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03x25 - Unleashing the Dragon, Part 1

Posted: 10/20/23 11:03
by bunniefuu
Last time on yu-gi-oh! Gx...

It's working.

Zane and jesse have created enough duel energy to widen the portal.

We must deploy the m*ssile containing the rainbow dragon!

We see the m*ssile.

Jesse: duel ghouls!

By the looks of things, I guess we're gonna have to duel our way out!



What's up, everybody?

I think we just found our way out, guys!

Hello, jaden.

So if you'd like to settle this once and for all,

Meet me in front of duel academy.

Now if you win, I'll release all the students

From my control,

But should you lose, you and your friends will serve me forever!

So what do you reckon, jaden?

If he wants a duel, he's got one!

♪ Chilling out with your crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Jaden, hope you're ready, 'cause I've waited for this duel a long time.

Ever since crash landing

And finding myself deep beneath the earth's crust,

My one and only desire has been to make you pay for sending me away,

And now it appears that day is finally here.

Alexis: so jaden has to reach marcel within minutes?

Axel: yep, and if he doesn't,

Our friends will be sent away forever!

He's right, so we better find that rainbow dragon.

And figure out how to unlock its power.

So, bastion, what ya reckon?

You think this card will get us home?

After all it took to get it, it had better!

Bastion, thinking: that's if I can figure out

What eisenstein was trying to tell me.

[Transmission sound failing] the card must be...

With energy.

Dear me. Someone please come in!

If only I had been able to get more information

Before the transmission was lost.

Alexis: jaden, this duel must be a trap! We can't trust this guy.

I'd say she's got a valid point there, mate.

But do we have a choice?

He's got the upper hand right now.

So it looks like we'll have to play by his rules.

But he doesn't play fair.

Well it's a risk that I'm gonna have to take.

I can't chance losing all our friends forever.

I got to duel this guy!

Well, then, sarge, I'm goin' with you!

Alexis: me, too.

Blair: me three! We're gonna do this together!

I'm going alone.

You're what?

It's just not safe. Marcel's too powerful.

Huh? Hmm?

How come?

Jaden: well, I tried to stop him, but, you see, i--

I was too late.

Marcel was able to get the three sacred beast cards.

Blair: you can't blame yourself, jaden.

You tried everything you could.

Alexis: so what if he's got the sacred beasts?

You battled them before!

Right! And ya beat them.

So you'll just have to tame those beasts again!

But last time, banner gave me a special card.

Without sabatiel the philosopher's stone,

I never would have been able to defeat them on my own.

Those sacred beasts almost had me for dinner.

Duel... Duel...

Duel... Duel...

That's it! I figured it out!

Hassleberry: figured what out?

Bastion: what eisenstein was trying to tell us

Before the transmission cut out.

Remember? He was going to explain how to unlock the dragon.

The sacred beasts,

They're our ticket out of here.

Are you sure about that?

Those things are so strong!

I know!

The key must be summoning the dragon during a duel,

Where its power could be released.

That dragon would have to be in a pretty powerful battle now.

Indeed it would. And here's how.

The rainbow dragon must go

Up against the three sacred beasts.

You sure?

Just think about it. If the rainbow dragon fought them,

Then maybe the energy released

Would awaken its full power and open the portal.

And then we could go back home.

Exactly! Now that dragon card has to be summoned.

Of course we have to find the card first, but...

Jesse: there's no time to waste.

I'm going to find the rainbow dragon.

And when I do, those beasts won't know what hit them!

So you stall marcel,

And then I'll join you with the card.

Sounds good.

I'll go with ya, jesse.

Jim: we got company, the kind that drools and duels!

Hassleberry: they're slouching down this tunnel, too.

Can we escape through that tunnel, axel?

No dice. We're surrounded.

Hassleberry: it's an ambush. Get ready,

'Cause we got to get jaden to that duel

Before time runs out!

At least we've got a game plan now.

Lot of good that is.

Because it's game over if we can't escape.

Duel... Duel...

Those duel ghouls are closing in fast!

Jim: so let's get out of here!

Agreed! Jesse, once we get to the surface,

You and axel have got to find the rainbow dragon card!

Will do!

Guys, we got no time to lose.

So get ready to get your game on!

Time to ram on through!

Everyone fall in behind me!

Stay together! I'll cover our backs.

And I'll back that up!

All right, g*ng, let's show these ghouls how to duel!

Hassleberry: you heard the man! Charge!

Keep going. I'll hold these guys off.

Be careful!

Say g'day to my fossil warrior skull knight!

Check it out!

