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01x05 - I've Got Rhythmic

Posted: 10/22/23 08:18
by bunniefuu
Hey, I aced it.

Look out, Harvard Surprise, another B.

It's not bad.

It's just a B
- boring bland blah blah again.

Ever notice that everyone seems to be great at something? Hey, great necklace.


I made it out of soda cans.

See what I mean? All I can do with a soda can is recycle it.

No, don't
-don't turn that way.

I'm losing my shot.

Gordo's in search of his next documentary and I can barely take a Polaroid.

What's up? Mmm, English test grades are up.

Another B? What else? I am so sick of getting Bs.

I want an A at something.

You could be an actress.

You look pretty good through the camera.

You think? Sure.

Cool Or a stuntwoman.

Season 1 Episode 5 I've Got Rhythmic If you believe, we've got a picture
-perfect plan We've got you fooled 'Cause we only do the best we can Sometimes we make it And sometimes we fake it But we get one step closer each and every day We'll figure it out on the way There's absolutely nothing happy about Mondays beginning with the dreaded and most feared Coach Kelly.

Shyeah,queen of the gym

Evil PE Sorceress.

I wonder what our new sport is this time.

Whatever it is, I bet I'm just as bad at it as I was at archery.

Coach Kelly shouldn't park her car so close to the field Rhythmic gymnastics a combination of gymnastics and ballet requiring supreme skill and coordination.

And floppy shoes and a red clown nose.

You've got to be kidding me.

This is a pimple on the face of women's sports.

Yeah, you think she gets paid extra for humiliating us? You can use the ball the hoops, the clubs or the ribbon in any combination but let's just start with the basics for today.

Girls PE totally sucks.

Yeah, they don't make the boys do freaky stuff like this.

They get to do all the cool things.

Any volunteers? Nope.

Inside voice,inside voice.

Mirandadid I just hear you volunteer to demonstrate? Um Good.

Then why don't you show us how it's done? Oops.

I'm going to go get them.


Kate, why don't you show us how it's really done? Okay.

Let's see if I can.

Ow! Looks like you'll be needing a little extra practice, Kate.

There must be some mistake.

I am good at everything.

Can't I just try again? Lizzie McGuire! Something amusing you? No, n
-not really.

Then amuse me with your ribbon skills.

Um Coach I I don't think I really know h
-how to Flunk? You need some help? No.

Well, that's just perfect.

I find the thing I'm great at and it's the stupidest thing in the world.

What's next, Riverdancing? Hey, Coach, um, I figured out why I dropped the clubs.

See, I still had moisturizer on my hand to keep my skin soft and supple.

Can you believe it? Anyway, um I was just hoping that I could have a second chance if that would be at all possible.

Okay, Kate.

Now? Yeah.

It'd be my pleasure.

I don't care if this is dorky.

It's just one more thing I'm better at than you are.

Watch and learn.

Okay, then are we finished now? There's something wrong with this stupid ribbon.

Thank you, Kate.

May I have a moment alone with Lizzie? Thank goodness my best friend would never leave me alone with Coach Kelly.

Uh maybe it's time for that "best friend" talk.

Lizzie, in all of my years of teaching I have never seen someone take to rhythmic gymnastics like you.

You're like a duck to water.

You're like a bird to the sky.

You're like a "Loo" to a "ser.

" W
-Well, I
-I guess it was pretty good.

I'm good at burping but does that make it a sport? Lizzie, I want you to represent our school in the upcoming rhythmic gymnastics regional competition.

You're an incredibly talented athlete.

Really? No but you are good at this.

That was almost a compliment.

Maybe I should think about this.

We'll talk later.

Something funny? Yeah, your friend.

Tell her she must be really proud to have finally found her calling
- Queen of the Ribbon Dorks.

Face it, Kate
- You're just mad 'cause she's great at it and you stink at it.

See ya.

Wouldn't wanna be ya.

So, what'd Coach Kelly want? Well But I but I shouldn't do it,right? I mean, we think this whole thing's kind of ridiculous, don't we? Don't we? No, it'scool.

Oh, come on, Miranda.

I think we all know that rhythmic gymnastics is a little bit lame.

Lame is such a strong word.

It's lame
-ish, but But the important thing is I have a topic for my documentary
- The Making of a Champion.

And it is something you're better at than Kate.

True, I
-I do like that part.

So, you are going to do it,right? I don't know.

So, you think I should do it? An Olympic sport? Absolutely.

Maybe next time, they'll have the Olympics someplace really good like Hawaii or Orlando.

You guys don't think rhythmic gymnastics just a little bit lame? Ding, ding, ding,we have a winner.

Matthew See? Even lame
-o knows it's lame.

Well, thank you.

Hey, wait a minute.

Then again, how many talents do you get in one lifetime? I have six.

One is that curlycue thing I can do with my tongue.

Two is saying anyone's name backwards
- Tarzan
- Nazrat.

Three is eating spoonfuls of wasabi.

Four is Plus, you always said I could do anything if I set my mind to it.

Really? Well, you never told me that.

You sure? And the gold medal goes to Lizzie McGuire! Lizzie! Lizzie! Lizzie! We can't push Lizzie into doing something shameful just because I want to make a documentary and you want to one
-up Kate.

We can't? Okay, we can't.

You're right.

Being humiliated during puberty can have deep and lasting psychological consequences.

You've been into your dad's shrink files again, haven't you? His Tuesday at 3:30 is really scary.

Hey, guys.

Oh, Lizziewe need to talk to you.

Oh, good.

I have been up thinking about rhythmic gymnastics all night and I've had a big attitude adjustment.

