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03x11 - Trapper Keeper, Part 1

Posted: 10/20/23 10:36
by bunniefuu
Jim: falling down a -foot pit, nearly drowning.

You've been through quite an ordeal!

Just another typical day around here.

Good point.

Our lives aren't that strange.



Hey! Those two are throwin' a wobbly again!

A what?


Wow. That was weird,

Even for this place.

I felt those strange vibes again.

Well done! Good on ya!

That could mean jaden's in trouble!

The energy concentration is rising.

I must be close.

Moving in.

All right, brodie.

Time to start thinking like a soldier

And fast!

I found a way into this hole. Now it's time to find a way out.

And when I do, I'm coming after you, viper!


Thanks to jaden's duel with professor stein,

I almost have all the energy I need.

Be patient, my son.

♪ Chilling out with your crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Crowler: please have your insurance forms filled out in triplicate!

The nurse will see everyone in due time!

There's no need to panic!

All right. Be sure to get some rest.

And dueling is off-limits!

What I mean is try not to do anything that's too strenuous.

Yes, ma'am.


This is a nurse's office, not a hospital!

I don't have room for this!

I only count patients.

Plus, they're not even sick.

They're just tired.

What will it take for you to admit

That we have a problem on our hands?

Look around!

Our students can barely stand up!

And it's our fault.

We authorized viper's survival duels!

And because of his biobands,

There's an epidemic of chronic fatigue syndrome!

I'm feeling bushed myself.

Perhaps it's time I took that vacation.

You're not going anywhere!

Your derriere's staying put till we fix this!

As for the extra students,

There's plenty of room for them in the blue dorm.

That's where you'll be,

While crowler and I man the fort!

Finally. A plan.

Can I have your attention?

If you haven't been examined yet,

Please follow me to the obelisk blue dorm!

Glad it's under control.

I'll just be on my way.

Stop right there. These aren't my orders.

In fact, this edict came straight from chancellor sheppard!

He called my office moments ago.

But he wants to keep his involvement a secret.

So not a word.

My lips are sealed!

Ah. I love secrets, especially juicy ones,

Like the one about dorothy waxing her upper lip!

Enough, crowler! We've got work to do!

And the first step is to track down viper.

He started this whole mess.

Although to do that,

We need an update from our student spies,

Which is impossible.

What's the problem?

See for yourself. There's no reception.

Our little friends are incommunicado.

This is terrible! We paid a fortune for that!


Will you focus?

Viper may be on to us!

[Voice of child] jaden...

Why don't you play with me anymore?

We used to be best friends.

We did?

You may have forgotten me, but I could never forget you.

Ah, earth to jaden.

Rise and shine.

There's no sleeping on the job.

Oh, wait. What happened?

Well, you were dueling our history teacher,

Professor stein.

And after you won, you passed out.

Hey! Wasn't syrus here, too?

Yup. But he was so worried about you,

He ran off to find help.

Sounds good.

Hold on!

With viper out there, no one's safe!

No. Uh!

Oh, man.

[Laughing sinisterly]

We were right. He's been stealing our energy!

And it ends now!


What you need now is rest!

And don't worry,

'Cause if it comes down to it,

I'll face viper by myself!

Thanks, jess, but I get the feeling it's me viper wants.


You know me.

For some reason I'm a magnet for power-hungry loonies.

Ha ha! Ah, the stories I could tell.

[Distant growling]

Like one time--

Hold that thought. Listen.

Listen to what?

Someone's out there.

Is it viper?

I told you he was close by.

It's someone else.


Someone I've been looking for for a long time.

Someone's stalking us.

It's a duelist I met years ago.


Golly! It's a duel spirit!

Everything all right, little buddy?

A kid?


You all right? Wake up, pal.

That guy took my best card.

He won the duel, then he just grabbed it and ran!

The weird thing is, it's not even that powerful.

But my dad gave it to me, and it always brought me luck.

Well, who is this thief?

