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03x22 - Return of the Sacred Beasts

Posted: 10/20/23 10:45
by bunniefuu
Jaden: last time on "yu-gi-oh! Gx..."

I'm so glad you're here, jaden.

After all, this has all been for you.

All for me? Start talking!

You know a lot of people have been hurt,

And it's all your fault!

What are you after here?!

Fess up, or else this is really gonna get ugly.

I won't let you thr*aten my son like that!

Your son?!

Prepare yourself!

Jaden: where'd that come from?

Blair: there's another one!?

What are these?

Huh? Professor banner!

It was here that the three sacred beast cards were sealed away.

[Evil laughter]

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Marcel! Listen to me!

You don't wanna mess with those sacred beast cards.

[Evil laughter]

Marcel: then perhaps you shouldn't have messed with me...

Uh, maybe he's got a point.

That's my cue. See ya' around.

Come back marcel!



And don't think of following me.

Don't disobey your father!


Banner: hello, jaden!

As you know these sacred beasts are powerful and dangerous creatures.

You must stop marcel from acquiring them.

Gotcha! I'm on it!

Oh no look!

Duel ghouls!

Don't these guys ever take a break?


Blair! You and the vice chancellor

Have gotta get back to jes and the others!

Right...but aren't you gonna come with us?

I gotta stop marcel!

Jaden... Please help my boy...

He's a good kid.

He'll be ok! I promise you!

There's no need to worry!

Now get outta here!


It's too late, we're cornered!


Now to find marcel!

If pharaoh got through-- so can we!

I gotta find him before he gets to those cards!


What are you...


Not good!


Jaden...i hope you're not in a hurry.

Snap out of it!

The sacred--

Cause we're gonna duel!



Jaden...otherwise... You won't pass!

It's my draw!

I summon return zombie!


Huh. Now I play... The spell card quickrush,

Which lets my zombie attack!

Now strike him directly!

Go bandagewrap snap!


He's quite the whipper snapper isn't he,

And this is just the start,

Soon all your life points...


Will be snapped up!

I don't have any choice...

Students: duel...duel...

To stop marcel, I gotta get past chazz!

Ha ha!

Get your game on!

Okay, I'm summoning: elemental hero sparkman!

Give that zombie, a high wattage whoopin!

Attack with static shockwave!


This could be our chance sparkman,

Let's see if we charge our way thru chazz!


I'm pullin' the power on this guy!

I summon vorse raider!



And now, he's gonna raid your life points!




Ha ha!

Adrian: off to find the three sacred beasts are we...

I always wondered if the stories about the shadow riders

And sacred beast cards were true.

Rumor has it that whoever possesses them

Also has the power to destroy... Or rule...the world.

Looks like someone's planning to see

If there's any truth to all of this.

Well now he's got some company...

Student a: so what gives? Where's our food?!

Student b: we won... That was the deal!

Yeah! Now how come we haven't heard nuthin' from nobody?

My mom was right:

I shoulda done some home schoolin' this year.

I'm so hungry, I can barely stand up anymore.

If I don't get food soon,

I don't know what's gonna happen...

Guys, the students are getting more and more restless...

Jesse's right, we gotta figure out some kind of plan!

Does anyone know where jaden is?

He, um... Usually saves us.

Look! It's blair and bonaparte!

Do either of you two know where jaden is?

We sure do!

He went after marcel!

He did what?!

Down some cavern...

He did...?!

And then what happened to him?!

Well...he decided to go stop him from getting

The sacred beast cards!

Sacred beasts?!

Now wait just a sec!

You don't mean the sacred beasts do you?

This can't be good!

And it will only get worse!

We must go help jaden.

Those monsters were locked up for a reason!

If they're unleashed!

It will be pure chaos!

They're sure to destroy everything in their path.

Then let's get a move on!

What about the food?!

Yeah, we want some chow!

Food? Well, it appears that we were all misled!

Then I'm done followin'!

Guys, let's get that grub, ya with me?

Or do ya wanna stay out here with all of them and starve?

I'm with you!

I'd rather take my chances in the school!


Don't do it! Come back!

Duel ghouls can't be beat! Ya got no chance against 'em!

You better listen! It's too dangerous!

Please, don't go!

Whatever! Later!

Now listen up:

We're gonna go in first

And make fools a them ghouls!

Yeah, and then the rest of you follow after!

Got it?!

Ok. Count on it. We're ready!

Crowler: they're going in!


Stand down!


Forget it! We're not listening to you anymore!

See 'ya!



Easy does it...

It's too late!

Poor fellas!

There's just too many to duel!

Please! I just wanted some bread!

I just want to see my mommy!

Guys? You okay?

I'm feelin' better.much better!


[Distant screaming]

You guys hear that?

I knew it was a diversion!

Alright: everyone back to duel academy!

Wait! Look!

What's up?

Are you seeing what I'm seein?

There's something up there!

Ello...? Ello?!

Can you hear me?

Come in! It's me: dr. Eisentstein!

Iz anybody zhair?!

Yes sir!

Good, because we need to plan your rescue!

The three sacred beast cards will be mine soon enough!

Chazz: it's your move jaden.

What's holding you up?

Ha ha!

Oh yeah, my vorse raider.

Gotta...get my game on!

Ha ha!

Come on, jaden. Don't loose your grip.

I know my monster won't!


I fuse elemental hero avian with burstinatrix!

To form, elemental hero flame wingman!

Ah! Aah!


Getting a little hot in here huh chazz,

And it's only gonna get hotter...

Cuz when wingman destroys a monster,

Your life points get scorched too!

Go easy on him, wingman!

It's still chazz in there, after all!


Hot! Hot, hot, hot!

Do you give up?!

Not yet, jaden!

Because! Look at this! Huh-ha!


