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03x01 - Third Times the Charm

Posted: 10/20/23 10:25
by bunniefuu

Jaden: I guess we're officially upperclassmen now.

This is nuts.

We're about to kick off year number three!

And it almost feels like we didn't get a summer break!

Uh, did we?

I'm just glad that last year's behind us!


You said a mouthful!

We gotta move on!

Not look back!

Can we make a deal?

No talk of satellites

Or the word "destiny."

And no matter what...

No one's allowed to say the name "sartorius!"

Or I'll have a nervous breakdown!

Please. You have more nervous breakdowns

Than a worm in a henhouse!

And on that note...

Everything's back to normal!


What's up?



Syrus: what's cool?


Sweet! All my peeps from outer space are back!

What-up, alien dudes!?

We gotta chill sometime!

Yup, everything's back to normal.

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Chazz: let's go!

Time is money, people!

And paint in the lines!

This isn't preschool!

Ha ha ha!

It's good to be the chazz!

I'm serious, dorks!

If I see a speck of white, heads are gonna roll!

Here's a little friendly advice, chazz.

If you want something done right, do it yourself!

So here! Knock yourself out!

What!? No way!

I'm the gx world champion!

So how about a little respect, huh!?

Ah, newsflash...

You only won 'cause jaden let you win!



Man: boy! Head's up!

Alexis, watch out!


It's only paint.

So don't look so blue.

Oh, you're a regular comedian!

Well fine!

Make all the jokes you want!

But don't expect me to be

The punch line anymore.

I'm outta here!

Later, dork patrol.

I'd rather live with the roaches in slifer red!

It amazes me what he'll do just to avoid manual labor.

It says here...

Sartorius was admitted into this school by you two.

Is that true!?

Absolutely not!

He used mind control to trick us!

And I'm prepared to sue this institution

For my pain and suffering!

That's right!

You'll hear from our lawyers!

Teachers have rights too!

Hold on.

Let's not make any rash decisions.'s not like you have much of a case.

That's not what my attorney says!

I have a proposition.

What would you two say to a raise?

And in return...

This whole brainwashing thing

Will be our little secret.

That sounds fair.

We we.


Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

I can't believe sheppard actually fell for all of that!

I don't even have a lawyer!

But I guess that'll just be "our little secret."

Well put. My lips are sealed.

Ha ha ha! Hee hee hee!

[Thinking] that was a close call.

This sartorius fellow almost cost me a fortune.

But worse than that, had his plan succeeded,

The entire universe would be under his control!

But lucky for us...

Our very own jaden yuki was here to stop him.

In two years he's faced more challenges than

Most duelists will face in their entire lives.

Who knows what else that boy is capable of?

Ya know, if it weren't for you guys...

I don't think I'd be sitting here.

Uh-oh. He's talking to himself again.

I'm no therapist, but that can't be good.

Actually, creating imaginary companions is

A natural part of the cognitive development

Of the adolescent mind.

Just think... When aster beat me

And I couldn't see my cards...

I almost gave up dueling.

But luckily, I met you!

And all of you helped me to start over again.

Ahhh, memories.


Hmm. Oh well. Told'ja.

Ya can't hide from destiny.

All: jaden lost!

His cards! His cards!

[Thinking] something doesn't feel right.

According to jaden he can't see any of his cards.

He claims they're all blank!

They look fine to me.

Are you messin' with us?

Ha ha! Not this time.

Where ya goin'?

I just need to chill by myself, sy.

Jaden: I wish things could be like they were last year.

Back when I could still see my cards.

Ohh! Unh!


Guess I floated back to academy island.

Or not!

Shall I tell you why you're here?

Sure. It can't get much worse!

Jaden, the universe is in danger.

For in all things, there exists neo space: a balance.

Earth and air.

Light and darkness.

Without one, the other cannot survive.

But now the balance has tipped.

And we need you!

This isn't really a good time.

I can't even see my cards, bro.

Have a look over there.

You might have more luck with those.

Wait, with what?

Whoa! Cool.


My card! It looks familiar.

These are the cards I designed!

The fate of the universe now rests with you.

