we're gonna need a lot more help.

And I know just who to ask. My genies!

[Shimmer] , , ...

Remember, Shimmer, there's no peeking

when we play Find the Genie.

What, Shine?

I said no peeking!

Oh, right. I'll start over.

, , , --

[excited screech]





She'll never see me in here.



On second thought...

, !

Better hide quick, or you'll be it!





Where in Genie World could they be?

Shimmer's coming! We gotta hide!


Nahal, could you scooch over, please?

I think you're sitting on my foot.

And what's that on my head?


Hmm, if I were a genie, where would I hide?

[gasps] In a bottle!

Nope, that's too obvious.


[Shine] Shh, I think I hear Shimmer.

- [wheezing] - Oh, no! Don't sneeze!



Aww, you sneezed.

Got you, you,and you.

Now all three of you have to find me.

Maybe later, Shimmer. Look at our bracelets!

Ooh! It's time to see Leah!

[Leah] Shimmer and Shine,

my genies divine,

through this special chant,

three wishes you'll grant!

I'm Shimmer!

I'm Shine!

[both] Your genies divine!

Boom Zahramay!

Your best friends are on the way!

[woman vocalizing]

[woman] ♪ We ride our magic carpet

♪ Through our genie wonderland

♪ To a world so fun and new

♪ Where every wish is our command ♪

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Up and away

♪ Up and away

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Up and away

♪ Up and away

[screaming, grunting]

Leah! We missed you so much.

A day apart is way too long.

I missed you guys too.

Nice looking ladder.

Is that for the squirrels?

[laughs] Actually it's for Zac and me.

That's kinda what I need your help with.

We're trying to build a tree house,

and it's a lot harder than I thought.

It would be so great if we could surprise Zac by finishing it.

Ooh, I love finishing things.

Like ice cream, a good book,

making monkey socks for Tala.

I'm totally in!

You could use one of your three wishes, Leah.

All you have to do is say "I wish" and we'll grant it.

Thanks, Shine.

For my first wish, I wish for a tree house.

Boom Zahramay! First wish of the day.

Shimmer and Shine, a tree house divine.

Am I missing something?

Where's the tree house?

Right behind you. It's your tree-house.

My what house?

It looks fantastic.

Smells fantastic too.


Ahh. Like music to my nose.

This is nothing.

Wait until you see the inside.

What do you mean "inside"?

Welcome to your brand-new tree house, Leah.

[animals coo]

I call this "bringing the outdoors indoors."


Everything really is made from trees.

This house has it all.

Wood floors,

wood ceilings,

even a wooden couch.

It could use a couple of pillows.

[snaps fingers]


Okay, a lot of pillows.



[bird chirping]


This home makeover is pretty amazing,

but I meant to wish for a house in a tree,

not a house made of trees.

Oh, I just thought you were going for a new nature look.

My mistake.

That's okay, Shine.

We can figure out what to do next

as long as we have the right tools.

Like a hammer?

[laughs] That's a start.

[woman] ♪ When we make a big mistake

♪ Don't fret, let's celebrate

♪ 'Cause we'll get another try

- ♪ Oh, yeah - ♪ We'll do better next time

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, yeah ♪

♪ When things go wrong, we'll find a way ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, yeah ♪

♪ We'll work together to save the day ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, yeah ♪

♪ Hooray, hooray

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, yeah ♪

♪ Oopsie, save the day

Well, I better make my next wish fast

because I don't know how I'm gonna explain this to Zac.

Explain what, Leah?

[gasps] Quick, hide.


Hey, Zac.

I, uh, was going to explain

why my whole house is made of trees.

[gasps] Whoa.

It looks like you brought the outdoors indoors.

That's what I said.

Even your TV is made of wood.

You really went all out.

That's weird. I thought I heard something.



Ooh, the nature channel.

I've seen this show before.

This is the good part. [laughs]

[Shimmer giggles]

What are you laughing at, Shimmer?

What was that?

This show really is--


I know what's going on here, Leah.

You do?

I think your new tree home came with a few squirrely additions.


Yup, you've got some squirrels hiding in here.

It happens. Happens a lot.

Luckily, I speak excellent squirrel.

The neighbors taught me.


Zac thinks we're squirrels.

Does he want me to answer back? I don't speak squirrel.

Just copy him.

[squeaking and chirping]

Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. [laughs]

Okay, they said they love what you've done with the place

and they're hungry.

I'll go get them a snack.

See ya, Leah.


I didn't know you could speak squirrel.

Me neither. But Zac's right; I am hungry.

Well, before he comes back with your snack,

we should probably get this tree house wish right.

What I'm looking for is a little hangout in a tree.

Ooh, I know exactly what you mean.

Great; for my second wish,

I wish for a tree house to hang out in.

Boom Zahramay. Second wish of the day.

Shimmer and Shine, tree house hangout divine.

[glass squeaking]



Well, what are we waiting for?

Let's go check out the tree house.



Your new hangout.

Whoa, it looks great,

but tree houses don't usually hang from trees, Shimmer.

They're built into them.

Oh, wood chips.

[giggles] My mistake.

That's okay.

If we keep trying, I know we'll get it right.

But first things first,

let's get a better look at this tree house

to see what we've got to work with.

[all grunting]

It's a little cozy.

And a little furry.

I love it.

It's like a big wooden hug.

[Zac] Hey, Leah. Where are you?

Zac's back.

Quick, help me get out.


I'm stuck.

Whoa, nice birdhouse.

It's definitely fit for a bird,

but it's kinda small for us to use as a tree house.

