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04x24 - Second Best

Posted: 10/18/23 10:17
by bunniefuu


♪ Here we are, face to face ♪

♪ A couple of silver spoons ♪

♪ Hopin' to find

We're two of a kind ♪

♪ Makin' a go

Makin' it grow ♪

♪ Together ♪

♪ We're gonna find our way ♪

♪ Together ♪

♪ Takin' the time each day ♪

♪ To learn all about

Those things ♪

♪ You just can't buy ♪

♪ Two silver spoons together ♪

♪ You and I together ♪

♪ We're gonna find our way ♪

♪ You and I together ♪

♪ We're gonna find our way

We're gonna find our way ♪

♪ Together ♪



Well, this is it, my new home

for the next

Friday afternoons.

You must've done something

really terrible to deserve this.

Are you kidding?

I chose Auto Shop myself.



Guys, when we start driving,

it's gonna cost a lot

for gas, insurance, license...

And traffic tickets.

That's right.

There won't be any money left

for things like tune-ups,

oil changes, repairs.


So I'm gonna learn

how to do those things myself.


Besides, this class

seems like an easy A.

Don't count on it, Sparky.

Mr. Burke, I didn't

know you were there.

Well, get used to it.

I'm everywhere.

Who are you?

No one.

Me too.

You're not in this class?

No, we're in Glee Club.

Thank you.


It's not too late

to switch to Glee Club.

Who wants to sing

"Row, Row, Row Your Boat"

every Friday afternoon?

I do. Especially if they

put me next to Allison Galt.

Allison's in Glee Club?

Ah, she's got the lungs for it.

Hi. If you're looking for

Home Ec, it's down the hall.


You can't miss it.

Just follow your nose

to the burning meat loaf.

Thanks, but I think

this is where I belong.

You took the words

right out of my mouth.

Hey, guys, come on.

What happened to Glee Club?


I lost my voice.


Me too.

I haven't seen you before.

I just moved here from Florida.

Hey, what a coincidence.

I just had orange juice

for breakfast.

Had some eggs too, huh?

You got me, all right. Heh.

My name's Rick Stratton.

Holly Benson.

If you need some help,

let me know.

I work on my dad's engine

all the time.

Oh, that's okay. My brother

lets me play around with car.

Washing or waxing it? Heh.

Neither, really.

Last week, I installed

an aftermarket intake

and four-barrel carb,

then I put in headers

and a dual exhaust.

But one thing bothers me.

The primary and secondary

jetting keep missing.

Do you ever have that problem?


All the time. Heh.

What do you do about it?

Well, come on.

That's life, right?


Listen, how about going

to an auto show this weekend?

I'll buy the tickets.

I'm great at that.

Sounds like a good deal.

Then it's a date?

Hi. Barry Gibbons

with the school newspaper.

Hi. Cromwell Burke.

Get out of my class.

We're looking to do

a feature article on Auto Shop.

With pictures.


I'll get my clean shop coat.

Hi, I'm Rick Stratton.

If you need help, let me know.

Aren't you the Holly

that transferred from Florida?

Yeah, she's the one, all right.

You're taking Auto Shop?

That's right.

And between the two of us,

we know everything

there is to know about a car.

Wow. Can I get a picture?

Sure, sure. No problem.


Uh, look, I'll tell you what.

Why don't you

stand right over here?

Right here.




Why don't you sit right here?

Ah, wonderful.

Okay, now if you can just...

lift your skirt up

just a little bit.

Hey, hold it. Hold it!

This is a school newspaper,

not Playboy magazine.

Rick, it's okay.

I can handle it.

Yeah, Rick, it's okay.

Hey, that's my seat.

I don't see

your name anywhere.

No, but you're sitting

on my oil rag.


Thanks again for

a wonderful evening of bridge.

Oh, our pleasure.

We always enjoy losing

to you and Amelia.


I'm sorry she had to leave.

Well, that's what happens

when you date a woman doctor.

Dex, she's a nurse.

Nurse, doctor.

What's the difference?

About , a year.

You got a point.

Anyway, you two have

gotten quite good.

Oh, come on, we're just

a couple of duffers

compared to you and Amelia.

