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04x03 - Right Hand Man

Posted: 10/20/23 17:07
by bunniefuu
You two gonna lend a hand, or what?

Oh, must have nodded off.

We had two call-outs last night.

After a full day's lambing... again.

Lambs don't stop coming
just because you're weary.

Come on.
Let's be having you.

- Sorry.
- It's good practice. Sleepless nights.

Although, to get to the baby part,

we do have to spend time together

I know. And we will.

I'm actually cooking up a plan
to make sure of it. Ooh.

He comes highly recommended.

Top scholar in his year,
by all accounts.

It's only a placement, but
we'll finally have a new assistant.

- Perfect.
- Isn't it?

Hm. Have all your work, plus nights,

- plus teaching this student what's what.
- Aye.

Yeah, but once I've trained him up,
I'll have someone to delegate to,

which means
more time for Helen and I.

Till Siegfried sends him packing
after five minutes.

Aye, like he always does.

But he won't be
Siegfried's assistant.

He'll be mine. Your own little James
to boss around.

Exactly. And that's the difference.

- Although I see myself as more of a mentor.
- A what?

A guide.

No signs.



Mrs. Hall is making
Tristan's bed up.

Says we are expecting someone.

Because we are expecting someone.

T-The student we agreed to host.

Well, he's not having
Tristan's room.

He isn't?
You didn't say not to offer board.

I didn't think I needed to.

I'll have a ring round.
See if I can find somewhere.

Where is thew boy anyway?
Is he late?

I don't believe so.

If he had anything about him,
he'd be early.

Mr Carmody's rather beholden
to the train from London.

That's his name, is it?

Richard Carmody, yes.

Richard Carmody. From London?
He won't last.

Right, I'm going to the Chapman's
to see Teasel.

Oh, Uncle Herriot. Thank goodness.

It's the most dire emergency.

Cedric is my new foster.
His dad is away with the army.

I don't wish to embarrass him,

but, um... it's something
of an anti-social malady.

He's not showing
signs of aggression, is he?

Oh, no, no, no, no.

On the contrary, he's
as gentle as they come, aren't you?

A tad excitable, though,

which does tend to exacerbate

And what things
are we talking about, exactly?

H-He suffers from an excess...


Mind if I get that?

Hello. I hope I'm in the right...
Richard Carmody?

Yes. I'm afraid I got somewhat lost.
James Herriot, come in.

Come in, come in.

Round here.

Right this way.

Mrs Pumphrey, I'd like you to meet
Richard Carmody,

our brilliant
new veterinary student.

Delighted to make your aquintance.

How do you do?

Well, this is all proving
rather cosy, isn't it?

Mrs Pumphrey was just about to
tell me what's ailing Cedric here.

Yes. Now, I know it's not his fault,
and it's perfectly natural,

but he does seem to suffer
really quite terribly from...



Shh. All right, Teasel.

It's a wheeze, certainly.
Is it worse with exercise?

Yeah. I've been giving her
all the rest I can,

but I can't afford not to work her.

Its heaves, I'm afraid.

I thought so.
You can see she's having trouble.

It's taking
twice the effort to breathe.

The air goes in,
but the lungs have lost elasticity,

so she's forced to use her abdominal
muscles to push it out again.

What's brought it on?

Sensitivity to mold or dust usually.

Soaking the hay before she feeds
can help.

I'll give her an arsenical
expectorant for her drinking water.

But will it cure her?

It's just
that she's Tom's, is Teasel.

I know
he's always been very fond of her.

I'd hate for my grandson
to come back home and...

You know. He's away with the army.

She's young and strong. I can't see
why she wouldn't recover.

I'll do my damnedest
to help her in any case.


I keep telling her,
"Take another lad on."

Won't listen. Too much like
replacing Tom, she reckons.

Well, she's done well
to cope on her own.

There's work here for three,
at least.

Doesn't help
with that lot training next door.

We're grateful to them,
but it's not easy.

More to come, I'm afraid.

Things are about to get a great deal
more difficult, by all accounts.

Mrs. Pumphrey, you
said it was an emergency?

It is.

My community tea party's
just around the corner.

The aim is to raise
everyone's spirits,

not bombard them with noxious gas.

one could keep the dog outside?

