13x06 - Fighting Ire with Fire!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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13x06 - Fighting Ire with Fire!

Post by bunniefuu »

[ announcer ] As Ash's eighth Sinnoh Gym Badge

becomes the focus of our heroes' attention,

they come across a Pokémon battle already in progress.

[ Ash ] Come on.

[ announcer ] But the real surprise is

who's doing the battling.

Barry !

Empoleon, use Hydro Cannon !

Empoleon !

Now, Mothim, use Signal Beam !

Mothim !

Block it, quick.

Empoleon !

Empoleon barely felt that move.

You're right.

Empoleon's leveled up a ton since last time.

'Kay, Metal Claw, go !

Empoleon !

Mothim, Silver Wind !

Mothim !

Yes, we won !

Mothim, are you all right ?

Yeah, awesome-- Empoleon, we won !

Empoleon !

Thanks, that's really nice of you to cheer us on.

And please cheer for Mothim, it battled hard, too !

Huh ? Hey, it's Ash.

Barry, hi ! Pika !

♪ It's about you ♪

♪ It's about me ♪

♪ It's about hope ♪

♪ It's about dreams ♪

♪ It's about friends that work together ♪

♪ To claim their destiny ♪

♪ It's about reaching for the sky ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪

♪ Having the courage and willing to try ♪

♪ It's about never giving up ♪

♪ So hold your head up ♪

♪ And we will carry on ♪

♪ Sinnoh League Victors ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪♪

[ Ash ] "Fighting Ire With Fire !"

[ Barry ] Wow, five ribbons.

Good job, Dawn !

So, Ash, what's the deal with Gible's Draco Meteor ?

All set ?

Well, the truth is it's been kinda rough.

Bummer, too bad.

So does that mean you haven't been able to win

your eighth badge yet ?

No, but we're heading to the Sunyshore Gym now.

Sunyshore Gym ?

[ laughing ]

What's with you ? Pika ?

Yeah, where's the funny part ?

Here's the deal.

For your information, I already beat the Sunyshore Gym.

[ Dawn and Ash ] Oh, wow !

Pika ! Piplup !

You've got eight badges.

What'd you expect ?

You see, this talented Twinleaf Town trainer's

heading for the Sinnoh League.

Ash, you've got some catch-up work to do with Barry and Paul.

Huh ? Paul's got eight ?

Yeah. Yeah.

Oh, man.

So that means Paul's gonna be in the Sinnoh League as well ?

Hey, Ash, listen up.

You'd better get over to the Sunyshore Gym right away.

This is waiting for you !

The Sunyshore Gym Badge !

And it's called the Beacon Badge.

The Sunyshore Gym's the best, you'll see.

Isn't it, Empoleon ? Empoleon !

The best gym, huh ?

Pika, Pikachu !

[ James ] Troops, be seated.

[ Meowth and Jessie ] Whatever.

Numerous nights have passed since we came to Sinnoh,

but although our industriousness has been a solid ten,

our net results have amounted to less than zip.

A silent moment to honor our failures, please.

Now on to the future with a new plan.

After scads of painstaking analysis of what went awry

with all of our evil plotting right up until the present,

I've finally arrived at a conclusion.

Then conclude.

I'll bet it's all those pesky blastoffs.

Cease ! I have the floor.

Ergo, we need to reverse our train of thought.

[ Meowth and Jessie ] Please, no more trains...

Heads up.

Until now our sole plan has amounted to little more

than "get the twerp's Pokémon" and hightail it out.

Of course, blasting off was our reward.

But now, we'll catch the twerps, get them out of our hair,

and then catch their Pokémon.

Do that and not only will

we happily hightail it out in style,

but we'll stay safely grounded.

It's "Operation Train in Reverse."

Ooh ! The joys of traveling by train.

We'll be known as the Team Rocket that could.

Wobbu !

[ Barry ] Hey, Ash, why don't we stop by the Pokémon Center

and get us some munchies ?

Sounds good.

Sure does, I'm starved.

Welcome to the Pokémon Center.

Welcome to my heart center !

Really ? Would I lie ?

I dream of you when I sleep; when I wake,

my heart can see nothing but your beauty !

You allow me to see and to feel !

I feel that !

[ Dawn ] Whoa.

- Ash, look. - What's up ?

Over there, it's Paul.

Huh ?

It's Paul, what do you know !

Hi ! Your name's Paul, right ?


About time we met.

I'm Barry, from Twinleaf Town.

I'm gonna compete in the Sinnoh League

and I've already gotten badge number eight !

What do you say we have a Pokémon battle

right this second ?

Thanks but no thanks.

Huh ?

Hey, what's with you ?

Then I guess I'm gonna have to fine you for blowing me off.

The word on the street is you've raised some powerful Pokémon,

so a battle'd be great !

The Pokémon I have with me are the ones

training for the Sinnoh League.