Nonsense. In fact,

we were gonna ask you down

to the tournament

this week.



Yes. You can watch us play.

Hi, everyone.

Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Stratton.

Hi, Holly.

I'd like you to meet

our friend, Dexter Stuffins.

You're the young lady

I've heard so much about.

Nice to meet you, Mr. Stuffins.


I have to run. Don't forget

about the bridge tournament.

The Eastern Regionals?

You know about them?

My dad and I won the Miami

mixed pairs last year.

That's wonderful.

You entering this one?

No. I wanted to, but Dad can't.


Do you play bridge?

Me? Oh, not really.

But I'm working on this

trick with a deck of cards.

You pick, and I shuffle it

into the deck--

And then you pick out my card.

Gosh. That would

make it even better.


He's trying to put us on.

Think about the tournament,

will you?

Okay, bud. Bye.


Coffee, dear?

Yeah, I'd love some.



Don't you want it

in the kitchen?

No, in here is fine. Thank you.

Of course,

in the kitchen is finer,

especially for coffee...


They're cute.

Don't remind me.

Did you like the movie tonight?

It was great.

Most kids think old films

like Blow-Up are dumb.

Well, not me.

If that guy's photographs

weren't stolen,

he was gonna solve that m*rder.

The m*rder was

only an illusion.

It was?

Well, hey, hold on a second.

He had pictures of it.

Antonioni was telling us

in the real world,

it's impossible to know

what's true from what's false.

Oh. Well, that must've been

when I was getting the popcorn.


Three seconds left.

Stratton dribbles,

he jumps, he sh**t...

he misses.

And Benson grabs the rebound...

Lucky shot.


Hey, do you play?

No, I just fool around. Heh.



That's great.

Thanks. Heh.

You don't play, do you?

Well, I fool around.

Come on over here, then.

You fool around, right? Heh.


This high C is flat.

Well, that's why

I never go up there.


That's my dad. I gotta go.


Well, I'll, uh,

see you tomorrow. Heh.

Good night.

She even kisses

better than I do.

This coffee's terrific, honey.

Isn't it?

Last night, Holly suggested

I put some cinnamon

in the grounds.

Holly leave?


I gotta tell you,

I think Holly is quite a girl.

She is so sweet and talented.

I know, I know.

Dad, did you ever

go out with a girl

who could play bridge,

play the piano, speak French,

fix cars and sh**t baskets?

I didn't even go out with five

girls who could do all that.

If you're talking about Holly,

you should feel terrific.

I don't have time

to feel terrific.

I'm too busy trying

to keep up with her.

Rick, it shouldn't matter

if a woman is better

at certain things than a man.

I mean, look at your father.

Doesn't bother him. Heh.

Heck no, it doesn't bother me.

What things are you better at?

Edward, please,

you're digressing.

Okay, you have

a better vocabulary than me.

Than I.

And your grammar's better.

What else?

Dad, Kate, you're getting

carried away.

Look, you're both great

at everything.

Who cares if one person is

slightly better than the other?

Now you're talking sense.

Yeah, well, I wish I could

just beat her just once,

just for a change of pace.

I may be able to help you out.

Dad, I want to beat her alone.

No, no. I'm talking about

something you're really good at

and you can beat

the daylights out of her.

Edward, I don't believe you!

Ganging up on a little girl?

No, Kate, please,

let him finish.

Well, she's from Florida, right?


They don't have

much snow there, right?

So she couldn't

have done much skiing

or ice skating like

some whiz kid I know.

Dad, you're a genius!

You're almost as smart as Holly!

Hey, I'll take her ice skating

down at Miller's Pond.

I'm surprised you

didn't suggest boxing.

Well, let's see if

the ice skating works first.

Well, that was

a delicious dinner,

if I do say so myself.

It was nice.

I think I kind of

like this system.

One evening

you get dinner ready,

then it's my turn.

I don't think

tonight shouldn't count.

Why not?

Because it isn't fair.

When it's a woman's turn,

she cooks.

When it's a man's turn,

it's take-out Chinese.

I carried it in, didn't I?




What? Is he all right?

