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04x01 - Broodiness

Posted: 10/20/23 17:11
by bunniefuu
Still in Yorkshire, eh, Jess?

Look at the wee'uns egg hunting.

Rather them than me.


I'm so sorry.

Watch where you're going.

I'm very sorry. I...

took my eye off for a second.

Oh, blast it.

Put it on the list.
Sirop glicosilada.


It's so bloody hard to put things
back with the labels facing out!

Salammoniac, small.

Udder ointment, two tins.

Percolate of mercury.
Wait. Can you spell that, please?

Oh, and some more absorbent gauze.

Six dozen rolls should do it.

Absorbent gauze. Six...

Would you mind?
I have an awful lot to get through.

What if I do mind?


You know that sound
means it's boiling, yes?

They are saying
we dropped more bombs

than all the German raids
on London in The Great w*r.

Well, sounds to me like
they don't need you after all.

I should withdraw my name,
if I were you. Very funny.

Where is Mrs Hall?
Out with Gerald maybe.


You're welcome.

I suppose you want me to get that?

I never thought I'd admit this,

but we are missing Tristan.

I wish he would just admit it.

Between giving up his pipe
and missing Tris,

he's really found a new level.

At least the smoking
is just for Lent.

That was Slavens.

Another difficult lambing, he said,
that's the second one this month.

Poor man.

He must be really struggling.

But he's an experienced farmer,

he's perfectly capable
of sorting it out himself.

Oh, it must be your sparkling
company he enjoys, Siegfried.

Oscar Wilde considered sarcasm
the lowest form of wit.

But the highest form
of intelligence.

I'll see you later.

I know he can be...



The longest days of my life.

He keeps rabbiting on
about self-control.

If he was so great at it,

why has he asked Audrey
to hide his tobacco?

He was looking
in the airing cupboard.

He keeps lecturing about how
I should renounce my indulgences.

What did you say?

Whisky was the only thing
stopping me from murdering him.


Get out of the way, sheep!

Thank you.

Mr Slavens.

Mr Farnon.
Good morning.

Kind of you to come so quickly.

There's not a flake of snow
in Darrowby.

Aye, it's like
the North Pole up here.

You get three seasons in one day.

Is that Hurley's Cut?
It is.

Are you partial to it an' all?
No, it's a filthy habit.

Where's the patient?
She's through here.


Good morning.

Oh, James,
look at their little faces.

Is that broodiness I detect?


Say that again, "broodiness".


Don't you wish
there wasn't a w*r on?

I'd better get started.

Those ducks won't race themselves.

Right, then, are we ready?


The first duck
under that bridge wins. Right?


two, three!



Oi! Stop that!

Well done, you can do it.

Oi! I want a word with you.


It's a capital job, Mr Farnon.


I'm surprised you needed me,
it was straightforward enough.

Aye, but it's a job for small mitts.

Yours are smaller than mine.

Our Elsie were a breach.

Took some pushing and pulling
to get her out, I can tell thee.


Oh, look, he's perking up now.

Do you mind putting that out?
Can't be any good for the lamb.


Oh, heck,
I hope she hasn't rejected it.

Poor little bugger.

Probably blames it
for causing her all that pain.

I hope not.

I'm sure she'll come round.

Stay for a brew?

No, I should get on.


call me
if there's any other trouble.

Right. Will do.

Thanks again.

Hey, hey.



Hello there.

All right, little one.

I'm not going to hurt you.

There we go.

Let's have a wee look at you,
shall we?

You poorly little fellow.


Stay away from him!

Stay away from my dog!


I'd like to...

Well, I'm here about the...

Speak up. I can't hear you.

I'm looking to get a divorce.

On what grounds?


I dunno what you'd call it.

We've been apart for years.


Well, I wouldn't, how that sounds.

Have you had any contact with your
husband in the past three years?


You will need to fill these in.


We require a detailed statement
documenting the disintegration

of your marriage,
together with any...

A statement?

Together with
any relevant correspondence,

photographs and documents. Yes.

Can't I just...

The thing is, I haven't seen him...

in so long,

I thought I could



you thought wrong.


How come
I've not seen him around before?

He used to go to school with Jenny
when they were little.

They booted him out.
What for?

Showing off, I think.

Binks, Wesley Binks.

You all right in there, Siegfried?

Yes, I was just
looking for something.

Not your tobacco by any chance?
No, of course not.


If you ask me, he's trouble.

He should be in Borstal.

Maybe you should give him a break.

Some folk are just
dealt a bad hand in life.

Maybe so, but people like him
shouldn't be allowed pets.

Who shouldn't be allowed pets?

James got thumped
by a boy at the duck race.

It's not how it sounds
and he wasn't a boy for a start,

he was a young man.

A very young man.

And now he's started a campaign
to bring back public hanging.