And, uh, how do you feel about that? Great.

I can win this thing.

I know I can.

I feel strong and determined and I wanted to find something I was good at so I found it and I'm 100% going for the gold.

You are? Well, I think we've had a major breakthrough.


What do we do now? Lights, camera, action.

I need your attention Attention I need your attention The sun is rising It's shining on a brand
-new day A new beginning Showing you a new way You feel it building It's flowing like a tidal wave It's time to do it Get up and show it We and the both of us now No! And shout No! No! Check it out No! And me.

No! Everybody must shout.

No! And shout NO! NO! Check it out No! And me No! No! I need your attention.

Attention! I need your attention.

Attention! Got to get up, got to do it Got to boom
-boom, got to do it Got to get up, got to do it Got to boom
-boom, got to do it Got to get up, got to do it Got to boom
-boom, got to do it Got to get up, got to do it Got to boom
-boom, got to do it Don't come in.

I'm practicing my gymnastics Oh! Yo.

Whoa! You look like Neve Campbell at the end of Scream.

Which is pretty good compared to the way I feel.

I'm hurt, I'm tired, I'm hungry and I wish they would vote me off this island.

Wow, morning, superstar.

Did I mention how great you look on film? This "Making of a Champion" is turning out so cool.

You'd better get an Oscar speech ready.

Well, if it isn't Miss Rhythmic Gymnastics.

Well if it isn't Miss Clubfoot.

What's your email, Lizzie? Lizzie@biggiantloser.

com? Could you say that one more time for the camera, Kate? I'm trying to cast the part of the bitter, talentless girl.

Kate, you're great at everything.

Why can't you let someone be better than you at one thing? Because I'm not about to sit back and let the dorks take over.

You'd better watch your step, McGuire.

I'm not the one with the ankle brace.

Excellent! Again.

Now, come on, give me five more of those and really make 'em sing.


Hi, Larry.

Hi, Kate.

Oh, you know my name? I didn't even think you noticed me.

Yeah, me not notice you, right.


That looks so complicated.


Not really.

I'm just growing some penicillin resistant strains of bacteria.


No, I'm just kidding
-it's mold! Of course it is.

Larry, could I ask you a little favor? Mm

Honey, you want to try this on? Mmm, smells so good.

What are you making? Chocolate chip cookies.

Something bothering you? No.

Why? Well, the night before you started middle school you made brownies.

When your parakeet flew away, you made muffins.

When Miranda went to summercamp, you made banana bread.

You're baking;something's bothering you.

What's bothering me is I'm trying to win a gold medal in geek.

I guess I'm a little stressed out about this gymnastics meet.

Oh, honey, you're working so hard, and you're so good at it.

You know what, The most important thing is that you're doing something you love and you're giving it your best shot and your dad and I we'll be proud of you no matter what.

But I have a feeling you're going to win.

Of course she is.

She's the dork champion of the world.

Plucked from obscurity Lizzie McGuire has overcome insurmountable challenge That was Tracy Curtis from Fairoaks Middle School.

Next up, Lizzie McGuire from North Hills Junior High.

what are you looking at? When the spotlight lands on you Suddenly you star It's your light That's when it's your turn To light on fire Watch it burn It's your moment Let it shine When it's all eyes on you Show 'em where you come from When it's all eyes on you Stand up! Stand up Eyes on you standing still Note to self: bring extra hoop.

See you win See you win Lizzie! When it's all eyes on you Show 'em where you come from When it's all eyes on you Stand up Stand up Drop it, Tudgeman.

But I can't; Kate won't love me anymore.

Maybe this is empty.

Do you feel lucky, Tudgeman? Huh? Do ya? Stand up! Stand up Eyes on you.

Going somewhere, Kate? Just getting a little a little air.

Tell it to the camera,sunshine.

First place goes to Lizzie McGuire! Hey! We're so proud of you.

Our little champion.

Oh, you were great, sweetie.

Thank you.

Really great.

Look at your medal.

- that's just great but can I be honest with you guys?



Well,I totally appreciate how supportive you guys Lizzie, you don't have to thank us.

We've loved every minute of it, honey.

You were so great.

I wasn't finished.


No, really, you guys have been awesome when the hoop was missing was the happiest time of my life.

I don't understand.


I hate rhythmic gymnastics.

Oh, but you're so good at it! Yeah.

Well, that's just about the only part that I do like.

But if I don't like it why waste my time doing it? I'd rather work extra hard at something I do love even if it takes a little longer.

Is that okay? Of course it's okay.

Honey, whatever you decide to do your dad and I are going to be there cheering for you.

Even if it's dogsledding across Alaska? You know, I think that we'll have to watch on the big
-screen TV.

You guys really saved my butt.

We did.

We know.

You'll pay us back somehow.

Hey, whatever happened to"that's what friends are for?" Please, that is so last millennium.

Oh, so, Gordo do we finally get to see your masterpiece? Actually, it turned out a little differently than I'd planned.

Do you realize what this means? Yeah.

Solid proof that Kate Saunders is actually jealous of me.

Smart, but destined to be lonely and dateless.

Too skinny and destined for a double bunionectomy.

Destined to be gazillionaires.

Call me! As for my destiny well, let's just say it doesn't involve ribbons and hoops.

I'm thinking more along the lines of first woman president space explorer Mrs.

Matt Damon Whatever it is, I'll keep you posted.

What's the one person be better than you at one thing? Okay, I'm, I'm going to get this.

And it is something you're better at than Kate.

I'm sorry.

Destined to be gazillionaires.

She's the dork champion of the world.