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01x13 - Come Fly with Me

Posted: 10/22/23 08:26
by bunniefuu
Where is Gordo? I thought we were supposed to meet him.

Just follow the music and get ready to travel back in time.

Hey, Gordo.

Hey, Pally, Charley, how's your birds? I just said, "Hey, how's it going?" That's how they talked in Las Vegas in 1960.

Can't you just talk normal? Like, "Hey, dawg, what's the dealio?" That's how everybody talks.

I'm not everybody.

Gordo is definitely not everybody.

He's always doing something different.

Like when everybody else was roller
-blading Gordo was riding a unicycle.

When everybody else was into chocolate cappuccinos he had a Zen rock garden, whatever that is.

His latest thing is this whole Rat Pack
-lounge culture stuff.

It's a little weird for my taste but who am I to tell Gordo what to do? Gordo, shouldn't you be listening to Britney Spears? Why? That's what normal people listen to.

People will think you're weird.

Do me a solid, doll? Take this double sawbuck and grab me a platter I got on tap.

I hope that means, "Thanks for the good advice.

Here's $20.

" The new Rat Pack CD is in
- Get a load of Disc.

I was hoping you could pick it up for me after school.

Why can't you pick it up? Are you headlining in Atlantic City? I've got something on my toe.

I have to go to the podiatrist.

Okay, yeah, I'll pick it up for you.

But you do me a favor, okay? Go easy on this whole Rat Pack stuff.

Go easy? How can you go easy with a romping cat like Frank? You got to hear him swing, baby.

He could make Ol' MacDonald jump.

Hey, stop playing that stuff! You're ruining my lunch! Maybe I could tone it down a little.

If you believe We've got a picture
-perfect plan We've got you fooled 'Cause we only do the best we can And sometimes we make it And sometimes we fake it But we get one step closer each and every day We'll figure it out on the way.

Lizzie McGuire S01E13 Come Fly With Me Hey, did you get Gordo's CD? I told the clerk it's for my great
-grandfather who's too frail to leave the home.

Quick! Vince, give it.

"Ooh, I'm Miranda.

I want my CD back.

" Seriously, Vince it's not for us.

It's for someone else.

"Seriously, I'm Lizzie.

I borrowed somebody's CD.

" She didn't borrow it.

She got it for Gordo.

"Oh, I'm Lizzie.

I'm in love with Gordo.

" Yo, Vince, give it up.



Ethan Craft is so totally hot.

I hope this isn't stuck this way.

This yours? Thanks.

Vince is a foot fungus.


Isn't this, like a million years old or something? Great! I finally get a chance to talk to Ethan Craft and he thinks I like the music that my great
-grandmother listened to.

Mind if I check it out? You don't understand, Ethan.

Yeah, we really don't listen to that kind of music.

Hey, this kind of rocks.

Well, it's because it's not really the swingingest cut on the platter.

Yeah, but with a romping cat like this guy all the tunes are are are grooving birds.

This is old school.

You guys have cool taste.

I've always thought so, pally.

Hey, maybe we could hook up later.

You know, hang out.

You guys could give me the 411.



We're experts.

Hi, guys.

How's your corn pone, baby? Where did you learn that? We read the back of this album.

This Sinatra cat was one mother gasser.

You guys aren't just ragging on me, are you? No.

We really listened to some of this stuff.

It grows on you.

Trust me Gordo, if we wanted to rag on you, there are other ways to do it.

Well, I'm glad you guys finally gave this stuff a chance.

Actually, I was hoping you could teach me more about this stuff.

Your middle name is Zephyr.

What's that about? Sure, I can teach you.

Rat Pack, Louis Prima, Nat "King" Cole how to talk, how to dress.

Got you all locked up, Charlie Banks.

And there's the way you blink your eyes so much.

I do not blink that much.

You always blink.

I do not.

You just did.

You did it again.

You're making me think about it.

You did it again.

Cut it out.

We're getting better.

Ready to go again, Lanny? Hey, Matt.

Hiya, Lanny.

What are you boys up to? We're going to set the world record for the world's longest netball rally.

And then our world record will go in the Book of World Records.

That's great.

You think you got enough energy for that, Lanny? Does he ever say anything? I've never heard him.

That's creepy.

Maybe he's just shy.

Okay, well, you guys have fun.

And you, you let us know if you need anything, okay? Ready to go again, Lanny? One Hey, check you guys out.

You look like you just jetted in from Acapulco.

Crazy rags, huh? Hey, Adam, how's your corn pone? Guys, it's really cool that you're so into this but please don't make too big a deal out of it.

I don't want it to turn into some dopey fad that every idiot does because he thinks it's trendy like Ricky Martin and digital pets.

Don't worry, Gordo.

It's not like we're the trendsetters around here.

Digital pets were fun.

It was so sad when mine died.

Hey, Lizzie, Miranda.

Yo, Gordon.

I was just noticing your shirt.