I don't want them engaged in a pointless battle

that might confuse them.

Don't sweat it.

Your Pokémon'll get into primo shape

if you all have a battle against us.

We're really strong-- come on, what do you say ?

I think you should have a battle with him.

I wanna battle strength like mine.

Ash's only got seven Badges, you know ?

He's just not on our level.

Wow, Paul.

So you've got all eight badges, don't you ?

Saw you on TV.

Hey, Dawn, some stress.

Well, they've been through a lot.

I'll catch up to you in no time.

I'll win my eighth badge at the Sunyshore Gym.

Sunyshore Gym ?

- Uh, yeah. - That gym is not legit.

Huh ?

What are you talking about ?

That gym's the best.

That gym is the worst.

Where're you going ?

Barry and Paul have such different opinions of that gym.

Hey, Brock ?

What kind of gym do you think it is ?

I'll have to go see it first to know, then we'll talk.

Well, I'm just gonna have to fine that guy !

We'll see him again, don't worry.

Yeah ? You think so ?

You keep traveling, of course.

But don't let your guard down for a second

when you battle against Paul.

He's really good.

Something happened between you two.

We had a full battle.

Huh ? You battled him ?

Come on, no fair, man.

I lost big.

What a wipeout !

How are you able to smile and say that ?

We've got a lot of history,

but that full battle showed me a whole bunch about myself.

Like I didn't have a lot of skills he had.

But we're winning next time.

Right, Pikachu ?

Pikachu !

In that case, I'm gonna battle you.

Right, then bring it on !

[ both ] Huh ?

[ Marian ]This is a Pokémon Contest

Grand Festival news flash !

Piplup !

Attention Pokémon Contest fans everywhere.

The much-anticipated date of the Sinnoh Pokémon Contest

Grand Festival is quickly approaching.

The location of which can now be officially announced.

It's this beautiful lakeside resort

on the shores of Lake Valor.

The lakeside resort.

Yeah, that's where they had the Wallace Cup.

Now, to all the coordinators who are thinking,

"There's no way I can win five ribbons in time

for the Grand Festival," here's good news.

There are still seven more Pokémon Contests taking place

before the Grand Festival.

So if you think you've got what it takes,

we invite you to enter any of these

exciting contest events.

Seven more, huh ?

You've already acquired three ribbons.

Two more, you're in-- do the math.

No need, you just did.

This message has been brought to you

by the Pokémon Contest Grand Festival Planning Committee.

See you soon !

Amazing it's taking place at the lakeside resort

where you won the Wallace Cup, don't you think ?

You're right. I'm getting kind of nervous.

Lup !

Okay, first, Ash challenges the Sunyshore Gym,

then we'll head to the lakeside resort.

I'm so psyched. This is awesome, Dawn !

Go do your best. Pika !

Thanks, Barry.

Looks like we'd better come up with a new combination,

- you think ? - Piplup !

All right, so stop wasting time and let's battle !

Right !

I don't have time for this.

I've got to come up with a new contest style, stat.

Put on the brakes, sparky.

What about putting our train in reverse ?

[ Barry ] This'll be a three-round,

three-on-three battle, okay ?


Will you be the referee, Brock ?

You bet !

So now let's use coin toss to see who goes first.

Call it-- heads or tails ?

It's heads.

Then I call tails.

And coin toss !

Yeah, it's heads-- I get to go first.

Let's bring out our Pokémon on the count of three.


Pikachu, you'll be up later.

Pika !

[ both ] And one, two, three !

Empoleon !

Monferno !

So Ash's gonna use a Fire-type.

I've got the advantage !

I know that.

Monferno, let's show 'em that there's more to a battle

than having a type advantage.

Monferno !

Now, time for the first round.

Monferno against Empoleon-- begin !

Empoleon, use Hydro Cannon !

Empoleon !

Monferno, dodge it and use Mach Punch !

Monferno !

Empoleon !

- What the... - Man, Monferno's fast.

All right, keep it up, Monferno.

So what'd ya think of that Mach Punch, huh ?

Long as Monferno moves fast with those kind of moves,

who cares if Empoleon's a Water-type ?

Big talker.

Now, Empoleon, Drill Peck !

Empoleon !

Monferno, use Dig ! Monferno !

Hey, that's no fair !

I'll fine you for dodging that !

We didn't dodge that.

We were getting ready for the next attack.

Awesome !

- That's the way Monferno rolls. - Lup !

Use Hydro Cannon !

Empoleon !

Monferno !

Monferno !

- Monferno ! - Piplup !

Huh ? Hope I didn't overdo it.

Monferno !

Huh ?

Hey, Ash, look out.

Hey, what is this ?

Pika, Pi !

Pikachu !

- Ash, no ! - Piplup !

What in the world is that thing ?

We've got to get him out of there !

Hey, guys, run quick !


