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01x20 - Educating Ethan

Posted: 10/22/23 09:46
by bunniefuu
Pudding cups! Sealed! Untouched by cafeteria
-lady hands! No skin! Do I hear $1? I've got $1.

Do I hear $1.

25? Gordo, why are you auctioning off your lunch? I need to make money for a new stereo.

What about your old stereo? It's gone to stereo heaven.

You! In the striped shirt! $1.

50 for the pudding cup? $1.


Going once twice sold to the boy in the striped shirt! So why don't you get your parents to buy you a new one? Ah, that would be the logical answer, but my parents want me to earn the money on my own.

I hate it when they say stuff like that.

So, by brown
-bagging my lunch and auctioning off my desserts, I can make about $3 a day.

So, I'll have a new stereo in five months.

Five months?! Well, if you figure $3 a day, 5 days a week
-that's $15.

and there are 4 weeks in a month so that'd be $60.

So I'll have $300 in 5 months.

Wow, Gordo, where were you during the math test yesterday? Oh, I was, uh Getting my usual "A.

" Way to be modest, Gordo.

If you're so smart, Mr.

"A," you should already know how to raise money for your new stereo.

What are you taking about? Tutor math.

People would totally pay for your help.

That's actually not a bad idea.

Of course it's not a bad idea.

I came up with it.

Okay, I'll do it.

So, uh, Miranda How 'bout a bite of that cupcake? Sure for a buck

If you believe we've got a picture
-perfect plan We've got you fooled 'Cause we only do the best we can And sometimes we make it And sometimes we fake it But we get one step closer each and every day We'll figure it out on the way.

Lizzie McGuire S01E20 Educating Ethan Hey, gordo.

How many people signed up for the tutoring? Well, let's see Between that mad rush before school, and the mob scene after first period, zero.

Nobody signed up yet? No one.

I even made these flyers.

Let me see that.

How can anybody read this? Cave paintings are easier to understand.

Is this in English?! Who in their right mind would respond to something like this? Uh, so, Gor
-don Is this you? Yeah.

Yeah, it is.

Uh, so you like tutor math and stuff, right? Yeah, I do.

See, I kinda flagged the last test, and my 'rents think I could use a little help.

Hello? Captain obvious? Oh, Ethan Gordo could tutor you.

Yeah, he's really smart.

And we could help if you needed it.

That'd be cool
- what do you think, professor? Well, I think you could use the help.

Excellent! Catch you later.

Oh I wish my stereo broke.

This tutoring thing rocks, Gordo! We have a total "in" with Ethan.

Guys, relax.

I'm going to be tutoring a guy who got an 11 on the test.

That's not so bad.

Out of 100? So he'll need lots of tutoring.

You'll have your stereo in no Time.

With the amount of tutoring this guy's gonna need, I'll be looking at the entire home
-entertainment system
-with surround sound.

-There's nothin' to do.


Hey, Oscar, how you doing? He's bored, dad.


There's nothing left to do.

We've done it all.

Well, you could help out round the house.

You haven't done that.

That's crazy talk, mum.

Or you could help out around the neighborhood.

Old Mrs.

Lippin's lawn needs raking.

That's a great idea, dad! Helping people who can't help themselves.

Helping people! Mom, we're gonna need a couple of costumes.

Excuse me? Superheroes, mom.

Me and Oscar are gonna be Superheroes! Superheroes! Superheroes? I always wanted to be a superhero.

We're gonna patrol the neighborhood and fight crime! Crime.

Hey, does fighting crime include leaf raking? Are they evil leaves? No.

Let me know if that changes.

Let's go, oscar! How hot did Ethan look today? Beyond hot.

You know, I really don't want to be a part of this conversation.

It's okay, Gordo.

we'll stop.

No, I gotta go anyway.

I've got plans.

Plans? we don't have plans.

How do you have plans? I have to go tutor ethan at the Digital Bean.

I hate it when you guys do that.

Look, I gotta run.

I'll talk to you guys tomorrow.

You know, we could always use some extra study time.

Um Digital Bean? See you there.

See you later, mom.

We're off to fight the forces of evil.

Dressed like that? Wow, who are you? Why, I'm Mattman! And this is the Incredible Oscar! Don't make him angry.

You wouldn't like him when he's angry.

If you need us, we'll be patrolling the neighborhood or in our fortress of solitude.

Be back before dark.

Have a real good time fightin' crime, guys.

Crime! Superman superman I wanna be like superman We'll be taking these! Thief! Thieves! Thief! Stop! Oh! You're right, Incredible.

Superheroes look both ways before crossing the street.

Thief! Thief! Thief? Where? I'm reporting you to the authorities! No need to thank us, ma'am.

We're superheroes! Just doing our job.