Banish him
from the bosom of his foster family?

I couldn't countenance such cruelty.

Do you always treat your animals
like people?

Yes, Tricki, I quite agree.
He's not like Uncle Herriot.

I suggest we reduce Cedric's protein
intake and try him on an antacid.

Should clear things up in no time.

Oh, how marvellous.

That's so kind of you,
Uncle Herriot. We're very grateful.

And to you, too, I suppose...
Mr Cardomy.

I thought
we'd never discover the trouble.

Yes. She's not one to be candid
about delicate matters.

The animals are the easy part,
of course.

It's the people
cause all the bother.

Ah, this is Mrs Hall,
our housekeeper extraordinaire.

Hello. Richard Carmody.

How do you do? Make yourself
at home. You're very welcome.

If you'd be kind enough to show me
where to put my things,

I shall get myself settled in.

Mrs Micklethwait
has a room for you.

Very clean, very particular.
Just across the square.

Uh, there was a misunderstanding
with Mr Farnon. Who's just got back.

After you.

Mr Carmody, I presume?

You presume right.
Final year, RVC?

Yes, specialising
in equine science.

Hm. Standards must be slipping.

I'm not sure I understand.

You were late.

I was not.

I arrived in Darrowby
an hour ahead of schedule,

only to discover
the street signs had been removed

to discourage enemy invaders.

It took a little extra time
to locate Skeldale House,

through no fault of my own,

and yet I arrived at three sharp,
as arranged with Mr Herriot.

I stand corrected.
Farnon, Siegfried. Don't ask.

It's a pleasure, sir.

Cuppa tea?

Siegfried barked,
but he didn't bite.

It all went rather well.

So far, so good.


Hello, again.
And this must be Mrs Herriot.

- How do you do?
- How do you do?

Thought I should familiarise myself
with the animals in for observation.

we can do that together tomorrow.

I don't mind showing him now.

No need.

You sure?

Quite sure. I'll catch you up.

It's his first night,
and I am supposed to be his mentor.

This'll only take an hour or so.

Oh, I tell you what,
shall we just stay in?

I'm dead on me feet, anyway.

We can make up for it on Saturday.

Saturday's Mrs
Pumphrey's tea party.

Not if we make our excuses.
I could send my assistant instead.


See, it has its perks.

And everyone will be out.

Well, when you put it that way.

It will be worth it once he learns.
I promise.

Let's hope he's a quick learner.

He's only been a few days,

but it's nice to have
another lad about the place.

But he'll take some getting to know,
I think.

You reckon he'll stick?

He seems very confident.


We'll see.

- Well, I'm looking forward to meeting
him at Mrs Pumphrey's do.

But, um...

Before we go, I... I wanted...


Never mind. It will keep.

All right. Until later, then.

I'll see you at the Manor.

Or you could try saying it.

- W-Whatever's been eating away at you.
- You can tell?

Course I can. I know you, Audrey.

Look, if you...
If you're giving me the elbow,

I'd rather have it straight.

I'm not giving you the elbow.

- No?
- No.


..getting a divorce.

There he is. How
was Sharpe's cow?

Nervous, acid anaemic
and extremely slobbery.

Do wish you'd fetched me.

Not sure Mrs Micklethwait
would have agreed at AM.

Oh, put the kettle on
while you're up, will you?

Mrs Hall's out with Gerald.

Acid anaemia. Comes up like
clockwork in the exam, you know?

Yes. But I can't make up my mind
which theory I endorse.

Stevens maintains it's the
incomplete oxidation of fatty acids.

Shalamar leans towards
liver intoxication.

And Jansen implicates

one of the centres
of the autonomic nervous system.

What's your view?

If we could pinpoint the exact cause
of the production of diacetic acid

and beta-oxobutyric acid
in the metabolism,

we'd be well on the way
to understanding the problem.

- Don't you agree?
- I do. Whole heartedly.


Absolutely. Yes.

I thought, perhaps, we could get
to grips with the dispensary later.

Oh, I've just offered to take him
to Chapman's,

um, following up with Teasel.

Also known as pulmonary emphysema.

Sounds like an interesting case.

We'll start there, then.
No reason to trouble yourself.

I'm afraid
you're due at Pumphrey Manor.

