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03x16 - Inter-Dimension Detention

Posted: 10/20/23 10:40
by bunniefuu
Last time on "yu-gi-oh! Gx"...

Viper: face it, jaden.

No card you have can save you know.

It's my move!

Presenting elemental hero magma neos!

Go meteor meltdown!


I lost! No!

He did it!

What an offensive!

I have enough energy to be reborn...

But viper lost and failed in making jaden pay...

But I'll still use this crude vessel to do to jaden

What viper could not.


The power is flowing freely.

Now jaden will feel my full wrath.

Let's go on a little trip.



Jim: this isn't the duel academy I remember.

Alexis: what is this place?

Something tells me...

We're not in kansas anymore!

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Syrus: it's the end of the world!

What happened? Where are we?

Jim: not sure. But this is all a bit bizarre, mate.

I've never seen so much sand!

Hassleberry: maybe we should go down and take a closer look?

Ya know for a scrawny guy, you sure are heavy!

Thanks, hassleberry... I think.

Hey, don't mind him!

'Cause after that last duel,

We're just happy that you're still with us.

You hear me!

Hey, guys?

Why are there three suns in the sky?

Beats me, but it might explain why

The ocean is now one gigantic sandbox.

This is too weird.

How did everything surrounding duel academy

Just dry up and get replaced with a desert?

I'm not sure, alexis,

But look...

See how the land just cuts off?

Based on those rock configurations,

I'd say the ocean didn't just dry up.

It was never here to begin with.

Syrus: say what?!

That weird glowing figure...

Maybe it had something to do with this.

This is all just so strange.

Wasn't me!

Aah! Aah!

The tower!

It's falling!


Move it!



Hassleberry: man down!

Something got my leg!

Jim: not something, but someone!

Look it's brodie!

He made it!

Jim: everybody, tuck and roll!


Bonaparte: pinch me, crowler!

Pinch you?!

I am dreaming, right?

We can't both be having the same dream.

I'm calling campus maintenance immediately.

Eh! It's not ringing...

Now who's gonna clean up all this sand around here!

Crowler! Look up in the sky!

There's something flying towards us!

Ha ha!

Yoo-hoo, over here!

It's a bird!

No, it's a plane!

No it's-- what is that?

Um, I think I'll take a later flight.

Me too!

Aah! Aah!

Aah! Put me down!

Crowler! Save me, you idiot!

Grab me!

You're too heavy, let go of me!

Make up your mind!

Get a load of that, guys!


Whoa! Winged kuriboh?

You can see him, hassleberry?




Jessie: we gotta save crowler!

Jesse, I can help you get your friends back.

Hang on! I got an idea!

If that harpie is real,

Maybe we can summon monsters too!

I summon my crystal beast...

Sapphire pegasus!

It worked!

Now go... Sapphire tornado!


Aah! Aah!


Aah! Aah!

What's it eating?

A winged kuriboh??

Jesse: it looks like our monster spirits

Aren't just spirits anymore.

What do you think, pegasus?!

You are right!

I don't' know why...

But now we're flesh and blood.

So that must mean when you summon a spirit,

It comes to life.

And then ya can use 'em to duel other monsters!

My pegasus took down that harpie just like he would

In a game of duel monsters!

That's true, so you must be careful.

Anything could be lurking around this kooky place!

Thanks for trying to lend a hand before.

Are you ok?


I guess seein' is believin'!

It's way too dangerous out here!

Let's go inside!

It seems like the only place that hasn't changed...

Oh my! Set him down on the table.

What about me?

I was manhandled by a monster.

Yeah, yeah, whatever!

I've got a blister from all the sand in my shoe!

Then professor stein disappeared,

And then this guy trapper disappeared,

Then viper disappeared.

That's all very exciting, jaden.

You can put axel right there.

Now who can we move to make room for you, jaden?

He can have this bed.

I'm sick of this place!

Thanks, chazz, that's so kind of you.


Pretty comfy, boss!

You three! Get outta my bed!

Take it easy, boss. You're not well.

That's right, you don't want a relapse!

If ya don't get your rest,

You're gonna get sicker!

Whoa! Aah!

How are you guys real? What's goin' on?

We don't know! But they sure ain't spirits anymore!


That's right, chazz.

It seems we're in an another world

Where duel monsters can come to life!

Oh the horror!

We fought for our very lives!

My life flashed before me!

Hassleberry: get a grip!

You two really need to chill out!

I mean aren't you supposed to be the guys

With all the answers here?

Hassleberry: that's right, so what's next?

I'll tell you what's next, hassleberry!

First we search the school for more students,

Then we gather everyone together

And start collecting information!

Sounds like we got ourselves a plan!

Now was that so hard?!

Uh... Uh...

Alright. What do you say

We use the gym as headquarters.

Crowler: excuse me, but we're the adults,

So we'll call the sh*ts.

