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04x22 - Final Hope! Judai Yuki

Posted: 10/21/23 07:46
by bunniefuu
Show yourself!

Neos Wiseman!

Go, Neos Wiseman! Wipe out that impostor!

Ultimate Nova!!

Darkness! This duel's going to prove it to you!

See, that was a good argument, but as strange as they are...

...the bonds I have with everyone who believes in me are a lot more definite!

Don't ever forget the dream that started it all!

Don't ever forget the dream that started it all!

Just keep chasing it down!Keep holding on!

Just keep chasing it down!Keep holding on!

I was about to give up on my unreachable broken dreams...

I was about to give up on my unreachable broken dreams...

...on these deserted promises...

...on these deserted promises...

Those words you stuck into my heart just won't fade away...

Those words you stuck into my heart just won't fade away... I keep repeating them in my mind. I keep repeating them in my mind.

But now, all this wind is pushing right into my back!

But now, all this wind is pushing right into my back!

Raw Provision

Astral Union

Get up! Burning Heart! Mine's erupting with a bang!

Get up! Burning Heart! Mine's erupting with a bang!

Let's all just go and cast these changing times away!

Let's all just go and cast these changing times away!

Opening Theme


Psychic Lover




Kenichirou Ooishi

Columbia Music Entertainment

/Marvelous Entertainment

You can only live life once.

You can only live life once.

Let's all just coat this faded world in a shining red!

Let's all just coat this faded world in a shining red! a style that's all your own. a style that's all your own.

Don't ever forget the dream that started it all!

Don't ever forget the dream that started it all!

Just keep chasing it down! Keep holding on!

Just keep chasing it down! Keep holding on!

One Last Hope! Judai Yuki

What's so funny?

Bonds with thy friends, was it?

And yet, any memories of thee have long faded from thy trusted friends...

They shall not hear the voice thou so brandishes.

Even so, thou insists that thou can rescue them?

It is my turn.

And I...

...shall summon Darkness Necroslime.

Dispatching this monster on my field to my Cemetery shall Special-Summon a "Darkness" monster in my Cemetery.

Be reborn! My ocular Darkness Eye!

This is bad- nya...

Now, he'll be able to tell where his face-down cards are again- nya!

Judai- kun...

I activate a Trap!

Zero, as well as...


Whenever Zero and Infinity are activated, all Trap cards between the two shall activate.

When it is the first to activate, the effect of Darkness ...

...shall destroy a card on my opponent's field!

That's too bad...

You won't be able to destroy my Neos Wiseman with card effects!

However, Judai Yuki, thou hast yet to realize my true power...

I end my turn.

My turn!

Neos Wiseman!

Attack Darkness Eye!

Thanks to Neos Wiseman's effect, my Life gets restored!

Great! Judai's Life is now back where it started- nya!

Just a bit more...

Just a bit more, and I'll take him down...

For all of thine intent to actually defeat me, it shall be futile .

It'll what ?

The determination of one mere human shall not sway the reason of the world.

Allow me to demonstrate .

It is my turn!

The effect of the Darkness Seed within my Cemetery activates!

During the second Standby Phase following its dismissal to my Cemetery, Darkness Seed shall be Special-Summoned.

What ?! Did his Life just--

This is the very power of Darkness...

Due to Darkness Seed's effect, during each of our End Phases, my Life shall be restored to !

To what ?!

Judai Yuki...

For all of thy struggling, thou cannot defeat me!

Thou should be quite aware of that...

Thou hast long been aware of what I truly am, hast thou not?

What Darkness... truly is?

I... I ...

I won't fall for that !

However, that is the truth ...

Yes... What I truly am... the embodiment of man's future !

Thou need only observe this world carefully ...

Consider well what it is that occurs within it!

Rampant abnormal weather... Rampant natural disasters...

Rampant w*r and terrorism ...

All some of the abnormal events spurred by corrupted humans!

I-Is this... the future of humanity?

This is your ever-constant fate--your very future .

Humanity grew tired long ago of seeking potential within an unseen tomorrow.

As have the students of this academy.

In the depths of their hearts, the students feared leaving for a dangerous world.

They did not desire to believe in their own strength and face this dangerous world.

Those feelings stained their cards black and granted me power.