We're needed elsewhere, incredible Oscar.

Let's roll! Hey, what page are we on? Um, anyone need a pencil? Okay, that didn't work.

Any more ideas? Yep.

Um, we didn't order these.

They're from the ladies.

Mmm, these are pretty good.

Miranda, we gotta figure out a way to get close to Ethan.

He's got like a gordo Force

I know.

I've got an idea.


Go! Hi.

Okay, one last scooch.

Go! Oops!


Ethan, why don't we take a break? We'll attack dividing fractions later.

But the ladies just got here.

Just go get a drink.

Okay, professor.

Look, the only reason you guys are here is because of ethan.

If I was just here studying alone, you wouldn't be here.

It doesn't sound so good when he puts it that way.

Guess I'll be going now.

Relax, Gordo.

No need to go nuclear.

I'm just here so I can earn some money for a new stereo.

That's it! So can you guys please just Leave me alone?! We were just trying to help you, Gordo.

With what? Um tutoring! You must be joking.

If I need to go shopping, then I'll ask for your help.

What? Excuse me? What are you trying to say? You guys don't even get "A"s.

We get B
-pluses, Gordo.

Oh, but I guess we're not smart Enough to hang out with you.

Good, 'Cause I have work to do.

Ready, teach? Ugh! Looks like you need a tutor on how to deal with the ladies.

Who are you guys? Remain calm.

We're here to help.

This is job for the incredible Oscar! Hey, that's a brand
-new bike! I'm telling my dad! No need to tell your dad
-Your kind words are thanks enough.


When performing superhuman feats of strength, always lift with the legs.

Gordo is such a know

Yeah, I
-I know, but I still kind of feel bad.

Why? He did kind of call us dumb.

Well, we did kind of use him to get to Ethan.

It still doesn't give him the right to be mean.

I guess your right.

We're gonna have to talk to him eventually, through.


So go talk to him.

Hit me again with what I'm supposed to do? How many times do we have to go over this? When you're dividing fractions,You have to invert the numerator and the denominator of the second fraction, and then you multiply it.

That means you flip it over.

Oh Okay? HeyLooks like you guys could use some extra help.


We don't need any help.

I need help.

Dividing fractions is always really hard.

It's easier for me if I imagine the numbers are something real, like hair scrunchies Who's got hair scrunchies?! Ethan needs hair scrunchies! Okay We have four hair scrunchies.

Oh, that's what you call those those things! Lizzie, we're studying math, not beauty supplies.


But I come in peace.

Okay, what's one
-half of the hair scrunchies? Two scrunchies.

Okay, so that's one over two.

Now, what's a quarter of the scrunchies? One scrunchy? Good.

So that's one over four.

Now how many times does one scrunchy go into two scrunchies? Two! Excellent! So, let's look at the problem.

Okay, we have one
-half divided by one

Now flip the second fraction and multiply.

What do you get? Come on! You can get this! I know there brains under that perfect hair.


That's totally easy! That's what i've been saying for the past half
-hour! Yeah, but it makes more sense when she lays it down.

Props, Lizzie.

Say, why don't you tutor me? I can't believe you said no to Ethan craft.

I could never do that to Gordo, Miranda.

He's taking his tutoring really seriously.

But he's being a total jerk, and he called us stupid.

Listen, miranda, I'm angry about that, too, but I don't want to not be friends with Gordo just because he said something that he probably didn't mean.

But for a friend, he's been saying some pretty mean stuff! So, what are you gonna do? I'm gonna apologize to him for barging in on his tutoring.

What?! he should apologize to you.

I know, but friendship is a lot more important than who apologizes to who.


Hey, gordo.

Um, I wanted to talk to you about something.

Yeah, I wanted to talk to you, too.

I think you guys owe me an apology.

What?! I think you owe us an apology.

For what?! You guys were the ones who were Using me to get to Ethan Craft.

If you want to hang out with Him, go ahead just don't use me to do it.

When did my friends become more complicated than my math homework? Whoa! I don't want to get any more phone calls complaining about you two.

So if you're going fight crime, you're going to have to keep it to our housse And maybe you two could use your superpowers to find the tv remote.

I believe it's being held c*ptive by the evil couch monster.

Ha! You laugh now, but evil lurks where you least expect it.

Evil never sleeps.


You know, there may be crime right in this very house.

Really? Yeah.

All we need to do is create an evil villain, defeat him, and save the filly.

That's genius! They don't call me Mattman for nuttin'.

Lets roll.


Wardman, your regular teacher, wants you to take this quiz today.

- I don't believe in Quizzes.

Or tests.

Or examinations.

In fact, I don't even believe in grades.

Learning is a road trip.

It's not the destination.