His name is trapper, and now I know why,

'Cause he duels with a deck full of stolen cards!

And now he's got mine in his collection.

Can you help me find him so I can get my card back?

Don't worry about a thing.

Your deck will be back to normal in a jiffy.


Don't mention it.

After all, I know what it's like to have a close bond with your cards.

So wherever this guy is, I'll find him.

And when I do, I promise you this,

His trapping days will be over!

Jesse, voice-over: but I never did find him.

I came close a few times,

But trapper caught on pretty quickly

And always stayed one step ahead.

Now, this may sound crazy, but I saw him down here.

You sure?

[Man cackling]

Is that...

Yup. I'd know that laugh anywhere!

Okey-doke, gents.

It's feeding time.

And I see fresh meat!


Look out! Great scott!

Not my pegasus!

What's going on? Is it trapper?

The one and only.

[Trapper cackling]

[Pegasus neighs]


No way, bro!

He can trap spirits, too?

Your little pony's mine now!

Jesse: tiger, come on back, boy!

Jaden, stay here. He's mine!

Wait. Uhh! Jesse!



No more games, trapper!

You kiddin' me? My whole life's a game.

Stealing monsters? You call that a game?

That's right!

Now I reckon I'm ready to play.

How about you, boy?

Do you need a little incentive?

How would ya like to see your horsy friend made into glue?

Give him back, trapper!

Hey, pal, don't worry about a thing!

All right, fine.

If it's a duel that you're looking for here,

Go ahead and deal me in!

It ain't that easy. I only play for high stakes.

Go on.

If you win, mr. Ed can go back to the stable

With the other crystal beasts.

But if'n you get whupped, they're all mine!

You're on! Losing is not really something I do!

That makes two of us.

Together: game on!

I reckon I'll start...

With this!

I'm fixin' to play my lure phantom...

And then three face-down cards.

Now giddyap!

Fine. Don't mind if I do.

I summon crystal beast amethyst cat!


And she's no house pet.

This little kitty cat likes to play rough!

And when I give up

Half of my life points,

You'll see what I mean!

Now pounce directly!

Not so fast there, you varmint!

My card's got a special effect, too!

If I send phantom back to my hand, the cat goes back!


How's that for a cat-apult?

I'll catch you!

Sorry, squirt!

But they don't call me trapper for nothing!

Look out!

No! Not again!

[Trapper cackling]

Here, kitty kitty! You give her back!

Jesse, help!

Quit your whining!

At least now you're on the winning side of the field for once.

And don't you worry.

Soon the rest of your pals will join ya here.

Just a matter of time.

Two face-downs.

Your move.

Well, that's mighty kind of ya!

I bring back my ol' pal, lure phantom!

That old doohickey again?

Just wait till my cat comes back!

Why should we wait?

Say what?

I'll set her free...

With this, my dark auction!

Thanks to this here spell,

You done got your fleabag back...

For a small price, of course...

A few of them life points!

Just take 'em!

I get one for each of your cat's attack points!


Well, it looks like you're free.

Now scat!

What a cat-astrophe!

But I'm glad it's over!

It's just starting!

Go, hunting net!




Good thing I had me two!

That's the first rule of hunting!

Always come prepared with a back-up net just in case!

Hee hee!

I done me enough damage for one turn,

So go ahead.

Unless'n you want to quit.

No way!

What's the deal with sapphire pegasus?

He don't look so good!

Who? Him? Oh, you'll love this.

Now watch.

These here capsules ain't just prison cells.

They're much more fun.

See, duel spirits are made up of energy,

Energy I can take!

Hold on! Just what do you mean by take?!

Ha ha ha ha!

Why don't I show you?

After all, actions speak louder than words.



My capsules can extract energy

And then feed that power right back into my deck.

Ha ha ha ha!

Trapper, you have no right to treat them this way!

Just wait.

You haven't seen the best part!

What's that?


You can't!

Ha ha! But I just did!

Weren't you watching, squirt?

And now he's mine!

You're sick!

