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03x04 - Hanging with Axel, Part 1

Posted: 10/20/23 10:28
by bunniefuu
Gee willikers! Your campus card shop puts ours to shame!

I've never seen so many booster packs in one place!

What do ya say we crack 'em open?

I say the only thing better than opening

New cards is dueling with 'em!

Dude, check out this rare one!


Here's two more!

What's up?

[Kuriboh calls]

What? Someone's out there?

Hey! Get back here!

♪ Chilling out with your crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Don't take another step, son.

Remember, no matter where you are,

Your senses must always be on high alert.

You know rule number one--

Life is a b*ttlefield!

There's danger around every corner.

One moment of weakness can cost you the w*r.

Relax. Focus.

Now draw!

Always start at level one.


Hope you're watching, dad,

'Cause the w*r's about to start.

Jaden: he can't be too far!

Hey, buddy. You see anyone suspicious run by?

I see you're a man of few words.

I'd lay off the jokes, jay.

Axel brodie is a pretty serious guy.

Rumor has it he trains for duels

By putting himself in danger, then trying to escape.

Someone forgot to tell him

It's a game!

He seems to think if your life's not at risk,

Then you're not dueling with everything ya got.

Wow. This guy's pretty hardcore.

I ought to give that a shot!

This isn't child's play, son.

What's that supposed to mean?

I happen to enjoy child's play.

He didn't mean it that way. It's all good. Right, axel?

What did ya mean?

Jaden: well, good talkin' to ya!

Be careful, jaden. I also hear tell that axel is professor viper's protege.

So something tells me we shouldn't mess with him.

What's a protege? A car?


Boy: dad. The pain. It's too much.

My son, don't leave me.

[Voice of girl] don't worry, mister.

I'll help him. But first you need to help me.

[Chuckles softly]

Sheppard: settle down. Professor viper has an announcement to make.

I don't repeat myself, so listen up!

Marcel! You might want to pay attention to this!

Oh. Right.

Feast you eyes on my newest invention--

The bioband.

And starting now, you're all required to wear one.

Is that understood?

But what do these things actually do?

Beats me.

Over the next few weeks,

You'll take part in a series of survival duels.

You will all begin with the same ranking regardless of your dorm color

Or grade level.

What's the point of that?

This oversized orangutan is ruining everything!

Oui, oui. And we're capable of doing that ourselves!

Anyway, back to my bioband system.

These devices systematically gather and transmit data

About your dueling ability to a central computer,

Which then measures your energy, evaluates your decisions,

And gauges overall fighting spirit.

I don't know what he just said, but it sounds cool!

Viper: once the evaluation is complete,

Each of you will be given a score.

And failure will not be tolerated.

They say you're the best of the best.

They call you people the elite. Now prove it!

Monsieur! But what if this machine

Determines that a student's spirit is too weak?

Simple. A dorm demotion.

And should one receive a second low score,

The next step is expulsion.

[All gasp]

Now viper's gone too far!

For those of you who don't think you can handle this,

I suggest you go home now.

You can't allow this!

He's just a visiting professor!

It's not fair! He can't change all the rules!

Crowler's right. This guy's way out of line!

Now, now. Let's give professor viper the benefit of the doubt.

After all, his system did wonders for west academy.

Thanks to him, their grades are higher,

And they outperform almost every other school in the district!

I think his plan rocks!

We get to duel every day!

Aren't ya worried ya might get kicked out of school?

Not a chance, bro!

My scores are gonna be through the roof!

Sheppard, thinking: jaden, I don't think you realize

Just how difficult this is going to be.

Professor viper's program is designed

To push students to their limits, and it's not to be taken lightly.


I wonder who I'll duel next.

Maybe another one of you new guys!

Go back to your dorms and await further instructions.

Hey, soldier. What's the deal with the long face?

I don't know. Using a machine to test our dueling skills?

It just-- it seems wrong.

Know what's wrong? You in that coat!

But these biobands are gonna change that

By weeding out the weak!

[Sarcastically] thanks, chazz. Big help.

Sheppard on p.a.: Attention, students!

The survival duels will begin immediately following fifth period.

Be sure to activate your biobands so you can be properly evaluated.

They have got to be kidding me.

[Australian accent] why?

What are we, in prison?

I mean, come on!

They're forcing us to wear a monitoring device

As if we're criminals!

Or worse, like we're animals

Being tracked down in the wild.

Actually, tracking animals is a way of protecting 'em,

Not hurting 'em. They need our help.

Ain't that right, shirly?


Hassleberry: I just hope them new boys

Ain't fixing to challenge me.

I'm playin' it safe.

So if ya see a wimpy little pipsqueak,

Besides yourself, of course,

Tell him hassleberry's on his trail!

Hey. You all right, son?

Jaden: so I said, "you call that a trap card?"

Jaden,wait up!

What's up, sy?

We have to stop this! It's all wrong.

Viper is hiding something!

All the signs are there!

The deep voice, the angry stare,

Even his name reeks of evil, jay!

Let's face it, ever meet a nice guy named viper?


Syrus: you mean you actually have to think about that?

We could get kicked out of school.

Or worse, one of us might get hurt.

Aren't you overreacting?

He may be a little strict, but I don't think he's out to hurt anyone.

Oh, yeah? What about the point system?

If I choke and get a low score, I'm out of here.

Relax, sy. Just have a good time.

And whatever happens happens.

But, jay--never mind.

I thought being here meant something to you.


I was mistaken!

Poor guy. He seems pretty shaken up about all this.

Nah. He makes a big deal about everything.

If you say so. But what happens if he's right?

Hanging around?

I'm training, sir.

Impressive. But if you want to show off your moves,

I suggest you save it for the competition.

Now, I trust you remember our plan?

Of course.

