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01x07 - Totally Swamped

Posted: 10/22/23 11:42
by bunniefuu
- We're up here!

Keep going.

A little bit higher.

Hi! - Hello!

- We are on a mountain of marshmallows!

- [Chomping]

Mmm! Mm-hmm!


- We made it with my magic stick.

Because today, all the magic words

Start with the "mm" sound,

And this letter...

- Oh!

- The letter "m,"

So we can make words like...

"Mountain" and "marshmallow"!

Hey, norville,

You know what would go great with all these marshmallows?

- What? - Milk!

Yeah! Milk!

Here's to the letter "m." - [Cheers]

[Slurps] - mmm.

- Mmm. - Marvelous!

- [Laughing]

[Upbeat music]

- ♪ Wally found a stick

♪ Waved it in the air

♪ All these magic words

♪ Went flying everywhere

♪ If you need a friend

♪ To lend a helping hand

♪ You can call on wally

- ♪ Say "wallykazam"!

- ♪ Anything is possible with wally ♪

♪ All you need is a word

♪ Say the word, say the word ♪

All: ♪ wallykazam!

- ♪ Say it, say it

♪ Hear the music playing now

♪ Say the word, say the word ♪

All: ♪ whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo

- ♪ Wally, wally, wallykazam! ♪

- [Barks]

[Norville barking]

- Okay, norville. I'll throw it.

Check it out.

My dad made this toy glider for me.

I can't wait to try it. We're gonna see how far it goes.

Ready, norville? - Ready!

- Okay, here goes the very first throw.


- Wow!

- Follow that glider! - Woo-hoo-hoo!

- It's still going! - [Excited barking]

[Both grunting]

- Still going! - [Impressed bark]

- Whoa!

Did you see that?

It went so far. - [Cheers]

- Let's do it again!

- I'll be keeping this.

- [Gasps] stan of the swamp!

- Stan of the swamp!

- He's kind of grumpy.

Hi, there, stan.

Um, that's my glider.

- It's my glider now.

Everything that lands in the swamp is mine.

See? It says so right here. "Mine."

- Really, stan?

You keep everything that falls in your swamp?

- Yep, I kept this toothbrush.

I kept these slippers.

I kept this stuffed teddy bear.

Oh, wait. That's my teddy bear.

Mwah. Night night, mr. Fluffles.

It's nap time.

- I really want my glider back.

Uh, stan...

I can make you something else to keep.

- Like what? - Let's see.

The magic words start with the "mm" sound today.

Oh! I know. Stan likes mud.

Does mud start with the "mm" sound?

Yeah, it does! I can make mud!

[Triumphant music]


- I don't need your mud.

I got plenty of mud already. See?


- No problem. I have another idea.

- I don't like that idea.

- I haven't even said my idea yet.

- I know I won't like it. - Sure, you will.

Stan, if you give me back my glider,

We can all play together.

- I don't like to play.

- Come on, stan. You, me, norville.

- Hello! - We'll have a blast.

You might even smile or laugh!

- I don't smile or laugh.

- What? You don't laugh? - What?

- Never laughed, never will.

- Well, I can make anybody laugh.

- Uh-huh!

- Oh, yeah? Fine!

If you can make me laugh, I'll give you back your glider.

- I just have to make you laugh? Yes! I can do that!

You know what always gets a laugh? This face!


- [Laughing hysterically]

Oop! Excuse me.

- Funny face, right?

Stan, get ready to laugh!


- Not funny.

- Uh, norville, you try a funny face.

- Hmm. [Gasps]


- [Giggling]

- Still not funny.

- Uhh...

Ooh! How about this?

A leaf on my head. I have a leaf on my head.

I am wally leaf head.

♪ Leaf, leaf, leaf on my head ♪

- [Laughing] leaf on your head.

- That's funny, right?

- Wrong.

- This is harder than I thought.

Maybe a magic word can help.

We need a funny word, like..."Underpants."

- [Laughing]

- Or..."Mustache."

- [Laughing] mustache.

- Both funny,

But which word starts with the letter "m,"

"Underpants" or "mustache"?

Yeah! "Mustache" starts with "m."

All right!

Let's make a big, silly mustache!

[Distinguished voice] good day to you, norville.

Look at me, wally the mustache guy.

I walk around the forest with a mustache.

- [Laughing] - oh, yes, I do.

- Oh! Oh.

- Norville thinks it's really funny.

He thinks it's hilarious!

Hello, stan. I have a mustache.

Oh, yes, I do!

Now you may laugh.

- Mustaches. Not funny.

- [Silly babbling]

- Dragon with a mustache. Funny?

- Nope.

- You are now stan of the mustache. Funny?

- I don't like facial hair.

And since I'm not laughing, this glider is still mine.

- We gotta get my glider back.

There must be a way to make him laugh.

- [Barking]

- Ooh! Maybe ogre doug knows something funny!

Ogre doug!

- Hi, wally. Hi, norville. Doug hug.

- Stan of the swamp has my glider

And he won't give it back until we make him laugh.

- Well, I know a really funny joke.

Knock knock. - Who's there?