Edward, what is it?

Rick fell through the ice

at Miller's Pond.

That's terrible!

It's even worse than that.

Holly jumped in and saved him.




I got it!

I got it!



I thought you said

you were gonna get it?

Hey, Dex.

There's no time for small talk.

Amelia's come down with the flu.

That's the trouble

with nurses,

hanging around sick people.

That's why I'm here.

I need a new bridge partner.

Oh, gee, this is

so sudden, heh-heh,

but I have been practicing.

Practicing what?

I don't think

Dexter had you in mind.

I've got to get in touch

with Holly right away.



Oh. I was gonna suggest Holly.

I'll get her number for you.

Ah, thank you.

Listen, around Rick,

do not mention Holly's name.

Don't tell me

he's still brooding

over his rescue

from the Black Lagoon?

My lips are sealed.

There's time for you

to enter the tournament.

Oh, I don't know.

Ah, come on.

There's all sorts of categories:

juniors, seniors,

golden-agers, handicapped.

I'm sure you and Kate

could fit in somewhere.

Thanks a heap.

Here you go.

Ah, thanks, Kate.

Well, I'll go call Holly right--

What ever happened

to sealed lips?

Oh, yes. I think

I left them in the car. Ciao.



All ready for dinner?

No, Dad, I'm not hungry.

Pizza will be here

in a few minutes.

Your turn to cook again, huh?

Rick, you haven't eaten

for a couple of days.

Don't you think

you should try something?

I was thinking about

jumping off our roof,

but it's not high enough.

Aren't you exaggerating?

Okay, it's high enough.

I'm afraid of heights.

Aw, come on, Rick.

Nobody knows about

the incident at Miller's Pond.

Yeah, Dad, but I know.



Hey! I know you!

I saw some girl dragging

you out of Miller's Pond!


Whistling. I guess

the moping's over, huh?

Must be the new girl

he's been seeing.

Oh, that reminds me.

Did you tell him Holly

was going out with us?

No, didn't you?


Oh, you better tell him.


Hey, you guys look great.

I bet you two will be

the best dressed

in the tournament.


It's too bad I've gotta miss it.

Yeah, well, your loss.


Listen, Rick, about Holly...

Please, Dad,

I'm in a good mood.

No, you don't understand--


I got it.

Hi, Rick.

Holly. Um,

what are you doing here?

Your folks are giving me

a ride to the tournament.

They are?

I think I hear Kate calling.

Yeah, honey!

Yeah, I'll be right there.

I brought you some brownies.


Try one.

Thanks a lot.

I don't believe this.


You even know

the best place to buy brownies.

These are great.

I didn't buy them. I made them.

Of course.

How stupid of me, right?

I haven't seen you

for a few days.

Yeah, well, you know,

I've been busy doing stuff.

I've missed you.

Why? Haven't you found anyone

else to pull out of a lake?


Rick, that's what

I like about you.

You have such

a great sense of humor.

Most guys wouldn't have

been able to handle

getting saved by a girl,

but you're different.



Come on in. What's been doing

the past few days?

Aren't you gonna get that?

Oh, no, no.

It's just those kids

playing ring and run.

We've learned to ignore them.



Rick, would you answer that?

Dad, it's just

those little kids again.


What kids?


Rick, I'll get it.


Is Rick home?

Hi, Allison.

Hi, Rick.

Ready for the movie?


Yeah, yeah.

Holly Benson,

this is Allison Galt.

Nice to meet you, Allison.

Tell your folks

I'll wait for them in the car.

I still can't believe

we're going

to my favorite movie

of all time,

a real classic.



right here in our hometown,

the original Porky's.


Listen, um, we should go.

You know,

we don't wanna be late.

You're so decisive.

I love

a take-charge kind of guy.

Are those brownies?

Yeah. Have one if you want.

Have them all.

These are the best brownies

I've ever had in my life!

I know.


I think we should open

a bottle of champagne.

No, it just doesn't seem right

to celebrate without Holly.

Next time pick a partner

who can stay out past : .

I have never seen anyone

play bridge like that.

She was incredible!

Well, hey, how about us?

We weren't

exactly chopped liver.

