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01x24 - Night of the Day of the Dead

Posted: 10/22/23 09:48
by bunniefuu
Okay, here's our Halloween battle plan.

Houses marked in red give out the best candies.

Houses marked in blue give out little boxes of raisins.

We'll blow them off.

Then we'll take the "D" bus to Rancho Vista Estates.

They're all rich and they give out full
-size candy bars and dollar bills.

You know who you should go as, Matt? A troll.

That way you wouldn't need any makeup.

Actually I was going to be the Ugliest Kid on Earth but you're already wearing the costume.

This is it, Matt's going down.

Oh, crud.

Here come Mom and Dad.

Hide the catapult.

Hey, Mom my Halloween trick
-treat bag was too small last year Can I borrow the wheelbarrow? Uh, champ, you're not going to need a trick
-treat bag this year 'cause you're not going trick


Now don't worry you're going to have a good time.

You're going to go to the Halloween Fright Night at your sister's school.

He's what?! Ha

Look, they got Haunted Dungeons, game booths prizes, everything Hello?! Nobody asked me about this.

If stink boy comes to my Fright Night I'm going to have a terrible time.

Oh, you will? I'm there.


I get to brat
-sit my little brother.

Talk about scary.


If you believe We've got a picture
-perfect plan We've got you fooled Cause we only do the best we can And sometimes we make it And sometimes we fake it But we get one step closer each and every day We'll figure it out on the way.

Lizzie McGuire S01E24 Night of the Day of the Dead So, the girls' soccer team will be in charge of painting the soccer balls like human heads for the "Guess How Many Human Heads Are in a Barrel of Heads" game.

Ooh, ooh, ooh! What, Tudgeman? Luke, I am your father.

It's Darth Vader.

I do a great Darth Vader.

I could scare people with that.

Sit down, Tudgeman.

Okay, let's discuss decorations.

I want to display skeleton dolls from El Dia de los Muertos which is The Day of the Dead, which is Halloween in Mexico.

Why would we want to display your stuff? Cause it's cool.

No, it's not.

It's lame.

I think it's great to have stuff from other countries at our parties.




You can have your stupid little toys set up on a table.

They're miniature skeletons that represent dead ancestors so you'd better treat them well.

Treat them well you must.

Wise they are, yes.

That's Yoda.


I know.

Sit down and zip it.

I mean it.

A kid from Veracruz made fun of the spirits once.

And after three days, he was found in a coffin surrounded by skeletons.

His hair turned white, white and he never, ever, ever spoke again.

All right, we'll treat them well.

Anything else? I'd like to sign up to be Vampire Mistress in the Dungeon of Terror.

I would look so slinky and cool as a vampire.

I am so tired of wearing Mom's old marching band uniform every year.

You should let her, Kate.

Lizzie'd be really good.

Well I guess I could let you be the Dungeon Mistress.

Really? Yeah, but you're going to have to clean out the janitor's utility room where we're putting the dungeon.


It's yucky in there.

Hey, I do a great Wookie.


Oh, it's okay, I'm solid.

Ew, it's even grosser than I thought.

Of course it's gross.

It's where the janitor keeps his bucket of throw
-up sand.

Whenever a kid around here throws up That's it right there.

I swear, Kate Sanders spends like all of her time just thinking of ways to make me miserable.

I don't think that's true.

I think Kate Sanders spends all of her time thinking of ways to make everybody miserable.

Well, it'll be worth it to be a vampire hottie.

Thanks for helping me, Gordo.

I'm not helping you.

You just said to meet you here.

You said you were going to give me a hamburger.

But you have to help me.

Why would I help you? So you can once again do exactly what Kate Sanders wants? So you can let her manipulate you and every other kid in this school who hopes and prays for their 15 minutes of popularity? Why on earth would I participate in that? Because my cousin Heather's coming into town again this summer and I'm going to get her to go out with you.

Quit your yapping.

We've got work to do.

The utility room is all clean, Kate.

What a good little cleaner you are.

I'll need props for the dungeon so I can start decorating.


I forgot to tell you.

I decided to be the Vampire Dungeon Mistress.

I need you to be Floppy the Clown and give out balloons.

What! You said if I cleaned out the slop
-hole I could be Vampira I know, but as head of the party committee I decided that Vampira should be someone tall and desirable.

And that's me.

See ya.

No! I am the desirable vampire! I get to wear the slinky outfit! I get to OK.

I'm going to need about eight gallons of concealer for this I need some gross stuff for my costume.

I'm going as me, turned inside out.

I know, I know.


Can I use this spaghetti sauce? No, honey, that's for dinner tomorrow night.

How about this caviar stuff? It looks like brains.

You may not use the caviar That's for your father and I tonight How about the sausages? Oh.

I suppose.


Ugh, gross.

Oh, oh, my guts are falling out.