You should have seen
the look he gave me.

I think he wanted to disembowel me
with a rusty fork.

Do you know him, Audrey?
Wesley Binks?


Is everything all right?
You don't seem yourself.

Quite all right, thank you... Helen.

People like that
are born troublemakers.

There's nothing
anyone can do to change them.

You don't believe that. Here.

A wild dog will bite, you know.

Just as a spider
knows to make a web,

or a bird a nest,
it's in their nature.

Well, how's it you can break
a wild horse, then?

Did you order those supplies?

When I say I'll do something,

I do it.



Stay strong.

We are on the home straight.

Here you are.

Do you know where he lives,
this Binks?

Old Mill Terrace.

Just past the Robinsons' farm,
last I heard.

James, don't do anything daft.

It's not about the boy,
it's the dog.

Why, do you think
he's mistreating it?

Maybe worse than that.

I think he has distemper.

Oh, that's bad, isn't it?

Unless you catch it early enough...

it's a death sentence.




Are the others out?

Didn't hear you coming.


Give that to me.

You're getting divorced?

That's a good shot of Edward.

Isn't it?

I'm worried about him.

It's no bloody use
shut away in a tin.

Put it up somewhere you can see it.

You sure you don't mind?

Course not.

Be nice to have one of Tris
up somewhere, too.

If such a thing exists.

His fondness for gurning
like a chimpanzee in every picture

makes it something of a challenge.

Excuse me?

I'm looking
for Wesley Binks's house.

Aye, just round the corner.
Second door.

Thank you.

Keep away from my washing.

Go on. Cheeky beggars.

I'll give you that.

Come on.
I've not got time for you today.


Hello. Wait, I'm a vet.

Your dog has distemper.
What's that?

It's a serious disease. He must
have caught it from another dog.

I don't know what you're on about.
Look, I just...

Can I take a proper look at him?

Please, can I come in?

Piss off!

Did you not hear me?

I'm not going anywhere
until I see your dog, Wesley.

He needs help.

My name is James.

James Herriot.


You ain't half as good
as you think you are.

That's a pity.

I had dreams
of playing for Scotland.

Is anyone at home?

Are you done with that?

The pork pie? Go ahead.

What's his name?

And how old is he?

What's with all the questions?

The more I know about him, the
better chance I have of helping him.

How do you know he's got
whatever it's called?

You see how he's flinching
in the light?

It's called photophobia.

It's one of the signs.

And you must have noticed
the pus in his eyes.

Don't know what you're on about.

For most dogs with distemper,
the outlook is pretty bleak.

Look, I just want to help him,

I've had an idea, but you have
to want to help him, too.

What he needs most is treatment

and if he's somewhere
where he can be properly fed...

Who do you think you are?

Telling me how to treat my own dog?

You're talking shite.

Where the bloody hell
has she hidden it?


What do you do
when an animal is suffering,

but the owner
won't let you treat it?

I take it, this is Wesley Binks,
we are talking about.

His dog has distemper.

Ah, not much hope for him, then.

Maybe not,
but I have to try something.

A mixed mat is your best bet.

Yes, I know that, but, like I said,
it's Wesley that's the problem.

If he doesn't want your help,
you have to accept it.

It's the owners that employ us,
not the animals.

But I can't just stand back
and do nothing.

It seems to me
that you've done everything you can.

When I was younger,
an early night was a punishment.

Now it's a treat.

You're still thinking about
that dog, aren't you?

I think I'm going
to report it to the RSPCA.

Are you sure, James?
That's a big decision.

I know, but I have a duty
to make sure

it doesn't spread to any other dogs.

No matter
what you think of that boy,

does he really deserve
to lose his dog?

Cos that's what will happen.

Then he should have
taken better care of him.

I've got to put the animal first.

I really hope you're right.

I don't see that I have any choice.

Come on.

Very good.


All right,
I'll meet you outside the property.

Thanks. Bye.

He agreed
it's an animal welfare emergency.

I'm to meet them
outside Wesley's place in an hour.

At least that poor dog
will stand a chance now.

Cut it out.
Come on, Jess, come on.

Come on.
Is it tomorrow, Siegfried?

Or Easter Sunday?

When Lent is officially over.
You must be counting down the hours.

You seem to think
this is a challenge for me.

It's simply a question of tenacity,

when one commits to something,
one sees it through.

It's not forever, though.

Well, it could be.

I could easily be a non-smoker,
if I chose to be.

Mr Slavens is on the phone.

Says his ewe has rejected its lamb.



I'd just started.

Get down.


Delivery for Farnon.

Are you sure?

What on earth is it?

Sterile dressings, it says here.

I ordered six dozen rolls.

No, you ordered six dozen boxes.

There's six boxes each one.

Wait, wait.

Can we send 'em back?