Now let's search the school for students

And gather them in the gymnasium.

Crowler, how long did it take you

To think up that great idea?

Jesse: ok, everyone. Now let's split up,

But remember, wherever we are, we're not home!

So keep your eyes and ears open,

And watch out for anything out of the ordinary!

'Cause who knows what's around the next corner!

Adrian: we should be safe from anybody interfering

With us in here.

Now I held up my part of the agreement.

So it's time for you to give me

What you promised.

If you help me, adrian, I will share with you

The power I posses.

And we can both begin to make things right.

I went and fished your hand out

Of that giant lava lamp and brought it here safely...

And you promised you would share your power with me

If I left viper's power reactor functional.

Oh, you'll get what you deserve, adrian.

Guys, I think I need a bath real bad.

Yep you stink!

It's making my stomach turn upside down.

Well, ya don't smell as bad as the boss.

Quiet! Before I clean all your clocks!

You mean it, boss?

'Cause my watch is runnin' slow!

Jesse: looks like we did a good job gathering up all the students.

Too true, but we've still got

A number of classmates who couldn't be found.

We've done a head count.

Out of all the pupils,

About a hundred ended up here.

We want some answers!

Everyone please remain calm and stay seated.

Remain calm?

Duel academy is a giant sandcastle!

School's out as far as I'm concerned!


I'm outta here!


Stay away!

Jim: I wouldn't go outside.

Shirley's likely the nicest thing you're gonna meet.

Well what are we supposed to do then?

Just stay here and do nothing?!

How do you know people aren't already lookin' for us?

What if they never find us in here!

Jim: settle down!

We understand your concerns,

But running amuck won't help anybody.

Jim's right.

We gotta keep our heads on straight, fellas!

Now from the information we've been able

To gather so far, we know that we're dealing

With an environment that is new to all of us,

And from personal experience, it's not a safe one!

I want my mommy.

This gym looks safe!

Jesse: listen ya'll!

I know there's been whispers of duel monsters

Coming to life.

And it's true, which means all need

To be extra aware of our surroundings.

And this will be easier if we break

Into smaller groups and use the classrooms

As base camps.

Good news! Hope you're hungry,

Because the kitchen is cookin'!

And there's plenty of food!

At least we have a cook!

How much food are we talkin'?

Hmm. Based on the number of students,

A week's worth of food and water.

Only a week's worth?!

That's not exactly plenty!

No it's not!

We have our work cut out for us!

We got one week to figure out

Where we are and how to get home!

Boy: oh, yeah?

And how ya gonna do that?

You don't even know what this place is, outback!

Jesse: we'll figure it out!

But we gotta stand strong together.

Ya can't start pointin' fingers!

You know that!

These are things we all learned through dueling.

So can the negativity, understand!

Adrian: jesse!

Adrian? Is that you?

You know it! It's good to see you guys!

I didn't know where anyone was!

Are you okay?

Yeah I'm fine, but we might have

Bigger things to worry about!

Someone's heading in this direction!


[All gasp]

Who is that?

Maybe it's maintenance.

Ohh! Duel academy!

Anyone! Can you see me?

I'm over here!

I made it back!

Uh-oh, no!

What are you??

Where did you come from?!


Aah! Get down!


That was quite the acrobatic maneuver!

Are you alright?

I'm fine. Just a minor flesh wound.

Ha ha ha!

Jesse: she's coming back for seconds.

I summon sapphire pegasus!

Take her down!

Okey dokey!

Try stickin' your claws into this!

Ya bird brain!

Ha ha ha!

Pegasus! Be careful!

N'watch your step!

Looks like she's plannin' somethin'?!

I guess in this world, it's not just duel monsters

That can be summoned, but spells too!

She just played one!

So you better stay alert and on your toes!

And now it looks like they're equipping

Themselves with another spell--cyber shield!

All the rules of duel monsters must apply here.

That spell just made them stronger than you, pegasus!


Sapphire pegasus!

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

I gotta even up the playing field.

And I got just the card do it!

Hope this works!

Jesse: pegasus, those harpies are too powerful for you.

You can't beat them on your own!

With that cyber shield in play,

Those sisters are all souped up.

They have you outnumbered and outpowered.

They got two thousand four hundred fifty attack points!

Which is way more than you have.

Don't worry. I'll be fine, jesse.

You will be once I play this!


Go topaz tiger!


Sapphire pegasus: now it's my turn.

Not so tough are we when it isn't three on one!

Attack with sapphire tornado!


Jesse, what's wrong?

These biobands-- they're still draining

Energy from us if we duel.

Ha ha ha!


Look who's up!

Feeling better, jaden?

I just felt a chill in the air.

What's up, pal?

How's axel doing?

He'll be fine.

Miss fontaine!

We got two more wounded for ya' to take a look at.

Hey is that?

That's right, it's me bastion.