You got caviar for us tonight? Yeah.

Well, the trick
-treaters are going to probably be done by 7:30 and then we're,
-have the house to ourselves.

-No kids.

-No screaming.

-Nobody fighting over the TV remote.

-Just you and me.



That is so disgusting.

Look who's talking.

Hey, Kate.

Oh, real mature.

Oh, yes, it's very immature of us to play with toy skulls on Halloween.

We'll try to grow up.

Did somebody order a box of skulls? Hey, Mom.

Where's Dad? Oh, he's coming.

He had a little accident in the parking lot.

I may need a needle and thread.

I got my sleeve caught in the car door.

Careful, Dad.

Kate'll tell you you're immature.

Oh, Miranda.

I love your parents.

They know that.

Hi, Mrs.


How are you, Mr.

Sanchez? Oh, how interesting.

Day of the Dead is one of my favorite holidays.

Yeah, and on El Dia de los Muertos in Mexico people go to the cemetery and have a meal with the dead.

Oh, it's a lot more fun than it sounds.

There's dances and all kinds of stuff.

Tamale represents the meal.

It's chicken.

The dead have to watch their cholesterol.

Thank you so much for sharing this with us.

It is going to make our Fright Night so much more interesting.

Well, it's our pleasure.

And now I think we're going to get out of here so you kids can finish decorating.

Thanks, Mom.

Thanks, Dad.

Here, Kate.

Give Miranda a hand with the rest of the stuff.

Oh, hi, Mr.

and Mrs.


-We're just on our way out.

-We'll see you later, Lizzie.


Thanks again, Mr.

and Mrs.


We really appreciate it.

Get that stupid junk off the refreshment table.

Do you believe Kate? She's phonier than cafeteria cheese.

Take your little ancestors and stick them in the corner.

I'm in charge here.

I say where stuff goes.

You know what, Kate? I don't care what you do to me but you should so not dis my dead ancestors.

If you get them mad bad stuff can happen.

Ooh, I'm so scared.

Kate shouldn't come as a vampire.

She should come as a sewer rat
-So, do these things really have powers?

Go get Kate.

Sic her, boy.

Go get her.

I'll give you a bone.

Guess they don't really work.

Too bad.

It'd be cool if they did though.


It's a snake.

Here, it's a worm.


It's, uh spaghetti.


It's a caterpillar.

This is a lame balloon animal.

Oh, sorry.

Let me fix it.

Ooh, there.

Now it's extinct.

Yeah, I did it.

Hey, you win one coupon.

How many do I need to get the lava lamp? Well, what can I get with one? Uh Hair scrunchie or a Burger Buddy.

Then I guess give me the Burger Buddy.

Can you guys believe Kate? Holy Ravioli.

I mean can you believe how she just stole my costume? Uh right, yeah.

Terrible thing to do.

Man, this is a good tamale.

Got any more of them? Where did you get that? Over there where those skeletons are getting married.

You ate the food offering of the Day of the Dead?! You stole the sacred meal of my dead ancestors?! It had cheese on it.

Do you know what you've done? You have offended the spirits.

You have opened the door to this world and the next.

You have unleashed the dark, angry forces of the restless dead! Way to go, beefhead.

All right, let's not get carried away here.

Day of the Dead's a holiday just like any other holiday.

Matt, all you did was eat a tamale.

You didn't wake up any supernatural forces.




What happened to my lemonade? It turned black.

What's that? That was lemonade? It was.

Now it smells all moldy and rotten and dead.


Did you move the bride and groom skeleton? No.

-Miranda, did you?

What's that?! The spirits are awake.

Evil and doom walk the night.

There must be an innocent explanation for all this.

Then explain why the lemonade was black.

It's cafeteria lemonade.

You know what the food's like around here It's mostly bacteria.

You let the beef stew sit out for two minutes and it grows legs and hops away.

Well, I don't want anything ruining my party.

We'll replace the lemonade with fruit punch.

Miranda Um I'm a little freaked out.

This whole "Day of the Dead" stuff is just superstition right? I mean, someone probably just moved those skeletons.



It's probably just superstition.


Because Tudgeman told me that Matt disappeared.

They were like showing each other how to dislocate their jaw and all of a sudden there was a flash of light and this dust.

La lodo de los muertos.

"The mud of the dead.

" My grandmother used to talk about what would happen if you made the spirits angry.

Matt ate their tamale.

Now they've taken revenge.

This is ridiculous.

No skeletons got up and walked away.

There are no spirits taking revenge.

Well, look what they did to Matt.

That's not Matt.

That's dirt.

If it's dirt, then why is one of his eyeballs in it? He's probably in the bathroom or or or playing in the gym.

and you guys are getting hysterical about ghosts and goblins, and it's ridiculous.

You hear me? I think it's stupid.

Come on, spirits.