You have to speak to an office.
They are closed till Tuesday.

Happy Easter.

I'll tell Siegfried
that I made a mistake,

how bad can it be?

Yeah, you're right.

What can we do?

Best stick it in the pantry.
I'll get James.


That the last of them?



Here. Here.

He's coming, he's coming.

He's coming. Quick!

Quick, quick, quick, get in.

Where's James?

Erm, he's upstairs, I think.

Oh, bugger.

Were you just going
to leave me in there?

The things I do for you.


She won't let him near her,
Mr Farnon.

Has he had any milk at all?

I gave him a bottle last night,
but it's colostrum he needs.

Let's have a look.


Mouth seems fine.

All right, old girl,
not gonna hurt you.

No sores.

No mastitis, as far as I can see.

Have you used a bonding pen before?

A few of these should do the trick.


Now, see if we can't give you
a helping hand, eh?

Mrs Binks.

My name is Herriot, I'm a vet,
and this lady's from the RSPCA.

We are looking for Wesley.

Oh, he's out wi' dog.
You'll find him on tops.

Well, actually, do you mind
if we speak to you?

Sit yourself down.

Thank you.


So, you must be
Wesley's grandmother?


Er, no veterinary around here.

What's this about?

It's about Duke, Mrs Binks.

Given his health
and general condition,

we feel he would be better off
in someone else's care.

Honest to God,
I wish he'd never got that dog.

Last thing we need
is another mouth to feed.

There's no shame in it.
When times are tough like these,

pets are often
the first to go without.

Ha, you try telling that to Wes.

Puts that dog before hisself.

He's been giving his food to Duke?

Worships that dog, he does.

I can't tell you the rows we've had.

And is this where the dog sleeps?


Would you excuse us, Mrs Binks?

Ee, that dog.

Clearly I was wrong.

Duke has plenty of food.
His bed is pristine.

He is well looked after.
I'm sorry for wasting your time,

but you're obviously
not needed here after all.

Mr Herriot...

What's going on? Nothing
to worry about. I can explain. Wes!

It's obvious to me, Mr Herriot,
that the animal is poorly

and in a situation
that poses a risk to its life.

You know as well as I do the animal
would be better off in our care.

But he's doing his best for him.

Please, look, I'm prepared
to take full responsibility,

I'll make sure Duke gets
all the necessary care,

if that's what you need to hear.


well, next time, make sure
you do a proper assessment

of the situation before calling us.
Thank you. Thank you.


Wes, I can see you
hiding behind there.

I'm so sorry.

If you come
anywhere near me and my dog again,

you'll be sorry.

Wes, if you don't let me help him,
he is going to die.

How are your daughters, Mr Slavens?

You have two girls, as I recall.

Both well. Thanks for asking.

Lily turns this year.

They grow up fast, don't they?

Now, the trick is
to hold her head up high,

with your hand on...

..the halter like this.

Right, put the lamb down.

Yes, you'll need to hold her legs.


Oh. Ah.

There we go.

You'll have to repeat this
every four to six hours,

until the ewe and lamb are bonded.
I can't do this on my own.

No, you need a helping hand.

My farm hands have gone off
to fight. Both of 'em.

I'm sure
one of your daughters could help.

Or Mrs Slavens.
She's strong as an ox, I recall.

Aye, that she is.

How long does it usually take?

The bonding? A few days.

You can always give me another call
if there's any trouble. Aye.

Thank you, Mr Farnon.

If you scrub that any harder,
you will dislocate something.

You were right about Wesley.

What happened?

I should never have assumed
he was mistreating his dog.

Now he hates me and I've probably
just condemned Duke to death.

Well, you put the animal first.

But I let Wesley down.

Ah. Helen.

What is this?

And why is it in here?

What are you doing
in the linen cupboard?

You can't answer a question
with another question.

Why can't I?
You just did it again.

I'm sure Audrey has her reasons.



Do you happen to know
if Mr and Mrs Slavens

have been having
difficulties of some sort?


Valerie Slavens died last month.

Surely you knew that?

Oh, God.

Poor man has barely got over
his daughters flying the nest.

Now he's all on his own.


It's all right, man.

You have to help him, mister.

You've done the right thing, Wesley.

I know it wasn't easy.

I knew he weren't right.


thought he might get better.

This is something
called hyperimmune serum.

Helps the body fight the infection.

Good lad.

I've had him since he were a pup.

He's my best pal in t'world.

I'll do everything I can.

I promise you.

I don't want him to die.

There's one thing working
in Duke's favour.

He's not a purebred.

You see, crossbred dogs

they have this thing
called hybrid vigour,

which helps them to fight disease,

and with a bit of luck,
we've caught it early enough.

I know it ain't enough.

Don't worry. There's no charge.

No, I don't want charity.

