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03x12 - Trapper Keeper, Part 2

Posted: 10/20/23 10:36
by bunniefuu
Jaden: last time on "yu-gi-oh! Gx"...

Alexis: ah, syrus?!

What seems to be the problem, private?

Jim: all right, girl. Fun's over.

So is the sarge all right?

How'd he do on the b*ttlefield?

He won...

But barely.

Adrian: the energy concentration is rising.

I must be close.

Moving in.

Someone's stalking us!

It's a duelist I met years ago.

It's feeding time.



Great scott!

Not my pegasus!

Is it trapper?

The one and only.

[Trapper laughs]

Give him back, trapper!

If it's a duel that you're looking for here...

Go ahead and deal me in!

I only play for high stakes!

If you win, mr. Ed can go back to the stable

With the other crystal beasts.

But if'n you get whooped,

They're all mine!

Oh, yeah!?

Well, to get your hands on the crystal beasts,

You have to get through me!

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Hee hee hee!

I'm coming after your precious crystal beasts, jesse!

Gonna snare me every last one'a them there spirits a yours

So I can rustle me up that all-powerful rainbow dragon!

[Thinking] I got to rescue my pals!

The crystal beasts are my responsibility.

After all, I didn't chose them.

They chose me!

So these are the crystal beast cards?

Pegasus: yes, and now they belong to you!

That's nice and all, but I heard a lil' rumor.

Supposedly no one can break their seal.

No one but the chosen one,

And I believe these cards have chosen you!

Me? Mm-hmm.

In your last match,

I witnessed something awaken deep within them.

Go ahead, touch them and see if I'm right.


Whatta ya know?

Looks like you've got the crystal touch.

Now, be warned, with great cards

Comes even greater responsibility.



You're not walking outta here

With my crystal beasts, trapper.

You've tracked down the wrong kid this time,

And I reckon you're gonna pay for that mistake.

These cards are my family,

And their power will never be yours!

We'll see about that.

It's true!

I'll never let you have them.

Well, you might not have a choice!

I play a facedown.

All right!

Here we go. I draw.

I summon crystal beast topaz tiger!



That lil' kitty don't seem so tough.

I'll play my facedown card-- trap hole!

When you summon a monster

With a thousand or more attack points,

That there trap hole activates

And puts the drop on him!

Not quite. See, there's a catch!

Even if you defeat a crystal beast,

It stays on the field.


I reckon since I still got two of my pals here with me,

I can activate the spell card rare value!

Now I just have to toss out a crystal beast,

And then I can draw two more cards!

I activate my e force spell!

With the power of this card,

I resurrect topaz tiger!

Huh! Again?

That there cat must have lives!

That's not all it's got.

When topaz tiger battles a monster,

It gains attack points.

Topaz! Attack that hound!

Topaz incisor shred!

Oh, doggy.

Well, here's some news:

When my hound's destroyed, it can call for backup.

And now I can release another infernal blasthound from my deck.

Knew that was coming.

You did?

It's why I threw this down--

The triggered summon trap card!

Triggered summon activates

When you special summon a monster,

And that lets me summon one level--or-below monster from my hand.

And now, my emerald turtle!

Come on out of your shell!

Next up: a spell card! M force!

It allows emerald turtle to gain additional attack points!


Now, emerald turtle, attack,

With emerald cutter!

Nice try,

But my blast hounds won't roll over so easily!

I'll just sic another one on you!

They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks!

Maybe this here pup'll learn his lesson!

Wait till he takes a bite outta your life points.

Hey there, little buddy.

Best switch into defense mode

In case he lets his dog off his leash.

And that ends my turn.

My move, then!

I draw.

I slap one card facedown and leave it at that.

Ok, jesse!

Bring on all your spirits, boy!

'Cause I got me a special place for 'em in my trophy case!

Here we go! My move!

I hope you're ready, trapper,

'Cause I'm about to snag me

Some of your precious life points.


You had best watch where you step.

Who knows what I got in store?

Yeah? Well, I'm not gonna back down from you.

I'm gonna fight you with all my heart.

See, I've got a special bond with my pals, trapper,

One that's stronger than any trap

You're thinking of springing on me.

My friends will be mine again soon enough.

Not even that trap card of yours can help you.

Here goes!

I switch my emerald turtle back to attack mode!

Now take out his blasthound!

With that out of the way,

Topaz tiger can pounce directly!

Take him down!