Ah, yes.

Fifth place, amateur class,

nonsmoking division.


Thank you.

Well, forget the champagne.

I'll just make some

plain old coffee instead.

Yeah, in teeny-weeny cups

like yours.

Hi, Rick, wanna see my trophy?

Yeah, sure, Dexter. Real nice.

Bad date with Allison?

Dad, the worst.

She laughed at all my jokes,

told me I was smart, funny,

didn't disagree

with anything that I said.

She made me feel important.

It's things like that

that give women a bad name.

It was boring, huh?

Dad, I would have

settled for boring.

I kept nodding off. Heh.

It was never

like that with Holly.

because I always

had fun with her,

because she's great

and terrific.

Dad, she's more than that.

She's neat.

Hello, Holly. It's Rick.


Dad, she hung up.

Women always get like that

when they're angry.

You have to know

how to talk to them.


Hello, Holly. Rick. Heh.


Of course, first

they have to listen.

This is great. Just great.

I wouldn't be a teenager again

for all the money in the world.

Don't be too hasty.

You did it

for nothing last time.


Hey there, stranger.

Fancy meeting you again. Heh.

Thank you.

Stratton, this is Auto Shop,

not The Dating Game.

Hey, listen, Holly,

I'm having a little trouble

attaching my extended pickup

to the oil pump.

Wanna give me a hand?

Come on, Rick.

Look, I'm serious.

I need your help.

You're the best student, and

I'm not afraid to admit that.

No siree.

Heck, it doesn't

bother me one bit.

Look, I don't buy this "help me"

routine for one second,

so why don't you do your work

and I'll do mine, okay?

Gosh, I hope you're in a better

mood at the movies tonight.

What movie?

I don't care what we see.

French, Italian, Chinese.

You'll translate for me, right?

Rick, I'm sorry. I just don't

think we should date anymore.

Well, why not?

I thought you were different,

and you're not. You're just

like the boys I knew in Florida.

They couldn't stand to see

a girl top them in anything.

And neither can you.

Well, that was true at first,

but I started to get used to it.

I even enjoyed it, sort of.

I'm sorry, Rick.

Come on, Holly.

Just give me one more chance.


Look, at least think about it.

Why should I think about it?

I've been thinking

about it for three days.

When that girl showed up at

your house, that really hurt.

I said I was a jerk.

You really are a jerk.

Was. Was a jerk.

Here you go, guys,

hot off the presses.

This week's Bull's-eye.

Why don't you

do that on your time?

Your picture's in here.

Okay, hand them out.

Hey, nice going.


Thanks for the scoop.

What's he talking about?

What scoop?

"New girl rescues student"?

This is about

how I pulled you out of the ice.

And saved my life too.

I don't understand.

Everyone's gonna see this.

I know.

Aren't you afraid of

what the guys are gonna think?

I only care

about what you think.

Help me! Help me! Help me!

I'm drowning!

Oh! I'll save you!

Those guys! Heh-heh.

Okay, one more chance.




What do you wanna do?

You name it!

Movies, golf, tennis.

Oh, not tennis.

I don't know how to play.

You don't?

Well, no kidding! Heh!

You see, neither do I.

What do you say

we kind of learn together?

Who won all

those tennis trophies

I saw in your house?

Um, the kid

who lived there before me.

We'll go to a movie.



My picture isn't in here.


Mr. Burke.


Not another transfer student.

No, I'm a father.

My son left

his term paper at home.

He doesn't want to flunk.

They get used to it.

Let me guess.

Dominic, your dad's here.

Wrong kid.

He's got your eyes.

Ah! If you'll excuse me.

Rick, brought your term paper.

Thanks, Dad.

Man, you're a lifesaver.

Yeah, seems to be

the season for it.

This the engine

you're working on?

Yeah, I've got this puppy

purring like a kitten.



That doesn't quite sound right.

I think you've

got a clamp loose somewhere.

Turn it off, Rick.

Dad, come on, don't touch it.

It's all right. This used

to happen to me all the time.

Dad, come on.

Ah! Almost got it.

There you go.

Okay. Try it now.



There goes my A.