And with it, I fuse dark blade and pitch-dark dragon...

To create...dark blade dragon knight!



And then...i equip: the spell fusion buster!

Which gives my dragon knight more attack points!

Now go medieval on flame wingman!

Go dark sword slash!!


Wha' happened?!

Fusion buster forces fusion monsters to become un-fused

So your flame wingman has been busted back

To the two weaker monsters he came from...

And now one of those monsters suffers my knights wrath!

And by the way, there's still more!


You see...when I send buster to the graveyard,

Your polymerization card is destroyed!


Face it jaden,

You just can't win,

There's no getting past me!

Ha ha!

I better get my game on

Or we might just have front-row seats to the end of the world!

Are you there? Ello? Come in!

Axel: so what do you make of it bastion?

What do I make of it?

It's my old mentor! Dr. Eisenstein!

Is that really you?

It iz bastion!

And now zat you can zee and hear me you must...

[Continues garbled]

We need... More power!

Jesse: but the power generators broke!

Bastion: I can work around that!

We just have to pry these doors loose...

Let's dig it out!

Right mate!

It's stuck!

Axel: move.

Blue berets: time to heave ho!!



Bastion: the sands shifting, the doors are opening...

Now if I insert the cross-over cable

Into my student notebook's core power supply,

It should generate enough power to stabilize the transmission...

Eisenstein: bastion, ve're verking on a vay to rescue you ...

Thank goodness for that, professor.

Things were beginning to look a little bleak to say the least.

Where are we?

Eisenstein: vell, something extraordinary happened!

Now, don't be alarmed...

But it appears that you've all been transported

To an alternate dimension!

Bastion! Are you all safe?

Well I'll be! Aster phoenix!

It's hard to say.

You see some of the students have well...

Have become these sort of duel ghouls.

It's a little hard to explain,

But the bottom line is the sooner we all get home,

The better!


Wait...if we could use your signal as a beacon...

Eisenstein: I'm vay ahead of you!

Zis signal is being sent via a small "portal"

In zhe dimensions zat connect our two worlds.

We might be able to use zhis portal

Az a means to bring you home!

Howev'r, for zhis to work!

Ve need to get you one very special card...

It's known as the crystal beast rainbow dragon!

Bastion: wait, a card?

Yes, and it alone has zhe power to return you to zhis world!

Well then that's bad news...

Cause that cards' never been made!

See, only the stone tablet can make rainbow dragon a real card...

And no one even knows where it is!

No one until today!

Pegasus and chancellor shepherd

Have found zhe stone tablet's location!

And are en route!

In fact, zhey should be arriving at zhe site any moment now...

Unce the stone tablet has been recovered,

Pegasus can use zhe pieces to design zhe card himself!

Whoa, I never thought I'd see the day!

So what power does this rainbow dragon have?

You see because of your power generator failure,

You vill need a new power source

Zat will make zhis portal strong enough

To get you back home safely.

But, how will you get the card to us?

Ve use, duel energy, my dear boy!

Fortunately you all have it inside of you.

Now you must create your own power spike,

Und zhis should result in zhe portal expanding...

And us getting that card!

But it won't be easy.

The duel energy flux will need to occur at exactly the right time

At exactly the right place.

Trans-dimensional portals are quite fickle--

If we don't secure it soon, it may close...


And we'd be stuck here forever!

Az I vas saying,

Ve must generate zhis duel energy flux

At exactly zhe right spot and exactly zhe right time!

And bastion I'm sure you vondering how?

Bastion: you read my mind!

Behold: an interdimensional duel system!


Eisenstein: zhis machine allows us

To transform duel energy into a power source.

But...only zhe tennis court offers zhe ideal environment

For synchronizing our system vith you and connecting our two dimensions!

So go now...

Und get your game on!

There's no time to waste! Let's move!

Alexis: but what about the duel ghouls?

They've probably overrun the tennis courts by now.

Jesse: maybe...

Oh well, that's a risk we're just gonna have to take!

Aster: one more thing bastion...

Where's jaden?

Out runnin' around causing trouble?

He's, he okay?

You know it!

There's nothin' he can't overcome.

After all, this izz jaden,

He always knows what to do...


What am I gonna do?

With polymerization out of play,

I can't fuse any of my monsters.

And at this rate, I'll never stop marcel

From getting the three sacred beasts...

Come on jay,

Ya gotta make something happen this move!

Here goes!

I play... Fake hero!

Now with this spell,

I get to summon:

Elemental hero neos!

Ha! He can't beat dark blade!

You see without your fusion ability,

You and your cards are too weak to beat the chazz!

Think again! Say what?

I play cross change!

By sending one of my heros back to my deck,

I can summon a neo-spacian of the same level!

Someone like... This guy:

Neo-sp'cian grand mole!

And now you two... How 'bout showin' off contact fusion!

Ya see, contact fusion...

Doesn't require polymerization!

Now fuse to form... The one the only...


Elemental hero grand neos!

Still not strong enough...

He is if ya factor in... His special ability!

Cause ya see, it sends your monster...

Back to your hand!

And that means neos can attack you directly!


And that's game! Uh!

Don't let him fall!

Sorry chazz, but I got the world to save...


We got our work cut out for us!


Axel: blue berets... You know your objective.

Clear a path for us so we can get to the tennis courts!

Blue berets: hua!

Rainbow dragon here we come!

With jaden occupied, there's no one to stop me

From acquiring the three sacred beasts.

I can feel their power calling to me,

And in just a few moments they will all be mine.

Hope you're planning to share.

Not without a fight.

Ha ha

Now to get what I deserve...

I gotta find marcel before time runs out

And those sacred beasts get out!

♪ Chilling out with your crew ♪

♪ In the schoolyard

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on

♪ Come on and get

♪ Your game on