Looks like you bit off more than you can chew, trapper!

And now, with my turtle's special ability,

I switch him back to defense mode!

[Thinking] if I play my cards right,

I can win this duel and rescue my pegasus.


My turn. Ready?

I draw.

[Thinking] dagnab it!

This puny critter ain't gonna do the trick.


Looks like I'm gonna have to call upon an old acquaintance of jesse's.

Desperate times... Call for desperate measures.


Syrus: we got to go back and help jaden.

Hassleberry: search and rescue time!

Jim: first, let's assess our situation.

Roger that, jim!

So what do we know so far?

Well, to start off, mates,

We know that things went a bit crook

Once these survival duels started

And those biobands began sucking the energy out of all the students.

Secondly, we know, since arriving here,

We've been jumped, ambushed, tricked, and trapped!

The water again. Aah!

Let me outta here!

Why is viper doing all of this?


He has some diabolical plan that we've stumbled upon?

Think so?

Focus, mates.

Viper must be getting a bit nervous

Now that he knows we're on to him.

But how is all of this connected?

The answer to that puzzle will tell us what he's up to.

Right! So, uh, what's the answer?

Ya got me, mate. I have no idea.

Oh, come on.

So basically, we don't know anything.


Not true.

We know that viper is working hard

To keep us from finding him.

He's been draining energy from students,

And now he's after us!

You're right, jim!

Viper's plan needs to be stopped!


Come on!

Let's hurry up and find jaden before its too late!

Hassleberry: double-time it, sy!

I am double-timing it!


Impressive. Security's getting tougher.

Tighter security can only mean one thing:

I'm getting closer to viper!

Hmm. What happened?






I gotta go help him.

I hope you're ok, pal.

This is very good.

With trapper's help,

I'll soon have everything I need to complete my mission.

Just keep dueling, mr. Anderson.

The hour is close...

And the time for you to rise is upon us!


Trapper: the hunt's on jesse.

I summon lure phantom in defense mode.

You don't know when you're beaten,

Do you?


Well, let me show you!

Here goes!

[Thinking] don't worry, old pal.

I know he's got you trapped,

But I'm working to set you free.

I switch my emerald turtle back to attack mode!

What do you say, partner?

Let's shell that phantom of his!

Go, emerald cutter!

It's over, trapper!

'Cause now my tiger's gonna finish off--

Not so fast!

Easy, now. You can't win 'em all.

Heh heh heh!

But I will win this one.

Remember this puny guy?



Jerrybean! You stole him from that kid!

Everything all right, little buddy?



What's your story, trapper?!

You win a duel and think you think

You can just take what you want

Before scurrying out of town?

That's about right.

See, a duel's like a hunt.

When it's over, I like to take home a little trophy.

Here's some news:

There's about to be one less trophy in your collection, trapper!

A friend a mine's been wanting it back!

You see, I made a promise

That I would return it to him one day,

And I don't plan on breaking it!

I know.

So wherever this guy is,

I'll find him.

And when I do, I promise you this:

His trapping days'll be over.

Once I heard that, I knew you'd be looking for me,

And so would your crystal beasts!

That's when it came to me.

I realized I could use that card of his

To nab me your precious spirits.

Now let's see what you're willing to do

To get this card back for your pal.

Call off your attack, or the jelly bean gets it!


Don't do it!

It's either him or your pegasus!

What are you saying?

My traps can drain a monster's energy.

So let's up the stakes.

If you lose, your horsey goes bye-bye!

I can't let that card get torn up,

And I can't lose my pegasus.

I'll just have to stand down.

Look at you... Squirming!

I'm enjoying this!

I draw!

I reveal my facedown card-- pot of avarice.

With this here card,

I take critters from my grave and shuffle 'em up.

Now I can draw two.


I summon camouflage gardner in defense mode!

Next, I activate the decoy baby spell card!

Decoy baby lets me set a trap

So's I can catch me another one of your precious beasts!

Watch how easy it is! Hee hee hee!

I love this part!


Hee hee hee!

It's time I track down some of your life points!

All this hunting's about to pay off!

I activate the spell substitute pain!

For every beast I done captured,

You take points of damage.

This here is for your tiger!

And your kitty! And your amber mammoth!


It's your go.

But remember what's at stake.

If'n you attack, your pegasus is safe,

But then this bean's gonna get baked.

So what's it gonna be, buddy boy?



Decisions, decisions.