Cedric's flatulence hasn't abated.

"Ventos regere non possum."

"One can't control the wind."

Very good!

Did everything you said
to the letter.

How does that sound?


It worked!
Wetting the hay and all that,

Reducing her exposure to allergens
has decreased

the chronic inflammation
of the lungs.

That means she's on the mend.

Tom will be pleased to hear that,
won't he?

He will. Thanks, Mr Farnon.
It means the world.

Close the damned gate.


Keep your hair on, fella.

What about you? Do you see yourself
joining their illustrious ranks?

Never, if I have anything
to do with it. Really?

Our new PM believes
suffering lies ahead.

That suffering will be greater
if we cannot feed the country.


I intend to serve
by doing my duty to our farmers.

- We're a reserved occupation for a reason.
- Indeed, we are.


Cedric. Oh!


Ooh, Cedric.

Oh dear.
I'm so sorry, Uncle Herriot.

I am afraid he's proving to be
something of a handful.

Tricki and I haven't slept a wink

because of
his bounding and... whining.

I have never known
a dog so boisterous and clingy.

Yes, yes, yes.
I'm talking about you.

How about his wind?

The frequency's
reduced a little.

However, the magnitude has not.

I've decided to move my party
alfresco, to be on the safe side.

And his diet?

Suitably meagre, as instructed.


He's a picture of health.

I'm not quite sure
what else to suggest.

Where was he just now?

Out for his daily walk
with Francois.

Once might not be enough.
He's not the lapdog you're used to.

Increasing his exercise
should calm him down a bit.

We could do with some calm,
couldn't we, Tricki?

Yes. We are extremely fatigued.

Well, I'm sure
the party later will revive you.

Yes, that and community relations,
I hope.

I've extended the invitation
to the infantry training camp.

I've heard they've certainly
been making their presence felt.

Mm. Which is why it's time
we got to know each other.

If anyone needs a morale boost,
it's those young men.

I hope it goes swimmingly.

You'll be coming, of course?

I thought
you were gonna send Carmody?

I am, but she wouldn't let me
off the hook.

Mrs Pumphrey,
she's like a boa constrictor.

The more you struggle,
the tighter the grip.

Ooh, I should ask her for some tips.

Not another plan?

It's a good one.

James, if we can't have any time
together, I'd rather stop here.

- Get me never-ending list of jobs done.
- Listen, listen.

We go to the party,
do a quick circuit.

As soon as the coast is clear,
we sneak off without saying goodbye.

Enjoy the whole afternoon at home,

- All right. But I'll be holding you to that.
- I certainly hope so.

How was
Teasel's pulmonary emphysema?

Clearing up very nicely.

Glad to hear it.

We can discuss treatment protocols

before we head to the party,
if you'd like?

Oh, that's all right. I've been
through them all with Mr Farnon.

Do you drive, Carmody?

- Never got around to it.
- Oh. Have to see about that.
- Will we?

Can't see
us having time to teach him.

Impressive chap like Carmody?
Duck to water.

What I mean is
he'll have his studies to return to,

and no doubt's he
intends to join up.

That's just it, he doesn't.

He means to serve
as a vet. At home.

You know, I was too hasty
when I said he wouldn't last.

I think he suits us very well,

Excellent work finding him, James.

Last one to the Manor's
a rotten egg.

How did I become Tristan?

Don't talk daft!

Oh, there's Gerald.
Excuse me a minute.

Come on.

The sooner we've shown our faces,
sooner we can go, remember?

Thanks very much.

And, er, do your parents live
in London, Mr Carmody?

- Occasionally. They're mostly abroad.
- Oh?

Can't bear to be in one place
for long.

So you're well-travelled, too?

Only as far
as boarding school and college.

Well, if it isn't Cedric.

I should check
on how he's bearing up.

Don't forget your gas mask, lad

Audrey keeps me abreast
of all your goings-on.

I expect
our goings-on are more eventful

than your average day at the bank.

- You'd be surprised.
- Really?

Might go see about some cake.

Hello there, boy.

Still knocking everyone for six,
is he?

His odour makes me long to return
to France.

France has just been invaded,
old chap.



- Well, what's Mr Herriot treating him with?
- Er, walking.

Just walking?

Lots of walking.