You're here. To restore balance again.

By stopping the society of light.

Your new deck is infused

With the power of neo space.

And as long as you have it,

I shall be with you.

Ya know, I could sit here and have flashbacks all day!

That makes one of us!

Aster may have won...

But the next time he showed up I was ready!

Not bad!

But I got some fight left in me!

Come on.

There's not a card in your deck

That can save you!

Well maybe not in my old deck,

But this one's another story!

In fact, why don't I show ya!

By busting out a new hero that

No one's ever seen before!

What new hero?

You'll see. But first...

I play the field spell, neo space!

My dark city!

This card increases the power

Of my elemental hero neos by five hundred!

But you're probably asking yourself this:

Where is neos?!

The answer is...

He's right up there!

And like I said before...

His attack points rise!

So what?!

It still doesn't stand up to my dogma!

Not yet. But who said I was done?

Now where was i?

Oh right!

I'm creating a new monster

By combining these two together!

That's against the rules!

It's called contact fusion, and it's legit!

Ya see neo spacians can merge...

Without a polymerization card!

Wait a sec!

I remember this feeling.

It's like years back

When I was a kid

And dueling was still fun!

So this is your new hero?

That's him!

Elemental hero flare neos!

'N guess what?

My flare neos gains attack points

For every spell and trap on the field!

Pretty cool effect right?

So there are three cards on the field

Plus the one I just played.

Giving him...

Sixteen hundred extra points!

That's enough to beat my dogma!

Yup! That's the whole point!

Flare neos, attack!

I activate... D-shield!

What's that!?

It's a trap card!

Now when a destiny hero's att*cked...

It switches to defense mode!

And it stays on the field!

Awesome! Pretty sweet trap!


Thank you. But you know,

Flattery's not gonna get you anywhere!

Stand back!

I'm guessing that your neo space field card

Keeps your monster from vanishing again.

That's right!

As long as this card's in play...

Even though he's fused with something else...

Neos will be stickin' around this time!

Not quite.

My dogma and I have other plans for him.

First thing's first.

I switch dogma to attack mode!

So stand up!

And then I'll equip him with this spell card!

Heavy storm blade!

Remember, every time a new spell card is played...

Flare neos gets more points!

Four hundred more!

You think I care!?

Please, not as long as I know that

Destiny's got my back!

Now attack!

How 'bout a big hand for the king of swing...

My heavy storm blade!

Take 'im for a spin, pal!

Whenever a monster that's equipped

With heavy storm blade att*cks...

Every single trap and spell card on the field

Is instantly destroyed!

No way!

And now...

Neos loses a few attack points!

Now attack!

No fair!

What's the problem?

Ohhh. You're wondering why my monster

Didn't bite the dust, aren't you?


I hate to break it to ya,

But it's your own fault!

See this!? You sent it to my graveyard!

And when spell calling leaves the field,

I get to replace it with two new spell cards,

Giving my neos a power boost!

[Thinking] impossible!

That means jaden wins.

And sartorius said that I was destined

To win this duel!

Could it be that jaden is even more powerful than destiny?!


I knew right then that my new alien peeps from neo space--

That's you--

Had my back no matter what stood in my way!

So if some maniacal villain shows up this year,

Which is bound to happen, we'll be ready!

Now where was i?

Oh yeah, daydreaming about my old duels!

'Kay, ladies! My turn!


What's happenin'?

Hey wait, are you a neo-spa---

Dig this, kid.

I just tell it like it is.


You gotta lay that dasher on 'em.

Why not?

[Thinking] is he gonna duel or stand there

And ponder his purpose in life?


Alright, check it out, girls!

Since dasher's in the graveyard, I can summon

The card that's in my hand!


Now I summon my neo-spacian dark panther!


Now here's the deal.

He's no ordinary cat!

As a matter of fact ya might say,

He's a bit of a copy cat!

'Cause I can pick any monster on the field

And my panther will copy all of its abilities!

And I think I'll choose none other

Than your dark creator!

Excuse me?!


No! No!

It's all true!

So now I can activate the field spell

Infinite fiend mirror!