Very mac

Oh, uh, thanks.

Where'd you get it? Actually, it
-it was a gift from my aunt.

She lives in Rangoon and they're all out of this kind of shirt.

Bummer, man.

Cool shirt, though.

Ethan, me and Miranda got these clothes at Anteater over on Lexington Street.

They had a lot of guy stuff, too.

And they accept all major credit cards.

Cool, I'm there.

Props, man.

Come on, Steve, we're going to Anteater.

Thirty five thirty
-s Thirty


That's the best we've done in two days.

This is pointless.

Hey, that's a great idea.

We could find a different record to set.

Let's see "World Land Speed Record.

" Nah, can't drive.

"World's Tallest Man.

" Nah.

Ah, here we go.

"World's Largest Pancake.

" Let's find something else to do.

And don't tell my mom about this.


There was a Frank Sinatra biography on last night.

Did you know that he spent more money on hats than my house cost? You gotta hand it to the kids at our school.

They sure can jump on the bandwagon.

It's a good thing Gordo's C.


wasn't banjo music.

Everybody would be dressed like hillbillies.

This is so great, Gordo.

Everybody loves your music.

Kate alert, Kate alert.

Lizzie, Miranda.


People are talking about you two.

Yeah, well, it's all lies.

They're saying that you guys started all this cool lounge stuff.

That you were the first ones.

Yeah, that was us.

Actually, Gordo started it but we ran with it.

Well, whoever started it you three were ahead of the curve.

And you know the most about it which means I need your help.

Well, well, well
-well, well.

Little Miss Popular needs our help.

Looks like the shoe's on the other foot but she's gonna have to beg she's gonna have to get down on her knees.

She's gonna have to grovel.

Sure, Kate, what'd you need? Doh! I'm on the dance committee and we thought it would be fun to make this month's dance a Rat Pack theme.

You guys can help us plan it.

I think we could, because We can probably manage to because I don't think we have any other I got some free time.

Yeah, we can do it.


It should be a Ding Dong time.

The phrase is "ring

" Whatever.

It'll be fun.

Oh, Gordo, we can use those great Las Vegas posters that you got.

Ooh, this is gonna be awesome.

No, thanks.

If you ask me, the idea of a Rat Pack dance couldn't be any stupider.

See you around, Pally.

Hey, Gordo.

Your mom sent up some cupcakes.

No, thanks.

One of her patients baked those.

She lives in a one
-bedroom apartment with 28 cats.


Just what I need, a hairball.

Anyway, I hope you understand this geography homework 'cause I don't see what job I could ever have that would possibly require me to know anything about Bolivia.

Ambassador to Bolivia? Oh.

Whoa, aren't those those planes that your aunt gave you for your birthday? I thought you thought they were goofy.

That's what I thought.

They're actually kind of cool.

The Allies used this plane in World w*r II to deliver powdered eggs and rubber to American Samoa.

Wow that's so cool.

Anyway, everyone's really excited about this whole Rat Pack dance.


Oh, come on, I know you don't like dancing but it could still be fun.

It's not the dancing.

I'm just not into that Rat Pack thing anymore.

Not into it? That's nuts! Oh, come on, you love it.

Not anymore.

Now I love radio
-controlled Vroom.

How could you just give that up? Fine, I'll tell you why.

It's because you and Miranda got Ethan Craft into it and then he got everybody else into it.

When Kate Sanders likes something it's officially a mindless fad, and I don't want any part of it.

Gordo, I think Kate might really like it.

She thinks it's Ding Dong.

The phrase is ring

It was a code for living life on your own terms.

A Ding Dong is a chocolate
-covered devil's food cake treat intended for mass consumption.

I'm not into mass consumption.

Let's do homework.

Great, I ruined Gordo's hobby and I ate a cat hair cupcake.

You gained a pound! You only have 674 to go.

Faster! I mean, who's to say what's the proper etiquette for a Okay, the record for running up and down stairs is 13 hours and four minutes.

Ready, go! Okay, Friday's dance will officially be called "Lounging Around.

" I thought it would be really "lounge" to have those little plastic champagne and martini glasses for punch.

Savannah, you'll be in charge of that.

Lizzie, since you're the expert we are going to need a list of songs the deejay should play.

No problem.

Any idea what those songs are? Oh, and we are going to have a costume contest.

Miranda, we'll need a list of the kind of outfits the judges should be looking for.

You got it.

Know what those are? And we are going to need all of this by tomorrow.

We have to get Gordo to give us the scoop on this stuff.

We can ask him but I don't think he's going to be too crazy about helping us.

He has to.

This is the Dance Committee.

They can do things to us.

Remember, Gordo's not that wild about this whole Rat Pack dance so let me get around to it kind of slow, okay? This is like, the dorkiest hobby ever.

Hey, Gordo.

How's the plane stuff coming along? It looks really cool.

Can't get the engine started.

Oh, well, you will.