- Hm. Wonder what good that'll do.
- Plenty for his behaviour, actually.


And what about his digestion?

Er, there's nothing wrong
with his digestion.

But wouldn't his persistent gas
suggest otherwise?

And that's when we realised.

It wasn't Lady Middlethorpe
emptying her account,

it was her butler.

Fur coat, wig, bold as brass.

The butler did it!

The butler did it!
Only he didn't

cos three of us grabbed him
before he could leg it.

Oh, that tale tickles Audrey.

Well, I hope so.

It's been a difficult time for her.


Well, you know about...

Oh, her situation, yes.

But she made the right decision,
I reckon.

Oh, undoubtedly, yes.

You see the weight lift off her
shoulders with every passing week.

Perhaps it's time we sort out

something a little stronger
than tea.

Erm, excuse me, Mr Farnon.

I should see where Audrey got to.



Er, the lady said
we could help ourselves.

We've met.

Large animals and roads do not mix,
which is why we have gates.

Yes, sir.
Sorry, sir.

Where are you from?

Hulme. Manchester.

So a fish out of water, then?

Don't see too many fields
as a plumber's apprentice, sir.

Well, you're welcome here,
of course you are.

But you must respect
the way we do things.

I trust you'll spread
the word on that.

No sign of infection or parasites?

No, which is why I'm certain
it's a behavioural problem.

And my diagnosis
is not a matter for debate.

What are we debating?

Something that will wait.

Mr Herriot thinks Cedric's
flatulence is all in his head.

I suspect it's more gut-related.
What do you think?

Well, considering who he lives with,
I'd say it's his gut.

Then you'd be wrong.

He's in a new place
with a new owner.

It's likely he's boisterous,
but he's anxious.

- Anxiety can lead to gas.
- As can rich food.

Speaking of food, I'm famished.
Why don't we leave them to it?

Cedric's on a strict diet.

Strict has always been
an elastic concept to Mrs Pumphrey.

- James.
- Just a minute.

She has form for spoiling her pets,

You said she was bound
to be overindulging Cedric.

I know you're trying to impress,

but it's best if
you defer to my experience on this.

Experience tells me
you might be in the doghouse, James.

I've been rushed off me feet, too.

- I'm just as tired as you are.
- I know, I know.

I haven't time to stand around
listening to some petty argument.

I really am sorry.
We'll go now, like we planned.

- No thanks. I've gone off the idea.
- Helen!

I'll make my own way home.

You can argue about flatulence
to your heart's content.

I'm going.

Stay there, boy. I'll be back.

There you are.

Oh, this makes my garden look like
a postage stamp.

Sure it's still lovely.

I should like to show it to you.

Did you and Mr Farnon
get along all right?

Very well.

You came up a bit.

Oh! More interesting things
to talk about than me, surely.

You know, I-I understand
why you didn't come to me first.

Well, what you told me earlier.

Sounded like Mr Farnon has known
about it for some time.

I didn't go to him.

It... It were
more he happened upon me...

..filling in the forms and such.

Weeks ago?

I suppose so. Yes.

But I didn't want to bother you with
summat that might not be granted.

I weren't ready to tell anyone.

Although I did sort of end up...
mentioning it to Helen.

And I can't be sure, but
I expect she might have told James.

Uncle Herriot. What's the matter?

Nothing, I'm enjoying the party.
Very much.

Mm. I couldn't help noticing
Mrs Herriot making herself scarce.

My fault.


Drink up.


One can't get through these things
without a little pick-me-up.

Thank you.
Now, what exactly did you do?

Lost sight of my priorities.

Somehow made her feel second-best
to Cedric.


She's left, gone home.

Thought I'd give her
a chance to cool off.

Oh, no, no, no, no,
you'll do no such thing.

Cedric should be the least of
your worries. You must follow her.

At once!

You sure you're all right?

I'm sure.

You needed an heir, they provided
it, I'm glad they were able to.

Thing is... with Robert, he'd stew.

Say summat were fine
when it weren't,

so if I've upset you...

You haven't.

Course you haven't.

I'm nothing like him, Audrey.

Oh, hush. I know. But...

You rather have it straight?
Same as me?

I would.

All right.

I do wish you told me first.