All that thou now dost is leading mankind to this desolate world!

I... I don't believe you!

My turn!

Neos Wiseman! Attack Darkness Seed!

Neos Wiseman's effect activates!

It deals my opponent damage equal to the ATK of the opposing monster he battled...

...and uses its DEF to restore my Life!

It is futile .

When Darkness Seed is summoned forth using its effect from my Cemetery, it shall not be destroyed in battle!

I set one card face-down to end my turn!

Behold! Revere me! Revere my world !

Those who have granted me power are thy friends --ones now incapable of believing in their futures !

Due to my Darkness Seed's effect, my Life is restored to points!

It is my turn!

I send Darkness Seed to my Cemetery to summon Darkness Bramble!

Darkness Bramble shall inherit Darkness Seed's effect.

In addition, it shall enable me to confirm my randomly set cards!

He has Darkness Eye's ability at his disposal again- nya!

I shall activate Zero and Infinity.

Moreover, I shall activate every Trap in between them!

Now, activate! Darkness !

This card inflicts points of damage to my opponent...

...and each time a "Darkness" Trap activates, it shall inflict points of damage.

Therefore, thou shalt bear damage!

With this, he's practically impregnable- nya!

Judai- kun!

My turn!

I activate Zero and Infinity!

Darkness 's effect now activates.

This is bad- nya! That makes in Effect Damage!

If it all hits him, Judai- kun will...

Farewell, Judai Yuki!

My Instant Magic, Quick Summon!

It summons one monster in my hand!

Show yourself!

Cocoon Pantail!

Then, I activate my Trap!

Cocoon Veil!

I'll sacrifice a Cocoon on my field to make damage from any effects this turn zero...

...and Special-Summon Black Panther from my deck!

Show yourself, Black Panther!

Now, go!

Neos Wiseman! Attack Darkness Bramble!

In that case...

...I activate the effect of Darkness Raincrow, a monster in my hand!

When my opponent declares an attack, I send Darkness Bramble and Darkness Raincrow away to my Cemetery... Special-Summon Darkness Neosphere from my deck.


Darkness Neosphere shall inherit the abilities of my Darkness Bramble.

In addition, it shall enable me to relocate my randomly set cards!

What ?!

His Traps have everything rigged now...

The next time those Traps activate, my Life'll really hit...

At this point, anything thou dost is futile --there is no one to offer thou strength now!

Maybe, but I won't give up!

I activate Black Panther's effect!

It changes into a monster that's on my opponent's field, gaining its abilities!

And Black Panther's changing into...

...Darkness Neosphere!

I activate my Darkness Neosphere copy's ability...

...and rearrange the cards you set some more !

Then, I'll re-set your active Darkness Field Magic and put it face-down !

What ?

Whenever that Darkness Field Magic gets activated, it has to destroy every Magic and Trap on your field!

In other words, if you want to activate Darkness again ...'ll end up destroying all of your Traps!

Nice move, Judai- kun!

With this, his Traps have been sealed off- nya!

I'll set one card face-down to end my turn!

It is my turn...

Even so, Darkness Neosphere, boaster of an overwhelming ATK, is still within my grasp!

Darkness Neosphere! Attack Neos Wiseman!

Neos Wiseman!


Use the effect of Neos Wiseman.

If I'm removed from the game, you'll at least revive Neos.


Judai, from this point on, you truly will be alone.

But you have to believe in what you can do.

I know that you can defeat him.


I activate Neos Wiseman's effect!

Whenever he's destroyed in battle, removing Yubel brings Neos back!

Show yourself, Neos!

Just surrender ...

For all of thy futile resistance, thy chance of winning is long gone!

We'll all be on our way out of here soon...

And sure, like you said, there'll probably be a lot that we can't just laugh off once we do...

But... all we can do is take them head-on...

...and cut our own futures wide open!

Thou hast yet to understand, I see...

Thou dost wield the strength to fight on, but that is something the others lack !

No... You're the one who doesn't get it!

I'm not strong at all .

A while back... my heart drowned in darkness...

...and I put my friends through some rough times.

From that, I figured a few things out...

...and all I do is believe in them!

Thou believest in what ?

As long as we believe in our cards, we'll never be alone!

The friends I've fought, the friends who've cheered me on...