- Wally, it's me, ogre doug, your friend.

Wait, I don't think that's how the joke goes.

- That's okay.

Can you think of any other way to make stan laugh?

- Oh, yes, that's easy!

Here it is!

My favorite book in the whole wide world!

[Span]the book of funny creatures

[Span]that will definitely [span] make you laugh!

They definitely make me laugh. Here, I'll show you.

A duck-ta-pus is really funny. He has eight arms and quacks.

[Norville laughs]

A mumble monkey is funny too.

He eats bananas and he mumbles.

Like this.


- [Laughs]

- But, wally, I don't know where to find a duck-ta-pus

Or a mumble monkey.

- Don't worry, my magic stick can help!

Which one starts with the "mm" sound,

Mumble monkey or duck-ta-pus?

Yeah! A mumble monkey!

Mumble monkey!

- [Mumbling] I like bananas.

- [Laughing] I told you he was funny.

- Well, let's see what stan thinks.

Come on, mumble monkey.

We have one job-- to get stan to laugh.

To the swamp!

- [Mumbles] I like bananas.

- What do you do with this thing anyway?

What is it, a backscratcher?

- Hey! Stan of the swamp!

- Now what? - Now this!

Ladies and gentlemen,

Swamp creatures of all ages!

Introducing a hopefully very funny mumble monkey

That will definitely make you laugh!

- [Chomps]

[Mumbles] I like bananas.

- [Laughs]

- Mumble monkey. Funny, yes?

- Funny, no!

- [Groans]

- Wait, wait, wait!

I can make the mumble monkey even funnier!

He can...moo!


- Mooooo!


[All laughing]

- Mumble monkey... Still not funny.

- There's gotta be a way

The mumble monkey can make stan laugh.

- Wally, look!

[Circus music]

- The mumble monkey can juggle!

- Juggling is funny.

- Yeah, let's give him more things to juggle!

Magic stick, gimme a word!


Can you help me read this word?



What word is that?

Yeah! "Mop"!

[Circus music]


- Wally, make him juggle even more stuff.

- Yeah, yeah!

- More stuff coming right up!

How Oh, I know!

I need maracas.

And muffins.

And even more mops!

Maracas, muffins, mops!

[Circus music]

- Look at all that silly stuff he's juggling!

It's hilarious!

[All cheering excitedly]


I wonder... If stan...

Thinks... This is...

Funny! - Whoo!

All: ta-da!

- Blah! Stop that!

I don't like mumbling animals

Juggling maracas and muffins and mops on my head!

- [Mumbles] on my head.

- Stop that! - [Mumbles] stop that!

- I mean it.

- [Mumbles] I mean it.

- Off my head! - Bananas!

- Now I'm keeping the glider

And this [span] book of funny creatures

[Span]that will definitely [span] make you laugh,

Which is not a good name for the book

Because this mumble monkey did not make me laugh!

This mine.

- Wally, is that true?

I'm never getting back my [span]book of funny creatures

[Span]that will definitely [span] make you laugh?

I love that book.

- Ogre doug, you will get your book back,

And I'm gonna get my glider back,

Because I am going to make stan of the swamp laugh!

And I know exactly who can help us.

- [Mumbling] bananas.

Ta-da! Ta-da!


- Sorry, not you, mumble monkey.

Come on, let's go see gina giant.

- Wally! Norville! Ogre doug!

All: gina! - Gina!

- Everything okay?

- Not really. Stan of the swamp has my glider.

- And my [span] book of funny creatures

[Span]that will definitely [span] make you laugh.

- And he won't give them back until we make him laugh.

- Did you try putting a leaf on your head?

- Yep. - Hmm.

- A mustache? - A big one.

- Uh... A mumble monkey?

- He even juggled. - Wow!

Let me think.

It's time for the silly dance show.

[All gasp]

All: the silly dance show?

- Everybody laughs when you do a silly dance.

And we're definitely gonna need...

Froggy long legs, silly dance expert.

Behold, the silly dance.

All right. Kick!

All right, let's go.

Jump, jump! Yeah, yeah!

[All laughing]

- Good idea, gina.

Stan of the swamp has to laugh at this.

- Yeah! - To the swamp!

It's showtime!

- Yeah! - Let's do this!

- Come on! - Whoo-hoo!

- All right!

- Not funny.

Not funny.

Really not funny.

- Yoo-hoo! Stan!

- You again?

- Stan, get ready for a show so funny

That I know you're gonna laugh and give back all our stuff.

- We'll see about that.

- Welcome to the super silly dance show!

Wait, if we're gonna silly dance,

Our show needs some music.

Yeah! Music!

[Upbeat music]

♪ My name is wally, I got a plan ♪

All: plan!

- ♪ To help me get my glider back from stan ♪

All: stan!

- ♪ He will be laughing when he sees ♪

All: sees!

- ♪ The way I spin around on norville's knees ♪

All: knees!

♪ Whoa, oh, oh, oh

♪ Are you ready for the silly dance show? ♪

♪ Gonna laugh at the silly dance show? ♪

- No!