But only cos I'd like you to know
that... you can come to me...

..about anything.

Cos I never want you to feel

the way you did with your husband
ever again. Alone or...


Thank you.

Not that I'm getting
any ideas or anything.

But you aren't on your own any more.
You've got my ear too now.

If you want it.

I do.

Right, then.

Is it time for tea?

Not just yet.


That's it.

- Hello again, Mrs Pumphrey.
- Oh, Mr Carmody, Mr Farnon.

We've been having
a spirited debate about Cedric.

Funny you should say that. I was
just wondering where he'd got to.

With Uncle Herriot, I believe.

He wasn't with him
when we spoke before.

- Whose is that dog eating the food?
- That's not right.

Perhaps Francois took him
for another walk.

Get off! What you doing? Down, boy!
Whoa! Oh!

- Ah. There he is.
- No!

I just found Teasel by the road.

She must have gotten loose.

Worse, possibly. Impaled on a fence.

Come on.

Come on, we need to act quickly.

We'll never get it out
while she's still attached.

It's broken, it shouldn't be
too hard to separate.

- Bone saw?
- Good idea.

No, no, keep the pressure on.

Sorry, erm...

How about a sedative?

Think, Carmody.
Pulmonary emphysema.

We can't fully sedate her
if she has difficulty breathing.

It's in the Rover.

- The sedative?
- The saw.

Good God,
I forget how green they are.


It's all right, old girl.
It'll soon be over.

James will now set you right.

It's a crying shame, innit?
All this cake going to waste. Hm!

You should see
the slop they give us at camp.

I'd give my eyeteeth
for a roast dinner.

I'd bring you one every day if you
lot would stop leaving gates open.

I've already had
a dressing down about that.

You do know half the gates
around here are knackered?

Really? Wonder why.

T'folk who fix 'em are away.
Just like you.

- Oh.
- Mm.

I didn't know that. Sorry.

- And about the dog, too.
- That was you an' all?

Well, I was minding my business,
and he got all excited.

He would have licked me to death
if I hadn't scarpered.

That was quite the faux pas.

You must stay here
until you've calmed down.

Just have a jolly good think
about what you've done, hmm?

Sorry to disturb.
Francois said it was all right.

Mrs Herriot?
I thought you'd run for the hills.

I turned back.

I might have jumped the g*n a bit.

James told me
he'd made a pig's ear of things.

Over Cedric of all people.

He's why I'm here, actually.

As much as I hate to say it,
I think James was right.

It's not what Cedric's eating,
it's who he were chasing.

He were excited to see 'em.

Makes sense. His
daddy's a soldier.

When he dropped him off,
did he leave any toys or blankets?

A small few.
But they were unsanitary.

Did you keep 'em?



Almost there.
Brace yourselves.

This'll hurt her.
On my count... one...

two... three.

Stand, stand, stand.

That's a good girl.

Yes, just kicking myself.

Horses are my speciality.

- I should have taken her condition into account.
- Chin up.

You're here to learn,
and we learn from our mistakes.

Well, watch Mr Herriot and me
very closely.

This next part's the difficult bit.

A trick me mam used to do
whenever we gave away newborn pups.

I've never seen him in such repose.

Hm. Smells like
home. And his dad.

Oh, Cedric, darling.
You've been homesick all along.

He really has been anxious,
hasn't he?

- Probably why he's been such a handful.
- Mm.

If he keeps the blanket,
it'll calm him down.

Help him feel more settled.

Oh! Peace at last. Wonderful!

Thank you.

Gently does it. Gently.

Any... second...

Ah. Easy.

Easy, easy, easy. Stand. Good girl.

Feels all right.

Chest wall?

I don't feel any issue.

Muscle damage?

No worse than you'd expect.

Lucky girl!

- Right, let's flush her for splinters.
- Give her a tetanus anti-toxin.

Close her up sharpish.
Yep, all of that.

Run up to the cottage,
find Mrs Chapman.

James and I can do the rest.

I'd love to see James's face
when he discovers you solved it.

Goodness knows when that will be.

I think they all ran off
on some emergency.

He's dedicated.

He is. And I wouldn't have him
any other way, but...

You'd rather see more of him.

We've got all these plans.

I don't know if
we'll achieve any of them before...

you know. He might have to leave.