That's okay; we can make it bigger with this wood.

They're from the squirrel snacks that I accidentally ate.

Sounds great, Zac.

Just one teeny problem.

I'm stuck.

I've got a fix for that.



Oh, yeah. Butter's really slippery.

I'd keep a stick of it on me at all times

if it didn't melt in my pockets.

I'll be back with the butter.



Okay, let's get out of here

before Zac comes back.

Good idea, 'cause my face was starting to fall asleep.

[all grunting and groaning]

[inhales deeply]

Oh, no, it's happening again.

Tala's gonna sneeze.



For a little monkey, you sure have a big sneeze.

[Tala sneezes]


[Shine] Someone get us out of here before Tala sneezes again.

I'm trying to, but we're so squished.

I wish this tree house was a little bigger.

Boom Zahramay!

Third wish of the day.

Wait--I didn't mean to use my last wish.

Shimmer and Shine, bigger tree house divine.


This is perfect.

Now we have plenty of room.

- [meows] - [screeches]

[distant crunching]

Was that the sound of a tree branch breaking

or is someone eating really loud nuts?

[squirrel chatters]

Oh, good. It's just nuts.

Maybe he'll share with me.

I'm still hungry.



Is everyone okay?

I think so, but I don't remember having purple pants.

[giggles] That's 'cause they're mine.

[both giggle]

Well, the good news is that the tree house didn't break.

Yup, solid as a rock.


I'm just going to stop touching things.

Actually, it was my mistake.

I made the wish that broke the tree house.

And that was your last wish of the day!

It'll be okay.

We may not have a tree house yet,

but we can fix this if we put our heads together.


Like this?

Oh, yeah.

I'm thinking of a lot of ideas now.

But none for a tree house.

[giggles] Let's see,

the pieces are all here.

Maybe we just have to stick them together like a puzzle.

Will bubblegum work?



I'm not sure if it's sticky enough,

but you're on the right track, Shine.

Works for me. [chomping]




What did you two find?


Wow, that's some strong tape.

Strong tape. Hey, that's it.

We can use Zac's supplies to fix the tree house.

Great idea, Leah,

and we didn't even need to put our heads together.


[woman] ♪ Wood: check

♪ Tape and glue

♪ Paint: check, me and you ♪

♪ Come on, let's build a big tree house ♪

♪ A place to play up off the ground ♪

♪ We say whoa-oh-oh

♪ Whoa-oh-oh

♪ Workin', workin', with our friends ♪

♪ If it goes wrong, we'll start again ♪

♪ Whoa-oh-oh

♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh

♪ Let's make it pink

♪ Let's make it blue

♪ Pink is wow

♪ And blue is too

♪ See how bright the color looks ♪

♪ It looks like a tree house should ♪

♪ It's like whoa-oh-oh

♪ It's better when the colors blend into one ♪

♪ It's like whoa-oh-oh

♪ Teamwork, teamwork, get it done ♪



[cooing softly]




There. It's all finished.

We have a tree house.

Like I said, I love finishing things--

Tree houses and monkey socks!

[giggles] We fixed our mistakes

and the day turned out great.

[all] Zahara Zlam!

[Zac] Hey, Leah? Are you still stuck?

I brought the butter!

Hey, Zac.


Now that's what I call a tree house.

This is incredible!


It took a few mistakes to get it right,

but it came out pretty good in the end.

What's that?

I made our squirrel neighbors a tree house

so they could have a hangout too.

It's so cute.

They're gonna go nuts over that.

Especially if he puts nuts inside.

Squirrels love nuts.

Me too. I'm still hungry.

I'll hang it for them later.

Right now I gotta check this out.

[Zac] Whoa!

There's a floor and everything!

This tree house is awesome.


Thanks for all your help.

I couldn't have built this without you.

Thanks for asking us to help.

It was the best time I ever had building a tree house.

It's also the first time we ever built a tree house.

Doesn't mean it can't be the best.

We better head home before Zac comes back.

[Zac] You put our TV in here too?

I never wanna leave this place.

Actually, he might be a while.

Hey, where are Nahal and Tala?

[animals murmuring]

[Shine] Aw, they made some friends.

Come on, you two. Let's head home.

You can play with the neighbors next time.

See you soon, guys!

Our mistakes came out great when we worked together.

Can't wait 'til tomorrow, my best friends forever.

[both] With magical powers that shimmer and shine--

Boom Zahramay!

We'll see you next time.

[woman vocalizing]

[woman] ♪ It's time to go back home

♪ We granted all the wishes

♪ Made some mistakes

♪ But we fixed everything

♪ We learned so much

♪ On our great adventure

♪ We can't wait to see

♪ What tomorrow brings

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Oh, what a day

♪ So much fun today

[Shine] You know what I realized, Shimmer?

That things can only get better when you try,

and try, and try again?

Yes, and these are the best hiding spots in Zahramay Falls.

Nahal's never going to find us here.

[gasps] Oh, I think I hear Nahal coming.


Nope, it was just Tala.

Hey, doesn't it feel like

Nahal is taking a long time to find us?

You did tell her we were playing

Find the Genie and she was it, right?

Uh, I thought you told her.

Tala, did you?


[snoring softly]


[Shine] We're ready for you to find us, Nahal!

Seriously, please come.


I think I'm stuck.


I'm stuck too.

Wait, I have an idea.



Where are you going?

To the kitchen.

Gotta get the butter.

Can you be the best sister ever and bring back a snack?

I'm still hungry.

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