So how fast do these things fly? If anyone ever gets one off the ground I'll tell you.

We need a list of 20 Frank Sinatra tunes pictures of clothes people wore back then and the Rat Pack's favorite food.

What can I say? I cut to the chase.

The Sinatra songs were all called "Leave Me Alone" people used to wear "I couldn't care less" and their favorite food was "Good

" Gordo, come on.

Come on, what? You guys are the big Rat Pack fans, here.

You should know all this stuff.

You're the Rat Pack fan and you know it.

Not anymore, not since you guys made it a big fad.

Now I'm stuck with this lame
-o hobby.

You're not stuck with it and you don't have to do it if you don't want to.

But it's not our fault that the other kids like the music and stuff.

It's your fault for spreading it around.

"Oh, Ethan, you can get Rat Pack clothes at Anteater.

" We can't help it if you refuse to like something just because other people like it.

It's called being your own person.

It's called being an idiot, okay? It's ridiculous to do some airplane thing that you hate instead of doing some Rat Pack thing that you love.

Besides, why isn't anyone else allowed to like Frank Sinatra? Because they don't even really like him.

They're just mindless trendoids following the herd.

I make up my own mind.

I'm not a superficial popularity junkie.

And what, we are? I don't know.

I'm not the one helping Kate Sanders with her dance.

No, you're not, but I'm not the one sitting here hanging out with a bunch of propeller
-headed weirdoes trying to get some powdered egg and rubber plane off the ground.

And you don't even like it.

Gordo! Gordo! Fine, enjoy being a lone wolf.

I think I gave him something to think about.

Come on, Lizzie, we have a dance to plan.

I don't think they're getting in the book with this one.

Six seven eight
- eight feet.

Let me see what the record is.

Thirty miles?! That's insane! We're never going to set a record! Saw that one coming.

This is so stupid.

No matter what we do it doesn't work.

I know we're both big losers.

This is our 38th try, and we've got nothing.

Did you just say that you've made 38 record attempts? Yeah.

It's just as I thought.

There is no record for the most consecutive failed attempts.

What? Hey you guys finally set a whole new record.

Isn't that great, Lanny? I'm telling you We really set a record? Lanny, we set a record! I am so proud of you boys, aren't you, Sam? You bet! You kids are American heroes and American heroes get to go for ice cream.

All right! I want triple fudge.

And what flavor do you want, Lanny? Uh, Lanny likes pumpkin
- only pumpkin.

Then pumpkin it is.

Of course.

Okay! Yo, Lizzie, Miranda awesome dance.


Right back at you, sunshine.

You betcha, pally, the living end.

Let's, like, dance, Ethan.

I can't believe it.

I mean, Ethan Craft is noticing us and everyone knows we made this dance happen.

Still, I'm not having fun.

Me neither, and I can't figure out why.

It's that stinking Gordo, that's why.

He's a dirty fink, and he's bringing us down just because he thinks we stole his hobby.

I say we let the crybaby cry.

Get that out of my face, you punk.

You know, it's not our fault Gordo isn't here.

Yeah, if he wants to spend his valuable time flying airplanes it's his problem.

Yeah, so I say let's forget about him and have fun.



Okay, listen, I know this is stupid and it doesn't make any sense, but I just feel like if Gordo can't enjoy this, I can't either.

Yeah, me too, and it really ticks me off.

You want to get out of here? Yeah.

Let's start the action.

Hey, nice to see you, Pally.

Whoo! Cool threads, sugar lips.

Hey ya, Smoky, how's your Bell & Howell? Doll face, you make me feel like spring has sprung.

Hey, Charley bones hitting the gasoline pretty good there, ain't ya? Hey, Gordo, you're here! Yeah, well, I accidentally flew my plane into the street and it got run over by an SUV.

But I thought you said we were just mindless trendoids following the herd? I never said that.

Yes, you did.

You said it was just a stupid fad.

Wasn't me
- must have been someone else.

We were there.

Nope, you're mistaken.

You know, guys I'm lucky enough to have friends who point out to me that I shouldn't give something up just to be different.

Well, we're lucky enough to have a hardcore nonconformist who totally doesn't care what anybody thinks about what he likes.

Good, that's settled.

Is it okay to have fun now? Fun's what it's all about, baby.

Hey, Matt.

Hiya, Lanny.

I guess we should start that over again.

Uh, Frank Sinatra.

Isn't this like a million dollars No thanks
- ow! Sorry.

She lives in a one
-bedroom apartment with 28 cats.

Great, I ruined Gordo's hobby.

Hey, Gordo, your mom brought by some cupcakes.

Let's go back a line! "Your mom sent up some cupcakes.

" Action! Hey, Gordo, your mom sent up come cupcakes.

Back to one.

Action! Hey, Gordo, your mom sent up come cupcakes.

No thanks.

Back to one.

Hey, Gordo, your mom sent up some cakecakes.

Oh my God! Cut!