And when I point it out to him,

- he acts like we've got all t'time in the world. It's...
- Infuriating?

- Mm. Mm.
- My husband, Charles was infuriating.

When we bought this house,
he was bursting with plans.

The first was to fill the place
with dogs.

It was utter chaos.

He was an animal lover, too?

Pottier than me.
He had quite a menagerie.

He bought me my first Pekinese.
Tricki's great-great-grandmother.

Aww, that's lovely.

That is why he is so dear to me.

Charles died young.

Very suddenly.

I'm so sorry.

I was left here
with a lot of dogs.

And grand ideas.

Your instinct is absolutely right.
Time is precious.

But forgive quickly, dear girl.

Especially now.

We need to keep a close eye
on the wound,

but if it heals properly,
and there's no nerve damage,

I can't see any reason why
she shouldn't make a full recovery.

I can't tell you how
thankful I am, Mr Farnon.

- And how sorry.
- For what?

Well...t'gate needed fixing, and...

with Tom away,
I've not been facing up to things.

- Teasel's borne the brunt of it.
- I'm sure that's not the case.

But I do know how hard it can be...
to ask for help.

I don't want help,
I want my son back home and safe.

How are we supposed to just...
Carry on without them?

Haven't a damn clue.

Take comfort in those we do have,
I suppose.

There's also whisky.

You're such an idiot.

I am. And I'm so sorry.
You were right. I was wrong.

I'll make it up to you, I swear.

Let's just promise we'll make time
for each other. Soon.

Of course. Hand on heart.

Where did Carmody get to?

Oh, something about
fetching a book from his lodgings.

He's got lot left to learn.

Well, he knows that after today.

James thinks you poached him.


I know. I know, I'm a fool.

A little bit.

You can have him as
your assistant if you like.

The two of us working together
as a team made today a success.

A little lively debate with Carmody

is no substitute
for your skill and experience.

I know, I see that now.
I've been a bit selfish.

The fact is, if I am called up,
I won't be here for the next Teasel.

Neither will Tris.

And I will need help.

Which is why you welcomed Carmody in
with open arms. After a fashion.

It's very galling. I was
soldiering on alone perfectly well

before you thrust
yourself upon me.

So, this is where
you all slunked off to.


There was an emergency.

And now we're slinking off home,

Excuse us.

Mrs Hall, there's a slight chance
I put my foot in it with Gerald.

Yes. You did. But you didn't.

All turned out rather nicely.
Well, I'm relieved to hear it.

We might try and catch the pictures.

Would you be all right
fending for yourself tonight?

There's cold cuts in the larder.
Or leftover pie if you'd prefer.

Pie would be splendid.

- Night, then.
- Good night.

Can we help you?

All right.

We're making ourselves useful.
Got anything that wants fixing?

I have, as a matter of fact.
Come on.

- So, what's your name?
- It's Briggs. Sidney Briggs.

Nice to meet you, Briggs.

Finally. Just the two of us.

Would you hate me
if I said I'd rather get some sleep?

No, I'd worship
the ground you walk on.

I'm just really weepy
today for some reason.

Hey, you're exhausted.


We should turn in.

Hang on, let me check something.

Mr Farnon?
I was hoping we could go over

- the finer points of today's procedure.
- Of course.

- I trust it was educational?
- I'll say.

Although I couldn't help noticing
you didn't use tissue forceps.

I've been taught that's the proper
way, more precise and sterile.

- "Proper"?
- Yes. Perhaps the Babcock or Allis

forceps would have helped?

Babcock and Allis
are only found in textbooks.

No vet carries them.

It was just a thought.

Carmody, do you want to complete
this placement?

Very much so, yes.

Then may I suggest you try keeping
some of your thoughts to yourself?

Unless you thought of
buying me another drink, of course.

Same again?
That's more like it.

Might not be as alone as we think.

Don't tell me
we're expecting someone.

Sort of.

I'm fairly certain
it won't be just the two of us.

More like three.


You know
I've been tired all the time.

We might be getting our little James
a bit sooner than expected.

Think so!

I got so carried away
with us not getting there,

I forgot to check me dates.

How far?

Not far. It's early days.

Are you happy?


Couldn't have gone better
if we planned it.