This ought to even things up!

Next I'll get rid of two dark creator tokens

To summon my elemental hero neos!

Time for some fusion action!

So I'll merge neos with my dark panther!

Meet my newest elemental hero dark neos!

Ohh! Ohh!

But wait! It has twenty-five hundred attack points!

It's too weak to defeat the dark creator!

That's true, but dark neos has a special ability!

It can negate the abilities of any other monster!

Including dark creator.

So that means...

Your dark creator's not indestructible anymore.

Sorry, girls!

It's time to say goodbye!

Dark creator token...

Show 'em what ya got!

Attack dark creator!

No! You can't!

If he's gone, so are all of our tokens!

They're as good as extinct!

Three honks for jay!

We're defenseless!

But how did he manage to do that?

Didn't you see?!

First he destroyed dark creator.

That undid the effect of infinite fiend mirror.

No spell card, no creator tokens!

And with no tokens left,

You girls are out of luck!

Yeah!? And why is that!?

Look at your field!

Your life points are wide open!

Neos! End this duel!

Attack them directly!


Huh. Those were some good times right, guys!?

Savin' the world one duel at a time!

Like the time you took out that satellite

With your bare hands!

Talk about sweet!

Yes. However, without the help

Of your dinosaur friend,

That accomplishment would not have been possible.

Ha ha! Hey! Hassleberry!

Elemental hero neos says "thank you!"

Who?! What!?

Uh, he's welcome!

Oh, and ah, "na-nu-na-nu!"

And what's that supposed to mean?

It's alien talk.

When your friend goes nuts it's best just to play along.

Heh heh heh.

"Don't look so blue!"

I can't believe I actually liked that girl!

Well now that I quit that lame club...

The chazz is a new man.

Who's next? How 'bout you?

I've been waiting for a rematch

Since last year, jaden!

Your deck. It's all different now.

Where did all your ojama cards go?

Those freaks!? They're gone now!

Alright, ojamas, we win this duel...

And chazz goes back to his old self, 'kay?

I'll show ya some real cards!

Master sartorius has given me more power

Than my old deck ever could!

Ha ha ha!

When you lost to sartorius, he brainwashed you!

And since then, we've been tryin'

To snap you out of it!

You're kidding me!

Hey wait a sec!

The last thing I remember is sartorius defeating me!


Err. Get these ridiculous clothes off me!


There we go.

Like I always say:

If it can't hide the dirt...

Then I don't want it over my shirt!


I'm taking back the deck

You stole from me before the duel started.

I never actually stole your deck!

Yeah, whatever.

Anyway, it's still my turn so stand back!

It's time I blew you away!

'Cause I play ojama delta hurricane!

All: the boss!

Oh, no!

Something tells me we just lost!

Just wait until our rematch.

'Cause I've got a few new tricks.


Well, if it isn't jaden's little groupies!

What're you doin' in these parts!?

Looks like I'm back!

Alright, dorks!

Chez chazz is open for business!

Ahhh. It's good to be home.

So it's true!

You came back!

It looks like things around here

Really are back to normal, guys!

Girl: ah, not quite!

Huh? Uhh!

Guess who!

Remember me!?


It's blair!

Come to think of it...

Didn't she have a "thing" fer you?

Yeah. Who doesn't!?

Boys, you're looking at slifer red's newest freshman!

Syrus: what?! But you're just a little kid, blair!

Well, she is taller than you, sy!

Where's she bunking?

Not here! This is my palace!

Then you've got yourself a princess.


[Thinking] jaden, you're my most gifted student,

Yet after two years you're still in the slifer red dorm.

I called it!

Well, I built it!

And there's only room for one!

Err! Err!

Perhaps you need discipline from someone new.

Someone who isn't impressed with your victory

Over the shadow riders.

Someone who doesn't know about your defeat

Of the society of light.

Someone who can hone your skills and push you

To the very limits of your ability.

A hard-hitting man like professor thelonious viper.

Jaden, I'm afraid your third year won't be easy!

♪ Chilling out with your crew ♪

♪ In the schoolyard

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on

♪ Come on and get

♪ Your game on