Duel against jaden, right? I'm on it.

I need you to do more than simply duel him.

Yeah? Like what?

Do you remember what your father taught you?

Live your life

As if you're in constant danger.

Always do.

This time, put jaden in danger.

I want you to terrify him.

I want him so frightened for his life

That he unleashes everything he's got!

Attack, attack, and attack again.

Even if it costs you the duel,

Your mission is to push jaden beyond his threshold

And drain every ounce of his power.

Is that clear?

Always remember, when you accept a mission,

There's no turning back.

You've got to press on and complete your assignment

Despite the danger.

I accept.

Gecko one, do you copy?

This is gecko one. Proceed with your request.

I need an analysis on something.

Do you copy?

Affirmative. But this could take a while.

The configuration seems complicated.

Until then, keep a close eye on viper.

Already on it.

[Leaves rustling]

Who's there?

That's strange. I could have sworn I heard something.

Guess I'm just being paranoid.

Viper, thinking: incredible.

That exhibition match worked out better than I anticipated.

My biobands extracted more energy than ever before,

But still my time is short.

I may just have to raise the energy absorption rate.

Of course if I do that, the students will have to pay a rather large price.


Syrus, thinking: maybe jaden's right.

Maybe I'm overreacting about this whole bioband conspiracy.

In fact, maybe I just need to suck it up

And duel the next person I see!

Or I can wait and duel the second person I see!

Yeah, that's it.

Hang on. I can't spend the rest of my life

Running from my fears!

Besides, maybe I'll luck out and he'll say "no."

Ah, excuse me?

[Syrus chuckles nervously]

Hey, you! Fire up your deck so we can throw down!

Uh, please?

Take a hike.

Take a hike? Don't you know me?

I'm zane truesdale's brother, pal!

Big deal. That dude ain't so tough.

Oh, yeah? Well, I also happen to be

The best friend of the infamous jaden yuki!

Well, well.

Ah. Does that mean you want to duel?


Can we talk about this?


So I hear that you have a deck full of dinosaur cards?

Can I see?

Sorry. My cards are off-limits to the public.

I'm not the public. I'm jaden's new best chum.

He'd tell ya to show 'em to me.

Well, I don't do everything he says!

Ahh! Love that shower.

Oh, and thanks for cleaning it, hassleberry.

So you don't do what he says, huh?

I, uh, cleaned it for myself!

[Kuriboh calls]

Hey, kuriboh.

What's he sayin' jay?

It don't sound good!

Wait! You hear it, too?

What? What?!

Where is he?!

Who? You're freakin' me out, son!

What are you talkin' about?

[Ruby calls]

You're kidding me! When, ruby?

They're everywhere!

Jaden: hassleberry, wash my pjs.

Wait, soldier! Which detergent?

I'm going, too.

Yeah? Well, so am i, pal!

Hey, hassleberry, hurry up, will ya?

Hold on. I got pjs to wash.

I don't get it. Why syrus?

[Kuriboh speaks]



I told you they'd come to save me, ya big bully!

Syrus, hang in there, pal!

All right. Maybe not the best choice of words.

Please help me! I have a fear of dangling over deadly cliffs!

That's right. Let him go, axel!

I don't think so. Well, not yet, anyway.

See, your friend here just saved me a world of trouble.

Instead of hunting you down, I just sat back and let you come to me.

So that's what this is all about?

Gimme a break! I'm always up for a duel!

If you wanted to throw down, all you had to do was ask.

Maybe, but I couldn't take that chance.

And besides, hog-tying your friend over a cliff was way more fun.

And the fun continues.

Aah! What's going on?

Take him down!

Relax. He'll come down sooner or later.

See, if you win, then I'll go ahead and release him.

If you lose, he takes the fall.

There's only one person that's going down,

And that's you!

So as they say-- well, as I say,

Get your game on!

The game is on, indeed.

Slow down, son! Do you even know where you're going?

Please tell me you ain't following one of them spirits!

[Ruby speaking]

We are. Now keep up!

It's him!

Hey, what're you doing?

What I do best!

Together: game on!

If ya don't mind, I'll start!

I activate polymerization,

Fusing avian with burstinatrix to form flame wingman.

That's a pretty high-ranking monster to bust out right away.

You're rushing through this as if someone's life is on the line.

Oh, wait. It is.

Is this all a big joke to you?

I'll have the last laugh. Trust me!

Easy, jay. Don't go losin' your cool.

That's my job!

Slow down, bandana boy! One more step.

And it'll be the end of the line for your little friend.

Please! Do what he says!

Well, fine. But I can't stand bullies!

No worries! He's not gonna get away with this!

I'm on it.

Then go, because every second that you people waste

Is a second closer to your friend's final hurrah!

So I'd suggest you finish up your move.

I'll throw down two face-downs and then call it a turn.

Axel, thinking: time to show this amateur what a real front line can do.

This is w*r, boy!

Ready for this?

I activate my blaze accelerator!

What's that?

My secret w*apon.

It fires out pyro-type monsters with points or less.

But you're about to see for yourself!

I'm loading up volcanic shell!

Now fire!

I activate my de-fusion spell card!

Nice move, sarge!

Yeah. Good thinking!

You may have dodged that b*llet, son,

But you can't pull the same tactic twice!

So brace yourself!

But you can't attack me again until your next turn!

That's what you think!

I activate volcanic shell's special ability!

I pay points!

In exchange, I can fire another one now!

Loading up volcanic shell number two!

Fire away!

Uh! My burstinatrix!

Can we speed this up?

I'm kind of short on time here!

You hold tight, little man!


I'll toss one card face-down and take a break.

Now, you better do something before that rope takes a break.

Jaden, thinking: he's right.

But did he really go through all this trouble

Just to duel me, or is axel up to something else?