It's the journey! Unfortunately, I'm not your regular teacher, so take a quiz and pass it down.

So, you say you aced the quiz? Yeah, I think I got an "A.

" "A"! "A"! "A"! "A"!Yeah! Oh, well, maybe next time, you can tutor me.

Tutoring's harwork, you know? not everyone can do.

So uh, how'd you do? I failed.

Let me see this.

That's impossible I
-I tutored you.

Teaching's a tough gig, Mr.


I know I make it look easy, but not everyone's cut out to be an educator.

Listen, I know you've had your nose to the grindstone Over this fraction stuff
- My nose?! I was trying to use my brain! It's a good thing you're a handsome boy.

Tell you what since you've been working hard, I'll give you another shot tomorrow.

Fine, we go over it again.

I was kind of hoping that Lizzie would help out this time.

I love the way Ethan says my name! Lizzie.



Lizzie! Lizzie! Lizzie! You still want her help? You know what Fine.

Go ahead.

Use a second
-rate teacher.

I don't care.

It just made more sense when you laid it down.

So what do you say? please.

Uh How hard is it to say yes to the cute guy?! Sure, Ethan.

I'll tutor you.

Hah, cool! This is gonna be great.


Mom, have you seen my black platforms? They're not in my room, and cannot find them anywhere.

Did you look in the hall closet? Not there.

So wear something else.

I'd love to, dad, but all my other shoes are missing! Lizzie, is this a trick so I will take you shoe shopping? There's no trick
- it's the work of the evil shoe baron.

-Shoe Baron? Mom, I have to meet Eethan at the Digital Bean in 20 mutes, and this little super
-zero has stolen all my shoes! Have not! Maybe you didn't hear me

Digital Bean.

20 minutes! Okay, Lizzie Matt, you go tell the evil shoe baron that if he doesn return your sister's shoes in the next 10 minutes, he's going to be spending all his free time in the fortress of solitude.

Good work, mom.

I've battled the evil shoe baron before.

A note! "I have given up a life crime, thanks to Mattman and the incredible Oscar.

if not for their acts of bravery, I would have taken over the world one shoe at a time.

" It's signed "the evil shoe baron.

" Well, good work, guys.

Tell any future supervillains that if they touch my stuff, They're history.

I'm out of here Okay, I'm gonna ignore the fact that the evil shoe baron's handwriting looks exactly like Matt's.

On the condition that your superhero days are over
- inside the house and out, okay? But there's still a lot of evil lurking out there.


And you misspelled "bravery.

" I did?! Aww.

Okay, let's try dividing fractions one more time.

We have seven jellybeans.

No! Ethan, don't eat the problem.

This isn't what I thought "alone time" with Ethan would be like.

But look at that smile! Sorry.

I don't get it with these jellybeans.

Oaky, what would you get it with? Uh cheerleaders? Okay Everybody Ethan needs cheerleaders! you went to school to learn, Girl Wow.


I'm glad he didn't need elephants.

Okay, one
-half divided by one

sit yourlf down, take a seat all you gotta do is repeat after me A
-C it's easy as Excellent.

Okay, When dividing fractions, you take the second fraction and flip it upside down.

-C it's easy it's like counting up to 3 And then you mulply.

that's how easy love can be So that's "one times two Over "two times one, which is what? Two over two.

Which reduces to Sit down, girls! Rhonda.

I think I love you! shake it, shake it, baby No! Lizzie, Lizzie, Lizzie, Lizzie, Lizzie! That's right One.

Lizzie, I really like this math.

-Stay down!
-No! Ow! Why am I so nervous? It's not like I'm the one being graded here.

It's okay.

He'll pass.

He had a great tutor.

Yeah he did.

You can't be talking to us.

It's against the brainiac code.

Look, guys, I'm sorry.

I was wrong.

Ooh, can I hear that again? "I'm sorry"? No, no, no
- the second part.

I was wrong.

I didn't mean to make anyone feel stupid.

If anyone should feel stupid, it should be me.

I acted like a total jerk.

Well, I'm sorry for taking your only student.

And for making you feel that we used you to get to Ethan.

Well, I guess none of us got an "A" in friendship.

I aced it! A 72? How can I have a mad crush on a guy who thinks he aced a test with a 72? You rock, teach! Ohh, yeah
-that's why.

So, how are you going to get money for your new stereo? I'm not
- I'm gonna spend all my free time at Lizzie's house, listening to her stereo.



Sponging off my stereo won't cost him a dime.

Maybe he is the smart one.

Don't worry Gordo, you can come over anytime.

I really don't want to be a part of this conversation.

That's okay.

I gotta go anyway.

I've got plans.

And, action! Wait, wait! Where are my hands? I think we should start over.

Ha! "A"! "A"! "A"! "A"! Cut.