- ♪ My name is ogre, ogre doug ♪

All: doug!

- ♪ My silly dance is called "the rubber bug" ♪

All: bug!

- ♪ [Babbling] all: woof!

- ♪ [Mumbling]

All: whatever!

♪ Whoa, oh, oh, oh

♪ Are you ready for the silly dance show? ♪

♪ Gonna laugh at the silly dance show? ♪

- Nope, not funny.

- ♪ My name is gina, I'm very tall ♪

All: tall!

- ♪ But it's my froggy who's the best of all ♪

All: all!

- Go, froggy. All right!

Whoo! Yeah!

All: ♪ whoa, oh, oh, oh

♪ Are you ready for the silly dance show? ♪

♪ Gonna laugh at the silly dance show? ♪

- N--hmm.

All: ♪ whoa, oh, oh, oh

♪ Are you ready for the silly dance show? ♪

♪ Gonna laugh at the silly dance show? ♪

- All right, it's a little funny.

- Did you see that? [All cheering]

- He smiled! - All right!

- Yeah!

- You smiled! - No, I didn't.

- Yes! Yes, you did!

That means you're almost laughing!

- Never!

- He thinks our silly dances are funny!

Ooh! We need to make other things dance!

Then he'll really laugh! Wait!

"Dance" doesn't start with the "mm" sound.

What about "move"?

Does "move" start with the "mm" sound?

Yeah, it does!

Okay, let's make froggy long legs move again!

[Triumphant music]


[Conga dance beat]

We need something else to move.

- [Babbles] - good idea, norville.

Stan's chair.


- Hey! I'm moving!

I don't like moving!

I'm keeping this too.

Mine! Hey!

- [Gasps] he has froggy long legs!

- And my book! - And my glider.

- Moving chair, not funny!

- Uh, stop! Uh, um, down!

Wait, those words don't start with the letter "m"!

- Watch out! - Duck!

- [Barking]

- After that chair!

- ♪ Why am I not stopping? Why am I not stopping? ♪

- Slow down! - Come back!

- [Barking]

[Excited barking]

Phew! Ahh!

- ♪ Almost hit a statue, boy, am I not laughing! ♪


- Stan of the swamp? Are you okay?

- Now I'm never giving back your stuff.

[All gasp]

- [Shivers]

I don't like water.

My mud's all gone. I miss my swamp.

This water is too wet.

[All laughing]

- There's a starfish on his head.

- And not only that, this water smells bad.

- I like his glasses made out of twigs.

- And the skirt!

- I know, norville!

The seaweed skirt's really silly!

- It's been a terrible day!

- If stan could see how funny he looks,

I'd bet he'd laugh too!

[Gasps] that's it!

- What's it, wally?

- I know how to make stan of the swamp laugh.

All: how?

- He just has to see himself. What we need is a mirror!

Wait. Mirror.

What sound does mirror start with?

Yeah! It starts with the "mm" sound.

- Make one, wally!

- Wallykazam! Wallykazomp!

I need a mirror for stan of the swamp.


- I have to walk all the way back to my swamp.

And I don't like walking. Huh?


That guy has a starfish on his head.

[Laughing] and a seaweed skirt!

[Laughing] and glasses made out of twigs!

Hey. [Laughing]

And he keeps saying the exact same thing I'm saying.

Hold on.

Hey! That's me!


I look hilarious! Now that's funny!


[All cheering] - we did it!

- He laughed!

- You did it. You made me laugh.

Here's your doll, here's your book,

And here's your glider. - Yeah!

- Whoo-hoo! - Yeah!

- All right!

- Can you believe it? We made stan laugh.

And we got all our stuff back.

Hey, stan. Wanna play with us?

- I don't like to play. I'm going back to my swamp.

- Okay. Bye!

Come on, guys. Let's play!

All: yeah!

- Here it goes.

- Hold on, guys, wait for me. [Mumbling] bananas!


- "What a letter!" With wally trollman.

You know what's great about the letter "m"?

It makes the "mm" sound, so I can use it to make a...


- Hello!

I'm a mouth named marvin.

- Oh, hi, marvin.

I can make marvin the mouth mad.

- [Growls] I am so mad!

- Or I can make marvin the mouth merry!

- [Giggling] I'm so happy!

- I like him better that way. - Hmmph.

- Uh-oh. What's wrong, marvin?

- I'm hungry. - No problem.

I can make you a muffin!

- Mm! [Chomps]


- [Giggles]

- ♪ A-wally, wally, wally, wally ♪

- ♪ Wally, wally, wally, wah

All: ♪ bah-bah - wallykazam!

- ♪ Wally, wally, wally, wally

- ♪ A-wally, wally, wally, wally ♪

- ♪ Wally, wally, wally, wally - ♪ whoo

- ♪ Wally, wally, wally, wally, wally ♪

- Wallykazam!

All: ♪ do, do, do, do, do

- Wally!

All: ♪ do, do, do, do, do

- Wally!

All: ♪ do, do, do, do, do

- Wally!

All: ♪ do, do, do, do, do - what?

All: ♪ wally, wally, wally, wally wallykazam! ♪