One of these here spirits is getting destroyed.

I'm just feeling kind enough right now

To let you decide which one it's gonna be!

Let 'em go!

It's simple!

You just gotta figure out what's more important to you,

The life of your sapphire pegasus

Or that promise you made to that friend of yours.

Why are you doing this?!

See here, I got my reasons, boy!

One time, I was like you.

Spirits and me was tied together at the hip!

That's changed now!

Turns out, the only thing they good for

Is the thrill of the hunt!


That's not true, and you know it, trapper!


That bond still exists,

But you have got to stop your hunting ways!


Not a chance!

Only thing I'm stopping is you walking outta here with your monsters!

I won't let you!

I'm gonna save my beasts,

One way or the other.

[Thinking] I wish I could help you, jesse.

Hey, wait a sec. Maybe I can!

Enough's enough!

You know what? No more mr. Nice guy.

I gave you a choice to save this puny little runt here

Or your mighty pegasus.

Now you're not gonna save either!


You heard right.

You ain't getting nothing back.

You ain't gonna see these guys ever again!

Now let's start with this one.


Hee hee hee!

Listen to the poor little thing!

Bet you wish you could have saved him!

Trapper, why don't you just leave him alone?

That card never did anything to you!

I'm real sorry, little fella.

I tried my best to save you.


You tried your best?

You failed 'em both. They're done for!

It's over!


Jaden: not if I can swing it, trapper!

Hold on, jesse!




Got you!

Way to go!

It's all good! I got him!

He's ok. Now go save your pegasus!


Why, you...

Hey, trapper, lose something important?

Ha ha ha!

Now to save my pegasus!

It's my turn. So I draw!

Sapphire pegasus.

[Thinking] maybe this card is the key

To setting you free?!

Here I come, trapper!

I'm about to be reunited with my favorite steed!

I'm summoning crystal beast sapphire pegasus!


Hee hee hee!

You forgetting something, boy?

I've still got your horsey trapped,

And you summoning it ain't gonna do you no good!

Jesse, these here traps are escape-proof.

It don't matter if you got his card.

His spirit ain't coming back to you!

That's not true, trapper!

Pegasus broke his seal for me once before,

And he'll do it again!

The card is the key!

Now break your bond!


Sapphire pegasus,

Show us your spirit!

What's all this?

There's no escaping!


[Thinking] come on back, boy!

When you played my card,

You enabled me to escape, dear friend!

What the... How?!

Now that sapphire pegasus is back on track,

I'm allowed to summon crystal beast ruby carbuncle!

And that's just for starters.

Now I play take flight!

Time for takeoff!


Ready, guys?

No! I don't believe it!

Sorry, trapper,

But its time I get reunited with my friends!

You see, when take flight's played,

It lets all my crystal beasts escape from your traps!


And now I'm gonna activate

The magic card gem burst!

It allows me to remove g force, e force, and m force

From my deck!

When these cards are removed from play,

They evolve into crystals.

And now, with the power of these gems,

Allow me to dazzle you

With points of damage for each crystal on the field!

Looks like the hunter has become the hunted!

This ends now, trapper!

Go, -gem flare-flash!



You did it, jesse!

Thanks. I couldn't have done it without you.


Huh? Huh?

You were right.

I was once like you before I started trapping.

I had an unbreakable bond with my monsters.

But one day, they was taken away.

I vowed to trap a spirit every time I dueled,

Hoping I could fill the void.

Then I met a man named viper!

You met viper?!

I did!

And he promised me that if I helped him out,

I could get my hands on the ultimate spirit.

If I wanted,

The rainbow dragon could be all mine.

So I took him up on his offer.

You tell us where viper is!




What's happening?

What's going onnnn?


It's the spirits I trapped.

They're coming to get me.


Looks like...i'm done...

Huh? Huh?

Where'd he go?

He just plum disa-- unh!

Jesse, you ok? Let me help!

[Breathing heavily]

It's cool. I'll be ok.

What do you say we go hunt down viper

And put an end to all this?

All right!

But first, let's go find the others.

We got to go and make sure that nothing has happened to them!

Ha! Your services are no longer required.

I have all the energy I need.


What's this? This can't be happening!




Ah. No.

Still not enough?

It appears that he covets more energy

Than I had initially anticipated.

You're more powerful than I ever imagined,

Aren't you?

Looks like I'll be needing one more duel...

With jaden.

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