You look terrible.

I feel it. you remember your match

With professor eisenstein?

During that duel I truly began to appreciate his brilliance.

I realized if I dedicated myself to his teachings

The knowledge I could learn would be limitless.

I found myself working with him on his "unified duel theory".

Jaden: what's that?

It's the idea that's based on the presumption

That there exists different dimensions.

And one of them has a world where duel spirits live!

As we explored ways to travel to this dimension,

Something went terribly wrong.

It appeared that we had pierced

An inter-dimensional vortex

Thus triggering an incredible force of cosmic energy.


The entire lab was consumed by a powerful light.

When I regained consciousness,

I found myself in a sandy no man's land.

And you, jaden?

How did you arrive in this desolate world?

I was in a duel, and I won.

Then there was a big flash of light.

Interesting. So it seems that we're all stranded here

In this dimension.

For the time being.

So is this the world eisen-stein was talking about?

Because we've seen duel spirits come to life out there.

It's eisen-steen.

And yes, I believe we are in that world.

And what a perilous world it is!

We're not safe!

Do you hear me, jaden?

They're coming after us.

Don't you see we're in their world now, not ours

And they're alive, jaden, they're alive!

Bastion, now just try to relax.

Jesse: grab him!

Miss fontaine, he needs some water!

Is he ok?

Jim: he'll be fine. He just needs to rest!

Man: chancellor sheppard, you might want to see this.

I know the school was there when I left.

Oh boy, parents won't like this.

Don't move!


Dear me!

I just had this pressed!

Quiet! You're gonna help me find

A student that was at this school.

What in the?!

Who are you!?

Pegasus? To what do I owe the pleasure?

I'm so honored!

I received a rather urgent message from kaibacorp.

They said something about the academy

Or lack thereof.

Do they know the whereabouts of the school?

Currently there isn't much information to share.

But we do know that many of the students are missing,

Including jaden yuki and his gaggle of friends.

Now then, we need to get to the bottom of this,

And I think I know where to start digging.

[Ojamas crying]

Chazz: there's no crying at duel academy,

So cool it, will ya?

We're sorry, boss.

We're just getting used to gravity is all.

And there're monsters out there!

That's right. Real big, scary, mean monsters.

Hello? You guys are monsters!

Heh heh. Oh yeah!

Good point, boss!

Now let's see if the three of ya can still fly!


This really stinks!

What if it stays like this forever?

Is this really how it's all gonna end for us?

Don't worry, private.

There's probably a rescue team comin' here right now!

[Thinking] but where's here?

Hey, is adrian okay?

Yeah. Miss fontaine patched him good as new.

N'after a good night's rest he'll be right as rain.

Hope so.

Hey, does that croc ever get heavy?


[Thinking] the arm's not in there!

Where could you have gone?

Did someone come in here and take you

While I was away?

I gotta get you back here!

We had a deal!

I have to find it.

'Cause, if I don't everything

Will have been for nothing.

It owes me!


I'm sensing a dark soul that will serve me well.

How long are we gonna be here for?

I want my mom.

This place scares me.

I feel I'm getting closer.

What if the monsters get in here?

Do you think we're safe?

You can't hide from me, no one can.

He's here. I'm sure of it.

Hey, um, marcel?

Yes, blair.

Will you, uh...

Will you come take a walk with me?

Where? Just...

Down the hall.

Don't worry I 'ad to go to the twalet as well.

At least dair won't be a line.

You're so funny.

Got any other jokes?

Sure. Knock, knock...

Who's there?

Axel, you awake over there?

Oh good, you're up!

Couldn't sleep huh?

I just wanted to say, what you did

Back there at the lab was really cool!

Just go, go! Faster!

So I owe you one, pal!

You're welcome, jaden.

Now get some sleep.

What's up, something wrong?


Did you hear that?

Let's go!

This way!

Hold up! Jaden!

Guess you're feeling better.

Yeah, a lot better!

So you guys heard it, too.

What, are you kidding me?

I think the whole academy heard that.

Axel: we better move it!


It's blair!

What happened?

Blair...wake up!

Jaden, it took him.

It took marcel.

I tried to stop it,

But it scratched me with this gross looking hand.

What do you mean it?

What was it, blair?!

Look at that.

It "scratched her?"

I tell you I never seen a scratch like that!

Blair, hang in there!

Miss fontaine will know how to fix this right up!

Take'er! And we'll go look for marcel.

Sound good? Alright!

Let's go!

[Thinking] I gotta find you.

You promised me.

We're a perfect fit.

Jaden, thinking: I wonder if what att*cked blair is the same thing

That att*cked viper on the platform...

But why blair and marcel?

And what's with that wound?

We're almost there.

Just try to hang on.

♪ Chilling out with your crew ♪

♪ In the schoolyard

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on

♪ Come on and get

♪ Your game on