You've gotta be kidding me !

Piplup !

Piplup, Pip, Pip !

Piplup !

[ Team Rocket ]Twerps sure know how to have a ball,

and we helped !

[ Ash ] Team Rocket !

Not you crooks again, I'm fining you !

Fining us-- surely you jest.

No can do if you haven't guessed.

On the wind ! Past the stars !

We're the best !

Pikachu !

Piplup, Lup, Lup !

Empoleon !

[ Meowth ] Save it, saps !

[ Jessie ] Bringing chaos at a breakneck pace !

[ James ] Dashing hope, putting fear in its place !

A rose by any other name's just as sweet.

A two-point landing, now isn't that neat ?


And James.

Meowth, that's a name !

Piplup !

Pip, Piplup !

Putting the do-gooders in their place.

[ James ] We're Team Rocket.

[ Team Rocket ] In your face !

Pikachu !

Piplup, no !

Empoleon !

Pika, Pi !

I know.

Happiny !

Happiny, quick, break open this thing !

Happiny !

Hey, Brock.

We're reversing our train of thought.

With you twerpish trainers put away,

Team Rocket's free to play.

[ Meowth ]Those people balls are what I'm talking about,

they'll keep you twerpies from getting out !

While your three Pokémon are safe with us,

don't you pout.

[ all ] Twist and shout !

[ laughing ]

- Huh ? - Huh ?

All right, what's that ?

No way ! It can't be !

Pika !

[ Team Rocket ] Oh, boy !

Monferno !

Monferno !

What's gotten into Monferno ?

Its Blaze has been activated !

So what's Blaze ? Monferno's Ability.

It activates when it's taken major damage

and most of its strength is gone.

Blaze really powers up its Fire-type moves.

Was it 'cause of the Hydro Cannon ?

It looks like it did lots more than just power up.

Our old friend Monferno.

Soon to be family.

And since Monferno's had a hard-knocks life,

teaming with Team Rocket's a perfect fit.

Monferno !

Stop it, Monferno.

You gotta calm down !

No, Ash !

Perfect. Let's grab that ball of fire

while it thinks the twerp's a stranger.

Let me give you a hand, team player.

Monferno !

Monferno !

Monferno !

Monferno, Pikachu and the others are still trapped !

Monferno !

Not again !

Of course, this means Operation Train in Reverse

resulted in the expl*sive dilemma we always face.

There's no place like home.

[ all ] We're blasting off again !

Pikachu !

Piplup !

Hang on, I'll get you out of there !

Electabuzz-- huh ?

Protect !

Whoa, Paul.

But why ?

Hey, when did he show up ?

Electabuzz, Protect, keep it up.

Piplup ! Pika !

You've gotta calm down, just a little longer.

Monferno ! Monferno !

Pika !

You've gotta stop it, Monferno !

Mon !

Monferno, remember ?

The promise we made to each other ?

The promise to get stronger together ?

Ash, oh, no !

Monferno, listen.

You can't let Blaze take you over.

You've gotta get all of that power under your control !

Then, you'll get stronger and we'll get stronger, too !

No !

Monferno !

It's evolving !

Whoa, it's Infernape !

It evolved into Infernape !

Wow, awesome !

Excellent, how cool is that ?

All right, Infernape, help everybody out.

Infernape !

Okay, Infernape, Mach Punch !

Infernape !

- Piplup ! - Pika !

Infernape !

Great job ! Infernape, thanks a lot !

Piplup ! Pika, Pika !

Piplup !

Looks like Blaze's energy

was just what Monferno needed to evolve.

Huh ?

Monferno controlled Blaze and it turned it into a new power.

Pip, Pip, Pip, Pip, Piplup.

Piplup, you're all right.

Wow, I'm so glad you're okay.

Infernape, thanks a lot.

Empoleon !


Wow, to think Infernape's its final evolutionary form.

[ woman ]Infernape, the Flame Pokémon,

and the evolved form of Monferno.

Infernape's fiery crown reflects its fiery nature,

and its speed is unmatched.

Hey, Paul ?

Thanks a lot.

Let's battle someday-- you, me and Infernape.

Infernape !

My brother said that he wanted to see us

in a full battle again sometime.

Reggie said that ?

He'll see it at the Sinnoh League.

That's when I'll battle you and Infernape.

Infernape ! Sounds good.

We'll see you at the Sinnoh League.

Of course.

That'll be the perfect time to show Paul how strong

your Pokémon have become since your last full battle.

Yeah, but this time you're going to win it !

Right, we'll show him.

No doubt.

But hey, first things first.

Ready for the Sunyshore Gym ?

Pika ! Infernape !

[ announcer ] And so, now that Monferno has evolved

into its final form, Infernape,

Ash, Paul, and Barry

all have their eyes set on winning the Sinnoh League,

which can mean only one thing: the adventure continues !
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