That's not charity, it's...

No, thank you.

Must be...

some way I can pay.

Wesley Binks is going to be doing
some work for us, Siegfried.

The boy who att*cked you?

He's not a bad lad.

He's going to help us out mucking
out the animal shed for a few days.

Have you completely lost your mind?

I think it's a good idea.

He'll be fine, Siegfried.

I trust him.

Jess, Tash, come on.

Oh, here you are.


I were thinking of putting
another parcel together for Tris,

if you wanted to write him a letter.

There's nothing
really new to report.

I don't think I can do it.

I made my vows before God.

On Sunday, I'll be in church,

on the holiest day of the year.

With Gerald beside me.

I'm not sure I'd considered his
intentions towards you before now.


Oh, no, it's not that.

I have no intention of leaving,
Mr Farnon.

That's not what I meant.

Will there be anything else?

Mr Farnon.

Kind of you to drop in.

I was just passing.

Not nearly so mardy today.

Your trick seems to be working.

Mr Slavens,
when I was here yesterday...

I'm afraid,
I didn't know about your wife.

I'm so sorry.

I had no idea you were...

up here by yourself.

One minute
the house is full of folk,

and laughter...

Next, it's empty.

It can't be easy
with your daughters gone, too.

It's daft.

You think they'll be around forever.

You... You don't expect them to...

..not need you any more.

Still, you have to let them
find their own way, don't you?

They'll be back, when they need me.

Good lad, that should do it.

"Ho... u...


It's Houdini. The great Houdini.

So, is he always escaping, then?

Take your eye off him for a second
and... he's gone.


This is Wesley.

Yes, I've heard all about
Wesley Binks.

Mr Herriot seems to think
you're doing well.

Let's see, shall we?

Why don't you leave this to me,

Have you changed their water?

Yes, sir.

And they've all been fed
and their cages cleaned.



Who takes 'em out?


Well, they can't stay cooped up
in this cage all day,

it ain't right.

They are only here
until they are well enough

to return to their own home.

Well, they still need a run around.

I'll let you discuss this
with Mr Herriot.

I owe you an apology, Mrs Hall...

for the way
I spoke to you last night.

I'm also aware
that I've not been at my most...

patient or good-natured
these past few weeks.

Anyway, last night I...

These are personal matters,
none of my business.

Of course you must seek a divorce.

They want a statement.

A detailed account
of my entire marriage.

And I just...

Yes, it must be hard to...
dredge all that stuff up.

Well, it's between Robert and me,
no-one else.

Sometimes we have to look
that monster right in the face.

Show we're not afraid of it
any more.

Well, it's not that I don't want to.

Because I do.


Why don't you use my study?

I promise you, once it's done,
you'll feel like a new woman.

I can see to it
that you're not disturbed.





I wonder.



In here.

This way.

Thank you.

I made a mistake with the order.

A mistake?

We've enough gauze
to see out the decade.

I'm sorry.

Where's my tobacco?

Siegfried, I meant to say...

if you have any other jobs
you'd like Wesley to do,

just let me know.


I thought you'd given up.

Well, nobody is perfect.

I don't know if it's the structure
or the responsibility,

but Wes is taking to work
like a duck to water.

I was wondering if we might find him
something more regular?

I think
we might do better than that.

Come on.

Duke! Come on, Duke.

Good boy.


Yeah, good boy.

Good boy.

I can see why you like it up here.

Mr Herriot.

Hello, boy.

He is looking much better.

I've been cleaning his nose,
just like you told me.

Yeah, but it's more done that,
his eyes are brighter.

He's been eating like a horse.

That's good to hear.


Do you... think he might make it,

It's too early to say for sure,
but these are good signs.

Did you hear that? Good one.

He's a lucky dog.

But I don't think
he could wish for a better owner.


Mr Farnon had an idea,

which I wanted to talk to you about.

How is Duke with snow?
He loves it.

That's good.

Why is that?

You'll see soon enough.

You're all right, mister.

Go ahead.

Hello, mister.

I'm Clifton.


What's your dog called?

# Let the merry cymbal sound

# Fill the pipe
With greatest pleasure

# Pom porom porom pom pom. #

At least you made it to Easter.

I'll give up some day.

I'm glad you're going to church.

Nobody will judge you, Mrs Hall.

And if they do, so bloody what?

I wanted to thank you.

For your help yesterday.

I didn't do anything.

I disagree.

You were right.

It was something
that I needed to do.

He looks so proud.

Rightly so.

Not a hint of chimpanzee.

Writing it all down
sometimes helps, you know.

A wise man taught me that.


Morning, Audrey.

Ah, Mr Farnon.

Morning. Happy Easter.

Happy Easter.


Enjoy the service.
You not coming?

I think I'll give this one a miss.

I have a letter to write.


He'll be all right.