Oh, come on, now.

You know a little part of you enjoyed that.

And just wait,

'Cause your horsy's next!

Ain't that right, ol' boy?

Trapper, thinking: if I know this whippersnapper,

I reckon he'll send in his whole crystal beast army

To save that there horse.

And I'm fixin' to trap every one of 'em!

You better get yourself a bigger net, trapper,

'Cause I play crystal beast amber mammoth!


Now attack!


Ha ha ha ha!

You can't take down an elephant with a net,

But you can with this--

My capture snare!

Sorry, big fella!

Hasta la vista, baby!

I'll be back!

Not you, too, amber mammoth!

Read it and weep!

In order to capture your mammoth,

It uses another one of your monsters as bait!

Now what to do with him.

Make a nice throw rug,

Or mount them big ol' tusks right above my fireplace?

Then again, think of all the power I can get for my deck

Just by pushin' this little bitty red button,

Although he hasn't suffered enough yet.

Now, there's still time,

You know, for you to come to the rescue of these here varmints.

So what are ya gonna do about that, boy?

Send a few more my way? Hee hee!

Well, what are you waitin' for?

It'll be like a family reunion!


Here I come, jay!

[Breathing heavily]

Hang in there!

Uh, hello?


[Syrus screaming]

Alexis: uh, syrus?!

Hassleberry: what seems to be the problem, private?

Croc got your butt?

Jim: all right, girl. Fun's over.

So is the sarge all right?

How did he do on the b*ttlefield?

He won but barely.

My move!

I reckon I'll sacrifice lure phantom to summon infernal blasthound!

Whee, doggie!

And since everything you got is now dangling

In a net above my side of the field, I may as well attack!

Jesse, thinking: all right, jesse...

You better take care of this pooch and quick

Or you're gonna end up dog food!

Here goes! I play my trap-- g force!

Now instead of targeting me,

Your dog att*cks a beast in my hand,

Like my cobalt eagle!

Hello, chief!


Not so fast!

You ain't the only one with a trap!

Trap jammer?!

[Chuckling softly]

You probably already know this,

But trap jammer negates any trap you play!

So my blasthound strikes you, not your birdie!

Wow. Missed me by that much!

Blasthound, sic 'em where it counts!


And just 'cause my doggie knocked you on your behind,

Doesn't mean he's done!

That's right, squirt! A special effect!


Now a card in your hand is destroyed!

How rude! But wait!

Would ya believe I can't be destroyed?

Allow me to demonstrate.

Aha! So it is true what they say!

Instead of goin' to the graveyard, they stay on the field!

Matter of fact, ain't that how you summon

That rainbow dragon feller?

Now, there's a monster I'd like to get my hands on.

How do you know about him?

The card doesn't exist yet!

But its spirit does.

And I've been fixin' to trap that dragon for nearly my entire life!

In fact, squirt, I know more than you think,

Like where the tablet of the rainbow dragon is hidden.

Ever hear of a place called the valley of the world?

You're makin' this up!

I don't joke about monster spirits, boy,

Especially about the grandpappy of all monster spirits,

The legendary crystal beast rainbow dragon!

Why is that?

You ain't too bright, are ya?

'Cause according to the legend, whoever controls that beast

Done controls the most powerful force on earth!

And I got news for ya.

I've searched too long to let that honor go to you!

Oh, yeah? Well, to get your hands on the crystal beasts,

You have to get through me.

Why do ya think I hunted you down, jesse?

I've been preparin' for this duel

For longer than you can imagine.

And if you haven't already noticed,

I plan to trap your favorite monsters one by one.

Then when all seven crystal beasts belong to me,

I'll find me that tablet and unlock the spirit of the dragon.

That monster will never be yours!

And I'll make sure of it!


A job well done, trapper.

I knew that mr. Andersen had some rage buried within.

And the angrier he becomes, the more energy he exudes!

[Chuckling sinisterly]

♪ Chilling out with your crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on

♪ Come on and get

♪ Your game on