That's where we got to go!

Bastion: ancient gear soldier at o'clock!

Hassleberry: that soldier's no match for my dark driceratops!

Now, you three, go!

Jaden: way to earn your stripes, hassleberry!

All right, big guy, tear that hunk of junk up!


Whoa! Oh!

Bastion: we're running out of time!


Jaden: thanks for the back-up, lexi!

[Alexis gasps]

[Blair screams in distance]

Looks like jaden's in a muck of trouble.

Quick, alexis. Let's give him some back-up!

This should help!

Cyber angel, lend 'em a hand!


Jesse, let's find that dragon!

All right! This way.

Not worth it!

Let's duel, jaden.

Jaden: here they come!

Don't do it, j!

You haven't got the time! Now get to marcel!

Thanks, man!

I summon black tyranno!

And I'll play oxygeddon and hydrogeddon!

Syrus: they're no match for my patroid and gyroid!

I got an idea. Cobalt eagle, I need ya!

Hit the skies and look for the capsule rainbow dragon is in.

One bird's-eye view coming up!

He's being flanked!

Cobalt, look out!

Allow me.


Let's go.


I summon water dragon!

That's a wash!

Go, infernal incinerator!

Jesse: get down!


Cobalt eagle, see anything?

Not yet.

Where could it be?! Wait a sec.

Would you believe we were this close?

He's circling something!

Let's move.

Hassleberry: we got ourselves a real duelin' fire fight on our hands!

He's busting out the big blasters now!

Brace yourselves!


Hurry. The duel!

Yeah, but... You have to!

Ah, man. Fine.

Syrus: you're not gonna make it! Jaden.

Hey there, little man!

You ain't gonna stop him,

'Cause I activate jurassic impact!

How's that for a little prehistoric prevention!

Oh, yeah. That did the trick!

Oh, no! You ok?

Blair: over there!

Jaden: it's you. Marcel.

Ha ha ha! Glad to see you made it,

And in the nick of time, too!

Well, you sure didn't make it easy,

But nothing was gonna stop me!

Blair: I can't let you do this!

Don't come any closer!

That arm, that's what att*cked me before!

Jaden, I only want you. Tell her to leave.

No more demands! You're done calling the sh*ts.

That's not marcel, blair.

He's being used by something,

And I think it's time we found out by what!

Now, now. I promise everything will become much clearer soon enough,

[Voice of young boy] starting right now.

Wouldn't you agree, my dear jaden?

That's the voice I heard in my dream.

Don't you remember me?

Why won't you come and play, jaden?

So who are you, really?

Don't you know yet? I'm your old friend.

Old friend? What do you mean?

Now tell me what's really going on here?


You're so mean.

I guess you've grown up and forgotten me.

That's ok. You were just a silly little kid back then.

I didn't forget.

How could I after what you did?

Now that you're here, I'm gonna make you remember everything,

Especially how it ended

And how you abandoned me.

Now, look, I don't know what you're talking about,

But you're gonna be sorry.

You messed with my friends!

No one gets away with that.

We'll see, jaden.

Jaden: game on!

Axel: your eagle's still circling up there.

Let's hope he found the capsule!

He sure did! Rainbow dragon must be in there!

Let's move.


Now what?

Uh, friend of yours?

Never met him before!

The capsule!

Nice sh**ting!

I'm out of card a*mo!

Heads up!

Aah! Uh!

I'm getting' the capsule! Here goes.

Be careful!

Good luck, jes!

Look out!

Jesse! Jesse!

Oh, no! Aah!

Nice going. You got it!

I can't believe you're real!

This is amazing!

Man, did you see that?

I think it chose me.

Like the others.

Yeah. It thinks I'm worthy!

I did it. All right!

I did it! I completed the crystal beast deck!

All right. You all done

Talking to the sky over there?

Yeah. Now let's get this card to jaden

And get ourselves home!

[Voice of marcel] hope you're ready.

It's my move!

And I summon chaos core.

It's got no attack points.

Now I play a facedown.

Let's see what you've got, jaden.

Don't worry. I'll show ya!

First up,

I summon

Elemental hero sparkman!

Jaden, thinking: I'm sure he set some kind of trap.

I'm not looking to win just yet.

I got to draw this duel out and keep things interesting

Until jesse shows up with the rainbow dragon card.

I hope this buys enough time.

Jaden: sparkman, fire away!

Go, static shockwave!

Sorry, but chaos core's special ability activates.

When it's att*cked, it can easily defuse your sparkman.

But I do have to pay a small price.

I have to send all three sacred beasts to my graveyard.