Turn me into dust.

See? Nothing.

Nothing yet.

The truth is, if Matt did get spirited away to the realm of the dead who's going to be in trouble with mom and dad? Me.

Sam, come on.

Your food's going to get cold.

Well, there's no more trick

It's 8:00.

Pumpkin's coming in.

Porch light goes off.

I'm calling it a night.

And husband sits next to wife.

Now that's a treat.

Be right back.

Trick or treat.

Hey, you were just here 15 minutes ago.

Uh, no I wasn't.

Now give me some candy.

Yeah, you were.

I gave you our last candy bar.

It wasn't me.

Now hand over the candy.

Yeah, it was you.

You think I wouldn't remember this costume? Who're you supposed to be anyway? Um, I'm the knife guy.

Now, give me some candy, old man.


Sam, just give him some candy and get rid of him.

We don't have anymore candy.

Here, have some chicken pot

-No, it's good.

Take it.

Chicken pot
-pie? I'm a vegetarian.

You heard Gordo.

This is just superstition.

Until somebody proves it's not I'm going to enjoy myself.

Help! Lizzie, Miranda, help! Gordo? Gordo, where are you? I don't know.

I can't see anything.

What's going on? Gordo, what happened? I don't know.

Help me! Oh, my gosh.

You're inside the Burger Buddy.

-I am? Oh, well, get me out.

-How? It's the spirits.

They did this.

This is your fault.

You had to bring those "Day of the Dead" things.

Stop arguing.

Just get me out of here.

Well, you shouldn't have dissed them.

Tell the spirits I'm sorry.

Tell them I'm scared.

Don't try to blame this on me.

Tell my parents I miss them.

I don't know if I'll Arhhhhhh Gordo? Look what you've done.

I didn't do it.

Don't try to blame this on me.

You pushed me first.

Kate! Lizzie? Are you okay? Kate! Lizzie? Lizzie, cut it out.

You're scaring me.

Rubber bad.

She's turned into a zombie.

I've seen this in movies.

Mace good.

Kate Okay, this is the second worst Halloween party I've ever been to.

The Monster Horror Chiller Theater.

I'm very scared.

You'd better hold me close.

-I'll, uh, protect you.

-That's right.

-Hmm, don't get it.

They'll go away.


But we're out of candy.

Hey, no sweat, honey.

We, uh, hey we got a coupon for Burger Buddy for free French fries.

Kids love fries.

Though they don't seem to be too fond of chicken pot pie.

Get some more candy bars next time, Fatso! Hey, that was good chicken pot pie! Let's hide in the dungeon.

Yes, good.

We'll be safe in the dungeon.

Kate! Kate! Kate! Okay, Lizzie is way out of line.

She's not Lizzie right now.

The spirits of the dead have taken over her body.

Kate! Now they're using Lizzie for revenge.

They're mad because you called the Day of the Dead artifacts stupid.

And shoved them off in a little corner.

Dumb Kate! Dumb, dumb, dumb! Kate! Kate! Can't we stop her? I think I remember my grandmother talking about ways to beg the spirits for forgiveness.

Kate! We need a shovel full of graveyard dirt and a gallon full of blood.

Kate We're done for.


We don't need the actual stuff.

It can be symbolic.

There's chocolate cake and punch in the cafeteria.

That can be the dirt and the blood.


What do we do? We need to cover ourselves with it.

It shows our respect for the dead.

No way.

I am not going out there.

At least we are safe in here.

Kate! You have to cover youself with the punch and the chocolate cake.

Kate! Miranda, it's not working! Okay, okay.

Now you have to perform the Dance of the Dead.

Uh, twirl around and hop on one foot.

Now caw like a crow.

Now, pat the top of your head and swat your rump.

Now say, "Lizzie, Lizzie, please forgive me.

" Lizzie, Lizzie What?! Now say "cheese.

" Cause it will be terrific in the school newspaper.

Help me, help me! I'm going to look ridiculous on the front page! What's the matter, Kate? Zombie got your tongue? Thanks, Mom.

Thanks, Dad.

De nada, sweetheart.

I told you Day of the Dead was my favorite holiday.

Now you have fun with Lizzie tonight and we'll see you tomorrow.

Guys, thanks.

Job well done.

You really think he's going to come back? Hey, I was a kid once.

I know how these punks think.

-Ha, see? Right on cue.

So, uh, on the count of three?

One Two Trick or treat, you punk! Oh! Miranda's staying overnight and she forgot her sleeping bag.

Oh! Oh, we thought you were a trick

I see.

We give them candy at our house.

I'll get a towel.

Oh, I'll go make some coffee.

Told you we should have called first.

The truth is, if Matt Excuse me.

Let's hide in the dungeon.

Yes, good, we'll be safe Ow, ow, ow, ow! Oh, I'm sorry.