We're all linked by bonds that'll never break!

They won't because that's ...

...the power hidden inside this one single card!

Of what dost thou speak?

Guys! Can you hear me?!

Is my voice getting to you?!

Look at it! Look at the card you have!

You only need one! I know they're in there!

Your memories of everyone...

Everyone you've battled using that card!

At first, it must've been just an ordinary card...

But with everyone you battled, and all of the happiness, sadness, anger and hatred that you'd share with them...

...your memories would seep into that card!

It shows a history of how far you've come!

And that's what makes a bond !

So, just believe ! Believe in your cards !

Remember the faces of everyone that you battled with that card!

Those are your real friends!

When times get tough, they'll help us face our futures!

We'll never be alone as long as we believe in our cards!

Don't get hopeless about the future!

We haven't even done anything yet, have we?!


Big Bro!

Was that Judai's voice?

I heard him...


That's right... We haven't done anything yet...

I don't need to be afraid of the future!

Even if I lose, I just have to crawl back up!

That's right... We do know...

We've fought through a lot of rough spots with our cards!

Wait a second!

Let's do it no matter where it happens.

Let's have a great duel!

We all know it... As long as we have our cards...

...we'll have friends that will always fight with us!

If you insist on giving up everything just because you're "failures ..."

...then hear me out!

This is about a duelist known as Judai Yuki!

We all know it!

We're not alone, and we never will be!

What is this ?!

How can this be?!

Are we at the Duel Academia?

We all are!

Thank goodness! Thank goodness- nya!

You were all captured by Darkness- nya!

That's right! I heard Judai's voice, and...

--Big Bro!--Judai!


By the looks of it, I'd say they didn't really like your world!

You didn't try to steal all of their memories ...

You tried to steal the irreplaceable bonds that we have!

That's why you're going to pay !

My turn!

Thanks, my deck...

All the bonds I've formed are in every single one of you.

I activate my Trap! Future Vision!

When I have Neos on my field, it sends a Fusion in my hand...

...and five monsters in my deck that I need for a Fusion Summon to my Cemetery... summon God Neos!

God Neos?!

Then, I'll send the five I just sent to my Cemetery back to my deck...

...and use the Neos and Black Panther on my field...

...for the ultimate Contact Fusion!

Come out, God Neos!

God Neos has me choose any Neo-Spacians from my deck, and by removing them, he'll absorb their Monster Effects.

And each one raises his ATK by points!

What ?!

And next, the ability he absorbed from Flare Scarab activates!

Each Magic and Trap card on my opponent's field...

...raises his ATK by points!

Impossible !

God Neos!

Legendary Strike!!

Judai Yuki...

Thou knowest the truth about your cards, and about the freedom of your souls...

However, even if I am defeated, I embody true darkness...

One day, I shall be resurrected in this world once more!

That may be true, but as long as I'm around...

No, as long as we duelists believe in our potential ...'ll be waiting a long time.

You have to use your best card to go grab onto...

...that shining, endless dueling dream you want to come true.

Your courage has sparked up dramas of wonder...

You'll see that they won't end.

Franklin Gothic Medium Cond So, let's go make a chance out of this pinch we're in.

We'll do it... We sure will.

That rainbow bridge will get crossed over...

...and the future will be ours to hold!

Beyond that door, we're sure to find...

...that there's a dark shadow standing in our way... keep your crimson flames alight!

You have to use your best card to go grab onto...

Ending Theme

...that shining, endless dueling dream you want to come true.

Franklin Gothic Medium Cond It won't matter what kind of rough times we're all in for...

...just as long as you take in the smiles of the friends you trust.

It's finally over... All of it...

Big Bro!

Shou! Everyone!

Big Bro...

No need to say it...

I made it through because you all believed in me.

Next time: "Goodbye, Judai! A Tearful Graduation Ceremony!"

Oh, yeah, Big Bro...

Are your add-on lectures with Professor Chronos over?

Oh, no ! I told him I'd write a -page report !

Big Bro, it's been great ... Thanks...

Today's best card is Elemental Hero God Neos!

Neos and the six Neo-Spacians'll usher in the last, ultimate Hero!

Remove some Neo-Spacians from your deck, and he'll be able to use their Monster Effects!