I discard the lord of searing flames, hamon, lord of thunder,

And the phantasm lord.

And in exchange, I take no damage.

Shocked yet?

Got anything else for me?

Yeah, sure. Just, uh, gimme a sec.

I throw down a facedown.

And that's all for now.


Very well, then.

Here goes!

I'll place one card facedown

And then end my turn.

That'll be all for now. It's your move!

Jaden, thinking: ok, brain, let's think about this.

Why would he discard all three sacred beasts?

Maybe by sending them to the graveyard,

He's lookin' to surprise me later on

By somehow summoning them straight to the field.

But since my facedown card negates all effects

That affect the graveyard,

He'll be the one in for a surprise!

Here I go!

I activate the tag request spell card!

And now I get to summon an elemental hero

As long as it's got the same attack points as sparkman.

And the hero I choose

Is necroshade!

Now attack his chaos core!

Go, dark shadow slash!

[Necroshade growls]

Perhaps I didn't explain my move right.

So sorry. You see, by discarding all three beasts,

I can take zero damage three times.

And this would be just the second.

Yeah, well... Here comes the third!

And still no damage!

Not yet but soon.

Now I activate instant fusion

And fuse sparkman with necroshade to form...

Elemental hero darkbright!


That was my third attack, so you're wide open!

And I'm about to rock your chaos straight to the core!

Darkbright, attack his chaos!

Jaden, you still duel the same way.

You never think things through.

I play my trap--

Chaos burst!

You see, when one of your monsters att*cks,

I can destroy a monster on my field

As well as your darkbright.

But don't you feel too left out

Because you take damage equal to your monster's attack points.

[Jaden groaning]

[Chuckling sinisterly]

It hurts, right? Just wait and see.

The best is yet to come.

Better make this count. I play a spell card--


And with it, I can summon sparkman

Back from my graveyard!

I can beat that.

I summon phantom of chaos.

What? Zero points again?

What my phantom lacks in strength is easily made up for

By its special ability!

Prepare yourself!

Because once a turn, phantom of chaos can take on

The special ability of a monster that I have in my grave.

And I nominate hamon, lord of thunder!

I was ready for a play like that.

And here's why. I play hero's rule !

With this card in play, your grave is off-limits!

Jaden, you're so predictable!

Oh, well.

I play a trap!

Dark shrine bribery!

With this you get to draw again, but your trap goes bye-bye.


Now where were we?

Oh, yes. Now phantom of chaos' ability activates!

I summon hamon, lord of thunder!

Not good! A sacred beast!


Go, hamon! Attack jaden!

Cerulean skyfire!

[Sparkman screams]

Not sparkman!

Don't throw a fit.

The hamon I summoned isn't the real thing.

It's an illusion.

If it destroys a monster, it can't do any damage to you,

But its special ability is a different story.

It takes away , of your life points!


Jaden, no!

I place one card facedown and end my turn.

With this being my end phase,

My phantom's special ability is no longer in play

And so it reverts back to its original form.

You'll be seeing more of the sacred beasts later.

I promise. Come on. Lighten up.

[Voice of young boy] isn't this fun?!

I'm getting to hurt you, jaden,

Just like you hurt me those many years ago.

Do you remember yet?



Jesse! About time!

We did it, j! We got it!

The dragon? Finally...

You all right?


You good?

You bet. Good enough.

But sy--i think my attack

Knocked him pretty hard.

He's all right. He's taking a bit of a nap.

Gather everyone into the school. Get 'em ready.


We'll take it from here.

Now, axel, you go keep an eye

On that duel, ok?

No one gets left behind.

I'm with ya.

Jaden, how ya faring?

I'm good.

Can you believe it, buddy! We found the dragon.

Oh, yeah! Put it right there.

I knew that you and axel would be able to find it!

Boy, thinking: who is this kid?

Ever since he showed up, jaden's been smiling.

Jaden's having more fun with him than he's having with me.

It's not fair!

Heads up. I want into this duel right now!


We're gonna form us a little tag team!

In return, your life points are gonna go up a bit.

You'll get a bonus equal to mine.

So what do ya say there, hoss?

I get extra life points? I accept.

Heh. Wait till he gets a load of rainbow dragon!

Since jaden likes this kid so much,

It'll be a pleasure to make him suffer as well!

Now, let's show him what you get when you mess with the best.

So let's take this guy down

And get us back to the world we belong in!


Game on! Game on! Game on!

Blair, thinking: now if they don't win this,

We're all gonna lose...

♪ Chilling out with your crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on

♪ Come on and get your game on♪